How to make money on binary options - tips and strategies. Making money on binary options: is it true or a scam, reviews Where is the best place to make money on binary options

In this article I will explain in detail what it is and how to make money on binary options newbie with minimal risks for your investments. But first things first.

Do you think it is possible to earn 500 rubles per hour on the Internet by pressing just a few buttons? In fact, you can earn more by investing in binary options.

Binary options- this is the purchase of assets (options) for a short period, where you need to indicate whether the price will be higher or lower within a specified period relative to the moment of purchasing the option.

For example, we place a $1 bet that the price of oil will be higher in 15 minutes than it is now. The broker accepts the bet and if it wins, he will pay us 85% of the profit (85 cents), and take 15% of the profit from the transaction for himself.

In theory, brokers bring traders' bets to the market and buy options on this amount, however, in practice, almost everyone works according to the casino principle, when money circulates within the company. Often such brokers are called “kitchen”.

With such brokers, 90% of all traders lose their deposit, but 10% are in the black. This is because betting on 5, 10 and 15 minutes is a big risk because... It is very difficult to predict the price in the short term.

But who are these 10% of traders who manage to make money? Ordinary people are just like you and me, but what makes them different is that they use smart strategies that help them win.

Is it possible to make money on binary options, example:

I would like to remind you that our goal is to get into the 10% of successful traders, but first we need to choose a binary options broker who will provide the best conditions on the market, let me introduce the best.

Surely many Internet users have come across binary options advertising from time to time. All the possible benefits and prospects of such a project seem very tempting, but people are often stopped by the fear of possible financial losses. In this article we will share information about how to trade on binary options without any (even the most minimal) investments. You also need to take into account the fact that the market abounds in binary options, with minimum deposit in rubles.

To begin with, we will tell you in more detail about the options themselves, their essence, and also try to explain what determines their rapid popularity.

Explaining as much as possible in simple language: binary option is one of the trading methods based on the “all or nothing” principle.

That is, this is a transaction that always brings either a profit on average of about 80%, or a fixed loss within the amount invested by a person.

The point is that trader(trading participant) purchases any underlying asset for a short time. After this, the participant must determine whether the price of the asset will increase or decrease during this period.

If, after the allotted period, the client’s guess turns out to be false, then the user loses the entire amount spent on purchasing the underlying asset.

If the trader’s assumption ultimately turns out to be correct, the client is guaranteed to make a profit. Thus, the main task of the work is to correctly determine the direction of change in the value of the underlying asset.

Underlying asset- this is what we conclude a deal on, analyzing whether its price will rise or fall. There are now many options for underlying assets to analyze. All of them can be divided into the following groups:

  • working with currency pairs (the simplest example where trading is carried out in the form of two pair combinations is the dollar-euro currency);
  • work with securities(shares) of the most famous corporations;
  • work with commercial raw materials (we are talking about resources used on a global industrial scale, for example, energy resources, fuel, non-ferrous and ferrous metals, food);
  • working with stock indices

Binary options: who needs them and how they are beneficial

It is worth clarifying that all participants are divided into three categories: traders, players and brokers. Let us clarify what each group represented is.

Traders are users who make predictions regarding the direction of the value of underlying assets.

Among them there may be experienced participants and newly registered beginners. You need to know: in order for your activity to be profitable, you need to learn competent trading and understand its basics.

Beginners should study articles on market forecasting and familiarize themselves with methods of market analysis. A special group consists of the so-called “players”.

In a broad sense, they represent a certain subcategory of traders. They also try to guess in which direction the price of the asset will change. The main difference is that when trading options, players do not try to develop their own trading strategy, do not study materials on successful trading and do not delve into a thorough analysis of charts.

Such participants, as a rule, rely only on their luck, fueling their own excitement. Sometimes their tactics are successful, but most likely this only happens because there are very lucky people among the players. To minimize risks when trading, it would be wiser to use your head.

And finally, the last category of participants are brokers.

Broker is an intermediary who provides you with all the necessary information about assets, controls your transactions and ensures that profits are transferred to your account.

Thus, before starting options trading, the user will have to register with a broker. Today there are a lot of different brokers offering their services.

