Everything about an individual investment account: deductions and personal income tax. Tax deduction for IIS: step-by-step instructions

The investment tax deduction appeared relatively recently. The opportunity to receive amounts due from financial actions arose at the beginning of 2016. From that moment on, many questions began to arise.

This is why citizens need to know how the investment tax deduction in 2018 is carried out and what are the nuances when registering and calculating it.

An investment balance deduction is a type of compensation that allows owners of established financial accounts under the IIS program to receive a percentage of the tax deduction amount. A number of aspects have been identified that should be taken into account.

The main ones, which include the IIS deduction, include the possibility of issuing calculations for investors who are not in the state, but in the private sector. This category of citizens has become the main direction for the development of the ISS system, starting in 2016.

Legal regulation of investment balance

The Tax Code of the Russian Federation regulates investment tax deductions in a number of articles. The items related to it are also highlighted.

When calculating tax deductions, citizens should be guided and refer to the given norms in the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, and not to references to competent publishing houses and magazines.

Art. 219.1 of the Tax Code regulates investment tax deductions in terms of the calculation algorithm based on the generated balance. The norm regulates grants under positive financial action aimed at investing securities.

Paragraphs 2 and 3 of this article indicate the amount of the deduction being made - 13% and prescribe the conditions under which a person may be able to be completely exempt from paying personal income tax when making financial transactions.

Persons eligible to claim the deduction

The 2017 investment tax deduction received a number of additions to the main list of citizens who have the opportunity to receive payments from the Federal Tax Service.

As already noted, all citizens of the Russian Federation engaged in trading various types of financial assets in the form of securities have the right to receive an investment tax deduction. This form of financial assets is classified as property. Therefore, when completing a transaction for the sale of such assets, a person must pay tax to the budget.

This also included investors who not only own stocks and bonds and are involved in their sale, but also citizens who are directly involved in trading on the stock exchange. After the expansion of the norm, all participants and holders of securities in the stock system are the main categories of citizens claiming deductions on the investment balance.

How is the calculation carried out?

The amount of the investment tax deduction is based on the declaration provided by the holder and the trader. The procedure itself, by which calculations are made based on the submitted declaration, is carried out according to the state in which citizens’ investment accounts are located:

  • when making contributions at the time of signing the contract;
  • for all funds received;
  • having received a deduction for previous months;
  • by closing the investment balance earlier than the date established in the contract, namely within the first three years.

Based on the presented indicators on the citizen’s investment accounts, exact calculations of deductions will be provided.

When using personal income tax on an account, the calculation procedure will be as follows:

  • all conditions for placing funds in accounts are determined;
  • upon expiration of the contract, it is terminated;
  • the account owner submits a statement indicating that the deductions were not previously received;
  • No tax will be withheld based on the extract received.

Calculation procedures may change based on the reasons for the content of investment savings

Where do you receive deductions?

It is the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate that is the main government entity carrying out the regulatory function in the area under review. Consultations on the account are carried out in the department at the place of registration of the person. If you need statements confirming the absence of transactions from investment accounts, you should also contact the tax office.

If the account holder works through an intermediary represented by a broker, then under a trust management agreement all documents will be transferred to him. Based on the received papers, brokers send requests for calculations of tax deductions from the investment accounts they supervise from the Federal Tax Service.

What are the legal grounds?

The investment tax deduction for fixed assets received from personal income tax is transferred to the account holder subject to the main rule specified in the agreement. It is not a violation of the terms of validity of contracts under IIS. It is equal to 3 years.

There are a number of points that do not make it possible to receive payments due to the holder:

  • the contract was terminated by the citizen ahead of schedule;
  • transactions were carried out aimed at cashing out money placed under contracts on IIS;
  • the methods for obtaining investment tax deductions have been changed;
  • investors missed the deadline to apply for investment tax credits.

It is important to comply with the deadline established by law. It is 3 years after termination of the IIS agreement.

The current procedures for receiving deductions are controlled by the following rules:

  • receive deductions only from the amount on the ISA, not exceeding the established amount of a maximum of 400,000 rubles;
  • providing the Federal Tax Service with statements proving that the money was credited;
  • the holder can have only 1 IRA;
  • you can receive no more than 52,000 rubles under the agreement in the form of investment tax deductions;
  • the holder has a permanent source of profit, from which personal income tax is collected from the state.

