Where to change a temporary policy to a permanent one. How and where to change the compulsory medical insurance policy? The application must indicate

Issued to every adult citizen of Russia, who in return receives assistance from specialized personnel absolutely free of charge.

Having applied for a service to an institution, a person, showing a document, thereby shows which company makes the payment. Where to change your medical policy, how to do it, how much time and money it will take - this will be discussed in the article.

Past or present

Three years ago, the state completely replaced the old model, so the question of where to change the medical insurance policy became more acute. It is worth noting that the first type of document has not yet gone out of circulation, being valid along with the updated version. At the moment, the expiration date has not been announced, which means that you can make a replacement quickly and without tiring queues.

Main differences

The main advantage of an insurance policy is the ability to make an independent choice in favor of any company, organization or group providing its services in this area. The second positive point is the use of the modern version anywhere in the country, regardless of the specific registration of an individual. The link to the regional indicator has also disappeared. Now you can undergo treatment from a specialist chosen by the consumer. This approach eliminated complaints against the proposed district officer and forced institutions to get rid of unclaimed personnel.

At the moment, when wondering where to change a medical policy, a citizen must first decide on an insurance company. Many of them cooperate with paid clinics, and if a document is available, the consumer will be offered a full range of services. In addition, thanks to the development of technology and the advent of personal computers, the work of nurses has become easier, faster and more efficient.

The process of issuing a new version of the policy

After making a decision in favor of one of the insurance groups, you can go to the office or department of the local clinic. If choosing an organization was difficult, you can study the entire list of companies with a detailed description of functions and capabilities. So there will be an answer to the question of where to change your medical policy, is it Yekaterinburg, Moscow or a city on the periphery.

When contacting the insurer directly, the consumer will need to present a certificate (SNILS) and a passport. A form to fill out is provided on site. The production of the document usually takes thirty calendar days, but as an alternative, the individual receives a temporary sample during this period. After the end of the month of waiting, there are several options for events:

  1. The organization contacts the citizen in one of the ways specified during the direct execution of the document.
  2. After waiting until the deadline, the person can independently return to the office to receive a new sample.

Currently, the most relevant and popular option is considered to be a plastic document with a compact and convenient size. It is the attractiveness of this version that makes people ask the question: “Where can I change my medical insurance policy?”

General points about the important nuances of obtaining an updated compulsory medical insurance

The most important details of both the old and new policies are rightfully considered to be the ability to use free medical assistance at any time and the presence of a single document for one citizen. Registration, issuance and signing of the contract also occurs free of charge, without paying taxes or one-time fees. You can pick it up from an office or clinic (where it is better to change your medical policy) in person or by sending a representative.

The owner must have the sample at all times. It must be presented only at a medical institution at the request of a receptionist or doctor. People belonging to the following categories can receive the policy:

  • Residents of the Russian Federation.
  • Citizens of other countries residing in the Russian Federation on a permanent basis.
  • Persons who do not have citizenship, but live in Russia most of the time.

A document with a fixed validity period is issued in the same place where you can change your medical policy, and to people belonging to the following segments of the population:

  • temporary residents of Russia who do not have citizenship of the Russian Federation or other countries;
  • refugees.

Forced document change

Mandatory renewal of the policy, as well as complete replacement of the old model with an updated version, occurs:

  • if there is an error, typo or any other inaccuracy that refutes the real information;
  • if the insured person has changed gender or initials.

A duplicate is transferred to the citizen if a previously issued document is lost or if the old sample is unsuitable and dilapidated. You can use the ID anywhere in Russia, but only if you receive it in the country and not outside its borders. It is worth noting the increase in offices where it is not difficult to change the medical policy of Rosno, Gosstrakh, Soglasiya, VSK and other companies. They defend the interests of clients in the event of poor-quality assistance.

Is it necessary to exchange the old version for a new sample?

You can part with the policy and get a new version of the single document of Russia at any time, and the main difference between them is the services included in the list of the organization chosen by the individual as the main institution.

If desired, a citizen can choose another insurance group, where the insurance policy can be changed once per calendar year in the period from January 1 to October 31 inclusive. From November 1 to December 31, preventive work and reporting for the past ten months are carried out. If a person is officially employed, then all functions of changing the document can be transferred to the HR department of the enterprise.