Unfortunately, among them there are a considerable number of dishonest people. Therefore, you need to be especially careful when choosing a broker so as not to accidentally contact fraudulent organizations.

Advantages of binary options in the field of earnings

As you know, the essence of binary options is in many ways reminiscent of the concept of the famous exchange Forex.

However, there are a number of significant advantages over the above-mentioned exchange. Let's list the main ones.

  1. Ease of manipulation– only two key buttons are available: CALL - “higher” or PUT - “lower”. Of course, this does not simplify the work of directly analyzing the market, but it is much easier for a beginner to understand the intricacies of options than with the forex exchange.
  2. Large fixed income– in Forex, profit is formed based on how many points the price changes. When trading binary options, the user receives a profit of about 70-85%, even if the price has changed minimally - by just one point
  3. Fixed risk– the user always knows how much he can lose if he makes a mistake. The loss will never amount to more than what was originally invested. Some brokers even offer a refund of part of the lost amount in case of failure.
  4. Quick deals and quick income– on Forex, some users wait for the transaction to complete for weeks, and sometimes even months and years. When working with a binary, the user is given the opportunity to independently choose the time to complete the transaction and make a profit in the shortest possible time. In this system, you can make transactions starting from a total duration of only 30 seconds.

Now that the main aspects of the work have been discussed, it is necessary to move on to the main task of the article - to talk about methods without prior investment.

Binary options without deposit and investments

There are several main ways to start earning money: on binary options with a minimum deposit in rubles. Let us list and consider in detail each of the methods.

  • No deposit bonuses (include participation in competitions or a free bonus from a broker);
  • Partnership programs
  • Bonus for deposited funds (does not quite fit into the “absolutely no investment” category, but nevertheless seriously helps you save your money).

No deposit bonuses

Sometimes brokers organize competitions between participants, for example, in options trading with a five-minute expiration date. Each participant is given a certain virtual amount.

At the end of the competition, the winner (and more often, even several participants with prizes) receive a reward in the form of real money. They can be used as start-up capital for further work.

Brokers rarely spoil users with free bonuses. Typically, money is given out only in honor of some significant event at the brokerage firm, or at the stage when the firm is just beginning its development and thus trying to attract clients.

In addition, free bonuses are given only to beginners. Most often, the bonus cannot be withdrawn - only the profit received from it will be available for withdrawal.

Partnership programs

Everything here is extremely simple. There are several types affiliate programs with different bonus conditions. The multi-level affiliate program gives cash bonuses for referrals provided through your link.

It also provides for the transfer of a certain percentage of the profit of the attracted referral. This increases the importance of finding and attracting experienced and thoughtful traders.

Bonus to deposited funds

Some brokers offer good cash bonuses to newcomers who deposit funds into their account for the first time. Also, the broker’s terms and conditions may often indicate that the first transactions are carried out by spending precisely these bonuses.

Therefore, in case of failure, you will only lose the amount “gifted” to you, and your previously credited funds can be withdrawn back. However, be careful: not everyone works under such conditions.

Sites for earning real money without investments

How to make money on binary options without investments? In the final part of the article I would like to give examples of proven and most famous brokers, the conditions of which correspond to the conditions stated above.

Binomo– the site gives any beginner a starting capital of $150. It is not possible to withdraw this bonus, but withdrawing profits from its use is quite acceptable.

Binomo also regularly hosts tournaments among traders, where you can win a tidy sum. The first 20 leading positions are rewarded with money.

Olymp Trade– offers beginners a free training course. In addition, after completing the course, the project awards the user 5 bonus dollars.

Verum Option provides an opportunity to earn money using your inner instincts. Every week from Monday to Thursday the project holds a competition.

The main task is to guess what the course will be currency pair euro-dollar the next day at 12:00 (Moscow time). The one whose result is closest to the true exchange rate receives a monetary reward.

Robooption– upon registration, a newbie is given $30 in the form of a no deposit bonus.


Based on all the discussed aspects, we can conclude: binary options today are one of the main ways to obtain money.

