The GDP of country x is 200 billion. Economic theory (macroeconomics)

Dear classmates!

I don't have a minute...

Unfortunately, Tamara Sergeevna made the first 13 tickets without me.

I hasten to send them to you. There are new tasks and tests here! The remaining 22 tickets are only for already solved problems. I can only do them in the evening, since I have them in outline form (only by question numbers). But I think that if you want, you can make it out this way: the first digit is the test number, the second is the task number.

With friendly greetings,

Yulia Tsvetkova

Ticket No. 1

1.Possibilities of the impact of economic policy on economic growth.

2.If the volume of nominal GDP and the price level increased, then:

a) real GDP has not changed

b) real GDP increased, but to a lesser extent than prices

c) real GDP decreased

d) this information does not allow us to determine the dynamics of real GDP.

c) an increase in net exports due to a decrease in the domestic price level

relative to the world

d)increase in consumption due to expected income growth

e) reduction in idle production capacity due to economic recovery

4Determine the correctness of the given provisions. Justify your answers:

b) during a crisis, prices rise

c) revival - the phase of the cycle following the depression phase

d) the duration of short-term cycles is 8-10 years

5A 1% reduction in inflation leads to a 3% fall in real GDP per year. Determine the level of cyclical unemployment if the Okun coefficient is 2.5, and the inflation rate was reduced by 2%

1. Anti-inflationary policy and its types

2. In the country’s economy, the investment function is determined by the equation I=40+0.4y,

and the savings function is given by the equation S=-20+0.6Y, where Y is the net national product (NNP).

Then the equilibrium NNP in the country is equal to:

a) -100, b) -200, c) -300, d) -400

3.An example of built-in stability is:

4) If the monetary base is equal to $40 billion, then the amount of money in circulation will be in billions of dollars:

a)200; b) 160;c) 100; d) 90; e) 80.

5. The real volume of GDP this year is 920 billion. e., and potential GDP is 1000 billion. Find the actual unemployment rate if the natural rate of unemployment is 6%

Bile6t No. 8

5. In the country’s economy, NVP is equal to 6000 billion conventional units. den. units, the amount of indirect taxes is 500 conventional units. den. units, and the amount of depreciation of fixed capital is 600 conventional units. den. units Determine the value of GDP

1. Phillips curve in the short and long term

2. The “zero saving” point of the consumption function is the point at which:

a) savings equal income

b) income equals consumption

c) savings equal consumption

d)marginal propensity to save is zero.

3.If prices and wages are fixed in the short term and flexible in the long term, then:

a) the long-run aggregate supply curve is vertical

b) the long-run aggregate supply curve will be horizontal

c) the long-run aggregate supply curve will correspond to potential output

d) changes in the volume of money by the state and promotion of employment will affect the volume of output only in the short term

d) all of the above are true.

4. The state in a recession phase must implement:

a) increasing tax rates

b) tight monetary policy

c)increase in government spending

d)increasing depreciation periods

5. Let us assume that national production includes two goods; X is a consumer good and Y is an investment good. In the current year, 350 units of product X were produced at a price of $1 per unit and 10 units of product Y at a price of $5 per unit.

By the end of this year, 5 used units of investment goods must be replaced with new ones

Calculate: a) GDP and b) NVP

Ticket number 10

1. IS-LM model, its premises, main provisions and analytical capabilities

2.Chinese workers work in Japan. Their income:

a) included in China's GDP

b) included in Japan's GDP

c) included in China's GNI

d) is not included in Japan's GNI

d) there is no correct answer

3.According to Okun's law, a 3% excess of the actual level of unemployment over its natural level means that the gap between the actual volume of GDP and the potential is:

a)7.5%; b) 3%; c)4%; d) 5%; d)6%

4.Stagflation can be shown as:

b) shift of the supply curve to the right

c) shift of the Philips curve to the left

Ticket number 11

1. Equilibrium of the money market and the mechanism for its establishment

2.The Laffer curve reflects the relationship between;

a) tax rate and financing of public expenditures

b) tax rate and tax revenues to the budget

c) tax rate and government spending

d) tax rate and non-tax revenues

2. The country's GDP is $200 billion. The marginal propensity to consume is -0.75.

If the government of the country has set the goal of achieving GDP at the level of 400 billion. dollars, there must be investments;

a) 100 billion. Doll.; b) $200 billion; c) 150 billion dollars; d) 150 billion dollars.

3. The short-term Phillips curve reflects:

a) the alternative between inflation and unemployment

b) a positive relationship between inflation and unemployment

c) features of the money market

d) the alternative between inflation and budget problems

4.GDP is:

a) the cost of final products produced in the country during the year

b) the sum of the products of all domestic firms

c) the total amount of income received by the population

d) the cost of goods and services produced in the private sector

e) the total volume of production of all goods and services produced in a year

5.The following data is available

Nominal GDP, billion dollars

Price level index

Real GDP billion dollars

Calculate real GDP for each year

Ticket number 12

1. Monetary policy, its goals and instruments

2.In conditions of a “liquidity trap”:

a)monetary policy is especially effective

b) monetary policy is completely ineffective

4.Are the following statements true:

b) Household expenditures on the purchase of a new home are included in consumer expenditures

d) disposable income is the earned income of the owner of economic resources, remaining at his disposal after deducting individual taxes

e) public investments are not included in investment expenses

e) the volume of real GNI can be measured in physical terms

g) GNI differs from GDP by the amount of net exports

h) the consumer price index is calculated based on the prices of goods included in the market consumer basket

i) resales do not increase GNI

5. In the previous year, potential GDP was 4000 USD. e., and the aggregate demand curve was described by the equation Y = 4200-2P. This year, potential GDP grew by 1%, and the aggregate demand equation took the form Y = 4280-2P. By what percentage did the equilibrium price level change during this period?

Ticket number 13

1. Money supply and monetary base. Money multiplier.

2. It is easiest to shift taxes to consumers on products that:

a) have many substitutes (substitute goods);

b) do not constitute the main share of consumption;

c) do not have complements (complementary goods);

d) have low price elasticity of demand.

Ticket number 14

The IS-LM model, its premises, main provisions and analytical
possibilities. IS curve: algebraic derivation and plotting, slope and
curve shifts. LM curve: algebraic derivation and graphing, slope
and curve shifts.

