Notifications. What to do if your application for compulsory motor insurance is refused? Why doesn't state insurance insure category C?

Insurance companies often refuse to issue clients an MTPL policy. Most often, such a refusal is not justified.

It reflects only the material interests of the company. In this article you will learn how to force the insurer to issue you a policy.

Any motorist knows how to get insurance under a compulsory motor liability insurance policy. But sometimes insurance companies unreasonably refuse to issue compulsory motor liability insurance.

The reason for this behavior of insurers is the increased loss ratio for this policy. OSAGO insurance has become unprofitable for companies, and it remains so even after tariff increases.

The duty of insurers is to satisfy the wishes of clients. From this article you will learn what to do in a situation where you are unreasonably denied registration for compulsory motor liability insurance.

Why do insurers refuse OSAGO insurance policies?

The main and only reason is the unprofitability of the policy for insurance companies. But it also depends on the region of Russia. In many cities there are no problems with compulsory motor liability insurance, since the statistics there are positive.

If insurers decide that the loss rate in their region is too high, they can simply refuse, citing unlikely reasons (for example, lack of forms or questionable documents).

Humanly speaking, they have the right to do this, because the insurance organization is created on a commercial basis and works to make a profit. And if instead of profit there are only losses, then why work?

But from the point of view of the law, everything looks different. Refusal to issue an insurance policy must be justified, but unprofitability is not a reason. Therefore, if you are denied insurance without a good reason, you need to protect your interests.

What to do if you refuse?

If the insurer's response does not satisfy you, you can appeal it. To do this, create a written request and attach to it a written refusal from the insurance company and/or correspondence with it.

These documents must be sent to one of 5 organizations:

  1. regional branch of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation
  2. RSA branch
  3. prosecutor's office
  4. judicial institution at the place of residence

If, in response to the insurer’s unreasonable refusal, you threaten to contact one of these authorities, then, most likely, you will still be issued a policy

The words “court” and “prosecutor’s office” have a magical effect on insurers and make them forget about the recent refusal (if, of course, it was truly unfounded).

It may happen that you simply do not have time to argue. The insurance company is stubborn and does not want to issue compulsory motor liability insurance, but if you go to court, you can spend several months considering the case.

Sitting all this time without insurance is not an option. There is another way to get out of this situation:

  1. Ask the insurer why he can’t just issue a compulsory motor liability insurance policy. Most likely, he will answer that for registration you need to buy some additional product. (By imposing unnecessary products, insurance companies are trying to make a profit from compulsory motor liability insurance that is unprofitable for them)
  2. In the presence of witnesses, ask an employee of the insurance company to write a written refusal to issue an MTPL policy without additional options. It is possible that already at this stage you will receive approval and your insurance.
  3. If the insurer nevertheless writes a refusal, then on the basis of this document, create a claim against the company and demand termination of the imposed contract with the return of the insurance amount paid by you
  4. If the company refuses to satisfy the claim, it will still have to go to court

Quite often, insurers “give up” already at the second or third stage. But this is only possible if they agree to insure you subject to the purchase of additional products.

If the insurer refuses to sell the MTPL policy under any conditions, then there is another way. It is quite dubious and suitable only for desperate people:

  • According to the law, the insurance contract under the MTPL policy is public. The fact that the client contacts the insurance company (the appeal must be in writing) can be regarded as the fact that the contract has been concluded. You need to send an application-offer to the insurance company by mail
  • Then you should wait for the insured event to occur. When a car gets into an accident, you can recover damages from the insurer based on the offer statement and mail notification that the insurer has received it.

This really works, but if you drive carefully and don’t get into an accident, then there is no point in this method

If you decide to use this method, do not try to fake an accident. Traffic police officers are familiar with such cases and will certainly distinguish a real accident from a selfish staging

What documents are needed to challenge a refusal?

To challenge, you only need 2 documents:

  1. an offer application in writing for insurance under the MTPL agreement (the application must have a stamp, as well as the date and signature of the insurance company employee who accepted it)
  2. written refusal of the insurance company to issue compulsory motor liability insurance

The further list of documents depends on the authority you contact. The RSA may require some papers, while the prosecutor's office may require others.