But it is worth considering the main thing: the work requires serious brain activity and is characterized by an increased degree of risk. Don’t lose your head when you make your first decent income and try not to succumb to destructive passion. However, those who don’t take risks don’t drink champagne, so everything is in your hands!) Good luck!

- I receive this question more and more often, and in order not to answer it endlessly, I decided to write a separate article on this topic.

The binary options market is developing rapidly and, I think, for at least several decades, it will attract traders with its simplicity.

So, for beginners there is quite simple instructions How to make money on options from $50 a day...

How can a beginner start making money on binary options?

If you don’t understand well what binary options are, how they work and whether you can really make money with them, then I recommend reading first

It is clear that first you need to choose a broker with whom you will be comfortable trading. There are a lot of really high-quality brokers and the choice is quite large.

All of these brokers have an excellent training program, where beginners who want to make money on binary options will receive all the necessary initial knowledge. In addition, beginners are not always ready to invest substantial capital from the very beginning. I understand them; doubts still plague them.

That's why brokers offer substantial bonuses to your deposit. The only thing you should pay attention to is the terms of the bonus. Naturally, it will need to be worked off, because this money is not given to you as a gift, but given for development, as a subsidy or loan, if you want...

But, if you intend to seriously make money with binary options, then you will earn the bonus and significantly increase your deposit. It all depends only on you and on your attitude to work.

If you are in the mood for a serious wave, then you can register with all the recommended brokers, and then choose which one you like best.

Yes, I completely forgot to say that beginners get access to the Finmax broker for assistance in trading. You should not disdain them, as they are quite good help.

How can a beginner learn to make money on binary options?

Of course, first you need to study the training center well. There you can also sign up for free webinars for clients. There are both open ones, for those who want to trade, but do not dare to start, and closed ones, for those who have already made a deposit and started trading.

You can watch an example of one of the webinars he conducts:

I think you will learn the basics pretty quickly. The main rule of trading is to follow the trend! How to determine a trend, see It’s quite easy...

It is important to understand from the very beginning that trading binary options with 100% profitability is simply impossible! Even if you follow all the rules of the strategy, you will still have losses. In these cases, you need to control yourself and not try, at any cost, to cover the loss.

It's important to achieve 80/20 profitability, but even 60/40 is fine to start with! What does this mean?

This means that you cannot afford to lose more than $30 out of $100. That is, if you have a goal to earn $50 per day, but today you have a loss of $30, then trading is stopped for today.

After all, it’s better to earn $50 tomorrow than to lose your entire deposit today, isn’t it?

Also pay attention to daily and weekly market reviews. This will help you decide which direction to think in.

How can a beginner earn $50 on binary options today?

It is clear that with a deposit of $100 you can earn $50 per day fewer options than, say, $1000. And not everyone can afford to make a deposit of $1000. So let's take $300.

Remember that you cannot lose more than 20% of your deposit? Do you need to earn $50? $300-20%=240, right? That is, you cannot lose more than $60. What does it look like in real life?

When trading a $20 option, you cannot afford more than 2-3 losing options. Honestly, from my 2 years of experience trading options, I have never had this happen! Three losses in a row can only happen to those who play binary options.

If you have identified a trend, then this simply cannot happen! The ideal option for getting $50 is two positive trades in a row. Let's do the math. The profit from the option is 70-80%.

Therefore - 20+70%=$34. Even with just one trade, you are almost there. You can enter the market again, or stop there. As they say, a bird in the hand is better...

Because the next option may be unprofitable and you will then have to buy another one to achieve the goal. But, be that as it may, don’t forget about 20%! In general, the mathematics is quite simple.

But there are situations when you are wrong and the first option turns out to be unprofitable. Personally, in this situation I use . Because if you correctly identified the trend, but received a loss, it means you were simply in the market at the wrong time. That is, we ran into a small pullback.

And the next option will cover the loss of the previous one.

I’ll repeat it again - it’s simple! Approach trading as work, not as play, and even if you are a complete beginner, you will make good money on binary options!

Don't forget that there are tons of options trading tools that you can learn and apply! But in order to get started, you first need to register with one or all of the proposed

Cause now you know how a beginner can make money on binary options, is not it? Good luck in learning and trading!

