Calculation of percentage of the amount. Online interest calculator

It is often necessary to calculate percentages. For example, in order to determine the overpayment on a loan, or to calculate late fees, or to find out the amount of the company’s gross revenue, knowing its cycle and trade margin. There are many similar tasks in everyday life. It would be fun to make up proportions all the time and count the percentages in a column. In addition, we do not need a complex programmable calculator for calculations.


1. Clearly formulate the problem statement. Possible, we need to detect 7% of the number 594.

2. Enter on the calculator the number from which you want to calculate the percentage. In our case, we dial 594.

3. Press the “X” button. This is the multiplication button. Do not confuse this with the “+” (addition) button.

4. Enter the percentage. In our case, we dial the number 7.

5. Click the “%” button. This is a percentage symbol. You don’t need to type anything further, no “=” (equals) signs. The calculator immediately shows the calculated value. In this case, the figure turned out to be 41.79. Thus, 7% of the number 594 = 41.79.

6. Press the “C” button. This is the reset button, it is highlighted in a different color. The calculator will reset to zero and you can make the next calculation.

One percent of a number is a hundredth of that number and is designated 1%. Consequently, 100% of this number is equal to the number itself, just as 20% of a number is equal to twenty hundredths of this number.


1. Turn on the calculator and enter the number N, the percentage of which you want to discover.

2. Press the “-“ button, then enter the percentage value M and press the button with the “%” sign. Then press the button with the “=” sign. The result will appear on the screen: M percent of the number N.

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No matter how unusual it may sound, but in order to calculate profit, you must first calculate all expenses. The revenue may not appear at all based on the conclusions of the full business cycle. However, even if there is no income, this is not a reason to despair and stop working. As many entrepreneurs say, first you feed the business, and then the business begins to feed you.


1. In order to count profit and in the future to be able to implement positive financial and management decisions, before everyone, from the very beginning of their activities, they need to organize full financial control. It must reflect all the amounts that you invest in the business (your own or credit funds), the amounts of revenue and shipment (if they do not match), as well as all the costs that you make, item by item (purchase of goods, rental of retail space, delivery , utility bills, etc.).

2. After a certain period, say one month of work, summarize all the calculations in one table. On the first line, highlight the revenue received for the month; in the following lines, indicate all expenses incurred. By summing up the total costs, you will be able to detect the difference between revenue and costs and, thus, calculate profit. However, in this report it should be considered that in business practice there are often moments of discrepancy in the timing of the appearance of certain obligations and payment for them. Let's say you took the products for sale, or, on the contrary, you shipped the goods, and you will receive payment for it later. In addition, a similar situation may exist with other counterparties, for example, advance payments for rent or electricity. All these points should be taken into account and this report should be compiled on the basis of shipment, that is, at the time when the obligations arose, and not when they were paid, in order to have a clear financial picture of the month before your eyes.

3. You can also count profit as a percentage of revenue. This indicator is called profitability, and a review of its metamorphosis over time helps to make better management decisions. In order to determine profitability, divide the amount of your monthly revenue by the amount of revenue received and multiply the total by 100%. Different types of activities are characterized by their own level of profitability, however, according to this indicator, you can compare your business with other similar ones.

As a result of late payment, it becomes necessary to calculate penalties. The amount of the fine can be established by law or determined by agreement of the parties. Failure to comply with a written form of a liquidated damages agreement is void. When determining the amount of the penalty in an agreement, the rule of reasonableness must be observed.


1. Calculate the amount owed. The amount of the principal amount is confirmed by primary accounting documents: loss-making commodity records, acts of work performed, acts of reconciliation of mutual settlements. The debt is taken into account from the moment the obligation becomes due.

2. Determine the period of late payment. One of the particularly controversial issues arising in court. As usual, the debtor proves that the delay arose as a result of the creditor’s culpable actions and disputes the start date of the delay in payment. Consequently, before filing a claim, it is likely to obtain written evidence from the debtor about the date of the delay.

3. Calculate the penalty for the day of delay. To do this, multiply the amount of debt by the penalty rate. As usual, late fees are charged in the amount of the refinancing rate. The rate is set by the instructions of the Central Bank of Russia. When calculating based on the annual refinancing rate, we indicate the discount rate in the numerator, and 360 in the denominator. Let's say, from February 28, 2011, the daily rate is 8/360.