Therefore, when you come to the chosen institution to dispute it, immediately ask if any other documents are needed on this issue. And remember that any copies must be certified.

Fines for violations

Since September 2014, amendments to the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, adopted by the State Duma in July of the same year, came into force. The essence of the amendments:

  • Unreasonable refusal to issue an insurance contract, as well as the imposition of third-party services during registration, are punishable by a fine for the insurance company
  • the fine is administrative and can be imposed on officials
  • the amount of the fine remains unchanged and is always 50,000 rubles

Legislative practice on these amendments is still at the formation stage. Therefore, the mere fact of challenging will not be enough. A client wishing to challenge an unreasonable refusal to sell compulsory motor insurance must have evidence of a violation on the part of the insurer.

Most often, such evidence is a written refusal by the insurer to issue a policy. If insurance company employees do not want to issue compulsory motor liability insurance, sometimes it is enough just to remind them about the fine for them to change their mind

Don't be afraid to be direct. Say that you will go to complain, and remind them of the impressive amount of the fine. This usually works.

A motorist contacted the editor who believes that his rights were violated during the conclusion of compulsory motor liability insurance, namely:

It has become extremely difficult to obtain insurance in Kamchatka. It has become easier with the technical inspection, but they still can’t get things in order with the insurance. And so the car enthusiast turned to an intermediary organization, which promised to receive the MTPL policy the next day from Moscow or St. Petersburg, however, with an overpayment (it is also called a commission) of 3 thousand rubles. A total of 5606.17 rubles policy + 3000 had to be overpaid to the intermediary. It turned out to be a steep price. This was the first straw.

The second straw was that the coefficient for accident-free driving increased and the required discounts were not provided. The insurance company’s office did not answer this question clearly. Someone from the queue said that it was a failure in the system, someone directly said that here, too, “billionaires from RosGosSstrakh” decided to rip off the people.

The third straw was the addition of special notes. I am familiar with the terms and conditions of the FORTUNA AUTO product. The owner of the car began to find out and it turned out that now it is impossible to obtain only a compulsory motor liability insurance policy in this office. This company resorted to tricks to circumvent the law (the law prohibits the imposition of additional services and the RGS has already been fined several times for imposing additional services) and thus, when you apply for compulsory motor liability insurance, you will definitely buy FORTUNA AUTO life insurance, even on the main website of the RGS this is stated online -in the MTPL calculator, the cost of this policy is added to the cost of MTPL, but does not exceed the tariff. That is, the cost of MTPL included the cost of Fortuna Auto, while inflating the coefficients. However, this policy was not issued to the owner. Having found out all this, the final straw was that this company uses all sorts of schemes to reduce or even refuse to pay the policyholder, the same applies to health insurance. This company, apparently, is simply increasing the money supply, collecting extra money from every car enthusiast in our country, which will not be superfluous for the company’s owners.

The owners of the insurance company Rosgosstrakh, the Khachaturov brothers, were included in the “All Billionaires” rating compiled by the magazine “CEO”. They are ranked 38th and 39th in the world respectively

For Rosgosstrakh, profit has become more valuable than customers and its reputation

Recently, at the Rosgosstrakh company it has become impossible to conclude a compulsory car insurance agreement (MTPL) without concluding an additional “voluntary” life insurance agreement - RGS Fortuna "Auto".

Residents of Kachkanar are unhappy with this imposition of an additional service. Some turn around and leave, others, gritting their teeth, agree to the illegal terms of the company.

Let's conduct an experiment. I come to the Rosgosstrakh office. Indeed, it is impossible to issue an MTPL policy without additional insurance. The sales manager tells me about some order, according to which insurance is now issued jointly - MTPL plus life insurance. I go higher - I call the Rosgosstrakh hotline, in response to the question why I should take out another insurance policy in order to get the one I need, I get the answer:

– We do not give such information and do not connect it with management.

Illegal State Insurance Company?

This imposition of additional insurance services began about three years ago. At first, the life insurance service cost about 500 rubles and was “very recommendatory” in nature. People were simply persuaded under various pretexts, although some managed to refuse. Now this service costs about 1000 rubles and is mandatory. Employees of Rosgosstrakh LLC refuse to issue an MTPL policy without concluding a life insurance contract.

