Cop tricks. Confession of a casher: how to make money out of thin air What kind of cashers are they?

I studied at the Nizhny Novgorod police school, which specializes in the fight against economic crime. After that, he worked for several years in the structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the city of Ivanovo in the department for combating economic crimes, then went to work for the tax police, where he worked for a couple of years as an investigator.

In 2003, the tax police were disbanded, and I found myself on the other side of the barricades. While working in the tax police, I saw enough of how people made money through various scams and frauds, and I was tempted to do “cash out.” In this business, money is earned literally out of thin air - money from one of the companies arrives in a bank account, you withdraw it and return it (earning your percentage). At the same time, the client company avoids taxes (VAT or profit).

At first I had one or two clients who transferred small amounts of about 100,000 rubles a month through me. At that time, my percentage was about 3.5%, and if we take into account that the bank took 1%, then from 100,000 rubles my earnings were only 2,500 rubles. But business grew. My clients began to recommend me to others, and there were more and more of them. I began to expand: I organized new LLCs, attracted employees and cashed out everything in large volumes. Then large wholesale companies began to contact me, cashing out money for Moscow end clients. They ordered huge amounts.

Today in Moscow the cost of “cash out” has increased to 8%. Cashing out has become more difficult; the capital has long rushed to the regions. Regional banks are more “sleepy” and it is easier to get “cash” from them. Now large Moscow companies buy money in the regions at 5-6% and sell it to end consumers at 8%. When I was doing this, I sold money to Moscow for 3.5%, and sold it to the final buyer for 5%.

In large banks, cash-out schemes go off with a bang, especially if the cash-out company finds a connection with the head of a local branch and pays him a “second” salary.

Bankers themselves give recommendations to their partners regarding “cash out”: “cash out, but not much” or “stop now, we have received a request from the Central Bank.” Basically, the entire cash market revolves around the three largest banks. Smaller banks, which have a risk of losing their license, are more worried and allow them to work less often and with small amounts. Although, if the owner of a bank understands that he is not making money from his bank or is incurring losses, then he “sells” it to cashers, or competes with them.

A typical apotheosis of the story with the banker-casher - a Central Bank inspection comes to him and points out violations. The owner of the bank estimates the timing of the verification and begins to “cash out” on a serious scale in order to earn the maximum amount of money and, in addition, also withdraws assets. He has nothing to lose, he will still lose his license and “the ship will sink.”

There are many interesting schemes, for example, the purchase of scrap metal was popular. Individuals hand over 50,000 rubles worth of scrap per day to a company that buys metal. The company must withdraw money from the bank to pay them. The latter asks to provide documents - copies of passports of people who handed over the metal. Fake or lost passports of people are provided to the bank and the amount of 1.5 million rubles is issued for them. The company submits an application to the bank for this amount and receives the money. Later, the cash is transferred to customers who have previously transferred a wire transfer to the scrap collection company.

Bankers often turn a blind eye or set the condition: “we will give you twenty a month, but no more.” The company agreed and cashed out 20 million rubles a month, while scrap metal was actually handed over for 500,000 rubles.

Companies that buy vegetables and fruits from farmers operate in a similar way, and buy honey or herbs from the population.

Do bankers always know about the schemes? Certainly. Although they agreed to work with us not only because of the “second salaries”. Some banks did not take money, but they worked because they officially received a large percentage from transactions. Although some credit institutions did not work with us in principle.

When working with banks, we also used the usual schemes: we withdrew from the plastic cards of individuals, from the accounts of legal entities, used promissory notes, and created for the banks the appearance of real activity. But the schemes have been modernized and have long gone beyond the banking system. For example, buying cash in retail chains is popular. Many retail operators, large chains, shops, gas stations, .

Over five years of working in this business, I have formed a network in more than ten regions, hundreds of companies, two hundred employees, very complicated cash flows. We cashed out up to 100 million rubles a day. But a lot was spent on salaries and security - people covering us in the criminal component of the business (the “roof”).

Another of the biggest problems of the cash-out business is the theft of subordinates. The director of one of hundreds of scheme LLCs suddenly takes the money and flies off somewhere abroad. Typically, a special fund is set aside for crisis situations, and income covers losses. Situations with a risk to life also occur - raids and thefts. A friend of mine in Moscow had their collectors shot. This is a very dangerous business.

Trouble happened to me too. When the amount of money cashed out went beyond billions of rubles, at some point I was arrested by FSB officers.