Subject to the established rules, investment tax deductions will be available after the end of the contract.

How are deductions calculated?

Investment tax deduction for personal income tax is carried out using established algorithms and rules. In general, they look like this:

  • not only the holders, but also their non-working close relatives receive funds;
  • You can make calculations and pay money after the end of the contract;
  • When using deductions earlier than the contract expiration date, all funds are subject to recalculation.

The deduction is issued no more than once in 12 months by transfer of funds, or in the form of non-payment of personal income tax on the profit received.

Illustrative examples

General examples of investment tax deductions are quite simple. The accrual operation depends entirely on the current cash flow indicators of the IIS holder.

Below we will discuss 3 commonly used methods:

  1. Return of a portion of previously made investments. Convenient to use for small amounts. If funds up to 400,000 rubles were placed, the application is submitted every 12 months. With an annual salary of 500,000 rubles and funds for an ISS of 300,000 rubles, the payment will be 39,000 rubles.
  2. Elimination of personal income tax deductions. You need a statement confirming that the deduction was not withdrawn earlier. If you deposited money in the amount of 800,000 rubles, and received a net profit from it for 3 years in total of 1.2 million rubles. It is for this amount that an application for abolition of the obligation to pay personal income tax is submitted.
  3. Income received from purchase and sale transactions of valuable financial assets. When the holder deposited 1 million on an individual investment account and multiplied the income through trading to 2 million rubles, deductions can be eliminated. The main reason is to own the shares purchased at the first purchase longer than the validity period of the IIS. In addition, the amount of 2 million rubles is less than that established on the basis of the Securities Commission ratios.

Investment tax deductions are calculated using the three options presented. If the holder terminates the contract, he will not have the right to receive investment tax deductions. Only if the established rules are observed is it possible to claim benefits and payments.

How are deductions issued to holders by law?

The investment period to receive income from the Federal Tax Service is 36 months, starting from the day the IIS agreement was closed. If the deadline is missed, the owner will not be able to receive the settlement payments due.

How to get investment tax deductions under current systems through personal income tax?

The following procedure must be followed:

  1. Contact the Federal Tax Service with an application to receive a certificate confirming that the citizen did not receive tax deductions for the past year.
  2. Provide the received statements to your broker.

These are all the actions that a citizen needs to perform. Next, the remaining tasks will be performed by the broker.

Required document types

You will need to provide the following sample papers:

  • an agreement on the provision of services for servicing an open IIS with a brokerage company;
  • a certificate received from the Federal Tax Service that the required amount of money is on the balance sheet;
  • completed 2-NDFL from the applicant’s income for the past year;
  • 3-NDFL with all details and calculations.

Attached to the package of papers is a request to receive investment tax deductions from the Federal Tax Service.

Important points upon receipt

Investment tax deductions under 3-NDFL will be active for only 36 months after signing the agreement. You can receive a deduction maximum once in 12 months. After termination of the contract, the period of receipt is 36 months.

When opening an IIS and depositing funds into the account, they cannot be withdrawn or withdrawn during the period valid under the agreement. If this prescribed and basic condition is violated, then the right to receive an investment tax deduction is abolished.

Some operations are carried out by the broker himself when maintaining an account. It is important to reflect in the service agreement all the requirements and rules by which this procedure will be carried out. Funds can be deposited into the holder's account in large amounts, but the right to receive a tax deduction limits the amount of funds upon circulation from a maximum amount to 400,000 rubles.

An individual investment account (IIA) is a special type of account that provides the account owner with certain tax benefits. The account is opened and maintained by a broker (or manager) on the basis of a brokerage service agreement (or a securities trust management agreement). Such an account can only be opened by an individual who is a tax resident of the Russian Federation. And only one account. In this case, it is necessary to conclude an agreement to maintain an IIS for at least 3 years - this is the minimum period for investing funds in an IIS to receive an investment tax deduction. You can receive a tax deduction on IIS in one of two ways of your choice: (1) you can receive a tax deduction annually in the amount of money deposited into the account (but not more than the limit), or (2) if you made a profit from operations on an individual investment account, you may not pay income tax on this profit. This deduction is covered in Article 219.1 “Investment Tax Deductions” of the Tax Code.

