Movement of goods in 1C 8.2 trade management. Reflection of turnover in the accounting model

In the simplest and most common cases, when goods are moved, the accounting account does not change. In accounting, only subcontos are changed that reflect the location - warehouse. In this article we will look at how to move goods between warehouses, to a retail warehouse, as well as work with consignment goods.

You can find this document in the “Warehouse” section.

From warehouse to warehouse

In principle, filling out a relocation document is very simple. In the header, indicate the warehouses of the sender and recipient. It is also possible to move goods between departments.

Below, on the “Products” tab, list all moving goods and materials and their quantity. We will use the “Selection” button, although you can add products here manually.

A product selection form opened in front of us. It is very simple and convenient to work in it. The directory groups are displayed on the left side, and the items themselves with the balance in the sending warehouse are displayed on the right. In the settings on this form, we can choose to display only products with a non-zero balance. When you double-click on the line with the desired product, a window appears for entering the quantity to be moved.

All positions with their quantity that you have selected are displayed in the lower table. Once you are done with your selection, click on the “Move to Document” button.

The tabular part is filled in and the invoices are entered automatically. We will not change them. All that remains is to hold the document and see what movements it makes.

As you can see, in fact, we only changed the subaccount with the warehouse.

When adding goods, we used the selection button because it is very difficult to keep in mind the exact balances of goods in warehouses. If you manually specify in the tabular section a quantity that exceeds the balance, then when you try to post such a document, the program will generate an error. Of course, you will not be able to carry it out.

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To retail warehouse

Filling out a movement document if it is carried out to or from a retail warehouse is no different from the example described above. In this case, when creating such a warehouse, you need to correctly indicate its type - “Retail store”.

The price type at our warehouse is “Retail price”, and the prices themselves are indicated in documents.

Moving consignment goods

In order to move consignment goods from warehouse to warehouse, including retail ones, use the “Goods on consignment” tab of the “Movement of Goods” document. Filling out the document is no different from the previous examples except for the tab used.

Document movements will be made according to off-balance sheet accounts. In this case - according to account 004.1.

The report checks for various errors in the total accounting of goods (configuration "Trade Management 8" rev. 10.2, 10.3, register "Consignments of goods in warehouses").

This report allows you to identify the most common errors in cost accounting for the required period.

    Inconsistency between the incoming quantity balance in the "Goods in warehouses" and "Batch of goods in warehouses" registers

    Availability in the register "Consignments of goods in warehouses" of an incoming balance by amount in the absence of an incoming balance by quantity

    Quantity discrepancy in movements according to the registers "Goods in warehouses" and "Batch of goods in warehouses"

    Discrepancy between the cost of goods in expense transactions in the “Consignments of goods in warehouses” register and its calculated value.

    When moving goods between warehouses, there is a discrepancy between the cost at which the goods are posted to the receiving warehouse and its calculated value at the sending warehouse. (This point is important for organizations where 2 different accountants are responsible for inventory accounting in two warehouses. Allows the accountant of the receiving warehouse to see that the accountant of the sending warehouse gave him the incorrect cost of the goods).

To use the report, specify the period, as well as the warehouse for which you want to check. If a warehouse is not specified, the check will be performed for all warehouses.



Section 1. Initial quantity

Beginning ost Initial quantity balance according to the register "Consignment of goods in warehouses"
Calculation Initial quantity balance according to the "Goods in warehouses" register
Deviation The difference between the balances by quantity according to the above registers.

Section 2. Initial amount (presence of opening balance in amount but no balance in quantity)

Beginning ost

The initial balance of value according to the register "Consignment of goods in warehouses"
The entire amount of the remaining cost (since if the quantity is 0, it should not exist).

Section 3. Discrepancies in movements by quantity

Consumption Quantity in movements according to the register "Consignments of goods in warehouses"
Calculation Quantity in movements according to the register "Goods in warehouses"
Deviation The difference between the quantities in movements according to the above registers

Section 4. Expenses by value in the register of a consignment of goods in warehouses do not correspond to the calculated ones (including errors such as movement by quantity no by amount yes)

Beginning ost. Balance by quantity in the register "Consignments of goods in warehouses" at the time of the document
Beginning ost.
Balance of value in the register "Consignments of goods in warehouses"
Consumption Expense according to the document quantity in the register "Consignments of goods in warehouses"
Expense according to the document according to the amount in the register "Consignments of goods in warehouses"
Estimated amount of expense for the document by amount (calculated as Expense * Initial remaining amount / Initial remaining quantity
Deviation of the amount of consumption from the calculated value

Section 5. The cost of goods received at the receiving warehouse under the document “Movement of Goods” does not correspond to the estimated cost at the sending warehouse.

