How to get a mortgage for a young family, or how realistic it is to get your own home. Step-by-step instructions and recommendations for young families who have decided to take out a mortgage loan. Is it possible to get a mortgage for a young family?


Every citizen of the country wants to acquire their own housing. The current economic situation in the country is not conducive to the immediate fulfillment of this desire, so city residents are turning to housing loans. A mortgage for a young family is the only way to get a housing loan on more favorable terms with a lower interest rate and partial compensation of costs.

What is the “Young Family” mortgage program

The program is designed for citizens who have recently gotten married. The age of the spouses should not exceed 35 years. To count on government support, a husband and wife must stand in line to improve their living conditions. The amount of government subsidies is determined by the regional cost of housing. In Moscow, a couple without children is allocated 48 m2, and if there is a child, then 18 m2 per person.

Federal program "Housing 2011-2020"

The government has set out to provide citizens with affordable housing. For this purpose, the federal Housing program was developed. Under this project, the state is engaged in the massive construction of new economy-class buildings, and then sells apartments from such complexes at a reduced price to those in need. Any citizen of the Russian Federation who needs to improve their living conditions can become participants in the federal program. Over the 9 years of its operation, more than 520 thousand families were able to purchase housing. Participants must meet the following requirements:

  1. The age of the spouses should not exceed 35 years.
  2. Family income must be no less than the minimum.
  3. One of the spouses is a citizen of the Russian Federation.

Regional programs

The project is being implemented differently in the regions. In Arkhangelsk they provide housing purchases on the secondary market. Belgorod executive authorities are helping families purchase apartments in new buildings. Residents of Samara and Vladivostok can choose housing in any real estate market. The main problem in implementing regional subsidy programs is income confirmation. Many residents are given “gray” salaries, which prevents them from receiving social assistance.

How the state program “Young Family” works

Project participants are given a special certificate to receive a subsidy. Its size is 30-35% of the value of the purchased property. If a family has a child, the subsidy amount increases by 5%. The remaining amount can be obtained by contacting one of the commercial banks that has a mortgage for a young family. Taking into account the down payment, citizens are eligible for preferential lending.

One-time purchase of real estate

One of the options for purchasing an apartment is to pay its full cost to the previous owner. Some newlyweds, even taking into account maternal capital, cannot afford this step. In such a situation, you can make a request for a subsidy. You must contact your local government and provide certificates confirming the following information:

  • salary at main place of work;
  • the amount of funds on deposit (if the couple uses their own savings to purchase real estate);
  • income from individual entrepreneurs;
  • alimony (if the family is incomplete).

Additionally, documentation of expenses will be required. The expenses column includes paid alimony, loan payments, rent payments, and utility bills. Even if a husband and wife, instead of applying for a mortgage, decide to buy real estate using their own savings and the subsidy amount, they still must collect certificates of income and expenses for municipal authorities.

Mortgage payment

If the spouses have already taken out a loan from the bank, they can apply for a subsidy to pay off the original debt. The maximum amount of cash assistance is determined by the number of family members. Its average value is 600,000 rubles. Housing certificates are issued after approval is received from the executive authorities.

Construction of new housing

The subsidy amount in this case is 30-35% of the cost of the apartment. It is necessary to contact local executive bodies responsible for providing assistance to the population. Some banks are launching youth promotions that allow you to apply for a loan online at a significant discount. After studying the list of documents, citizens must send electronic copies of them and fill out an application. Refusals of applications occur in cases where certificates to determine solvency have not been submitted.

Young family - who belongs to this category

Couples in which both spouses are under 35 years of age can participate in the program. Some commercial banks allow you to apply for a loan on preferential terms if the husband or wife is not older than 35 years. People with Russian citizenship can take advantage of the housing program for young families. It is permissible for only one of the spouses to be a citizen if they have common children.

Who can apply for government assistance

A young family can get an apartment on a mortgage under a preferential scheme if they officially need to improve their living conditions. The confirmed income of two spouses must be at least 21,620 rubles. If there is one child, then the total amount of money earned must be at least 32,150 rubles. The following categories of borrowers can participate in the program:

  • couples without children, where each spouse is a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • single-parent families with children, consisting of one parent who is a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • persons who have entered into an official marriage and have 1 or more children, where one of the spouses is a citizen of the Russian Federation.

