The concept of a security under the civil legislation of the Russian Federation. Government securities the volume of both shares and bonds cannot exceed the authorized capital

The citizen went missing under circumstances that threatened death or gave reason to assume his death from a certain accident, and for 6 months after that there is no information about his whereabouts;

- at the citizen’s place of residence there is no information about his place of stay for 5 years;

A serviceman or other citizen went missing in connection with hostilities and at least 2 years have passed since the end of hostilities.

22. A citizen’s full legal capacity arises at the moment (check three):

- marriage of a minor citizen

- reaching 18 years of age

Declaration of full legal capacity by decision of the guardianship and trusteeship authority or the court of a minor citizen working under an employment contract or engaged in entrepreneurial activity

23. Guardians and trustees can be appointed (choose 4 correct answers)…

- capable citizens

- foreign citizens and stateless persons

- adult citizens

- citizens of Russia

27. The Russian Federation, a subject of the Russian Federation, a municipal entity are liable for their obligations with property owned by them, except for property (choose three correct answers):

- assigned to the legal entities created by them with the right of economic management

- assigned to the legal entities created by them with the right of operational management

- which can only be in state or municipal ownership

28. With the transfer of a security passes:

- all rights certified by it in the aggregate

29. Securities include documents that:

- classified as securities only by securities laws or in the manner prescribed by them

30. Endorsement of a bill made to the drawer means that:

- obligations under the bill have ceased

31. A security containing an unconditional order from the person issuing it to the bank to pay the amount specified in it to the holder of this security is called:

- by check

32. A security certifying the amount of the deposit made to the bank and the rights of the depositor - a legal entity (holder of the security) to receive, upon expiration of the established period, the amount of the deposit and interest from the bank that issued it, is called:

- certificate of deposit

33. A security, which is a document of title, indicating the conclusion of a contract for carriage by sea and certifying the right of its holder to dispose of the cargo specified in this document and to receive the cargo after completion of transportation is called:

- bill of lading

34. Shares that can be exchanged for other shares at a fixed price are called:

- convertible

41. The characteristics of a security, as a general rule, are (choose four correct answers):

- established document form

- availability of required details

- certification by her of property rights, the types of which are determined by law or in the manner established by it

- the need to present it for the exercise or transfer of rights under it

42. The securities from the above list are (choose four correct answers):

- bill of lading

- bank savings book to bearer

- bond

- bill of exchange

43. Securities from the above list are (choose 4 correct answers):

- government bond

- check

- savings certificate

- promotion

44. A share as a security in Russia is (choose two correct answers):

- personal

- emission

45. Intangible benefits include (choose three correct answers):

- life

- health

- right of free movement

46. ​​A citizen has the right to demand in court a refutation of information about him if this information (choose three correct answers):

- are defamatory

- were distributed in any way

- not true

47. Consent to the publication and further use of a citizen’s image is not required in cases where (choose three correct answers):

- the use of the image is carried out in state, public or other public interests

The image of a citizen was obtained during filming, which is carried out in places open to the public or at public events, and is not the main object of use

- a citizen posed for a fee

57. A separate division of a legal entity, located outside its location, which only represents the interests of the legal entity and protects them, is called ...

- representation

58. A unitary enterprise endowed with property by the owner with the right of operational management is called:

- government

59. Participants in a production cooperative are called this way:

- members of the cooperative

62. The ability of a citizen, through his actions, to acquire and exercise civil rights, create civil responsibilities for himself and fulfill them is called:

- legal capacity

63. Declaring a minor citizen fully capable is...

- emancipation

64. Guardianship established at the request of an adult capable citizen who, for health reasons, cannot independently exercise and protect his rights and fulfill his duties is called ...

- patronage

65. Independent activity, carried out at one’s own risk, aimed at systematically obtaining profit from the use of property, sale of goods, performance of work or provision of services by persons registered in this capacity in the manner prescribed by law is called...

- entrepreneurship

68. Legal entities that are the owners of property transferred to them as contributions (contributions) by their founders (participants, members) include (choose three correct answers):

- general partnership

- limited liability company

- Joint-Stock Company

69. Legal entities that are the owners of property transferred to them as contributions (contributions) by their founders (participants, members) include (choose four correct answers):

- consumer cooperative

- public organization

- fund

70. Organizations whose property remaining after satisfying the creditors’ claims, in the event of their liquidation, is not distributed among the founders, but is used for the purposes specified in the constituent documents of such organizations, include:

- public organization

- fund

74. The subjects of operational management law are...

- state-owned enterprise

- establishment

75. A state or municipal unitary enterprise may own property by right:

- economic management

- operational management

76. The subject of the right of economic management can be (choose two correct answers):

- state unitary enterprise

- municipal unitary enterprise

77. Property acquired by an institution or state-owned enterprise at the expense of the owner of this property may be seized by the owner if it is (choose three correct answers):

- unnecessary

- unused

- used for other purposes

78. The Civil Code of the Russian Federation provides for the possibility of creating the following types of state (municipal) institutions (choose three correct answers):

- autonomous institution

- state-financed organization

- government agency

79. The owner has the right to withdraw the property assigned to him by an institution or a state-owned enterprise (choose three correct answers):

- being redundant

- unused

- used for other purposes

80. The owner of property under the economic control of an enterprise has the right (choose five correct answers):

- resolve issues of creation, reorganization and liquidation of this enterprise

- determine the subject and goals of the enterprise’s activities

- appoint a director (manager) of the enterprise

Monitor the intended use and safety of property owned by the enterprise

- receive part of the profit from the use of property owned by the enterprise

82. Members of a peasant (farm) enterprise, on the basis of the farm’s property, can create (choose two correct answers) ...

