Credit history bureau - what is it? What is a credit history and how to find it out The entire credit history.

You applied for a loan, collected all the necessary documents, found guarantors... But you were refused. What's the matter? Most likely, your credit history has let you down. the site found out what the credit history bureau (BKI) knows about borrowers, and whether it is possible to correct the “tarnished” reputation.

Are we all under the control of the BKI?

Over the past ten years, a significant portion of adult Russian citizens (according to banking statistics, over 30 million people) have taken out a loan or opened a credit card at least once. If you are one of them, your personal file with a 99.9% probability is stored in one of the many credit history bureaus (BKI). Banks constantly replenish their existing database by transmitting new information about borrowers to the BKI.

Credit history bureaus have officially operated in Russia since 2005. They operate on the basis of Federal Law No. 218-FZ “On Credit Histories dated December 30, 2004.

Borrower's credit file X-Files

What does the treasured credit file folder hide? The X-Files consists of three parts.

Title part of credit history

It includes the borrower’s personal data, by which he can be identified.

For individuals, this is basic passport data: last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth, passport series and number, address, marital status, etc.

For a legal entity - full and abbreviated name, and all state registration codes: TIN, USRN, etc.

The main part of the credit history

This is the most interesting and complete section. This contains all the information about your past and current credit obligations, as well as information about your place of work, salary level, and everything else that you reported to the bank when applying for a loan.

And also the fact that the bank was able to independently find out about you with the help of its internal security service.

The main part reflects what amounts you took out, where and when, for what period, at what percentage, how strictly you followed the payment schedule, and whether you repaid the loan on time and in full.

If you did not take out a loan yourself, but acted as a guarantor for a relative or friend, this is also recorded.

Finally, if you used the services of telephone companies on credit, or did not pay utility bills on time, this information may also end up in the main part of the file.

Additional (closed) part of the credit history

It includes information about the sources of your credit history (creditors), as well as about all users who have ever accessed your file.

By the way, keep in mind that a credit history is transferred to a credit history bureau only with the written or otherwise documented consent of the borrower. Therefore, the vast majority of banks prudently include in the loan agreement a clause regarding the borrower’s consent to the transfer of his data to the BKI.

How to contact a credit bureau?

Is it possible for a “mere mortal” to get acquainted with his credit file? The answer is yes. This requires several sequential steps.

Find out which credit bureau stores your personal file.

The easiest way to do this is through the official website of the Bank of Russia, by going from the main page to the “Central Catalog of Credit Histories” tab.

Following the instructions of the system, you will need to enter your personal data and the code of the subject of the credit history - this is a kind of “identification chip” for the borrower.

In theory, it is assigned by the bank that issued the loan to you simultaneously with the signing of the agreement. But if you have not been assigned such a code, or you have completely forgotten it, do not be upset.

It’s easy to get or restore it: to do this, just contact any bank (although it’s best to go to the one where you took out the loan) or any bank institution closest to your place of residence. The code will be issued free of charge upon presentation of your passport. The good news is that it does not expire, meaning you can use it more than once.

Pay a visit to BKI

So, you received the code, entered it on the Bank of Russia website and found the credit bureau you need in the Central Catalog.

Go there, again taking your passport with you: according to the law, the contents can only be opened to you as a borrower or a lending bank. It happens that you live in one city, and your personal credit file is stored in the BKI in another city.

If you are unable to travel there, send a request to the office with a request to send the data, having first certified your signature by a notary.

Keep in mind that once a year you have the right to get acquainted with your credit history completely free of charge - some credit institutions are modestly silent about this nuance.

It is also useful to know that both in person and in writing, the information must be provided to you within ten days.

Check your dossier

Once you are given access to the dossier in one way or another, carefully study all the documents in each of the three parts.

Check personal data, names of creditor banks, amounts and terms of loans, accuracy and completeness of information about their repayment.

Separately study the information about guarantees - there can be unpleasant surprises here.

For example, the ex-spouse, for whom you became the guarantor of solvency, made regular delays or completely “decided” to pay the balance of the debt; in this case, you, as a guarantor, could find yourself responsible for someone else’s frivolity.

Is it possible to correct something in the credit history if it turns out to be “tarnished”, or to challenge the facts?

The law gives the borrower this opportunity. If you think that some information in the dossier is incorrect, write a statement addressed to the head of the BKI. Within a month, the bureau is obliged to recheck the information that you dispute. During the inspection, a corresponding note is placed in the file. But the credit history will be corrected only if the creditor bank confirms its mistake and withdraws the claims.