Beginning ost. The balance of goods at the time of the document "Movement of goods" at the sending warehouse
Beginning ost.
The balance of goods at the cost at the time of the document "Movement of goods" at the sending warehouse
The cost of goods written off according to the document "Movement of goods" at the sending warehouse
Calculation The amount of goods written off according to the document "Movement of goods" in the sending warehouse
Estimated value of the value of written-off goods
Deviation in the value of written-off goods

From an accounting point of view, moving goods between warehouses is only a change in the value of the subconto (analytics). The goods must remain in the same accounting account (for example, 41.01) and at the same price (cost). Let's look at step-by-step instructions on how to move goods in 1C 8.3.

Everything described below is true not only for goods, but also for materials, semi-finished products, finished products and other goods and materials.

The movement can be completed using a document of the same name, which is located in the “Warehouse” menu:

The document header is simply filled out:

In 1C Accounting 8.3, movement of goods is possible in three options:

  • between warehouses;
  • transfer to retail trade;
  • (on off-balance sheet accounts);
  • movement of return goods.

Let's look at each of them in more detail.

Between warehouses and retail

The simplest and most common way. To do this, on the “Products” tab, you need to fill in the quantity of goods for transfer and:

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Please note that if you transfer goods that are not in the warehouse/organization/on the accounting account, then “minuses” will be included in the accounting. It is important to check which account and warehouse the goods are currently in.

Let's look at the postings that generated the document for the movement of goods:

As you can see, in all postings, only the second sub-contact – “warehouse” – has changed.

You can also see that the first two entries have a filled “Amount” (the transfer price was formed at cost), but the third does not. This example clearly shows what will happen if you move a product that is not in stock.

Transfer of goods to retail

In order to make a transfer to a retail store or NTT, just select the desired retail warehouse in the “Recipient” field in the document header.

Returns from retail to a wholesale warehouse in 1C occur according to the same scheme; naturally, the warehouses are swapped.

The prices at which the goods will be sold at a retail outlet are indicated using the document ““. The retail price type is set individually for the warehouse:

Within the “Inventory Management” interface, you can find out the balances in warehouses, as well as receipts and expenses for a certain period, as follows: select the “Warehouse” tab in the top panel, then “Goods in warehouses” in the drop-down menu. Exactly the same version of the report in the “Purchasing Management” interface, “Inventory” tab - “Goods in warehouses”. Then you need to click the “Settings” button and specify the period. To get balances at the beginning of the year in 1C, you need to enter the date the first of January in the date cell.

The shape of the table will depend on the Row Grouping options. If you select the word “hierarchy” in the “Nomenclature” line, the positions will be arranged in order: for example, first sheets, then pipes, then hardware, etc. To get a general report on balances in 1C, you should select the word “hierarchy only” - only amounts will be shown without decryption. Grouping by warehouses is done in the same way.

To obtain information only on specific warehouses or groups of inventory items, you should pay attention to “Selections”. If you select “In the list” as the comparison type, then in the “Values” column you can specify the required warehouses and item groups.

The table that the program displays within the “Goods in warehouses” contains data only on the quantity of materials. If you need to get information on costs and prices, you need to switch the interface to “accounting and tax accounting”. Here select the “Accounting” tab, “Turnover balance sheet” and in the settings specify account 10. The period, grouping parameters (details), and selections are selected in the same way. This 1C report on balances looks different; it indicates the total cost of inventory items and quantity.

Another way to view balances in 1C is to turn to ready-made program templates. They are available in any interface; to find them, you need to select the “Service”, “Additional reports and processing”, or “Custom reports” tab. There are also templates created specifically for specific tasks by the enterprise IT service or 1C specialists. For example, sometimes a report indicating the date of the last receipt of goods and materials or the warehouse number is useful.