- business partnership

- production cooperative

112. A state-owned enterprise is based on the right of ______________.

- operational management

113. The property of the institution is assigned to the right of ____________.

- operational management

114. Unitary enterprises, with the exception of state-owned enterprises, own property by right ____________.

- economic management

115. An institution that does not have the right to dispose of property assigned to it by the owner or acquired by it at the expense of the owner, authorized to carry out activities that generate income that comes to the independent disposal of the institution, is called __________

- private

116. A government institution has the following powers in relation to property assigned to it by the owner with the right of operational management:

- possessions

- use

129. Obligations with multiple persons may be...

- equity

- solidary

- subsidiary

143. The assignment of a claim is called...

- cession

144. The assignment of the right to claim under an order security is carried out by making an endorsement on this security, which is called ...

- endorsement

1. Legal acts of ministries and departments containing civil law norms, as a general rule, come into force

2. An extra item in the list of principles on which civil legislation is based is:

Strict imperativeness of civil law norms

5. To which of the relations, as a general rule, does civil law not apply:

Relations based on administrative or other power subordination of one party to the other

16. Foreclosure of land and other natural resources that are in state or municipal ownership:

Allowed only in cases provided for by law

24. Cases of singular succession are: (check two):

Assignment of the right of claim

Debt transfer

25. Civil law norms may contain (choose four correct answers):

In the Civil Code and federal laws adopted in accordance with it

In the decrees of the President of the Russian Federation

In decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation

In acts of federal executive authorities

26. Methods of protecting civil rights, the application of which can only be done by the court, include (choose three correct answers):

Application of the consequences of invalidity of a void transaction

Recognition of law

Recognizing a voidable transaction as invalid and applying the consequences of its invalidity

35. The period provided for by law or contract for filing a claim against an obligated person in pre-trial procedure is called:


36. Special limitation periods for certain types of claims may be established:

by law

37. The limitation period is suspended provided that the grounds for its suspension arose or continued to exist in recent times:

Six months of the limitation period, and if this period is six months or less than six months - during the limitation period

38. From the date of termination of the circumstance that served as the basis for suspending the limitation period, the remaining part of this period:

Extended to six months, and if the limitation period is six months or less than six months - to the limitation period

39. As a general rule, with the expiration of the limitation period for the main claim, the limitation period for additional claims, such as penalties, pledge, etc.:

Also expires

40. The limitation period for a claim to invalidate a transaction made under the influence of a mistake is:

One year

48. Select transactions that are unilateral (choose three correct answers):

Power of attorney

Public promise of reward


49. The person to whom the power of attorney has been issued may entrust the performance of the actions specified in it to another:

If authorized to do so by power of attorney

If forced to do so by force of circumstances to protect the interests of the person who issued the power of attorney

50. When notarizing a power of attorney, the following must be present:

Principal only

51. A representative cannot make a transaction on behalf of the represented one (choose three correct answers):

Regarding yourself personally

In relation to another person whose representative he is at the same time, with the exception of cases of commercial representation

If the transaction by its nature can only be completed in person

52. A power of attorney may be issued:

By several principals jointly without limiting their number

53. The course of a period defined by a period of time begins (choose two correct answers):

The next day after the calendar date by which its beginning is determined

The day after the occurrence of the event that determines its beginning

54. The grounds for suspending the limitation period include (choose five correct answers):

Presence of force majeure preventing the filing of a claim

The presence of the plaintiff or defendant in the Armed Forces transferred to martial law

Establishment by the Government of the Russian Federation on the basis of law of a deferment of fulfillment of obligations (moratorium)

Suspension of the law or other legal act regulating the relevant relationship

Conclusion of an agreement to conduct a mediation procedure

55. The limitation period does not apply to (choose two correct answers):

Claims for compensation for harm caused to the life or health of a citizen

Demands of the owner or other holder to eliminate any violations of his rights, even if these violations were not associated with deprivation of possession

56. The limitation period does not apply to (choose two correct answers):

Requirements for the protection of personal non-property rights and other intangible benefits, except as provided by law

Depositors' demands to the bank for issuing deposits

60. A citizen who signs a transaction at the request of another citizen who cannot sign with his own hand due to a physical disability, illness or illiteracy is called:


61. Transactions that are invalid due to being recognized as such by a court are called...


66. State registration of transactions by its nature is:

A special case of restriction of civil rights




71. The following property is included in state property (choose two correct answers):

Property owned by the Russian Federation

Property owned by constituent entities of the Russian Federation

72. To establish a private easement, the following legal facts are required (choose two correct answers):

State registration of easement

Agreement between the person requesting the establishment of an easement and the owner of the neighboring land plot

73. An easement may be encumbered by (choose four correct answers):

Land plot



81. By virtue of the direct instructions of the law, common joint property is (indicate 2 correct answers):

Property of participants in a peasant (farm) enterprise

Property of spouses

83. Property may be jointly owned (choose two correct answers)…

Peasant (farm) economy


84. For the obligations of one of the spouses, recovery may be directed to (choose two correct answers)…

Property owned by him

His share in the common property of the spouses, which would be due to him upon division of this property

