Green card for a car, everything you need to know about it. Insurance contract green card What to do if the policy expires while abroad

How to restore your green card

What to do if the certificate of compulsory pension insurance is lost?
G.BOBROVA, Krasnogorsk.
The individual personal account insurance number (SNILS), indicated on the pension insurance certificate card, is provided to every Russian once and for all. But sometimes the card itself gets lost. If this trouble happened to you, you can restore the certificate. A. Nikolaeva, head of the department of the Krasnogorsk Department of the Russian Pension Fund, tells how to do this.
If you work under an employment contract or a civil contract under which, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, insurance premiums are calculated, contact the HR department at work with an application for the issuance of a duplicate insurance certificate.
If you belong to the category of self-employed people (individual entrepreneur, lawyer, notary, etc.), contact the territorial office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the place of your registration as an insurer with an application to restore the insurance certificate.
Unemployed citizens should submit an application for restoration of their insurance certificate to the territorial office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. Within a month from the date of application by a citizen or employer, a duplicate insurance certificate is issued on the basis of an individual personal account.
The personal data indicated on the green plastic card must match the passport data. Therefore, if you change your last name, you must exchange your old insurance certificate for a new one. To do this, an application for exchange of an insurance certificate is submitted to the territorial body of the Pension Fund (through the employer or in person). The old insurance certificate is attached to the application.
The territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation reflects all changes in the individual personal account of the insured person and issues him an insurance certificate with the same insurance number of the individual personal account, but with changed data.

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Restore Green Card

Overview of the Green Card Renewal Application Process

Process name: Renew Green Card - Application for US Permanent Resident, Green Card Holder for Renewal (Application Form I-90). A Green Card is also called a US Permanent Resident Card or a Form I-551 Alien Registration Card.
Purpose of the process: Restore, replace or renew your Green Card. An application to reinstate a Green Card is submitted in the following cases:
  • when the Green Card has expired or will expire within six months;
  • if the Green Card has been lost, stolen or damaged;
  • if the Green Card was issued, but the applicant did not receive the Green Card;
  • if the name, surname or other biographical data has changed;
  • if the Green Card has erroneous data due to the fault of USCIS;
  • if it is necessary to replace an outdated Green Card with a new one; If the Green Card holder has reached 14 years of age, then he must renew his Green Card.
Who has the right to this process: A permanent legal resident of the United States, a Green Card holder who is physically located in the United States.
Where to apply: The application must be submitted while the applicant is physically present in the United States. To receive more detailed information about the application process, how to Renew a Green Card and how to submit an application, order the Renewal Green Card Instruction Packet.
Submit an application: Once you have ordered and downloaded the instructions online, you will be able to submit your application.
  • What is a Green Card?
  • A permanent resident card is also called a Green Card, or Form I-551, which is obtained by people with lawful permanent resident status. A Green Card gives you the right to live and work in the United States. A Green Card also serves as proof and confirmation of your immigration status under United States immigration laws.

    The United States Immigration and Nationality Act, Section 264 states: “Every alien in the United States of America shall be issued a certificate of registration or alien registration card in such form, in such manner, and within such time as may be prescribed by regulation and law.” Having reached the age of 18 or over, he must have with him, in his personal possession, a certificate of registration of a foreigner or a registration card of a foreigner. Any alien who fails to comply with these requirements will be found guilty of failure to comply with the law." The specific procedures and requirements for applying to renew an expiring Green Card are set forth in the Code of Federal Regulations 8 CFR 264.5.

    • Who is obliged to restore the Green Card?

    If your Green Card has expired or will expire in the next 6 months, then you, as a permanent resident, must renew your Green Card.

    • Conditional Green Card or Temporary Resident

    If you are a resident with a Conditional Green Card and your status expires (the expiration date of your conditional Green Card), you must file a petition to remove the conditions from the Green Card and your permanent resident status. This way you will receive a new, permanent Green Card without any conditions. In order to remove the conditions from the Temporary Conditional Green Card, you must file a Petition to Remove the Conditions on Residence.

    How to apply and restore a Green Card?