Addresses of BKI in Moscow

Accounting and control: beware of scammers!

Alas, leakage of personal data, phone numbers and addresses from various commercial organizations is a sad reality.

One day, unknown people may call you and, introducing themselves as “employees of the Credit History Bureau “Pupkin and Credit Consultant” (the name is usually pronounced illegible), begin to talk about the allegedly exorbitant debt hanging on you.

First, they will harshly demand that you repay the debt, and then they will offer you, for a fee, to resolve the issue - to “clean up” your credit dossier.

Don't be provoked and don't panic

Even if you really have outstanding debts, in this case there is a 100% chance that scammers are calling you.

The fact is that any BKI is a commercial organization.

In itself, it is neither a supervisory nor a control body, and does not have any powers to carry out, for example, collection activities.

According to the Central Bank's definition, a credit history bureau only provides “services for the formation, processing and storage of credit histories, as well as for the provision of credit reports and related services.”

Moreover, all bank accounts registered in accordance with the requirements of the law and conducting their activities officially must be included in the unified register of the Federal Service for Financial Markets of Russia (State Register of Credit History Bureaus).

Let's sum it up

The credit history bureau is not an evil monster that creates problems for borrowers, but a convenient reference system that helps put financial affairs in order. Anyone can use the services of this system. If you regularly raise borrowed funds to solve certain problems, or act as a guarantor for relatives or business partners, issue an access code to your credit file as soon as possible: it will come in handy.

Anastasia Ivelich, expert editor

Question " how to view credit history” worries many borrowers. First of all, the need to check your credit history is caused by the desire to take out a new loan. Thus, you can assess the chances of loan approval and generally assume what rates you can expect. After all, it is interesting to look at your credit history in order to be aware of the quality of information about your performance discipline.

A credit history is provided exclusively to its owner, as well as upon request to creditors and other entities interested in how accurately the client fulfills his obligations.

Absolutely every borrower has the right view your personal credit history for free. However, this right is limited to a single inspection per year. Moreover, there are a number of nuances that make it difficult to call receiving the first report of the year free, but more on that in the article.

There are several ways to check the CI, they differ from each other only in the form of the request, in general, the procedure is standard:

  • It is necessary to confirm your identity (providing an identification document or passport data, subject code);
  • filling out a request form in paper or electronic form;
  • waiting to receive;
  • familiarization.

Receipt at the bank

Contact any bank that provides such services.

Don't be confused! Many banks mislead customers by presenting a simple certificate about the presence (absence) of debt and its amount as a credit history.

Some lenders from whom the borrower received loans are authorized to provide only part of the credit history that was formed in this bank. If you order such a report, you will not get much benefit, since it will only contain information about this bank.

Some, for example, Sberbank and Russian Standard, they suggest ordering a full-fledged CI. But this information is provided within the limits of those bank accounts with which these banks cooperate and you cannot get it for free.

View through credit bureaus

You can immediately contact the BKI, so they will definitely provide you with a full credit history. The complexity of this method is that you need to know exactly which bureau has yours and which does not generate it. If you don’t find out, then the answers from those organizations where your CI does not exist will be empty documents, and you will waste your personal time and money.

Ordering a certificate from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation

So, in order not to uselessly contact each (out of 15!) BKI, order a regular certificate from the Central Bank. This can be done online through the bank’s official website. The resource has a request form that must be filled out correctly and submitted.

Attention! To confirm the identity of the borrower, in addition to entering passport data, the subject code is used.

If the client does not have a subject code, it is lost or forgotten, you can contact the creditor bank so that the latter provides the necessary data. After receiving the code, leaving a request on the Central Bank website will not be a problem.

An alternative, but paid way to order a certificate is to request through:

  • any bank, microfinance organization or credit cooperative;
  • any BKI;
  • notary office;
  • by sending a certified telegram.

Each method involves certain costs associated with the fee for ordering such a certificate or the specifics of document certification. We will not say that the paid method is expensive; in rare cases, the costs exceed 300-400 rubles.