How to calculate deductions and tax for refund

The deduction amount reduces the so-called taxable base, that is, the amount on which tax is withheld from you. You will be able to receive from the state in the form of tax refunds not the amount of the deduction, but 13% of the amount of the deduction, that is, what was paid in taxes. However, you will not be able to receive more than you paid in taxes. For example, you deposited 100 rubles into an IIS. 13% of 100 rubles is 13 rubles. You can receive 13 rubles only if you paid 13 rubles in taxes for the year. If you paid less in taxes, you can only get back what you paid. Also, when calculating, you need to take into account the deduction limit established by law. If the deduction limit is 400,000 rubles per year, your deduction for the year cannot be more, and the tax refund for the year cannot be more than 13% of the deduction limit, that is, 52,000 rubles. You can only return taxes paid at a rate of 13% (except for tax on dividends).

How to open an IIS?

To open an individual investment account, you need to find a brokerage company that is licensed by the central bank. We are currently cooperating with the investment company CERICH, which has a high reliability rating of AA+ and all the necessary licenses for conducting transactions on the stock and foreign exchange markets. To open an investment account, you do not need to collect documents; you can do it online, without leaving your home. You need to go to link to the investment company page, choose the strategy and type of deduction that suits you best. After that, the brokerage company’s employees will contact you, tell you step by step what steps you need to perform to open an account, and even give recommendations on trading instruments. The main thing you need to remember is that you can open only one individual investment account, and you need to take the choice of a management company seriously.

Maximum deduction amount for IIS and conditions

This deduction can be received every year, an unlimited number of times. But the maximum deduction for contributions (method 1) is 400,000 rubles per year. There are no restrictions on the deduction of profits (method 2): personal income tax is not withheld for any amount of profit. In each of the methods, if you close the IIS earlier than 3 years from the date of concluding the agreement for maintaining the account, all refundable amounts of tax transferred to you will need to be returned to the budget.

Deduction on contributions (first method)

In order to receive a tax deduction for contributions to an IIS, it is necessary that you have only one agreement for maintaining an IIS. A prerequisite for receiving such a deduction is the availability of income (for example, wages) in the year for which it is planned to receive a tax deduction. Income from which tax was withheld and transferred to the budget at a rate of 13%, except for dividends. At the end of the year for which you want to receive a deduction, you must provide the tax office with a 3-NDFL declaration, a tax refund application, a 2-NDFL certificate and documents confirming the right to the deduction, that is, documents confirming the fact that funds have been credited to the IIS .

Profit deduction (second method)

You can receive a tax deduction on income upon termination of the agreement for maintaining an individual investment account, but not earlier than 3 years from the date of conclusion of such an agreement. It is necessary to provide the tax agent (broker) with a certificate from the tax office stating that you did not exercise the right to receive a tax deduction on contributions to an IIS during the entire term of the agreement for maintaining an IIS, and also did not have other similar agreements. After which your funds will be paid to you, and income tax will not be withheld. It does not matter whether you have other income taxed at a rate of 13%. If you close an IIS earlier than 3 years after its opening, personal income tax will be withheld from the profits from operations on the account.

Choosing between two methods

You can receive a deduction either on the contribution or on the profit. You need to choose one of two. Among others, there are the following selection strategies:

  • You can quickly get a bird in the hand by immediately choosing a deduction for contributions. You can deposit money into an IIS, for example, on December 31, and already submit documents for a tax refund at the beginning of January next year.
  • After opening an IIS, you can wait 3 years and then make a choice. Taxes can be returned within three years - this is a general rule (not only for IIS). Therefore, 3 years after opening the account, the right to deduct contributions is still retained. And the right to deduct profits already arises.
  • You can choose an intermediate option by monitoring the profitability of your IIS. If you see that the profitability of your account (IIS) will most likely be high at the end of 3 years, you can opt for a profit deduction. And vice versa.