Features of mortgage lending to young families in banks

Credit institutions are happy to lend money to large businesses. However, the question of how to get a mortgage for a young family remains relevant. Not all financial associations are ready to provide a mortgage loan right away. Most banks will require guarantors or start talking about real estate collateral, because... a newly formed family as a social unit is not reliable. An important factor is the salary of both spouses.

Requirements for the borrower

Each financial organization evaluates citizens according to its own criteria. No exceptions are made even for couples participating in government programs for obtaining preferential housing. You can increase your rating in the eyes of a credit institution if you introduce it to co-borrowers, who can be parents or friends. Many banks have the following requirements for borrowers:

  • age at least 21 years;
  • registration in the region;
  • work experience of at least 1 year;
  • availability of documents confirming solvency;
  • the period of marriage is at least 1 year;
  • positive credit history.

What documents are needed for a young family?

Without collecting certain certificates, you will not be able to participate in government projects. They are presented to various municipal authorities to confirm their status. Along with copies of documents, there must be originals. Both spouses are required to be present when submitting the application. To take part in the program, newlyweds must collect the following documents:

  • a special form application filled out in duplicate;
  • copies of the personal account (opened free of charge in the bank where the spouses are going to take out a loan);
  • extract from the house register;
  • a copy of the marriage certificate;
  • passports of both spouses and birth certificates of children (if any);
  • copies of documents for the purchased property (obtained from the developer or apartment owner);
  • documents on special registration or other papers confirming the right to participate in the state program (issued free of charge when contacting the MFC);
  • income certificate in the prescribed form (issued free of charge by the employer).

How to get a mortgage for a young family

You can receive money from the bank to purchase real estate on regular and preferential terms. The first option is unprofitable for young people, because loan rates will be high. There is a certain procedure that must be completed in order to become a participant in the state program. Having completed them, the newlyweds will be able to obtain a loan on preferential terms:

  1. Registration in the “Young Family” program. Contact the city administration or MFC. Get a list of documents. Present the completed papers to the MFC or administration. Wait for notification of registration in the queue for improved living conditions.
  2. Analysis of the real estate market and selection of suitable housing. You can use lists from government websites where economy class complexes are collected.
  3. Selecting a bank and applying for a mortgage loan. A list of suitable financial institutions can be found from the organizations responsible for the implementation of the project.
  4. Concluding a mortgage loan agreement on preferential terms.

Mortgage conditions for young people

The state is trying to help newlyweds improve their living conditions. For these purposes, authorized bodies issue a certificate for obtaining a mortgage on preferential terms. It is not easy to obtain a loan for citizens who have officially entered into a marriage, even with government assistance. A mortgage for a young family can be provided under the following conditions:

  • the down payment must be at least 10-15%;
  • it is necessary to introduce co-borrowers who guarantee loan repayment;
  • When a child is born, it is possible to defer payments for a couple of months.

Interest rate

The amount of overpayment is set by each bank separately. If the down payments are 50% of the property price, then the interest will be less. If the deposit together with the subsidy is only 10-20%, then the overpayment will be maximum. In accordance with the state program, mortgages are issued to young families at reduced interest rates. The minimum rate is 8.9%, and the maximum is 14%.

Monthly payment repayment schedule

Mortgages for young families provide preferential terms for the return of funds to the bank. The amount of contributions depends on the terms of the loan. Many financial institutions find it beneficial to have the mortgage loan repaid in equal installments. The borrower pays equal amounts of interest and the amount borrowed. At the birth of a child, participants in the state program can receive an additional subsidy intended to repay the loan.

Penalties for late payment

The borrower's property may be seized if the citizen evades monthly payments. In case of constant delays, a penalty is charged for each day. It is set at 1%. Some financial institutions may issue deferred payments if the family provides documents confirming financial problems. If there is a delay in insurance, then:

  • the bank loan rate may be increased;
  • If the insurance payment was made with borrowed funds, then penalties will be charged for late repayment.

Penalties can have a significant impact on paying off the original debt. To avoid changes in the loan amount or mortgage agreement, the borrower must contact the credit institution and inform it of financial difficulties. With a preferential mortgage, bank employees will be able to develop debt restructuring options, including credit holidays.

Which banks offer mortgages under the “Young Family” program?

