Will Russia qualify from the group at the home World Cup? Preview from The Sportsman. Will we get out of the “demographic hole”? Where do more people give birth?

choose or select

How to spell it correctly?

The correct word “choose” is written in two versions, depending on the conjugation - you are taking And select .

Rule for “choose” (1st conjugation)

The infinitive form of this verb is choose. When it changes, the shapes of faces and numbers are formed. You are taking– 2nd person, plural. All verbs of the 1st conjugation have the ending - yeah.

This norm for writing verbs has developed historically. The indicative moods of verbs in Russian vary according to persons and numbers. The term for such actions is conjugation. The difference in conjugations lies in the endings – “ e” (1 reference) – “ And” (2 references). The error arises from the similarity in the sound of the indicative and imperative moods, when the meaning of the action contains an order - select.


  • The seller offered a large selection of accessories, but said that if you are taking it is this one that he will give a discount.
  • When you are taking book, come up and explain your interest.
  • When you are taking product, tell the technician, he will help you install the equipment and explain how to use it.

Rule for “choose” (2nd conjugation)

Letter “ And” in the ending is characteristic of the second conjugation of verbs. This is always an imperative mood. In this case " And” is a suffix, “ those" - ending. Therefore, when writing, first determine the conjugation, then look for the rule.

Translation of an article from "The Sportsman", UK


The hosts are approaching the world championship in poor condition and it is difficult to imagine that they will be able to score the required number of points in order to get into the playoffs from their group.

While goalkeeper and team captain Igor Akinfeev is capable of producing outstanding performances, he is also prone to catastrophic errors from time to time. There is a feeling that in order for Russia to have the opportunity to succeed in the tournament, he will have to demonstrate a superhuman performance.

The veteran brothers Berezutsky completed their performances for the national team (however, they later agreed to play at the World Championships), and central defender Sergei Ignashevich will lead the defensive redoubts.

Ignashevich, who has played 120 matches for the national team, is already 38 years old, and the long-term injury of Georgy Dzhikia makes him fear for the Russian defense line.

A lack of creativity in midfield and a lack of quality forwards means Russia look too short on talent to cause anyone any problems. It’s a pity that the World Cup came for them at a time when the Russians have so few talented players.

With all this, you never need to think ahead, and the zealous support of your local fans may be enough to spur them on and motivate new heroes to exploits.

A positive result in the opening match against Saudi Arabia will be key to their chances of continuing into the next round.


They are the owners. For the national teams of the host countries, as a rule, everything goes well. Besides, strengths There’s nothing special about them.

Weak sides

They are the owners. There are times when the pressure becomes too much for tournament hosts to handle.

Head coach

Stanislav Cherchesov, a former goalkeeper, replaced Leonid Slutsky as a coach in August 2016, after he won both the championship and the national Cup with Legia Warsaw.

He played for the national team at the 1994 and 2002 World Championships. He is an adherent of the high-pressing model, but so far he has not been able to achieve success with this tactic in the national team.

Who should you look out for?

Alexey Miranchuk – The 22-year-old attacking midfielder has the weight of responsibility for his country on his shoulders as Russia hopes this young footballer can blossom and help the team advance to the next round on home soil.

Alexey made a name for himself at Lokomotiv Moscow along with his brother Anton, and will likely be used in the starting line-up as a lone striker.

He will have to play to his limits for his team to have any chance.

As many believe, a place in the 1/8 finals could be considered an excellent result for this squad, but the burden of responsibility will most likely mean that the team will at least be required to reach the quarterfinals.


Russia will probably be able to snatch second place from Egypt, after Uruguay.

More on InoProSport:

Financial Times: “Can one billionaire save Russian football?” (Translation of an article from the Financial Times, USA)

We wrote about the matches of teams from the leader group earlier, and now about those matches of the 30th round of the FONBET FNL Championship, in which the teams fighting for survival will fight.

In Tyumen, the local club will host " Volgar». « Tyumen“We need to get out of 19th place and the upcoming match is an excellent opportunity for this. The Astrakhan team, it seems, have completed all their tournament tasks for the season, and the remaining rounds can quite easily finish off. Tyumen has not yet won in the spring (2 draws at home and 2 defeats away). Taking into account the autumn period of the championship, the players Vladimir Maminov They haven't won in 6 matches.

Bookmakers' quotes have noticeably dropped for the hosts in the last 24 hours, and now have next view: 1.58 - 3.80 - 5.85.

« Torch"will play at home against " Vanguard" Voronezh residents have, perhaps, only a ghostly chance left to avoid relegation from the FNL. What can you expect from the “fire-dangerous” if in 29 games they only hit their opponents’ goal 14 times?

