Enterprise personnel: concept, types, functions. Statistics on the working capacity of the population The working population is

Labor resources countries (TR) - this is the population of working age (with the exception of non-working labor and war invalids of groups I and II and persons receiving an old-age pension on preferential terms), as well as persons of non-working age (teenagers and the population over working age), employed in economics.

According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the working age for PWD (men) is from 16 to 59, for PWD (women) - from 16 to 54 years inclusive. Quantitatively, TR represents the number of working-age population of working age and working persons beyond this age. There are 3 population groups within the TR:

1) busy;

2) students;

3) persons of working age who are not employed in the economy.

Employment itself, in accordance with the Law “On Employment of the Population in the Russian Federation” of April 19, 1991, is understood as the activity of citizens related to the satisfaction of personal and social needs, which does not contradict the legislation of the country and, as a rule, brings them earnings and labor income.

Statistics uses the following indicators to study TR and the structure of the entire population at the macro level:

The total number of TRs, their composition and sectoral structure;

Dynamics (absolute growth, growth and growth rates, highlighting natural and mechanical movement of resources);

The intensity of their reproduction (the ratio of the absolute increase in labor resources per year to their average annual number);

Coefficients of the general (demographic) and pension burden of the population of working age;

Working capacity rates for the total population and the working age population;

Employment rates of the total population and the working-age population.

It is possible to determine the forecast number of TR for a long period using the following statistical model:

Where H 0– population size at the beginning of the reference year;

K units– coefficient of natural population change;

t– number of years in the forecast period;

d tv – the share of the working-age population in the total population;

Kttv– coefficient of working capacity of the population of working age.

Economically active population (EAP), or labor force, is a part of the population at the age established to measure its economic activity (in Russia - from 15 to 72 years), providing labor supply for the production of goods and services.

In number EAN persons included employed in the economy and the unemployed.

To those employed in the economy include persons who, during the period under review:

a) performed work at least 1 hour per week;

b) were temporarily absent from work (due to illness or injury, nursing care, annual leave or days off, compensatory leave or compensatory leave, statutory maternity leave, childcare leave, training, educational leave, leave initiated by the administration , strikes, other similar reasons);

c) performed work without pay in a family business.

In the composition of the population employed in the economy, statistics distinguish people with visible underemployment(working part-time or part-time; those transferred by the administration to a part-time work week; those on administrative leave). The scale of visible underemployment is characterized by the total time available to each underemployed person for additional employment during the period under review.

The following groups are distinguished in the classification of employment status:

Employed or hired workers (including elected, appointed or approved persons for paid positions, ministers of religious cults, military personnel with military ranks);

Self-employed (self-employed employers, members of producer cooperatives, unpaid family workers).

Depending on the type of work performed or occupation of the employee, as well as his qualifications, the All-Russian Classification of Occupations distinguishes the following large groups of workers: managers, specialists of higher and medium qualifications, office workers, service workers, qualified workers in production sectors of the economy, operators and machinists of installations and machines, and fitters, unskilled workers.

To the unemployed include persons aged 16 years and older who, during the period under review:

1) did not have a job (gainful occupation);

2) were engaged in various forms of job search or took steps to organize their own business;

3) were ready to start work within a certain period of time.

At the same time, pupils, students, pensioners and disabled people are counted as unemployed if they were actively looking for work and were ready to start it. These three signs of an unemployed person also correspond to international statistical standards. True, it stipulates 4 weeks of job search preceding the survey week, and readiness to start work within two weeks after the survey week. According to the law “On Employment in the Russian Federation,” an unemployed person must register with the employment service in order to find a “suitable job.” This is considered work that corresponds to the professional suitability of the employee, taking into account the level of his professional training, the conditions of the last place of work, the state of health, transport accessibility of the worker, and location. In addition, according to this Law, persons under 16 years of age cannot be unemployed, as well as citizens who have been assigned an old-age (age) pension in accordance with the established procedure, for length of service, as well as those who refused within 10 days from the date of contacting the employment service from two options for suitable work, including temporary work, and a number of other points. That is why domestic statistics, along with the total number of unemployed in Russia (according to the ILO methodology), identifies and publishes the number of officially registered unemployed.

For a general assessment of activity, employment and unemployment, statistics determine the following indicators: level of economic activity (share of economic activity in the total population); the level of employment and unemployment (the share of the employed population and the unemployed in the EAN, respectively); duration of completed and incomplete unemployment (time from the moment the job search begins until the moment of employment - for completed unemployment and until the moment of registration of unemployment - for incomplete unemployment).

Population economic activity rate is defined as the ratio between the economically active population and the total population of the country:

where EA is the number of economically active population;

S t is the average size of the entire population.

Population employment rate:

where Z is the number of employees.

Unemployment rate is the proportion of unemployed people in the economically active population.

To characterize the unemployment rate, the unemployment rate is calculated:

Where B- number of unemployed.

There is the following relationship between these indicators:

Statistics also take into account economically inactive population, i.e. persons aged 15 to 72 years who are not considered to be employed or unemployed during the reference period. A distinction is made between the population that is not active during a given period (for a short period) and the population that is usually inactive (for a longer period, such as a year when the number of weeks of inactivity exceeded 26 weeks). Among the population that is not active in a given period, there are groups of people who: are not looking for work (but want to work and are ready to start it); not ready to start work (but want to work and are looking for work); are not looking for and are not ready to start work (but want to work); don't want to work.

The main reasons for economic inactivity are: full-time education; retirement, resignation; for health; performing household duties, caring for children and other family members; desperation to find a job after a long search; not knowing how and where to look for work. This population mainly includes: students and full-time students; pensioners; recipients of property income; householders and other relatives responsible for caring for the home and children; other categories of persons.

The main source of information on employment is sample household surveys regularly conducted by statistics.

Labor force statistics also examine indicators characterizing the demographic burden of the working-age population.

§ Potential replacement rate:

Where S 0-15– population under the age of 15 years.

§ “Pension burden” coefficient:

Where S PV– population size of retirement age.

§ Total load factor:

The most important aspect of labor statistics is the employment of citizens. The following indicators for studying this topic are proposed.

Average duration of employment of citizens in days:

Where Vocational school general. - total duration of employment of citizens per year (person-days);

NU general- the total number of employed citizens in the reporting year (persons).

The level of appeal of the population to the employment service authorities (UONSZ):

Where NOSZ- the number of citizens applying for employment per year;

N TTV- average annual number of working-age population of working age.

Load of unemployed population per vacancy (N N V):

Where N N NW- the number of unemployed people who applied to employment services at the end of the period;

IN - number of vacancies at the end of the period.

The development of an effective state demographic policy in order to influence the processes of population reproduction and ensure its employment requires the study of labor resources.

Labor resources - this is the part of the working population that has the physical and mental abilities and knowledge necessary to carry out useful activities.

Labor resources are a category that occupies an intermediate position between the economic categories of “population” and “total labor force”.

To understand the essence of the concept of “labor resources”, you need to know that the entire population, depending on age, is divided into:

Persons under working age (from birth to 16 years inclusive);

Persons of working age (in Ukraine: women - from 16 to 59 years, men - from 16 to 64 years inclusive);

Persons over working age, upon reaching which an old-age pension is established (in Ukraine: women - from 60, men - from 65 years).

Depending on the ability to work, a distinction is made between able-bodied and disabled persons. Disabled persons of working age are disabled people of groups 1 and 2, and able-bodied persons of non-working age are teenagers and working age pensioners.

Labor resources include:

The population of working age, except for non-working disabled people of the 1st and 2nd groups and non-working persons receiving pensions on preferential terms (women who have given birth to five or more children and are raising them until they are eight years old, as well as persons who retired earlier due to with difficult and harmful working conditions);

Working persons of retirement age;

Working persons under 16 years of age.

They also include persons of working age who are potentially capable of participating in work, but are employed in household and personal farming, in off-the-job studies, and in military service.

Labor resources are divided into the following characteristics (Fig. 2.3):

Rice. 2.3. Classification characteristics of labor resources

In the structure of labor resources, from the standpoint of their participation in social production, two parts are distinguished: active (functioning) and passive (potential).

Concept "labor resources" broader than the concept "economically active population", since it also includes able-bodied non-working people and full-time students. Really behind the concept "labor resources" is the number of people who can be forced to work, that is, who are physically capable of working.