Let's go back a little to the history of the company. The Russian state insurance company was founded in 1992 in the form of a joint stock company, where 100% of the shares belonged to the state. Of course, there were no questions about why the company was state-owned. But further...

On January 1, 2010, a single federal company, Rosgosstrakh LLC, was created, and in September 2010, the state sold the last remaining 13.1% of the shares and at the same time lost its power in the company. But why then is the company still called “state-owned”?

According to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, namely part 4 of section VII chapter. 76 art. 1473 paragraph 4, a private organization does not have the right to use in its name a full or abbreviated indication of affiliation with federal bodies.

Consequently, when the company became private, it no longer had the right to use the prefix “state” in its name.

OSAGO plus “Fortuna-auto”

Actually, the question is: why should I buy apples and oranges if I only need apples?

We go to the official website of Rosgosstrakh and find the following information:

“Together with the MTPL policy, we offer you reliable insurance of drivers and passengers against accidents - the RGS Fortuna Auto policy, which additionally insures the health of the driver and passengers. Unlike compulsory motor liability insurance, which only protects the driver’s liability to third parties, the RGS Fortuna “Auto” policy protects health and life, regardless of whether the driver is at fault for the accident or not. Having MTPL + NS insurance coverage, which includes an MTPL policy and additional health protection for the driver of RGS Fortuna Auto, you get a real opportunity to compensate for the costs of restoring the health of a victim in an accident.”.

The MTPL policy insures the driver's liability as a result of an accident. We we recommend purchase an accident insurance policy along with the compulsory motor liability insurance policy to take care of the life and health of the car driver, regardless of who is at fault for the accident, and regardless of which country the insured event occurs. In addition, the policy is valid if the Insured was injured while being a pedestrian.” It follows from the answer that it is recommended to purchase this policy. However, when contacting the Rosgosstrakh office with the aim of concluding an MTPL agreement, the client is faced with the fact that the MTPL policy can only be issued in conjunction with the supposedly voluntary Fortuna-Auto insurance policy.

Is this legal?

Of course not! The company simply found a way to make more money by pushing additional services on people. "Rosgosstrakh" among the people does not have a particularly positive reputation, but everyone goes there by inertia, only because the company presents itself as supposedly state-owned, and this is the decisive factor in the minds of most people.

From the point of view of the law, everything is simple. Rosgosstrakh's imposition of additional life insurance services contradicts at least two laws. Namely:

1. According to Part 1 of Art. 10 clause 3 of the Law “On Protection of Competition” is prohibited: “Imposing on a counterparty the terms of an agreement that are unfavorable for him or not related to the subject of the agreement.”

2. According to Ch. 1 tbsp. 16 clause 2 of the Law of the Russian Federation dated 02/07/1992 No. 2300-l “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”: “It is prohibited to condition the purchase of some goods (works, services) on the mandatory purchase of other goods (works, services). Losses caused to the consumer as a result of violation of his right to free choice of goods (work, services) are compensated by the seller (performer) in full.”

The law is on our side

As we see, the law is on our side. What to do next? The simplest solution is to refuse the services of Rosgosstrakh and find another insurance company that does not have “mandatory” additional insurance. But what should those who have been insured with Rosgosstrakh for many years and who do not want to lose the accumulated bonuses for accident-free driving and repeated insurance with the company do? There are several options for the development of events.

The first one is amicable. Try, referring to the above articles of law, to explain to the employees of Rosgosstrakh LLC that their actions are illegal and that they are obliged to take out a compulsory motor liability insurance policy without concluding a life insurance contract. Since it is not mandatory, no one has the right to force you to do it.

The second is if the problem cannot be resolved amicably. You are denied an MTPL policy without additional life insurance. However, you need Rosgosstrakh, but you do not intend to pay extra. Ask, or better yet, demand a refusal in writing, this will be the reason for contacting the company management, the prosecutor's office or the court. If they don’t want to give you a written refusal, we do the following. We take out both insurances and go to court, remember: “Losses caused to the consumer as a result of violation of his right to free choice of goods (work, services) are reimbursed by the seller (performer) in full.” We write a statement to the court and return the money. However, before such manipulations, make sure that you have enough evidence that the product was imposed on you or misled you.