Order CI from BKI

We’ve sorted out ordering a certificate from the Central Control Commission, now we’re sure which bank offices we need to contact to view our credit history. Next, there is a direct request to each bureau on the TsKKI list. There are several request methods available:

  • personally come to the BKI office. The contact phone number and address are in the certificate from the Central Control Committee. Identity is confirmed by providing a passport (or other identification document, if permitted);
  • send a request remotely. This can be done in the usual way or online. The standard option involves sending a letter or telegram. You can view your credit history online on the official websites of BKI, their partners and other online services;
  • personally contact the office of the official partner of BKI. Obtaining a credit history in any case will be paid and, depending on the established prices, may be expensive for the applicant.

The nuances of obtaining a credit history

Each method of obtaining a CI report contains certain features and nuances.

Please pay attention! The obligation to provide a free credit history lies solely with BKI. Thus, other structures, banks, online resources are not required to provide the first free report.

Point 1: view your credit history at the BKI office

For a personal visit, a standard application is filled out; a sample can be downloaded from the BKI website and filled out before arrival. You can get a credit history on the same day. The main nuance is that large branches of BKI are located only in Moscow. If the borrower’s CI is located in several bureaus at once, for example, in NBKI, OKB and Equifax, then receiving the CI in one day is simply unrealistic. However, this type of obtaining CI at the first request can be conditionally called free.

Point 2: remote acquisition of CIs

To confirm identity during a remote request in the form of a letter or telegram, the shipment is first certified by an authorized specialist. This service is paid. Therefore, receiving the first CI still cannot be called free (a telegram costs 400-500 rubles, a letter is certified by a notary, so from 500 to 1500 rubles)

It is worth noting that the wait for a CI may well take up to 10 days.

Point 3: online receipt of CIs

Obtaining a credit history online also involves the need to verify your identity. If this is done on the BKI website:

  • an account is created;
  • personal account is activated;
  • identity is confirmed.

As a rule, identity is confirmed either by visiting the BKI office with a passport and application, or by sending it in writing (telegram, letter). Such items are accepted only with a certified signature, so be prepared to pay at least 400 rubles for this.

In general, receiving a dossier through your personal account is free only at Equifax.

Not everyone, even large credit institutions, provide receipt of credit cards on the official website (for example, NBCI). The development of Internet services still makes it possible to obtain the necessary information by ordering it on one of the official websites of online partners.

For example, you can get a credit history on the service website ➤. Here you need to enter the requested data; you do not have to confirm your identity separately. Also, to view your credit history, you do not need registration and identity confirmation. The service will cost 340 rubles.

Important afterword

If the applicant has already applied for his credit history, then at least the second time, to watch the CI, you will have to pay. For a personal visit, a receipt for payment for the service is given to the BKI employee along with your passport; for a remote request by mail, the check is attached to the letter; for telegraph, the receipt is sent separately by fax.

Cost of obtaining a credit history excluding additional costs:

  • NBKI - 450 rubles;
  • OKB – 490 rub.;
  • Russian standard – 1200 rub.

As can be seen from the publication, there is still no ideal option for ordering CIs. Free receipt still implies certain costs and not only monetary ones. By the way, it is worth noting that you can only look at your credit history; this is what identity confirmation is used for.

Video: how to find out your CI

Without special preparation, you can easily get confused when getting your credit history (CI). You will see special terms and symbols, colored squares and tables. This is logical, because the document was created for bank employees. But everything is not as difficult as it seems. We will help you deal with this problem.

Contents of an individual's credit history

Any credit report consists of three parts:

  • . It contains general information about the borrower.
  • Information part. All loans, payments on them and guarantees are listed here.
  • Closed part. All requests for the borrower's CI are listed here.

Let's take a closer lookcredit history contentusing the example of the NBKI report.

1. Title part

consists of sections:

  • Borrower
  • Summary.
  • Borrower identification.


Your passport details are listed here. You need to check this section carefully. A typo in your last name or date of birth can cause problems when applying for a loan from a bank. If you find an error, immediately submit a request to the BKI with a requirement to double-check the data. Changes will be made within a month.


Here are the following:

  • Accounts.

These are all your loans: open, closed, overdue. “Negative” are loans for which you have delayed payments. The borrower from the screenshot had three loans. He repaid one without delay, but there were problems with the other two. But all three are closed.

Please check this information carefully. Sometimes banks transmit information to the BKI late: you have repaid the loan, but it is still listed as open. This may be the reason for your refusal to apply for a new loan. Banks do not like it when a client has several loans at the same time. If you find an error, write a statement to the BKI.

  • Contracts.