Compulsory health insurance policies (hereinafter referred to as compulsory medical insurance) issued to persons insured under compulsory medical insurance before January 1, 2011 are valid until they are replaced by compulsory medical insurance policies of a single standard.

To obtain or exchange a compulsory medical insurance policy, you need to contact a medical insurance organization personally or through your representative (by proxy).

Compulsory medical insurance for children from the date of birth until the expiration of thirty days from the date of state registration of birth is carried out by a medical insurance organization in which their mothers or other legal representatives are insured. After thirty days from the date of state registration of the child’s birth and until he reaches the age of majority or until he acquires full legal capacity, compulsory health insurance is provided by an insurance medical organization chosen by one of his parents or other legal representative.

The compulsory medical insurance policy is issued on the basis with the relevant documents attached.

Re-issuance of a compulsory medical insurance policy is carried out in the following cases:

1) change of surname, name, patronymic;

2) changes in the date of birth and gender of the insured person;

3) establishing that the information contained in the policy is inaccurate or erroneous;

4) the need to extend the policy for refugees, foreign citizens and stateless persons (permanently and temporarily residing on the territory of the Russian Federation), foreign workers temporarily staying in the Russian Federation of the EAEU member states, while maintaining their right to compulsory health insurance in the next calendar year.

Renewal of a compulsory medical insurance policy is carried out upon presentation of documents confirming the changes.

Issuance of a duplicate compulsory medical insurance policy carried out in the following cases:

1) dilapidation and unsuitability of the policy for further use (loss of parts of the document, tears, partial or complete fading of the text, mechanical damage to the electronic policy, etc.);

2) loss of the policy.

A duplicate of the compulsory medical insurance policy is issued according to

Applications can be submitted:

In writing - when submitting an application directly to a medical insurance organization (other organization);

In electronic form (for users who have the right to submit applications in electronic form) - through the official website of the Territorial Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund in the information and telecommunication network "Internet" (subject to the passage of the identification and authentication procedure by the insured person or his legal representative in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation ), or through the Unified Portal of State and Municipal Services (functions).

Validity period of the compulsory medical insurance policy

Compulsory health insurance policies (hereinafter referred to as compulsory medical insurance) issued to persons insured under compulsory medical insurance before January 1, 2011 are valid until they are replaced by compulsory medical insurance policies of a single standard.

Citizens of the Russian Federation are issued a uniform compulsory medical insurance policy without a validity period.

Foreign citizens and stateless persons permanently residing on the territory of the Russian Federation are issued a paper policy valid until the end of the calendar year.

Persons entitled to receive medical care in accordance with the Federal Law "On Refugees" are issued a paper policy valid until the end of the calendar year, but not longer than the period of stay established in the documents specified in list of documents for obtaining a compulsory health insurance policy.

Foreign citizens and stateless persons temporarily residing on the territory of the Russian Federation are issued a paper policy valid until the end of the calendar year, but not longer than the validity period of the temporary residence permit.

Workers of the EAEU member states temporarily staying in the Russian Federation are issued a paper policy valid until the end of the calendar year, but not longer than the validity period of the employment contract concluded with the worker of the EAEU member state.

Foreign citizens temporarily staying in the Russian Federation, belonging to the category of members of the Commission board, officials and employees of EAEU bodies, are issued a paper policy valid until the end of the calendar year, but not longer than the period of execution of their respective powers.

Home service/call a specialist to your home

In SOGAZ-Med, to serve persons with disabilities, including the disabled, individual services have been organized for filling out applications, issuing temporary certificates and issuing compulsory medical insurance policies at home, in accordance with clause 70 of the Rules of Compulsory Medical Insurance, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated 02/28/2019 No. 108n.

The procedure for replacing the compulsory medical insurance policy with a new type policy started several years ago. A personal application to a company specializing in health insurance or to the MFC will help you obtain a new type of compulsory medical insurance policy. Alternatively, it can be ordered through a proxy. The preferred form of the received document must be indicated, which is available for:

  • people with Russian citizenship;
  • people who are citizens of other states but reside in Russia on a permanent or temporary basis;
  • refugees;
  • persons without citizenship.