“Avangard”, after two victories in a row, lost at home to “Shinnik”. If the Kursk team had scored points in that match, the situation would have been relatively calm for them - 11th place with a 5-point lead from the relegation zone. However, we note that Avangard looks great in away matches, having the 9th record in the championship.

Kursk will also score points in the upcoming match. We look at the bookmaker odds, in which a draw is definitely visible: 3.25 - 2.90 - 2.30.

Another largely fateful match will take place in St. Petersburg. " Zenit-2" And " Rotor“We haven’t managed to get out of the danger zone yet, and on Saturday one of the opponents may “drown” almost completely. The St. Petersburg and Volgograd residents are separated from the saving 15th place by 4 and 3 points, respectively, and defeat in this situation is like death.

Rotor had a great start to the spring - 3 wins in 4 games and a defeat in Kaliningrad with very strange refereeing. In the spring, Zenit-2 surprises with its performances at home and away - two home defeats with a total score of 0:7 and two away victories, 1:0 each, over Baltika and Fakel.

Just like in the Voronezh match, analysts of bookmaker companies are inclined to draw. The average pre-match line looks like this: 2.70 - 3.00 - 2.60.

The final match of the tour will take place on April 1. " Spartak-2"will not interrupt the long streak without victories. After the draw in Vladivostok it is 10 matches (=4-6). The “red-whites” were completely safe back in October, and now they are out of the relegation zone Dmitry Gunko Only 4 points separate.

The situation in Olimpyitsa is no better. Spring team Nikolai Pisarev has not yet won, having drawn three times and lost once, extending the streak without a win to 5 games. On the other hand, Nizhny Novgorod lost only one match in the last 9 games. The Olympian has 33 points and 3 points ahead of the relegation zone.

Muscovites are one of the worst teams in the league in terms of games played at home - 12 points in 14 matches - 19th in the tournament.

Bookmakers are inclined to assume that the “red-whites” will be able to break their “black” streak. A home win is valued at 2.00, an away win at 3.70, a draw at 3.20.

What prevents Russia from overcoming the consequences of the disaster of the 1990s

For some reason, programs to support young families in the regions are still being developed in isolation from employment; the results of economic transformations are in no way connected with the birth rate. But these things are directly interconnected...

Meanwhile, according to Mikhail Bocharov, director of the Center for Strategic Studies, the population decline is directly related to the decline of the economy. During the years of reforms, the number of people employed in the real production sector decreased by more than 17 million. 80 thousand enterprises were closed.

It is clear that a family of young unemployed people will first of all think not about how many children to have, but about how to simply survive.

But there is another problem: work does not guarantee the income a family needs. Millions of working Russians cannot escape poverty.

According to the Center for Socio-Political Monitoring of RANEPA, more than half (55 percent) of the population receives a salary below 25 thousand rubles, every third earns less than 15 thousand per month, and about 7 million people have only a minimum wage of 7.5 thousand per month.

The rest are paid more, but not much: their income level is still below the subsistence level. Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets called this situation unique, linking it with the poverty of a working person.

And although the figures cited by the Deputy Prime Minister are somewhat at odds with the RANEPA data, everything suggests that in general the situation with the standard of living of Russian families remains alarming.

According to HSE estimates, by May 2017, incomes of the active population of childbearing age had fallen for 31 months in a row. In other words, for almost three years the standard of living of Russian families has been steadily declining. As a result, Russians became 20 percent poorer. The fall in incomes of ordinary people is also noted by RANEPA scientists.

If only things weren't worse?

All over the world they have learned to raise the standard of living, stimulating economic growth and labor productivity. Then business flourishes, and employees receive fair wage increases. In our country, fearing rising inflation, we are working to eliminate poverty on paper.

Some officials reason like this: let nothing grow, as long as it doesn’t get worse. We will plug the hole in the budget with additional fees. We will put all our efforts into equalizing the minimum wage and the cost of living. If the minimum wage reaches the coveted 11 thousand rubles, then Rosstat will no longer have to report on the millions of poor Russians.

The point is not that because of the directive increase in the minimum wage, someone will have to curtail their activities or pay salaries in envelopes. Although this cannot be ignored. It is unlikely that citizens who receive even 11 thousand rubles will stop considering themselves beggars.

A formal increase in the minimum wage to the level of the subsistence level of an able-bodied person, although to some extent will help mitigate the situation, will not correct it. And to fix it, it will be necessary to raise not only the minimum wage, but also the amount of social benefits.