The top number, the credit limit, is the sum of all your loans since 2005. BKIs have been collecting data about borrowers since this time. The credit limit is needed only for statistics. The monthly payment is the amount of your loan payments. If you have already paid off all debts, it is zero. If not, the bank will take this amount into account. When calculating your ability to pay, he will subtract it from your income.

This data also needs to be checked. If your closed loan is still listed as open, the lender will show the payments on it on your credit report. As a result, the bank will incorrectly estimate your real income. He will deduct from it payments on a loan that you have repaid a long time ago.

  • Balance.

The “Current” column is the sum of all your loan payments. “Overdue” is all overdue payments, and “Debt” is the amount that needs to be paid to the bank to pay off problem loans. The borrower from the example is doing well: the last two columns contain 0. He can even count on a large loan - for example, a mortgage.

  • Open.

The first date is the opening day of your last loan. The second is the day you took out your first loan from the bank.

  • Requests.

This is information about how often banks were interested in your CI. If it has been requested 3-4 times in the last couple of months, then everything is fine. But if it happens more often, problems will arise. 10-15 banks were interested in your CI? This means that you tried to get a loan from different financial institutions, but were unable to do so. Why?

In the example, Ivanov’s CI was requested 8 times. Moreover, he has 3 credits. Quite a normal ratio. The picture is spoiled by 6 requests over the last 24 months. This is likely due to his bad loans. Ivanov applied for a loan, the bank asked for his CI - and refused.

2. Information part


This is complete information about your loan. Type: a loan can be consumer, mortgage, urgent, for the purchase of a car, etc. Relationship: you can take a loan or be a guarantor, trustee, or co-borrower. In our example, Ivanov took out a loan personally from OJSC Ivanovo.


All information regarding the contract is listed here. When did payments begin, when did they end, what was the repayment schedule, interest rate and initial loan amount.


The section indicates what condition the loan is in. “Open” - you are still paying, closed - you have already paid off. “Overdue” - you are late with payments. “Brought to default” - the bank is confident that you will not repay the loan. The worst option. With such an entry in the CI, you will not receive a loan. “Transferred to another organization” - your loan was given to collectors or the bank lost its license.

Check the section carefully. This information may also be outdated if the bank did not submit information to the BKI on time.


The same as “Balance” in the first part of the CI. But here the information is detailed, with a breakdown for each loan.

Late payments

Information about how often and for how many days you were late with payments. Ivanov paid regularly - he had no late payments.

Timeliness of payments

The colored squares represent months. They are designated by the initial letters of the word. F - February, M - March, A - April and so on. The numbers are January, the beginning of the year. In this case, the year is 13 - 2013.Important: You need to read the line in reverse order, from right to left. The first square is the beginning of loan payments. The last one is the current state.

The color of the square indicates the timeliness of loan repayment payments.

In our example, Ivanov began paying in September 2012. Therefore, the square is white and contains 0. This means that the payment cannot be assessed. In October, November and December he paid without delay - the squares are green. As of January 2013, the BKI has no data. And in February, timely payments began again.

The more green in your CI, the better.

Creditor information

Information about the bank that issued you the loan.

Other items

In addition to the above information,content of the borrower's credit historyBKI may include information about collateral and bank guarantees. Then the CI will contain information about what property your loan is secured against and what its value is. As well as the name and details of the guarantor bank - that is, the financial organization acting as guarantor for your loan. If you can't pay it off, the bank will.

3. Closed part - requests

From this section you will learn about all the organizations that were interested in your credit history. It is truly closed - no one except the owner of the CI can see this information. But the Summary shows the total number of requests. Even this information is enough for banks to draw conclusions.

There should not be any unfamiliar names on the list of companies interested in your CI. If you find a request that you don’t know about, go to the Bank of Russia website and leave a request for BKI there. Your credit history can only be accessed with your permission. If you did not sign such an agreement, BKI has violated the law.

Credit history is information about how many loans a citizen has and how conscientiously he repays the money.

Bank specialists use this data to decide whether to issue a loan to a client and on what terms. A good credit history gives you the right to qualify for a lower interest rate on the loan, since the bank assumes that you will pay off on time. If you have a bad financial record, your loan may not be approved.

Why do you need a credit history check?

Knowing your credit history is useful in three cases:

  1. You are about to take out a loan and want to assess your chances of getting it.
  2. You are denied a loan or for unknown reasons, and you suspect that the problem is in your credit history.
  3. You are afraid that scammers may have taken out a loan in your name.