The size of the labor force depends on the officially established age limits - the upper and lower levels of working age, the share of able-bodied people among the working-age population, the number of people participating in public labor and those who are beyond working age.

Age limits are established in each country by current legislation. In Ukraine, the working age is considered to be: for men - 16-65 years, for women - 16-60 years. Working age limits vary from country to country. In a number of countries, the lower limit is set at 14-15 years, and in some countries - 18 years. The upper limit in many countries is 65 years for everyone, or 65 years for men and 60-62 years for women.

Average life expectancy and retirement age in individual countries are shown in Table. 2.1.

Table 2.1

Average life expectancy and retirement age IN SELECTED COUNTRIES

A country

average life expectancy

Retirement age (general)






Great Britain


The leading role in the labor force is played by the population of working age.

Working population - this is a set of persons, predominantly of working age, who, according to their psychophysiological data, are capable of participating in labor activities.

In practice, a distinction is made between general and professional performance. General performance presupposes that a person has physical, psychophysiological, and age-related data that determine the ability to work and do not determine the need for special training. Professional ability to work is the ability to perform a specific type of work, acquired in the process of special training.

The number of labor resources can be increased due to the natural increase in the population of working age, reducing the proportion of disabled people among people of working age, and reviewing the age limits of working capacity.

In modern conditions, the main sources of replenishment of labor resources are: young people who are entering working age; military personnel released from the armed forces due to a reduction in the size of the army; forced migrants from the Baltic countries, Transcaucasia, and Central Asia.

Quantitative changes in the number of labor resources are characterized by such indicators as absolute growth, growth rates and growth rates.

Absolute increase determined at the beginning and end of the period under review. Typically this is a year or longer period of time.

Growth rate is calculated as the ratio of the absolute number of tinder resources at the end of a given period to their value at the beginning of the period. If rates are considered over a number of years, then the average annual rate is determined as the geometric mean using the formula:

where T pr. ser. - Average annual growth rate.

Quantitative assessment of trends in the state and use of labor resources allows us to take into account and determine areas for increasing their efficiency.

Labor resources refers to the part of the country's population that has the necessary physical and spiritual qualities, general educational and professional knowledge to work in the national economy. The number of working-age population is determined by the total population, its age and gender structure, the number of working pensioners and teenagers, and the working age limits established in the country. The labor force in Ukraine includes the working population (men from 16 to 60 years old and women from 16 to 55 years old), as well as working pensioners and teenagers under 16 years old. In developing countries that have high rates of population growth, the labor force accounts for 50 - 55% of the total population. In Ukraine and most developed countries - 61, 62%.

The concept is closely related to labor resources work force- current labor resources or economically active population. TO economically active population include: workers and employees, independent workers; unpaid family members; seasonal and casual workers who are temporarily not working (vacation, illness); students combining work and study part-time; persons undergoing retraining. According to the International Labor Organization, the world's economically active population makes up 3/4 of its labor force. Moreover, in developed countries - 45%, in developing countries - 42%.

Recently, there has been a tendency for the economically active population to increase in industry and the service sector and decrease in agriculture. In Ukraine, the structure of the economically active population also tends to increase in trade, transport, and services and decrease in industry and agriculture.

Labor market is a socio-political form of movement of labor resources. To assess the national labor market, concepts such as: working-age population, labor supply, employed and unemployed, potential supply of hired labor are used. The unemployed are usually considered to be those who are registered as unemployed with the state employment service. Typically, a distinction is made between frictional, structural and cyclical unemployment.

Frictional unemployment arises as a result of population movements: from one region to another, from profession to profession, from education to work and to retirement, etc.

Structural unemployment arises under the influence of scientific and technological progress and changes in the structure of consumer demand, which lead to large-scale structural changes in the economy: the closure of outdated industries, a decrease in the output of certain industries, the transition to resource-saving technologies, etc.

Cyclical unemployment is caused by a recession as a phase of the economic cycle, which is characterized by a shortage of aggregate demand for goods and services.

The sum of the levels of frictional and structural unemployment creates a natural unemployment rate, which depends on a large number of factors and reaches 4-6%.

Classification of labor force by activity and employment status.

TR – able-bodied population of working age + persons of disabled age, but working. In accordance with the recommendations in Russia, TR includes ek-ki actively populated (ean).

Ean includes all workers in sectors of the national economy + all unemployed. The calculation relates the level of ean = ean/total population) * 100.

Unemployment level = number of unemployed/ean)*100

Ind-s Salai= , where d is the proportion of the population employed in various spheres of economy, n is the number of these spheres

The statistics produces several TR groupings. All employees / at:


    persons working on an individual basis;

    —//— in a family enterprise;


    members of collective enterprises.

    All workers are divided into civilians and military personnel.

    Depending on the duration of hiring, the following are distinguished:

    persons employed at work;

    —//— time at work;

    —//— seasonal work;

    —//— official work.

    Work funds time, how long has the moat been used?

    Calendar= S hours/day of attendance at work + S hours/day of absences

    Time card = Cal f -S h/day holidays and days off

    Max possible = Tab f - S h/day of next holidays

    Actual= S hours/day of actual hours worked = S hours/day of attendance - S hours/day of full-day downtime.

    Usage of cal f = S h/day actual work/cal f rv)*100

    1. To use the established work-day production = avg actual work-day production/established work-day production)*100

    Wed actual work day = S hours/hour of total work/S hours/day of total work (hour)

    2. To use, set the number of working months (RM) = average actual number of RM (quarter, six months, year) / set the number of RM) * 100

    Wed actual pr-th rm = S h/day actual work/T av list (days)

    Setting pr-th rm=Max possible f rv/T av list

    T av list = calendar f rv/number of calendar days in the period

    3. To integral use rv = To use established pr-ti workday* Kisp established pr-ti rm.

    Statistics of macroeconomic indicators

    1. Macroeconomic and microeconomic indicators. Conditions for drawing up the balance sheet of the national economy ( BNH) and the system of national accounts ( SNA).

    2.Methods for calculating national income ( ND), factors influencing it.

    3.Gross output ( BB) and gross value added ( GVA)

    4.Methods of determination GDP And GNP.

    1. The economy at all levels of management is characterized by a pok-lei system. Ek-ka just people. households ( NH) har-xia macroecon. pok-lyami, and ek-ka enterprises. - microecon. pok-mi. All these data should be comparable, i.e. calculated using the same methodology.

    In international stat. 2 calculation systems have emerged. pok-leys relating to the country as a whole. Until recently, the main results in our country were aggregate. Social product ( SOP) And ND within the balance sheet NH.

    When was the balance built? NH it was assumed that:

    1.Everything NH/ in production and non-production spheres;

    2. Production sphere / for the production of means of production and the production of consumer goods;

    3.By cost basis SOP/ on C+V+M, where C is the amount of goods consumed, V is the required product, M is surplus.

    4.According to natural substance composition SOP is divided into a compensation fund, an accumulation fund and a consumption fund.

    SOP is created only in materials industries. products, which include:

    1. Industry;


    3. Construction;

    4. Transport and communications for servicing industries;

    5. Trade and catering;

    6.Material-technical supply and procurement;

    7.Forestry, etc.

    For each of these industries, I calculated the gross output ( VP), is summed up and it turns out SOP. Then, for each industry, production material costs are calculated ( MOH), this includes costs such as raw materials, materials, fuel, electricity, etc.

    2. ND=SOP-MZ(including depreciation OPF)

    There are 3 methods for determining ND:



    end use method

    Production method

    ND= å PE (clean products) of all branches of materiel production

    Emergency for each industry =VP every industry — MZ each industry (including depreciation of general fund)

    Distribution method

    ND= å V+å M, Where

    V-primary income of workers in the production sector

    M- primary income of manufacturing enterprises

    The primary income of enterprises in the manufacturing sector includes:



    social security contributions, etc.

    The primary income of the manufacturing sector includes:


    net income from subsidiary agricultural plots

    income from securities

    End use method:

    ND=FP+FN+Balance from foreign economic activities+Losses in case of natural disasters, Where

    FP - consumption fund;

    FN - accumulation fund.

    IN FP turn on:

    personal consumption of the population of goods and services;

    consumption of mat goods and services by institutions and organizations serving the population;

    —//— in scientific and healthcare institutions.