Ticket number 15

Equilibrium of the money market and the mechanism of its establishment.

Ticket number 16

Central bank and its functions.

Money supply and types of monetary aggregates.

Ticket number 17

Ticket No.18

Money market and its features. Functions and types of money. Types of demand for money. Demand for money in classical and Keynesian models.

Ticket number 19

Fiscal policy and its types. Discretionary and automatic fiscal policy. Advantages and disadvantages of fiscal policy. Consequences of fiscal policy in the short and long term.

Ticket No.20

Government expenditures, their types and impact on the economy. State revenues. Taxes, their types and role in the economy. State budget and its balance.

Ticket number 21

The multiplier effect in a simple Keynesian model. Types of multipliers (autonomous expenditures, taxes, balanced budget, simple and complete).

Ticket number 22

Keynesian model of the market for goods and services. Planned and actual expenses. Conditions for establishing equilibrium in the Keynesian cross model.

Ticket No.23

Model AD-AS. Shocks of aggregate demand and aggregate supply, their types and consequences.

Ticket No.24

The relationship between unemployment and inflation: the Phillips curve

Ticket No.25

Inflation, its indicators, types, causes and consequences.

Ticket No.26

Economic consequences of unemployment. Okun's Law.

Ticket No.27

The economic cycle, its phases, causes and dynamics of the main macroeconomic indicators at different phases of the cycle.

Ticket No.2 8

Natural rate of unemployment.

Ticket No.2 9

Unemployment, its indicators and types.

Ticket number 30

Nominal and real GDP. Price indices.

Ticket number 31

Gross domestic product and methods of its measurement.

Ticket number 32

Two approaches to the analysis of macroeconomic processes: classical and Keynesian.

Ticket number 33

Basic macroeconomic identity. Injections and withdrawals.

Ticket number 34

Ticket number 35

Subject of macroeconomics. Methods of macroeconomic analysis. Macroeconomic models.

Problem 76.

Investment demand in the country is described by the function: I = 1000 – 5000r. The consumption function has the form: C = 100 = 0.8 (Y - T). The real interest rate r is 10%.

a) volume of investment;

b) equilibrium volume of GDP;

Problem 77.

In the economy of country A, the investment function is determined by the equation I = 40 + 0.4Y, and the savings function as S = -20 + 0.6Y, where Y is national income. Determine the equilibrium level of Y.

Problem 78.

Problem 79.

Problem 80.

Problem 81.

Country A's GDP is $200 billion. The marginal propensity to consume is 0.75. If the country's government has set a goal of achieving a GDP of $400 billion, what should the investment be?

Problem 82.

Based on the following data given, determine M 1, M 2, M 3.

Funds on current accounts 800

Warehouses on demand 110

Time deposits 55

Certificates, government bonds,

Commercial bills 6

Cash 250

Problem 83.

Gross investment in the economy amounted to $220 billion, the budget surplus was $15 billion. Exports were $75 billion, and imports were $90 billion.

Find the amount of private savings.

Problem 68.

Investment demand in a country is described by the function I = 1000 – 5000r. The consumption function has the form: C = 100 + 0.8(Y - T). The real interest rate r is 10%.

a) volume of investment;

b) equilibrium volume of GDP;

c) the growth rate of the equilibrium volume of GDP when the interest rate is reduced to 5%.

Problem 84.

In the economy of country A, the investment function is determined by the equation I = 40 + 0.4Y, and the savings function is determined by S = -20 + 0.6Y, where Y is national income. Determine the equilibrium level of Y.

Problem 85.

If the saving function is given by the formula S = -30 + 0.1Y, and autonomous investment is 125, then what will be the equilibrium level of Y?

Problem 86.

The consumption function is given by the formula C = 100 + 0.2Y. Necessary:

a) build a consumption schedule;

b) build a savings schedule;

c) determine the equilibrium volume Y;

d) determine the cost multiplier.

Problem 87.

What should be the increase in investment at MPS = 0.5 to ensure an increase in income of 2000 den. units?

Problem 88.

Country A's GDP is $200 billion. The marginal propensity to consume is 0.75. If the country's government has set a goal of achieving a GDP of $400 billion, what should be the investment?

Problem 89.

The consumption function has the form C = 200+ 0.8 (Y - T). Taxes were reduced by 5 million rubles, the equilibrium level of income:

a) decreased by 20 million rubles;

b) increased by 20 million rubles;

c) decreased by 25 million rubles;

d) increased by 25 million rubles.

Problem 90.

The economy is in recession. The marginal propensity to consume is 0.8. To achieve the desired level of national income, it is necessary to increase it by $200 billion. To achieve this goal, how much should government purchases be increased?

Problem 91.

The marginal propensity to consume is 0.8, equilibrium is achieved with a national income of $100 billion. If investment increases by $1 billion, how will the equilibrium level of national income change?

Subject. Financial and budget systems.

Problem 92.

Government purchases were 250, marginal propensity to consume (MPC) was 0.75. The tax rate is at 0.2. At the same time, government spending increases by 100 units. Determine the size of the state budget deficit.

Problem 93.

Government spending on procurement decreased by 50 units. The marginal propensity to consume was 0.8 and the tax rate (t) was 0.15. Determine the impact of changes in government spending (procurement) on the budget.

Problem 94.

Investment demand (I) is equal to 400. The consumption function is C = 0.8Y.

Determine the equilibrium level of income and output in the economy.

Subject. Unemployment and its forms. Inflation.

Problem 95.

The actual unemployment rate in a given year is 9%, and the natural unemployment rate is 6%.

Determine by what amount actual GDP lags behind potential, provided that the sensitivity coefficient of GDP to the dynamics of cyclical unemployment is equal to 2. This year, the actual volume of GDP output amounted to 11.6 trillion. rub.

Problem 96.

The economy is described by the following data:

Year Unemployment rate, %

The natural rate of unemployment is 6%, and the sensitivity coefficient of GDP fluctuations to the dynamics of cyclical unemployment is 3.

a) calculate the value of the relative deviation of the actual VP from the potential in each year.

B) if in 2003 the actual level of GDP was 2000, then what is the indicator of potential GDP?

Problem 97.