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When starting to maintain accounting using the 1C: Enterprise software, you must complete the initial settings of the application and enter account balances. In this case, the working chart of accounts adopted by the accounting policy of the enterprise is compared with the chart of accounts used by 1C, after which data is entered through auxiliary account 00.


Determine the start date for computer accounting. This may be the beginning of a month, quarter or reporting year, depending on the adopted accounting policy of the enterprise. Set a working date, i.e. date of entry of balances. It must be earlier than the accounting start date. For example, the last day of the previous reporting period.

Set the accounting results period. To do this, go to the “Service” menu, the “Options” section and select the “Accounting results” tab. The period must be selected relative to the date of entry of account balances so that they are analyzed either at the end of the period or at the beginning. Perform a full recalculation by selecting the “Manage Accounting Totals” section in the “Operations” menu.

Enter your account balances. Postings on analytical accounting objects and balance sheet accounts, as well as sub-accounts must be entered in correspondence with account 00 “Auxiliary”, and balances on off-balance sheet accounts are reflected in a simple entry indicating one account. Be careful when defining accounts in the 1C: Enterprise program, as they are slightly different in numbering from accounting accounts.

Check that account balances are entered correctly using a standard report. To do this, go to the “Reports” menu and select “Turnover balance sheet”. You can also click the corresponding button on the toolbar. Balances have been entered correctly if the debit amount equals the credit amount. If a non-zero balance was formed in the reporting on account 00, then errors were made during entry.

These need to be corrected by running the Drill Down command, which reveals detailed information about the report parameters. To edit, click the “Open Document” button, make corrections, then close all windows except the desired report, and double-click the “Refresh” button.

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Before entering incoming and outgoing invoices into the database, you need to reflect in your accounting the balances in the warehouse at the beginning of its maintenance. Inventory balances must be entered on the date preceding the beginning of the period. The most convenient way for accountants to keep track of goods is in the “1C: Trade + Warehouse” program, the configuration of which allows you to fill out the “Inventory of Inventory and Materials” table using the “Remaining Inventory and Materials” report.


Start setting up the “Inventory balances” report and call processing of the “Inventory of inventories” tabular part from the dialog. This can be done in any of two ways: using the “Inventory” button or the “Fill” button in the “Inventory of goods and materials” document, selecting the “Fill from report” tab in the menu. After this, you need to fill out the table from the inventory document, which contains the “Inventory balances” report for the group of goods you need.

Select the warehouse where , and indicate a specific group of goods for which balances are checked. Keep in mind that you can select products based on their properties. In addition, using a multiple filter, it is possible to create a custom list of products.

In the “Remainings” filter, set the “All non-zero” option in the “Including reserve” attribute. This is done so that the inventory takes into account real balances and not reserved goods. Use the convenient switch in the “Prices” tab - “Average cost excluding VAT”. This will make your task easier. However, if the inventory is carried out in a retail warehouse, the position should be set as “Sale price (only)”, because in such a warehouse it is carried out at the same retail prices at which the goods are recorded in the retail warehouse.

Click the "Inventory" button when you have completed all necessary settings. The document you need, “Inventory of Inventory and Materials,” will be automatically generated. If you have selected a wholesale warehouse, the generated document will be set to the “Inventory (by warehouse)” type. If you specified a retail warehouse, then the type will be indicated “Inventory (by )”. The table in the document will contain the balances of goods in accordance with the settings that you set in the “Inventory balances” report.

Enter into “Inventory” all the actual data on the goods in the warehouse. Next, fill out the documents “Write-off of goods and materials” or “Capitalization of goods and materials”, depending on whether you need to reflect the shortage or enter a surplus of goods.

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  • remaining stock in 2019

1C today is a popular program in an enterprise, commercial organization or company. This is a comprehensive, convenient solution for organizing personnel, financial, accounting and material records. “1C: Trade Management” makes it possible to control and record absolutely all purchase and sale transactions in an enterprise. However, not all accountants initially know how to transfer balances to 1C at the beginning of the year.

You will need

  • - PC;
  • - “1C: Trade Management.”


Purchase and install the 1C: Trade Management program and enter all your data into it. If “1C: Trade Management” is already available and in use, just launch it on your computer. To do this, just click on the corresponding shortcut on the desktop.