Profit is more important than reputation

In some regions of the country, the Office of the Federal Antimonopoly Service has repeatedly issued warnings to Rosgosstrakh LLC to stop imposing additional insurance services on clients when concluding an MTPL contract. However, the company firmly believes that it does not lose anything, but rather earns.

Before insuring an old car that is 10 years old or more, insurers will think a hundred times, because The advantages of insuring such cars are much less than the disadvantages.

The main disadvantage is the high frequency of insurance payments associated with the constant occurrence of breakdowns and malfunctions. That is, the insurer is asked to conclude a deal on conditions that are obviously unfavorable for itself, which is the reason for 90% of refusals.

If you are lucky enough to insure an “elderly” vehicle, then the conditions most likely will not suit you. There is no standardized calculation of drivers' costs to insurance companies.

Is there any benefit?

Hardly. The cost of paperwork, their list and the procedure time will be the same as for a new car, but payments and insurance cases will not allow the driver to receive sufficient compensation to repair the vehicle or compensate for damage after an accident

How to insure?

Drawing up an application

To apply for an insurance contract, you need to have certain information. In particular, to apply for an MTPL policy, you must indicate:

IMPORTANT! If you designate a specific period of time, you can save some money. But you will be able to use the car only during the specified period of time.

In addition to the above information, the form also contains other information. For example, an employee of an insurance company who processes an application indicates data on the coefficients, on the basis of which the cost of the MTPL policy is calculated. The application also includes the policy number for future identification.

Refusal from the insurance company

OSAGO is a compulsory type of insurance. In order for a company to legally refuse you, it must have very significant conditions, a list of which will be given below. If none of the points are applicable to your car, then the policyholder does not see any benefit in concluding the contract, which cannot be a direct reason for the refusal.


The main reason is that such a policy incurs losses for the insurance company. But this varies depending on the region of the Russian Federation. In cities with positive statistics there are no problems with processing transactions.

To save on your policy or get 100% approval – choose a region with cheap tariffs and good statistics.

If the insurer decides that losses in their region are very high, they may simply refuse to process the claim under the pretext of a lack of forms or various types of consumables. This is not a legal basis for refusal, but the company must make a profit for its employees, otherwise it will go bankrupt.

However, you are not provided with any legal grounds for refusal, which means you need to protect your interests at higher legal authorities.

What to do in this case?

If you are not satisfied with the insurers' response, you can appeal it. To do this, write a written request and attach to it a copy of the refusal from the insurance company and correspondence with it.

The package of documents can be sent to one of the following structures:

  1. regional department of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation;
  2. RSA headquarters;
  3. prosecutor's office;
  4. court at the place of residence;
  5. Federal Antimonopoly Service.

Pre-trial settlement of the situation

Sometimes you just need to hint to the insurance company that you are going to take the conflict to court, and they immediately come to meet you. There is no need to threaten or stir up conflict, just talk.

If insurers refuse to conclude a deal on any terms, then there is another method. It is quite dubious and suitable only for desperate people:

  1. According to the law, the insurance contract under the MTPL policy is public. The fact that a citizen contacts an insurance company (in writing) can be classified as the fact that the contract has been drawn up. You need to send the offer application to the insurance company by mail.
  2. Next, you should wait for the insured event. When a vehicle is involved in an accident, you can claim compensation for damage based on the offer statement and postal notification that the insurers have received it.

You can read more about pre-trial claims to the insurance company.

Going to court and filing a claim

To challenge in court, you only need 2 documents:

  • a written offer application for insurance under the MTPL contract (the application must be stamped, as well as the date and signature of the insurance company employee who accepted it);
  • written refusal of the insurance company to issue a policy.

The general list of documentation depends on the legal structure you contact. The RSA may require one set of documents, the prosecutor's office another.

Therefore, when you come to a specific institution to appeal, immediately check whether any other certificates or documents are needed regarding this incident. Remember that any copies must be certified.

Obtaining a policy

Today, insurers can themselves change the cost of compulsory motor liability insurance within small limits. To find the most cost-effective option, contact several insurance companies by phone. Insurers will list you the basic insurance rates. If you want to purchase a policy at the best price, then choose the company whose basic rate is lower than the others.