It is required to provide its owner with medical care without payment throughout the entire territory of the Russian Federation, giving the right to choose a medical institution, calling on clinics, hospitals, and medical centers to work efficiently and quickly.

What does he look like?

A new policy can be obtained from:

  • in the usual form - a paper document with data placed on both sides;
  • compact form of a plastic card;
  • as part of a universal electronic card (a promising option).

What does the new sample compulsory medical insurance policy look like in paper form? The format of the new document is A5, it is not recommended to bend it, and laminating it is strictly prohibited. The only thing that can be done is photocopies on both sides, which will help extend the life of the original. On the front part there is information about the owner (full name, day, month and year of birth), date of receipt, and a unique barcode. On the reverse side is printed information about the place of residence, the insurance company and its coordinates.

The electronic form is similar to a bank card. All data about who issued it is stored on the CHIP, for this reason, owners of plastic insurance should remember the name of their insurance company in order to provide information in hospitals and clinics. A unique number is also located here. On the reverse side there is a photograph and signature of the owner, the date until which the card is valid. The answer to the question of where to get a new plastic compulsory health insurance policy requires additional preparation related to calling organizations whose activities are related to health insurance. The reason is that not everyone has the technical ability to issue a plastic version.

You can check the authenticity of the paper or plastic version of the policy issued to you on the official resource by entering a unique number in a special search bar. You will need to turn the document with the front side facing you, where the compulsory medical insurance policy number of the new sample is printed, regardless of whether it is made on paper or plastic.

List of documents

The documents for obtaining a new compulsory medical insurance policy are, in principle, the same for everyone:

  • a correctly completed application to an organization whose specialization is health insurance;
  • a certified copy of a document that can clearly prove your identity;
  • a certified copy of SNILS (if available).
  • a certified copy of a document confirming the status of “refugee” (certificate of consideration of an application on this issue), a residence permit, an identity document of a stateless person, which contains a mark confirming the legality of residence on the territory of the Russian Federation for foreign citizens, refugees and stateless people respectively.

Having submitted an application for a uniform medical insurance document, the applicant receives a certificate that replaces the policy and gives the right to receive medical care until the registration procedure is completed. This certificate can be used for no longer than thirty working days, after which the original health insurance document in the form chosen by the applicant must be received in hand.

Regardless of whether you are a citizen of the Russian Federation or not, obtaining a new compulsory medical insurance policy is quite simple and quick.

Do I need to renew or order a reissue?

First of all, it should be emphasized that all medical insurance documents received in hand, dated January 1, 2011 and earlier, are required to be accepted by any medical institution. Whether or not to change the old version is up to its owner.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that when you receive a new sample document in your hands, you will not find an expiration date on it. Therefore, to the question: “Is it necessary to renew the compulsory medical insurance policy of the new model?” The answer is no, with some caveats:

  • There are no restrictions on the validity period of this document for citizens of the Russian Federation;
  • for people who have received refugee status, the policy will be valid until the person leaves the country;
  • He will help people who have a permit for temporary stay in the Russian Federation to receive medical care free of charge as long as the permit is valid.


The new standard compulsory medical insurance policy is valid on the territory of all constituent entities of the Russian Federation, regardless of the residence permit or registration of the owner. For this reason, you must take it with you on any trip within Russia. The new unified compulsory medical insurance policy gives the right to choose not only the doctor providing medical services, but also the medical institution.

The nuances of obtaining a new sample document

As in any business initiated by the Russian authorities, when obtaining a single policy guaranteeing medical care, there are a number of nuances that need to be prepared for.

You can change your insurance company once during a calendar year and strictly before November 1st. The exception is the new owner's registration address.

Insurance is provided by one organization at a time. Accordingly, a person can be the owner of one policy.

If a plastic format is lost or damaged, then only its paper counterpart can be issued to replace it.

The country’s government plans to eventually move en masse to a universal electronic card, which will replace policies (not only old, but also new ones), performing the functions of an identity card, a certificate of pension insurance, etc., opening access to a variety of state and municipal services in any region Russian Federation without payment.