Why did this happen? Many in this business know how to negotiate with authorities, but by local standards, my case was resonant and large - the volumes were huge for a small town, both the Central Bank and law enforcement agencies already knew about me. In addition, it was not the police who dealt with me, but the FSB. They made me into a little show trial.

While the investigation was ongoing, I had to serve a year in a pre-trial detention center. As a result, I confessed, and the criminal case for me ended with the fact that I was given credit for the time I spent in the detention center. What conclusion did I draw? When I worked, I believed that since I didn’t steal from a specific person, then this was a normal business. But then I realized that it was still theft - taxes were not paid on cashed money. I didn't think about it or didn't understand it before.

Since the cash flow from the old business had ended and I was broke, I decided to create a company called Crime Finance. Now I encourage firms to identify illegal schemes. For example, I conduct master classes - I tell them how cashing companies gain a foothold in banks and how to identify them. I know these diagrams by heart, like a mason who has been laying bricks for 20 years and can build a house with his eyes closed.

If you are an entrepreneur, any bank can suddenly block access to your account.

The reason is suspicion of cashing out. But it's not about you, it's about the Central Bank.

Russia is struggling with cashing out and tax evasion. There is a whole cashing industry, and the Central Bank is constantly looking for ways to beat it.

At the current stage, banks are included in the fight: they are obliged to block any transactions that look like cashing out. Even honest entrepreneurs can fall under bank sanctions: it is enough to accidentally carry out several suspicious transactions.

In this article - how not to become an accidental victim of the law's struggle with cunning.

What kind of cashers are they?

Cashers are guys who turn official money in an account into unofficial cash.

A company that needs cash enters into an agreement and pays for some intangible services - for example, consultations. Another company seems to provide them. But in fact, she withdraws money from a shell company, which transfers it under fake contracts through transit companies, and at the end of the chain the money is withdrawn as cash. As a result, the first company is brought a bundle of money, from which the entrepreneur issues a gray salary, evading taxes and contributions.

It is illegal to engage in cash withdrawal and use such services. We do not recommend doing this and hope that you never have to deal with this.

If the Central Bank notices that a bank is helping cashers, it quickly revokes its license. Then the money of all clients is blocked, and if your deposits are insured, then you will receive them through the DIA in two weeks. If not, you probably won't get it. As a result, a dozen cashers with accounts in one bank can cause problems for thousands of clients.

We'll tell you what honest entrepreneurs should do so that they are not considered cash-outs.

Check your counterparties

If your company works with suspicious companies, it may be considered a transitor - part of the chain for cashing out funds. Therefore, before you start working with a new supplier or client, make sure that they are reliable.

Suspicious: the counterparty is located at the mass registration address. Check how many companies are registered at the counterparty's address - the easiest way to do this is on the Federal Tax Service website. Enter the address into a search engine and see what kind of building is located there: if it is not a business center and 15 companies are registered there, then this is the address of mass registration.

Suspicious: the director of the company is listed as a director in many other companies. The director can also be checked on the tax website.

Very suspicious: the counterparty has a lot of arbitration cases, writs of execution for non-payment of taxes and claims from counterparties for failure to fulfill obligations. Check the file of arbitration cases.

Everything can be checked immediately on the tax website in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities section, in the services “My Business Bureau”, “Spark”, “Contour-Focus”. If you are already a Tinkoff Business client, you can check the company directly in your personal account.

Data from all directories is immediately pulled into the Tinkoff Business personal account to check counterparties. There's nothing wrong with this guy

Describe translations in detail

When you send a payment, describe its purpose in detail: basis, date, VAT. If there is no description of the payment, financial monitoring may begin an investigation.

If the bank suspects the authenticity of contracts or invoices, you will be asked to provide them. Usually they give you at least one working day to submit, during which time it is possible to collect documents if they are nearby. It is more difficult if the originals are signed by the counterparty. But most often, photographs are enough to confirm. You can ask the counterparty to take a photo of the documents on your phone and send them.

To prevent questions, describe payments in detail and keep originals or scans of contracts on hand.

How to describe payments


Payment according to agreement

Payment under agreement No. 3005/16 dated 07/06/2016, invoice No. 2134 dated 04/19/2017 for sausage products. Including VAT (18%) RUB 21,355-93


Advance payment

Advance payment for the administrative fee under agreement No. 98/2017 dated 01/01/2017. Including VAT (18%) 318-36 R



Advance payment under the general obligation agreement No. STPCSI 1069/122113 dated December 12, 2016 for terminal services. No tax (VAT).