Sberbank offers to issue a loan to newlyweds under several preferential projects. A mortgage for a young family from Sberbank can be issued taking into account the income of the spouses' parents or with the involvement of co-borrowers. You can calculate the overpayment using a mortgage calculator or yourself. The table shows the banks involved in issuing loans under this government program:

Interest rate

Features of the loan program


The borrower can repay the principal debt or part of it ahead of schedule using a maternity capital certificate. Mandatory involvement of guarantors. The property remains as collateral to the bank.

Attractive interest rates. A mortgage for a young family can be issued for a period of up to 600 months. Simplified document requirements. High requirements for earnings.


There are no commissions. The borrower can choose between annuity and differentiated forms of loan repayment. Early repayment of the loan amount is permitted. High interest rates.


You can borrow large sums of money without involving co-borrowers. Interest rates are high.


Early repayment of the loan is possible. In case of difficulties, borrowers are given a deferment. The interest on the loan is higher than in other banks.

Pros and cons of social mortgages for a young family

The main goal of this government program is to improve the living conditions of citizens who are not able to afford it themselves. Both couples with children and childless newlyweds can use the help. The government program has its positive and negative sides. The main advantages of a mortgage intended for citizens who have recently legalized their relationship:

  1. There is no need to save money for years.
  2. The borrower receives the status of apartment owner and can register his loved ones in the housing.
  3. The program is suitable for large families and citizens with severely limited incomes.
  4. The rate is about 10%, which is less than when participating in other loan programs.
  5. Risk insurance is provided, which ensures complete security of the transaction.
  6. Small payments.

The mortgage lending program under consideration A young family has one serious drawback. It is the amount of overpayment for housing. In some cases it can reach 100%. The overpayment includes not only interest paid on the loan, but also compulsory insurance contributions. The list of shortcomings includes strict requirements for borrowers.


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Surely many have heard, but not everyone knows that it is possible to get a mortgage without your own savings.

It is possible to purchase a home using:

  • bank under certain conditions;
  • as a participant in a government project.

The features of the second method of mortgage lending are the fact that the down payment can be:

  1. governmental support;
  2. social programs;
  3. directly banking programs;
  4. credit offers.

With all this, expenses are inevitable.:

  • assessment services for selected housing;
  • registration of home insurance;
  • bank commissions;
  • payment of government fees and realtor services.

In various regions of our country there are programs to help young families improve their living conditions.

IMPORTANT: Mortgage is available in two forms: with social assistance from the state, social bank programs.

Basic requirements of banks

  1. Russian citizenship of spouses.
  2. The age limit of one of the spouses is no more than 35 years.
  3. Availability of official employment.
  4. Sufficient monthly income to pay off your mortgage.
  5. Having a permanent residence permit.

To participate in a social program it is necessary to provide evidence of the need to improve living conditions.

Various banks offer their services to young families, where general requirements may vary depending on the chosen credit institution.

Watch a video about bank mortgage programs for young families:

Offers on the market

Considering all the risks, not every financial institution will agree to give a loan without depositing part of the funds. To do this, you still need to prove your worth or provide government assistance.

The standard package of documents required for submitting documents to the bank and requested by the bank contains:

PJSC Sberbank

The loan rate in this bank is from 10.25% per annum and the loan term is up to 30 years. As a down payment, the Bank may offer to use state support programs, maternity (family) capital, or a military certificate.

When applying for a mortgage loan, you must provide a standard package of documents.

In this case, the collateral is the purchased housing.. This fact is stated in the state registration certificate. When the entire debt for housing is paid off, the encumbrance is removed.

Watch a video about the opportunity for a young family to get a mortgage from Sberbank:


VTB Bank offers a mortgage loan without a down payment. Depending on the amount of debt, the mortgage interest rate ranges from 8%. The advantages of this bank include a long lending period - up to 50 years.

ATTENTION: Additional requirements include the fact of no criminal record.

In order to take out a mortgage, you need to prepare standard documents. In this case, the purchased housing also acts as collateral.. This fact is stated in the state registration certificate. When the entire debt for housing is paid off, the encumbrance is removed.


Interest rate from 10% per annum, loan term up to 30 years, maximum loan amount up to 10 million rubles. At the same time, housing within the framework of this program can be purchased from Gazprombank Invest Group of Companies. By purchasing an apartment in a new building from a certain developer, you can get a loan on favorable terms.

The terms of lending for a specific client are determined directly by the bank upon application and may change.