4. The final amount of the penalty is equal to: the amount for one day of delay multiplied by the number of days.

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The court, at its discretion, has the right to reduce the amount of the penalty if it is disproportionate to the main obligation and the results of execution.

Helpful advice
A letter from the defendant with a debt repayment schedule will simplify the procedure for collecting penalties.

Loans firmly entered into the life of every person. They are issued by all banks and under various interest. It would seem that it could be easier than counting interest on loan. But with the same interest rate and an identical loan amount, you are allowed to pay a different amount. The amount of the payment depends on what kind of payment you will make - annuity or differentiated.


1. When choosing a loan and a bank to purchase it, you focus on the interest rate on the loan. If one bank offers a rate of 10% and another 11%, then you will certainly choose the bank that offers a lower interest rate. But even if you took out a loan at an identical low interest rate, the payment amount may vary.

2. With annuity or equal payments made monthly, the amount of payments will be identical during each lending period. With differentiated payments - payments on the balance of the loan debt, the initial payment amount will be higher than in the first case. In the future, the amount of payments decreases monthly and the amount paid for each loan will be less. Consequently, having taken out a loan at the same interest rate for an identical number of years, the amount of payments can be different, as well as the final total.

3. With differentiated payments, the debt balance is reduced, and consequently interest payments are reduced. Accordingly, the total payment amount will be lower.

4. With an annuity payment, the borrower does not care about interest and the share that goes to repay the loan. The bank independently divides the paid loan amount into repayment and interest parts. Consequently, in the first years of repayment, the share of funds that goes to interest more high. At the end of the payments, a huge part of the amount goes to repay the core amount of the loan. The bank takes its proceeds in advance. If you decide to repay the loan, then interest No one will return the money taken in advance by the bank to you.

5. Consequently, for different types of loan repayment, the total costs for identical interest rates are different. That is, this is the kind of mathematics where 2+2 does not invariably equal 4.

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In the banking services market, you can find a lot of offers for lending to the population, and when making your choice in favor of one or another bank, it will be useful for you to find out how to calculate interest on a loan. It’s no secret that if a bank offers a loan at 5 percent, then you risk paying more than at another bank and at 12 percent, and primitively, in the first case, the charge is invariably made on the original loan amount, and in the second, on the balance.

Helpful advice
They differ from each other in the interest rate on the loan, the loan term, the purpose of the loan, as well as a number of additional conditions. How is the amount of interest on a loan calculated? You can calculate this percentage using quick, but not accurate percentage calculation methodologies, which can be used even without a calculator. 1st method. The fastest and most inaccurate (Loan amount * number of years on loan) * (% of loan / 2) + 1-8% of the amount received.

Loans have become an inseparable part of modern life. A lot of credit institutions offer their services, advertising winning data. But the most profitable loan is the one with the smallest overpayment. When choosing a credit program for yourself, you can calculate this overpayment .

You will need

  • Loan terms – loan amount, interest rate, period. Microsoft Excel.


1. The amount of overpayment on the loan consists of the actual interest obligations paid. In order to calculate the amount of overpayment, you need to add up all the interest payments for each period of the loan.

2. The monthly principal payment is calculated further. The total loan amount is divided by the loan term in months.

3. Open a page in Microsoft Excel and create a table with the actual data of a specific loan. To do this, make a table with the heading: 1 column) item number (number of months), 2 columns) number of days in a month, 3 columns) loan amount, 4 columns) repayment of part of the principal length for the period, 5 columns) payment of interest for the period ,6 columns) loan payment (amount of columns 3 and 4).

4. In the first line “loan amount” indicate the full amount. In the 2nd line - place the cursor on the table cell and write the formula: = amount from the first line - payment of the principal debt in the previous month. Copy this formula from this column to the end of the table. Thus, any further amount of the principal amount will be reduced by the amount of repayment of the principal amount on the loan in the previous month.

5. In the first line of the loan interest column, place the cursor on the table cell and write the formula: = principal amount long (from the current line) * % rate in shares / 365 * on the cell reflecting the number of days in the month in the same table row. This results in the amount of accrued interest for the current month. This formula also needs to be copied to the end of the table.