Comparison of two methods

Deduction on contributions Profit deduction
Who provides the deduction Tax office Broker (or manager)
What documents are needed Declaration 3-NDFL, certificate 2-NDFL, application for tax refund, document from the broker on crediting the contribution Documents from the inspectorate stating that the contribution deduction was not used
When can you get a deduction? At the end of the calendar year in which the contribution was made After 3 years from the date of account opening
Terms of consideration According to the law, the tax office has 4 months to check your documents and transfer money The broker (or manager) does not withhold tax from you immediately at the time of payment of profit
Deduction limits 400 thousand rubles per year The amount of deduction is not limited, but the contribution amount is no more than 400 thousand rubles per year
Notes Withholding taxes required ---


Method 1. Alexandra’s salary in 2015 was 100 thousand rubles per month. Every month she received 87 thousand rubles (87%), the remaining 13 thousand rubles (13%) were retained by the employer and transferred to the budget in the form of personal income tax. Alexandra opened an Individual Investment Account in 2015, entered into an agreement to maintain the account for a period of 3 years and deposited 400 thousand rubles into the account during the year. In 2016, having contacted the tax office, Alexandra received a deduction for 2015 in the amount of 400 thousand rubles. The tax refund amounted to 52 thousand rubles. In 2016, Alexandra deposited 200 thousand rubles into the same IIS. In 2016, Alexandra's salary was the same as in 2015. In 2017, Alexandra received a deduction for 2016 in the amount of 200 thousand rubles, and the tax refund amounted to 26 thousand rubles.

Method 2. Svetlana opened an Individual Investment Account in 2015, entered into an agreement to maintain the account for a period of 3 years and deposited 500 thousand rubles into the account for the entire period of the agreement. Svetlana did not receive a deduction for contributions to IIS (method 1). In 2018, after 3 years had passed, Svetlana decided to close the account. She received 600 thousand rubles. Her profit amounted to 100 thousand rubles. She has the right not to pay income tax (receiving a deduction) from these 100 thousand rubles.

Documents for obtaining a deduction for contributions

Such documents must be submitted to the inspectorate to receive a deduction for contributions (first method):

  • tax return 3-NDFL,
  • tax refund application,
  • 2-NDFL certificate from the employer (or other tax agent),
  • a brokerage service agreement or a securities trust management agreement under which an individual investment account is opened and maintained (an account is opened and maintained on the basis of this agreement),
  • a payment document or a document confirming the transfer of funds to an IIS “inside” a broker or trustee (in the case of a transfer of funds to an individual investment account from another internal accounting account previously opened by the taxpayer, the fact of crediting money to an IIS can be confirmed, for example, by the taxpayer’s instructions to transfer of funds, or reports on cash flows in taxpayer accounts).

How to get a tax deduction

On the Tax website you will find everything you need to get a deduction. Now you don't need to contact consultants. You can do everything quickly and reliably:

1 Fill out the declaration and return application on the Tax website. With us, filling out the declaration and application correctly will be quick and easy.

2 Attach supporting documents to the declaration. Documents confirming your right to deduction.

3 Submit documents online or take them to the inspectorate and receive money. All you have to do is submit the prepared documents online through the Tax Office or take them to the inspectorate.

To proceed to filling out the 3-NDFL tax return on our website, please click the Next button below.

If you do not yet have an individual investment account, click the Open IIS button. You will be taken to the CERICH broker website where you can do this.

An individual investment account (IIA), unlike ordinary brokerage accounts, allows you to receive guaranteed income from the state in the form of a personal income tax deduction in the amount of 13% of the amount of deposited funds (we wrote in more detail about IIA in the article). This income is also called an investment deduction. In order to receive it, you need to draw up a 3-NDFL declaration, attaching to it the necessary documents confirming both the presence of an IIS and the addition to it during the tax period for which the declaration is submitted.

Fortunately, to complete this procedure today it is not at all necessary to visit the tax authorities, wait in long lines for the opportunity to communicate with Federal Tax Service employees, worrying every time that the documents are in order and accepted. With the advent of the service for filing a declaration electronically, the process of preparing and sending it has become much simpler, turning from paperwork into a certain pleasure. After all, it’s always nice to receive money without wasting time and nerves. Indeed, under certain conditions (depending on the method of opening and replenishing an individual investment account, as well as on the deadline for filing a declaration), the entire procedure for registering an investment deduction can be carried out without leaving home.

At the same time, filing a declaration through the electronic service of the Federal Tax Service raises many practical questions, primarily because the composition and format of electronic documents that are provided to the tax authorities instead of traditional “paper” documents are not fully understood.