Registration of an MTPL policy usually takes a couple of minutes. In addition, renewal of the insurance policy is possible without a personal visit to the insurer (via the Internet). However, this option was introduced recently, so not all insurance corporations have managed to add this function to the list of services provided by Internet resources.

Let's turn to the classic way of purchasing insurance. When purchasing a policy in the office, it is recommended to pay attention to its price, which must be calculated independently in advance. We remind you that in addition to the insurance document itself, you are required to provide 2 blank forms for notifications of road accidents. You will need them if you decide to file an accident without the traffic police (using the Europrotocol).

One more thing. In the event of a collision between two vehicles, the maximum compensation for damage to a damaged vehicle is 400,000 rubles according to Art. 7 Federal Law “On compulsory motor liability insurance”. At first it will seem that this amount may be enough for repair work in most situations. But since car prices rise every year, and the maximum payment remains the same, if a serious insured event occurs with an expensive car, this amount will definitely not be enough to cover the damage.

In this regard, many companies offer to expand the MTPL policy with the help of DSAGO (additional insurance). As a rule, the price of such a service is much less than the basic insurance, but DSAGO significantly expands the amount of insurance payment - up to 1,000,000 rubles or even more. Conditions may also vary from one insurance company to another.


Applying for insurance is a matter of five minutes, which will save you many hours spent on investigations after accidents. However, if you insure a car older than 10 years, then problems may arise with obtaining insurance, although there is no official prohibition in the law and everyone must have compulsory motor liability insurance for their cars.

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Or were additional services imposed upon registration? Have you set a date for submitting a package of documents and issuing a policy a month or two after the expiration of your current insurance policy? These actions of the insurer are illegal, and it is possible and necessary to call him to order.

Why don't insurers sell MTPL policies?

Insurance companies have created an artificial shortage of motor vehicle forms for exactly one reason. OSAGO insurance has become unprofitable, or even simply unprofitable. Thus, in the first quarter of 2014 in three regions of Russia: Amur, Ulyanovsk and Murmansk regions, payments reached 90% of collections, and in the Kamchatka Territory the amount of payments exceeded the amount of collected insurance premiums and amounted to 107%.

At the beginning of the year, insurers everywhere began to close their offices in anticipation of an increase in tariffs due to summer changes in legislation.

The law on compulsory motor liability insurance has been updated, the schedule for changing tariffs for the year has been approved, the procedure for establishing basic tariffs and adjustment factors has been given to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. However, the situation remains critical in many respects.

What does the legislation of the Russian Federation say?

During the first half of 2014, the Federal Antimonopoly Service registered 1,500 complaints from car owners against insurers in 66 regions of Russia. Insurance organizations universally refuse to issue an MTPL policy and impose additional services. 47 insurers received warnings, cases were initiated against 34, and the court has already made decisions on 27 violations. And the verdict is always the same: the insurer is wrong.

The list of unscrupulous companies included: Ingosstrakh, VTB Insurance, Yugoria, ASKO, Renaissance Insurance, Rosgosstrakh, AlfaStrakhovanie, VSK, ZHASO, SOGAZ, Alliance, BASK, Guta -insurance", MAX, SG MSK, "RESO-guarantee", "Soglasie", "Zurich", "UralSib". The Ministry of Finance on its website published an unambiguous position on this issue and offered the car owner a sequence of actions in the event of an unlawful refusal.

So, let's look at the laws:

  • Federal Law No. 40-F3 “On compulsory civil liability insurance of vehicle owners” dated April 25, 2002 states that The owner of the vehicle is required to have an MTPL policy.
  • In Art. 426 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and Art. 1 of Law No. 40-F3 emphasizes that the MTPL agreement is public. That is the insurer is obliged to enter into an agreement with everyone who contacts him. Refusal is not allowed.
  • In paragraph 2 of Art. 16 of the Law of the Russian Federation No. 2300-1 “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” (dated 02/07/1992) states that conditionality of the acquisition of some goods by the mandatory purchase of others(in other words, the imposition of additional goods and services) prohibited.
  • Clause 14 of the OSAGO Rules states that the car owner has the right to freely choose an insurance company. The latter, upon receipt of a package of documents and a written application, has no right to refuse to provide this service.