The basic requirements for the borrower include the absence of a negative credit history and age at least 20 years. When applying for a mortgage loan, a standard package of documents is provided.


The interest rate is 13.50% per annum under the “Mortgage without down payment” program. The mortgage is issued for the entire cost of housing. Loan term from 1 year to 25 years. The exception to this bank program are individual entrepreneurs and business owners.

The requirements for borrowers are standard and in this bank the age criterion is from 18 to 55 years.

To apply for a loan, a standard package of documents is provided. A document regarding your relationship to military service may also be requested.


At Promsvyazbank you can get a mortgage under the “Mortgage without a down payment” program. However, the program only applies to new construction and from certain accredited developers.

The maximum loan term is 25 years and the mortgage interest rate is 13%. Requirements for borrowers are standard, including the age criterion of 21 to 65 years. As part of the client proposal, the borrower can be either an employee, a business owner or an individual entrepreneur. It is also a mandatory requirement to have two working telephones, one of which is landline (work).

The package of required documents is standard.

Step-by-step instruction

The algorithm of action for a young family wishing to purchase a home without a down payment is the following steps.

The considered algorithm is typical, but each case is unique. The presented algorithm of actions can be changed in accordance with the conditions of the bank.

ADVICE: For a family that does not have accumulated own funds or initial capital, bank offers are not only a favorable condition, but also the only opportunity to acquire property.

In our country, there are not only offers with state support for helping young families, but many banks also provide the opportunity to purchase housing without using their own accumulated funds.

If you don't have money for a down payment, then this is not such a problem. If you have income that allows you to repay the loan, then without a down payment it is quite possible.

Previously, the easiest way to get a loan was to apply for it under a special bank program. But from the moment the crisis began, these programs were canceled. Therefore, another solution will have to be found. To answer the question “first of all, you should ask yourself another one: “Will I be able to pay?” If the answer turns out to be affirmative, then you can already make a decision about which mortgage program is right for you.

Loan without down payment with collateral

This method is suitable for those who already have an apartment that can be pledged to the bank. It is probably easier to take out a car loan without a down payment than a mortgage. But there is still a chance. There are several banks that issue secured loans. There are a couple of points to consider:

  1. Banks do not give the full cost of an apartment that is pledged as collateral. Most banks give about 80%. That is, if your property is valued at three million rubles, then the loan will be approximately 2.4 million rubles. This amount may be less, since the borrower’s income also affects the maximum loan size.
  2. The apartment that you plan to pledge must be located exactly where the bank issuing the loan is located.

How to get a mortgage without a down payment by getting two mortgages at once?

If the first method is suitable for those who have more expensive real estate and purchase cheaper ones, then using this method you can buy an apartment that is more expensive or, conversely, cheaper.

In general, two mortgage loans are issued: the first is intended to make a down payment, secured by existing housing, and the second, secured by the apartment that you plan to buy.

How to get a mortgage without a down payment, and from which bank? So far, only one bank is known that practices this type of lending, where loans issued by such
method, loans without a down payment are allocated as a separate program. But there are quite high interest rates here. This method can only be implemented by combining loans received from several banks

How take mortgage without original contribution at help consumer loans?

Without collateral? Yes, very simple. To do this, you need to take out several loans from different banks, for different amounts. But it is worth considering that you will still have to repay the debts, and this can turn out to be much more expensive than a regular mortgage. Also, these have half the price of a mortgage.

As we found out, you can still get a loan for an apartment without a down payment. But before taking out such a loan, you should evaluate your capabilities very well. Will you be able to pay off multiple loans at once?

Getting a mortgage is quite simple, but you still need to pay it back!

Not many people today manage to save money for an apartment, but thanks to government support, young families can receive a preferential targeted loan for housing. A mortgage for a young family in Moscow is also on the list of state programs to support this category of the population in solving the housing problem, but not every family that wants it can receive it. The conditions for registration and requirements for applicants are prescribed by law.

How has the mortgage for a young family changed in 2019 in Moscow?

Let's start with the fact that this year you can also get a housing loan until you reach 35 years of age; after this age threshold, both spouses lose the status of a young family. Mortgages for young people in Moscow can be issued:

  • if the family does not have its own home;
  • if the family is solvent, i.e. at least one spouse works;
  • secured by existing living space;
  • at a preferential interest rate. In 2019, it became possible to get a mortgage loan in Moscow at 6 percent.