The consumer price index was 301% in 1993 and 311% in 1994. In the base year 1977, the inflation rate was 4% and was assessed as acceptable for the economy. Prove using the necessary calculations that in 1994 the actual inflation rate was 4%, and prices were 211% higher than they were in 1977.

Problem 98.

Last year, potential GDP was 2000, the AD curve was described by the equation Y = 2200 – 2P. This year, potential GDP grew by 1%, and the aggregate demand equation took the form Y = 2250 – 2P. By what percentage did the equilibrium price level change in the current year?

Problem 99.

The equation of the aggregate demand curve last year was Y = 3300 – 3P, this year it is presented as Y = 3270 – 3P. The potential volume of GDP did not change and remained at the level of 3000.

Determine the equilibrium volume of GDP in the short term and the inflation rate in the long term.

Problem 100.

The year before last, potential GDP was 2000, and the aggregate demand curve AD was given by the equation Y = 2050 – 31.25P. Last year, potential GDP grew by 50.625%, and the equation for the aggregate demand curve AD took the form Y = 3050 – 31.25P. How has the inflation rate changed over the past two years?


Basic literature

1. Ivashkovsky S.N. Macroeconomics. – M., 2011

2. Zhuravleva G.P. Macroeconomics. – M., 2012

3. Course of economic theory / Ed. A.V. Sidorovich - M.: MSU, 2010

4. Macroeconomics / Ed. A.G. Gryaznova, A.Yu. Yudanova - M.: UNITY, 2012

5. Economic theory (political economy): textbook / Ed. V.I. Vidyapina, G.P. Zhuravleva; REA named after. G.V. Plekhanov. – 3rd ed., revised. and additional – M.: Publishing house Ros. econ. univ.., 2011.

6. Economic theory of the national economy and the world economy (political economy): Textbook/ Pod. ed. A.G. Gryaznova, T.V. Chechelova. – M.: Banks and exchanges, UNITY, 2009.

7. Economic theory / Ed. I.P. Nikolaeva - M.: Prospekt, 2011.

Further reading

1. 50 lectures on macroeconomics: In 2 volumes - St. Petersburg: Econ. school.-(B-ka "Econ. Schools"; Issue 28). T.1.- 2010

2. Abramova M.A., Aleksandrova L.S. Economic theory: textbook. manual.- M.: Jurisprudence, 2010.

3. Amosova A.I., Arkhipova A.I., Bolshakov A.K. Economic theory - M., 2010

4. Borisov E.F. Economic theory: textbook. - M.: Yurait-M, 2009.

5. Vechkanov G.S. Macroeconomics. – St. Petersburg: Peter, 2012

6. Vechkanov G.S. Economic theory. – SPb.: Peter, 2011

7. Vorobyov E.M. Economic theory. – M., 2010

8. Gradov A.P. National economy. – M., 2012

9. Grebennikov P.I. and others. Macroeconomics: Textbook / P.I. Grebennikov, A.I. Leussky, L.S. Tarasevich; General ed. L.S. Tarasevich. 2nd ed., revised. and additional - St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Economics, 2011

10. Ghukasyan G.M. Economic theory: key issues: Proc. allowance/Under. ed. A.I. Dobrynina. - 3rd ed., additional - M.: INFRA-M, 2012.

11. Dobrynin A.I., Zhuravleva G.P. General economic theory: Textbook. manual.-SPb.: Peter, 2009.

12. Dolan E.J., Lindsay D.E. Macroeconomics: Transl. from English / Generally ed. B.S. Lisovika, V.V. Lukashevich. - St. Petersburg: Litera Plus, 2010

13. Eletsky N.D., Kornienko O.V. Economic theory: Textbook. manual for universities. - Rostov n/d.: MarT, 2010.

14. Zhuravleva G.P. Economics: Textbook. - M: Jurist, 2010.

15. Zubko N.M. Economic theory. – Mn.: STC API, 2009.

16. Kamaev V.D., Borisovskaya T.A., Iloginova M.Z. Economic theory. – M.,: Vlados, 2011

17. Kornienko M.N. Economic theory. – M., 2009

18. Kulikov L.M. Economic theory. – M., 2009

19. Course of economic theory: Textbook / Under. total ed. M.N. Chepurina, E.A. Kiseleva; MGIMO (U) Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. 4th ed., revised. and additional – Kirov: ASA, 2013

20. Lizogub A.N., Simonenko V.M. – M., 2009 Guseinov R.M., Semenikhin V.Kh. Economic theory. – M., 2009

21. Macroeconomics /ed. K.A. Khubieva. – M., 2010

22. Menkiw, N.G. Principles of Economics: Trans. from English - St. Petersburg: Peter 2010

23. Novikova I.V., Kovrey V.A., Maksimenko - Novohrost T.V. Economic theory. – M., 2008

24. Nosova S.S. Economic theory. – M., 2010

25. Nosova S.S., Talakhadze A.A. Economics: Basic course of lectures for universities. - M.: Gelios ARV, 2009.

26. Nureyev R.M. Economics of development: models of the formation of a market economy: Textbook. allowance. – M.: Infra-M, 2010.

27. Sarafanova E.A., Tatarnikova E.A., Romanova E.V. Economic theory: basic course. – M., 2009

28. Satina M.A., Chibrikov G.G. Economic theory. – M.: MSU, 2009.

29. Sedov V.S. Economic theory. – M., 2010

30. Selishchev A.S. Macroeconomics: Textbook for universities / Ed. A.I. Leussky. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2010.

31. Sorokin F.V. The theory of social wealth. Foundations of Micro - and Macroeconomics. - M., 2009.

32. Stanovskaya I.K., Strelets I.A. Economic theory. – M.: Eksmo, 2010

33. Tirol J. Markets and market power: the theory of industrial organization / Ed. V.M. Galperina, N.A. Zenkevich 2nd ed., revised - St. Petersburg: Econ. school.- (B-ka "Econ. Schools"; Issue 31) T.1.-2010.

