Antaean Wasteland - Skyforge Encyclopedia. Antaean Wasteland - Skyforge Encyclopedia Fight against Ianna

Skyforge has a huge number of different currencies. Read about why each one is needed, where it is mined and where it is spent in the game reference material.

It must be said that the updates at the end of 2015 increased the number of currencies, and the method of their extraction also changed. So, what currencies and other valuables for which you can buy something are available in the game at present, that is, at the end of 2015.

Actually, all available values ​​are presented in a separate window, which can be reached from the character window. Open the “Bag”, go to the “Values” tab in it and study.

Limited types of currencies

  • loans - money for which you can buy most goods on the trading floor, improving temples;
  • sparks of insight are of three types, i.e., red, blue and green. All types of sparks are summed;
  • class sparks; these include yellow sparks of development;
  • particles of mastery, through which new classes are unlocked and equipment ranks rise;
  • tactical sense is a resource that is required in anomalies;
  • incarnation fluids are a resource for which you can subsequently purchase “spare parts” for creating legendary items. For more details about them, see below, in the other part...
  • sparks of invasion divinity - this resource is used in the laboratory to increase the rank of the invasion; for each alien race they are different. Limits are replenished automatically at the beginning of the invasion.

In some cases, when completing adventures, limits can be increased without waiting until Wednesday morning. Such missions are marked with the corresponding icon. Similarly, sparks of insight can be increased by two thousand, tactical sense - by a couple of dozen pieces, class sparks, etc.

At zero limits in Skyforge, the corresponding values ​​stop falling to you

Keep in mind that in this way, you do not replenish the amount of valuables, but the limits on them. Afterwards, you need to walk through links, anomalies, groups, or, say, go to the arena to get these values. Insight claims limits can be replenished on Saturdays. An icon with three multi-colored dots appears on the globe next to the adventure designation.

Currency for the cult and adherents

The second type of currency is used by your followers and cult. You get it yourself or entrust it to your followers. This includes

  • ammunition and provisions - these two types of valuables serve the same purpose: a resource for some of the tasks that you entrust to the adepts. Both ammunition and provisions can be obtained in adventures. When your limits are zero, you can replenish your supplies of ammunition and provisions.
  • gifts - this resource is used in the construction and improvement of temples. Its adherents obtain it in their tasks
  • servant medallions - a resource for the enlightenment of adepts with the characteristics of wisdom and intelligence
  • fighter talismans - a resource for enlightening adherents with physique and agility characteristics
  • messenger necklaces - a resource for the enlightenment of adepts with the characteristics of perception and charisma

Adepts also need resources for tasks and enlightenment

The last three resources are obtained by your followers in tasks, and in addition, when all limits are exhausted, they begin to fall in small quantities from mobs. In addition, they can be obtained (again with zero limits) from gifts for completing the PvP arena.


The third type of currency is money. Everything here is more or less clear. There are three types of them in the game: credits, argents and threads. For credits you buy many goods in the game store, speed up the completion of tasks of adepts, and spend on increasing the rank of weapons, chapels, and temples. Argents are, one might say, the Donat currency. It can be replenished by investing real money in the game. In addition, credits are exchanged for argents and vice versa. Argents are also used when purchasing certain types of goods in the store, during game events to speed up operations, when purchasing premium, etc.

When you exhaust the credit limits for disassembling an item, you only receive threads. The higher the level of the item (rings, weapons, amulets), the more threads you receive. Threads are also given for completing adventures with zero limits.

As for threads, at the moment this is the most unclaimed currency. The developers don't seem to have figured out what to do with it yet. For threads you can buy some costumes on the trading platform. However, quite attractive costumes are given as a bonus for successfully completing missions, PvP arenas, during events, etc. So there is no need to waste threads and many players have accumulated hundreds of thousands of threads.

Invasion values

A special type of currency is invasion knowledge. They include the following values:

  • winner's medal is a resource that allows you to buy some goods to strengthen your character on the trading platform. Medals have replaced the myrrh drops that were previously available. The source of medals is adventures (you can earn 75 medals each), tasks for adepts (10 medals each). Medals can also be purchased in the pantheon for credits and on the trading floor for credits or argents.

Items that can be purchased with Winners' Medals can be found in the Pantheon and Invasion tabs of the Skyforge marketplace. In the first case, you can take, say, artifacts that speed up the work time of adepts or increase the chance of successfully completing their tasks. In the second case, secret knowledge for the atlases of the elder gods, replicators, weapon amplifiers, etc. Winner’s medals, in addition, can be invested in the hyperion to receive useful goodies - faith, various amplifiers and other artifacts.

  • energy modules are a resource for accelerating research in the laboratory. It is mined by your followers; with an active premium, you receive 50 additional energy modules every day.
  • sparks, eidos, signs and knowledge of invasions are different for each invading race.

Many alien races are encroaching on Aelion. So there is a great amount of knowledge of invasions...

Other values ​​are:

  • Mastery particles increase the maximum level of equipment. They are obtained by passing through links, groups and areas.
  • tactical sense booster battery - appears automatically when you reach 100% of the next TC rank
  • fragment of tactical sense - the resource increases the character’s PM, which is necessary for anomalous zones. Obtained from squad adventures and arena battles.
  • tactical sense replicators - the PM replicator works in the same way as the spark replicator, that is, it allows you to gain more tactical sense.
  • gem fragments for creating rings - obtained by splitting epic (purple) rings
  • Amulet shards for creating amulets - obtained by splitting epic (purple) amulets
  • ring shards - obtained by splitting epic (purple) rings
  • weapon shards - obtained by splitting epic (purple) weapons
  • divine ink - obtained by dividing trophies
  • Variatron - a resource that drops in group adventures and allows you to change the reward. When changed, the viatron disappears.
  • embodiment fluids - the resource is intended for purchasing raw materials for creating legendary (orange) items. It can be obtained in adventures: squad assaults, pvp battles, rating distortion runs and urgent challenges.