Find out which credit bureau maintains your financial file

Information about borrowers is stored in credit history bureaus, a complete list of which is on the Central Bank website. Credit institutions cooperate with different bureaus, so information about you may appear in any of them or even in several. To find out where exactly, send a request to the Central Catalog of Credit Histories of the Central Bank in one of the following ways:

  1. Through any bank or microfinance organization during a personal visit (take it with you).
  2. Through any credit history bureau during a personal visit.
  3. , certified by a postal employee and sent to the address 107016, Moscow, st. Neglinnaya, 12, TsKKI. It must contain the last name, first name, patronymic, full passport data, email address to which the requested information will be sent (the @ symbol in the address is replaced by (a), the “_” sign is recommended to be written with the words “underscore”).
  4. Through a notary.
  5. On the website of the Central Bank. To do this, you will need a credit history subject code. You should have come up with a special combination of alphabetic and numeric characters to access the online database of the Central Catalog of Credit Histories at the time of applying for the loan.
  6. Through “State Services” they promise to send the data within 24 hours, but in reality the answer to the request may arrive in a few minutes.

Personal data will be entered automatically. If not, enter them manually.

Soon you will have access to a document that you can download or send by email.

It lists the organizations where your credit history is stored.

If for some reason the credit history subject code was not generated (for example, you received your last loan before 2006, when such identifiers did not yet exist) or you have forgotten it, contact any bank. To receive an identification code, you only need your passport. The second option is a visit to any credit history bureau.

If you don't have the code, contact your bank or credit bureau. This way, you will immediately receive information about where your financial file is stored and a code that will be useful to you in the future for similar operations.

Send a request to the credit bureaus

If your credit history is stored in several bureaus, you will have to contact each one. Twice a year you can obtain information free of charge in each of the BKIs. For the third and subsequent requests you will need to pay an average of 300–500 rubles. There are several ways to apply for a credit history:

  1. During a personal visit to the office of the bureau or its regional partners.
  2. Send to the postal address of the bureau, which must be certified by a postal employee.
  3. Send a request by letter. In this case, the applicant’s personal signature must be certified by a notary.
  4. Submit an online request if the credit bureau provides such an option. Thus, Equifax Credit Services LLC has a “Credit History Online” service. You can submit an application to the Eastern European Credit History Bureau on the official website.
  5. Order a credit report online through your bank, if it provides such a service. However, organizations can only cooperate with selected credit bureaus. You can get a credit history at Sberbank, B&N Bank, Tinkoff Bank and others. You will have to pay for mediation.
  6. Use the services of commercial history assessment services: “My Rating”, and similar ones. For a fee, they will not only collect your financial file, but also create a credit score based on it. It shows the customer’s level of creditworthiness and predicts the chances of receiving a loan.
  7. On the BKI website using your State Services account. This feature is now available from most organizations that store credit histories.

For example, on the website of Equifax Credit Services LLC, you first need to register in the standard way, indicate personal data, confirm your email and phone number. After this, it will become possible to obtain a credit history using your State Services account.

In a few minutes, your credit history will be available for download.

Credit is support and help in difficult situations. The modern world is unthinkable without the banking system, and retail consumer loans are proof of this.

Most borrowers do not know, for example, that when concluding an agreement with a bank, a credit history begins to form. Further relationships with the bank depend on it.

Credit history: how it is formed

It is better to know about the formation in more detail. It all starts with filling out the contract. The future borrower will check the box for permission to provide information to third parties or organizations, confirming his consent to this action. From now on, everything that the credit institution knows about you will be in.

To facilitate the process of tracking the borrower, a combination of numbers and letters is assigned. Numbers and letters are agreed with the borrower. This code is then entered into the Credit History Bureau. It is possible for a third-party bank or credit institution to find out information using your individual code.

There are situations when borrowers forget personal codes. However, there is a need to obtain information on your own credit history. To do this, you need to visit the Bureau or any branch of a bank that issues retail consumer loans. Absolutely any credit institution that has access to BKI is suitable.

It is not prohibited by law to rename your own code. To do this, they pay no more than 300 rubles for the work, and in return they receive an updated combination of numbers and letters.

A responsible borrower rarely, but still faces moments when a loan is denied, citing debts to another bank. Why does this happen?

It's simple. Negligence of bank employees in which the loan has already been repaid. They do not enter debt data into the database in a timely manner. Therefore, temporary confusion results.