Disaster zones

There is such an indicator as subjective poverty. According to the same Rosstat, in the first quarter, 21.3 percent of Russian households reported that they only have enough money for food, or even not enough for it.

It’s one thing when a single person is offered to live on 11 thousand, and quite another when a beggarly budget is prescribed to a single mother. Even by the strictest standards adopted in the state, living wage for a single person with a child – 20,457 rubles (and salaries less than this level, according to Rosstat, are received by about a third of workers).

For a complete family with one child, you need at least 31,158 rubles in order not to die of hunger. So it turns out: the more children there are in a family, the greater the income deficit. Meager child benefits, of course, are not able to solve this problem.

Average statistics for Russia, as noted by the head of the department of international capital markets at the Institute of World Economy and international relations RAS Yakov Mirkin, only retouches sharp corners and does not show the whole picture.

At relatively high level life in the capitals, the scientist counted from 15 to 20 real “disaster zones” in the country. These are huge territories, larger than many countries.

For example, in the Republic of Tyva the gross regional product per capita is 66 percent lower than the Russian average - $2,460 per year per person.

According to the observations of another famous scientist, deputy director of the Institute of World Economy and International Relations Evgeniy Gontmakher, our poor have changed their consumer behavior and began to save money in stores. It seems that the drop in income is not as big as he says, but people have the feeling that it will not get better. They buy less of what they would like to buy and choose cheaper goods from those they previously bought.

Where do more people give birth?

Expenditures are cut and the population is declining. For the fourth year in a row, the birth rate is falling in almost all regions of Russia. If in 2014 Rosstat recorded 1.942 million newborns, then in 2015 - already less - 1.940 million, last year - even less - 1.888 million. This year (according to the latest data), more than 11 more children were born in just seven months percent less than in the same period last year. And this despite the fact that the number of abortions has decreased.

At the same time, the birth rate (number of births per 1000 people) also decreases. Today it is at the level of 11.4, while a year ago it was 12.8.

A demographic surge can only be observed in the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug: in June 2017, almost a third more residents were born there than the year before. But even such record figures cannot cover the reduction (by more than 107 thousand) in the number of newborns throughout the rest of the country.

If in Chechnya the birth rate falls by only a few percent, then in the vast majority of regions this drop is measured in double digits. And so far the statistics do not even hint at a population recovery.

“The process of decreasing the absolute number of births” is recognized in the Ministry of Labor and is associated with “ demographic hole» 1993–2006. That is why, they say, the current generation of potential parents has not succeeded. And nothing can be done about it; in the coming years we are doomed to population decline.

Indeed, from 1987 to 1993, the number of births decreased by almost half, and now women and men of that time have entered childbearing age.

But you can’t dump all the problems into one hole, even a demographic one! Those who have lost their jobs are finding it difficult to feed their families. But in order to boost industry, we don’t have machines. But even if we bought them, there won’t be enough turners or milling machines. It is impossible to train a million specialists in a year or two, just as it is impossible to sharply increase energy capacity, and we are at the limit. We do not produce powerful generators, which Siemens was recently caught supplying.

Fees and extortions

People working in the oil and gas fields do not complain about life. But you can’t sign everyone up to be an oil worker, and not everyone is hired as a shift worker. Where can people who want to have children work if every tenth factory in Russia, as stated in an August industry review by the Center for Market Research at the Higher School of Economics, is on the verge of bankruptcy? Enterprises produce less and less, accumulate debt, and lay off workers.

The share of absolutely prosperous industrial companies with sustainable financial situation who can afford development and modernization, there remains, according to HSE scientists, no more than 12–14 percent. These are the lucky ones who were not abandoned by the state. They receive bonuses in the form of direct budget and project financing, have access to government orders, foreign economic activity, and other preferences.

But what is characteristic is that among the leaders there are practically no high-tech industries (except for chemical production and individual military-industrial complex plants). Even in Russia’s key sector of net oil production, HSE scientists note, outdated technologies predominate, and equipment wear exceeds 55 percent. And if we take it as a whole, then a third of all mining industry capacities, according to existing standards, are completely worn out.

The business that provides jobs to Russians still lives by the rule: squeeze everything possible out of the production it inherits, and at least no grass will grow there.

This approach causes nothing but condemnation, but business people can also understand it. Yes, taxes are not formally increasing, but business fees are increasing. After the transition to cadastral valuation of land and real estate, rental rates increased, a significant part of tax benefits(primarily by property taxes), tax administration has been tightened.

All this has led to the fact that, while profits in the economy as a whole are falling, the Federal Tax Service is reporting an unprecedented increase in collections to the budget. What does this have to do with demography, you say? The most direct thing. Yes, if tax revenues grow, then there will be money for poverty benefits. Today. And tomorrow?..