This article is based on the real experience of one of our clients when using the electronic services of the Personal Account of the Federal Tax Service and contains the minimum set of actions necessary to apply for a tax deduction under an IIS.

Deadline for filing a declaration under IIS

The law sets a deadline from January 1 to April 30 for filing a return for the previous year, but this must only be observed if you had income that is legally required to be declared (for example, you rented out a home). If you only need to receive tax deductions (in general, there may be several of them), then you can submit a declaration at any time during the year.

Of course, many people prefer not to put off drawing up a declaration for too long, given that the period for its desk review is 3 months. In addition, the money received can be immediately reinvested, increasing both the size and overall income of the investor's portfolio. However, early filing of the declaration also has its disadvantages. The fact is that 2-NDFL certificates are used to confirm the income described in the declaration. They are present in your Personal Account in electronic form, but do not appear there immediately, but as information about income is received by the tax authorities. Taking into account regulatory provisions, income for the previous year appears in full only starting from June of the current year.

Thus, when submitting a declaration electronically, there are two options: do it immediately at the beginning of the year, while performing a number of additional steps in terms of collecting 2-NDFL certificates, or wait until June to avoid “paperwork” as much as possible. In the first case, the tax deduction can be received in a bank account as early as April, in the second - no earlier than September. The choice is, of course, yours.

Documents for deduction under IIS

Here is a final list of documents that are required to submit a declaration electronically. In other words, what may need to be obtained first “on paper” so that later problems do not arise at the stage of filling out the declaration and when it is considered by the tax authorities:

    2-NDFL certificates from each employer (only if the declaration is submitted at the beginning of the year, i.e. information on income for the previous year has not yet appeared in the Personal Account);

    Documents confirming the opening of an IIS:

    • Application for services in financial markets (sometimes called the Master Agreement);

      Notice of opening of an individual personal account (this document provides specific details of the created personal account corresponding to the IIS);

    Payment order or other document confirming the deposit of money into the IIS (for each deposit during the tax period).

The exact name of documents confirming the opening of an individual investment account may differ depending on the broker. Therefore, if you have doubts about the need to provide a particular document, then it is better to provide it, because It’s easier to scan an extra document than to take it to the tax office (if the declaration is not accepted, then all the issues will most likely have to be resolved “on the spot”).

However, to save you from unnecessary work, we will provide a list of documents that are not required to be provided when applying for an investment deduction, because The practice of communicating with tax authorities shows that they are not necessary:

    Documents for registration of electronic signature

    Documents for connecting to the QUIK remote access system

    Brokerage reports (order registers)

    Risk Notice

    Client's bank details

As for the document confirming the replenishment of the IIS, its availability depends, first of all, on how the money was deposited. If you did this at the broker’s office (for example, immediately when opening an individual investment account), then the document should be in your hands. In other cases, you need to go to the broker and get the appropriate “paper” certified by a seal.

Thus, if you fill out a declaration no earlier than June (electronic 2-NDFL certificates are available in your Personal Account) and have a document on hand confirming the deposit of money into an IIS during the tax period, then the entire procedure for filling out and sending the declaration can be completed without leaving from home. In other cases, you will be required to first obtain and scan (or photograph in good quality) the missing documents.

Declaration on IIS

    Go to the website of the Federal Tax Service www.nalog.ru, and in the “Individuals” section go to your Personal Account:

  1. First we get to the authorization form. The most convenient way is to log in through the State Services portal. If you do not have an account on this portal, we recommend that you get one, because... there are a lot of useful services there and they are constantly evolving. However, various authorization options are possible on the Federal Tax Service website, all of them are described in detail in the section “How to access the service.”

  2. All necessary services are located in the “Life Situations” section. First of all, to submit any documents electronically, you must obtain an electronic signature (ES):

    If you already have an electronic signature registered in your Personal Account, then you can immediately proceed to step 5.

    After going to the section for receiving an electronic signature, you must select the option for storing an electronic signature. It is recommended to leave the default option (storage in the protected system of the Federal Tax Service of Russia), in which case you will be able to use the received digital signature on any devices for a year.

    Below are your basic details as the owner of the digital signature. As a rule, they are filled in automatically, if you indicated them earlier on the State Services portal, you just need to check their accuracy. If something requires adjustment, this can be done in the “Contact Information” and “Personal Data” sections, which are located at the top of the same form.