Other values ​​help characters develop, craft better equipment and much more...

Additional Values

Rarities, that is, some plants, mushrooms, etc., are collected in many areas. At high levels of prestige (essentially, from 68K, when access to distortions opens), visiting areas as such, much less collecting rarities from them, is no longer required - there is no point in doing so. Because these resources do not affect character development. They can be spent on some rags...

In rare cases, it’s not worth wasting your time.

Class sparks- a resource that you will only need at the class research stage. Once all the classrooms are completely closed, these sparks stop falling. Of interest are only the yellow sparks of development, which, along with secret knowledge, make it possible to open the tops of the atlases of the elder gods. For example, the god of knowledge, the god of wanderings, etc.

Currency during events is a special type of value that is in demand only for a limited time, during the period of this event. Afterwards, it is saved for some more time in order to purchase certain items in the marketplace on the Events tab. So, at the end of 2015, an event was held where ice gems fell out. They buy snow galas, a New Year's costume, and additional hats.

Antaean Heath

The Antaean Wasteland is not engulfed in the fires of war, no ships of invaders descend from the skies, and even the great gods do not pay attention to this region. However, the area is on the list of the most dangerous places on Aelion: merciless weather conditions and deadly desert inhabitants have long driven away all civilians from here.

Only a handful of templars and a few stations of the famous Wasteland Guardians remain in the region. Only death awaits an inexperienced traveler here: giant worms lurk in the sands, which can easily bite a person in half! Poisonous scorpions and powerful lizards prowl in search of prey, and the damaged mechanoids left after the crash of the flagship move aimlessly across the desert.

Among the endless dunes there is only a scattering of ruins, which have recently become a haven for demons. The guards were used to fighting worms and pieces of iron, but they were not ready for the appearance of demons. The ruins are said to be full of rare crystallite, so if you're not afraid of imps and malfunctioning mechanoids, go searching soon!

The passage of the terrain is complicated by the presence of a unique weather anomaly - a sandstorm. When it begins, visibility is minimal, lightning strikes from the sky, and crazed giant worms crawl out of the sand. Killing a worm during a storm is an honor for a hunter, and it also brings a lot of prey.

You will have a chance to fight Eternis, the lord of the sands. This huge monster, the size of a nine-story building, made its lair in the northern part of the location. Wait for the giant worm to crawl out of hiding and take the risk to challenge it! To survive, the heroes will have to constantly move through several tiers of the arena, while avoiding the poisonous spitting of the monster. The key to victory will be the spears of the Guardians, which can temporarily remove the invulnerability of Eternis, who has taken refuge in a sand vortex.

Added: 07/18/2017

The most difficult quest is called “Metal and Chitin” in the Skyforge game. Completing the task involves a battle against three enemies with different tactics and enormous strength. The mission requires the user to have good knowledge of his character's class, the ability to evade attacks and choose a position successfully. This is the only way to complete the quest without unnecessary difficulties on the first try.

Plot and essence of the task

According to the plot of the game Skyforge, “Metal and Chitin” (we will look at the passage of bosses below) will lead the player to one large alien ship. The user must get to the entrance to the cave and prevent the leader of the alien ship from organizing takeoff. There you will be met by three comrades who will also follow deeper into the cave. Suddenly the boss will cast his spell on them and force them to fight against the main character. From this moment the passage begins, which will require absolute concentration. Regardless of the class of bosses, it can be passed if you attack correctly and dodge at the right moment.

First battle

The first opponents will be three former comrades in the Skyforge quest “Metal and Chitin”. The passage comes down to a fight with Mark. After all, Flontius and Ertis are too weak. This character has the skill of circular damage in the area, but uses it rarely. When the wave is released, it is better to stay away from it. When fighting a character who can attack from a long distance, it is better to simply keep your distance and deal damage with spells or weapons. If Mark gets too close, he will dash towards the target and deal significant damage. It’s better to save your health for other bosses, so always try to dodge.

Fight against Ianna

This enemy will not allow you to simply dodge attacks in the Skyforge quest "Metal and Chitin". How to pass it with any character class can only be guessed with practice. The main advice here would be to clear waves of summoned monsters using AoE spells, otherwise the player will receive damage from different directions. They will quickly knock down the shield, and it will not be possible to concentrate the damage on one target.

In the future, the tactics are not much different from the first battle. Ianna uses close-range attacks, but has faster movement and attack speed. The danger comes from moving the boss behind his back, so you should be ready to dodge or jump away. It is better to attack a woman up close when summoning creatures, as well as when she starts talking. If you do everything like this, it will seem easy in Skyforge "Metal and Chitin". Completing this stage of the quest takes from five to fifteen minutes.

Leader Auria

After you deal significant damage to Ianna, the leader of the ship, Auria, will enter the battle. Her strength lies in her huge level of health and the large number of summoned insects. They constantly block the path to the boss, and killing him becomes problematic.

At the same time, closer to the middle of the battle, Ianna is restored, and she has to fight two difficult enemies at the same time in the quest from Skyforge “Metal and Chitin”. How to completely complete the most difficult task in the game, in particular, how to win the last battle, is a question that interests many. The answer lies in one simple tactic. Focus mass spells for quick clearing and pick up health spheres only those that fall from Auria itself. If the clusters can be quickly cleared, then ignore Ianna and pour all the damage into the main enemy.

The developers provide enough means for treatment when completing the quest, so you just shouldn’t miss them, use your skills correctly at a distance, for example, an attack aircraft’s machine gun, and victory will be in your pocket.