According to Federal Law No. 223-FZ dated July 21, 2014, unjustified refusal of the insurer to conclude public contracts and imposition of additional services not stipulated by federal law, entails administrative liability. Corresponding amendments have been made to Art. 15.34.1 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Violations.

Punishment: a fine of 50,000 rubles imposed on the official who committed the offense.

The competent authority is the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the mega-regulator of the insurance market. Heads of territorial divisions are authorized to resolve issues of control and supervision in the field of financial markets, incl. insurance

Let's sum it up.

  1. The car owner can contact any insurance company.
  2. The insurer has no right to refuse to sell a compulsory motor liability insurance policy.
  3. It is also unlawful to force someone to buy additional options (for example, a life insurance policy for the policyholder or drivers included in the policy).

If this happens, then, according to paragraph 4 of Art. 445 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the insurance organization is forced to conclude a contract in court and compensate for losses caused to the car owner by its refusal.

Remark by RSA

At the end of September 2014, RSA published the “Procedure for notification by insurance organizations of the refusal to conclude an MTPL agreement to owners of RSA vehicles.” It is based on clause 7 of Art. 15 of the law on compulsory motor liability insurance, which states the insurer’s obligation to issue a written refusal and notify higher authorities - the Central Bank and the RSA. From the entire document, we are interested in the list of acceptable grounds for refusal to issue a motor vehicle license. Among them:

  • lack of connection with AIS SAR;
  • failure to present the vehicle for inspection (can be carried out both at the location of the insurer and at the place of residence of the policyholder);
  • failure to provide a full set of documents required by law;
  • lack of a power of attorney to conclude an insurance contract on behalf of an individual entrepreneur or legal entity.

However, the lack of connection with the base will still need to be proven, and after it is restored, the client will need to be invited (in writing!) to conclude an agreement. The issue of failure to present a car for inspection is also controversial, since there is a diagnostic card that serves as the basis for selling the policy. In general, it can be debated whether the grounds for refusal given by the RSA do not contradict the Law of the Russian Federation. And there is no doubt that the courts, when considering cases, will appeal only to officially approved norms.

Procedure for purchasing an MTPL policy

Since the MTPL agreement is recognized as public, the desire of one of the parties is sufficient to conclude it. There are several options for purchasing a policy.

  1. When contacting the insurance company in person, request a written refusal. You won’t be able to present the oral one anywhere.
  2. When a proposal is sent by Russian Post (an application in the appropriate form approved by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation on July 1, 2009) with a package of necessary documents attached, a delivery notice is given. In case of refusal, it will serve as evidence that the insurer received the offer.

It takes 14 working days to review it, as well as prepare and send a response to the insurer. The response may be:

  • about acceptance (acceptance),
  • about refusal,
  • about acceptance on other terms.

What to do if refused?

If you do not agree with the insurer's response, you have the right to appeal its actions. To do this, you need to apply in writing, attaching correspondence with the insurance company or a written refusal. The package of documents must be sent to one of the authorities:

  • territorial division of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation;
  • court at the place of residence;
  • prosecutor's office;
  • RSA department;
  • Federal Antimonopoly Service, address: 123995, Moscow, D-242, GSP-5, Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya, 11.

Usually, by personally contacting the insurer and threatening to submit a written refusal to one of the above-mentioned organizations, the insurance company finds the opportunity to conclude an MTPL agreement. And the desire appears, and the forms are found, and the issue is resolved pre-trial.

What documents are needed to challenge a refusal?

  1. Firstly, written statement from the policyholder(proposal-offer) to conclude an MTPL agreement. The copy that remains with the car owner is stamped, dated and signed by the person who accepted the application.
  2. Secondly, written refusal from the insurer. Needed to contact the competent authorities.

What to do if there is no time to argue?

The Russian judicial system is quite clumsy. It takes several months, or even six months, to consider even the simplest case. It is clear that not everyone is ready to endure lengthy legal debates, and certainly no one has the opportunity to live without insurance, waiting for the insurer to be forced to enter into a compulsory motor liability insurance agreement. If you are required to buy an MTPL policy along with an additional insurance product, the procedure is quite simple.

  • Invite a witness and, in his presence, ask a representative of the insurance company to draw up a written disagreement with the registration of a “car title” without a load.
  • Based on this paper, write a claim to the insurer demanding termination of the imposed additional insurance contract and the return of the full premium paid.
  • If refused, file a claim in court.