Open the desired database in 1C: Trade Management. Go to the “Documents” menu to enter balances. Then go to “Sales” by selecting the appropriate tab. Select the "Debt Adjustment" option.

In addition to the above method, you can open a document to enter balances using the following transition: “Documents” - item “Purchases” - “Debt Adjustment”.

Look at the document log that appears in front of you. Click on the “Add” button in the window and wait until a new document is created. Select the counterparty you need in the “Counterparty” field.

Enter the required number of contracts in the tabular part of the document, as well as the currency and debt amount in the corresponding field. Click on the “Add” button. Such actions will allow you to add this row to your tabular part.

Find the column “Increase in debt” and enter in it the amount of the counterparty’s debt to the company. Click the "OK" button and enter the product balances as of the beginning of the year. To do this, set the working date in 1C before starting to enter balances for the last month that precedes the start of the accounting period. In our case it is December.

Select “Tools” – “Options” from the menu. Enter the desired date and save the information by clicking “OK”.

Create a “Goods Receipt” document to enter all remaining goods in warehouses. To do this, you must perform the following steps.

Go to the “Documents” menu, select “Inventory (warehouse)”. Go to the item “Positioning of goods”. Click the Add button.

Select the “Base” field and enter “Enter initial balances”, then the “Prices and currency” item and in it select the “Purchase” price type. Click on the “Selection” button and check the boxes next to the “Quantity”, “Price”, “Characteristics” fields.

Select the required element and specify the parameters. Add all products. Exit the item window by clicking the “OK” button.

Video on the topic


  • rent 1C

Before entering expense and receipt invoices into the database, it is necessary to reflect the current balances in the warehouse in accounting. Inventory balances are entered on the date that precedes the start date of the period.


Run the report in the 1C: Trade + Warehouse program, called “Inventory balances”. Having started its construction, you will use dialog boxes to call up the processing of the “Inventory of goods and materials” table. You can do this in two ways: by clicking on the “Inventory” button or using the “Fill” button in the document called “Inventory of Inventory”. Select the Fill from Report tab from the menu. Next, fill out the tabular part of the inventory document containing a report called “Inventory balances” for your group of goods.

Determine the warehouse where the inventory is carried out. In addition, you should indicate the group of goods you need for which you will create balances. Please note that you can select products by their properties, and by using a multiple filter, you can create a list of products at random.

Set the value “All non-zero” in the “Remainings” filter, which is located in the characteristic called “Including reserve”. Then the inventory will take into account all real balances, excluding reserved goods. For your convenience, you can use a special switch, which is located in the “Prices” tab and is called “Average cost without VAT”. This will make it easier for you to complete the task at hand. Keep in mind that if goods are inventoryed in a retail warehouse, you need to set the position “Sale price (only

To display account balances in 1C, you need to create a balance sheet and select the necessary settings. This is the period for which you need to show the turnover, account or subaccount number, and detail parameters. In the “selection” you can specify warehouses, product groups or other limiting factors. For example, to generate balances for account 10 “Materials”, in this tab you should select the required warehouses “in the list” or one desired warehouse “equals”.

Sometimes it is convenient to display only general data on an account in 1C; in this case, in the settings you need to select “Hierarchy” or “Hierarchy only”. In the first case, materials grouped by item groups “Black sheet”, “Stainless sheet”, “Circles”, etc. will be displayed, and in the second - only the total amounts for these groups. When transferring the table to Excel or a similar program, it is important to take into account that the sums for the elements add up to the sums for the subgroups, and they are all indicated in one column - therefore, when setting the “Total Amount” formula, the program will simply double the total amount.

The “Purchasing Management” or “Inventory Management” interfaces also allow you to display account balances, but only the quantity will be indicated in the table (the “Goods in Warehouses” report). If you create the actual purchases for a certain period, the number of 10 materials received to the account will be displayed, indicating the price. It is important that here the cost will include VAT, while in the turnover account 10 the total cost is indicated without VAT.