    FN includes:

    increase in overall benefit;

    increase in working capital and reserves.

    FP+FN=used ND (IND)

    For change ND influenced by 3 factors:

    1.Change in work time (or number of works in industries);

    2. Change in the nature of labor;

    3. Specific savings in mat costs.

    Absolute increase ND.

    D ND=ND 1 -ND 0, which breaks down into 3 increments:

    1.due to changes in the number of employees or work hours:

    D ND t = ND 0 *(T 1 /T 0 -1)ß rate of increase in number or time worked; T- average number of employees;

    2.due to changes in the type of labor:

    D ND w =(ND 0 +D ND t)*(W 1 /W 0 -1), where W=SOP(Q) / T

    3.due to specific savings in mat costs:

    D ND mz =(d 0 -d 1)*SOP(Q),

    where d=MZ/SOP(Q)

    Examination: D ND=D ND t +D ND W + +D ND MZ.

    3. Gross output ( BB) represents the essence of all production in NH, including goods and services that have both market and non-market characteristics.

    The price of goods and services is given at basic prices, i.e. according to the prices at which they are sold. That's why BB in the sectoral development of the survey in basic prices.

    Intermediate consumption(PP) is a set of goods and services that are completely consumed in a given period for the purpose of producing other goods and services. In the PP, the item of consumed fixed assets (depreciation) is not included.

    Gross value added
    : VDS=VV-PP- indirectly measured services of financial intermediaries.

    Gross profit of the economy:

    VPE= GVA- wages of employees - (other taxes on production + subsidies)

    Net profit of the economy:

    TPE= VPE- consumption of fixed capital.

    4. IN SNA basically pok-mi yavl. GDP And GNP. There are 3 methods for determining these populations:

    1. At the production stage:

    GDP= GVA+ NNPiI, Where

    CHNPiI - net taxes on products and imports

    2. At the stage of income generation:

    GDP= OT+ CNP&I+ DNP+ VPE, where OT is wages; DNP - other taxes on production;

    3. At the stage of using income:

    GDP= RKP+ VN+ CHE+ SR, where RCP is final consumption expenditure; GN - gross accumulation; CHE - net export of goods and services; SR - statistical discrepancy.

    Deflator index:

    I-D = GDP in actual prices / GDP in comparable prices

    GDP per capita:

    = GDP in actual prices/ Savg.

    Along with GDP, GNP is calculated:

    GNP = GDP + income of our enterprises on the territory of other countries - income of enterprises in other countries on the territory of our country.

    National wealth statistics (NB).

    1. The concept of national security.

    2. Classification of fixed assets (F), types of their evaluation.

    3. PF balances

    4.Whether the condition, movement and use of the main. Wed (OS).

    5.Factor analysis capital productivity (F).

    6.Determination of the increase in production as a result of changes in items and their personal use (changes in capital productivity).

    1. The National Bank was a collection of goods created by the society during the previous period (national property) + natural resources used.

    National names include:

    a) OPF;

    b) Mat stocks and office work reserves;

    c) The property will consume the following purposes:

    non-production of the PF

    personal property of the population

    stocks of goods and consumer goods.

    The use of natural resources includes: land, forest funds, hydropower resources and minerals. This means that part of the NB is made up of OF (>60%).

    2. All OF / on:



    Products include those that repeatedly participate in the production process, wear out and transfer their wear and tear to the product.

    In accordance with the classification, the trace of the OPF group is distinguished:


    2. Facilities;

    3.materials and equipment;

    4.transport facilities;

    5.transmission devices;

    6.general purpose tool;

    7. production and household equipment;

    8.food and livestock;

    9.perennial plantings;

    10.millionation of land, etc.

    Types of PF assessments:

    1.full initial article = article purchased OF + article of delivery and installation of OF;

    2.initial cost minus wear = total initial cost of wear;

    3. will completely restore the st-t = st-t of the new OF in modern production conditions;

    4. will restore the article minus wear = completely restore the article of wear;

    5.liquidation article of the PF = evaluation article will finish the retired PF

    3. The statistic contains 2 types of PF balance:

    In full original article:

    Fkg=Fng+P-V, where P and V are the total initial number of PF arrivals and departures during the year.

    By residuals:

    F 1 kg = F 1 ng + P 1 + Pnov-V 1 -A, where Fng and Fkg are the residual balance of the fixed assets at the beginning and end of the year, P and B are the residual amounts of received and retired fixed assets, A is the annual depreciation for the renovation of the fixed assets.

    4.State of the PF:

    Suitability=(F 1 ng/Fng)*100=((Fng-å wear ng)/Fng)*100;

    Kiznosa=( å wear ng/Fng)*100= =((Fng-F 1 ng)/Fng)*100;

    Kgodn+Kiznosa=1 (100%).

    Pok-whether movement of the OF:




    How long has the OF been used:

    a) capital productivity (measured in rubles):

    V=SOP (ND)/Fsr=st t/o/Fsr =Q/Fsr;


    Фср=(1/2Ф1+Ф2+…+Фn-1+ +1/2Фn)/n-1

    b) capital intensity (in rubles):


    c) capital-labor ratio (in thousand or million rubles per person):


    Labor productivity:



    i V *i N =I w, where i V =V 1 /V 0, etc.

    5. The stat studies in great detail the dynamics of capital productivity at an enterprise using individual and general indices:

    i V =V1/V0;

    Variable composition:

    Iv=V1av/V0av= å V1dф1/V0dф0, where d=Ф/å Ф

    Permanent staff:

    Iv= å V1dф1/V0dф1;

    Structural changes:

    Iv= å V0dф1/V0dф0.

    Absolute increase in average capital productivity:

    D Vsr=V1sr-V0sr=å V1dф1-å V0dф0;

    Breaks down into 2 increments:

    due to changes in F at each enterprise:

    D Vv=å V1dф1-å V0dф1;

    due to changes in the structure of the OPF, those. shares of OPF with higher or lower F:

    D Vstr.sdv=å V0dф1-å V0dф0;

    D Vav=D Vv+D Vline shift.

    6.Absolute increase in production:

    1. D Q=Q1-Q0;

    Breaks down into 2 increments:

    due to a change in the OPF level:

    D Qfsr=(å F1sr-å F0sr)*V0

    due to changed F

    D Qv=(V1-V0)*å Ф1ср

    D Q=D Qfsr + D Qv

    2. D Q=Q1-Q0;

    D Qsr=Q0*((F1sr/F0sr)-1)ß PF growth rate;

    D Qv=(Q0-D Qfsr)*((V1/V0)-1)

    Verification: same.

    D Q=Q1-Q0 , then we determine the share of the increase in production due to changes in the volume of OPF:

    d D Qfsr=((Ifsr-1)/(Iq-1))*100 , Where Ifsr=F1sr/F0sr , Iq=Q1/Q0;

    d D Qv=100%-dD Qfsr;

    Statistical assessment of the living standards of the population.

    Statistic consumption of mat goods and services, indicators of population income statistics.

    The level of life of the population represented the level and degree of satisfaction with the consumption of people in material goods, worship and everyday services. Good things - food, clothing, shoes, housing, etc.

    Household services - utilities, transport communications, etc.

    Services in the area of ​​culture are provided by cultural, scientific and educational institutions.

    You can distinguish 4 levels of life of the population:

    1.Prosperity – full use of benefits that ensure personal development.

    2. Norm level – rational consumption according to scientifically based standards.

    3. Poverty – a lot of goods are consumed at the level of maintaining working capacity.

    4. Poverty – the minimum acceptable set of goods and services according to biological criteria, which only support the working capacity of a person.

    Pok-li, characterizing the level of life / into 3 types:

    1. Synthetic cost - GDP, GNP, ND, FP, DDN.

    2.Natur pok-li, cat express the volume of consumption of various mat goods per capita.

    3. Pok-li, characterizing the proportions and structure of well-being (grouping of the population by the amount of income received, by wages, etc.).

    In Russia, a system of living conditions has been developed that characterize the standard of living of the population:

    generalizing indicators (GDP, GNP, ID, life stage)

    income of the population

    consumption and expenditure of the population

    population's savings account

    accumulated by them in the population.

    Statistical data on the standard of living of the population was obtained from a selective annual budget survey of 90,000 families.