By forcing factory owners to save on equipment, technology, and wages, the state condemns millions of people to a miserable existence, and business goes into the shadows.

But no matter how difficult life is, and no matter what far-reaching conclusions are drawn by economists who are fashionable today, sociology and statistics record an improvement in the social health of Russian society. This is evidenced not only by opinion polls, but also by very specific facts: the level of serious crimes, suicides and alcohol consumption in the country is falling.

More optimism, gentlemen!

Contrary to gloomy forecasts, the deterioration of the socio-economic situation did not lead to changes for the worse. It must be admitted that all this is, of course, a consequence public policy: from tightening rules for the sale of alcohol to law enforcement reform.

The technological breakthrough also made its contribution: a completely new layer of activities and entertainment appeared for social groups traditionally at risk. Young people have begun to spend less time on the street doing illegal and dangerous activities, but they are spending more and more time on the Internet (although not everything is safe there) or playing computer toys.

But one cannot help but admit that it was Russian society, with all its apparent pessimism, that became the main source thanks to which the country was able to overcome the national catastrophe of the nineties and begin a large-scale social transformation.

But optimism alone is not enough. Sensible economists advise moving to a mobilization-type economy, as US President Franklin Roosevelt did in his time, introducing progressive taxation, increasing taxes for the rich and super-rich, freeing income tax those who work for pennies.

It is also necessary to reduce taxes and fees as much as possible for companies in the real sector, and significantly reduce tariffs for transport, electricity, gas and fuel. Completely exempt farmers from taxes, severely punish corrupt officials and prevent them from hiding abroad.

To this we can add the increase in the ruble exchange rate to 20–25 per dollar, the establishment of order at customs, the ban on the use of offshore companies by officials, companies with state participation and owners of enterprises acquired at loans-for-shares auctions. As well as granting the right to produce oil and gas on a competitive basis, with a fixed payment per unit of production, which will bring the treasury 13–16 trillion rubles.

The economy will improve, the labor market will revive, the population will increase, life expectancy will increase...

But this logic doesn’t seem to suit some people. They have only one thing on their mind: don’t change anything. Don’t let money into the economy, cut expenses, cut benefits. And about pensions, you can explain to people: there is no money, but you hold on...

Especially for "Century"


The hosts are approaching the world championship in poor condition and it is difficult to imagine that they will be able to score the required number of points in order to get into the playoffs from their group.

While goalkeeper and team captain Igor Akinfeev is capable of producing outstanding performances, he is also prone to catastrophic errors from time to time. There is a feeling that in order for Russia to have the opportunity to succeed in the tournament, he will have to demonstrate a superhuman performance.

The veteran brothers Berezutsky completed their performances for the national team (however, they later agreed to play at the World Championships), and central defender Sergei Ignashevich will lead the defensive redoubts.

Ignashevich, who has played 120 matches for the national team, is already 38 years old, and the long-term injury of Georgy Dzhikia makes him fear for the Russian defense line.

A lack of creativity in midfield and a lack of quality forwards means Russia look too short on talent to cause anyone any problems. It’s a pity that the World Cup came for them at a time when the Russians have so few talented players.

With all this, you never need to think ahead, and the zealous support of your local fans may be enough to spur them on and motivate new heroes to exploits.

A positive result in the opening match against Saudi Arabia will be key to their chances of continuing into the next round.


They are the owners. For the national teams of the host countries, as a rule, everything goes well. Apart from this, they don’t have any particular strengths to highlight.

Weak sides

They are the owners. There are times when the pressure becomes too much for tournament hosts to handle.

Head coach

Stanislav Cherchesov, a former goalkeeper, replaced Leonid Slutsky as a coach in August 2016, after he won both the championship and the national Cup with Legia Warsaw.

He played for the national team at the 1994 and 2002 World Championships. He is an adherent of the high-pressing model, but so far he has not been able to achieve success with this tactic in the national team.

Who should you look out for?

Alexey Miranchuk – The 22-year-old attacking midfielder has the weight of responsibility for his country on his shoulders as Russia hopes this young footballer can blossom and help the team advance to the next round on home soil.

Alexey made a name for himself at Lokomotiv Moscow along with his brother Anton, and will likely be used in the starting line-up as a lone striker.

He will have to play to his limits for his team to have any chance.

As many believe, a place in the 1/8 finals could be considered an excellent result for this squad, but the burden of responsibility will most likely mean that the team will at least be required to reach the quarterfinals.


Russia will probably be able to snatch second place from Egypt, after Uruguay.

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