It is convenient to use the “Quick Selection” functions to find the positions you need. For example, by selecting the desired department or warehouse, you can quickly display all balances for a certain period. If you need to find out about the availability of certain items in the warehouse or movement, you need to make a selection in the “Nomenclature” cell. To do this, set the parameter “in the list” or “equal to”, then click “…” in the selection field. Here, select the material, sequentially “traveling” through the menu, or write in the “contains” field known information - steel grade, standard size, marking, etc. In order for the list to be formed, you must click the “hierarchical viewing” button at the top of the window. Having selected the desired element, generate a report on it - balances at the beginning and end of the period, movement.

6.1. Generating reports on goods movements

Using the “Statement of inventory balances” report, you can monitor information about the movement of inventory items in a specific warehouse, for a specific company. You can also monitor information about the movement of inventory items in the context of various analytical features of management accounting. Using filters in the report, you can display information only on the movement of inventory items at a specific warehouse (or at several warehouses using a multiple filter). This report is entered from the “Statement of inventory balances” item in the main menu of the “Reports” program.

Data in the report can be presented in both basic and base units of measurement. If basic units of measurement are set for the report, you can display quantitative results for each of the inventory groups in the report. To do this, you need to set the “Totals by groups” flag. To get a more complete picture of the movement of inventory items, you can set the “Show balances with commission agents” flag and receive information not only about the movement of your own inventory items in warehouses, but also about the transfer of inventory items for sale to commission agents. On the “Multiple filter” tab, the user can set special filter parameters for generating a report - By item, By warehouse, By item properties, By company, By legal entity. persons, According to management analytics. In this case, in the “List of selected elements” report form window, it is possible to select specific values ​​or a list of values ​​corresponding to the selected type of filter. It should be noted that the values ​​of the selected elements can be either directory elements or groups of elements.

– Company / Warehouse / Item property / Item / movement documents – information about the warehouse and item. If the appropriate detail is specified, then information about the company, the item property and the movement document on which the movement of inventory items to warehouses was made is displayed.

– Opening balance – balance of inventory items at the beginning of the reporting period.

– Receipt – the amount of inventory items received (purchased or transferred from another warehouse) to the warehouse during the reporting period.

– Expense – the amount of inventory items written off (sold or moved to another warehouse) from the warehouse during the reporting period.

– Final balance – the balance of inventory items at the end of the reporting period.

– Final reserve – the balance of the inventory reserve at the end of the reporting period.

In the “Inventory balances” report, you can display data on inventory balances with distribution by warehouse. This report is entered from the “Inventory balances” item in the main menu of the “Reports” program. The report presents both quantitative and summary indicators of inventory items. The price and value of the remaining goods in warehouses are calculated based on the price value specified in the report settings: cost price including VAT, cost price excluding VAT, price from the price directory. For retail warehouses, the report can show the price at which inventory items are stored in the retail warehouse and the amount. In this case, you must select the value of the “Price” column: selling price (retail only). When you select the value in the “Price” column: “from the price directory”, an additional window opens in which you must select the price type from the drop-down list. The list displays all price types specified in the corresponding directory (Purchase, Small Wholesale, Wholesale, Retail). When choosing a price from the directory, the price and cost of inventory items are displayed in the currency that is specified for this type of price in the directory. In the event that it is necessary to control only quantitative balances, you can select the value “do not show” for the “Price” column. In this report, you can set a filter by inventory balances in the warehouse. For wholesale warehouses, you can set a filter based on the availability of inventory items, taking into account reserved inventory items. In this case, the “Balances” field must be set to “minus reserves”. Using this report, you can monitor information about the balances of inventory items in a specific warehouse, for a specific company. You can also monitor information about inventory balances in the context of various analytical features of management accounting. To get a more complete picture of the movement of inventory items, you can set the flag in the “Show balances with commission agents” field and receive information not only about the balances of your own inventory items in warehouses, but also about the balances of inventory items transferred for sale to commission agents.

Information that is generated in the report:

– goods and materials – group of goods and materials, full name of goods and materials or group of goods and materials.

– Price – this column appears if the price display setting is set (any value is selected except “do not show”). Prices will be shown in the currency that is defined for this price type in the directory.

– Cost and selling price (sales price) for retail are shown in accounting currency. In the event that inventory items are stored in a retail warehouse at different prices, then inventory balances will be shown for each price at which there are inventory balances in the retail warehouse.

