How to make a new compulsory medical insurance policy. How to change the compulsory medical insurance policy to a new one

You will need

  • - passport;
  • - document confirming registration at the place of residence or stay in Moscow (if available);
  • - fountain pen.


If you have a place of residence (in the old way - registration) or place of stay (in everyday life - temporary registration) in Moscow, you need to go from the district clinic to which the house where you are registered is assigned. Most likely, the necessary information (which insurance company and at what address) will be posted in a prominent place in the lobby or reception window.

Otherwise, contact the registry office or the informant.

In Moscow, compulsory medical insurance policies are issued by such insurance companies as ROSNO, MAX, etc.

The address and opening hours of the division of the insurance company that issues compulsory medical insurance policies are usually indicated on its official website. You are required to come there during working hours with a passport, a certificate of registration at the place of residence (if there is no stamp about it in the passport) or stay and a fountain pen. Just in case, make photocopies of the first two pages of your passport (personal and passport data and registration) and other necessary documents, if available. Most often in such units there is a queue, but it moves relatively quickly.

Insurance company employees will look at your documents, give you the necessary papers, which you fill out immediately, and tell you when to come for your completed policy.

If you are taking out a policy for a newborn, when submitting documents, a birth certificate and a passport of one of the parents who is registered in Moscow at the place of residence or stay will be enough (in this case, you will also need a certificate of registration at the place of stay). But upon receipt, confirmation will be required that the baby is registered at the same address: a note on the birth certificate about registration at the place of residence or about registration at the place of stay in the certificate of such registration of one of the parents.

For adults and children who are registered at their place of stay, policies are issued for the period of this registration. After this period, you can first renew the registration, then the policy.

If you work under an employment contract in a company with a legal address in Moscow and you do not have a Moscow compulsory medical insurance policy, the employer is obliged to issue one. In this case, no special effort is required from you. The employer himself will provide the necessary documents to fill out, take the policy where it should be, and issue it ready. Most often, these formalities are handled by the HR department or equivalent structure. Sometimes (if there is no HR department) - accounting.

The policy issued through the employer must be handed over to him upon dismissal. And at another place of work you are required to issue a new one.

Video on the topic


1. Foreign citizens can apply for a Moscow compulsory medical insurance policy only at their place of work, even if they have a temporary residence permit or residence permit in the Russian Federation at a Moscow address.
2. Register at your place of stay only at the branches of the Federal Migration Service (FMS). Various companies offering temporary registration services may issue it to you at an address that does not exist. In this case, you risk not only being refused to issue a policy, but also running into accusations of using false documents, or even falsifying them.

Helpful advice

A compulsory health insurance policy issued anywhere in the Russian Federation is valid throughout the country. If you are denied service anywhere, including Moscow, under the pretext that the policy is “foreign,” it makes sense to file a complaint about the unlawful actions of doctors.
You can complain to Roszdravnadzor, the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund, the prosecutor's office, the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Russian Federation or the city of Moscow, the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, including through their official websites. Better for everyone at once. They must take action and respond to you within a month.


  • where to get a health insurance policy

A new type of compulsory health insurance (CHI) policy, in the form of a card with an electronic storage medium, is available for receipt throughout Moscow in 2019.

Why do you need a compulsory medical insurance policy?

To present to medical workers when receiving free medical care.

The policy is valid throughout the Russian Federation. Therefore, if you go traveling around the country, it is better to take it with you.

If you do not have a policy, you will only be able to receive emergency care.

Who can use compulsory health insurance services

All citizens of the Russian Federation, as well as foreign citizens and stateless persons living in the Russian Federation.

The “residing” status for foreigners is confirmed:

  • residence permit
  • temporary residence permit - compulsory medical insurance is issued for the period of the permit

What services can be obtained under compulsory medical insurance?

There is no single list of services that can be provided under the compulsory health insurance program. There are only classes of diseases for which assistance is provided through compulsory medical insurance funds.

The range of services will be determined in accordance with the diagnosis, according to the standards approved by the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation.

What services are provided free of charge?

Any treatment or diagnostic procedures prescribed by a doctor must be performed free of charge.

In addition to what the doctor prescribed, he can also “advise”, so whether to follow the advice and pay extra money is up to you.

In any case, no one forbids calling the insurance company and asking whether such treatment will be covered.

Is it necessary to replace the old one with a new one?

Paper forms of a uniform type, issued earlier, are valid on a par with new electronic cards, as well as old plastic cards without a chip, model 1998. There is no need to replace the old one with a new one.

What are the benefits of the new 2015 compulsory medical insurance policy?