6. In the first line of the column displaying the loan payment, place the cursor on the table cell and write the formula: = the amount of the monthly payment on the principal debt + the amount of interest, which is indicated in the same line of the table (the current payment period).

7. At the end of the table, under the columns for payment of the monthly payment of the principal debt, interest and loan payment, put a sign for the sum of all cells in the corresponding column. So in the column of the monthly payment of the principal debt, the total amount should be equal to the loan amount. In the interest column, the total amount will indicate the amount of overpayment on the loan. And in the loan payment column, the total amount will be the payment of the principal amount + interest for each loan period. This allows you to check the accuracy of the calculations.

The increase in the cost of the loan is affected by hidden payments in the form of commissions, insurance, fees for opening and maintaining an account and other payments.

When filling out an accounting report, you are required to separate the indicators of sales revenue, sales, gross revenue, revenue before tax and net revenue. Therefore, be careful when preparing the documentation and make the calculations correctly. The state of current affairs, the projection of profits and costs of the enterprise and production volumes depend on your work. Take the definition of gross revenue as the basis for all calculations.


1. Add up the amounts of funds received and other property, considering the accounts receivable indicator. This way you will calculate the revenue you received from the sale of goods or services. Exclude VAT, excise taxes and mandatory payments from your calculations. Please note that if your organization sells goods and services using a trade loan provided with installments and deferred payment, you are required to accept the proceeds in the total amount of accounts receivable for accounting purposes.

2. If you are dealing with receipts and (or) receivables under contracts, and the fulfillment of obligations under them is not provided for in cash, reflect them in accounting at the cost of goods received by the legal entity or to be purchased.

3. Establish the cost of goods that your business has received or will soon receive. Do not consider in your calculations the amount of advances received, as well as funds received as deposits or collateral. Reflect all discounts and markups that are introduced in accordance with the relevant agreements.

4. Determine the cost of products and services sold. Strictly include in the amount the costs for each ordinary activity to provide services and perform work. If your company is engaged in manufacturing, you will have to calculate the cost of each finished product sold. If your organization provides services, calculate all costs incurred as a result of performing the services. If you are a trading company, add up the purchase price of your goods sold.

5. The key decision is quite easy to make. Now, from the amount of revenue, subtract the value of the resulting cost of each product or service sold. This will give you the gross revenue value.

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A percentage is one hundredth of a certain value and is used to compare this value with its part measured in such units. A percentage can always be represented as a fraction and converted to a decimal using the usual method - say, with the help of a calculator.

You will need

  • Windows OS.


1. If you have a chance to use a computer, use the built-in calculator in your calculations. Open the main menu using the Start button on the taskbar or the Win key on your keyboard. From the keyboard, type two letters “ka”, and then press Enter. This is the easiest method of calling the calculator, but you can look for the corresponding link in the main menu - it is located in the “Typical” subsection of the “All programs” section.

2. Make up an ordinary fraction in your mind so that the sequence of operations that need to be done with the help of a calculator becomes clearer. The numerator of this fraction must have a value corresponding to one hundred percent, multiplied by the number of percent that needs to be calculated, and put 100 in the denominator. Say, in order to detect 12% of the number 24000, the fraction must consist of 24000 * 12 in the numerator and 100 in the denominator. This means that the sequence of operations in the calculator will be as follows: 24000 * 12 / 100.

3. Type on the keyboard all the characters of the sequence compiled in the previous step. If there is a possibility, easily copy it (Ctrl + C) and paste it into the calculator (Ctrl + V). If you are used to using the mouse more, click on the corresponding buttons with numbers and signs in the program interface.

4. Press the Enter key or click on the button with the equal sign on the screen. The calculator will display the total of the calculations.

5. You can exclude division by 100 from the sequence of operations if you use the button with the % symbol in the calculator interface. In this case, first enter the number corresponding to one hundred percent - in the example used above it is 24000. After that, press the asterisk key (multiplication sign) and enter the desired number of percent - in the example it is 12. To complete the procedure, click on the % button, and the calculator will show 2880. The result obtained by any method can be copied (Ctrl + C) and transferred to any application you need - say, to a text editor.