    If you are a permanent resident of the United States with a Green Card that was issued for a period of 10 years and the expiration date of this Green Card is expiring or will expire in the next 6 months, then you will need to file Immigration Form I-90 to reinstate your Green Card. When completing Form I-90, please read the instructions carefully for detailed information on how to complete Form I-90.

    To begin the process of reinstatement of your Green Card, you can submit Form I-90 online via the Internet, using the so-called electronic application, or by mail, also completing Form I-90.

    The Green Card has expired outside the US

    If your Green Card expires within six months and you do not plan to return to the United States within the next year, you must promptly renew your Green Card upon your return to the United States.

    If you are outside the United States when your Green Card expired and you did not apply for Green Card reinstatement before you left the United States, you must contact the nearest U.S. Consulate or USCIS office abroad before than filing Form I-90 to reinstate your resident card. In some cases, you will need to obtain a so-called “transportation letter” or return visa, to return to the USA. If you plan to be abroad for an extended period of time, it is recommended that you obtain a return or re-entry visa before leaving the United States.

    Green Card Application Status

    If you have any questions related to immigration or the status of your application, you can contact National Customer Service Center NSCIS. Be prepared to provide the NSCIS officer with accurate information related to your application, including:

    1. receipt number,
    2. alien registration number,
    3. Your first name, last name, year and date of birth.
    • How to appeal a refusal to restore a Green Card?

    If, after submitting your application, your Green Card restoration is denied, you will receive an explanatory letter. The letter will explain to you the reason why your Green Card was denied. SolutionUSCIS It is not subject to appeal or change, but you can resume this process or insist on reviewing the application. You have the right to request USCIS to reconsider or double-check this decision in accordance with the restoration of the Green Card. In order for USCIS to reconsider your application, you must provide relevant documents, evidence and facts that will be considered if your application is reconsidered. The petition requesting reconsideration of your application must set forth evidence that the decision to deny reinstatement of your Green Card was based on misapplication of immigration law by immigration authorities and is unfair.

    If you need legal advice, you can contact an immigration lawyer. If you are unable to pay for an attorney, your nearest USCIS office can provide a list of organizations that will assist you in completing your application.

    Copyright and Disclaimer: This website is not affiliated with the US Government and we are a private publisher. The information guide includes instructions only; Financial fees for filing and accepting petitions, applications or any other services are not included in the cost of the information guide.
    Disclaimer: We are not affiliated with the government, we are a private publisher of information guides. This product only includes instructions, it does not include filing fees, or any other charges to submit your application.

    Traveling abroad is a common thing in the modern world. People use both the services of carrier companies and their own vehicles.

    If the trip is a short distance, then it is profitable and comfortable to do it by car.

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    During this period, motor vehicles also require insurance, because the occurrence of an insured event cannot be excluded.

    Each country has its own requirements, its own policies, which apply only to a certain territory.

    Therefore, there is a “Green Card” - an insurance policy valid in European countries and the Russian Federation.

    In this article we will talk about the subjects of insurance, the terms of the contract, the validity period of the Green Card, the responsibilities of the parties, the possibilities of terminating the agreement between the insurance company and the policyholder, and re-registration.

    We will also analyze a sample agreement for issuing an international Green Card auto policy.

    Between whom can it be concluded?

    Since the beginning of 2009, our country has joined the international vehicle insurance system “Green Card”.

    Thanks to this, Russian citizens can receive financial compensation if they become participants in an insured event on the territory of a participating country.

    Nowadays, you can apply for a “Green Card” at almost every insurance company, just like the ones that are familiar to everyone and.

    It can be purchased either separately or as an additional option in the list of services and conditions for the listed policies. In the latter version, it expands the coverage area of ​​classic insurance.

    An agreement is concluded between the beneficiary (usually the owner or driver of the car), as well as a company that has a license for this type of activity.

    That is, the insurer and the policyholder in the terms of the contract are the same subjects as in conventional insurance.

    Essential and additional conditions

    An agreement is a document that regulates all the terms of the relationship, rights and obligations of the parties to the transaction.

    The purpose of its conclusion is to regulate such partnerships. As a rule, it contains several sections with essential and additional conditions.

    All conditions of the “Green Card” are considered in the “Insurance Rules”. To complete the document, the policyholder is required to provide only his own passport and technical documentation for the car.