Work according to your qualifications

For example, a company tells the state: “I will be engaged in the restoration of works of art” - therefore it selects “Activities in the field of artistic creativity” - code 90.03.

Reliable: no one will have any questions if such a company receives money for the restoration of a painting or an antique table from a museum collection. This activity corresponds to registered ocveds.

Suspicious: If money comes in for abstract “financial consulting services,” an audit will certainly begin. The tax office can also fine you 5,000 RUR for incorrectly providing data.

If you understand that the company is growing and new lines of business are emerging, simply add the OKVED codes. To do this, you need to have the application certified by a notary and submit documents to the Federal Tax Service. State duty - 800 RUR, for individual entrepreneurs - free.

Don't withdraw all your cash

As soon as the individual entrepreneur begins to withdraw all the money from the account, they come to him with a check. Individual entrepreneurs are most often involved as the end links of the cash-out chain, so special attention is paid to them here.

Suspicious: The individual entrepreneur receives 300 thousand and the next day withdraws all the money from an ATM.

Safely: The individual entrepreneur receives 300 thousand and transfers part of the money to his personal account, and spends part of it from the card linked to the account. An individual entrepreneur can use a corporate card to buy equipment for the company, even sausage at Auchan. If an individual entrepreneur has “income minus expenses,” then the sausage simply does not need to be deducted. If it’s just “income” - no one cares about purchases at all, you can always and everywhere pay with a corporate card.

In Tinkoff Business, individual entrepreneurs can transfer up to 150,000 rubles monthly for free to their own Tinkoff Black card and receive cashback for purchasing sausage. But if every day you receive 150 thousand and immediately transfer it to your card, after which you cash it out at an ATM, financial monitoring may become worried.

Pay taxes and fees

Companies are required to pay taxes and fees. Banks are required to monitor this. But there is a discrepancy: companies can open accounts in several banks and, purely theoretically, pay taxes from any of them - this is not prohibited by law. But all banks monitor taxes at the same time: everyone wants you to pay through them. As a result, if you have accounts in two banks, but you pay taxes from only one, the second bank will begin to suspect you.

Safely: pay taxes in parallel from all accounts. For example, from one - income, and from the other - contributions.

Having multiple business accounts at multiple banks is a good thing. If one of the banks' license is revoked, not all the money will be frozen.

Fine: pay taxes and contributions from one account and keep a copy of the payment slip on hand so that if something happens, show it to financial monitoring.

There is also a tax burden for the area of ​​activity. It determines the percentage of taxes on a company’s turnover by type of economic activity and varies from 1.4% to 41.5%. If you pay less than the industry average, then the tax office will come to the office with an audit, not the bank.

If a company or entrepreneur works with individuals, then they are almost always a tax agent and must withhold and transfer to the tax personal income tax for the individual. If you send money to an individual, but do not pay the tax within 24 hours, questions will begin.

What to do if you are suspected

The bank does not immediately block services for suspicious transactions. Typically the procedure looks like this:

  1. A specially trained robot catches suspicious transactions and issues a report.
  2. A live analyst looks at transactions and decides whether they are suspicious or not. If there are suspicions, an investigation is opened.
  3. A bank employee contacts the entrepreneur to request supporting documents: invoices for which payments are made, copies of contracts. Banks give from 1 to 10 days for the entrepreneur to send the necessary documents - usually it is enough to photograph them and send them. If there is no doubt about honesty, then the investigation is closed.
  4. If the entrepreneur does not respond to the bank’s request or does not show documents, then remote servicing of the account is blocked - it will not be possible to log in through the Internet bank and withdraw money.
  5. To unblock the service, the entrepreneur only needs to provide the requested documents to the bank. If there are no documents, the money will remain in the account, but it will be possible to withdraw it only after contacting the bank.

Financial monitoring works to protect all bank clients from license revocation. Therefore, employees never block account servicing indiscriminately, and real sanctions begin only when the entrepreneur begins to hide. Account servicing is not accidentally blocked.


“Protection from counter checks when cashing out: we provide a long-term counterparty, within the framework of the law,” read the advertisement on the Internet. This promise seemed dubious and intriguing at the same time. I decided to check how things really are.