34. Tyurina A.D., Shilin S.A. Macroeconomics. – M., 2008

35. Economics: Textbook / Ed. A.S. Bulatova. 3rd ed., revised. and additional - M.: Yurist, 2008.

36. Economic theory (political economy) / Ed. G.P. Zhuravleva. – M.,: ed. Dashkov and K, 2010

37. Economic theory: Textbook for universities / Ed. V.D. Kamaev. - 7th ed., revised. and additional - M.: VLADOS, 2008.

38. Economic theory: Textbook/pod. total ed. V.I. Vidyapina, A.I. Dobrynina, G.P. Zhuravleva, L.S. Tarasevich; REA named after. G.V. Plekhanov; SPbGUEF.-M.: INFRA-M, 2010

39. Yuryeva T.V. Marigina E.A. Macroeconomics. – M., 2008

40. Yanbarinov R.G. Economic theory. – M., 2009

41. Yasnov E.A. Yasnova V.V. Economic theory. – M., 2009

42. Official website of Rosstat. –

43. Website of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. –

44. Website of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation/.-

Task II

Using the data below, calculate GDP:

Disposable personal income - $450 billion;

Net investment - $70 billion;

Government procurement of goods and services - $95 billion;

Personal savings - $16 billion;

Depreciation - $47 billion;

Export - 26 billion dollars;

Import - 12 billion dollars.

Based on the data given in the conditions of the problem, you can find GDP by expenditure:

GDP = C + I + G + X

gross domestic product investment

To calculate GDP by expenditure, we need to find net exports (X). Net exports are the amount by which exports exceed imports:

X = 26 - 12 = 14 billion dollars

V = C + S, C = V - S

C = 450 - 16 = 434 billion dollars

To calculate gross investment expenses (I), we add up net investment and depreciation:

GDP = 434 + 117 + 95 + 14 = 660 billion dollars.

Task III

The country's GDP is $200 billion. The marginal propensity to consume is 0.75. The country's government has set a goal of increasing GDP to $400 billion. How should autonomous investments change?

When investment increases, there is a large increase in GDP. This effect is called multiplying. The investment multiplier is a numerical coefficient that characterizes the size of GDP growth with increased investment

The multiplier is the calculated value of the marginal propensity to save:

It follows that to increase GDP to $400 billion, the government must invest $50 billion.

Answer: $50 billion

Task IV

Tests. Choose the correct answer.

1. According to Keynesian theory, the main factor determining the dynamics of consumption and savings is...

A) interest rate

B) investments

C) the amount of disposable income

D) rate of growth of money supply

2. The marginal propensity to consume is calculated using the formula...

A) MPS = DS / DY

B) MPI = DI / DY

B) MPC = DC / DY

G) APC = C/Y

3. The paradox of frugality arises when...

A) full employment of resources

B) inflation gap

B) recessionary gap

D) natural rate of unemployment

4. The concept of injections includes...

A) transfer payments

B) import

B) savings

D) taxes

5. The multiplier effect shows...

A) change in income when investment changes

B) change in savings as income changes.

C) change in investment when income changes

D) the relationship between savings and consumption

List of used literature

1. Agapova, T. A. Macroeconomics / T. A. Agapova, S. F. Seregina. - M.: Publishing house "Business and Service", 2004. - 448 p.

2. Ivashkovsky, S. N. Macroeconomics / S. N. Ivashkovsky. - M.: Delo, 2004. - 472 p.

3. Course of economic theory / under general. ed. M. N. Chepurina, E. A. Kiseleva. - Kirov: ASA, 2006. - 832 p.

4. McConnell, K. R. Economics: Principles, problems and policies / K. R. McConnell, S. L. Brew. - M.: INFRA-M, 2005. 972 p.

5. Macroeconomics. Theory and Russian practice / ed. A. G. Gryaznova, N. N. Dumnoy. - M.: KNORUS, 2005. - 688 p.

6. Economic theory. Part 2. Macroeconomics / V. A. Logachev [etc.]; GU KuzGTU. - Kemerovo, 2006. 162 p.

Task 1.

Based on the data given below, calculate GDP based on income and GDP based on expenditure. Let the interest on the loan be 100; gross private investment 500; salary and salary 2000; corporate profits 1200; rent payments 350; net exports 90; government procurement 1000; income from property 440; consumer spending 2500.


GDP income = interest on loans + wages and salaries + corporate profits + rent payments + income from property. =100+2000+1200+350+440=4090

GDP exp. = consumption expenses + gross private inv. + net exports + government purchases =2500+500+90+1000=4090

Task 2.

Let GNP be equal to 4000 monetary units. At the same time, consumer spending is 1600, government purchases are 800, net exports are 400, imports are 600, depreciation is 200. Determine the amount of investment; the volume of exports and the size of the NNP.


4000=1600+ I +800+400

I = 4000 - 1600 - 800 - 400=1200

Net exports=E-I

Exports=Net exports + Imports=400+600=1000


Task 3.

Using the table data, calculate the GDP deflator and economic growth:


GDP deflator = nominal GDP/real GDP * 100%

GDP deflator for 2000 = 1452/1388 *100% = 104.61

GDP deflator for 2011 = 1866/1870 * 100% = 99.78

Economical Nominal GDP growth from 2000 to 2011 = (1866-1452)/1452=0.28=28%

Economical real GDP growth from 2000 to 2011 = (1870-1388)/1388=0.34=34%

Task 4.

GDP = 150 billion. units The marginal propensity to consume is 0.75. If the government of the country has set the goal of achieving GDP at the level of 200 billion den. units, what should be the investment?



I=actual I+I=37.5+12.5=50

Task 5.

The consumption function has the form C = 80+0.75Y; investment (I) = 50; government procurement (G) = 20; income (Y) = C + I + G. Determine the equilibrium level of income, savings, consumption; changes in the equilibrium volume of output as a result of an increase in the volume of investment to 120; the value of the autonomous expenditure multiplier.


С= 80+0.75*600=530

S= 600- 530 = 70

U = 80+0.75U+120+20

Y = 880 equilibrium. output volume at I=120

Autonomous expenditure multiplier = change in income / change in any component of autonomous expenditure

Multiplier = (880-600)/ (120-50)= 280/70=4

Task 6.

Let us assume that as national income (U) changes, consumption (C) will change accordingly. Fill in the table with the missing data.


MPS = 1 -- MPS.

Task 7.

Consumption function: C = 100 + 0.8Y. Calculate consumer spending and savings if Y = 4000; determine the marginal propensity to consume, the marginal propensity to save, and the investment multiplier.


income expense public debt


S= -100+(1-0.8)*Y=700

Task 8.