  • Compact size - easy to carry
  • Availability of a photograph and sample signature - no need to present your passport at the hospital or clinic
  • Support for all functions of infomats - electronic terminals installed at the entrance to medical institutions

Where to get a medical policy

In Moscow, there are about a dozen insurance companies:

  • JSC MSK UralSib
  • JSC SG Spasskie Vorota-M
  • JSC Insurance Company SOGAZ-Med
  • VTB Medical Insurance LLC
  • JSC "MAKS-M"
  • LLC "Rosgosstrakh-Medicine"
  • LLC "SMK RESO-MED" (Moscow branch)
  • LLC SK "Ingosstrakh-M"

The choice will depend rather on the location of the offices and the availability of a telephone number where you can get advice around the clock. Having a competent support service will help you sort out a controversial situation with a medical institution.

How to get a compulsory medical insurance policy in Moscow

You need to submit an application to the selected insurance company, most likely you won’t have to fill it out, the operator will do it for you. You need to have a passport and an insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance (SNILS) with you, if available. For children under 14 years old - birth certificate.

The policy will be issued to you in 30 days, but in the meantime you will have a temporary certificate that can be used during this period of time. The insurance company will notify you when it is ready.

How is the authenticity of a compulsory medical insurance policy verified? Where can I get or renew my compulsory health insurance policy? Is it possible to issue a new electronic compulsory medical insurance policy online?

Good day, dear readers! Welcome to the HeaterBober website and insurance expert Denis Kuderin.

The topic of our article is the Compulsory Health Insurance Policy (CHI). Such insurance is needed by everyone who cares about their own health, so the material will be of interest to every reader.

And now - in detail on each point!

1. What is a compulsory medical insurance policy?

The unified health insurance system was created by the state to support the health of citizens and their treatment in case of illness.

Compulsory medical insurance allows any resident of the Russian Federation, regardless of his status, income and age, to receive medical care in a regulated amount.

The compulsory insurance system is a form of social protection of the population that guarantees free services in the event of insurance situations. Compulsory medical insurance policy is an official document confirming the right of citizens to receive qualified medical care.

The basic compulsory medical insurance program includes the following activities:

  • diagnostic procedures;
  • ambulatory treatment;
  • hospital treatment;
  • preventative care;
  • vaccination;
  • purchasing medicines at discounted prices;
  • dispensary observation of minors.

In addition to the above, the policy gives the right to compensate for damage caused to patients by medical institutions during therapy or diagnosis.

If a person does not have health insurance, the clinic has the right to refuse to help him. The exception is emergency cases (injuries, situations directly threatening life).


A patient who does not have a compulsory medical insurance policy was taken to the hospital in a state of acute renal failure. Doctors must stabilize the patient's status, but are not required to provide further treatment for the underlying disease.

Doctors are required to provide free care to children under one year old and pregnant women without any insurance. However, with insurance, patients will in any case have peace of mind.

Since 2011, a uniform medical policy has been introduced into circulation. If previously such a document was issued at the place of work, now you need to obtain it yourself by contacting the insurance organization.

The owner of a uniform policy has the right to choose a clinic to provide assistance. Now he is not tied to registration, as before, and can take the document with him when traveling around Russia. The compulsory medical insurance policy is valid in any region and location.

If a citizen is refused help in any clinic or provided with incomplete services, he has the right to file a complaint with the compulsory medical insurance fund or with the insurance organization that issued the document.

The activities of doctors and medical staff are paid for from federal funds and deductions from municipal budgets. In some regions, the list of medical services included in the main program may be expanded through additional allocations.

3. How to get a compulsory medical insurance policy - step-by-step instructions for beginners

Obtaining a policy does not take much time. However, you should take a responsible approach to choosing an insurance company and to the process of document execution itself.

People who are familiar with modern information technologies can obtain a policy online.

On the websites of many insurance organizations you can obtain insurance without leaving your home. True, it’s better to receive the finished document offline - it’s more reliable.

Another good news for advanced policyholders: every citizen has the right to receive an electronic (plastic) insurance policy. It looks like a bank card and contains a microchip on which all information about the owner is recorded.

Having such a policy is, of course, more convenient: you can always carry it with you in your wallet - it doesn’t tear and doesn’t take up much space.

Policies are issued in any region of the Russian Federation where there are branches of insurance organizations from the official list of the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund. True, electronic cards are not yet issued everywhere, but I think the situation will change for the better in the next few years.

And now - a step-by-step guide to obtaining the document.

Step 1: Determine if you are insured

So, all citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to receive an insurance document, regardless of their age, availability of work and registration.