At first glance, the service of protection from counter checks when cashing out is very attractive. After all, you are offered to “send” money to receive “black cash” into a company that not only has existed for several years, but also submits reports, pays taxes, has the necessary license, etc. Such companies are popularly called “dumpsters”. The transaction remains not only in your reporting, but also in the biography of the counterparty. Therefore, if the tax office launches a counter audit and asks the counterparty for documents that relate to your company, everything will look clean, innocent and legal (read about how such audits are carried out on page 132). This is exactly what the advertisement promises.

Of course, you can also use the services of a regular one-day travel agency. These companies do not pay any taxes and do not submit reports, leaving their traces only in the State Register. And it is extremely rare for tax authorities to prove that a transaction with such a company is fictitious. But still, the advantage of a really good scheme is that it is invisible.

With these thoughts in mind, I began studying the supply market. To get lost in the crowd of people wanting to cash out, it was necessary to come up with a true legend. This is how a company appeared that was engaged in gasification of holiday villages and was only gaining momentum. To check how wide the capabilities of the “dumpster” company are, we needed a subcontractor with a construction license and an open warrant for land work. It was supposed to cash out 300–500 thousand rubles per month. However, according to legend, we cashed out before, but through a familiar one-day account and at a crazy 3 percent, which categorically did not suit us. In addition, my management had a great desire to protect themselves from counter checks.

A beginner who asks stupid questions, is afraid of everything, but is eager to understand the intricacies of cashing out, evoked in my interlocutors the same emotions as a kindergartener in a high school student: “So, kid. Do everything as I say. Without me, you will simply disappear in this sea of ​​life.” They treated me with some condescension, so they were very talkative and frank in their statements.

"Bank" guarantee

The first candidate for communication was found through a link on an accounting forum. The only way to contact him was by email. I sent a request to the specified address: “I need cash without a one-day transaction, through an existing company. So that later there will be no problems with counter checks.” It didn't take long to wait for an answer. On the same day, I found a letter in my email inbox with the following content: “Thank you for your interest in our services. The term of any operation is “day to day”, regardless of the amount. All our companies have been operating for three years and above, some are six years old. We undergo any counter checks: the first one is free, subsequent ones - from 300 to 500 dollars for each.” At the end of the letter there was a contact phone number.

I called and arranged a meeting at one of the central metro stations. The counter inspection specialist turned out to be a man named Nikolai, who looked to be in his early thirties. On the way to his office, a conversation ensued.

– What about the people you meet? Problems?

- Not yet. But we want them not to exist in the future. So that everything is clean and smooth,” I explained with the calm face of a scout.

Nikolai's office was behind two coded doors and, like its owner, looked quite respectable.

“We are engaged in gasification of holiday villages, so we need a subcontractor company that would have a construction license and an open warrant for land work,” I outlined the essence of the matter.

– There are companies with a license. But there’s definitely no warrant,” Nikolai said with sadness in his voice.

- Okay, let's try to do without a warrant. What guarantees do you give? Where is the confidence that I will calmly bring the money to my safe?

– What guarantees do you want? - the interlocutor retorted sarcastically, - an agreement for cash?! Certificate of delivery and acceptance of money?!

– You yourself write on the website “we guarantee.” Or did I understand something wrong? – I was slightly unsettled by this reaction.

– Firstly, we have been working for quite a long time. We have companies that are already 5-6 years old. A certain circle of clients has formed. They, in turn, bring their friends to us. So it’s kind of like mutual responsibility here. Secondly,” Nikolai continued proudly, “we work with large Moscow banks. We also provide a bank guarantee!

My imagination vividly drew an agreement in which the bank, at the request of the casher, undertakes to pay us a certain amount upon written request. However, Nikolai had something else in mind:

– You can get information about the company through which the money will go from our bank. In particular, about its service life and reliability. Naturally, no one will tell you about account turnover.

Apparently, I gave the impression of a naive simpleton. It’s good that problems with oncoming traffic were solved much more reliably.

– Everything is extremely simple. We receive a request, we pass it on to you, and you prepare the necessary documents. We send these documents to the tax office,” Nikolai outlined a scheme for protecting against a counter audit.

– So you don’t keep the second copies of the deal?

- Of course not. If we store all our clients' documents, there won't be enough space.

– Does your company submit reports?

“Of course,” Nikolai was unperturbed.

