Affiliate program loans - solid earnings. Affiliate program loans - solid earnings Earning money by approving loans online

The lending sector in our country is expanding and gaining momentum every year. Now we are witnessing another credit boom, which frightens financial experts and pleases bank owners. But despite all the popularity of this banking product, very few people really understand its capabilities and prospects.

Key Features

Traditionally, credit is perceived in a negative way and is seen as an additional monthly expense. This is how it turns out in most cases. People take out bank loans for personal needs, purchase household appliances, expensive accessories, cars and houses. As a result, the cost of the purchase increases several times - after all, you need to pay for the loan received, and the product itself depreciates over time.

On the other hand, it is a good financial instrument with which you can make a profit by managing your funds wisely. Money provides serious opportunities and prospects. They can be invested in assets, invested in profitable projects. There are a lot of options for earning money. Moreover, if loan payments are less than the possible profit, you are going in the right direction.

The best ways to earn money

Methods of making money on credit are often called fraudulent. This is not true, or not entirely true. There are completely legal and simple options for making a profit using credit funds. There are also controversial “gray” schemes that are also legal.

You need to understand a few simple rules:

– Money borrowed must be invested in assets. This means that purchasing a fashionable modern TV using a loan is absolutely not justified. Buy property on credit that can generate profit, or in the future it can be sold at a profit;

– When choosing options, consider all additional fees, hidden fees and expenses (for example, insurance, notary services, drawing up a pledge agreement, etc.);

– Look for reliable investment options that are guaranteed to generate income.

Here are some simple, real and legal options for using credit funds with profit for yourself:

Mortgage. Buying a home on credit is one of the traditional schemes that has been working all over the world for a long time and effectively. In this case, real estate purchased with bank funds is rented out, using this fee to pay off interest and debt. An additional benefit is the opportunity to receive a tax deduction from the state in the amount of 13% of the cost of the loan (from the amount of interest paid). Not all borrowers know about this opportunity, but, nevertheless, the scheme exists and works.

Investment in business. The path with minimal risk is the acquisition of new equipment or special equipment by the enterprise to expand its activities. For example, if you sew curtains to order and have a constant market for your goods, then by doubling the number of sewing machines you will double your profit. The cost of servicing a loan received for the purchase of equipment should be lower than this additional income or at least not exceed it.

Purchasing cars or special vehicles , with subsequent rental. These methods of making money on loans are sometimes called “gray”. The fact is that in the income generation scheme there is an element of deception: the borrower initially does not plan to repay the debt to the bank. Having taken out a loan for 5 or more years, he rents out the car, for example, in a taxi. The loan is repaid slowly and most often in arrears. Banks, having a pledge agreement as a guarantee, wait for the expiration of the agreement and then take the car through the court. And after five years of active use, the cost of this car will be significantly lower.

Credit cards: use them wisely

One of the simplest options is to use the grace period of a credit card, or take out an interest-free loan to purchase equipment in a store (having the required amount in cash). And put the money itself at interest.

Second option. Each family has a certain monthly budget, let’s say 30,000 rubles per month. You need to choose a credit card with cashback. All expenses and purchases must be paid with a credit card, and the cash must be kept on a debit card, where interest is charged on the card balance. Let’s say you spent 30,000 in a month, you were credited with 300 rubles in cashback, and by debit you were credited with 1% on the balance, that is, 300 rubles. At the end of the month you pay off all the debt, in total you earn about 2% or 600 rubles. And this procedure must be repeated every month. It is very important to open all cards with free service, as this will reduce your costs.

And although the profit in this case will not be so significant, you will develop a positive credit history.

The microfinance market is constantly evolving. The companies' performance is growing, and the business of issuing microloans to the population is attracting more and more new faces. Not only organizations, but also individuals who have access to the Internet can make money in the field of debt processing. Let's consider several options for generating income.

What it is

A microloan is a sum of money that is issued for a short period of time at interest. Distinctive features of this type of loans are fast processing and minimum requirements for clients.

Advantages of a microloan over a loan:

  • Create an application in 20 minutes;
  • Higher likelihood of approval;
  • You can use the funds for any need;
  • A minimum of documents, most often only a passport is needed;
  • No collateral or guarantors are needed;
  • A negative credit history does not affect approval;
  • It is possible to cancel obligations within 5 days;
  • You can extend the term of the contract by paying off interest.

The maximum amount is 1,000,000 rubles, but in practice it rarely exceeds 50,000. Interest is charged for each day the loan is used. The average rate is 1.5-2%. Duration – from 1 day to a month.