    If you choose a “green card” as an additional option to your MTPL, then additional documents will not be needed.

    This is enough to verify the identity of the policyholder, as well as obtain information about the vehicle.

    You can also provide copies certified by a notary. Responsibility for the accuracy of the information lies with the citizen in whose name the policy is issued.

    Let's consider a number of mandatory conditions:

    • To conclude an agreement, the beneficiary is required to fill out an application for receiving such services;
    • The representative of the insurance company undertakes to previously familiarize his client with the insurance rules. The certificate then makes a note that the driver has received the required information;
    • the policyholder has the right to apply to change certain aspects of Green Card insurance - the name, address of the policyholder, vehicle and/or body number plates;
    • if an insurance certificate is lost, the insurer issues a free duplicate, but only after receiving the relevant application;
    • the parties have the right to terminate the agreement early (we will talk about this later);
    • The minimum insurance period is 15 days.

    Additional conditions are provided directly by the insurance company itself; they may relate to the included services, the number of beneficiaries and other issues.


    The contract, as an official document, must necessarily contain a clause regulating the duration of the international Green Card policy.

    The policyholder should pay attention to the section on the procedure for concluding and the duration of the agreement. The standard period is: 3, 6, 9 or 12 months.

    The buyer counts on the duration of his stay abroad, and based on this, he selects the duration of the contract.

    Nowadays, insurance companies are increasingly making concessions to attract a client base, so they allow policyholders to choose the terms of insurance validity at their discretion.

    This is quite beneficial for policyholders, because they will not overpay, and their vehicles will be protected for exactly as long as needed. The minimum period is 15 calendar days.

    Responsibility of the parties

    Like any other agreement, this document contains a mandatory clause regulating the rights and obligations of the parties.

    It is intended to regulate the relationship between the parties to the transaction, to guarantee their implementation, and in cases of violation of duties it provides for penalties.

    The policyholder undertakes to make timely payments for the cost of the policy, provide up-to-date information about insured events, assist in their investigation, and provide data on changes in the technical condition of the vehicle.

    If the client violates these rules and obligations, the insurer may refuse to compensate him partially or completely after the occurrence of the insured event.

    In turn, the insurance company also has its responsibilities to clients: consider applications in a timely manner, respond to them, objectively assess the insured event and make payments.

    If this is not carried out, the policyholder may even sue for the insurer’s dishonest performance of its duties and terminate the contract.

    And such actions negatively affect the company’s image and scare off potential clients.

    Considering that the Green Card is an international policy, responsibility rests with the parties regardless of the location of the policyholder and his vehicle.

    Sample Green Card Agreement

    The Green Card agreement has a set of standard details, although insurers have the right to add their own clauses, set conditions, etc.

    As a rule, this document is provided in the form of a printed form with all components, fields for confirmation with signatures and seals.

    The Green Card policy agreement contains the following elements:

    1. Title of the document.
    2. Name of the authorized body issuing the insurance policy.
    3. Duration of insurance (exact indication of the beginning and end date).
    4. International code of the country where the policy is issued.
    5. Vehicle license plates.
    6. Vehicle type.
    7. Territory of relevance of the Green Card.
    8. Information about the policyholder (name, address, contacts).
    9. Insurance company details.
    10. Certification field.
    11. Supplement with the terms and conditions of international motorist liability insurance.

    The agreement, namely its key provisions, is drawn up in two languages ​​- Russian and English, because this is required by international laws.

    When does it take effect

    The Green Card insurance agreement does not contain a validity period that begins later than 30 days from the date of issuance of the certificate.

    The period is counted from 00 hours 00 minutes local time, and the policy expires at 23 hours 59 minutes local time. These data are indicated in the insurance certificate in the appropriate columns.

    Reasons for termination

    Is it possible to terminate the Green Card agreement? It is possible to terminate the Green Card contract legally, but only for objective reasons provided for in the Green Card Insurance Rules.

    At the same time, each of the parties to the transaction can exercise this right. But upon termination, the company’s client can receive back only a certain part of the money from the value of the contract.

    The insurer deducts 30% of the amount for expenses incurred during the course of business that have elapsed during the validity period of the certificate.