Persons with official refugee status, as well as foreigners living in Russia, can also insure themselves.

Step 2: Choose a health insurance company

Often citizens do not think much about which company to insure with and choose an insurer on a territorial basis. Whose branch is closer to their place of residence, that’s where they go.

This approach is logical, but not entirely correct. Insurance conditions in all companies are approximately the same, but the approach to issues of social and legal protection of clients may vary.

Experts advise choosing the most well-known and reliable insurers from the list of organizations included in the official register of the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund. A complete list of health insurance companies is available on the fund's website.

Step 3. Collect the necessary package of documents

Citizens of the Russian Federation only need two documents to obtain insurance.

  • passport;
  • SNILS - pension certificate.

An application for insurance is attached to the documents.

Children under 14 years of age will need a birth certificate. The law allows one parent to obtain policies for the entire family. However, in this case, a written power of attorney is required from adult family members.

Foreigners, in addition to an identity card, must present evidence of registration in Russia. Refugees will need documentary evidence of their status or a certificate from the migration center.

Step 4. Obtain a temporary certificate

On the day the application is submitted, the insurer is obliged to issue the client a temporary certificate. Such a document confirms that the policy is in the process of being issued.

The certificate allows you to receive the same volume of medical services as provided for holders of full insurance. But remember that the temporary document is valid only for 30 days from the date of receipt.

Uniform insurance is provided for just 30 days or a little less. Company employees are required to notify you of its readiness (unless, of course, you forgot to leave your phone number or email in the application).

Step 5. Get a uniform compulsory medical insurance policy

The finished document is issued at the same office where you submitted your application. The client is only required to sign in the registration log.

After this, he receives a full-fledged document giving the right to free treatment and preventive services in any government institution.

Citizens of the Russian Federation are issued a document once and for all. The policy does not have a limited validity period. Refugees, foreign nationals, and stateless persons receive compulsory medical insurance for the duration of their stay in the country or for the duration of their residence permit.

Additional information is in the article "".

4. How and why is the compulsory medical insurance policy checked?

It happens that citizens who do not follow news regarding health insurance fall for the tricks of scammers and purchase a fake or written-off policy for money.

Another situation also occurs: the policy itself is genuine, but the insurance organization no longer exists (or its license has been revoked).

Such documents are invalid - it is naturally impossible to receive free medical care using them.

How to find out which document you have in your hands - fake or real? There are several ways to do this.

1) Visual inspection

Genuine compulsory medical insurance policies, regardless of which organizations they were issued by, have the same appearance.

  • Owner's full name;
  • unique personal number;
  • name of the insurance company and its seal;
  • special barcode.

The texture of the paper is special and has several degrees of protection. That is, if you have a form printed on a printer in your hands, it is definitely a fake.

2) Check by number

The personal number is entered into a single database: its authenticity can be verified online.

To do this, enter the number in the appropriate box on the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund website and click on the “check” button. Verification by passport number and series is also available.

What to do if the policy is invalid? First of all, don’t panic, enter the number again. Perhaps you were simply mistaken.

If the document really turns out to be fake, you will have to get the policy again. But this time, do not purchase a document from dubious insurers, but contact companies included in the official register of the health insurance fund.

For clarity, watch a video on the topic of verifying the authenticity of a policy.

Detailed material about is also available to our readers in the corresponding publication.

5. Where to get a compulsory medical insurance policy - TOP 5 companies with the best insurance conditions

And now - a list of five Russian insurers with the best insurance conditions.


A company operating in the field of health insurance since 1992. Member of the Presidium of the Interregional Union of Medical Insurers. It is represented in the regions by a network of branches. Currently, more than 6 million citizens are under the protection of the organization. Part of the RESO insurance group.

2) Rosgosstrakh-Medicine

A subsidiary of Rosgosstrakh, the oldest Russian insurer. The company's motto: “we make insurance coverage even more reliable and affordable!”

According to statistics, every seventh holder of compulsory health insurance in Russia received it in the branches of the Rosgosstrakh-Medicine company. The total number of clients insured under compulsory medical insurance is 21 million.

3) SOGAZ-Med

An insurance company with a high rating and branches in all cities of the Russian Federation. Deals with the preparation of both regular compulsory medical insurance policies and the issuance of electronic insurance documents. Here you can insure yourself online and order delivery of the policy to your workplace.

The company pays great attention to protecting the rights of the insured. Representatives of the insurer are ready to assist clients in resolving disputes with medical organizations.

4) VTB Medical insurance

The company has been operating in the health insurance market for more than 20 years. The number of insured clients is approaching 6 million. It is part of the VTB insurance group. It has a wide network of representative offices in many regions of Russia.