85. The creditor of a participant in shared or joint ownership, if the owner of other property is insufficient, has the right (choose two correct answers):

Submit a demand for the allocation of the debtor's share in the common property for foreclosure

Demand that the debtor sell his share to the other participants in the common property at a price commensurate with the market value of this share, with the proceeds from the sale being used to repay the debt

86. The right of ownership of real estate does not arise at the time of state registration of the corresponding right (choose three correct answers):

In case of inheritance of the relevant real estate

In case of transfer of real estate to a legal entity - legal successor from a legal entity - legal predecessor as a result of reorganization

In case of full payment of the share by a member of the consumer cooperative for the provided premises

87. A thing is ownerless (choose three correct answers):

The ownership right to which the owner has renounced, unless otherwise provided by law

The owner of which is unknown


88. The owner (owner, user) of the object where the abandoned thing is located does not need a court decision to recognize this thing as ownerless in order to acquire ownership of it in the following cases (choose two correct answers):

The value of the abandoned item is clearly below the amount corresponding to five times the minimum wage

Abandoned item refers to abandoned scrap metals, defective products, alloy waste, dumps and drains formed during mining, industrial waste and other waste

89. Derivative methods of acquiring property rights are:

Acquisition under an agreement on alienation of property

Acquisition of property upon inheritance

90. From the point of view of civil law, the demolition of an unauthorized building is: (select 2):

Method of protecting the rights and legally protected interests of third parties

A method of protecting the rights and legally protected interests of the subject of property rights to a land plot

91. According to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the right of ownership of an unauthorized construction can be recognized by the person who carried it out if the land plot on which the unauthorized construction was carried out belongs to the developer for (choose two correct answers):

Any property right


92. The following may submit a demand for the demolition of an unauthorized building (choose four correct answers):

The owner of the land plot on which the unauthorized construction was carried out

Tenant of the land plot on which unauthorized construction was carried out


The local government body in whose jurisdiction the unauthorized construction was carried out

93. A demand for the demolition of an unauthorized building can be presented to a person (choose three correct answers):

Carrying out unauthorized construction

Being the owner of an unauthorized building

Who has registered ownership of the unauthorized construction

94. The provisions of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation on unauthorized construction apply to:

In cases of unauthorized reconstruction, as a result of which a new property was created

In cases where an unfinished construction site acts as an unauthorized building

95. The grounds for termination of ownership rights at the will of the owner are (indicate 3 correct answers):

Relinquishment of Ownership

Alienation by the owner of his property

Destruction by the owner of his property

96. Redemption of mismanaged cultural property is possible if the following conditions are met (choose 3 correct answers):

In accordance with the law, they are classified as especially valuable and protected by the state

The owner is reimbursed the cost of cultural property, and if they are sold at public auction, the proceeds from the sale minus the costs of the auction

The owner maintains these valuables in a mismanaged manner, which threatens them to lose their meaning

97. The court may make a decision on the forced sale of property that, by law, cannot belong to its owner, if the following conditions are met (choose 2 correct answers):

The property was legally owned by the person

The owner did not alienate this property within a year from the moment the right of ownership to this property arose, unless a different period is established by law

98. Forced seizure of property from the owner is permitted on the following grounds (choose 6 correct answers):

Foreclosure of property for obligations

Alienation of real estate in connection with the seizure of a land plot


Redemption of mismanaged cultural property and domestic animals

Alienation of property that, by force of law, cannot belong to a given person


99. Forced seizure of property from the owner is allowed on the following grounds (choose 4 correct answers):


Purchase of land for state and municipal needs

Seizure of a land plot used in violation of the law

Termination of ownership rights to unmanaged residential premises

100. The transfer of a thing is recognized as (choose four correct answers):

Delivery of the item to the purchaser

Delivery to the carrier for shipment to the purchaser in the event that the item was alienated without the obligation of delivery

Delivery to a communications organization for forwarding to the acquirer in the event that the item was alienated without the obligation of delivery

Transfer of a bill of lading or other document of title to an item

101. An item is considered delivered to the acquirer:

From the moment of its actual receipt into the possession of the acquirer or the person indicated by him

102. A person acquires ownership of property by virtue of acquisitive prescription if he owned this property (select five necessary conditions):

In good faith


Like your own

During the period of acquisitive limitation established by law


103. A person who has manufactured a new movable thing by processing materials that do not belong to him acquires ownership rights to it if the following conditions are met (choose four correct answers):

Otherwise not provided for in the contract

The person carrying out the processing acted in good faith

The cost of processing significantly exceeds the cost of materials

Processing was carried out for oneself

104. Until proven otherwise, a sunken ship is:

The object of ownership of the person who is the owner at the time of the accident

An ownerless thing

105. The owner of a painting has the right to vindicate the latter on the condition (choose three correct answers):

Bad faith of the acquirer

Absence of consideration from the acquirer

Loss of possession of a thing against the will of the owner

106. When vindicating property, the owner has the right to demand from the bona fide owner compensation for all income that he received or should have received (choose two correct answers):

From the time when the bona fide owner knew or should have known about the illegality of possession

From the time the bona fide owner receives a summons on the owner’s claim for the return of property

107. A bona fide owner has the right to demand from the owner compensation for the necessary expenses incurred on the property from the time when (choose two correct answers):

He knew or should have known about the illegality of possession

He received a summons for the owner's claim for the return of property

108. Persons entitled to a negatory claim are:

Owner of the thing

Borrower of the thing

Tenant things

109. Claims in rem include:

Vindication claim

Negative claim

110. Claims in rem include:

Claim for recognition of ownership rights

Vindication claim

111. Property owned by two or more persons belongs to them by right...

Common property

117. Money or valuable objects buried in the ground or otherwise hidden, the owner of which cannot be identified or, by virtue of the law, has lost the right to them, are called

118. The owner’s claim to recover property from someone else’s illegal possession is called...


119. The acquirer of a thing who did not know and could not know that the alienator of the latter is a person not authorized to alienate it is considered...


