Which banks provide loans with temporary registration. How to get a loan with temporary registration? Which bank gives a loan with temporary registration?

You can live in Russia either with temporary registration or with permanent registration. Is it possible to get a loan from a bank if the applicant only has temporary registration? Do such borrowers give loans?

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What is this

Temporary registration or temporary registration is the placement of citizens of the Russian Federation and citizens of other states on migration registration for a certain period.

Such citizens are registered at their place of stay, that is, at the address where they will temporarily stay and reside.

Such registration is an official permit from the Migration Service of the Russian Federation to reside for a certain period at a specific address.

What is regulated

Registration of Russian citizens and citizens of foreign states is regulated by the following legislative acts:

  • which regulates the rules for registering and deregistering from migration;

Why registration is important for a bank

According to the bank, the client’s permanent registration indicates that he is serious! This is a certain indicator of stability!

When a client has an address where he resides permanently and is not temporarily located, this can facilitate the debt collection procedure if it arises.

The client’s temporary registration speaks for itself - the client is temporarily in this region, he can leave at any time. Therefore, the bank will be very wary of such a borrower, will conduct additional checks and may completely refuse to provide funds.

But, even if you have a temporary registration, you can get a loan from a bank.

As a rule, the bank is ready to issue a loan if its repayment period does not exceed the validity period of the temporary registration.

  1. But it is easier to get a loan if you have permanent residence in another region of the Russian Federation.
  2. It’s even better if in both regions (where it’s temporary and where it’s permanent), there are branches or branches of the lender bank.

Why is it more difficult to get a loan like this?

The bank also “painlessly” considers clients with temporary registration if the loan term and amount are small.

For example, getting a loan to buy a washing machine is easier than to buy a car.

It is much more difficult to obtain a car loan, although the subject of the transaction, that is, the car, is collateral, and the original title is kept in the bank. A car is a mobile vehicle. It can be taken to another region or out of the country. But, for this you will need to make a copy of the PTS, and this is not difficult!

Therefore, it is quite difficult for a client with temporary registration to obtain a car loan.

Which ones are available?

Having only temporary registration somewhat limits lending and the choice of loan products.

But, you can get the following loans:

  • consumer, both targeted and non-targeted. For example, you can buy a phone on credit;
  • loan with or without collateral;
  • mortgage.

Getting a car loan is not at all easy. It’s easier to get a consumer non-targeted loan and buy a car with these funds.

Video: registration is not important

In the absence of permanent residence

Not only citizens of the country, but also foreigners live and work in Russia. Citizens of the Russian Federation can have permanent registration in the country, and temporary registration in any subject.

Foreign citizens can only have temporary registration.

Can they get a loan?

Is it possible to

Is it possible to take out a loan if you only have temporary registration? An important condition for obtaining a loan is residing in the same region where the branch or branch of the creditor bank operates.

That is, the client must have either temporary or permanent registration in this entity.

This is important for the bank for 2 reasons:

  • monthly availability of loan payments;
  • constant contact with the borrower.

Getting a loan only if you have temporary registration is somewhat more difficult than if you have both permanent and temporary registration. But probably!

The main disadvantage of temporary registration is that it has its own urgency, that is, it may end.

Banks are very careful about the validity period of temporary registration. A loan will never be issued for a period exceeding the validity period of the registration.


Is it possible to get a loan on favorable terms?

The bank will issue a loan if the client only has temporary registration, under the following conditions:

  • the loan term will not exceed the period of temporary registration;
  • the loan amount will be slightly less than under the same conditions, but for a client with permanent registration;
  • interest rate may be 0,2 – 0,5% higher than for clients with permanent registration;
  • You can get a consumer loan or a mortgage, but a car loan is almost impossible.

Which banks provide loans with temporary registration?

Where can a citizen really get a loan if there is only temporary registration?

If you do not have permanent registration, but if you have it temporarily, you can get a loan from the following banks:

Bank's name Loan amount, in rubles Interest rate, % per annum Additional terms
Sberbank Before 1.5 million

Before 3 million

From 14,9%

From 13,9%

Cash without collateral

Cash with guarantee

Rosselkhozbank Before 1 million

Before 200 thousand

Before 10 million

Before 1.5 million

From 15,5%

From 14,5%

From 14,9%

Cash and without collateral

Loan for pensioners

Secured by housing

For the development of personal subsidiary farming

Gazprombank Before 10 million From 13,9%
CitiBank No more 2 million rubles

Before 5 million


From 15%

Non-targeted consumer loan

To repay loans taken from other banks

The amount, loan term, as well as the interest rate on loan products depend not only on the availability of temporary registration, but also on other factors that are important to the bank.

How to increase your chances of approval

A potential client can increase the chance of approval of their loan application through temporary registration without registration.

But, for this you need to provide additional evidence of the seriousness of your intentions, as well as your reliability.

These include:

  • having a long work experience in one company;

    To confirm, you must present a copy of your work record.

  • the presence of a stable additional income, in addition to earnings;

    You also need to submit supporting documents. For example, an extract from your account showing regular receipts of funds.

  • employment in a stable company that has a good reputation in the market;

    For example, if the client is already more than 5 years works for OJSC Gazprom, this significantly increases his chances of getting a loan, even with temporary registration;

  • the client is a salary client of this bank, and also has a pension card issued by this bank;
  • having a good credit history with the lending bank;
  • temporary registration in the subject of the federation where registration takes place;
  • if the client is legally married, then it will be a plus if the spouse has permanent registration in this region;
  • the bank does not have an outstanding or overdue loan;
  • Family status.

    If a client is married and has children, then he is considered more trustworthy than a single person.

All these factors must be supported by documents. Copies will be made of them (this will be done by a bank employee), which will be filed in the borrower’s “personal file”.

What other options are there to get a loan?

If you don’t have temporary registration, but you need money, but the bank won’t issue it, you can use alternative methods.