    After checking the correctness of the details, you must enter the password for the electronic signature certificate, and then send a request to create it.

    As a rule, generating an electronic signature certificate takes a long time (depending on the mood and the current load of the Federal Tax Service servers, the process may take several hours). Unfortunately, the Personal Account does not allow you to perform further steps to fill out the declaration without an electronic signature, so we recommend that you do not sit waiting at the screen, but simply return to your Personal Account after some time. You can always find out about the readiness of the electronic signature certificate on the same form where the request for its receipt was sent:

  3. Having made sure that the electronic signature certificate has been successfully received, go again to the “Life Situations” section and click “Submit a 3-NDFL declaration” (we use any of the links, since it appears several times). In the form that appears, select the action “Fill out a new declaration online”:

  4. First of all, you need to select the year for which the declaration is being submitted. At the time of writing this article, income certificates were available up to and including 2017, so the entire example is based on filling out a declaration for this tax period:

  5. In the next step, as a rule, you do not need to change anything. If you had income from foreign sources, then you need to check the appropriate box:

  6. The next step asks you to note the types of tax deductions you want to claim. In addition to the investment deduction, which is the subject of this article, various social deductions are often used. For example, if you underwent paid treatment, do not be lazy to ask the medical institution for the necessary documents (agreements with acts, checks, a certificate to submit to the tax authorities, a copy of the license) in order to receive an additional pleasant bonus to your investment deduction.

  7. The next step is to indicate the taxable income that occurred during the reporting period. It is on the basis of them that the final amount of the deduction will be formed, because it should not exceed the amount of taxes paid to the budget.

    According to Art. 29, clause 4 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, in the declaration it is allowed not to indicate income from which the tax was fully withheld by the tax agent (the organization that paid you this income), if this does not interfere with the receipt of tax deductions provided for by law. Based on this, we can answer one of the most popular questions among novice investors: is it necessary to indicate income received in the form of dividends in the declaration, since tax is also withheld from them? The fact is that tax deductions are not applied to income in the form of dividends at all, since they are positioned as income from equity participation in organizations (Article 210, clause 3 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). Accordingly, indicating dividends in the declaration is not required and does not make any sense if the broker has in good faith withheld tax on them. The situation is completely different with income received, for example, in the form of wages. If they are not indicated in the declaration, citing the fact that the employer has already withheld tax from them, then this will prevent them from receiving a tax deduction (simply put, there will be nothing to “deduct”).

    As we already wrote at the beginning of the article, closer to the middle of the year, information about income for the previous year appears in your Personal Account. In this case, not only does it eliminate the need to obtain “paper” 2-NDFL certificates, but it also becomes possible to automatically fill out information about income in the declaration. Thus, the most time-consuming step of recording income in the declaration can be reduced simply to pressing one button. Real magic!

    If you, as a conscientious taxpayer, decide to submit a declaration at the beginning of the year, then you should have in your hands prepared 2-NDFL certificates from each employer. You must manually transfer income information from there using the actions on the “Add source”, “Add income” form. Below is an example of filling.

  8. Finally, we can move on to the fun part of filling out the declaration. At this step, the amount of the investment deduction is indicated (the amount by which the IIS was replenished during the tax period), as well as other tax deductions, if they were noted in step 8. For each of the deductions, scans of supporting documents are attached. We described in more detail the necessary documents for investment deduction at the beginning of the article. You can also attach scans of 2-NDFL certificates here if the declaration is submitted at the beginning of the year, in order to avoid unnecessary questions and clarifications from the tax office later.

  9. After filling out the information on deductions and attaching the necessary documents, we move on to the final step, where you need to finally check the declaration before sending it. To begin with, you can look at the total amount of the tax deduction and reveal in detail all the components from which it was calculated. We remind you that the maximum amount of investment deduction is 52,000 rubles, however, if there are social and other types of deductions, the final amount may be higher.

    If necessary, you can view the declaration in printed form by saving it in pdf format.

    Below on the form is a list of files attached in the previous step. Next, you can enter the password for the electronic signature certificate, which was specified in step 4, and complete the final submission of the declaration.

  10. In order to receive investment and other deductions specified in the declaration to a specific bank account (which must necessarily belong to the taxpayer), it is necessary to fill out an application for a refund of the amount of overpaid tax, indicating the payment details there.