120. Improvements to property that can be separated without damaging this property are called...


121. A bona fide owner of the vindicated property has the right to retain the _______________ improvements he has made. (fill in the blank)


122. The owner’s claim to eliminate any violations of his rights, even if these violations were not associated with deprivation of possession, is called...


123. The subject of collateral can be (choose three correct answers):

Real estate

Items limited in circulation

Movable property

124. The guarantee agreement is terminated in the following cases (choose three correct answers):

Refusal of the creditor to accept due performance offered by the debtor or guarantor

Termination of an obligation secured by a guarantee

Transfer of debt under an obligation secured by a guarantee to another person, if the guarantor has not given the creditor consent to be responsible for the new debtor

125. A bank guarantee is terminated in the following cases (choose three correct answers):

Payment of the amount for which the bank guarantee was issued

The end of the period specified in the guarantee for which it was issued

Refusal of the creditor under the main obligation from his rights under the guarantee and its return to the guarantor

126. The amount paid is subject to indexation taking into account the level of inflation in the manner and in cases established by law (choose three correct options):

To compensate for the harm caused to life

In compensation for damage caused to health

Under a lifelong maintenance agreement

127. If the creditor refuses to accept fulfillment of the obligation, the debtor has the right to deposit the money or securities due from him (choose two correct answers):


Courts (in cases provided by law)

128. If the obligated party fails to provide the performance of the obligation stipulated by the contract, the party on whom the counter-performance lies (choose two correct answers):

Has the right to suspend the fulfillment of his obligation, unless otherwise provided by law or agreement

The right to refuse to fulfill this obligation and demand compensation for losses, unless otherwise provided by law or contract

130. The conditions for the admissibility of credit are (choose three correct answers):

Availability of counterclaims

Uniformity of requirements

The deadline for the requirements has arrived or is not specified or is determined by the moment of demand

131. Transfer of rights to another person is not allowed in relation to (choose 3 correct answers):

Child support claims

Claims for compensation for damage caused to life

Claims for compensation for damage caused to health

132. The rights of a creditor under an obligation are transferred to another person on the basis of the law and the occurrence of the circumstances specified therein (choose 4 correct answers):

As a result of universal succession in creditor rights

When the insurer subrogates the creditor's rights to the debtor responsible for the occurrence of the insured event

By a court decision to transfer the rights of a creditor to another person, when the possibility of such a transfer is provided for by law

Due to the fulfillment of the debtor’s obligation by his guarantor or pledgor who is not a debtor under this obligation

133. A creditor who assigns a claim to another person is obliged to (choose 3 correct answers):

Transfer documents certifying the right of claim to the new creditor

Provide the new creditor with information relevant to the fulfillment of the claim

Make sure that the debtor has consent to transfer the rights of the creditor to another person, if the identity of the creditor is of significant importance for the debtor

134. A change of persons in an obligation includes...

Assignment of the right of claim

Debt transfer

135. The subjects of legal relations regarding the assignment of the right of claim are called...


136. A specialized organization that carries out, as a business activity, the acceptance from citizens of movable property intended for personal consumption as collateral for short-term loans, which has a license for this purpose, is called:


137. An agreement between the parties to replace the original obligation that existed between them with another obligation between the same persons, providing for a different subject or method of execution, is called:


138. Expenses that a person whose right has been violated has made or will have to make to restore the violated right, loss or damage to his property, as well as lost income that this person would have received under normal conditions of civil circulation if his right had not been violated , collectively called:


139. An obligation in which the debtor is obliged to transfer one or another property to the creditor or to perform one of two or more actions of his choice is called:


140. The fulfillment of an obligation by one of the parties, which, in accordance with the contract, is conditioned by the fulfillment of its obligations by the other party, is called:


141. The creditor who assigns the right is called...


142. The person acquiring the right of claim (new creditor) is called...


145. Replacing a debtor in an obligation with the consent of the creditor is called...

Transfer of debt

1)if in an obligation there is a plurality of persons on the debtor’s side, then it is called


2) Depending on the basis for the occurrence of obligations, they are divided into

Contractual and non-contractual obligations

3) The following methods of ensuring the fulfillment of obligations are accessory (additional):



4) Failure to comply with the rules on the form of the contract entails

Its invalidity (insignificance)

5) if the preliminary agreement does not specify the exact period for concluding the main agreement, then the main agreement must be concluded within

Within a year from the date of conclusion of the preliminary agreement.

7) The creditor who assigns his right is called


8) the person acquiring the right to claim the new creditor is called


9) replacing a debtor in an obligation with the consent of the creditor is called

Transfer of debt

10) the consequence of failure to fulfill an obligation secured by a deposit through the fault of the party that received the deposit is

The party receiving the deposit must pay the other party double the amount of the deposit.