Throughout Russia there is a system of insurance for citizens, which includes certain medical institutions, the financing of which comes from the federal or regional budget. Hospitals, clinics, and hospitals included in this system provide services to citizens living in the territory under their jurisdiction upon presentation of a compulsory health insurance policy. Registration, receipt, as well as replacement when changing the surname of this document is carried out in accordance with the norms adopted by regulatory legal acts.

What is a compulsory medical insurance policy?

If he is denied this type of service, he must contact the compulsory health insurance fund with a corresponding application.

After receiving a permanent policy, the temporary certificate is transferred to the insurance company and is subject to destruction.

Temporary certificate when applying for a compulsory medical insurance policy

Document replacement period

The issuance of a compulsory health insurance policy has its own specific time frame established by regulations, and should not exceed thirty calendar days from the moment the citizen applied to the office of the insurance company with an application for a replacement or receipt of a document.
However, quite often most companies issue policies for longer periods, exceeding a month. Why is this possible? The fact is that each insurance company has its own range of services, prices for them, and also independently sets deadlines for performing certain procedures.

Current compulsory medical insurance documents

If the policy is replaced due to the fact that the document is lost or has lost its original appearance, for example, worn out due to a long period of use, torn, etc., a duplicate insurance policy is issued. That is, the identification number cannot be changed and remains the same.

Video: how to replace a medical policy - where to do it and how much it costs

The video tells how to replace the policy with the one you need with a new last name, where to do it, how long to wait, what documents are needed.

Both when changing a compulsory health insurance policy, and when initially receiving it, it is necessary to carefully study all the information about it in order to avoid possible fraud, which is currently quite widespread.

You should not delay the procedure for replacing the policy, since the document in which the old name is indicated is not valid. Accordingly, if there is a need to go to a medical institution, certain types of difficulties may arise.

The choice of medical insurance organization (HIO) subsequently affects the quality of service under compulsory medical insurance. This program is sponsored by the state, so insured persons are often automatically assigned to the insurer and the clinic, without participating in the choice. What to do if the patient is dissatisfied with the work of his CMO? You will find out further how to change your compulsory medical insurance company and whether it is possible.

Is it possible to change the insurance company for compulsory medical insurance?

According to statistics, about 70% of citizens are dissatisfied with the work of their insurance company within the compulsory medical insurance system. Some companies take a hands-off approach and prefer not to be involved in resolving disagreements between the patient and the clinic. This approach does not suit the insured, because the CMO should protect their interests, and not be inactive. Therefore, in such cases, there is a desire to change the insurer, and thereby provide oneself with better medical services in the compulsory medical insurance system.

Fortunately, the law allows the client to choose an insurer independently. The possibility of changing the insurance company is provided for in Art. 16 clause 1 of Federal Law No. 326 of November 29, 2010 “On compulsory health insurance in the Russian Federation” (hereinafter referred to as Federal Law No. 326). This paragraph lists the rights of the insured person, including changing the insurer.

Existing conditions for replacing compulsory medical insurance

Of course, the client cannot constantly move from one CMO to another. Regarding the issue of replacing insurance in the compulsory health insurance system, there are some reasons and limitations. Federal Law No. 326 contains the following conditions for changing and how often this can be done:

  • when choosing another insurance company for the next insurance period, you must declare your intentions regarding a replacement no later than November 1 of the current year;
  • replacement can be carried out no more than once a year.

However, there are a number of exceptions that allow the patient to replace more than once a year. Among them:

  • change of place of residence;
  • personal data has been changed: place of birth, last name, first name, patronymic;
  • damage to the insurance policy;
  • detection of errors and false information in the insurance document;
  • termination of the contract due to liquidation of the insurance company.

On a note! When moving to a new place of residence, a citizen cannot immediately name the health service organization in which he wants to be served. Therefore, he is given a month to have the opportunity to find out the reputation of each insurer and make a choice.

How to make the right choice of insurance under compulsory medical insurance?