    The main level of living of the population is income, which includes:

    1.Salary and other payments that the worker received for his work.

    2. income from personal farmsteads.

    3. income from ITD

    4.income from the central bank

    5.income from property

    6.payments from insurance funds

    7.winning the lottery, prizes, etc.

    From a legal point of view, all income is divided into legal and illegal. All day income / on:



    actually located

    Nomin – all income, expressed in monetary form.

    Dispolog = nominal income - taxes and obligatory payments and contributions to the financial system

    Really dispolog = dispolog income / ind-s will consume prices (or dispolog income * ind-s will buy sp-ti ruble)

    I purchase s-ti rub = 1/I consumer prices, where I consumer prices = S i p *p 0 q 0 /S p 0 q 0, where i p are prices for individual products, goods, services.

    Ind-s consumer prices are called ind-som st-ti life.

    The nature of money in hand is populated = Dnomin – all expenses

    The structure of nominal expenses (income) is the share of each expense in the total volume of nominal expenses (income).

    Share of expenses in daily income = expenses/income

    Along with the absolute level of life, the statistic calculates and includes the following:

    1.Ipurchase sp-ti rub = 1/Iconsumption prices.

    Inomin expenses=(Dnomin1/Dnomin0)*100%

    Ireal income=(Inomin income/Iconsumption prices)*100%

    Inomin salary=(l1/l0)*100%, where l=F/T(rub), F-salary fund, T-number of employees

    Iraial salary = Il (nominal salary) / Ip (ind price) = Il * Ipurchase with rubles.

    Elasticity of supply and demand.

    El-th s and p is a market phenomenon. The essence of el-ti with zakl is its extreme flexibility and variability, depending on various social factors, among which the main factors are price and monetary income. Also, the product supply has a strong el-ti, the cat in the market conditions clearly reacts to price changes.

    Coefficient el-ty: E=(D y/D x)*(x/y), where y and x are the basic parameters of the factor and resultant pr-kov.

    If E<1, то проявл явление интраэл-ти, т.е. товар счит-ся малоэластичным или неэластичным.

    When E>1, the phenomenon of ultra-elasticity is noted, i.e. The product is elastic or highly elastic.

    When E = 1, the product is weakly elastic. In this case, as a rule, price reductions do not lead to an increase in revenue.

    If E +, then with an increase in the factor factor P, the resultant factor (demand) increases, i.e. direct connection.

    If E - , then the relationship is inverse.

    Problems of statistics of the living standards of the population.

    1. Characteristics of the well-being of the entire population.

    2.Assessment of the degree of differentiation of the society (/ into social groups, classes)

    3.Analysis of the influence of various factors on the level of well-being.

    4. Identification and characterization of low-income segments of the population.

    Ip= S p1q1/ S p0q1

    Ip= S p1q1/ S (p1q1/ip)

    Mobile income is income expressed in monetary terms and used independently.

    Immobile income - partial or free benefits from funds with a designated purpose.

    Labor statistics and its efficiency.

    Analysis of the number, composition and dynamics of the number of employees.

    The enterprise calculates the number of employees on the payroll, the number of people present, and the number of actual employees.

    These numbers are calculated:

    On a certain date (momentary date)

    For a certain period (average population)

    The payroll includes all workers accepted for a post, non-zonal, temporary work for a period of 1 day or more, from the day they were hired. The payroll includes both actual working employees and those absent for any reason each day.

    Based on this, the list includes:

    all those who actually showed up for work, including those who did not work due to downtime;

    those on a business trip, if they retain a salary at this enterprise;

    those who did not show up for work due to illness;

    on regular or additional leave;

    performing government duties;

    those who received leave to take exams;

    hired on a part-time or weekly basis.

    In the average payroll, these workers study as whole units.

    Not included in the list:

    workers not working at this enterprise, but hired to perform work under an employment agreement (consultation of doctors, performance of artists);

    hired from other enterprises on a part-time basis and included in the same list of part-time workers.

    Under turnout understand the number of persons on the list of those reporting for work. Under number of actually employed refers to persons who started work from among those who showed up.

    Average indicators are calculated using the formulas:

    Tsr list =( S hours/day of attendance at work + S hours/day of absences)/number of calendar days in the period.

    Tsr turnout = S h/days reported to work/number of days of actual work of the enterprise for the period.

    Tsr of actual workers = S hours/day of actual work (appearances-full-day downtime)/number of days of actual work for the period.

    When calculating Tsr list, you need to keep in mind that some categories that were included in the list number when calculating Tsr list were excluded:

    women on maternity leave;

    women who are on maternity leave for up to 1.5 years of age;

    Tsr list of employees of an enterprise that entered into operation at the end of the month is determined by dividing the number of employees who showed up and did not show up for work for these days by 30; for holidays and weekends, the number is taken at the level of the previous working day.

    For the quarter Tsr write-off of funds by summing the numbers for 3 months and dividing the amount received is not 3.

    Tsr write-off per quart=S Tsr write-off per month/3

    T avg write-off for the year = S T avg write-off for months / 12 = S T avg write-off for quarters / 4 = S T avg write-off for half a year / 2

    The labor reporting statistic (form P-4) contains data on the movement of workers:

    among those hired by the enterprise;

    number of people fired from the enterprise

    The number of people admitted to the enterprise is distributed according to sources of acquisition.

    In statistical reporting on labor, the adoption of the distribution is in the order of the following sources:

    Retired distribution based on the following reasons for disposal:

    in order of transfer to drag enterprise.

    In connection with the transition to study, conscription into the Armed Forces, leaving at will, for violation of labor discipline

    Due to the expiration of the contract.

    Along with the absolute number of dropouts, the following is calculated and attributed:

    Hiring turnover=Number of people hired for the period/Tsr list)*100

    Retirement turnover = Number of retirees from the enterprise for the period / Tsr list) * 100

    Turnover = Number of people dismissed for reasons of turnover (due to their own desire + violation of work discipline) / Tsr list) * 100

    Number of personnel = Number of persons on the list for the entire period / Tsr list or payroll at the end of the period

    The number of persons on the turnover list by subtracting from the list the number of employees dismissed during this period.

    Replaced workforce = Number of people hired/Number of people fired from work

    If K>1, then new jobs are being created at the enterprise, and if K<1, значит идёт сокращение раб мест.

    Pok-ti pr-ti labor and their dynamics.

    By the efficiency of labor we mean its efficiency.

    Win opt = STO (opt then) / Tsr list

    Wв procurement=State of procurement of agricultural products and raw materials/Тср list

    Win public catering = article of catering products/Tsr list in public catering

    Win public catering=State of production of own production/Tsr list, produced this product

    Win industry = Volume of production

    Wv retail trade = RTO/Tsr list r RT

    Wв rt=RTO/Tsr list of sellers

    The dynamics of industrial labor were studied using natural, labor and cost indices (individual, total).

    Indus-sy of labor:


    W=Q/T, iw=W1/W0, Iwsr=Wsr1/Wsr0=S W1dt1/S W0dt0, Iw=S W1dt1/S W0dt1, Istr shift=S W0dt1/S W0dt0, Iwsr=Iw*Istr shift.


    If the quality of labor is not taken into account production (W), but its inverse quantity - labor intensity, then calculate the following trace:

    t=T/Q, where T is the number of employees, or the hours worked. iw=t0/t1, Iw=S t0q1/S t1q1- index of labor intensity, it=t1/t0, It=S t1q1/S t0q1- index of labor intensity


    W=Q/T, iw, Iwsr, Iw, Istr shift - the same as natural ones.

    If we subtract the denominator from the numerator of the labor intensity index, we get either savings or overexpenditure:

    E= S t1q1-S t0q1 (+ savings, - overexpenditure).

    The dynamics of labor production in the RT PC was studied in more detail. Calculate 3 indices of labor productivity:

    Iw= S q1р0/S T1)/(S q0p0/S T0), where =S q1р0, S q0p0 - RTO of 0 and 1 periods, T1, T0 - average number of employees.

    Iw=( S q1р0/S T1)/(S q0p0/S T0))/(S p1q1/S p0q0)<- инд-с цен

    Iw=Ipq/It= S p1q1/S p0q0)/(S T1/S T0

    The increase in production was determined due to the factors influencing it.