What should be the volume of production of goods so that with autonomous consumption 30 units. and the marginal propensity for household consumption of 0.4, the demand of entrepreneurs for investment in the amount of 80 units was satisfied. and states in the amount of 40 units? What if the marginal propensity to consume is 0.5?


y = 30 + 0.4y + 80 + 40 y* = 250

y = 30 + 0.5y + 80 + 40 y* = 300

Task 9.

Let's assume that the actual output is 1000 units. Planned household consumption at this level of income (output) is 880, and planned investment is 180. Answer the following questions:

  • a) will there be excess supply or excess demand in this case? What will be the excess? How will inventory levels change?
  • B) If household consumption decreases by 70 units?


  • A) If we compare, the planned product will be equal to 880 + 180 = 1060, the real product according to the condition is 1000, i.e. we have a reduction in inventory by 60 units. This situation will cause prices to rise and savings to increase. Excess demand
  • B) 810+180=990
  • 1000-990=10 - disadvantage

Problem 10.

Let us assume that the state of equilibrium in the macroeconomy is achieved with a GNP equal to $120 billion. The level of consumption is equal to 80 billion dollars. The volume of investments also amounts to 40 billion dollars. New opportunities have emerged in the economy to increase investment by $20 billion, i.e. D I = $20 billion, and marginal propensity to consume = 2/3. Determine: a) how much additional investment will cause an increase in GNP; b) at what level of GNP will a new state of equilibrium in the economy be achieved?


a) m=change in GNP/change in investment

change in GNP=3*20=60 billion

b) GNP=120 billion +80 billion =200 billion

Problem 11.

The consumption function has the form: 100+1/4 DI (disposable income). Calculate:

Problem 12.

Let's assume that output is 700 monetary units. Level of investment demand for 300 den. units less production volume. Consumer demand accounts for 75% of household income, equal to 500 den. units Define:

  • A) aggregate and consumer demand;
  • B) does this economic situation represent an excess (or shortage) of aggregate demand?
  • C) what will change if the level of investment demand is 450 den. units will there be less output?


inv. demand=700-300=400

consumption demand=75% of 500=375

  • a) owls demand=775, consumption Demand =375
  • b) excess demand, 775 greater than 700
  • c) 700-450=250

owls demand=375+250=625

lack of owls demand, 700 more than 625

Problem 13.

The family's weekly consumption expenses are 100+1/2DI den. units Using the table data, calculate:

Problem 14.

The amount of public debt is 3000, government expenditures (without debt service) - 2700, tax revenues - 2500, transfers - 150, interest rate on debt service - 5%. The debt has not yet matured. Determine the amount of increase in public debt.


B=G-T+F+rB=2700 - 2500 + 150 + 0.05*3000 = 300

Problem 15.

C = 20 + 0.8 (U - T + F),

where: I = 60 (investment);

T = 40 (taxes);

F = 10 (transfers);

G = 30 (government spending).

How will the equilibrium level of income change if the government increases spending to 40 to stimulate the economy?


C = 20 + 0.8 (U - T + F)

C = 20 + 0.8(U-40+10)

U= 60+30+20+0.8*U-40


The equilibrium level of income increased by 50

Problem 16.

The economy is described by the following data:

C=20+0.4 (Y-T+F); I=50; T=6O; F=20; G=40.

  • 1) Calculate the equilibrium level of income.
  • 2) The government increases spending to 50 in order to stimulate the economy:

How will the equilibrium level of income change?


Equilibrium level of income

Y = 20 + 0.4(Y - T + F) + I + G = 20 + 0.4(Y - 60 + 20) + 50 + 40

Change in equal income level:

Y = 0.4U + 94 + 10

Y = 173 (increase)

Problem 17.

The amount of public debt is 2000, government spending (without debt servicing) is 1800, tax revenue is 1600, the interest rate on debt servicing is 5%. Determine the amount of increase in public debt.


B=G-T+rB=1800 - 1600 + 0.05*2000 = 300

Problem 18.

Determine whether the budget is in deficit if government purchases are 600 den. units, transfer payments - 200 den. units, interest payments on public debt are 14% per annum, public debt is equal to 500 den. units, tax revenue is 700 den. units The debt has not yet matured.


Government expenditures = Government purchases + Transfer payments + Government interest payments. debt

Government spending = 600+200+500*0.14= 870 den. units

Government Revenue = Tax Revenue

Government revenue = 700 monetary units.

Budget deficit = government government expenses income = 870-700 = 170 den. units

The budget is in deficit, the deficit is 170 den. units

Problem 19.

The real equilibrium income in the country is 2000 den. units The marginal propensity to consume is 0.8. Potential equilibrium income - 2500 monetary units. How must government procurement change for the economy to achieve full resource employment?


MG (government procurement multiplier) = ДY/ДG = ДY/ mG

MG =1/1-MRS=1/1-0.8 = 1/0.2 = 5

MG =(Y*-Y)/mG=(2500-2000)/5= 500/5= +100 den. units

To achieve full employment of resources, government purchases must increase by 100 den. units.

Problem 20.

The total reserves of a commercial bank are 220 million rubles. Deposits are equal to 950 million rubles. The mandatory deposit reserve rate is 20%. How might the money supply change if a bank decides to use all its excess reserves to make loans?


Rr=D*rr = 0.2*950 = 190

Excess reserves: 220 - 190=30

M=1/rr= 1/0.2= 5

Problem 21.

The required reserve ratio is 0.15. There are no excess reserves. The demand for cash is 40% of the volume of deposits. The amount of reserves is equal to 90 billion den. units What is the money supply?


M=1/rr= 1/0.15= 6.67

Demand =0.4* D =0.4*600= 240

MV = C+R=240+90=330

M S = M* MV=2201

Problem 22.

The Central Bank buys government bonds from commercial banks in the amount of 300 million. How can the money supply change if a commercial bank fully uses its lending capabilities, provided that the deposit reserve ratio is 0.1 (10%).


M= 300 * 1/rr = 300* 1/0.1= 3000

Problem 23.

The required reserve ratio is 20%. A commercial bank keeps another 5% of its deposits as excess reserves. The amount of deposits is 20,000. What is the maximum amount the bank can use to issue loans?