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Do not use a calculator that works intermittently. A calculator is a working tool, on the accuracy of whose readings a lot can depend. Buy once an excellent device that will serve you for many years. Reliable calculators are produced by famous electronics companies.

Helpful advice
Occasionally check your calculations with an ordinary column so as not to forget how to count. Tea may not be a calculator at hand. At the same time, you do not have to end up in an awkward situation. Remember also that primitive calculators are built into cell phones.

Today, many people may need information on how to calculate a percentage of an amount, for example, to calculate mandatory tax payments, loans, deposits, all kinds of commissions, etc. As many of us know, calculating the percentage of the principal amount is quite simple. It is quite enough to determine how much 1% will be, and then ordinary mathematics.

Calculating percentage using proportions

To carry out the procedure for correctly calculating interest, there is a technique that most of us went through in school. The technique itself includes the use of a method such as proportions. So, what is required to use it:

  • For example, we have a principal amount equal to 100%. There is also a number X and Y. The formula should be written in the following form: X = 100, Y = Z. The number Z is the number of percent that needs to be calculated from the original amount indicated by the value X;
  • It is necessary to solve according to the rules for calculating proportions, namely Z = 100 * Y / X.

When identifying the answer to what volume of the amount corresponds to the number of interest to us, % of the known amount X, we should take into account the rules approved for solving proportions. This formula usually looks like this - Y = X * Z / 100.

The information above suggests that you now have a working formula at your disposal to help you calculate % using a system of proportions. All that remains to be done is to substitute the existing values, organize the calculations on the calculator and get the result of interest.

Calculating the value using the ratio method

A popular option to help ensure percentages are calculated is to use % as a decimal. Accordingly, one percent will look like this - 0.01, that is, one hundredth. Writing % as a decimal is a great tool for doing calculations. You will need to multiply the total value by the number corresponding to the desired percentage, indicated as a decimal fraction. This formula will also help to obtain the correct result of mathematical calculations.

You can use your percentage as a simple fraction. It looks like this: 1% is equal to 1/100. If we take into account the value of 10%, then we will write it in the form 1/10, etc. You can find out what the value of 12.5% ​​of the amount is by dividing it by the value 8. Below we will look at practical examples of this action:

  • 20% of the amount. It turns out 1/5. That is, divide by the value 5;
  • 25% of the amount. It is clear that this is a quarter. This means that it divides by the number 4;
  • 50% is half, etc.

This option for calculating % using an electronic calculator has a drawback, namely accuracy. Some fractions cannot provide absolute precision. Here is an example with a simple fraction having the value 1/3. It is not difficult to understand that it is not exactly equal to 33%, but carries the result in the period.

Calculating percentage of amount in Excel

Today, high-tech computer devices have functional software that can easily calculate % of any value. Thus, the world-famous Excel program allows the PC user to work with percentages as quickly and conveniently as possible. The programmers did everything so that Excel could find the necessary values, sum them, and also add them to the set number, etc. You need to calculate the percentage increase to the balance, no problem, the software will do everything in a split second.

The system itself, by which % is calculated, is quite simple and should not raise any questions. It looks like this: the required amount is divided by an integer, and then the result is multiplied by the value 100. The program allows you to solve the problem in this way. You will need to move the comma 2 places to the left, and then carry out the multiplication procedure. Let's look at a specific example: 10 percent of the value 100, that is, 0.1 multiplied by 100 and we get an answer equal to 10.

Example of calculation using a calculator

Modern calculators have a huge range of functions, so an inexperienced person will not immediately understand how to get the value he needs when making calculations. To begin with, you should study an electronic calculating machine, carry out any mathematical operation and see if the result coincides. Below we suggest you find out how to find the percentage of the amount using an example:

  • The task is to find 5 percent of the total amount, a value equal to 611;
  • Taking the calculator in your hands, enter the number from which the percentage should be calculated;
  • Dial 611, then press the multiplication key, and then enter the percentage value, namely 5;
  • Next, press the key indicated as %.

No need to use the = key. As soon as you press the % button, the machine will immediately calculate the value and display the number on the screen.