  • contact a microfinance organization;
  • contact a private investor.

Microfinance organizations are an alternative to banks; they issue short-term loans in small amounts.

Their advantage is that they do not pay attention to the client’s credit history, his earnings and registration.

You can get a loan from microfinance organizations without a credit history and without certificates. You can get a microloan from an MFO quite quickly - from the moment the application is approved, the moment the funds arrive in the account can only take an hour. You can’t get a loan from a bank that quickly!

You can get a loan from a microfinance organization in 66 years old, that is, at retirement age. Banks practically do not consider such clients!

But the disadvantage of MFOs is that loans are issued in small amounts and at very high interest rates. On average, MFOs issue microloans for 1 – 1.5% per day. When “transferred” to bank interest, this is about 365% - 550% per annum. That's a lot! In addition, late fees are also high!

Private investors also lend to the population, regardless of the presence or absence of permanent or temporary registration.

Their interest rates are slightly lower than those of microfinance organizations, and loan amounts are slightly higher. But finding a bona fide private investor is quite difficult!

You can contact a credit broker to arrange a loan.

The price of his services depends on the complexity of the design!


It is quite popular now to apply for loans using the World Wide Web. Many banks and microfinance organizations offer their clients services such as online loan processing.

  1. To do this, you need to visit the official website of the proposed lender.
  2. To make online registration available, you need to go through a simple registration procedure on the website.
  3. To do this, you need to fill out the appropriate form, indicating the required information.
  4. After all the information has been specified, an SMS message with a code will be sent to your mobile phone number, which must be entered in the appropriate field.

    The registration process on the site is completed!

  5. Now you can choose a loan product from those presented.

    This is also not difficult to do; you just need to fill out the form again. Now this is an online loan application! Electronic copies of documents must be attached to it. Which ones exactly will be indicated.

When submitting an application, you must also select a method for receiving funds. As a rule, borrowers prefer to receive funds in cash at the cash register or on a card. It's quite convenient!

But you should understand that you cannot apply for a mortgage or loan for a large amount online.


  • Due to frequent changes in legislation, information sometimes becomes outdated faster than we can update it on the website.

It is quite difficult to live in one place all the time, especially in our time, when the borders between countries are becoming more arbitrary. People go to study, work, or simply move for other reasons. Having registration - permanent or temporary - is necessary when solving many vital issues, such as: processing various documents, receiving medical care or educational services.

But is it possible to take out a loan with temporary registration? This will be discussed further.

Temporary registration

The procedure for temporary registration is described in the Rules approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 713 of July 17, 1995. In accordance with this regulatory document, all citizens who leave their place of residence for a period of more than 90 days are required to register at their new place of stay after this period.

To do this, you must submit to the registration authority:

  • Russian passport;
  • a document giving grounds for residence at the place of stay (lease, purchase and sale agreement);
  • applications for registration at the place of residence.

You can notify about a change of your place of residence:

  • by personally visiting the registration authority;
  • via the Internet by submitting an application through the State Services portal.

After receiving all documents, citizens are required to register at their place of residence within 3 working days.

Is lending possible?

Almost all lending institutions require that potential clients reside in the jurisdiction of one of their divisions. This is due, firstly, to avoid problems with the physical accessibility of making monthly loan payments, and secondly, it allows employees of the financial institution to constantly have contact with the borrower.

Getting a loan with temporary registration in the absence of a permanent one is somewhat more difficult, since banks are suspicious of people who do not lead a sedentary lifestyle: no one wants potential problems with finding an unscrupulous client.

Another negative aspect of temporary registration is its urgency: it is valid for a limited time, there are no guarantees of its extension, and a force majeure housing problem of the borrower can have a bad impact on the quality of debt servicing.

Therefore, one of the bank’s main requirements is that the person’s permanent residence permit matches the locality where the person is going to apply for a loan. For example, in St. Petersburg, a potential borrower must have local registration. It is also worth noting that when assessing a client’s creditworthiness, having a place of actual residence close to any branch of the bank allows him to score more points and increases the chances of getting a loan.

Banks that have a fairly wide branch network may not pay attention to the actual location of the potential borrower. One of these financial institutions is Sberbank: you can get a loan there if you have temporary registration, but you must present a document that confirms it.

Banks, if the client has a temporary registration, take into account the risks that cooperation carries. Thus, the final repayment period of the loan should not exceed the validity period of the temporary registration. This requirement applies to consumer loans. It should also be added that such clients are offered smaller loan amounts.

But it is almost impossible to get a car loan with temporary registration without registration: since the vehicle is quite easy to transport to another city and resell, and in such a situation the bank will have to spend a lot of time and resources to find a borrower and collateral.

Banks issue mortgage loans without paying attention to the presence of temporary registration, since almost always a mandatory condition for this banking product is the registration of the borrower in the subject of the mortgage. And the deposit, obviously, cannot go anywhere.

The list of large financial institutions that lend to borrowers with temporary registration includes:

  • Sberbank - consumer loans with and without collateral, mortgages are available for citizens with temporary registration;
  • Rosselkhozbank - a document on permanent registration is not needed, the main requirement is: the validity period of the loan should not exceed the period of validity of the temporary registration;
  • Bank of Moscow - the lack of permanent registration is also not a stop factor when lending.

No registration: video

Permanent registration is one of the mandatory conditions for receiving. But is it possible to bypass this condition? This question is asked by many potential borrowers today. Credit institutions try to hedge their bets, and registration provides certain guarantees. How do citizens who have only temporary registration get out of the situation? They are also given money on credit, but under slightly different conditions. And the procedure for receiving funds becomes noticeably more complicated.

Registration matters

You can withdraw money from a bank in cash on favorable terms upon presentation of specially collected documents and permanent registration. Even certificates confirming income do not have the same value as registration. The thing is that banks are very wary of persons without permanent residence.