11) if the compensation contract does not indicate its price and it cannot be determined based on the terms of this contract, then

Paid at a price that, under comparable circumstances, would normally be charged for similar goods, works or services

14) the law of obligations in the objective sense is

Sub-branch of civil law

15) The debtor who is late in execution is liable to the creditor

For losses caused by delay, and for the consequences of impossibility of performance that accidentally occurred during the delay.

16) an agreement, the terms of which are determined by one of the parties in forms or other standard forms and could be accepted by the other party only by acceding to the proposed agreement as a whole

Agreement of accession

17) the rights of the creditor under the obligation are transferred to another person on the basis of law and the onset of the obligations specified therein:

As a result of universal succession in creditor rights

By a court decision to transfer the rights of a creditor to another person, when the possibility of such a transfer is provided for by law;

Due to the fulfillment of the debtor’s obligation by his guarantor or pledgor who is not a debtor under this obligation;

When the insurer subrogates the creditor's rights to the debtor responsible for the occurrence of the insured event;

18) with solidarity of demand

Any of the joint creditors has the right to file a claim against the debtor in full.

19) from what moment the contract is considered terminated

The Agreement terminates on the date specified in the notification, but not earlier than 5 (five) business days after receipt of the notification by the other Party."

20) subject of the mortgage agreement

Marine vessel, apartment, unfinished construction projects, land plot, enterprise

21) the debtor has the right to deposit the money or securities due from him into a notary deposit, and in cases established by law, into a court deposit, if the obligation cannot be fulfilled by the debtor due to:

a) the absence of the creditor or the person authorized by him to accept performance in the place where the obligation must be fulfilled;

b) the incapacity of the creditor and the absence of his representative;

c) an obvious lack of certainty as to who is the creditor of the obligation, in particular in connection with a dispute on this issue between the creditor and other persons;

d) the creditor’s evasion from accepting performance or other delay on his part.

21) The subjects of legal relations regarding the assignment of the right of claim are called...


22) Obligations with multiple persons may be...


In solidarity


23) essential terms of the contract are the terms

These are conditions that are named in the law or other legal acts as essential or necessary for contracts of this type of contract.

24) the method of acceptance through which an agreement for the purchase of drinks from a coffee machine is concluded is called this

Conclusive actions

25) the person who sent the proposal to conclude a contract is called

26) by the will of its participants, the obligation always terminates

When novation

27) the impossibility of fulfilling an obligation is the basis for its termination, if

It is caused by a circumstance for which neither party is responsible

28) an agreement that is mandatory for a commercial organization to conclude due to the nature of its activities with everyone who applies to it is called


29) As a general rule, a guarantee agreement is

Free, consensual

30) The assignment of the right of claim under an order security is carried out by making an endorsement on this security, which is called ...

By endorsement

31) subject of the mortgage agreement

Remains with the pledgor

32) An obligation in which the debtor is obliged to transfer one or another property to the creditor or perform one of two or more actions of his choice is called:


1. Unless otherwise provided by law or agreement, in the event of non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of an obligation, the debtor is obliged to:

Compensate the creditor for losses

2. The subjects of legal relations regarding the assignment of the right of claim are called:


3. A significant breach of the contract is grounds for termination of the contract in court:

In cases provided for by law and other legal acts governing the relations of the parties under the relevant agreement

A security is a monetary payment document confirming the relationship between the issuer and the owner. A security is the main object of all transactions carried out on the securities market. It follows from the Civil Code (Article 142) that a security is considered to be a document that necessarily contains all the necessary details, thereby certifying the property rights of its owner.

The Civil Code (Article 143) includes the following documents in the list of securities: government bonds, bonds, savings and deposit certificates, bills of exchange, shares, checks, bills of lading, bearer bank savings books, privatization securities, as well as a number of other documents, which are defined by law and classified as this type of monetary documents.

An issue-grade security secures a set of both property and non-property rights. At the same time, this document is placed in issues and has equal terms for the exercise of rights and volume within one issue, regardless of the timing of the acquisition of the security. Thus, all owners of specific securities are equal in their rights.

It is worth noting that a security can be issued in either cash or non-cash form. At the same time, all cash (documentary) papers are divided into registered, bearer and order. Thus, a registered security requires the indication of the name of its owner and can be transferred to him only with the help of an assignment (a transfer note). Whereas a bearer security does not contain such a note and can be transferred to another person by delivering it. If it is necessary to transfer an order security, a special document must be used - an order (an order from the owner of this security).


A share is an issue-grade security that reserves the right of its owner to participate in a joint-stock company, thereby claiming part of the property that may remain after its liquidation. In addition, the share assumes that its owner will receive dividends as profit of the joint-stock company. Shares are perpetual securities, which means they are valid on the securities market as long as the joint stock company that issued them exists. The fact is that the joint stock company itself is not obliged to buy back these securities, no matter what happens (liquidation, reorganization, etc.). In the event of liquidation of the enterprise, the shares may be considered invalid.
These securities can be either registered or bearer. At the same time, there are two main categories of shares: common and preferred. Regardless of the type of shares, its owners are shareholders of the company and can lay claim to its property.

Common shares (ordinary shares) enable their owner to participate in voting at shareholder meetings, if full payment for the shares has previously been made. Payment of dividends and liquidation value on common shares is carried out only after payments have been made to holders of preferred shares.