In this article we will try to tell you in detail how beginners and experienced traders can make money on binary options, with a minimum deposit or no investment at all.

If your level is completely beginner and you don’t know what binary options are, we will tell you about it in the next section, but if you are a more experienced trader and want to find out exactly how to start making money on binary options without investments, then go straight to the second

Binary options for beginners

How to make money on binary options for a beginner

There are at least three ways to make money on binary options, let's look at each of them:

1. Select or develop your own strategy for options trading.

On the Internet you can download many ready-made strategies for making money on binary options. You have to understand each of them until you find one that is understandable and profitable for yourself. However, we do not recommend starting immediately with the search for ready-made strategies; first, it is better to familiarize yourself with the most reliable indicators for binary options, such as, for example:

Once you understand how these indicators work, it will be much easier for you to understand the principle of operation of all other indicators for binary options trading. There are a lot of such indicators developed on the Internet, and the best of them are collected on our website in the “ Programs and indicators for binary options" Some of them essentially represent a ready-made strategy for options trading, these are the so-called “predictive indicators”, here are the most popular of them:

In no case should you trust any one indicator; you will definitely need to start combining them with something else. We recommend combining all indicators with support-resistance or Fibonacci levels, and if you are a novice trader and cannot yet determine these levels yourself, these two indicators will help you:

Why is it better to combine any indicator with one of these levels? Everything is very simple, the price never hangs in the air and in order to turn around and move confidently in the direction we need, it needs to rely on one of these levels. Therefore, even if your indicator shows you an entry signal, and the price has not yet reached any of the levels, it is better to skip this signal and open a deal exactly when the price reaches the level and there is a signal from the indicator.

Having understood the principle of how indicators work, you can try to create your own strategy for trading, or completely begin to fulfill the conditions of one of those already developed before you. You will find all the most reliable and profitable strategies for trading binary options in our section “Strategies for binary options"

2. Get training in trading

If at the stage of choosing a strategy you had difficulties and you could not understand how this or that indicator works, or all the strategies seemed too complicated to you, you should take training in binary options trading. Moreover, it’s worth starting from the very basics so as not to miss any little things that could later result in serious mistakes.

You shouldn’t look for special courses to teach binary options trading, any Forex courses that talk about finding entry points into the market will suit you, and they may contain some information that you don’t need at first, related exclusively to the Forex market, but after understanding working principle Forex market It will be much easier for you to make money on binary options.

But if you still want to immediately concentrate on trading options, you can undergo training in our company.

3. Trade using paid signals for binary options

If you haven’t been able to figure out a trading strategy yourself, and you don’t have the desire or time to go through training, you should start trading using signals for binary options.

By trusting reliable signals, you save yourself from all the mistakes of novice traders and trade according to the signals of traders with extensive trading experience.

Of course, in this article we will recommend trading using our signals, but not only because the accuracy of our signals is up to 83% of profitable trades, but also because our signals are truly innovative, because you receive them immediately for the whole day, without any chats or SMS.

But of course you can look for other options on the Internet, but then you’ll come back to us

Why paid ones? After all, there are many on the Internet free signals, and you yourself give signals for free!?

It is worth trading binary options, and on Forex too, only using paid signals, because not a single successful trader will waste his time issuing free signals, if only because he can earn quite a large amount of money at this time.

As for our free signals, they are no different from paid ones and are provided to everyone free of charge precisely to check their reliability, as well as to receive the first profit to pay for a subscription, because not everyone immediately has the amount to deposit and pay for a far from cheap subscription to our signals.

But there is also a 4th option that allows you to make money on binary options without investments, which is what we will talk about below.

How to make money on binary options without investment

Naturally, any earnings, especially on the Internet, presuppose some, at least minimum investment. But if you have no money at all, there are also several options for how to make money on binary options without investments:

1. Tournaments on a demo account

The binary options industry is developing rapidly, and it is becoming increasingly difficult for brokers to attract clients to their platform, so they offer their clients numerous deposit bonuses, and recently they have also organized free tournaments on a demo account. The essence of such tournaments is simple, the trader needs to earn as much as possible more money on your demo account and if you take a prize, the broker will credit you with the prize amount to your real account. Besides real earnings, such tournaments are also beneficial for traders in that they can test all their strategies in practice without risk, and the broker, in turn, will receive a more interested and experienced trader on its platform.