    You can legally demand termination of a contract in the following cases:

    • if there is no need for insurance (the possibility of an insured event no longer exists, the trip has been postponed or cancelled);
    • if the insurance company has lost its license to carry out its activities or does not have the right to issue a Green Card policy;
    • if you decide to sell the vehicle;
    • if one of the parties does not fulfill its own responsibilities.

    Early termination of the contract does not relieve the insurer from the obligation to make insurance payments for cases that occurred before the date of the contract.

    Some insurance companies threaten clients that they will not receive compensation if the contract is terminated. Payment is made within 14 days from the moment the motorist submits the relevant application.

    The date of termination of the contract is considered the moment of receipt of a written request to terminate the policy from their client, and the remaining period for returning the cost of insurance is calculated from the next day.

    Is it possible to re-register if the travel dates have changed?

    In cases where the motorist’s plans have radically changed, the train is postponed or canceled altogether, and before this a Green Card policy has already been purchased, it is necessary to change the terms of the previously concluded contract.

    The issue of changes in conditions worries many policyholders. In fact, such adjustments cannot be made to the document, especially regarding the validity of the insurance.

    But there are other mechanisms for regulating this situation.
    The “Green Card” is an international analogue of compulsory motor liability insurance, but unlike the classic motor vehicle license, there is a single database containing up-to-date information about the contracts available at that time.

    Now insurance companies work with the server in on-line filling mode, so the information immediately goes into the database. For shortening and extending the terms, the insurer may be subject to sanctions.

    And international documents in this area do not provide for changes in deadlines. But until the information in the database is updated, the insurer can “correct errors,” for which no penalty is provided.

    Please note that there is little time to make changes, so the timing of the trip and the validity of the Green Card should be thought out as accurately and carefully as possible.

    There is a second option for changing the validity period of the policy, but it will allow the beneficiary to lose 30% of the value of the concluded contract.

    Before the insurance period expires, you should:

    • terminate the concluded policy so that the insurance company returns 70% of its cost (30% is the RVD). In this case, you need to contact the branch where the transaction was concluded.
    • buy a new Green Card policy with the conditions necessary for the motorist.
      The second option is legal. But policyholders are reluctant to use it, because they lose quite a large part of their money.

    Motorists should remember that green card insurance is essentially an international compulsory motor liability insurance, and not a comprehensive insurance policy.

    Updated: 2019-7-27

    Oleg Lazhechnikov


    To travel to Europe with your car, you need to take out a Green Card insurance policy or, according to our Green Card, which will work abroad. The Green Card insurance policy is, in fact, an analogue of our OSAGO (not to be confused with CASCO). That is, it saves the culprit of the accident from paying for the repair of those cars that were damaged due to his fault. In this scheme, no one pays anything to the culprit of the accident.

    I collected as much information as possible on green cards in one place, from purchase to accident.

    The cost of the Green Card is set by the Russian Union of Auto Insurers (RUA) and it is the same for all insurance companies. RSA publishes tariffs on its website and they are freely available. They carefully monitor that the price is the same for everyone. So don’t look for any promotional codes or discounts - they don’t exist and can’t exist.

    For example, a Green Card for 15 days in July-August 2019 costs 2,450 rubles (depending on the euro exchange rate).

    The price changes every 30 days on the 15th. In 2018 and 2019, the price fluctuated around 2,450 rubles for 15 days, but rose to 2,830 rubles. .

    Where to buy

    Buy a green card online in Moscow and St. Petersburg

    Since you will need the original Green Card, you cannot travel abroad with an electronic policy. But you can buy it online with delivery to your home or office in Moscow and St. Petersburg, after all, the 21st century is already here. This is much more convenient than going to the office yourself. You will save a lot of time. The price is exactly the same.

    I have already purchased insurance a couple of times from accredited Alpha Insurance through, and once from Liberty in the office. Yes, Liberty is a mediator, but when everything is official, what difference does it make? But I don’t want to go to the office anymore, there’s no point when they just bring me home.

    If the trip is canceled or postponed to other dates, then the money can be returned only before the start of the policy. returns 100% back without problems. Accordingly, when rescheduling a trip, you need to return the policy and then buy it again.