In case of delay, it will be much easier to influence the client if he leads a sedentary lifestyle. But people who move from place to place do not inspire trust, even if this does not happen according to their wishes. Permanent registration is a kind of evidence of the financial stability of a potential borrower.

If a person is going to get a loan through temporary registration without registration, it is worth preparing for “special” conditions. Typically, banks require more documents, collateral and surety from such borrowers. Of course, each financial institution has its own lending conditions. Some banks generally refuse to deal with citizens without permanent residence. The advantages in such a situation can be a well-paid job and a positive credit history. Experts say that without registration it is much easier to get a credit card rather than a cash loan.

What kind of loan can you really get?

If banking organizations have an extensive network of offices and branches throughout the country, taking out a loan will not be so problematic. Such offices require Russian citizenship, but the person may be officially registered in another region. Not everyone pays attention to this.

If you want to take out a loan with temporary registration, the potential borrower must remember that the payment terms will be limited by the duration of its validity. Lending requirements vary depending on the type of product. It will not be difficult to get a consumer loan or a bank card. But at the same time, the percentage may be increased or guarantors may be required.

But those who want to take out a car loan will have a hard time. In fact, even the most loyal banks refuse to issue funds, because the car can easily be transported abroad and out of sight of the lender. But getting a mortgage is another matter. Having an apartment presupposes permanent registration, and the timing of temporary registration no longer matters.

What will help increase your chances?

You should not count on a large amount if you do not have responsible guarantors. In the absence of permanent registration, you can make obtaining a loan more realistic if you take funds as collateral. Banks are willing to lend money against valuable property. Guarantors have already been mentioned. This is a real opportunity to get money.

The stability of a potential borrower will be supported by the presence of positive characteristics from the place of work, a certified copy of the work record book, and salary certificates. All this can increase your chances of receiving funds. But this is not a guarantee of successful lending.

In Moscow/St. Petersburg and other cities of the country, the same situation is observed regarding lending with temporary registration. But you shouldn’t deprive yourself of the opportunity to solve existing problems. Everything is very individual, and bank decisions can be unpredictable.

List of loyal financial organizations and their conditions

Every potential borrower can find out which banks issue loans without permanent registration. Below you will find useful information that will help you compare offers from different financial organizations and select the optimal loan conditions.

Sberbank, Rosbank, Bank of Moscow, VTB-24 and some other companies are ready to make concessions and provide funds under certain conditions. Each potential borrower will decide for himself where it is more convenient for him to get money.
1. You can easily get a loan if you only have temporary registration. For example, “Consumer loan without collateral” is issued on a general basis. Third party guarantees may be required for approval of the application. It is also important to have a passport with a temporary registration stamp. If the above conditions are met, you will receive:

  • Cash in the amount of up to three million rubles.
  • With terms of up to five years.
  • With an interest rate of 16.5% per annum.

But it should be emphasized that for approval you will need a certificate confirming income and copies of your work book. Small benefits are provided to participants in Sberbank salary projects and pensioners who receive payments on bank cards. It is Sberbank that now occupies a leading position if it is necessary to receive funds on the specified conditions.

2. . When applying for a consumer loan, some problems may arise here. VTB Group of Companies does not provide loans to individuals without permanent registration. Do they offer other types of loans here? This question can be answered positively if it relates to a mortgage.

You can get a loan under the following conditions:

  • Amount from 500 thousand to 75 million rubles.
  • Duration up to 50 years.
  • Interest rate – from 12.65%.
  • A down payment of 30% is welcome.

The purchased apartment will require permanent registration. Otherwise, the loan will not be provided. It is convenient and profitable to receive funds to purchase an apartment when using the services of VTB-24.

3. . This financial organization has a very strict division into “friends and foes.” This means that bank representatives have a special attitude only towards salary clients. They are given the opportunity to receive funds without permanent registration. Regardless of registration, such clients can obtain a consumer loan under standard conditions:

  • The loan amount is from one hundred thousand to three million rubles.
  • Terms from 6 to 60 months.
  • The interest rate starts from 21 to 33% per annum.

The Bank of Moscow also provides the opportunity to obtain a mortgage on the following conditions for a potential borrower:

  • Amount – from 170 thousand rubles.
  • Payment terms range from 3 to 30 years.
  • Interest rate from 10.95% per annum.
  • The amount of the down payment cannot be less than 10% of the total cost of the loan product.

If the potential potential borrower is not a payroll client, he will need to apply for a loan at his actual place of residence. Otherwise, there is practically no chance of receiving funds.

4. Borrowers with a good credit history and registration in any region where the banking organization operates can get a cash loan from Rosbank. If the actual place of residence does not coincide with that indicated in the passport, then the work experience in the last place must be up to six months. This is a prerequisite for obtaining a loan with temporary registration.

Rosbank has an interesting offer for potential clients. You can borrow from 30 thousand to three million rubles for a period of six months to five years. The interest rate starts from 28.9% per annum.

If you do not know where you can take advantage of mortgage lending, it is worth considering the conditions of the specified organization:

  • Terms from 5 to 25 years.
  • Amount from 300 thousand to three million rubles.
  • Contribution – from 10%.
  • Interest rate from 12.8% per annum.

If necessary, a potential client can fill out an online application on the official Internet portal of any of these banks and receive preliminary approval for a loan. But you should not think that a positive decision has already been made in your case. This means that you can come to the bank with the necessary package of documents.

5. is another loyal banking organization that has many branches throughout Russia and offers to take out a loan without registration under temporary registration on acceptable terms for borrowers:

  • The amount of funds is from ten thousand to a million rubles.
  • Interest rate from 21% per annum.
  • Payment period is up to 5 years.

By the way, it is Rosselkhozbank that does not make permanent registration a prerequisite for receiving a cash loan. But third party guarantees or collateral will be required.