How to calculate the percentage per annum of the amount

If you have a bank deposit, then you should know how to calculate the annual percentage of the principal amount of funds. You can, of course, contact bank representatives who provide advice and also provide booklets with ready-made figures. Still, for your own confidence, you should calculate the amount yourself. The calculation procedure is not particularly complicated, and each of you can understand it.

Using an example, let's look at how simple interest can be calculated. Let’s say a bank client placed a deposit in the amount of one million rubles at 10 percent interest for a period of 1 year. The amount of profit on the deposit is calculated using the formula:

E = (P * O * D ​​/ K)/100

  • E – the result of mathematical operations when calculating accrued interest;
  • P – principal amount of the deposit made;
  • О – interest established by the bank for one year;
  • D – The number of days for which interest will be accrued;
  • K – number of days in a year.

What we get:

1,000,000 * 10 * 184/365 = 5,041,095. We divide this value by 100, and get the amount of profit that is equal to 50,410 rubles.


As you can see, there are enough options for how to calculate the percentage of the amount. You can use a calculator, a personal computer, some special software products, and also solve problems on paper yourself. Choose the most suitable method for yourself and simplify your troubles.

    There is nothing difficult about calculating percentages. The calculator has a special function that will allow you to do this quickly. Enter the number you are interested in on the calculator, then click the multiply icon and enter the percentage you want to find from the number. Now you need to press the Percent sign and get the desired result.

    It is very easy to calculate interest using a calculator. For example, you need to calculate how much 30% of the number 60 will be. First, let's dial the number 60 in digits. First, press the number six (6), and then zero (0). Next you need to press the multiply sign. It usually looks like the letter X (ha or x). Please do not confuse it with a plus, which is drawn as a small cross! Otherwise, nothing will work out for us. The next step is to type 30 - first 3, and then 0. And finally, click on the % (percent) sign. That's it, no need to press equal! You already have the finished result. Double check the number should be 18.

    The question of how to calculate a percentage of a sum belongs to the category of a few useful things that are included in the school mathematics curriculum. Unfortunately, in adolescence, not everyone understood the practical importance of this topic, which is confirmed by search engine statistics (today, many users want to get an answer to the question in question on the Internet).

    The presented article is an excellent assistant for both adults and schoolchildren, with which you can easily calculate percentages, regardless of the specific situation that requires these calculations. With it, you can check the correctness of the calculation of bank interest, trade margins or profit margins on a commercial project, without outside help or tips from the World Wide Web. This information is relevant for almost any reader, regardless of his age, gender, social status and level of education. One category of people, with the help of the article, will learn to count percentages, and the second will restore in their memory the knowledge acquired in mathematics lessons.

    How to calculate a percentage of an amount - an algorithm for calculating percentages in your head or using a calculator

    Many readers are primarily interested in how to calculate the percentage of an amount on a calculator. Let's consider the procedure that will help you complete the task with or without the help of a “smart” machine:

    - we have a certain number X, from which we need to calculate the percentage Y;

    — X is 100%, which means to find out 1%, you need to divide X by 100;

    — we multiply the result by Y and get the answer to the question posed.

    To help readers remember this algorithm better, let’s consider an example with specific numbers. Task: you need to find out how much the borrower will pay for a loan, the amount of which is 250 thousand rubles, and the annual rate is 25%. Solution: 250,000/100*25= 62,500 rubles.

    If you can count well in your head, then this procedure can be done without using a calculator; in other situations, use a “smart” machine.

    Let's look at another way to calculate interest using the above example. To do this, let's make a proportion: 250000 - 100%, and Y - 25%. Then Y =250,000*25/100=62500 rubles. Using another method, we came to the same result as in the first case, but from this example we can conclude: if you need to find a percentage of an amount, multiply the amount by the specified percentage and one hundredth: 250,000*25*0. 01=62500 rubles. Please note again: you can do this in your head, but if you have problems with this procedure, use a calculator.

    In addition, modern calculators allow you to solve the problem in question even without the above algorithms. To do this, you need to enter the number from which the percentage is calculated, then the “%” sign, the number of percents and the “=” sign. In our example, the order of typing numbers and symbols is as follows: “250000”, “%”, “25”, “=”.