Here are the tournament options currently available on the binary options market

1.1. Tournament on a demo account from Binomo

In this tournament you can earn up to $150 by trading binary options on your real account. There are a total of 20 prizes in the tournament, although the prize for the last ones is only $1-2. The goal of the tournament is to gain the largest balance in your account, as practice shows, on average, to win you will need to pump up your demo account from $1000 to $300,000-$2,000,000 in one day,

Yes, this is also possible with binary options, but unfortunately, you will most likely have to trade turbo options and forget about money management, since you will need to earn a lot, but in case of failure, the deposit can be updated for free right during the tournament.

1.2. Tournament on a demo account from Finmax

This tournament gives you the opportunity to earn up to $500 on your real account and has 5 prizes. The goal of the tournament is the same, to make the largest balance on your demo account, but not in one day, but in 30 days. Regarding the approximate amount for victory, it is difficult to say, since there are no transparent statistics,

however, you can find out all this information from your tournament manager during the tournament. Most likely, in this tournament you will be able to use more reliable strategies for binary options, and even if you do not win the tournament, you will hone your trading skills without risk.

1.3. Tournament on a demo account from Bintrader

Tournaments from Bintrader are the longest, but also, perhaps, the most profitable. In the summer tournament you can win up to $2000, while in the spring tournament only $600 was awarded for first place.

There are a lot of prizes in tournaments and even if you find yourself in the top twenty, you can earn up to $50 to your real account. The statistics are transparent and updated once a day, so you can see every day how much you still need to score to become a leader.

1.4. Tournament from Verum option

Tournaments from Verum option are already held on real accounts, but the conditions in them are much more acceptable for novice traders. The tournament lasts for a week, and to get a guaranteed prize, you just need to make a certain turnover of transactions.

To participate in the tournament, you will need to top up your account with at least $50, while participation in the tournament itself is free, and it is the amount of your deposit that you will trade. After making a deposit, you are placed into one of the money categories depending on your deposit (the higher the category, the more turnover you will have to make, but the prize will be larger)

Why is this particular tournament most suitable for novice traders?

  1. By trading with real money you will overcome psychological barrier which you will have when trading on a demo account, trading with real money is much more difficult and this experience will be useful to you in future binary options trading.
  2. The tournament is absolutely transparent and has no competitors, you can calculate for yourself how much you bought options (whether they won or not) and count on your prize.
  3. Even if your binary options trading strategy only produces 60% winning trades, you can still make money. Since in this tournament it is important for you to make as many transactions as possible, and it doesn’t matter whether they are profitable or unprofitable, in fact, you can simply drain the amount of money indicated in the turnover and receive a prize, but of course you shouldn’t do that. Just choose a strategy that will bring more profitable trades than unprofitable ones and go ahead!

2. Follow broker news

In addition to starting bonuses, binary options brokers often try to warm up their clients with cash or material prizes. Often, to do this, you just need to top up your deposit within the specified period and wait for the draw, but just as often, all that is needed to receive a prize is a deposit of a larger amount, for which you will receive a guaranteed prize.

If you don’t have time to follow all broker news, you can subscribe to the VKontakte group “ Binary options for beginners", it publishes all new promotions and broker competitions.

3. Become a broker partner

The easiest and most popular way is to create a VKontakte group and start advertising the broker’s services.

To do this, you will need to register in one of the brokers' affiliate programs and receive your affiliate link. Along with the link, you will have access to many advertising banners and landing pages that you can later use in your advertising.


This option requires minimal investment.

We offer and recommend that all our clients (especially beginners) start trading using our signals with a free subscription, this will allow you to personally verify their reliability and start paying for a subscription to signals only with the money you earn.

In order to get your first subscription for free, you will need to open an account with one of the brokers for which we provide signals for free, for example, this is a broker or Finmax. You open an account with these brokers using a link from our website, and you no longer have to pay for signals; we will give you a free subscription to our signals for up to 30 days. During this time you can make sure that everything