    Purchase in the office in the regions

    There are only 8 officially accredited insurance companies that can issue a Green Card. These are the companies that have entered the Green Card system. Some companies have refused this because the Green Card has a large liability limit. The rest act on behalf of one of these 10 or sell fakes.

    1. OJSC AlfaStrakhovanie (most often everyone buys here)
    2. JSC IC "Twenty-first century"
    3. SPJSC "RESO-Garantiya"
    4. PJSC IC "Rosgosstrakh"
    5. LLC SK Soglasie
    6. JSC "ERGO"
    7. JSC "VSK"
    8. JSC SG "Spasskiye Vorota"

    It makes no difference which company you take out the policy with. Since this is MTPL and not CASCO, in the event of any problems, it is not you who will deal with your insurance, but the injured party in the accident (and since this is Europe, then, most likely, his lawyer). Therefore, you don't care how well or poorly your insurance company performs.

    Buy insurance at the border

    You can buy a Green Card at one of the points at the entrance to the border on the Russian side, spending time on this. I don’t know why it is needed, but people do it. Maybe the trip was very spontaneous, that the courier with the policy could not be waited, and the insurance offices were already closed. Of course, you need an active one to go so spontaneously.

    Points near the border are usually either mini-offices of specific insurance companies, or small points at gas stations, in cafes, or minibuses parked along the road. In this case, there is a chance to buy a fake than when buying online or in the office. There is also a chance to purchase a policy, which they will then “forget” to add to the database. That is, you seem to have bought insurance, but during an inspection or during an accident it turned out that it was not valid.

    Since 04/01/2014, the Russian Green Card Bureau has banned handwritten registration of policies; all policies must be issued on a computer and immediately entered into the database.

    Why do you need Green Card insurance?

    If you don’t want problems and hassle, immediately buy a Green Card in Russia before your trip. Or study all the nuances and prices so as not to get caught up in the story.

    • Insurance is always asked at the border when entering Schengen. If it is not there, you will not be allowed into the country and may even be fined. If you are traveling through Belarus to Poland, then the Belarusian border guards will not let you leave Belarus and you will have to go back to Russia to buy a green card.
    • To cross Belarus you also need insurance, either their local or Russian green card. Based on the previous point, you will still have to buy a Green Card.
    • If you do not have a green card at the border with some countries, you will be forced to buy border local insurance at a specified price. And its price is not always low; a pre-purchased Green Card would be cheaper. For example, in Finland such insurance will cost ~100-130 euros.
    • You will also be asked for a green card upon returning from Europe. If it has already ended, there will be a fine. At the Polish border they charge 3,700 zlotys (~850 euros) with payment on the spot. If there is no money, then a parking lot in the nearest city. The cost of a tow truck (150 euros) and for each day of parking will be added to the fine. Then you will have to buy Polish border insurance, another 20 euros. Therefore, it is better to get a Green Card for all days of your stay in the EU, and not just for the first 15 days, as some do to save money. You can “save” so much that it doesn’t seem like much.
    • Very bad advice: “I was driving back, they didn’t ask for insurance.” Yes, there are cases when they didn’t ask for insurance, but you risk getting 1000 euros.
    • Sometimes in Europe they stop you to check your documents. Especially if you have broken something. And in this case they can ask and check the insurance. Of course, the probability is small, but if there is no insurance, the consequences will be unpleasant.
    • In the event of an accident, of course, a Green Card is essential, otherwise you may have to pay for the damage out of your own pocket.

    Do not forget that to obtain a Schengen visa, you will need travel medical insurance. I have a separate detailed one, read it. There, and about choosing medical insurance, and about how to save money, and about all the nuances.

    What you need to know when buying a Green Card

    Documents and validity periods

    Green card insurance is issued for a car and the policy indicates the policyholder, not the driver. That is, anyone can drive a car and does not need to be included in the policy. It's very convenient!

    In general, purchasing a green card is an extremely simple procedure. For this you will need:

    1. Passport or foreign passport
    2. Vehicle registration certificate (or PTS).

    The policy can be issued for a minimum of 15 days, a maximum of a year, but in monthly increments - for 1 month, for 2 months, and so on. If you are going to spend 16 days in Europe, you will have to buy a green card for a month.