The last point concerns young families with two, three or more children. It is important that children must be born within the period established by the Government of the Russian Federation and this is 2019-2022. It doesn’t matter whether it’s Moscow or another Russian city, the requirement is the same and federal districts at the local level cannot influence the implementation of the new state program.

Mortgage conditions for a young family in Moscow under a new program

The program will be implemented with the help of a number of banks, the list still includes Sberbank, VTB Bank, Gazprombank, Alfa-Bank, Rosselkhozbank and other credit organizations. There are a few nuances that young families should take into account:

  • Moscow banks will require documents about family composition, place of work and salary level, guarantors and security, and the borrower will be “checked” for his credit history. There are no concessions regarding receipt under the new program;
  • if the loan was received earlier, and another child was born from January 1, 2019 onwards, you can submit documents for mortgage refinancing in Moscow and receive a recalculation;
  • the preferential rate applies only to 3-5 years of mortgage payments.

On this portal you can clarify all the details regarding the terms of registration, calculate a mortgage for a young family in Moscow, taking into account the down payment, the cost of housing and other parameters.

It is most difficult for young families with a child to purchase and furnish their own apartment, since they do not have acquired capital. Therefore, they often decide to take out a mortgage. It is impossible to take out such a loan in Russia without a down payment almost anywhere. Sometimes existing housing can act as a down payment.

Also available to young families is the following solution to the housing issue: obtain a certificate from the local administration stating that you have the right to improve your living conditions and become a participant in the state program, after which you can take out a mortgage from Sberbank on favorable terms. Thus, the amount of the down payment for Sberbank should be covered by government assistance.

Sberbank mortgage without down payment - conditions

At the moment, it is impossible to take out a mortgage for a young family without a down payment from Sberbank. But you can try to get this starting amount as part of a program for state support for young families. To be able to take out a home loan, at least one person from a married couple must be a maximum of 35 years old. Also, this banking organization has established the following credit conditions:

  • Lending currency – ruble;
  • Interest rate – from 10.5% (in practice, most often the interest rate is from 11.5%);
  • The size of the starting payment is from 20%;
  • Duration – up to 30 years;
  • Repayment scheme – annuity;
  • Damage risk insurance is mandatory.

Life insurance is optional (if refused, the interest rate increases by 1%).

Sberbank mortgage in a new building without a down payment for a young family 2018

How to get a mortgage without a down payment from Sberbank for a young family? To do this, you first need to become a full-fledged participant in the state program appropriately called “Young Family”.

After you are recognized as a needy married couple, and your turn for assistance comes to you, you will need to submit documents to the bank. The state is ready to give you up to 30% of the cost of housing. This is the money that can be used for the down payment. The next condition is that the interest rate will be approximately 11.5%.

If a young family has a child, it will be possible to receive maternity capital. To do this, come with your passport and children’s birth certificate to the Pension Fund of Russia. This money is given out for the second child and today the total amount is 453 thousand rubles, which can also be used as a down payment for a mortgage on an apartment. When using maternity capital, the interest rate is from 12.5%.

Mortgage for 30 years without a down payment for a young family

This offer is valid today at Sberbank. The loan can be taken out for a period of up to 30 years. To do this, at least one of the spouses must not reach the age of 35 years. The exact interest rate is calculated taking into account the starting amount paid and the term of the mortgage. It is advisable to have a permanent work experience, especially at your last job. The spouse can act as a co-borrower. The exact interest rate in practice ranges from 11 to 15%.

Mortgage without a down payment for a young family Sberbank or VTB 24

The best options in both banks for young families remain mortgage programs with state support. In this case, the state can compensate about 30% of the entire price of the apartment. Conditions in both institutions remain virtually identical. The interest rate in both cases starts from 11.4%, the maximum period is no more than 30 years. The only difference is the minimum price of the apartment. If at VTB24 you can sign an agreement for 600 thousand rubles, then at Sberbank this amount is half as much - 300 thousand rubles.

Mortgage calculator

We will use the Sberbank mortgage calculator for a young family without a down payment for a specific example. Here are the calculations for this case: the price of the apartment is 5 million rubles, 1 million rubles will be paid immediately (due to state support), the payment period is 20 years.

In practice, it will be possible to take out a home loan using these parameters at 11.4% if your monthly income is about 70 thousand rubles. In this case, the calculator will show that the monthly payment that needs to be made is 42 thousand rubles.