Preferred shares - this type of security does not give its owner the right to participate in voting at the meeting of shareholders. Exceptions are cases in which this right is assigned to the owners when creating the charter of the joint-stock company. The advantage of this paper is that upon liquidation of the company, the owners are required to receive the dividends due to them, as well as the liquidation value. In turn, preferred shares are divided into:

  • convertible - a security that involves subsequent exchange for ordinary shares or another type of preferred stock. At the same time, the conditions for the exchange of securities are set directly by the issuer;
  • cumulative shares are securities that involve the accumulation of cash as dividends in the event that the owner of the shares refuses to receive payments on time and capitalizes the funds. Accumulation conditions, including capitalization periods, are also determined by the issuer.

At the same time, all shares, regardless of their type and the functions they perform, are divided into placed and announced. Thus, outstanding shares represent all those securities that have already been sold. Thanks to these shares, it is possible to determine the size of the authorized capital of the joint-stock company. Along with the placed ones, the company also has the right to place declared shares as an addition. The charter of a joint stock company strictly defines the number of issues of this type of shares.

It is worth dwelling on the most common concepts associated with the sale of shares.

The par value of a stock represents its value. The total par value of all shares determines the size of the authorized capital of the joint-stock company.

Capitalization is an indicator by which you can determine the amount of capital of a company through the sale of shares.

Consolidation of shares is a procedure determined exclusively by the general meeting of shareholders. It assumes that two or more shares can be converted into one completely new share of the same type. If the consolidation procedure has been carried out, appropriate changes are made to the authorized capital of the joint-stock company regarding the number of authorized shares, as well as regarding their nominal value.

Income from shares can be presented in two forms. First of all, in the form of its market value. But to obtain this type of income, the share must first be sold, and the more profitable the share is sold, the greater the profit that can be obtained. This method of making a profit is considered a little risky, but, nevertheless, it can bring considerable profit to its holder. Those who are less risk-averse prefer to receive dividends. The price of such shares may rise over time, although not always quickly. The decision to pay interim dividends can be made by the board of directors of a joint stock company, while the issue of paying annual dividends is adopted by the general meeting of shareholders, but on the recommendation of the board of directors.

The degree of profitability of shares, its quality and demand are indicated by the corresponding ratings. Such ratings are carried out by world-famous analytical companies that evaluate the shares of certain joint-stock companies, enterprises, etc. The most popular analytical companies are Standard & Poor, as well as Moody’s Investors Service. Thus, the rating of a particular stock assigned through appropriate designations significantly influences the interest of investors, and therefore the profitability of this security. Using the example of the Standard & Poor rating agency, we can consider the procedure for evaluating shares. So, if there is an A+ rating, we can assume that the stock has the highest rating, while C means that the stock has a very low rating.

There is another definition, thanks to which you can secretly evaluate the rating of shares of certain enterprises. Thus, enterprises that have a high credit rating directly in their industries are called “blue chips”. The acquisition of shares in such enterprises presupposes further growing capital, because, as a rule, such an investment promises only income. Of course, the prices for shares of these enterprises are not low. Statistics show that the price of blue chips often only increases and it is extremely rare to see it fall. Shares in such enterprises are always in demand and their purchase and sale is possible at any time.

As you know, all shares are placed on the stock market and their prices are constantly changing. Price changes are influenced by a large number of factors. You can monitor the movement of shares on the market (decline and increase in demand for securities) using the trend - the vector of market movement. The most important tools for determining the dynamics of the stock market are the corresponding indices.

A stock index is a statistical average of changes in asset prices. By identifying the current index value and comparing it with the previous value, you can assess market behavior and group all events that occurred during the reporting period (from macroeconomic situations to corporate events of specific enterprises: mergers, liquidations, resignations of directors, etc.). Based on the data obtained, it becomes possible to make a forecast for the near future.

It should be borne in mind that depending on which securities were selected when calculating the stock index, it is possible to characterize the market. This can be an indicator for the entire market as a whole, or an indicator within a specific industry. Thus, it is quite possible to identify the most rapidly developing sectors of the economy, as well as those industries whose development has been suspended. Based on the data obtained, you can also safely make forecasts on the supply and demand for specific shares.

The most famous of all existing stock indexes is the Dow Jones index. This index includes 30 US organizations and industrial companies. This index is divided into four types: transport, utilities, industrial and composite. It is generally accepted that, despite the fairly large number of existing stock indices, only the Dow Jones is able to calculate the most accurate indicator.


A bond is a debt security that defines a borrowing relationship between its owner and the issuer. The main feature of this type of security is that the bond implies the provision of credit funds issued in the form of a debt obligation. Thus, the bond is a fixed-term security and is issued for a certain period, after which the bond must be redeemed at its face value. The issue of this security can be carried out by both joint-stock companies, private enterprises, and national and local authorities. All bonds imply the receipt of income, or as it is also called, a coupon.

There are several types of bonds:

  1. Classic (solid interest, coupon). This type of bond involves the payment of a fixed income in advance.
  2. Bond with a variable coupon. The income on a given security varies due to certain factors. As a rule, the price of a bond is influenced by the market economy, and therefore inflation is not uncommon. That is why the coupon value for a given bond directly depends on changes in market economy indicators. When positive macroeconomic news is released, the value of bonds can rise significantly, as well as fall if the corresponding news was negative.
  3. Convertible - this type of security can be exchanged for shares or other bonds, according to previously agreed terms of issue.
  4. Zero coupon – this type of bond does not imply the receipt of coupons. In this case, the investor's income directly depends on the difference between the par value of the security and its purchase price. In a word, the cheaper it is to buy and the more expensive it is to sell, the greater the profit you can get from the transaction.