    The insurance is valid on exact calendar dates, starting from the date indicated on the policy. That is, if you took out a policy from January 1 for 15 days, then it will be valid for exactly 15 days from January 1 to January 15, regardless of when you moved in, when you left, or whether you entered at all.

    Which countries are included in the Green Card?

    The Green Card system includes 46 countries: Russia, all of Europe, Israel, Tunisia, Morocco and Iran. For Russia there are two categories of green cards:

    • All countries of the Green Card system
    • Cheaper category, valid in the territory of “Ukraine, the Republic of Belarus and the Republic of Moldova”

    How to avoid getting scammed

    There are several main types of green card scams.

    • An agent can sell an outright fake, that is, just a well-made copy printed on a printer. The green card has degrees of security, like a banknote, but it is difficult to verify it without special equipment. Just like a banknote, actually.
    • An agent can sell a buyer a policy for a year, and in the copy of the policy that he gives to the insurance company, indicate that the policy is for 15 days. You need to carefully check what is written on the part of the policy that remains with the insurance company.
    • The agent may forget to give his part of the policy to the insurance company and register it in the database or do it late.

    What to check when purchasing

    When purchasing a Green Card, you must check 2 things:

    • Firstly, the insurance company from which the policy is issued must be a company from an accredited list.
    • And secondly, check the policy for errors, whether the registration number of the car is correct. The question often arises whether there will be problems if the transliteration of the name in the policy (as in a passport) differs from the transliteration of the name in the license. There shouldn't be any problems with this.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    How to apply for a Green Card less than 30 days in advance

    This is only necessary if the consulate requires a green card when applying for a Schengen visa. Doesn't happen often. The easiest way is to buy for a longer period than necessary, apply for a visa, and then return it for a refund of the full amount before the policy begins. Then buy again for the desired dates.

    To travel abroad from Russia, you will still have to buy a Russian green card, at least for 15 days. After all, Belarusian border guards will not let you into Poland without a Green Card. And then it will be possible to buy “border insurance”. By the way, the Russian green card is also valid in Belarus, so there will be no need to buy separate insurance for Belarus.

    Is it possible to extend the Green Card?

    What to do if your insurance has expired and your business forces you to stay in Europe? In fact, solving this issue is not a trivial task. Basically there are only 2 options:

    • Buy border insurance
    • Ask your friends in Russia to go to the insurance office and then send it to you via DHL.

    I don’t consider the option of letting everything take its course. Traveling with a printed copy rather than the original is not a good idea. Alternatively, negotiate on social networks or on a forum with someone who will fly to your region. But IMHO it is much more difficult than sending via DHL or other transport companies.

    What to do in case of an accident

    A green card is an analogue of our compulsory motor liability insurance; the injured party receives money from the insurance company responsible for the accident. And as in any similar situation, the insurance company is looking for opportunities not to pay or to reduce insurance payments. What should you do to increase the likelihood of receiving money from the insurance company?

    1. Together with the other participants in the accident, you must fill out an Accident statement - the European form for reporting an accident. It can be either the second participant in the accident, if he is European, or one of the eyewitnesses. Or you can find it at a gas station or in a roadside cafe. or there is this form in Russian and English and the rules for filling it out.

      2. Lost confirmation number

      Completing the "Applicant Confirmation" page

      If you have lost your Confirmation Number, you can click Forgot Confirmation Number(Lost Confirmation Number) on the Enter Entrant Information page. The Verify Entrant page will be displayed.

      To verify the Applicant, do the following:

      1. In the Diversity Visa Lottery Program Year field, select one: 2013 or 2014.

      2. In the Name field, enter the primary applicant's name exactly as you entered it on your Diversity Visa Lottery form. You must check the box under any name field that was left blank.

      3. In Date of Birth, select the day and month from the drop-down menu, and then enter a four-digit year of birth (for example, 1962).

      4. In the Email Address field, enter the same email address that you used when filling out the Visa Lottery form.

      5. Enter the characters you see in the text field.

      If you have trouble reading characters, do one of the following:

      4. Click Submit(Send).

      In English:

      Appendix A - Assistance Page.

      In Russian:

      Part 1 - Introducing ESC