To receive funds, the client must be an adult citizen of Russia. To conclude an agreement, you only need a passport and mobile phone number. Depending on the conditions, money can be received in cash at the company’s office, or transferred to your account.

Who has the right to issue

Unlike a loan, both legal entities and individuals can apply for a loan. By law, any person has the right to borrow money, but if the issuance of loan obligations is carried out continuously, the activity falls under the category of entrepreneurship. A lender who is not included in the register faces a fine.

Who has the right to earn money by issuing funds at interest:

  1. Microfinance organization:
  • This is a legal entity that engages in financial activities on a small scale. The main activity of such a company is microloans for the population or entrepreneurs;
  • Unlike banks, MFOs set simplified requirements for clients and speed up the process of filling out and approving applications as much as possible;
  • The law provides for two categories of microfinance organizations—microfinance and microcredit companies. MFCs differ from MCCs in the amount of equity capital (from 70 million rubles), the permitted loan volume, the right to issue bonds, and create investment programs.
  1. Lending exchanges:
  • Lending services operate on the principle of purchasing a loan from an microfinance organization and reselling it to another participant;
  • That is, in fact, the company itself is the creditor, and service users buy the product and then assign it under an assignment agreement;
  • Thanks to this scheme, the principles of operation of the exchange comply with the laws of the country.

How to make money on microloans

The microcredit sector opens up wide opportunities for earning money online. To have a regular income, it is not necessary to open a branch and issue microloans in cash. The company can accept applications online and transfer money to the borrower’s account.

How to make money on loans and get a stable income in the field of financing:

  1. Open your own company. To establish an MFO, you need to go through the full registration procedure of a legal entity and enter it into the state register. Preparation of papers and all stages of registration will take no more than 1 month.
  1. Become a partner of an existing company. Participants in the microcredit market offer to arrange deposits at a high interest rate or invest in the development of the company. In addition, a fixed percentage is paid for attracting third parties.
  1. Become a member of the p2p exchange. On exchange platforms, individuals can legally offer funds at interest. Earnings from such activities will be small, but they will cover the risk of non-return.
  1. Offer to complete a deal on forums and websites. This option is suitable for those who decide to receive a one-time income. According to the law, microfinance operations are classified as entrepreneurial activities, therefore systematic earnings without registration are punishable by a fine.
  1. Become a member of the affiliate program. Leading companies pay interest for advertising and attracting customers through referral links.

Registration of a microfinance organization

Procedure for opening an MFO:

  1. Company registration. First of all, determine which legal form is right for you. Autonomous non-profit organizations, partnerships, business entities and foundations have the right to receive MFO status.

To register a company, the following documents are required:

The organization's charter must contain information about the persons who approved the list of conditions for granting loans (General Director or the Meeting of Participants) and an indication of microfinance activities as a source of income.

The amount of starting capital is not determined by law. For limited liability companies it can be 10,000 rubles, for autonomous companies - 100,000. The recommended amount of capital, according to estimates by the Microfinance Center of Russia, should be from 500,000 rubles.

  1. Inclusion of microfinance organizations in the register. Information is entered into the register of microfinance organizations by the Bank of Russia. The approximate processing time for the application will be 14 days. Copies of the Certificate of Registration and the Charter are certified by a notary; all other papers need to be stamped by the organization.

The package of documents should include:

  • Copies of the decision to establish a company;
  • Certificate of state registration;
  • A document establishing the management bodies of the company;
  • Copies of constituent documents and decisions on their entry into force;
  • Information about the founders in the form established by the Bank of Russia;
  • Certificate with legal address;
  • Criminal records of management personnel;
  • Extract from the register of foreign legal entities (if the founders are foreign legal entities);
  • Receipt of payment of the duty (1000 rubles).

Video: Expert comments

Investing in microfinance organizations and affiliate programs

If you are interested in how to make money online by issuing microloans, but are afraid to invest in lending, consider investing in an existing company. The minimum investment amount is 1.5 million rubles, the yield is significantly higher than that of bank deposits - 20-30% per year.


  • Please note that you must pay tax on the proceeds. Unlike banking products, investments are not subject to government insurance, so if the company is liquidated, the money cannot be returned;
  • Active network users will be able to earn income from attracting customers on the Internet. Companies need partners in the form of online stores, advertising networks, webmasters, owners of popular websites;
  • After registration, the user is given a referral link, which must be placed on his service. The partner’s personal account will display visit statistics, concluded contracts, and advertising materials.