To summarize, we note that obtaining a loan without registration is quite possible, but in most cases, collateral in the form of collateral or a guarantee will be required.

The question of whether it is possible to take out a loan with temporary registration is more relevant than ever. There are many migrants living on the territory of the Russian Federation who do not have permanent registration.

It is also absent among many native Russians who moved from small towns to large populated areas. What should they do if they urgently need a loan? Is there a way out for Russian citizens without registration?

Why don't banks want to lend to citizens without registration?

Lack of permanent registration significantly reduces the applicant’s chances of receiving a loan. Banks classify such clients as a risk category. If the borrower refuses his financial obligations, bank employees simply will not be able to find him.

There is another reason. The applicant with registration usually has a property interest in the property or part thereof. This is a kind of guarantee for banks. After all, in case of refusal to repay the loan, the bank will be able to sue the property to compensate for its losses.

Despite the fact that many banks refuse to issue a loan with temporary registration and in the absence of permanent registration, it is possible to obtain one.

Differences between temporary registration and permanent registration

Temporary registration is different from permanent registration. The passport of a Russian citizen must have a stamp with the address of his permanent registration, that is, the place where he is registered.

In this case, the citizen is not obliged to live at the address indicated in the stamp; he can be located anywhere in the country. In this case, the person must have another registration – a temporary one.

Temporary registration is a certificate of the established form, which is included in the passport. According to the law, anyone who has lived for more than 90 days at an address other than the one indicated on the passport stamp must have a temporary registration.

Conditions for obtaining a loan for citizens with temporary registration

A citizen with temporary registration and lack of permanent residence can receive a loan if:

He lives in the locality where there are offices or branches of the bank;

The period of his temporary registration will not expire until the end of the loan agreement (that is, by the time the loan is repaid, the client must still be registered at the same address, his place of residence should not change);

The borrower's place of permanent official work is in the region where the bank branches operate.

Loan programs for persons with temporary registration differ from classic ones in high rates, small limits and a limited period.

Ways to get a loan without registration

There are financial organizations in Russia that are in the position of clients. After all, there may be good reasons for the lack of registration. Namely:

The citizen sold his home, checked out, but did not have time to purchase a new apartment and register there;
A citizen receives a mortgage in a new house, but has not received registration rights;
Lack of registration does not always mean lack of solvency.

Loans for persons without registration or with temporary registration can be obtained from microfinance organizations. Organizations will offer financial assistance in the amount of up to 15,000 or 20,000 rubles.

How to improve lending conditions?

When applying for a loan with temporary registration, you need to assure the bank of your solvency and reliability. You can do this as follows:

Find a reliable guarantor with permanent residence in the region where the loan is issued;

Contact only those structures that have representative offices at the borrower’s place of residence or permanent work;

Provide the most complete package of documents: passport, second identification document (military ID, pension card, driver’s license, etc.), certificate of average earnings, copy of work record book;

Leave collateral in the form of real estate, securities, vehicle passport or the car itself.

The more information the applicant provides to the bank, the more favorable the loan terms will be. If a potential client confirms solvency, good credit history or offers liquid collateral, the bank will increase the loan amount, reduce the rate and extend the term.

Where can I get a loan with temporary registration?

"Bank of Moscow";
VTB 24.

"Bank of Moscow"

The financial institution lends to all categories of citizens without registration. The most favorable conditions are provided to salary and corporate clients. They will be able to get a loan in the amount of up to 3,000,000 rubles for a period of up to 5 years.

The rate will be 21-33%. If a client does not receive a salary on a bank card, he can only contact the branch that is located at his actual place of residence. The conditions for it will be selected individually.


The main bank of the country works with all clients on general terms. Under the program for persons with temporary registration, you can receive a loan in the amount of up to 3,000,000 rubles. The loan is issued for 5 years. The rate starts at 16.5%.

To approve a loan application, you must present a complete package of documents to the bank, have a good credit history and a guarantor.

VTB 24

At VTB24, you can only get a mortgage without permanent registration. But with the condition that you immediately register in the acquired space. A mortgage loan is issued in the amount of up to 75,000,000 rubles. The loan term is 75 years, and the rate is 12.5%.

All Russian citizens over the age of 21 can apply for a loan to the listed banks. It is also important to have a permanent job, an above-average income and at least 6 months of experience.

Every Russian without permanent registration can apply for a loan. The MFO will offer him a small loan, and the bank will offer him a loan for a decent amount. It is enough just to establish yourself as a responsible client.


A credit institution, when issuing a loan to a borrower, expects to repay the debt in full, with accrued interest for using the loan. When applying for a loan, banks consider the client’s solvency, credit history, as well as many other factors that can affect the conscientious repayment of the loan. One of these factors is continuous registration. But the presence of temporary registration does not exclude the possibility of obtaining a loan.

Not all credit institutions will agree to issue a loan to a borrower without local registration. Having a residence permit can reduce the risk of possible problems with loan repayment. A loan to a borrower with temporary registration is issued for the period while his registration is valid. Usually no more than 5 years. The bank may set the loan repayment period before the expiration of the temporary registration.

Banks have increased requirements for borrowers with temporary registration. You will need to submit more documents and certificates. The borrower must be a citizen of the Russian Federation. The presence of collateral and 1-2 guarantors who have permanent local registration and are able to document their solvency will significantly increase the chances of loan approval for a client with temporary registration. It is preferable to apply for a loan from a bank that has a branch in the city where the borrower is permanently registered.

If a borrower wants to borrow a small amount of money, it is easier to get a credit card. When applying for a credit card, registration does not play a big role.

A big plus is having a permanent job in the city where the client takes out a loan. In this case, you will need to submit to the bank a certificate from your place of employment indicating your salary. The borrower must work in this place for at least 6 months. If you have a permanent job, the bank will issue a loan even with temporary registration.