    Along with the analysis of the type of labor in trade, we also analyze changes due to changes in the type of labor and due to changes in the number of workers. This analysis can be done in 3 ways:

    1. We find the absolute increase in the volume of production. products:

    D pq=S p1q1-S p0q0

    This absolute increase breaks down into 2 increases:

    Due to a change in the quantity of labor: D pqw=(W1-W0)*S Т1

    Due to a change in the number of employees: D pqt=(S T1-S t0)*W0

    Examination: D pq=D pqw+D pqt

    2 . D pq=S p1q1-S p0q0

    D pqt=S p0q0*(T1/T0-1)<-темп прироста числ-ти

    D pqw=(S p0q0+D pqt)*(W1/W0-1)

    Examination: D pq=D pqw+D pqt

    3 . First, we find the share of the increase in product (production) due to a change in the number of workers: dD pqt=(It-1.0)/Ipq-1.0)*100

    Then, subtracting from 100% we get the share of the increase due to the change in labor.

    Labor remuneration statistics.

    Labor remuneration is the remuneration received for production, services rendered or for time worked, including payment for holidays, regular vacations and other unworked time, paid in accordance with labor legislation.

    The wage statistic faces the following tasks:

    salary funds determined

    analysis of the structure of these f.

    Determination of average salary level

    Study of salary dynamics.

    F o.t. includes:

    accrual of amounts for non-working time;

    payment for non-working time;

    incentive surcharges and allowances, compensation surcharges and allowances, connection with working hours and labor conditions;

    regular payments for food, housing, fuel.

    Payment for hours worked includes:

    salary, accrual based on tariff rates and salaries and piecework rates;

    article of products issued in kind of payment;

    bonuses and rewards, regardless of sources;

    incentive additional payments and bonuses to salaries and tariff rates (for combinations, for professional skills)

    compensation payments and additional payments, connections with working hours and labor conditions.

    Payment for non-working time / for:

    various payments, which consist of payment for hours not worked within a working day and payment for hours not worked;

    payment for regular and additional vacations;

    payment for educational leave and retraining of a profession;

    remuneration of employees, involvement in the performance of state and public duties;

    payment of preferential hours for teenagers;

    amounts paid to employees at the expense of enterprises forced to work part-time on the initiative of the administration;

    payment for downtime not caused by workers.

    Incentive payments include:

    one-time bonuses;

    bonuses for work at the end of the year;

    compensation for unused vacation;

    free shares issued as an incentive.

    Payments for food, fuel, housing / for:

    provision of free food and food for some industries, in accordance with the law;

    provision of free housing and communication services to workers in certain industries;

    The article provided free fuel.

    Calculate monthly, quarterly, annual salary funds for all categories of employees.

    The workers' salary funds for enterprises were studied in more detail.

    Calculated by this category:

    hourly salary fund (Fhour);

    daily salary fund;

    fund monthly (full) salary.

    Fhour represented the number of people/hours worked and consisted of:

    payment at piece rates;

    according to tariff rates;

    bonuses, compensation, payments for time worked.

    Fday = Fhour + payment for hours not worked, but subject to payment in connection with the labor contract (hours of downtime not due to the fault of workers, payment for preferential hours for teenagers ...), i.e. Fday represented the same wages for work per person/day.

    Fmonth = Fday + payment for non-working person/day (holidays, vacations, time off,...).

    Along with the salary, the average salary is calculated. Also in stat calculation:

    ur-ni avg hour salary;

    —//— daily salary;

    —//—monthly salary, quarterly, annual, etc.

    fav hour=Fhour/number of hours worked person/hour (rub)

    fwd days=Fdays/number of hours worked person/day

    fav month (quarter, year) = Fmonth (quarter, year)/Tav list of workers

    Fquart or annual receipt by *fav month for 4 or 12.

    There is a relationship between the average salary levels:

    fwd day=fwed hour*wed actual working day*Fday/Fhour

    fav month (quarter, year) = fav day * wed actual number of working months (quarter, year) * Fmonth (quarter, year)/Fday

    The dynamics of average salary was studied using indexes:

    Ifsv variable state=fsr1/fsr0=S f1dt1/S f0dt0

    dt0=T0/ S T0

    Ifpost= S f1dt1/S f0dt1

    Istr shift= S f0dt1/f0dt0=Ifstr/Ifpost

    Abs salary increase:

    D fsr=fsr1-fsr0=S f1dt1-S f0dt0

    due to changes in average salary in each industry:

    D fsr(f)=S f1dt1-S f0dt1

    by changing the number of working:

    D fsr(t)=S f0dt1-S f0dt0

    Examination: D fsr=D fsr(f)+D fsr(t)

    In the statistic of the definition of advertising, the increase in the salary fund:

    D F=F1-F0, including:

    due to changes in average salary:

    D F(f)=(fsr1-fsr0)*S T1

    due to changes in the number of workers.

    D F(T)=(S T1-S T0)*f0

    Examination: D F=D F(f)+D F(T).

    Main po-lem bargaining yavl TO. TO-sale of mat goods and services. He compiled from many acts of sale and purchase. The participants in these acts (pr-tsy and pok-li) play different roles in commodity circulation.

    The statistics builds a classification of TOs based on the role of sellers and populations in the process of reproduction of food societies. From this point of view, all acts of sale according to sellers / into 2 groups:

    enterprise and department of persons, selling goods of their own production (production of goods);

    Entrepreneurs sell purchased goods (trading organization).

    In case 1, the TO is called the manufacturers' TO, and S sales, where the 2nd group acts as sellers, is called the trade and intermediary TO.

    TO pr-lei + TO trade and intermediary = WTO.

    Also, all maintenance can be classified according to package type:

    the quality of goods is the actual consumption of goods;

    —//— act as bargaining organizations

    In 1 case S sales are called RTO, in the 2nd case - OTO.

    In trade, there is a multi-link system for the movement of goods, that is, a product passes through several links before reaching the consumer. Studying the links TD stat calculated

    Linkages = WTO/WHAT, where WHAT = RTO + wholesale sales outside the system.

    Definition and composition of RTO.

    RTO refers to the sale of consumer goods to the population for cash, regardless of sales channels. In this case, the sellers can be:

    Legal entities engaged in RT and public catering are the main activity for cat bargaining.

    Legal entities that carry out trade, but for the cat the trading activity is not the main one.

    Individuals and cats sell goods at clothing, food and mixed markets.

    To determine the RTO, stat authorities conduct Federal State Statistical Observation, the object of which is legal entities and their divisions, regardless of the form of ownership and departmental affiliation, namely:

    shops, pharmacies, tents, pavilions, kiosks, gas stations;

    distribution and distribution network;

    canteens, cafes, restaurants, bars, and other catering enterprises, both independent and on the balance sheet of enterprises, schools, universities, hotels, theaters, etc.

    In addition to selling goods to the public for cash, the RTO includes:

    sale of food products to individual legal entities by bank transfer from retail trade networks, small wholesale trading centers, from public catering networks (hospitals, children's institutions, nursing homes, etc.)

    sale of food products to legal entities for cash for catering for the population;

    sale of goods on credit;

    sale of goods by subscription.

    RTO studies the prices of actual sales for the reporting period on the basis of the primary documents of the commodity report and attached documents to it.

    RTO product structure.

    The product structure of RTO is represented by 92 product groups.

    RTO for a particular product can be determined based on the following dependence:

    RTO with undocumented expenses = Zn + P-Dr-Zk, where Zn, Zk are inventories at the beginning and end of the period, P - receipt of goods for the period, Dr - documented expenses.

    Undocumented expenses include such disposal of goods, which cannot be documented with specific goods, but a general S for all goods is recorded - loss of goods due to natural disasters, theft, shortages.

    Others are not retail sales and therefore are not included in the RTO. This includes:

    release of goods from catering enterprises;

    markdown of goods;

    natural loss of goods, etc.

    In order to determine the sales figures (RTO) for each product group, they resort to conventional calculations based on the assumption that undocumented expenses are distributed for the product in proportion to consumption. Basically, there are 2 methods of calculation:

    1. The conclusion is that the share of each product in the total amount of goods is calculated. Then the maintenance is distributed among product groups, in proportion to the consumption, for which the total is S Maintenance * for this specific weight.

    PTOi=Pi/ S P*PTO, where Pi is the flow rate for each. Group, S Р – total S expenses.