    Internet and special programs

    In modern conditions, people count less and less in their heads or on paper (many readers most likely do not even remember how to multiply or divide numbers using a pencil and paper), preferring to use computer technology, special programs or websites that operate calculators corresponding to the theme of the web resource. For example, when it comes to bank loans, you will be asked to use a currency calculator, and when exchanging currencies, a program that will convert one currency into any other within a few seconds. Of course, advances in science that save you from having to think about how to calculate the percentage of an amount, look for appropriate formulas, etc. - this is very good, but sometimes it seems that such progress is the main reason for the gradual degradation of humanity, making us lazy and unable to develop analytical thinking. Although this is a problem of other sciences that are not related to the main topic of the presented article.

    On the World Wide Web today you can find calculators that work with any data, including interest on loans, taxes, customs and excise duties, trade margins, etc.

    If you often need to calculate percentages of an amount, use a standard office program for these purposes - Excel. You will enter the formula once, save the file in your working folder, and then use it as needed.

    Let's see how this is done:

      let's go to Excel ;

      in cell A1 we write: “Amount”, in A2 – “Percentage”, and in A3 – “Result” (so that you can see where to enter the initial data);

      in cell B3 we write the formula: “=B1*B2/100”;

      the task is completed, to check, enter into cells B1 and B2 the values ​​​​from the very first example at the beginning of the article: 250000 and 25, in B3 the result 62500 will be displayed.

    There are other formulas for solving the problem under consideration, but this option is quite simple to understand and even schoolchildren can use it.

    If you have a retail outlet, but you have not yet managed to buy the necessary software (or do not plan to do so), and you need to constantly recalculate retail prices for the entire product range, you can use your own program in Excel. Initial data - name of the product, supplier prices and a fixed markup on all products of 20%. The task is to find out the selling prices and the amount of markup.

    In column A, enter the names of the goods, in B, opposite each name - supplier prices, in C - the formula: “=B 1*20/100” (the amount of the 20% markup for each item), in column D you will receive selling prices , which are calculated as the sum of supplier prices and a 20% markup: “=B1+C1”. Everything is done quickly, any changes can be corrected, and in addition to all the listed data, you will always see how much money each product item brings you. In addition, the information obtained can be used for further calculations, for example, to find out daily profit or gross income, to check revenue, etc.

    The main problems that arise during interest calculations

    Considering the question of how to calculate a percentage of an amount, and analyzing the above examples, we can say that it does not present any particular difficulties for any person who knew mathematics at school, at least with a solid “C”. But many business entities, when calculating value added tax (excise duty), were faced with an incomprehensible situation. For example, if the cost of a product is 220 rubles, and the VAT rate is 10%, then using the formula we are already familiar with for calculating the percentage of the amount, we will get a VAT value of 22 rubles. (220*10/100), but this is not correct. A fairly common mistake occurs due to the fact that in such examples VAT is already included in the price of the goods! That is, 220 rubles is the price of the product without VAT plus the amount of tax.

    In order to calculate it, you need to find out how much 1% is in this case. In the example presented, 220 rubles is 100% of the cost of the product plus 10% VAT, which means 1% is 220/110 = 2 rubles, and VAT = 2*10 = 20 rubles. We check: the price of the product without VAT: 2*100=200 rubles, VAT – 20 rubles, total cost – 200+20=220 rubles, which corresponds to the initial conditions of the problem. Sometimes, in such situations, even people who know well how to calculate the percentage of an amount and understand where all these numbers come from make mistakes.

    A similar algorithm for calculating VAT is used if the tax rate is 18%. Then the total cost of the product (already including value added tax) must be divided by 118 (100% and 18%), and the resulting value (1%) multiplied by 18. This is how you get the tax amount.

    An algorithm for calculating the amount of interest when it is already included in the total value is needed not only in the case of VAT, it is used if:

      You need to find out the purchase prices, provided that there is data on the markup (in percentage);

      the entrepreneur is engaged in international trade and needs to deal with customs;

      You work with excisable goods, etc.