First, you need to find a list of CMOs operating in the region of interest. The register of companies can be seen on the official website of the territorial compulsory medical insurance fund. Here is the name of the organization, its actual and legal address, full name of the head, contact details, date of issue of the license. Also here you can see the addresses of insurance policy issuing points and a list of organizations that have ceased their activities or undergone reorganization.

When choosing a CMO, special attention should be paid to the following points:

  • reviews of insurer clients posted online;
  • the latest news about the implementation of CMO insurance activities. They can be found on the insurer's website;
  • rating of reliability and quality of companies. It is possible;
  • How large is the company's workforce?
  • Does she have a free 24/7 hotline? This is important, since consultation regarding the provision of medical care may be needed at any time of the day, on a weekend or holiday.

The above criteria characterize and create the reputation of an insurance organization. All this information is easy to track online, so choosing a good insurer will not be difficult.

How to change insurance company: step-by-step instructions

The procedure for changing the CMO does not involve any special difficulties. If for some reason you no longer want to remain a client of your current insurer, you must take the following actions:

  1. Step one is choosing an insurance company. This issue was covered in detail in the paragraph above: first you need to find a list of organizations on the MHIF website, select companies with a high rating and study their ins and outs.
  2. Step two is submitting an application to the selected CMO. Such requests can be submitted directly to the MHIF, but it is better to immediately work directly with the potential insurer. If the policy issuance point is located too far from the client’s place of residence, you can apply for a replacement through any branch of the MFC. The document must contain the following data: full name of the applicant, name of the new insurance company, name of the previous insurance company, request for the issuance of a new insurance policy, date and signature. An option is expected to be launched soon, providing the opportunity to apply for compulsory health insurance through government services. At the moment, on this state portal you can read about the procedure for replacing the CMO.
  3. Step three is to come at the appointed time to receive the completed policy. By law, the replacement procedure does not take more than 30 working days, but, as a rule, the policy is issued much earlier.

Good to know! It is worth noting that if the change of insurance company occurs through the MFC, there may be delays, since this organization provides intermediary services and functions as a channel for transmitting documents from the applicant to the insurer, and back.

List of documents

Providing only a valid insurance policy is not a sufficient basis for changing the insurance company - for this procedure it is necessary to prepare a certain list of documents. The contents of the package of necessary papers vary depending on whether the insured person has Russian citizenship and what age category he belongs to.

When changing insurer, children under 14 years of age must provide:

  • birth certificate;
  • passport of one of the parents or identity card of the child’s legal representative;
  • SNILS (if available.)

Insured persons in this age category must visit the insurance office to submit an application, accompanied by their representative by law.

Persons over 14 years of age bring to the CMO:

  • your civil passport;
  • SNILS.

If the passport has not yet been received, and the documents (including a birth certificate) for its registration have already been submitted, a temporary certificate is presented that confirms the identity and the fact of registration of the main document.

Foreign citizens temporarily or permanently residing in Russia are also participants in the compulsory medical insurance system and have the right to change insurers. If a foreigner lives in the Russian Federation permanently, he provides:

  • residence permit or document confirming registration;
  • your national passport;
  • SNILS (if available).

If this is a tourist or a citizen of a foreign state temporarily residing in the Russian Federation, he must show:

  • passport of a foreign citizen;
  • SNILS (if available.)

Citizens without a fixed place of residence, like every representative of any social group, are also participants in the compulsory medical insurance system and have the right to change their insurer. They present only an identity document. In the absence of one, the insurer is provided with a letter from the social service. organization with a request to register a person as an insured person.

Persons with refugee status provide:

  • refugee certificate;
  • a temporary document confirming the issuance of a refugee certificate;
  • certificate of temporary asylum on the territory of the Russian Federation.

If the application is submitted by a third party, you will additionally need a passport and a handwritten power of attorney authorizing the applicant.


Changing your health insurance company and getting a new compulsory medical insurance policy is not difficult - just choose a new insurer, and then contact him with an application and a package of documents. There is no need to notify the previous insurance company about your decision - this will be done by a representative of the new insurer. However, it is worth remembering that replacement without good reason can be carried out no more than once a year.

We are waiting for your questions and remind you that you can ask a question to an insurance lawyer directly on our website. It is also possible to sign up for a personal free consultation in a special form.

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