    2. The conclusion is that the determined share of maintenance in the total S consumption (RTO/S P), then the resulting ratio * for each product group to S consumption for each product group, i.e.:

    PTOi=(PTO/ S P)*Pi

    Studying the seasonality of retail sales of goods.

    Observing monthly or quarterly changes in the sales of goods throughout the year, you can notice the constant repeatability of fluctuations. The intensity of these fluctuations will vary, but one thing will be common - at certain times of the year, from year to year, there will be a steady reduction in sales of goods in some months, and an increase in sales in others. This phenomenon is called seasonality, and stable intra-annual fluctuations are called seasonal fluctuations.

    Seasonal fluctuations in sales may be due either to the specifications of the product, or to the seasonality of demand for a given product.

    Seasonal fluctuations are especially pronounced in the sale of agricultural products, because... Their production has a pronounced seasonal character. There are different statistical methods for identifying seasonal fluctuations:

    moving average smoothing;

    analytical straight line alignment;

    calculation of seasonality indexes.

    In the series of dynamics, seasonality can be determined in various ways. In those rows where there are no clearly pronounced trends, a trace of flu is used

    Is=(ysri/y0)*100, where ysri is the monthly average over the years, y0 is the monthly overall average.

    ysri= S yi for all years/number of years

    ysr0= S ysri/number of months over several years

    Use of in-sov in the analysis of RTO.

    When studying the dynamics of maintenance, statistics use the index method. Calculate the trace of the index:

    Ipq= S p1q1/S p0q0, where pq is the basis and period periods;

    Ind-s breaks down into 2 ind-s:

    General ind-s physical volume of maintenance, the cat can be calculated in 3 ways:

    1.Iq= S q1p0/S q0p0

    2.Iq= S iq*q0p0/S q0p0, iq=q1/q0=> q1=iq*q0

    3. Iq=( S q1p1/ip)/S q0p0, ip=p1/p0=> p0=p1/iq

    General ind. prices:

    IP= S p1q1/p0q1

    IP= S p1q1/(S p1q1/ip)

    IP= S p1q1/S

    Determine the relationship between the calculated indices:


    S p1q1/S p0q0=(S p1q1/p0q1)*(S p0q1/S p0q0)

    We find the absolute increase in total maintenance:

    D pq=S p1q1-S p0q0, including:

    due to price changes: D pq(p)=S p1q1-S p0q1

    due to the change in the number of products: D pq(q)=S p0q1-S p0q0

    D pq=D pq(p)+D pq(q)

    In the RTO statistic, the number of technical items per capita is widely used and the index of technical maintenance per capita is calculated:

    Id=D1/D0, where D-TO per capita.

    D1= S p1q1/S1, D0=S p0q0/S0, ​​where S is the population size.

    Then Id=D1/D0=Ipq/Is => Ipq=Id*Is

    Total increase TO=S p1q1-S p0q0, incl. due to:

    Changes in average per capita maintenance: D pq(d)=S D1S1-S D0S1

    Changes in number: D pq(s)=S S1Д0-S S0Д0

    women and men 16–59 years old;

    women 16–54 and men 16–59 years old.

2. The working population is:

    women 16–54 and men 16–59 years old;

    the entire population of working age;

    the entire population is of working age;

    a set of people of working age who, according to their psychophysiological data, are capable of participating in the labor process;

    persons 16–59 years old, with the exception of non-working war and labor invalids of the 1st and 2nd groups and persons receiving pensions on preferential terms.

3. The economically active population is:

    part of the population that provides its labor for the production of goods and services;

    working (employed) able-bodied population;

    unemployed people seeking work;

    working and non-working working population;

    the entire employed population, the unemployed and women on maternity leave and child care.

4 . Labor resources are:

    the entire working population of the country;

    working-age population of working age;

    working age workers;

    working and non-working able-bodied population, as well as those working younger and older than working age;

    part of the country's population that has the necessary physical development and health, mental abilities and knowledge to work in the economy of the republic.

Lesson 3 . Employment and unemployment in the Republic of Belarus

Target classes: acquire knowledge of the structure of the labor market, problems of employment and unemployment.

Form holding: student conference.

Themes speeches(chosen by students):

      The effectiveness of flexible forms of employment.

      Youth unemployment.

      Women's unemployment.

      Economic behavior of unemployed men and women depending on the duration of unemployment.

      Youth unemployment: problems, trends, prospects / Ed. Sokolova G.N.

      Mn., 1994. pp. 17-27.

      Women's unemployment: problems, trends, prospects / Ed. Sokolova G.N.

      Mn., 1995. P. 9-29.

      Flexible forms of labor as a mechanism for regulating employment // Social mechanisms for regulating the labor market / Ed. Sokolova G.N. Mn., 1998. pp. 174-178.

Employment and unemployment in the Republic of Belarus // Labor resource management: socio-economic aspect. Mn., 2002. P. 72-85. . Economic behavior of the unemployed in the context of unemployment duration. Mn. 1997. pp. 39-50.

Lesson 4

Target Demographic aspects of formation

Form labor resources

classes: acquiring knowledge in the field of population migration in the Republic of Belarus, its territorial mobility, age and national composition. carrying out: problem solving.

classes: acquiring knowledge in the field of population migration in the Republic of Belarus, its territorial mobility, age and national composition. Initial data

see table 23 and table. 24.

(Table 48):

Table 48

Population distribution by age groups

Age groups

Whole population

including age, years:

70 and older

Age not specified in the census

younger than able-bodied

able-bodied older than able-bodied

classes: acquiring knowledge in the field of population migration in the Republic of Belarus, its territorial mobility, age and national composition. Task three:

analyze the age structure of the population of Belarus.

(Table 49):  

Table 48

Table 49

Age structure of the population (at the beginning of the year)

Population distribution by age groups

Age groups


Whole population


70 and older

Age not specified in the census

younger than able-bodied

As a percentage of the total Continuation of the table. 49

classes: acquiring knowledge in the field of population migration in the Republic of Belarus, its territorial mobility, age and national composition. Of the total population aged:

Task four:

analyze the structure of the population of the Republic of Belarus by national composition.

(Table 50):

Table 50

Population distribution by age groups

National composition of the population

(according to population censuses, people)





Moldovans Continuation of the table. 50

classes: acquiring knowledge in the field of population migration in the Republic of Belarus, its territorial mobility, age and national composition. Other nationalities

Task five:

analyze the population dynamics of the republic.

(Table 51):

Table 51

Population of the Republic of Belarus

(for the beginning of the year)

The entire population

thousand people


In total


In total

population, % urban


It is believed that an unknown killer entered the homes of lonely grannies through a window. As a correspondent was told in the Atalez village council, on whose territory the village of Lapki is located, Valentina Pavlovna and Efrosinya Ivanovna lived quietly and rather modestly. And, nevertheless, according to the prosecutor of the Stolbtsovsky district Sergei Metelsky, among the motives for the crime is... self-interest. The grannies received a pension the day before, which brought a “tail” in the form of thugs into their home (7 days, No. 21, 05/26/01, p. 12). The crime was committed by a 23-year-old city resident, a native of the same village.”

Additional questions:

      What age groups of the population are represented in the event being analyzed?

      What are the age and role characteristics of these age groups?

      What was the controversy about between them?

      What crime prevention measures can be proposed in this case?

Additional data for discussion (Table 52):

Table 52

Certificate about pensions

Retirement age (years)

Minimum pension (USD)

Lesson 5 . Territorial labor mobility

Target lessons: analyze the migration situation in Belarus, its main flows, trends, costs and efficiency.

Form implementation: game situation “I choose a village to live in.”

“Nikolai Grigorievich trustingly, simply, with pleasure and in detail told that he himself was a villager, left there a long time ago, worked all his life in warehouses, and now, in his old age, he was drawn back to the village...” (Shukshin V.M. Stories. M ., 1975. P. 30).

“Which country would you like to live in? The patriot’s answer will amaze you with its devotion: “In your own.” The cosmopolitan will surprise you with unheard of cynicism: “In the one where I will feel good.” But it’s good, as you know, where we are not. And therefore, in any case, it will seem to a person that the ideal country for life is somewhere far away... The undisputed leaders in assessing Belarusians’ personal understanding of an optimistic future are Germany and the United States. 36.8% and 17.8% of respondents would like to live the way they live in these countries. Next on this list are Poland, Sweden, Switzerland, Lithuania and Latvia. Russia has a not very large percentage. But there are also a sufficient number of those to whom life in Belarus seems ideal (18.7%).