About credit bureaus

In legal language, a credit bureau is a legal organization that, in commercial interests, provides services for processing, forming and storing a credit history. Additionally, BKI issues reports or certificates for a fee.

According to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, by 2016 in the register of state credit bureaus there were 19 organizations.

The interesting thing is that only 5 of them occupy the leading place.

Any bureau is obliged to perform the following functions:

  1. get a credit report in one minute (online mode);
  2. creating conditions for disciplining borrowers;
  3. access to the Central Catalog of Credit Histories;
  4. access to the Federal Migration Service;
  5. monitoring the discipline of borrowers;
  6. provision of scoring cards thanks to our own database;
  7. external correspondence with borrowers or the bank;
  8. creation of reports that form the basis of the loan portfolio;
  9. combating fraud;
  10. processing loan applications;
  11. relationship with similar credit bureaus.

Credit history databases for individuals: access, blacklists

The blacklist is also called stop sheet. Debtors and non-payers are entered into the list. Everyone who, for any reason, rushes to the stop list.

Blacklists are sorted as follows:

  • a stop list at the bank in which all bad borrowers are entered;
  • data from collection agencies;
  • data in the lists of bailiffs;
  • information from credit bureaus.

To gain access, you should contact the bank branch where the loan obligations were issued. The branch allows you to make a request for a repaid loan. To do this, take a loan agreement and a passport with you.

If you contact, you need to know that they are receiving information from a credit institution.

By law, any borrower is allowed to request their own credit number free of charge. only once a year. For a fee, you can find out the status of the blacklist.

To obtain information through the Bureau of Credit Institutions, you need to:

  1. Make a request to the CCCI about your own credit history. The request is made through any commercial bank. The procedure has been described previously.
  2. Make a request to the BKI for a similar purpose. To do this, you need to contact the organization from the registry. The register is available on the Central Bank website.

How to view your credit history for free and for free

To look at the required credit history, 4 methods have been created:

  1. Personal visit to a credit history bureau.
  2. Bank branch or online service.
  3. The above organizations are authorized by a letter, which is certified in advance by a notary.
  4. Online check via the Internet.

All four methods are free. But the online check should be examined in more detail. There are several agencies that specialize in providing information. Their links:

  1. Internet bank. Through your personal account you need to follow a link that will direct you to your credit history. The link is missing if Internet banking does not provide services for accessing the black list. Additionally, send a request to technical support. To do this, you need to fill out a special form. It can also be found in your personal account.

Clicking on the links is free, but to work with the services you must register. The working conditions for each service are individual. In some cases, information is provided free of charge the first time, and then for money. By paying for these services, clients receive additional bonuses in the form of SMS information, fraud protection, error correction and provision of a personal code.

How financial institutions check credit history

These checks are carried out through the Bureau. The credit history bureau provides information upon request from a credit institution.

In theory this works like this:

  1. After the client submits an application for a loan, bank employees submit a request for the Central Catalog of Credit Histories. This is necessary in order to know for sure which Bureau the client’s credit history is located in.
  2. It is not difficult to guess that after this the bank sends a request to the bureau for a credit history.
  3. The credit history bureau begins working on the applicant's data. The reconciliation of the personal information specified in the application from the bank begins with the data in the database. We are talking about passport data, full name, and more. After reconciliation, the operator receives a report to the bank.
  4. The bank, having received a report from the Bureau, similarly performs reconciliation and assessment of the information received. As a result, a decision is made on approval or refusal.

What's in that report from BKI?

It contains data on four components:

  1. Client identification data. All information is on the title page.
  2. The basis. Actions on open and closed loans. Everything about loan sizes, repayment times and periods, types of lending, overdue payments.
  3. Additions. Information about the sources from which data on loans and existing debts was taken.
  4. Elaboration. Finally, information about loan refusals is recorded, and the specific reason is also indicated.

Credit history management

At the beginning of the article we talked about an individual code consisting of numbers and letters. It was invented specifically for monitoring and managing credit history.

How to send requests for monitoring has already been discussed earlier. But what to do if you need to make changes or notice an obvious error in your personal credit history.

If there are errors or incorrect data, corrections can be made. It's simple: they collect documents confirming errors and send them to the BKI. The organization must review the application within a month. If the client is right, then the inaccuracies will be corrected. If correction does not follow, and errors are clearly present, then going to court will correct the situation.

Check at TsKKI

An accessible video explains the sequence of actions that need to be performed in order to take advantage of the capabilities of the Central Control Commission for checking history.