– Name of warehouse (commission agent) – quantity and amount of inventory items in warehouses as of the date of report generation.

By button<Инвентаризация>the user can generate a “Warehouse Inventory” document based on the data obtained from the report.

The report “Batch Statement of Inventory and Materials” presents not only quantitative, but also total indicators of inventory items. This report is entered from the “Batch Statement of Inventory and Materials” item in the main menu of the “Reports” program. Using this report, you can find out how much inventory items are registered with a certain material entity, find out which supplier the inventory items came from, how much at cost the inventory items were spent for a certain period, etc. The amounts in the report can be calculated in the currency of management accounting ( Management accounting) or in the accounting currency (Accounting). If the amounts are calculated in the accounting currency, they can be shown with or without VAT (Accounting (with VAT) or Accounting (without VAT)). You can select various data for your report using filters. You can select information on purchased inventory items, accepted inventory items for sale, as well as information on various materials, products, services, semi-finished products or containers (the “Batch Status” parameter). You can select information on one materially responsible person or an arbitrary list of financially responsible persons (the “MOL” parameter). You can generate data on transactions executed by one company that is part of the company (Company), on transactions executed by a legal entity (Legal Entity) or on transactions that have a certain analytical characteristic (Management Analytics). Using drill-down and groupings in a report, you can obtain a variety of information. For example, if you set the detailing Supplier – Item – Movement documents, you can get information about which inventory items were purchased from the supplier and what documents were prepared. If you set the detail level MOL - Nomenclature, and set a filter by groups of inventory items, or by an arbitrarily selected list (on the “Multiple filter” tab), you can get information about how much in the currency of management accounting the data of inventory items are held by the financially responsible persons. To obtain more visual information in reports, it is not recommended to set detail by a large number of parameters; this will lead to the cumbersome presentation of data in the report, i.e., the information from the generated report will be difficult to analyze. If you check the “Details by transactions” checkbox, you can obtain more detailed information on all transactions that were performed during the reporting period. For example, in this case, the “Receipt” column will be detailed to the level of specific operations for the receipt of inventory, transfer of inventory at retail, assembly of kits, capitalization of inventory, etc. d. The corresponding columns will present the amounts in accordance with the selected accounting currency (“Management accounting”, “Accounting with VAT”, “Accounting without VAT”) for each operation. If details are specified for movement documents, then the corresponding amounts will be displayed for each document. Quantitative characteristics in this report are displayed if any batch parameters are set, for example, a certain batch status is selected, detail is set by batch status, detail is set by batch properties.

In this report, it is also possible to detail the properties of a batch of goods and materials - by size, color, shelf life, etc. To obtain this type of information, it is necessary to set the detail of the report on the properties of the batch. In this case, if upon receipt of inventory items a certain property was assigned, then it will be grouped in the report.

Information that is generated in the report:

– Opening balance – information about the opening balance of inventory items as of the date of report generation in quantitative and total terms;

– Receipt – information about how many inventory items were received in quantitative and total terms during the period of report generation;

– Expense – information about how much inventory and materials were spent during the reporting period;

– Final balance – information about how much inventory in quantitative and total terms remained at the end of the report generation.

“Report on sales of inventory items” serves in the system for users to obtain information on sales of inventory items. This report is entered from the “Inventory and Materials Sales Report” item in the main menu of the “Reports” program. From the report, the user can obtain complete information about the purchase and selling prices of goods and materials, profit and turnover received from the sale of goods. This report also displays information about discounts provided when selling goods, the amount of VAT paid upon receipt and sale of goods. Using the report settings, you can make various selections and groupings of report parameters.