The opinion of UN experts who annually compile ratings of countries with a high level of human development: Canada, Norway, the USA, Australia, and Iceland traditionally lead in these ratings. Germany is only in 14th place.

Unsettled life quite naturally raises the question of the potential for emigration. How many residents of Belarus would like to leave their country? The indicator is quite alarming - one third of Belarusians (35%) are ready to do this. Germany, the USA and Poland lead the list of countries where citizens of our country would like to go to live.” (From the article by Shendrik M. Don’t leave your loved one unnecessarily // 7 days. No. 24 (06.16.01). P. 2.

Help 1.

In terms of population, Belarus ranks fifth among the CIS countries after Russia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan. Among European countries, Belgium, Hungary, Greece, Portugal, the Czech Republic and Yugoslavia have populations of ten million. (Population of the Republic of Belarus. Statistical collection. Mn., 2000. P. 7).

Help 2.

Cost of living index in various cities of the world: Tokyo first place in terms of cost (the cost of living in the capital of Japan is 140 standard points); 7th place in the list New York - 100 arbitrary points; 4th place in the world and the most expensive city in Europe - Oslo; Moscow fell back to 13th place. (Trud. July 10, 2001, p. 3).

Diagram 18. Game algorithm

Issues for discussion:

1. What country do you live in and why?

2. Which country do you want to live in and why?

3. Which country would you like your children to live in and why?

Lesson 6 . Sectoral mobility of labor resources

Target lessons: identify progressive trends in economic restructuring.

Form: scientific debate “Which industry do we need most?”

Functional Roles students choose:

- Prime Minister.

Representatives security forces ministries:

- Minister of Internal Affairs;

– Minister of Defense;

- Minister of Emergency Situations.

Representatives functional ministries:

– Minister of Labor and Social Protection;

– Minister of Economy;

- Minister of Finance;

– Minister of Statistics and Analysis.

Representatives industry ministries: industry; agriculture and food; forestry; architecture and construction; transport and communications; communications and information; trade; housing and communal services; healthcare; education; culture. (The names of line ministries have been clarified in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated February 12, 2004)

Industry representatives industry: Minister of Energy; Minister of Mechanical Engineering; Minister of Chemical Industry; Minister of Light Industry; Minister of Food Industry.

Production exercise: each participant selects statistical data for their industry and, based on them, tries to defend the right of their industry to exist and develop.

classes: acquiring knowledge in the field of population migration in the Republic of Belarus, its territorial mobility, age and national composition. see table 38 and table. 42, 53.

“That means you’ll become a car mechanic after technical school,” inquires the head of the admissions department, Sergei Prokofiev, examining the broken head of an 18-year-old guy. “It’s a good profession, in a couple of hours you can earn as much as a doctor in a month... Come on,” the patient stretches out an incredulous smile.

“He doesn’t believe me,” the doctor turns to me. “Today, a novice traumatologist receives about 24 thousand a month, a manager with the first qualification category receives about 38. And this is for such hard work!” (Mytko O. Why is it difficult to be a traumatologist // 7 days. No. 40. (09/30/00). P. 7.

Table 53

Distribution of the population of Belarus and Russia by economic sector

(as a percentage of the total)



Total employment in the economy







trade and public catering, logistics and sales, procurement

housing and communal services and non-production types of consumer services for the population

health, physical education and social security


Culture and art

science and scientific service

finance, credit and insurance


public associations

Diagram 19. Discussion algorithm

Lesson 7 . Economic and social methods and mechanisms for managing labor movements

Target classes: learn, depending on the situation, to use and combine different methods of managing and managing the labor movements of workers.

Form carrying out: game situation “If I were the director...”. Each student offers his own answer: “If I were the director, then in the practice of labor and human resources management I would change the following...”

Approximate answer options:

“If I were the director, I would replace the name “old-age pension” with the name “labor pension.” After all, this pension is not assigned to every woman when she turns 55, but only to those who have worked for at least 20 years by that time. So old age has nothing to do with it. It's all about length of service."

“I would definitely introduce a dance lesson in schools (after all, we teach singing to those who have had a bear step on their ear!). Dancing is not just entertainment. Dancing is, first of all, an excellent means of communication. So who else, if not the school, should take up the task of fostering a culture of this communication.”

“...On the boards that surround the construction sites, in addition to what is written - the name of the object, the name of the construction organization and the name of the foreman - I would add: the commissioning date. Then everything written on such billboards would put the construction site under everyone’s control.”

“If I were the director,” G. Shvets, head of the public reception of the “Zabaikalsky Rabochiy”, wrote to the editor of Literaturnaya Gazeta, “I would change the procedure in which adopted children are not equated with their own children” (according to the pages of Literaturnaya Gazeta).

ACTIVITY – the degree of participation of workers in the labor process.

CERTIFICATION is a procedure for determining the suitability of an employee (his qualifications, business and other qualities) for the position held.

BALANCE is a method and form of labor resource management that expresses the balance between their sources and areas of use.

UNEMPLOYMENT is a socio-economic phenomenon in which part of the working-age population cannot find a job, becoming a relatively surplus population, a reserve army of labor.

UNEMPLOYED – a person who wants and can work, but does not have a job.

BUSINESS is an economic activity aimed at making a profit.

GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT (GDP) is a general economic indicator of the result of labor at the societal level; expresses the value of goods and services produced in all sectors of the economy and intended for final consumption, accumulation and export.

VERTICAL MOBILITY - moving towards positions of higher prestige, income and power (social ascent) or moving down the social ladder (social degradation).

AGE STRUCTURE OF EMPLOYED – the ratio of individual unequal age groups in the total number of employees.

POPULATION REPRODUCTION – the process of constant renewal of generations of people due to the interaction of fertility and mortality; the result of the unity of three types of population movement: natural (fertility and mortality), spatial (emigration and immigration), social (social mobility).

DEMOGRAPHY is the science of population.

LAW is a necessary, essential, repeating relationship between the phenomena of the real world, which determines the stages and forms of development of nature and society.

REGULARITY is an objectively existing, repeating, significant connection between phenomena or processes.

EMPLOYMENT – participation of workers in the labor process.

WAGES are part of the newly created product, national income, allocated to workers for their personal consumption to satisfy material and spiritual needs, in order to ensure the reproduction of the population and labor resources of society.

EARNINGS – cash income received by an employee for his work.

COSTS – expenses of raw materials, material, energy, natural and other resources.

PRODUCTION COSTS – the sum of all expenses in monetary terms for organizing the production of goods or provision of services.

INTEREST is the deepest reason for human activity to satisfy his individual needs.

CAREER – a programmed sequence of professional roles through which vertical mobility of individuals is carried out in the labor process.

QUALIFICATION STRUCTURE OF EMPLOYEES – the ratio of groups with different levels of education in the total number of employees.

QUALIFICATION – the degree of professional ability of an employee.

COMPETITIVENESS in the labor market is the ability of a labor force subject to withstand competition from real or potential applicants for his job or to apply for another, more prestigious one.

COMPETITION – rivalry between individual producers for the most favorable conditions of production and sales.

CRISIS is a state of decline in economic development.

MATERIAL INCENTIVES – conditions and forms of obtaining material benefits that encourage workers and work collectives to actively participate in socially useful work.

MANAGER is a highly qualified specialist in the field of organization and management.

MIGRATION POLICY is the activity of the state and public organizations aimed, using various levers and methods, at regulating migration processes.

MIGRATION is the process of moving people across the borders of certain territories with a change of permanent place of residence or with a regular return to it.

MOBILITY – movement from one social group to another.

MOTIVE is a motivating reason, a reason for any action.

MOTIVATION is an incentive to action.

POPULATION is a collection of people, naturally formed historically and continuously renewed in the process of reproduction of immediate life.

NOMINAL WAGE - the amount of money that employees receive.

NORM is a recognized mandatory order that regulates human behavior in a certain situation.

TOOLS – ways to facilitate and improve human labor activity.

INDUSTRY is a homogeneous social group of people, identified on the basis of the unity of the purpose of labor, labor factors, and the uniqueness of organizational, technical and socio-economic working conditions.