A good credit history plays an important role when considering documents for a loan. If the client has already taken out a loan from the bank and there were no problems with its repayment, the bank will have more confidence in such a client. It’s good if the borrower has a positive credit history in the bank where he is currently applying for a loan.

A borrower with temporary registration should first contact banks that have many branches throughout Russia. These are banks such as: Sberbank, VTB 24, Gazprombank, Rosselkhozbank, Russian Standard, Alfa-Bank, Oriental Express Bank, Home Credit.

When applying for a loan from a bank, it is worth considering several lending institutions to choose the most preferable loan program. The borrower should be prepared for the fact that a loan with a temporary registration will most likely be issued with a higher interest rate. If the borrower plans to repay the loan early, you should check that the contract contains a clause on early repayment without penalties.


Why registration is important for a bank

​For a bank, having permanent registration is a kind of indicator of client stability. This can also make it easier to contact him if there are problems with timely repayment of debt.

Temporary registration may indicate that the potential borrower has problems with housing or that work in the region is temporary. Although this is not always true. A client, for example, may have permanent registration and temporary registration at his place of study or place of work, including when he is on a long business trip.

Whatever the reasons for temporary registration, the bank will be more wary of such a client. However, it is possible to get a loan if you provide the lender with additional evidence of your reliability. Such factors may include:

  • Availability of a certificate and an entry in the work book about long work experience at the last place of work.
  • Work in a stable company that has a good reputation.
  • Income confirmed by personal income tax certificate-2.
  • Availability of additional stable income.
  • Having a good credit history with the bank where you plan to apply for a loan. Its complete absence may not work in favor of the potential borrower.

  • The borrower has a bank salary or pension card and deposit agreements.
  • Availability of a guarantor with permanent residence in the region where the loan is issued.
  • If the client is married, then a positive factor will be the presence of permanent residence in the region where the loan is issued for the spouse.
  • Availability of property in a region where there is temporary registration. It is better to document all property.
  • Lack of existing loans from other banks. A large number of existing loan agreements, even if there is sufficient income, can cause refusal.
  • Family status. Most banks consider married borrowers with children as more reliable, even if they do not have permanent residence in the region where the loan was received.

The easiest way to get a loan is with temporary registration, if you have permanent registration in another locality. There will be no problems if there is a branch of this bank in both regions. It is more difficult to get a loan in a situation where there is no permanent registration at all. This could be, for example, in a situation where a home has been sold but a new one has not yet been purchased.

The ability to apply for a loan without permanent registration also depends on the amount and for what purpose the borrower wants to receive the money. If it is a small consumer loan, then most likely there will be no problems. If we are talking about a large loan, then the likelihood of being rejected without providing collateral is much greater.

Banks are more loyal to clients with temporary registration if they want to get a mortgage. The desire to purchase housing in the region of temporary registration may indicate that the client intends to live and work here permanently, and is likely to register at the address of the collateral property on a permanent basis.

The most difficult thing for such a client is to get a car loan. Although it acts as collateral, it is very easy to move it to another part of the country. The client can simply issue a duplicate PTS. As a result, it will be difficult for the bank to forcibly repossess the car if the borrower does not fulfill his obligations.

Banks providing loans based on temporary registration

It is easier for a borrower with temporary registration to get a loan from a bank that has an extensive branch network. Such lenders are more loyal to the lack of permanent registration.

Sberbank issues loans to clients with temporary registration. If there is no permanent registration, then the term of the loan agreement will be limited by the registration period. If it is available, but in another region, a loan can be obtained on a general basis. At Sberbank without permanent registration you can get:

  • cash loan without collateral in the amount of up to 1.5 million rubles, at an interest rate of 14.9%;
  • loan with a guarantee from an individual, amount - up to 3 million rubles, interest - from 13.9%;
  • education loan with government support;
  • mortgage loan, both for the purchase of real estate on the secondary and primary markets;
  • credit card.

The presence of confirmed income, the absence of a negative credit history and compliance with age limits makes it possible to obtain a loan from a bank regardless of your permanent residence address. Sberbank is more loyal to clients who receive wages on a bank card, or who have taken out a loan in the past and successfully repaid it. In addition, this category of borrowers can count on the lowest interest rates and additional benefits. The bank declares that each application is considered individually.

Issues loans to clients with temporary registration and Rosselkhozbank. However, it does not put forward any additional requirements for clients regarding the place of their permanent registration.

At Rosselkhozbank you can get:

  • consumer loan without collateral at an interest rate of 15.5%, the amount cannot exceed 1 million rubles;
  • special loan for pensioners at an interest rate of 14.5%, amount - up to 200,000 rubles;
  • non-targeted consumer loan secured by housing in the amount of up to 10 million rubles, at 16% per annum;
  • loan for the development of personal subsidiary farming. The rate under the program is from 14.9%, the loan size is up to 1.5 million rubles;
  • mortgage loan under various programs.

To obtain a car loan, permanent registration at the location of the bank branch is required.

Gazprombank issues loans to clients registered in the Russian Federation or legally residing in the country. Having only temporary registration is not an obstacle to obtaining a consumer loan, including refinancing debt to another bank. The amount depends on the availability and number of guarantors, the rate is 13.5%. To obtain a loan for the purpose of purchasing housing or a car, permanent registration in Moscow, the Moscow region or regions where bank branches are present is required.

It is possible to get a loan through temporary registration with VTB24. The bank offers the following programs:

  • consumer loan without collateral. The rate and maximum loan depend on the needs and category of the borrower;
  • mortgage loan for the purchase of finished and under construction housing;
  • credit cards.

To obtain a car loan, you must have permanent residence in any region where there is a bank branch.

Loans to individuals with temporary registration are issued by Citibank. The main requirement is permanent registration in any region of the Russian Federation. But there is only a certain list in which a potential borrower can have temporary registration and work.