How it is possible to draw up reports without any primary information remains a mystery to me. My interlocutor just waved it off, muttering that they had everything covered.

In response to another question that seemed terribly tricky to me: “Isn’t it scary to post information about this kind of activity on the Internet?”, the interlocutor unexpectedly became frank.

– Previously, we had a full-fledged website with a lot of information. Then problems arose with OBEP. They asked to remove all too “frank” information. We removed it.

“Everything is clear,” I ended the conversation, “we’ll think about your tempting offer.”

If you're afraid of wolves, don't go into the forest

I also reached this person through one of the accounting forums. Out of the simplicity of my soul, I posted my question about “cash-counter” there. The first person to respond decided to simply keep the conversation going: “There are such offices. They honestly submit their balance sheets and pay taxes on their meager markup; They ask you to submit documents to them in two copies so that you can keep one of them for yourself. The accounting department groans because they sell almost everything. They buy their goods, again, from fly-by-night companies. So there’s a chance, look for it!”

The second interlocutor, honest and decent, tactfully but persistently advised me to quit cashing.

I liked the man with an abundance of information, and I left him my email address. After some time, I was given an appointment at one of the offices of a large insurance company.

“I have an acquaintance through whom I cashed out money for my client,” said Andrey (that was the name of my interlocutor). – Takes, on average, one percent. If there are additional conditions on your part, they will most likely take more.

– What about guarantees? – I started to bend mine.

- Nobody guarantees anything. If you’re afraid of wolves, don’t go into the forest,” Andrei said, smiling, but immediately consoled: “But don’t be too scared: no one will “throw you away.” This is actually why they shoot.

I giggled nervously, pretending that I was also “in the know.” The interlocutor continued.

– Will you do the documents yourself?

– Yes, but what other options are possible?

- Certainly. He (an acquaintance) can draw up estimates and other documents himself. And the company has a construction license. I assure you that you won’t have any problems,” Andrey once again encouraged me.

“You know, to be honest, I’m a little afraid,” I whined, almost without lying. – Our company is just growing. We are going to cash out 300-500 thousand rubles a month. Perhaps it’s really safer to work with a long-running company than with a one-day company?

– By and large, what difference does it make? – Andrei answered philosophically. – Well, the tax authorities won’t receive the necessary documents upon request, so what? The most important thing is that your documents are prepared correctly. Everyone knows: the buyer is not responsible for the supplier. – This formulation clearly pleased him. – And also, about safety. A deal of ten thousand bucks is like construction waste for a construction company. No one will even try to cheat you. So no need to fuss.

My surprise soon gave way to thoughtfulness: “It’s a good guarantee: don’t be afraid, baby, no one will touch you...”

We agreed that the next day that same acquaintance would call me and I would communicate directly with him. The friend didn't call. Apparently, I was too lazy to float up from the bottom because of such a small fish.

The main thing is to build bridges

This company simply shouted about itself. As soon as I went online and searched for the word “fly-by-night,” I immediately came across a warning: “You should not cooperate with a fly-by-night company!” I thought that these were the guys I needed, so I called the number provided and made an appointment.

There was no need to ask questions here. Denis, a potential business partner, was eloquent and knowledgeable about what he was talking about. One got the impression that he was repeating his monologue for the millionth time.

I started a favorite record: “We are interested in cashing without one-day money.”

“Wonderful,” said Denis. He was sincerely happy for us. – Let's start with the fact that we have been offering this type of service for about two years. It’s simple: you enter into an agreement with a “white” company (BF), which in turn is tied to “black” companies (BF). BF can act as either your supplier or buyer - your choice. She is a kind of buffer between the fly-by-night and you. The charitable foundation submits reports and pays taxes, has real directors and founders. All transactions are reflected in accounting in accordance with current legislation.

“Just some kind of paradise!” – I started daydreaming.

“This pleasure will cost you $500 a month,” the interlocutor continued. – Plus, of course, one percent for cashing out. Next. Since the BF is absolutely clean, there will be no problems with oncoming traffic. That’s why we don’t take money for a counter check,” Denis made me happy. He said this so convincingly that I immediately wanted to cash out the money, and only through the notorious CF. But unexpectedly problems arose: not only would they have to do the paperwork themselves, but the BF also didn’t have a construction license.

“We can offer construction organizations only one-day projects, the lifespan of which is one or two years,” one disappointment followed another.

- Okay, what guarantees do you give?