The amount of required reserves is: Rr=20000 x 0.2=4000

Excess reserves are equal to: Re=20000 x 0.05=1000

Then the total reserves are equal: 4000+1000=5000,

Or otherwise: R=20000 (0.2+0.05)=5000

Consequently, keeping 5000 of the amount of deposits as reserves, the bank can use the remaining funds to issue loans L=20000-5000=15000

Problem 24.

The reserve ratio is 0.25. Through open market operations, the Central Bank can increase the money supply by a maximum of 440 billion rubles. In this case he must:

  • 1) buy or sell bonds?
  • 2) for what amount?

Solution Multiplier=1/0.25=4. 440/4=110. The bank must buy back bonds for 110 billion rubles.

Problem 25.

The natural rate of unemployment this year is 6%, and the actual rate is 10%.

  • 1) Determine the relative gap between actual GDP and potential GDP, provided that the sensitivity coefficient of GDP to the dynamics of cyclical unemployment is equal to 2.
  • 2) If actual output that year was $600 billion, what is the loss in GDP caused by cyclical unemployment?


Okun's Law

(Y0 - Y1) / Y0 = Y0 (u1 - u0),

where Y1, Y0 - the level of GDP in the reporting period and potential GDP

u1, u0 - unemployment rate in the reporting period and natural unemployment rate

1) Relative gap between actual and potential=(10%-6%)*2=8% or 0.08

Y* = 652.2 billion dollars

2) Y - Y* = 600 - 652.2 = -52.2 (billion dollars)

Problem 26.

Let the Phillips curve be given by the following equation:

p = p -1 - 0.6(u - 0.06).

  • 1) What should be the cyclical unemployment rate in the current year for the inflation rate to decrease by 6% compared to the previous year? 2) If, in accordance with Okun's law, a deviation of unemployment from the natural rate by 1% corresponds to a change in the level of GNP by 2%, then what will be the coefficient of losses from inflation?
  • 1) p = p -1 - 0.6(u - 0.06)
  • (p - p-1) = -0.6(u - 0.06)
  • (p - p-1) = -0.06
  • -0.06 = -0.6(u - 0.06),
  • (u - u*) = = 0.16 - 0.06 = 0.1, or 10%.
  • 2) GDP should decline by 20 percent. The loss ratio measures how much percent of annual GDP must be sacrificed to reduce inflation by 1 percentage point. Dividing a 20 percent drop in GDP by 6 percentage points of a decrease in inflation, we get a loss ratio of 20: 6? 3.3.

Problem 27.

Let the Phillips curve in the national economy be given by the following equation:

p = p e - 0.5(u-i*)

1) If the actual unemployment rate in the previous year reached 6.6%, the expected inflation rate p e = 4 natural rate of unemployment u* = 5.4%, then what will the actual inflation rate (p) be equal to? 2) If the actual unemployment rate in the previous year reached 3.6%, then what will the actual inflation rate (p) be equal to?


p = 4 - 0.5(0.066 - 0.054) = 4 - 0.5*0.012 = 4 - 0.006 = 3.994

p = 4 - 0.5(0.036 - 0.054) = 4 - 0.5*(-0.018) = 4 + 0.009 = 4.009

Problem 28.

One percentage point in excess of the actual unemployment rate over its natural rate results in a loss of two percentage points in real GDP. The loss coefficient from lower inflation is 4.5. The accumulated cyclical unemployment rate for the period under review was 9%. How much was the inflation rate reduced during the period under review?

Problem 29.

In 2011, the unemployment rate was 14%, natural - 6%. In 2011, GDP was

  • 3880 billion rubles. Calculate the amount of GDP loss caused by cyclical unemployment. The sensitivity coefficient of GDP to the dynamics of cyclical unemployment 1) is equal to 3;
  • 2) equal to 2.5?
  • 1) GDP potential (Y`) =Y/(1-B*(u*u`)=3880/(1-3*(0.14-0.06)=3880/0.76=5105


Retired GDP 24%

Losses 1225 billion rubles

2) GDP potential=Y/(1-B*(u*u`)=3880/(1-2.5*(0.14-0.06)=3880/(1-2.5*0.08 )=3880/0.8=4875.5


Retired. GDP 20.4%

Losses 995.5 billion rubles

Problem 30.

The functioning of the national economy is characterized by certain data shown in the table. Determine the number of unemployed and the unemployment rate.


Unemployed = Labor force - Employed (U=L-E)

Unemployment rate = (Unemployed/Labor Force)*100% (u=(U/L)*100%)

Unemployed (1 year) = 6000 - 5200 = 800

Unemployed (2nd year) = 6350 - 5700 = 650

Unemployment rate (1 year) = 800/6000*100% = 13%

Unemployment rate (year 2) = 650/6350*100% = 10.2%

1.Economic theory: textbook for bachelors. /ed. Lobacheva E.N. – Moscow: Yurayt, 2013.

2. Macroeconomics: textbook for bachelors / ed. S.F. Seregina M.: Yurayt Publishing House, 2013.


1. World history of economic thought: in 6 volumes. M., 1987–2000.

2. Course of economic theory: textbook for universities / MGIMO Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, edited by. M.N. Chepurina, E.A. Kiseleva. – 4th ed., add. And reworked. – Kirov: ASA, 2012.

3. Sidorovich A.V. Economic theory course. General principles of economic theory. Microeconomics. Macroeconomics. M., 2010.

4. Mankiw N.G. Macroeconomics. SPb.: Peter., 2013.

5. Matveeva T. Yu. Introduction to macroeconomics: textbook. allowance. 5th ed., rev. M., 2011.

6. Kiseleva E. A. Macroeconomics: Express course: textbook. allowance. M., 2009.

7. Khudokormov A. G. History of economic doctrines (modern stage): textbook. M., 2004.

8. Nikiforov A. A., Antipina O. N., Miklashevskaya N. A. Macroeconomics: scientific schools, concepts, economic policy: textbook. allowance. M., 2010.

9. Chepurin M. N., Kiseleva E. A. Collection of problems in economic theory: microeconomics and macroeconomics. Kirov, 2009.