The following loans are available from Citibank:

  • non-targeted consumer loan in the amount of no more than 2 million rubles;
  • a loan to repay one or more loans from other banks, the interest rate will be 15% per annum.

You can submit an application on the bank’s website and receive a response within a short period of time.

The presented review of loan offers from banks that are ready to issue money to clients with temporary registration is far from exhaustive. Many banks are ready to work with such borrowers, although their number has decreased over the past couple of years. To receive a loan, a client with temporary registration must ideally meet other requirements. If, at the first application, your application was rejected due to temporary registration, you can be persistent and convince the bank of your trustworthiness using other arguments.


Is it possible to take out a loan with temporary registration?

The trend of bank refusals for citizens who were able to obtain only temporary registration in the city of residence still persists. However, large financial companies with dozens of offices in the regions are not as critical of the presence of a time stamp in a passport as they were 5-10 years ago. If the client has already used the bank’s services, taken out loans or opened accounts, the lender may turn a blind eye to this “shortcoming”.

The following factors will play in favor of the borrower:
salary client status;
open and regularly replenished deposit;
perfect rating for the last 3 years;
employment in a stable company for 1 year;
high salary level, confirmed by 2NDFL;
availability of property as collateral;
the presence of a guarantor with a good history and registration.

If the applicant is officially employed and does not intend to leave the region of residence, temporary registration may affect the loan period and its limit. Lending conditions in most financial companies limit the loan repayment period to the end date of registration in the region of residence.

Bank's name Sum Term Information Decor

up to 1,000,000 up to 5 years Rate from 11.5%
Review time up to 1 hour
Without certificates and guarantors
Possible according to bank form
Age from 26 years
Russian citizenship

from 30 000
up to 300,000
24 – 60 months Age from 24 to 70 years
Rate from 10.9% - 39.9% per annum
Without certificates or using bank form
Any borrower
Without guarantee
No collateral
Insurance possible

from 50 000
up to 1,000,000
12 – 36 months Rate from 10.99% to 25.99% per annum
Review period is up to 5 days.
Constant source of income
No collateral required
Age from 21 years.
Russian citizenship

from 50 000
up to 1,000,000
3 – 36 months Age from 18 to 70 years.
Interest: from 12% to 28.9% per year
Without certificates
Any borrower
Without guarantee
No collateral
Without insurance

up to 300,000 passport.
up to 600,000
up to 7 years Rate: from 11.99% per annum
Review from 2 hours
Receipt by passport
Certificate of income.
Age from 21 years.
Russian citizenship

from 300 001
up to 1,000,000
12 – 60 months Rate: from 12.9% per annum
All you need is a PASSPORT and SNILS
Solution in 1 minute!!!
Receipts on two documents
Age from 18 to 65 years
Russian citizenship

from 10 000
up to 1,000,000
12 – 84 months Rate from 12.9% to 24.9% per annum
Constant source of income
Good credit history
Age from 22 to 69 years.
Russian citizenship

up to 400,000 up to 12 months Percentage from 12%
Review period is 1 day.
Passport, 2 personal income taxes, 3 months
Age from 35 years.
Russian citizenship

up to 1,000,000 up to 5 years Rate: from 11.5%
Review period is up to 24 hours.
Possible according to bank form
Age from 21 years
Russian citizenship

up to 1,300,000 up to 5 years Rate from 11.9%
Review period is from 30 minutes.
Passport, copy of employment record, 2 personal income taxes
Possible according to bank form
Age from 23 to 70 years.
Russian citizenship

On what conditions is a loan given for temporary registration?

With restrictions on registration, you can get a small consumer loan for a purchase in a store, a cash loan from a bank office, or a mortgage against a mortgage for the purchased home. However, you can’t count on a minimum percentage when issuing a loan - the conditions for providing funds will not be very favorable:
the loan rate will be at least 3-5% higher;
To obtain a loan, you will need certificates from your employer;
it is possible to attract friends and relatives as guarantors;
official confirmation of salary level according to the 2NDFL certificate;
provision of additional documents - SNILS, international passport, diploma, license, TIN, etc.

The more documents and certificates the borrower can provide, the higher the likelihood of receiving loan approval. The bank requests a guarantee only in extreme cases, when the applicant has no credit history or insufficient income to repay the loan.

Loan with temporary registration - banks with high loyalty

To choose a bank for a loan, think about your financial experience. Look into your wallet: do you have credit cards, payroll or debit plastic. Perhaps you have already taken out a loan from one of the branches of a large financial company or made a deposit at an office near your home. The greatest loyalty can be shown by a bank whose regular client you have been for several years. It is his department that you should contact first. Let's consider well-known banks where you can take out a loan with temporary registration on acceptable terms.


The most popular Russian bank is ready to support citizens with temporary registration, but its loyalty will be limited by the validity period of the stamp. But if the applicant has permanent residence in another region of the country, financial assistance can be received on a general basis.

The applicant has access to:
cash loans for any purpose at a rate of 11.9% per annum;
loans to owners of subsidiary plots up to 1.5 million at 17% annually;
mortgage loans from 8.6% secured by housing under construction and purchased;
refinancing program for up to 5 loans at a fixed rate of 11.5%.

The chances of a positive decision increase significantly upon presentation of an official certificate of income and willingness to provide living space as collateral. Decisions on each request are made individually, the consideration period is up to 5 working days.


This financial organization shows loyalty to working citizens, without making special requirements for the timing and place of registration. The only condition is the presence of Russian registration in the area of ​​​​the open branch of the credit institution. Therefore, bankers do not pay attention to temporary registration in another region.

Each client with a positive rating can take advantage of the following offers:
take an unsecured cash loan from 10.5% per year;
take advantage of the lending program for owners of individual subsidiary plots – also from 10.5% annually;
apply for a mortgage with a mortgage on the purchased housing at rates of 5% per annum.