– The guarantee is our age and our clients. They know us. In addition, our bank acts as a guarantor.

This company also had its own simple “bank” guarantee.

– At the bank, our person, say the head of the customer service department, gives you information on the proposed company.

“Of course, that’s what you pay him for,” I couldn’t resist sarcasm, but immediately pulled myself together. We agreed to call.

Weak link

Having returned from my expedition, I decided to weigh the pros and cons. So, the super service with the provision of a “live” counterparty turned out to be a multi-colored soap bubble. Nobody gives real guarantees, as one would expect.

Suppliers of long-lived garbage dumps, of course, will not “throw away” serious clients. It's scary. But it’s easy to cheat a small company: it has nothing to protect itself and its money.

In addition, the “garbage dump” with a guarantee is tied to the same one-day scams and it will not be difficult for the same operatives to unwind this entire short chain. There would be a desire. So, if you are hooked, no BF will help you.

You will either have to resolve the issue amicably, or stand up for yourself in court. And this is a long and troublesome task. And although you are not responsible for the supplier, the investigation will take a lot of time and effort.

After thinking about it, I made a brilliant conclusion for myself: an old friend (read, a long-known cashier) is better than the new two, and as a farewell, I looked at the forum. I thought I would find a couple of new interesting offers there. Instead, I only saw a line of several naive people lined up behind me, who were also waiting for “information on Moscow.” They, like me, decided to kill two birds with one stone. Even three: cut taxes, get cash and at the same time cover your rear. “Blessed is he who believes,” I thought and turned off the computer.

Dodger's Dictionary

Tax minimizers are a rarity in our country. After all, all “white” (legal) schemes require significant effort: creating another company, spending on a tax consultant or lawyer, and so on. And for more or less covert (“gray”) tax evasion, the usual, cheap scheme – cashing out – is sufficient. For those who do not yet fully understand the slang of cashers and do not even know who they are, we offer our interpretation of the most common terms.

Cashing out is an illegal tax reduction due to a fictitious increase in cost. In the simplest case, this means the following operation.

Company “A” (client) transfers to company “B” (casher) a certain amount of money under a transaction that exists only on paper - the client allegedly receives goods or services. The transaction is formalized by an agreement, invoices, acts (invoices) and an invoice. Then the casher transfers to the client, minus the commission, that same amount of money, but in cash (“black” cash). Naturally, there is no need to pay taxes on this money - they are not taken into account anywhere.

A one-day company is a cashing company with the cheapest possible structure (single founder, minimal investment, combination of director and accountant, cheap and short-term lease of a “legal” address) and other attributes that are well known to any operative. Lifespan – several months; This company does not submit accounting and tax reports.

Pomoika is a cashing company that operates like a regular company and submits reports. As a rule, it has a completely legal business (wholesale trade in building materials, transport services, retail, etc.). At the same time, he draws up fictitious transactions, imitating a vigorous, diverse activity from the provision of marketing services to timber trade.

They started offering part-time jobs on the Internet – scamming cashers. Don't believe me? I'll give you some information now. I will not cite the author’s text here, there is too much water and colorful descriptions, as well as the undeniable advantages of the scheme. Briefly they say this.

With minimal effort you can raise your money dramatically. Everything has been checked by the author themselves. The manual is an exclusive type. Work remotely. The risk is minimal, almost everything is legal. There is nothing to be afraid of. At most, you will be a witness. You don't need much knowledge. It takes 2-4 weeks. Almost no investment. Namely: left SIM card, left phone with the ability to install WhatsApp/Telegram, order printing. Total: less than 5000 rub. And the exhaust is a million. The author chopped 12 lyams. The color of the scheme is stated to be grey, almost white. All this is justified by the fact that you are stealing money from fat, fraudulent merchants who do not want to pay taxes and launder dirty money. There is, like, no responsibility, because commerce will ask the casher, and he won’t report you to the police. Damn, this is already funny.

What do they propose to do? In a nutshell: get a job at a cash shop and steal money. Ideally, arrange a drop and stay on the sidelines. The process of how to do this is described in detail. It tells what the drop should be. What to say to him and what not to say under any circumstances. It is described how and where to find such a stupid drop, and how to then arrange for him or find a job at par. Quote from the manual: “Look for Vasya, who doesn’t understand anything about what’s going on around him, but for 10 thousand rubles he’s ready to lick a swing in winter and stand in the cold for two days.” If you go by yourself, then pretend to be like that. There is even a legend written down that you need to chase away from the cashers so that they believe in you. One drop, the manual says, should be used once. Damn, it’s like it’s not a fact once.