Along with standard types of bonds, there are also such concepts as world bonds and. In this case, a global bond is a security issued in several countries at once, while a eurobond is a security issued by the issuer in the currency of a third-party country.

All government bonds are divided into securities of marketable and non-marketable loans. The most popular market debt bonds are the following:

  • , which is a medium-term loan paper and implies a variable coupon;
  • government short-term bond, issued in non-cash form, with a zero coupon;
  • government savings loan bond – medium-term bearer security;
  • domestic foreign currency loan bond – securities issued in 1993 to repay the debt of Vnesheconombank. Subsequently, these bonds were additionally issued in 1996. The coupon on the bond is 3% per year.

A special type of non-government bonds is a housing certificate. This security represents a transfer of the right to its owner to purchase an apartment in the event of purchasing a certain package of bonds. Thus, the acquisition of a housing certificate means that funds for housing construction have been contributed and subsequently the owner of the bond has the right to count on his own housing.

The degree of return on bonds, as in the example with stocks, is also determined by assigning ratings. The most influential analytical agency is also Standard & Poor. In this case, the rating does not apply to bonds issued by central government agencies. The thing is that these organizations are characterized by rather low reliability.

Bank certificate

A bank certificate is a security that confirms the placement of funds in a banking institution, thereby implying the receipt of both the face value of the security and the accrued interest on it. The owner of the bank certificate is the beneficiary.

Types of bank certificate:

  1. Savings – this security is intended for individuals, which is issued for a period of up to three years. A savings certificate earns coupons, just like bonds. This type of paper can be either registered or bearer. Just as in the case of shares, a registered certificate is delivered personally to the owner through assignment, and a bearer certificate can be delivered to another person for the purpose of transfer to the immediate owner.
  2. Deposit – this security is intended exclusively for legal entities. The deadline for issuing a certificate of deposit is one calendar year.

Bill of exchange

A promissory note is a debt obligation, according to which the owner of the paper undertakes to return the agreed amount of funds within a specified time frame. A bill of exchange is often used not only as a loan, but also as a means of payment for goods or services. Quite a few businesses use a bill of exchange as a payment document. It should be noted that the bill does not have an exact form of execution, with the details inherent in such securities obligations. As a rule, this document is drawn up in any form, while maintaining its purpose - fixed amounts and terms for refunds.

Types of bills:

  1. Simple - according to this document, the drawer undertakes to pay the specified amount of funds to the bill holder within the agreed time frame.
  2. Transferable - in this case, at the request or order of the person who issued the bill, the agreed amount of funds is paid within a specified period to a third party.
  3. Friendly - as a rule, such securities are not concluded between organizations, since they involve a loan and repayment of funds on the basis of mutual assistance.
  4. Bronze - this name is not official and the purpose of issuing such paper is fraudulent transactions. Often, this security is issued from an insolvent person. Subsequently, the funds received are resold to a third party.

All bills of exchange are divided into financial - those through which all monetary transactions are formalized, and commercial - bills that arise in the case of a commercial loan.

Test work on the topic: “Securities”
1. Zoya Anatolyevna invests her savings in the purchase of securities of various enterprises. Find in the list below the securities that she can purchase in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.
1. Bonds
2. Promotions
3. Banknotes
4. Coupons
5. Investment share of a mutual fund
6. Property insurance contract

2. Establish a correspondence between securities and the types to which they belong: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding positions from the second column.
A) privatization voucher
B) bill
B) bond
D) share
D) savings certificate
Types of securities
A) loan certificates
B) certificates of ownership

3. Establish a correspondence between securities and their characteristics: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.
A) provides the right to participate in the management of the company
B) gives the right to receive a fixed percentage
C) certifies the debt relationship
D) provides the right to unconditional return of the nominal value upon expiration of the term
D) certifies the owner’s right to a share in the capital of the company
Types of securities
1. Bond
2. Ordinary share

4. Select the correct statements about securities and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.
1. A share is evidence of a cash deposit in a bank with the bank’s obligation to return this deposit and interest on it after a specified period
2. A security that certifies ownership of a share in the capital of an enterprise and gives the right to receive part of its profit is called a share
3. Securities can be registered or bearer
4. Bonds provide their owner with the right to participate in the management of the company and receive dividends
5. The bill gives the owner the right to demand its repayment within the specified time frame

5. Select the correct statements about securities and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.
1. Shares are a source of debt financing in the form of a set period of validity with their subsequent redemption and payment of certain interest
2. The release of securities into circulation is called an issue
3. Owners of preferred shares have a priority right to receive part of the company’s property in the event of its bankruptcy
4. The issue of government bonds aims to curb inflation
5. Issue of shares can be carried out by any types of business companies

6. Select the correct statements about securities and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.
1. A security is a document
2. Debt securities include shares
3. Securities embody private rights of a non-property nature only
4. A characteristic feature of securities is their negotiability
5. Presentation of a security is mandatory to exercise the rights enshrined in it

7. Select the correct statements about securities and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.
1. Securities contain certain property rights
2. Securities are the object of purchase and sale
3. All securities are legal tender
4. Securities may exist only in forms determined by law
5. The right to issue securities belongs exclusively to the state, municipalities and legal entities