Commercial organizations included in the TOP 20 of the Russian rating also simplify the conditions for obtaining loans. Working citizens have access to a bank loan with temporary registration for an amount of no more than 1 million rubles in cash and credit cards up to 300,000 rubles under standard conditions.

Loan rates are as follows:
The credit card is issued at 22.9-32.9% per annum with a limit of 15–300 thousand rubles under normal conditions, up to 600 thousand for premium plastic holders.
Consumer loan in cash at 12.6-19% annually for any purpose. It is possible to obtain a loan secured by a car.
A mandatory condition for clients is residence and employment in the cities where Citibank has an office: Moscow, Ufa, St. Petersburg, Rostov-on-Don, Samara, etc. Payers of loans from other banks do not need proof of income.

This is not the entire list of financial institutions that are ready to issue a cash loan to a borrower with temporary registration. Gazprombank, VTB, Post Bank, Home Credit and other organizations are ready to consider a loan application.

In order for the creditor to make a positive decision on the request of a citizen with temporary registration, the payer’s reputation must be ideal. The absence of arrears on previous loans, an open debit account or regular use of a credit card will convince bank employees of the client’s trustworthiness.


Loan with temporary registration in the absence of permanent registration

Permanent registration is a stamp in a passport indicating indefinite residence in a certain place. Temporary registration is an additional certificate that is issued in person; it has its own validity period. This period is in most cases the opportunity to obtain a loan.

Many banks are reluctant to give loans to citizens with non-permanent registration. However, at the moment, the largest banking institutions, which have an extensive network of branches and offices, are meeting borrowers halfway. There are several main points that can smooth out the lack of permanent residence registration for an applicant:

  • if the citizen is already a client of the bank, has an account, deposits, and receives a salary through this bank;
  • having a good credit history, if he has conscientiously repaid loans from the same bank, this will be another plus;
  • permanent place of work and stable documented income;
  • the presence of collateral or a guarantor with permanent registration.

Typically, temporary registration does not add difficulties to the loan application and does not aggravate its conditions. Most often, it can only affect the term of the loan - according to the conditions of some banking institutions, it should not exceed the period of validity of the capital certificate.

Where to get a loan without a residence permit with temporary registration

The best way to take out a loan without permanent registration is to contact a large bank. At the same time, you should worry in advance about documenting your solvency. If the applicant can provide the necessary documents and show the bank that the company carries minimal risks in lending, then they will give him a loan quite easily.

The main banks where you can get a loan with temporary registration are as follows:

  • Sberbank;
  • VTB 24;
  • Rosselkhozbank;
  • Alfa Bank;
  • Gazprombank;
  • Russian standard;
  • Bank of Moscow.

Is it possible to get a loan from Sberbank with temporary registration?

When asked which bank you can take out a loan with temporary registration from, you can first advise contacting Sberbank. It has a developed network of branches and is ready to provide applicants with a loan if they have only temporary registration.

The terms of such lending will be as follows:

  • the applicant will be able to apply only for certain lending programs, this includes some consumer and car loans;
  • the term of the loan agreement should not exceed the period of validity of the capital certificate;
    the loan will be issued in smaller amounts with a larger overpayment of interest;
  • the applicant must submit additional documents confirming his solvency;
  • Having a salary account or card allows you to slightly improve lending conditions at Sberbank, this applies to the interest rate and loan volume.

Under current conditions, a consumer loan to a citizen of the Russian Federation with temporary registration in Sberbank is given for a period of up to five years. The maximum loan amount can reach up to one and a half million, and the interest rate will fluctuate between 20-35.5%.

Loan without registration in passport with temporary registration - conditions

In the absence of permanent registration in the passport, they usually only give a consumer loan. The conditions under which it will be given will be slightly different:

  • a high interest rate provides the bank with compensation for risks;
  • a positive credit history often becomes a fundamental point; with a bad credit history and lack of permanent registration, it is very difficult to obtain a loan;
  • presentation of additional documents that can provide maximum information about the client;
  • attracting guarantors or co-borrowers, providing collateral;
  • official confirmation of permanent employment and income.

Take a cash loan

You can take out a loan with temporary registration in the absence of permanent registration in cash on convenient terms not only in banks. Since in this case you can usually only get a consumer loan, the question of cash becomes relevant. Their provision usually does not cause difficulties, provided that all requirements for the borrower are met.

Also, for cash loans in the absence of permanent registration in the passport, an application can be submitted to microfinance organizations. Their lending conditions are somewhat more difficult in terms of interest. But at the same time, you can take out a payday microloan in cash from microfinance organizations. A short period of consideration and registration, quick provision of a loan and a minimum number of documents for it often become the best option for many borrowers.


Which banks provide loans with temporary registration:

  • Sberbank;
  • VTB 24;
  • Alfa Bank;
  • Home Credit Bank;
  • Gazprom Bank;
  • Rosselkhozbank;
  • Rosbank;
  • UralSib.

To count on receiving a loan, it is not enough to find a bank that allows registration of citizens with temporary registration. Since persons who do not have permanent registration belong to a group of increased risk of loan default, it is advisable to meet all other parameters for approval.

Banks.is recommendations for obtaining approval for loans with temporary registration:

  • It is better to contact those Banks in which you have already appeared as a client (received a salary, took out a loan, kept a deposit);
  • Employment must be official;
  • The monthly payment should not exceed 40% of the salary after payment of all utility bills and expenses for dependents;
  • It is advisable to provide the bank with a certificate of income in form 2NDFL;
  • Work experience – more than a year, number of places of work over the last 3 years – no more than two;
  • No credit burden in other banks;
  • Having a good credit history;
  • Owning real estate will be a big plus (indicate even shared ownership);
  • The loan period must end earlier than the temporary registration.

To make it easier for you to understand which client is considered the most suitable for a bank, be sure to read this article.