Microloans from Webmoney

If you enter the question “how to make money on microloans on the Internet” in a search engine, links to the WebMoney system will appear in the top ten queries. The popularity of the service is growing, which means that the offers of borrowers on this site are becoming more and more in demand.

The WebMoney credit exchange allows you to:

  • issue;
  • Receive loans based on WM Transfer.

By creating an application on the exchange, a participant receives a credit status, by which lenders can judge his reliability. Operations of accepting debt obligations and transferring amounts are carried out simultaneously.

Every client who has a registered wallet in dollar currency can become a lender. To get started, you must have a reserve of funds in your account and a user certificate no lower than personal. You can choose the loan size, rate, and repayment period.

There are two options for lending money:

  • Manual search for borrowers;
  • An automatic script implemented on the websites of credit machines.

To give money to another user:

  • Go to the “Credit Exchange” tab and open the “Requests” window. Carefully study the offers and choose the appropriate option;
  • In the pop-up window, you need to add the borrower to the list of trusted wallets using the “Add power of attorney” option. After reading the offer, click on the “Transfer Funds” button.

To confirm the withdrawal of WMZ from your account:

  • Go to the “Portfolio” tab, click on the line with the contract number. Carefully check the text of the contract and agree to its terms. A message with an individual code will be sent to the mobile phone linked to the wallet, which must be entered into the pop-up window;
  • As soon as the system confirms the number, click on the “I accepted the agreement” button. When the borrower receives a notification of acceptance and confirms the conclusion of the contract, funds will be transferred to his account.

Clients who have a certificate from the formal level and a business level from 15 points can give and receive loans without confirming acceptance using a script. Funds are transferred automatically, the maximum amount is 300 WMZ.

Credit machines and services

If you were unable to lend money on the official WebMoney page, you should pay attention to credit machines. Unlike the original service, here you can extend the term, recalculate accrued interest, and set penalties for violating deadlines. The machines have lower requirements for the lender’s certificate and the number of business line points.

We list several debt services that operate on the basis of the WebMoney system:

  1. A service where you can transfer money according to a trust limit to any user with a formal certificate. The number of applications from one user is unlimited. In the debt service, you can set the loan amount, repayment terms, interest rate, and borrower status. Login is carried out according to the standard authorization procedure in the wallet, there are no hidden fees, except for the standard deduction of 0.8% for transfers in the system;
  2. Allows users with WMZ, WMU, WMR wallets to become a borrower. The interface is a p2p exchange with the ability to create an application on personal terms. Login to the site is carried out through WM Keeper; additional registration is not required. In addition to making money on debt obligations, there is an option to sign up for an affiliate program or buy a package of shares. For each client registered using an affiliate link, the participant receives 7%, for a referral attracted by the client - 3%. The purchased package provides a 20% quarterly income.

Any Internet user can make money in the field of microfinance.

If you don’t have enough money to open an office, pay attention to lending exchanges, the WebMoney system and credit machines, and affiliate programs to attract clients. Activities in these areas will bring a small but stable income and will quickly recoup the initial investment.

Unfortunately, not all of us can live within our means. Especially when there is not enough money to live. In 2017 alone, according to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the demand for microloans in Russia increased by 62.4%. And where there is demand, there is supply. And where there are offers, you can make money. And it’s good if you can earn money without investment. We’ll tell you how to do this without any problems right now.

You should not think that the demand for microloans is generated by people experiencing financial difficulties. Such people make up no more than 22% of the total number. Surprisingly, 58% are the main part of users who take out microloans to purchase smartphones, household appliances and other consumer goods. The remaining 20% ​​are representatives of small and medium-sized businesses. The average loan amount is 9.5 thousand rubles. That is, the bulk of consumers of “loan money” are normal people who have somewhat miscalculated their financial capabilities. On the other hand, they have no refusals to issue cash loans.

Microloans- a civilized way to “borrow” money. There is no need to bother friends, there is no need to turn to semi-criminal personalities, there is no need to spoil relationships with people with all kinds of debts, requests and subsequent return of money. Microloans- it’s always convenient, fast and located near the house. The process of issuing loans is streamlined and the time to receive money does not exceed 15 minutes. Sometimes it takes longer to buy bread. Therefore, more and more people are turning to such forms of loans. The main thing is without fanaticism. The ease of issuing a loan is offset by the difficulty of repaying the debt. Once you miss the repayment deadline, interest accrues... but let’s not talk about sad things. After all, we remember that the majority of borrowers are decent people who temporarily lacked the required amount for an important purchase.