In the report, you can select information on specific inventory items, groups of inventory items, inventory items that have certain properties, as well as an arbitrary list of inventory items, groups of inventory items and properties of inventory items (on the “Multiple filter” tab). You can filter by specific buyers (suppliers), a group of buyers (suppliers), or by an arbitrary list of buyers (suppliers) by selecting values ​​on the “Multiple filter” tab. The user can make a selection by the status of the sold inventory items: “all”, “purchased”, “accepted” (selecting the “Type of goods” parameter from the list). If the flag “For accepted goods and materials, display commission” is set, the commission will be shown as profit for goods and materials accepted for sale. In this case, the report can be generated only in the accounting currency and only for those goods and materials accepted for sale for which the enterprise has already reported to the principal (the “Report to the Principal” document has been drawn up). When deciphering the amount of profit, a list of those reports of the principals is shown, as a result of which the commission was accrued. The selection can also be made by type of sale: “any”, “wholesale”, “retail”. It should be taken into account that: “wholesale sale” is a sale documented using the documents “Sales of goods and materials (purchase and sale)”, “Commission Agent’s Report”, and “retail sale” is a sale documented using retail trade documents (“ KKM report", "Sales (retail)"). Return of goods from the buyer is displayed in the “Sales” column with a minus sign. If the goods returned by the buyer were then sold, a new batch of goods is created, created by a return document.

The configuration provides the ability to drill down into the report based on various parameters. You can also change the order in which data is presented in the report. The order of data presentation is changed in the “Report Detail” settings window on the “Main” tab using the control buttons (up, down). Having placed the cursor on the desired position, you can use the control buttons to move it to the desired location. By changing the level of detail and the order of data presentation, you can obtain a wide variety of information in the sales report. So, for example, by setting the detail parameters “Nomenclature” – “Delivery Documents” – “Sales Documents”, you can obtain information about the profit from the sale of goods by suppliers and compare the profit received from the sale of goods by several suppliers. By setting the detail parameters: “Nomenclature” – “Sales documents” – “Delivery documents”, you can obtain information about which supplier’s goods were sold to the buyer.

The “Inventory Reserves” report is designed to display information about inventory reserves. This report is entered from the “Inventory and Material Reserves” item in the main menu of the “Reports” program. The report generates a full or partial (if a certain filter is installed) list of reserved inventory items. Reservations of inventory items are made at a specific warehouse or for the company as a whole. The report can display information about how much inventory is reserved at a specific warehouse. Using a multiple filter (the “Multiple Filter” tab), you can display a report on the reservation of inventory items at several randomly selected warehouses.

The report can additionally display information about the reserve of specific inventory items. The selection of goods and materials is carried out using the appropriate filters: goods and materials, groups of goods and materials, properties of goods and materials. Selection by properties of inventory items is made on the “Multiple filter” tab. The report can also provide information about which customers the inventory items are reserved for. To do this, in the report details, you need to set the “By Customers” flag. If you need to see how many inventory items are reserved for a specific buyer, then you must select it in the “Buyer” field. The report can be detailed by warehouses, customers for whom inventory items are reserved, contracts and movement documents. If you set the “Totals by groups” flag, the report will display groups of inventory items and the total amount of inventory items reserved for this group. Totals by group can only be displayed if the information in the report is displayed in basic units.

Information that is generated in the report:

– Warehouse / Nomenclature / Buyer / Movement documents – information about goods and materials (group of goods and materials), full name of goods and materials (group of goods and materials). If the appropriate detail is specified, information is displayed about the warehouse that has reserved inventory items, for which buyer the inventory items were reserved, and under what contract the reservation was made. Information is also displayed about which document was used to reserve and remove the reserve from the warehouse. Please note that if the reservation was made not for a specific warehouse, but for the entire company as a whole, then the line “not selected” is displayed in the report.

– Initial reserve – how many inventory items were reserved as of the start date of the report.

– Reserved – how many inventory items are reserved for the entire period of report generation. Reservation of inventory items is carried out when preparing the documents “Request for warehouse”, “Request for delivery”. Automatic reservation of inventory items is also carried out if the end-to-end accounting mode is used. In this case, the receipt document issued on the basis of the “Order to Supplier” reserves inventory items at the warehouse indicated in it for the buyer to whom this order was distributed.

– Removed from reserve – information about how many inventory items have been removed from reserve. The reserve is removed upon shipment of goods and materials at the request of the buyer (document “Sales of goods and materials”). Manual removal of the reserve is carried out using the document “Buyer’s Application Correspondent.” This document is issued on the basis of an existing application and adjusts the quantity of inventory items reserved according to the application.

– Final reserve – how much inventory remains reserved as of the end date of the report.

By button<Снятие резерва>the user can generate a document “Removal of a reserve for a company” or “Removal of a reserve for a warehouse” based on the data presented in the report.