    Almost all data and formulas of interest to businessmen and ordinary citizens, including working “calculators,” can be found on web resources on the World Wide Web, but this does not mean that the information presented in the article has no practical use. Experienced business entities will confirm that every businessman should be able to calculate any percentage not only using calculators, mobile phones or other gadgets, but also using his mind, and from available means - only paper and pencil.

    As you can see, in order to calculate percentages of an amount, regardless of the field of activity in which they are used and other factors, it is quite enough to know a couple of formulas and be able to apply them correctly, the main thing is to never rush and always check the results obtained (if you count 5 % of 745, but you get 630, which means something is wrong with your calculations).

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    One percent is a hundredth of a number. This concept is used when it is necessary to denote the relationship of a share to the whole. In addition, several values ​​can be compared as percentages, but be sure to indicate relative to which integer the percentages are calculated. For example, expenses are 10% higher than income or the price of train tickets has increased by 15% compared to last year's tariffs. A percent number above 100 means that the proportion is greater than the whole, as is often the case in statistical calculations.

    Interest as a financial concept is a payment from a borrower to a lender for providing money for temporary use. In business, the expression “work for interest” is common. In this case, it is understood that the amount of remuneration depends on profit or turnover (commissions). It is impossible to do without calculating percentages in accounting, business, and banking. To simplify calculations, an online interest calculator has been developed.

    The calculator allows you to calculate:

    • Percentage of the set value.
    • Percentage of the amount (tax on actual salary).
    • Percentage of the difference (VAT from ).
    • And much more...

    When solving problems using a percentage calculator, you need to operate with three values, one of which is unknown (a variable is calculated using the given parameters). The calculation scenario should be selected based on the specified conditions.

    Examples of calculations

    1. Calculating the percentage of a number

    To find a number that is 25% of 1,000 rubles, you need:

    • 1,000 × 25 / 100 = 250 rub.
    • Or 1,000 × 0.25 = 250 rubles.

    To calculate using a regular calculator, you need to multiply 1,000 by 25 and press the % button.

    2. Definition of an integer (100%)

    We know that 250 rub. is 25% of a certain number. How to calculate it?

    Let's make a simple proportion:

    • 250 rub. - 25%
    • Y rub. - 100 %
    • Y = 250 × 100 / 25 = 1,000 rub.

    3. Percentage between two numbers

    Let's say a profit of 800 rubles was expected, but we received 1,040 rubles. What is the percentage of excess?

    The proportion will be like this:

    • 800 rub. - 100 %
    • RUB 1,040 – Y%
    • Y = 1,040 × 100 / 800 = 130%

    Exceeding the profit plan is 30%, that is, fulfillment is 130%.

    4. Calculation is not based on 100%

    For example, 100% of customers come to a store consisting of three departments. In the grocery department - 800 people (67%), in the household chemicals department - 55. What percentage of customers come to the household chemicals department?


    • 800 visitors – 67%
    • 55 visitors - Y%
    • Y = 55 × 67 / 800 = 4.6%

    5. By what percentage is one number less than another?

    The price of the product dropped from 2,000 to 1,200 rubles. By what percentage did the price of the product fall or by what percentage did 1,200 less than 2,000?

    • 2 000 - 100 %
    • 1,200 – Y%
    • Y = 1,200 × 100 / 2,000 = 60% (60% to the figure 1,200 from 2,000)
    • 100% − 60% = 40% (the number 1,200 is 40% less than 2,000)

    6. By what percentage is one number greater than another?

    The salary increased from 5,000 to 7,500 rubles. By what percentage did the salary increase? What percentage is 7,500 greater than 5,000?

    • 5,000 rub. - 100 %
    • 7,500 rub. - Y %
    • Y = 7,500 × 100 / 5,000 = 150% (in numbers 7,500 is 150% of 5,000)
    • 150% − 100% = 50% (the number 7,500 is 50% greater than 5,000)

    7. Increase the number by a certain percentage

    The price of product S is above 1,000 rubles. by 27%. What is the price of the product?

    • 1,000 rub. - 100 %
    • S - 100% + 27%
    • S = 1,000 × (100 + 27) / 100 = 1,270 rub.

    The online calculator makes calculations much simpler: you need to select the type of calculation, enter the number and percentage (in the case of calculating a percentage, the second number), indicate the accuracy of the calculation and give the command to begin the action.