If they don’t sell you a policy, then there is a very dubious path. The desperate can follow it.

  • Since, by law, the MTPL insurance contract is public, the very fact of a written request from a potential policyholder can be considered as the fact of concluding a contract. To do this, the offer application should be sent to the insurer by mail.
  • If the car gets into an accident, then based on this statement and notification of delivery, damages should be recovered from the insurance company.

There are obvious disadvantages of such “amateur activity”.

  1. According to the Insurance Rules, the contract comes into force after the policyholder pays the premiums (the full amount or a certain part thereof). So the insurer remains able to legally avoid paying insurance compensation unless the Supreme Court rules otherwise.
  2. The traffic police inspector, having stopped the car, will not be satisfied with a copy of the offer application and confirmation of its receipt by the insurer. Firstly, this, whatever one may say, is not a compulsory motor liability insurance policy. Secondly, a natural question arises about the serviceability of the vehicle and the possibility of its operation.
  3. Even if the homemade “policy” states that it is a duplicate, valid until the original is issued, it will take a lot of time and nerves to communicate with the inspector. Possible development options: fine, removal of license plates, ban on participation in road traffic.

Perhaps several dozen precedents will create a reliable basis for quickly resolving such issues, but so far the development of events in this scenario has not been recorded.

At the initiative of the Bank of Russia, from January 1, 2017, all insurers involved in compulsory motor liability insurance are required to issue policies online. Rosgosstrakh, one of the leaders in the insurance market in the Russian Federation, offers its clients to purchase this product on its corporate website.

Dear readers! The article talks about typical ways to resolve legal issues, but each case is individual. If you want to know how solve exactly your problem- contact a consultant:


It's fast and FOR FREE!

According to Google and Yandex search engines, this portal is the most popular insurance brand on the Internet. A convenient, clear interface, help and search systems allow users with any level of training to perform policy registration operations.

What does it protect against?

The driver who causes the accident becomes liable to the victims. The insurance company, based on the MTPL policy, takes it upon itself within certain limits.

For 2020, the maximum payments are:

Damage caused to the victim's property 400 thousand rubles. for everyone
Compensation for damage caused to health 500 thousand rubles. for everyone.

If actual costs exceed the limit, victims may sue the person responsible for the accident.

Rosgosstrakh organizes and pays for the repair of cars that have been involved in an accident in car repair shops with which it has entered into an agreement for the provision of services. A monetary payment may be made at the victim's option.

As compensation for harm to health, bills from medical organizations, pharmacies, prosthetic services, sanatorium treatment and others are paid. The policy does not provide compensation for moral damage.

Rosgosstrakh will not pay the expenses of victims in the following cases:

  • if the vehicle was driven by a citizen whose data is not in the policy;
  • reporting an incident in violation of the deadline specified in the contract;
  • The accident happened during training with an instructor, test drive, competition;
  • the cause of the accident was force majeure or natural disasters;
  • the damage was caused intentionally.

Due to insufficient volume of documents provided, a temporary refusal may result.


You can buy and renew a policy only on the official Rosgosstrakh portal; offers from other agents and intermediaries are illegal.

If a client wants to check the relevance of the company’s license, this can be done on the website of the Central Bank or the Russian Union of Auto Insurers The online service should be available to new drivers who do not yet have information in the electronic database.

The time given to the insurer to issue a policy is 30 minutes from the moment the correctly completed application is sent.

Step by step registration procedure

Regulation of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 431-P dated September 19, 2014 allows the conclusion of an MTPL agreement in electronic form. Providing documents in this case on the basis of Article 15 of Law 40-FZ of April 25, 2002. can be performed in the form of the insurer's access to databases containing the necessary information.

To buy an MTPL policy online, you need to follow the link rgs ru to the official website of Rosgosstrakh. In the upper left corner of the “Insurance” tab, select OSAGO:

We get to the page of the new Rosgosstrakh service:

If the user does not have a personal account, a simple registration will be offered: enter your email address, phone number.