The Internet, as the most progressive form of communication in our time, has not remained aloof from these financial processes. It is in the global network that microloans have gained great popularity. And it’s clear why. There are no office hours on the Internet - everything works around the clock; there are no queues or imposition of services - the user himself chooses what he needs; Yes, you don’t need to look for a money issuing point - just enter your phone number, passport details and information about the card to which the money will be received. And within 15 minutes, the account balance will increase by the loan amount. Everything has been done to make the process of borrowing money easy and relaxed. In some online stores it is more difficult to make a purchase than to take out an urgent loan today.

Great competition that has formed in the market of microfinance organizations issuing short-term loans allows the user to choose more favorable conditions; more transparent interest rates; more reliable companies. And the process is reciprocal. It is no longer uncommon for some organizations to issue the first loan at 0% - the so-called money without interest. Of course, you can get small amounts without interest and for a short period of time. But those 58% of people who buy smartphones, household appliances and other non-essential items welcome such offers very warmly.

Of course, there is no altruism here; organizations expect that by issuing one interest-free loan, they will be able to turn a one-time client into a permanent one. And clients who take out a loan at 0% expect that this is the first and last time. In any case, at the intersection of these interests, where money is distributed without interest, quite a large demand arises. And this demand must be satisfied. And therefore it is possible to make money by satisfying great demand.

How to make money on microloans issued without interest

You can, of course, open your own microfinance organization, but this is quite difficult and requires capital expenditures. That is, it does not suit everyone. Or you can open the website - one of the largest aggregators of affiliate programs of microfinance organizations and various banks. It is in this aggregator that there are those offers where money is offered without interest.

Registration on the site is quite simple. And it’s familiar to any blogger who knows how to work with affiliate programs. Yes, in principle, to every user who managed to register, for example, on Vkontakte. After registration, in the catalog Leads You can find several companies that meet our conditions - issuing money without interest.

For example, IFC Ezaem— offers 15 thousand rubles at 0% for everyone who does this for the first time on their website. That is, for those who, thanks to the offer, become closer, for example, to the desired iPhone by fifteen thousand rubles. Or a Samsung phone. Or some other dream. Which can be managed, groomed and cherished. But 15 thousand rubles were not enough to complete it.

And thanks to this offer you can earn money. For each new application for issuance made through an affiliate link, we are paid 1680 rubles. The main thing is to register through Leads. And get an IFC Ezaem affiliate link. If you can’t do it yourself, the aggregator has responsive technical support. She will help you with any issue and tell you how to do it correctly.

A matter of technology: how to advertise your link

This postulate will make an advanced webmaster or blogger laugh. He knows how to advertise various affiliate links. For those who have no idea, our tips below will be useful. But without knowledge of how the Internet works, it won’t work.

On the other hand, we know examples when one inexperienced VKontakte user, who has 100 real friends, simply posted an Ezaem affiliate link on his wall with a request to look, in case someone might find the offer useful. And, as it turned out, 30 people immediately took out this loan without interest. It is easy to calculate that this user spent his 30 * 1680 = 50,400 rubles with great pleasure. And you say that making money on the Internet is difficult!

It's very easy if you follow some simple tips.

  • Social recommendations. Any blogger or owner of any group on social networks dedicated, for example, to shopping in China, can recommend a link to their subscribers. Or just friends. Or simply, in your group or blog, offer to buy a new Xiaomi smartphone on credit at 0%. Because phones from this manufacturer cost much less than 10 thousand rubles. And you don’t even have to be the owner of the group, it’s enough to have at least 1 friend on a social network. Recommendations from someone you know are recommendations that always work well. Perhaps this particular friend needs an urgent loan without interest?
  • Local forums and communities. This is also a kind of recommendation. You can find a thread where people discuss financial issues. And advise them to get a loan at 0%. You can connect to a community of joint purchases. You can join a local car enthusiasts club. Money is a subject that will always be on everyone's lips. Because until now, no one can live without money for a long time. This is how modern society works.
  • Youtube. A separate platform of recommendations, presented in a video, where reviews and personal experience also allow you to find those who need microloans. If you can create your own video and post it once, you can get a constant flow of registrations, and in the case of a loan, up to 600 rubles per person. It’s an excellent scheme - you don’t do anything, they watch the video, and they pay for each registration.
  • Own website with visitors. The more visits, the more income. 100 applications will bring 60,000 rubles. If there are 100 loan applications every month, then your monthly earnings will be 600 rubles.

In general, any legal way to distribute affiliate links is fine. Working with MFO affiliate links means working with CPA platforms. The main thing is to know the place where profitable affiliate links are given, for example,

Before starting the story about how to make money on microloans, you must understand that investing money in online banks is quite a risky business, but people who take out microloans can be even more dangerous.