It is proposed to work in the winter, when they submit reports for the year and everyone cashes out their money before the New Year.

At the beginning of the scheme, it is suggested to surf the shadow forums and find an employer. A list of resources is provided. Everything is done from the left phone and SIM card. If there is a drop, we communicate on his behalf.

It is indicated that once you get settled, you can immediately make first dibs for registration and trips to the bank. The bank offers to discreetly make an imprint of the LLC seal and remember the code word. Like opening an account without a director is expensive and troublesome. “If the cashier says that they have their own people in the bank and are watching you, he’s being fucked.” The stamp, they say, can also be requested from the tax office. After the banks, the work itself begins. The author suggests calling or going to the bank every day and checking the status of your account. “The most trump hours for checking: 11,14,18 and 20:00. We find the remaining necessary information about our office on the website” For some reason they offer to print out the Unified State Register of Legal Entities from the tax website.

Next, the author beautifully talks about the pros and cons of each bank, which hotline to call, what to say, etc. All you need to know, they say, is the Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN), the code word and the director’s passport. If they don’t speak, they recommend calling another operator back.

Further quote: “As soon as the account balance is announced in a positive direction, we disconnect the call, immediately call the hotline and block access to the Internet bank due to the loss of the briefcase with documents. We call the mobile operator and block the SIM due to the loss of the phone. WE FLIGHT TO THE BANK WITH A PASSPORT AND THE COMPANY'S SEAL OR WE GO TOGETHER WITH THE DROPS! That's it, the cycle is over, everyone is happy, except the owner of the money and the cashers. We're going into the sunset."

At the end there are some details about how to restore access to the token, block a cash card, what to say to the bank, how to close a current account and get cash at the cash desk.

The last quote from the manual: “Cashers like to pretend to be mafiosi, telling how they buried a cunning director in the forest who stole 5,000 rubles from them. They're lying. They take you for a sucker and they will tell you corresponding tales. If you work on your own and suddenly get pulled over to the tax office/police (very unlikely), act as big as you can, call the cashiers, tell them something like this: “They’re asking about you, I’m in the bullpen/at the tax office, what should I say?” The cashers will merge themselves, and neither the tax office nor the cops need you, they will have to bother with you longer, the main thing is to be YOU. “They offered me a job, I went and signed something, who the hell knows, I don’t remember, I don’t know, I found the number on Avito,” and the like. If this happens after withdrawing cash from your account, then don’t even think about twitching. You are pure. You withdrew money from your company account. The customer and the cashers will NEVER GO TO THE POLICE, they will be jailed instantly. And they know it perfectly well. After a successful cycle, go somewhere, unwind, relax.”

I received an email with the following content:

“We are looking for responsible people who are ready to work seriously and closely. We make bays on maps. The main banks we work with: (the banks are listed below).

Work scheme: 33% - ours, 66% - yours.

The minimum fill is 51 thousand rubles. The minimum contribution to the guarantor is 17 thousand rubles.”

What type of income is this? How popular and legal is it? Isn't this a scam with the goal of getting 17 thousand rubles from me and then disappearing?

For a person who responds to such an advertisement, there are two options for the development of events.

Dmitry Sergeev

security specialist

In the first, most optimistic, option, he will be a victim in a criminal case of fraud. In the second option, you can become an accused in a criminal case under serious articles of the Criminal Code.

And there really is no other choice - only these two options. I'll explain why.

What are deposits of money onto a card?

At first glance, the scheme works simply. You provide the filler with your bank card details. He transfers you a pre-agreed amount. You transfer part of it to the account that he will tell you, and keep part for yourself.

You may be asked for a deposit or deposit to ensure your integrity. If you pay this fee, there is also a chance that you will say goodbye to him.

In this case, you will lose money and become a victim under Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Fraud”. It sounds strange, but in such a situation this is the best scenario. You will write a statement to the police, maybe the scammers will be found, brought to justice and, perhaps, even return your money.

It is much worse if the pourer turns out to be “honest” and fulfills all the terms of the deal. Because money doesn’t appear out of nowhere and pourers don’t just hand it out.

Who is a pourer?

This is a criminal who converts illegally obtained money into cash. This requires transferring money from account to account between different people who do not know each other in the hope that law enforcement agencies will not be able to track the entire chain of transfers.