A one-time password will be sent to your email, by entering which you can enter your personal account:

To calculate the cost of the policy, first fill in the data from the title of the vehicle:

Where a choice is offered, you need to select the appropriate option; filling in manually can lead to distortions:

Then you should fill in the information about the driver, here you can add a table and enter several people:

Enter information about the car:

Next, the amount of the insurance premium is calculated using an online calculator. The system will receive the necessary additional data by accessing existing databases:

Payment can be made using a bank card; the form in PDF format will be sent by email.

All policies are saved electronically in your personal account:

Why doesn't it work?

The following difficulties may arise when filling out forms:

  • The directory does not contain the name of the locality. Next to the window for the city there is a key with a question mark depicted. There is an extended directory where you can first find a region, and then a city or town within it;
  • The directory of brands and models does not contain the exact name of the car. You need to enter the name in Russian font, then in Latin, if in both cases the desired model does not appear, you should select the closest value;
  • an error is displayed: confirmation was not received from the system of the Russian Association of Auto Insurers. You need to check that the data you entered is correct. If everything is in order, your personal account has a feedback function with the ability to send files. You should describe the problem and attach scans of documents;
  • if, if you have a valid diagnostic card on hand, the system displays a message about its absence, you need to do the same as in the previous case, attaching a scan of the card;
  • It is impossible to enter data for more than 5 drivers on the website; if there is a need, you will have to contact the office;

If technical errors or ambiguities arise when filling out the form, you can use the “Prompt assistance” option in your personal account or write to an email address with a screenshot attached.

What documents are needed

To purchase a regular paper policy at the Rosgosstrakh office you need:

  • civil passports of the car owner and policyholder;
  • the driving license of all persons included in the insurance;
  • If the car is older than 3 years, you need a diagnostic card valid at the time of registration.

The card is issued as a result of a technical inspection, all data on the passage of which is contained in the traffic police Internet databases.

How the price is formed

OSAGO is a compulsory type of insurance, therefore its tariffs are regulated by the state. Regulatory acts form a corridor of acceptable values ​​within which insurers can operate. They set a base tariff to which a number of coefficients are applied.

The final amount of the insurance premium depends on:

  • from the region of the Russian Federation in which the car is registered;
  • on the number of drivers assigned to the car;
  • on the power of the vehicle;
  • depending on the seasonality of car use;
  • from the insurance period;
  • on the ratio of the driver’s age and his driving experience.

The most interesting coefficient for drivers is called bonus-malus. It depends on how law-abiding the person was behind the wheel in previous insurance periods. KBM can make insurance cheaper or much more expensive, up to a maximum of 2.45 times.

What to do after purchase

After payment of the insurance premium has been completed, a package of documents from Rosgosstrakh will be sent to the email address specified during registration:

  • a completed OSAGO policy form in PDF format with all the necessary marks;
  • SGN file containing the electronic signature of a person authorized to certify documents on behalf of Rosgosstrakh;
  • Central Bank Regulation No. 431 on OSAGO;
  • instructions for the car owner with an accident notification form in PDF format;
  • confirmation of payment indicating all details of the payment transaction.

The policy must be printed out and carried with you in your car at all times. Other documents can be stored electronically. The contract will begin the next day after payment.

Settlement online

The Rosgosstrakh website provides the possibility of online notification of an accident. If the victim is a customer of the company, he can apply for direct compensation within 5 business days. This is available if only the vehicle was damaged and the collision involved 2 vehicles.

In case of an accident with three or more cars, damage to health and damage to property not related to vehicles, the victim contacts Rosgosstrakh if ​​the culprit is a client of the company. He can do this online using the policy number of the person at fault for the accident.

The portal allows you to control the status of your payment case by the number and full name of the applicant.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of buying an insurance policy online are as follows:

  • saving time and effort;
  • the document received in electronic form is reliable, will not be lost, and you can print as many copies as you like;
  • you can access it in your personal account at any time via the Internet;
  • lack of persistent additional offers for other types of insurance.

The negative aspects of online services are the same for everyone - the possibility of deception by scammers. They also monitor innovations and try to use them for their own purposes.

For Rosgosstrakh this problem is not very important; their website is well-known and reliable. The main thing is not to respond to tempting discounts or promotions from intermediaries. There are no discounts for compulsory insurance. There should also be no intermediaries; sales are allowed only on the official portal.