Despite the high risks, my team of investors and I decided to try investing our money in microloans and compare the results with other types of investments.

The results turned out to be quite good, and this is not a bad reason to recommend trying this method to your subscribers.

WebMoney - reliable investment in microloans

- allows you to lend small amounts at a high interest rate, but there is also a risk of losing your investment.

The fact is that the system was invented so that each WM participant could borrow and quickly pay for something, or improve their BL rating in the system.

On average, you can get 0.35-0.5% of the amount per day of lending. Thus, you propose to take out loans at an interest rate of 120-180% per annum.

However, according to statistics, every tenth loan is not paid and you may accumulate debts, which is not very good.

Therefore, WebMoney introduced the purchase/sale of debtors, which helps not only to preserve your investments, but also to make a profit.

In order for you to have the fewest debtors, you need to properly configure the search for a borrower.

Our team managed to earn 92% from microloans in 1 year of work; if it weren’t for the debtors, the income would have been even higher, but without them, nowhere.

SuperKopilka is one of the most reliable for microloans

is a service that has been operating for three years. It is its own strategy, but it is one of the longest-lived.

It’s 2016 and they continue to charge 1 to 3% of the amount to the account every day. It takes 1 week to withdraw money. And you can withdraw using: Perfect Money, AdvCash and NixMoney.

Here is a short video about the service:

Credex - simple investment in microloans

Attention: Credex has ceased to exist.

Initially, we were looking for a system where microloans are actively used, and at the same time the service should have good protection from fraudsters, or have compensation for non-payment.

Credex - allows you to invest small amounts of money, where the income depends on the tariff chosen by you and the borrower, income: 1-1.4%], per day.

In addition, the system insures the investor’s money against non-return. After 10 days of the expiration of the loan, the investor automatically receives his money with interest, and the system takes over the loan and charges penalties to the debtor.

The minimum investment period is 50 days. According to which we invested $500 in the system, and received $750 back. It turns out that in 100 days the investment fully pays for itself.

It turns out that it was the same hype as Yabankir and RosOplata.

Greetings to the readers of my blog!
The topic of today's article is how and where to do this.
And with this article I begin to use outsourcing, that is, the use of hired labor from other people. This article is not mine, purchased on the article exchange, and redone by me. Now, due to circumstances, I cannot always write articles myself.

How to make money by issuing loans?

The number of loans received via the Internet is increasing at tremendous speed. At the moment, many companies are issuing online loans. In addition, loans are provided by the users themselves, and due to interest on payments, they generate income from this.

When “free” funds appear, many people begin to look for options for investing them.

One of the attractive ways is to issue loans on the Internet. You can start such an activity with minimal amounts, but it must be taken into account that income depends entirely on the volume of deposits.

Where and how to issue loans?

The best option for making money by issuing online loans is to use the service This service is a project of the Web Money service, the most popular payment system on the Runet. If you already have an electronic account in this system, then you can use the lending service right now and create your offer for other users.

Online lending occurs through the use of trust limits. The scheme of their use is as follows: a user who wants to provide a loan submits an application and waits for people interested in receiving a loan to respond. After selecting suitable candidates for a loan, a trust limit is opened in relation to the loan recipient. According to its terms, the user will be able to take out a loan at any time, the maximum amount of which is set in advance and limited to the funds in the account of the user opening the limit.

After receiving funds, the user is obliged to pay the amount in a timely manner according to the terms of the trust limit. If this does not happen, the lender can block the loan recipient's wallet, and all incoming transactions will be automatically sent to his account. In addition, the creditor is provided with all the personal data of the wallet owner, which can be used to file a claim in court.

On practice earning money by issuing online loans is associated with the risk of not getting your money back, and not in all cases it was possible to get your money back. They often refuse payments, but not everyone then turns to law enforcement agencies. There are two main reasons - geographical barrier and small amounts. Even experienced lawyers do not always agree to handle such cases.

You can reduce possible risks; to do this, try to issue small loans, and also set criteria for loan recipients. When creating an application for, you will be able to specify what certificate the recipient should have, what BL level he should have and how many days he should be registered in the system. Use these filters and provide trust limits only to those who you think will actually return your money.

Of course, experience needs to be gained from small loan amounts. And gradually increasing your funds in circulation, and then earnings from issuing online loans will be a profitable occupation. And it can be used as an additional source of income. It's no secret that you need to have three or five sources of income to be a financially free person.

Best regards, Sergey Strelkov.