Provides legal support to insured citizens. Delivers policies free of charge to disabled people, large families or persons who have issued at least 3 policies to one delivery address.

5) Ingosstrakh-M

A division of the Ingosstrakh insurance group. It has branches in 19 regions of the Russian Federation. Included in the TOP 10 compulsory medical insurance insurers. Engaged in prompt resolution of any conflict situations between policyholders and medical organizations.

Provides legal support in litigation. All clients have access to 24-hour free consultations regarding the company's services.

For the convenience of readers, the companies listed above are listed in the table:

Insurer Reliability level Advantages
1 "RESO-MED" HighAlmost a quarter of a century in the health insurance market
2 "Rosgosstrakh-Medicine" HighestThe most popular medical insurer in the Russian Federation
3 "SOGAZ-Med" HighAssistance in protecting clients' rights
4 "VTB Medical Insurance" HighFree delivery of policies to preferential categories of citizens
5 "Ingosstrakh-M" HighestLegal support for policyholders

There are also separate articles on the website.

6. How to restore the compulsory medical insurance policy if a document is lost or damaged?

There are all sorts of situations in life - the policy can get lost, get wet, tear, or become unusable.

To restore the document, you need to contact the same company where you received insurance. You must have a passport with you (for children - a birth certificate) and SNILS. You write an application and the staff will issue you a temporary certificate.

If the document is lost, its number will be blocked so that unauthorized persons cannot take advantage of your right to medical care.

Citizens of Russia have the right to receive free medical care throughout the country, regardless of their place of registration and residence. This right is granted by the Federal Law “On Compulsory Health Insurance in the Russian Federation”, and is guaranteed by the compulsory medical insurance policy. How to apply for a policy, what documents are required and where this can be done in the Moscow region, read the material on the website.

Why do you need a compulsory medical insurance policy?

Source: , press service of "RESO-MED"

If you have a policy, a citizen can seek help from a clinic, hospital, city treatment centers and a number of other medical organizations participating in the compulsory health insurance program. If a resident of the Moscow region has received a policy in the region, then he will also be able to receive additional medical services that are not included in the state basic program - seek medical care for the treatment of tuberculosis, sexually transmitted diseases, mental disorders and behavioral disorders, including related with the use of psychoactive substances.

The full list of services to which an insured citizen is entitled can be found in the Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region “On the Moscow Regional Program of State Guarantees of Free Medical Care to Citizens.” Such resolutions are published annually. You can view the documents.

How to get a compulsory medical insurance policy

Source: Photobank of the Moscow region, Boris Chubatyuk

Obtaining a compulsory medical insurance policy is quite simple. To do this, you need to collect documents, choose an insurance company and submit an application. The policy is issued for 1 month, during which time the applicant is issued a temporary policy under which all guaranteed services can be obtained.

Required documents

To obtain a compulsory medical insurance policy, an adult resident of the Moscow region will need to present a passport and an insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance (SNILS). To apply for a policy for a child under 14 years of age, you need to provide the child’s birth certificate, the passport of one of the parents (or legal representative, guardian) and SNILS. Foreign citizens must present an identification document with a note indicating permission for temporary residence in the Russian Federation.

Choosing an insurance company

After collecting all the necessary documents, you need to decide on a medical insurance organization (HIO). It is better to choose it at your place of residence, since in this case the policy makes it possible to receive services not only under the basic federal, but also under the territorial compulsory medical insurance program.

Every year, several health insurance organizations participate in the implementation of the Moscow Regional Compulsory Health Insurance Program. Detailed information about insurance companies can be found on the MHIF website in the section register of insurance companies.

Where to apply

You can apply for an OMF policy directly at the insurance company itself, at the clinic to which the citizen is attached, and at the MFC office. In the latter, the service is provided only for children under 1.5 years old.

The procedure for submitting an application for a compulsory medical insurance policy at an insurance company and clinic can be clarified on the websites of institutions or by calling the telephone numbers listed in the register. As a rule, the application form will be provided on site. The employee will take a copy of the passport (main page and registration page) and SNILS.

Issuing a policy

After submitting the application, a temporary medical policy is issued. It guarantees the right to free medical care in the event of an insured event.

The policy itself is prepared within 30 working days from the date of submission of the application and issuance of the temporary document.

Replacement policy

Get a policy Replace [restore]

Reasons for replacing or reinstating a compulsory medical insurance policy:

  • when changing the last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth, place of birth, insured person;
  • establishing inaccuracy or erroneous information;
  • dilapidation and unsuitability of the policy for further use;
  • loss of the policy.

draw your attention to that if you change your place of residence (another region) or choose another insurance company, the policy cannot be replaced, and the insurance company’s seal is placed on the back of the paper form or changes are made to the electronic compulsory health insurance policy, if there are PIN and PUK codes.