10. Efimova E. G. Economic theory in diagrams, tables, graphs and formulas: textbook. allowance. M., 2011.

11. Economic theory: Questions and answers, problems and solutions: textbook. manual / ed. V. Ya. Iokhin. M., 2012.

12. McConnell K.R., Brew S.L. Economics: principles, problems and politics / trans. 16th English ed. M., 2007.

Test options

For part-time students

in the subject "Macroeconomics" (3rd semester)

Option 1

1. Question. The concept and essence of macroeconomics. Methods of macroeconomic analysis.

2. Question. Task

The rate of natural unemployment in the country is 8%. The number of children and disabled people is 80 million. Determine what the population of the country is if the size of frictional unemployment is 3 million, structural unemployment is 2 million and involuntary unemployment is 4 million people.

Option 2

1. Question. System of macroeconomic interrelations of the main sectors of the national economy.

2. Question. Task

The GDP of country “X” is $200 billion. The marginal propensity to consume is 0.75. If the country's government has set a goal of achieving a GDP of $400 billion, what should the investments be?

Option 3

1. Question. Equilibrium functioning of the national economy.

2. 2. Question. Task

Determine how many times during the year 10,000 monetary units stored in a bank at 12% per annum will depreciate if the inflation rate in the country is 2% per month.

Option 4

1. Question. Social product: essence, measurement indicators.

2. Question. Task

What should be the increase in investment at MPS= 0.5 to provide an increase in income of CU 2,000? in CU 1,000?

Option 5

1. Question. Income and expenses in the economy.

2. Question. Task

The entire population of the country is 8 million people, of which 5 million are children and pensioners. This year, 120 thousand people changed jobs due to moving to another place of residence, remaining unemployed for an average of 3 months; another 100 thousand improved or changed their qualifications, spending an average of 6 months on this; due to the general deterioration in business activity, 200 thousand people lost their jobs, but 60 thousand of them found it, spending about 4 months looking for a new job. Determine the unemployment rate in the country.

Option 6

1. Question. Measuring gross domestic product.

2 Question. Task

Graphically depict the state of long-term equilibrium in the economy and indicate the equilibrium point A. A sudden surge in investment activity brought the economy out of the initial state of long-term equilibrium. Draw a graphical representation of the new equilibrium state in the short run and label it point B. What will happen in the economy in the long run? Draw, if necessary, the new equilibrium and designate it as point C. Provide comments on the graph.

Option 7

1.Question. Components of GDP (consumption, investment, government purchases, net exports)

2. Question. Task

Determine the size of involuntary unemployment if the country's population is 30 million people, of which 10 million are disabled people and children. The unemployment rate is 7% and the natural unemployment rate is 5%.

Option 8

1. Question. Real and nominal GDP - GDP deflator.

2. Question. Task

The State Duma believes that Russia should reduce air pollution by reducing gasoline consumption. A tax of 0.1 rubles is established. for every liter of gasoline sold.

· Who should the new tax be levied on - producers or consumers of gasoline?

· Let us assume that the demand for gasoline is very elastic. How effective will the tax be in this case? Will gasoline consumption decrease? Explain and show on a graph.

· How does this tax affect consumers?

Option 9

1. Question. GDP level and economic well-being.

2. Question. Task

The economy is described by the following data:

1)Y=C+I 2) C=100+0.8Y 3) I=50


1. Equilibrium level of income;

2. Equilibrium level of savings and consumption;

3. If the output level is 800, then what will be the unplanned increase in product inventories;

Option 10

1. Question. The concept of general macroeconomic equilibrium.

2. Question. Task

The actual GDP output amounted to $600 billion. The natural unemployment rate this year was 6%, and the actual rate was 10%. Using Okun's law, what is the GDP loss caused by cyclical unemployment?

Option 11

1.Question. Model of aggregate demand and aggregate supply.

2. Question. Task.

The required reserve ratio is 20%. A commercial bank keeps another 5% of its deposits as excess reserves. The amount of deposits is 10,000. What is the maximum amount the bank can use to issue loans?

Option 12

1. Question. What is the role of the state in a market economy?

2. Question. Task

The total reserves of a commercial bank are 220 million rubles. Deposits are equal to 950 million rubles. The mandatory deposit reserve rate is 20%. How might the money supply change if a bank decides to use all its excess reserves to make loans?

Option 13

1. Question. Models of relationships between the economy and the state.

2. Question. Task

The required reserve ratio is 20%. A commercial bank keeps another 5% of its deposits as excess reserves. The amount of deposits is 10,000. What is the maximum amount the bank can use to issue loans?

Option 14

1. Question. What is government regulation and what are its main forms?

2. Question. Task

The Central Bank buys government bonds from commercial banks in the amount of 100 million. How can the money supply change if commercial banks fully utilize their lending capabilities, provided that the deposit reserve ratio is 10%.

Option 15

1. Question. Functional economic systems as objects of state regulation.

2. Question. Task

Let's assume that the required reserve ratio is 0.15. The amount of deposits of a commercial bank is 15,000,000. The bank can issue loans of no more than 12,000,000. What are the bank's excess reserves as a percentage of deposits?

Option 16

1.Question. The main directions of state regulation in modern Russia.

2. Question. Task

The country's GDP is equal to 4,000 USD, consumption – 2,500 USD, investment – ​​400 USD, government spending – 1,200 USD, export – 200 USD. What is the value of imports?

Option 17

1. Question. Economic policy of the state, principles and indicators of its implementation.

2. Question. Task

For a conditional economic system, the following macroeconomic indicators are known:

volume of GNP – 11,000 units;

consumer expenses – CU 6,000;

government expenditures – CU 1,000;

export volume – CU 2,000;

import volume – CU 1,000

Calculate the amount of investment in the economy.

Option 18

1.Question. Population income: types and sources of formation. Nominal and real income.

2. Question. Task

Suppose that national production includes two goods: X and Y. X is a consumer good, Y is an investment good. This year 200 units were produced. product X at a price of $2 per unit. and 10 units of product Y at a price of $4 per unit. By the end of this year, 6 used units of investment goods must be replaced with new ones. Calculate: GDP, NVP, consumption volume and gross investment volume, net investment volume.

Option 19

1. Question. Distribution of personal income and the evolution of the social structure of society. Diversification of social status.

2. Question. Task

Determine the volume of GDP using the following data (units):

import – 1,200;

depreciation – 300;

export – 1,400;

salary – 8,100;

percentage – 200;

rent – ​​500;

investments – 200;

indirect taxes – 700;

profit – 1,800.