Using the “Quantitative-total accounting card” report in the “Trade + Warehouse” configuration, you can generate a printed form of a quantitative-total accounting card, approved by Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated December 25, 1998 No. 132 (form according to OKUD 0330228). In this case, it is possible to select a product item, storage warehouse and type of accounting price. For warehouses with the retail warehouse attribute, the parameter for selecting the type of accounting price becomes inactive. It should be taken into account that the card number in the report is automatically set to one more than the previously entered one. This report is entered from the “Quantitative-cumulative accounting card” item in the main menu of the “Reports” program. In the “Legal entity for printing” field, the user can set the legal entity that should be included in the header of the quantitative accounting card. It is important to keep in mind that in order to generate a report, all fields of the card must be filled out.

The “Project Report” form is used in the system to obtain information about the fulfillment of customer requests, monitoring the fulfillment of orders by suppliers, as well as the movement of inventory items grouped by projects. This report is entered from the “Project Report” item in the main menu of the “Reports” program. In the project report, you can generate data using various filters. Using the “Report Detail” settings group, you can set different order of data presentation in the report. To obtain more visual information in reports, it is not recommended to set granularity for a large number of parameters; this will lead to cumbersome presentation of data in the report and create additional problems when analyzing it. It should be taken into account that the project report does not analyze the documents “Receipt of services, etc.”, “Implementation of OS, intangible assets”. The project report also does not analyze documents recording the movements of inventory and cash. In the project report, only the document “Advance report line (payment to supplier)” is analyzed; all other documents for settlements with accountables are not analyzed in the report.

Let's look at several options for using this report. One of the options for using projects may be the ability to distribute documents to responsible persons (for example, managers) responsible for the purchase and sale of inventory items. In this case, when drawing up a document, the name of the manager responsible for carrying out this operation is entered in the “Project” field. In order for the user in the project report to receive information about the fulfillment of customer requests (orders by suppliers) by managers, it is necessary to set the flags in the “Output information” group - “About customer requests”, “About suppliers’ orders”, and in the “Report detail” group set the following grouping order: “Project” – “Authors of documents” – “Documents of movement”. In this report, you can also obtain information about which of the managers is responsible for fulfilling a specific buyer’s request, which of the employees drew up documents within the project, and which documents were used for the shipment (or receipt) of goods and materials. The amounts in the report are given in the currency of the counterparty agreement under which the buyer’s application or supplier’s order documents were drawn up. Setting the detail “On cash flows” will also allow the user to obtain information about payments made by counterparties - suppliers and buyers. Another example of using projects is the ability to track the effectiveness of a marketing company. When registering a document in the project field, you can specify additional information about where the user learned about the products sold by the company (from an advertisement in a newspaper, from information on a billboard, or from printed materials published by the company itself). The report can then compare product sales performance and determine which of the company's marketing campaigns was more effective. In this case, in the report in the “Output information” group, you should set the flag “On movements of inventory items”. In the “Report Detail” settings group, you should set the following grouping order – “Projects” – “Nomenclature”. Information in the report can be displayed in the accounting or management accounting currency. The quantity of inventory items can be displayed in basic or basic units of measurement. The data in the “Incoming” column is formed on the basis of receipt documents of goods and materials, and the data in the “Expense” column is based on shipment documents. If you set the additional detail “Transaction documents”, you can control which documents were used to document the receipt and shipment of goods and materials.

The “Commodity Report” report is intended to generate a printed form of a commodity report, approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated December 25, 1998 No. 132 (TORG-29). A product report can be generated for a specific company or legal entity. For a legal entity, a commodity report is generated if the company has several companies that have the same legal entity, but different analytical features of management accounting. The product report number is set in the settings before generating the report.

The “Accompanying Register” report is intended for compiling accompanying registers when recording goods at purchase prices, when maintaining varietal and batch accounting of goods. This report is entered from the “Accompanying Register” item in the main menu of the “Reports” program. It can be formed only for one specific company or one legal entity. A report on a legal entity is compiled if in the configuration there are several companies that have the same legal entity, but different analytical characteristics of management accounting. The accompanying register number is specified in the report settings. When you enter a new accompanying register, its number is automatically set to one more than the previously entered number. The user can create an accompanying register for a specific warehouse.

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