To replace (restore) a compulsory health insurance policy:

To obtain a compulsory health insurance policy:

Who will be covered by the compulsory health insurance policy?

To yourself To another person

Documents for registration of compulsory medical insurance policy. Select your population category:

Adult citizens of the Russian Federation (except for military personnel and those equivalent to them)

    1. Birth certificate

    3. SNILS - certificate of compulsory pension insurance for a child (if available).

    1. Identification document (passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, temporary identity card of a citizen of the Russian Federation, issued for the period of registration of the passport)

    2. Identity document of the child’s legal representative

    3. SNILS - certificate of compulsory pension insurance for a child

    1. A refugee certificate or a certificate of consideration of an application for refugee recognition on the merits, or a certificate from the Federal Migration Service about the acceptance of a complaint against a decision to revoke refugee status or a certificate of temporary asylum in the territory of the Russian Federation

    2. Residence permit

    1. A passport of a foreign citizen or another document established by federal law or recognized in accordance with an international treaty of the Russian Federation as an identification document of a foreign citizen with a note on a temporary residence permit in the Russian Federation

    1. A document recognized in accordance with an international treaty of the Russian Federation as an identification document of a stateless person

    2. Residence permit

    3. SNILS - certificate of compulsory pension insurance (if available)

    1. A document recognized in accordance with an international treaty of the Russian Federation as an identification document of a stateless person, with a note indicating a temporary residence permit in the Russian Federation

    2. SNILS - certificate of compulsory pension insurance (if available)

    1. Passport of a foreign citizen or other document established by federal law or recognized in accordance with an international treaty of the Russian Federation as an identification document of a foreign citizen

    2. SNILS - certificate of compulsory pension insurance

    3. Employment contract of a working state - a member of the EAEU

    4. A detachable part of the notification form about the arrival of a foreign citizen or stateless person at the place of stay or a copy thereof indicating the place and period of stay

    1. Passport of a foreign citizen or other document established by federal law or recognized in accordance with an international treaty of the Russian Federation as an identification document of a foreign citizen

    2. SNILS - certificate of compulsory pension insurance

    3. A document confirming the person’s relationship to the category of officials, employees of EAEU bodies

    Power of attorney and identification document of the representative. To register a compulsory medical insurance policy for minors, a power of attorney from a legal representative is required.

Where to get a compulsory medical insurance policy

To apply for or reissue (replace) a compulsory medical insurance policy, you must contact the company personally or through a representative. RESO-Med has a large number of policy issuing points, this makes it possible to choose a convenient location and reduce the time for obtaining a document. You can find an office by calling or calling the company’s Contact Center at 8 800 200-92-04.

Compulsory medical insurance policy of a single sample

Compulsory medical insurance policy is a document confirming the right of a citizen to receive free medical care (services) in the scope of the basic compulsory medical insurance program throughout the Russian Federation and the territorial compulsory medical insurance program in the territory of the subject of the Russian Federation in which the compulsory medical insurance policy was issued.

According to 326-FZ, the production of compulsory medical insurance policies of a uniform standard is organized by the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, and their issuance to insured persons is carried out by insurance medical organizations (IMO) in the manner established by the Rules of Compulsory Medical Insurance.

A compulsory medical insurance policy or, as it is often called, a “medical policy” is necessary not only for receiving medical care. Often, a medical insurance policy or a copy of it is asked to be provided when enrolling a child in a kindergarten or school; when applying for a job, as a rule, the organizers of various sports competitions ask to present a compulsory medical insurance policy.

As for cases of seeking medical help, presenting a compulsory health insurance policy is the responsibility of the insured person, established by federal law (except for cases of emergency care).

Replacing a new policy or reissuing it is required only if the surname, first name, patronymic, date of birth, place of birth, insured person are changed, the information contained in the policy is determined to be inaccurate or erroneous, the policy is dilapidated and unsuitable for further use, or the policy is lost. The insured is obliged to notify his insurance company within a month of changes in his last name, first name, patronymic, place of residence, and identification document details.

With the application for surrender (loss) of the policy, military personnel are presented with the following documents:

1) an identification document (passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, temporary identity card of a citizen of the Russian Federation, issued for the period of registration of the passport);

3) policy (provided only upon surrender of the policy).

With compulsory health insurance, each citizen can be insured by only one medical insurance organization and have only one compulsory medical insurance policy.