Permanent registration at the place of application to the bank is one of the requirements that most banks impose. This condition allows the credit institution to significantly reduce the risk of non-repayment of borrowed funds. However, there is a category of borrowers who can only provide temporary registration.

Why does registration matter?

Getting a loan with temporary registration is quite difficult these days. Banks are very wary of persons who do not have a permanent place of residence.

The explanation is simple - permanent registration guarantees a certain degree of residence for a person, his long-term stay in the area where the loan was issued. This greatly facilitates working with the client, and in the event of overdue debt, it allows you to influence him in various ways.

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Also, permanent registration indirectly indicates the satisfactory financial condition and stability of the borrower. When there is only temporary registration, a person may have difficulties with housing, which will soon affect the nature of the fulfillment of loan obligations.

Registration Requirements

The borrower's registration must not only be permanent, but also correspond to the locality where the loan is planned to be issued. For example, only a person with Moscow registration can get a loan in Moscow. It does not matter where the borrower works and actually lives.

The only exceptions may be those organizations that have a wide, extensive network of additional offices.

For example, Sberbank only requires permanent registration in the Russian Federation, regardless of the location of the settlement. This is due to the fact that this institution has branches in the most remote corners of the country.

In the case where the bank client is only able to provide temporary registration, the bank will clearly limit the loan period to the expiration date of its validity. Also, a financial institution can set a deadline for full repayment of the debt for a certain period before the registration ends.

Types of loans

Registration requirements for different loan products may differ significantly.

A regular consumer loan can be issued to a borrower with temporary registration if the amount is small and the registration period is sufficient. In this case, the bank may offer a guarantee or increase interest rates.

Many people wonder whether it is possible to take out a car loan if there is no permanent registration. Banks unanimously refuse this service to such categories of persons.

Despite the impressive collateral and property insurance, a borrower who does not have a long-term place of residence will not be considered reliable.

It is easy to transport a car to another part of the country, but it will be extremely difficult to find a persistent defaulter who does not have a permanent residence permit.

In mortgage lending, the situation is completely different. The issue of registration is resolved extremely simply: applying for a mortgage requires the borrower to permanently register in the apartment. In this situation, even the expiration date of temporary registration has little meaning. In addition, collateral real estate better guarantees the minimum risk of the bank.

How to increase your chances?

There are certain factors that may influence a bank's decision not to issue a loan with temporary registration.

You should not exaggerate your capabilities - it is impossible to obtain a large amount of borrowed funds for a long period if the temporary registration expires in a few months.

No bank will take such a risk, even with an increase in loan costs. When submitting an application, you should take into account the deadlines indicated on the registration form.

To increase the chances of approval of a loan application, it is recommended to provide a guarantee of persons who have a permanent residence permit or a temporary one, subject to a long period of validity. This will act as an additional guarantee of the safety of bank capital, and the application may be approved.

It is also possible to issue collateral, as in the case of mortgage lending. For example, if the borrower has commercial real estate or a garage, the bank will willingly accept this property as collateral and issue the required amount.

Other ways to influence the creditor are to provide a reference from the place of work, a copy of the work book confirming long experience in one place. All this information will speak in favor of the stability and reliability of the borrower’s personality.

Where to get


Sberbank of Russia issues consumer loans based on the temporary registration of the borrower.

A mandatory condition for approval of the application is the guarantee of third parties and the provision of a document confirming registration at the place of residence.

The conditions for such clients will not differ from the standard lending parameters at Sberbank:

  • amount – up to 3 million rubles;
  • rate – from 16,5% ;
  • deadline - until 5 years.


Here you cannot apply for a consumer loan without permanent registration. However, it is possible to take advantage of one of the offered mortgage products.

Purchasing housing on the secondary market with a mortgage is carried out under the following conditions:

  • rate – from 12,65%;
  • from 500 thousand up to 75 million rubles;
  • deadline - until 50 years;
  • required down payment – ​​from 10 before 30% .

A prerequisite for this product is the transfer of the property as collateral and registration of permanent registration in the purchased apartment.


Rosselkhozbank does not require permanent registration of the borrower as a prerequisite. However, the period for repayment of the debt should not exceed the remaining validity period of the temporary registration.

You can get a secured consumer loan under the following conditions:

  • amount – from 10 thousand up to 1 million rubles;
  • deadline - until 5 years;
  • rate – from 21% ;
  • Security is required - a guarantee from an individual or the pledge of property with sufficient liquidity to the bank.


Rosbank does not issue consumer loans to borrowers with temporary registration. But here you can get a mortgage loan.

The product, called “Start Small,” is designed to provide housing to those categories of bank clients who do not have sufficient capital to purchase a one-room apartment.

The lending parameters are as follows:

  • amount – from 300 thousand up to 3 million rubles;
  • term – from 5 before 25 years;
  • rate – from 12,75%;
  • required contribution – from 10% .

Bank of Moscow

The Bank of Moscow allows the absence of permanent registration for borrowers applying for a mortgage.

The service is provided here under the following conditions:

  • rate – from 10,95% ;
  • amount – from 170 thousand rubles;
  • term – from 3 before 30 years;
  • required contribution – from 10%.

comparison table

Type of loan Bid Sum Term Term
Consumer From 16.5% Up to 3 million rubles Up to 5 years Security in the form of a guarantee is required
VTB 24
Mortgage From 12.65% Up to 75 million rubles Up to 50 years old Deposit of the purchased apartment and registration in it
Consumer From 21% Up to 1 million rubles Up to 5 years Surety, pledge of liquid property
Mortgage From 12.75% Up to 3 million rubles Up to 25 years
Bank of Moscow
Mortgage From 10.95% From 170 thousand rubles Up to 30 years old Pledge of property and permanent registration in the apartment

An analysis of bank proposals indicates that obtaining a consumer loan with temporary registration is possible, but the credit institution will require some kind of collateral - a guarantee or a pledge of property.