8. Choose the correct statements about securities and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.
1. There are registered and bearer securities.
2. A bill of exchange is a certificate of a cash deposit in a bank with the bank’s obligation to return this deposit and interest on it within a specified period.
3. In accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, a security is any document issued by the state.
4. A security that certifies ownership of a share in the capital of an enterprise and gives the right to receive part of the profit of the enterprise is called a share.
5. The bond gives the owner the right to demand its repayment within a specified period.
9. Establish a correspondence between the type of securities and their characteristics:
A) a security that secures the right of its holding to receive from the issuer within the period specified by it but -minal-no-sto-and-mo-sti and for-fi-si-ro-van-no-go in it the percentage of this cost-and-mo-sti or property- no equivalent
B) a security in which it is possible to pay a fee to your bank -the amount of money indicated in it during the period of its validity.
C) the holder of this price book has the right to part of the property remaining after the liquidation of the enterprise.
D) a monetary document that certifies the withdrawal of funds for a certain time, usually having a fi-si-ro one percent rate
D) a security, from the amount of the no-min-on-fishes of a certain warehouse, the authorized capital of a commercial organization
Types of securities
1. Promotion
2. Bond
3. Savings certificate
4. Check

1. 125
2. 21121
3. 21112
4. 235
5. 24
6. 145
7. 124
8. 145
9. 24131

Local government, executive body (having the right to issue securities and taking responsibility for them to their owners for the exercise of the rights assigned to them). When issuing loans, issuers can be government and business entities. It may also be an individual (as an individual entrepreneur) issuing debt bonds. Thus, the issuer is a rather broad concept. To put it briefly - issuing securities, fulfilling obligations under them and being

The largest issuer is the state. It is represented by the Ministry of Finance. The securities it issues are considered the most break-even, since it will always fulfill its obligations on them. The risk of investing money is minimal, the profitability is high, they have absolute liquidity. That is why securities created by the state occupy leading positions on the stock market in Russia.

Highly liquid securities are issued by republican and municipal authorities, as well as non-state entities supported by the state.

In the stock market, securities are a commodity, the issuer is the seller. One of these products is stocks. They are produced by large JSCs. When forming, you can issue shares from ten thousand. Their prices fluctuate all the time, so it is impossible to say reliably (about most stocks) that this is a reliable investment. The shares of the largest manufacturing organizations are most in demand. Such as Gazprom. Their exchange rate is stable and not subject to critical fluctuations.

Banks issue not only shares, but also savings certificates, bills and certificates of deposit. The Central Bank is engaged in issuing banknotes (a kind of credit securities). As a rule, most bank securities are not traded on the stock market.

The list of issuers includes management companies of mutual funds (mutual investment funds), but they do not yet occupy a significant place in the securities trading market. Perhaps the situation will change over time.

The number of securities issued by the issuer is limited. It is determined by the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Issue of Securities”. Each organization producing emissions is required to submit a report to Russia (FSFM). It is compiled in a certain form. The issuer's report contains a register of securities owners, information about the entity itself and its controlling bodies. Information on the register is submitted once a year (until February 15).

Information about the entity issuing securities (and about its auditors) is provided to the Federal Financial Markets Service in the form of a quarterly report. The report is published in the media so that all shareholders are familiar with it. The issuer's quarterly report is regulated by the Regulations on the Disclosure of Information by Issuers Issuing Securities.

As we see, the issuer is not only an entity engaged in issuing securities, but also a person responsible not only to their owners, but also to the state.

They are issued by the Central Bank and the Ministry of Finance in order to regulate the money supply, correct the inflation rate, redirect cash flows between economic sectors, and also cover the budget deficit.


Classification of government securities is carried out according to the following criteria:

  • presence of personification. Documents can be registered or bearer;
  • way of handling. Marketable securities are placed on. Non-marketable ones do not go into free circulation and after placement can only be purchased by the issuer;
  • circulation period. Short-term debt obligations are issued for a period of up to a year, medium-term ones allow you to use borrowed funds for up to 10 years, and long-term ones - for 10-15 years;
  • release goals.

Government securities are issued to satisfy the following purposes:

  • Debt obligations to cover the state budget deficit. Such loans are medium- and long-term in nature.
  • Short-term borrowing securities to compensate for a temporary shortfall of funds, called a cash gap. The imbalance arises due to uneven tax revenues. The situation with temporary deficit is typical at the end of each quarter and annual reporting period.
  • Targeted bonds for the implementation of specific projects. A popular area for raising borrowed funds is the construction of highways, railways, airports and other infrastructure facilities.
  • Securities for compensation of state debts. A common form is treasury bonds, which in 1994-1998. The government of the Russian Federation used it to pay off debts to enterprises that performed state work. orders.

Features of turnover

On the foreign market, government securities are sold through stock exchanges, and domestically through auctions and networks of accredited banks. Buyers of debt obligations can be governments of other countries, as well as legal entities and individuals:

  • investment and pension funds;
  • Insurance companies;
  • banks;
  • investors;
  • ordinary citizens.

The list of persons allowed to purchase and sell government debt obligations is determined by the type of security and its personification.

The turnover of government securities ensures the transfer of capital with minimal costs for the issuer and maximum profit for the buyer, therefore they are not only a tool for regulating the money supply, but also an attractive asset for short- and medium-term investments.