GENDER is a sign that an employee belongs to the female or male group of labor resources.

POLITICS is the art of government.

OBJECT is a substance of nature, the transformation of which in relation to human needs is aimed at the purposeful labor activity of people.

BONUSES are one of the forms of material incentives for high performance indicators and an important element in the organization of wages.

BONUS is a probabilistic part of earnings that may be received (or not received) by an employee depending on the completion (or failure) of certain additional work tasks.

PROFIT – partial income of an enterprise, used by society to ensure the interest of the enterprise team in the results of its economic activities; is defined as the difference between sales revenue and production costs.

PRIVATIZATION is the process of transferring state property to private property.

PROGRESS – moving forward, changing for the better.

PRODUCTS are the result of labor in the material sphere.

LABOR PRODUCTIVITY – an indicator of labor productivity; characterized by the amount of product produced per unit of time, or the time spent on producing a unit of product.

SIMPLE LABOR – work that does not require special training from the employee.

PROFESSION – the main type of employment, an income-generating activity not prohibited by law.

LABOR PROCESS is the process of combining and consuming labor and means of production in order to create new use values.

REAL WAGE - the amount of goods and services that can be purchased for a nominal wage.

REGIONAL – related to any area (region), territorially limited.

REGRESS – moving backward, changing for the worse.

REDUCTION – reduction of elements of complex work to simple ones.

RESERVE – stock of production resources.

RESULT is the ultimate goal of expedient work activity.

RESOURCE – source of production costs.

MARKET is the sphere of the economy in which the process of commodity circulation, the exchange of goods and services between sellers and buyers, takes place.

LABOR MARKET – a system of economic relations for the purchase and sale of goods “labor power”, within the framework of which the demand, supply and price of labor resources are formed.

HIDDEN UNEMPLOYMENT is a type of unemployment when the number of workers in production exceeds what is objectively necessary.

COMPLEX LABOR – the work of a qualified employee is associated with significant additional costs for training, training and education of a qualified employee.

SOCIAL GROUP is a collection of individuals who have certain common characteristics.

MEANS OF PRODUCTION - a set of means of labor and objects of labor involved in the production process and used by people to create material wealth.

INCENTIVE - a reward or benefit that can motivate a person to be more active.

STIMULATION is a set of economic and social measures (levers) capable of directing people’s work activities towards the desired goal.

STRATIFICATION CHARACTERISTICS are a means of separating people into layers and groups and a means of uniting them into qualitatively homogeneous structures of society.

STRUCTURE is the relationship of individual groups among themselves and in relation to the entire population as a whole.

STRUCTURE OF LABOR RESOURCES - the ratio of individual, homogeneous in internal content specific groups, identified according to a certain characteristic, in the total number of employees.

STRUCTURAL UNEMPLOYMENT is unemployment that arises in connection with technological changes, as a result of which the new structure of jobs does not correspond to the existing professional and qualification structure of the workforce.

TREND – the direction of development of a phenomenon or process.

GOODS are a product of labor that has value and is distributed in society through exchange.

LABOR is the expedient activity of people to create material or spiritual goods necessary to meet the needs of people and society as a whole.

LABOR RESOURCES - part of the country's population that has the necessary physical development and health, mental abilities and knowledge to work in the economy of the republic. It is calculated as the working and non-working working population, as well as the working population younger and older than working age.

YOUTH LABOR RESOURCES - a set of young people who have the ability to work and have reached the age of access to work (from 16 to 29 years).

WORKING POPULATION - a set of people of working age who, according to their psychophysiological data, are capable of participating in the labor process.

WORK ABILITY – a person’s physical and intellectual ability to work.

SATISFACTION is a subjective characteristic of attitude towards work.

MANAGEMENT - coordination of the labor efforts of individual workers in the production process.

UNEMPLOYMENT RATE is the ratio of the number of unemployed people registered with the state employment service to the number of economically active population.

LIVING STANDARD - the degree to which the population is provided with the material and spiritual goods necessary for life.

EMPLOYMENT RATE - the share of the labor force that is employed at a certain moment in the total economically active population.

WORKING CONDITIONS – a set of factors in the working environment that influence human health and performance during the work process.

SERVICES are the result of labor in the non-productive sphere.

CAPITAL EQUIPMENT OF LABOR - the degree of equipment of labor with production fixed assets; determined by dividing the average annual value of funds by the average annual number of employees.

FRICTIONAL UNEMPLOYMENT – some people are in the process of changing jobs, i.e. at the stage of dismissal, search for a new job, registration of employment.

FUNCTIONAL STRUCTURE OF EMPLOYEES - the ratio of separate groups of workers, unequal in their role in the production process.

FUNCTION – dependence between various socio-economic processes or quantities.

GOAL is one of the main elements of a person’s conscious activity, characterizing the mental anticipation of the result of his work.

PRICE is the monetary expression of the cost of goods and services.

VALUE is a special social relationship through which the needs and interests of an individual or social group are transferred to the world of things, objects, and spiritual phenomena.

CYCLE is a time-limited process of labor activity.

CYCLICAL UNEMPLOYMENT – unemployment caused by a decline in production and a decrease in demand for labor.

NUMBER is a quantitative characteristic of labor resources.

ECONOMY – the art of economic management.

ECONOMIC POLICY is a course of action aimed at correcting an economic problem or avoiding its occurrence.

ECONOMICALLY ACTIVE POPULATION – part of the population that provides its labor for the production of goods and services. The economically active population includes the employed population and the unemployed registered with the state employment service.

ENERGY EQUIPMENT OF LABOR – the availability of labor with energy of all types.

EFFECT – full or partial achievement of certain technical, economic or social goals.

EFFICIENCY is the ratio of the results (effects) of human activity to the resources expended.

Diagram 17. Crossword: basic concepts about work

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Theory and public policy / Transl. from English / Ed. Kolosova R.P. et al. M., 1996.Introduction………………………………………………………...CHAPTER


Basic concepts about labor and labor resources

Chapter 1.




Classification of economic disciplines……………………….. 1.2.

The place of labor resources in the production system………….


Socio-economic development of the Republic of Belarus……….


Objective need for labor resources management Chapter 2.



Labor as a purposeful activity of people…………………….


Classification of elements of the labor process……………….……….. 2.3. Nature and content of work. Simple and complex work…………


The objective need for labor management…………………

Chapter 3.



3.1. Working-age population: concept and structure………………… 3.2. Labor resources: concept and structure………………….……….


Quantity and quality of labor resources……………….………..

Chapter 4.



Theory and public policy / Transl. from English / Ed. Kolosova R.P. et al. M., 1996.4.1.Concept and structure of the labor market……………………………………..

4.2. Features of the labor market in the Republic of Belarus……….………..

4.3. Analysis of labor market models (world experience) ……………………..


State regulation of the labor market……………………..

Chapter 5.


Structure of labor management bodies in Belarus Chapter 7.




Concept and indicators of the structure of labor resources…………….

7.2. Structure of labor resources by gender……………………………..


Structure of labor resources by age……………….……….. 7.4. Structure of employees by qualifications, industries, forms

ownership and functions……………………………..………………..

Chapter 8.


8.1. Demographic factors of labor resources……………………


Sex and age structure of the population as a factor in the formation of labor resources…………………………………….………………….


Labor resource balance as a management method………………..


9.1. The essence and functions of migration. Classification of main

migration flows………………………………………………………………..


Migration situation in Belarus: main flows and trends

9.3. Migration policy of the Republic of Belarus……………………

Chapter 10.




The concept of industry and progressive industry structure……...

10.2. Indicators of the sectoral structure of labor resources………….

10.3. Material and non-productive spheres of the economy………...

Chapter 11.



Uniqueness of industries in terms of labor cost structure………………..


Theory and public policy / Transl. from English / Ed. Kolosova R.P. et al. M., 1996.Production resources: concept and structure……………….11.3. Classification of effects by types, forms and levels

manifestations in certain industries……………………………………………..

11.4. The relationship between effects and costs as a method of assessment


Chapter 12.


Lesson 6. Sectoral mobility of labor resources………………

Lesson 7. Economic and social methods and mechanisms

labor movement management..……………………………………………………

Brief dictionary of basic terms……………………………...

Crossword clue………………………………………………………………..


Educational edition

Kuropyatnik Inna Ivanovna