Option 20

1. Question. Income inequality, causes and consequences.

2. Question. Task

The country's economists believe that the dependence of consumer spending WITH and investments I from the value of GDP are expressed by the equations:

WITH= 8 + 0.6GDP; I= 0.1 GDP.

According to their estimates, government spending on the purchase of goods and services next year should be CU 50, imports – CU 10, exports – CU 15. Calculate the projected GDP level for next year.

Option 21

1. Question. Standard of living and poverty. Socio-economic mobility and social progress.

2. Question. Task

The following data is available:

· Determine which year out of three is the base year.

· Calculate real GDP for each year.

· In which case did you perform the deflation operation, and in what case did you perform the inflation operation?

· Give your answer for each year.

Option 22

1. Question. State regulation of income distribution.

2. Question. Task

Calculate GDP using the following data (units):

Salary – 35,000;

Government purchases – 5,000;

Import – 3,000;

Indirect taxes – 3,000;

Percentage – 210;

Rent payments – 7,100;

Export – 4,000;

Consumer spending – 40,000;

Investments – 5,000.

Option 23

1. Question. Cyclicity as a general form of economic dynamics.

2. Question. Task

There is data on the economy of a particular country for the year (units): government purchases of goods and services – 17; social insurance contributions – 0.4; corporate income taxes – 2.8; personal consumer expenses – 154.4; depreciation – 15.8; retained earnings of corporations – 5.6; net exports – 2.2; personal income taxes – 5.2; indirect taxes on business – 14; gross domestic investment – ​​32.4; transfer payments – 8. Determine what the indicator of disposable income calculated from the data presented above will be.

Option 24

1. Question. Disturbance of macroeconomic equilibrium and its consequences.

2. Question. Task

The table presents data characterizing the aggregate supply.

· Determine:

a) within what limits does the volume of real GNP change on the Keynesian segment of the aggregate supply curve?

b) within what limits do the price level and the volume of real GNP change on the classic segment of the aggregate supply curve?

c) to what extent does the volume of real GNP change on the intermediate segment of the aggregate supply curve?

· Draw a graph of aggregate supply.

Option 25

1. Question. Market cycles and their characteristics.

2. Question. Task

If GNP increased by 4% and total income by 2%, then what consequences should this lead to? What happens if, on the contrary, GNP increases by 2% and total income by 4%?

Option 26

1. Question. Theories of conjunctural development.

2. Question. Task

The consumption function is given by the formula WITH = 80 + 0,5Y.

· Fill out the table.

· Draw a 45° line. Calculate: at what levels of disposable income consumption costs are equal, less and more than its volume.

Option 27

1. Question. Consequences of economic cyclicality and tasks of stabilization policy.

2. Question. Problem The consumption function has the form: WITH = 100 + 0,8Y.

· Calculate consumer spending (consumption) and savings at given income values.

· Build a consumption schedule.

· Calculate the marginal propensity to consume and the marginal propensity to save.

Option 28

1. Question. Features of the economic crisis in Russia (2008–2015). Stabilization programs.

2. Question. Task

Real national income increased from 580 to 640 billion rubles, while savings increased from 336 to 345 billion rubles. Calculate the average propensity to save and the marginal propensity to save.

Option 29

1. Question. The impact of business cycles on the production of goods.

2. Question. Task

Calculate the multiplier of autonomous expenses when household income grows from 30 to 50 thousand rubles. and an increase in consumption by 15 thousand rubles.

Option 30

1. Question. Models of economic growth, their essence and characteristics.

2. Question. Task

Disposable income is CU5. In this case, current consumption accounts for 4 units. With an income of 8.00. the amount of consumption is 6 units. Calculate the marginal propensity to save and the marginal propensity to consume.

Questions to prepare for the test in the macroeconomics section

(third semester)

1. Macroeconomics: definition, object and subjects, methods and models.

2. Methods for determining GNP (GDP).

3. Nominal and real GNP. Price indices.

4. System of national accounts. "Pure Economic Welfare."

5. The circulation of income and expenses in the national economy.

6. Functions of the state in a market economy.

7. Economic policy of the state. Features of economic policy in Russia.

8. Classical theory of macroeconomic equilibrium.

9. Keynesian theory of macroeconomic equilibrium.

10. Macroeconomic equilibrium in the “AD-AS” model.

11. Aggregate demand.

12. Aggregate supply.

13. Definition of economic growth.

14. Main indicators of economic growth.

15. Factors of economic growth.

16. The theory of cycles in modern economic development.

17. Features of each phase of the cycle.

18. Anti-cyclical policy of the state

Questions to prepare for the exam in the macroeconomics section

(fourth semester)

1. Macroeconomics and its goals. The circulation of income and expenses in the national economy.

2. System of national accounts and its significance. Indicators of the system of national accounts.

3. GDP: essence and features.

4. Methods for calculating GDP.

5. GDP and prices. Nominal and real GDP. GDP deflator. GDP and social welfare.

6. The role of the state in a market economy. Basic instruments of state regulation of the economy.

7. Aggregate demand: concept, features of the schedule, change.

8. Aggregate supply. Schedule. Non-price factors influencing aggregate supply.

9. Macroeconomic equilibrium in the “AD-AS” model.

10. Consumption and savings across the national economy.

11. Investments and savings: the problem of balance. Model "IS".

12. Animator. The paradox of thrift. Derivative investments.

13. Cyclical fluctuations in the economy, their causes. Phases of the cycle. Large, small and medium waves

14. Anti-cyclical regulation of the economy. Keynesian and neoclassical approaches.

15. Unemployment. Its changes and types. Definition of full employment. Natural rate of unemployment.

16. Concepts and types of monetary systems. Money supply.

17. Structure of the modern credit system. The essence and forms of credit.

18. Banks, their types and functions. Animated expansion of bank deposits.

19. Demand for money and its supply. Equilibrium in the money market.

20. Structure, organization and functions of the securities market.

21. General characteristics of the main securities.

22. Finance, principles of building a financial system. State budget.

23. The essence and principles of taxation. Main types of taxes in the Russian Federation.

24. State budget deficit. Government debt.

25. Inflation and anti-inflationary policy.

26. Social policy of the state.

27. Factors and types of economic growth.