No one will agree to be a link in this chain for free, so each participant is offered a certain percentage of the amount of transfers. Accordingly, each participant in the chain, from the point of view of the law, is an accomplice to the crime.

By the way, the participants in the chain are called drops in the language of the pourers. And a person who looks for drops and works with them is a drop guide. The drop may himself take part in the chain of transfers, or he may simply sell or give his bank card to the drop operator along with his account details and pin.

Drop sellers use different ways to gain trust and gain control over a person’s payment instruments. They place advertisements on the Internet, on recruitment agency websites and on social networks. In addition to advertisements with job offers, people can even look for drops through dating sites.

For example, a guy is looking for a girl with little income and financial problems. Then comes an introduction, flowers, sweets and an offer to earn good money as an intermediary. After a couple of transfers, the young man disappears, and instead of him, investigators with a criminal case appear in the girl’s life. And it turns out that the girl hasn’t seen the handsome man’s passport, doesn’t remember the car number, the SIM card is registered to the homeless man Vasya, and the phone is inaccessible.

Where do the pourers get their money?

Typically, this money comes from criminal activity. Legally earned money does not need such complex schemes: it is enough to simply register a business, pay taxes and all the necessary deductions - and the state will not have any questions.

But if a person sells drugs, weapons, human organs, or finances terrorist organizations, such a business cannot be registered with the tax authorities. And the money received as a result of illegal transactions must be somehow brought out of the shadows and into real life by criminals.

Filled schemes are often used by recipients of loans issued using stolen or forged documents. They don’t care what percentage they pay for cashing out: the cost of re-sticking a photo in a passport is small.

Previously, those who received income from crime had a much easier life. Back in the 90s, you could open a boutique on Arbat, display fur coats with a price tag of several hundred thousand rubles, show the turnover on it, pay taxes - and the income became similar to legal. But over time, the tax office tightened the requirements, developed new inspection methods and began asking questions: but you sell 5 fur coats a day according to documents, but at the same time you don’t buy a single one, you don’t have suppliers, no one does business with you, but the director generally lives in Cyprus. Now show the tax authorities the very nightstand where you take the money from.

In 2001, the law “On combating the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism” was adopted. Under this law, many financial transactions came under mandatory financial control for legality.

Law enforcement and tax authorities also received more powers from the state to detect such crimes. The general trend is that from year to year the state gives law enforcement officers more and more tools to control non-cash transfers and increases liability for crimes using bank cards and electronic money.

Even Federal Law No. 167-FZ “On amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation in terms of combating the theft of funds,” which, on the one hand, protects money on a bank card, on the other hand, complicates the life of those who cash out money. From the bank’s point of view, a bay is an atypical monetary transaction, and the card owner will have to provide explanations.

Therefore, criminals began to come up with new ways to cash out and withdraw money from the control of financial authorities. Loading money onto a card is one of these methods.

Can a random card owner be considered an accomplice to a crime?

According to the law, everything is simple. If the person on whose map the bay was made knows what the pourer is doing, he is an accomplice to this crime. For example, if the income is received from the sale of drugs, the person who cashed the money knows this - he is an accomplice to the crime under Article 228 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. It's the same with fraud and terrorism.

Even if a person is not directly involved in the sale of drugs, but simply transfers money received as a result of drug trafficking, he may be charged under Article 174 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation on money laundering, which another person received through criminal means. Sanctions under this article range from a large fine to 7 years in prison. Here is an example: the verdict in criminal case No. 1-353/2018 of the Sovetsky District Court of Krasnoyarsk. The man was not even involved in selling drugs himself - he simply cashed out money from drug dealers through bank cards and payment systems, while knowing that the money was obtained by criminal means. The result is 3 years in prison.

The conclusions are:

  1. Money doesn't come out of nowhere. If you are offered to pay about 40% for cashing out money, this is either an attempt at fraud, or they are trying to make you an accomplice to the crime. Don't settle for this.
  2. The bank still sees the entire chain of recipients. Always. And it is not so difficult for law enforcement officials to track her.
  3. For all transactions using a bank card, the owner bears responsibility, including criminal liability.
  4. The pourer doesn't care what happens to you. He knows from the very beginning that people in uniform will come to you with uncomfortable questions. But by that time the money will already be cashed out.
  5. Don't experiment with the criminal code.