    This can be done in your Personal Account in the “My Taxes” section. As a rule, immediately after the electronic declaration is received by the tax authorities, the “Overpayment” section with the amount of the tax deduction received and the “Dispose” button becomes available. Accordingly, there is no need to wait for the end of the desk audit of the declaration. The functionality of the Personal Account allows you to both offset the overpayment against tax arrears and provide bank details for receipt “on a card”.

  11. The results of the desk check of the declaration, as well as the processing status of other documents (including return applications) can be tracked in your Personal Account in the “Messages” section:

    Ultimately, the desk review should move to the “Completed” status:

    As for the application for a refund of the amount of overpaid tax, a response from the tax office must also be generated on it. However, you will most likely learn about a positive decision before the answer appears in your personal account, when you see the money arrive in your bank account.

    If for some reason the information and statuses in your Personal Account are not updated within the specified time frame (the tax authorities have 3 months for a desk audit of the declaration and another 1 month for the payment of the tax deduction), you can always send an application to the Federal Tax Service in any form, not necessarily To do this, call or come. In the “Life Situations” section, just go to the “Other Situations” subsection. After clicking on the link “No suitable situation”, a form will open for entering an arbitrary appeal to the Federal Tax Service. After sending it, you are required to provide a response within 30 days.


As you can see, filing a tax deduction using an IIS does not pose any difficulties if you know the basic nuances of using the Personal Account of the Federal Tax Service and clearly understand what documents will be required from you. If earlier it took at least half a day to collect all the necessary documents and “go” to the tax office, now, with the advent of modern electronic services, this will take no more than an hour, which is definitely worth the 52,000 rubles earned.

We hope that this article will help significantly save your time.

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This year, for the first time, Russians who have opened an individual investment account can apply for a tax deduction on contributions to an individual investment account for the previous calendar year. To do this, account holders must submit the necessary documents to the tax office from January 1 to April 30. To help private investors who wish to return the treasured 13% discount this year, FinancialOne has prepared brief instructions for filing a tax deduction.

First of all, let us remind you that the owner of an IIS has two ways to take advantage of the tax benefits provided for by law. The first implies that a private investor will issue a tax deduction at the end of the calendar year in which he made a contribution to his investment account. The profitability of IIS operations is not taken into account. That is, if in December 2015 a Russian opened an IIS and deposited 400 thousand rubles into it, then already in January of this year he has the right to submit the relevant documents to the tax office and get back 13% of this amount - 52 thousand rubles.

A private investor can repeat this procedure annually, but a prerequisite is the availability of income in the year for which it is planned to receive the deduction. Thus, the funds that will be returned to the IIS owner from the budget cannot exceed the amount of personal income tax paid by him during the year in which the account was opened.

A private investor will be able to use the second method of obtaining benefits only three years after concluding an agreement for maintaining an individual investment account. In this case, the account owner simply will not have to pay personal income tax on the investment profit received during this period. It does not matter whether the private investor had other sources of income taxed at a rate of 13%. Since this type of benefit is not yet available to Russians (IIS appeared on the market in 2015), it makes sense to consider in detail only the tax deduction of the first type.


So, if there are withheld taxes, and therefore a source of income in 2015, the owner of the IIS needs to take the following steps to apply for a tax benefit:

– obtain from the broker or management company documents confirming the transfer of the contribution to the IIS;

– obtain form 2-NDFL from the employer;

– fill out the 3-NDFL declaration;

– write a tax refund application;

– submit documents to the tax service at the place of permanent registration.


The first point in this simple manual is to obtain documents confirming the transfer of funds to the IIS. These include, first of all, a copy of the agreement on opening an investment account, a payment order for the transfer of funds and a receipt for the transaction. “We provide clients with the following papers: General agreement and application for Comprehensive Services (a document confirming the fact of opening an IIS), as well as payment documents confirming the crediting of funds to the IIS (receipt, payment order for the payment of funds),” Igor told Financial One Sobolev, head of integrated financial solutions at FG BCS.

It should be noted that the set of documents that different brokerage companies provide for filing a tax deduction may vary slightly. Thus, IH Finam, among other things, issues to its clients who have opened an IIS, Form 2-NDFL and a broker’s report for the last tax period.

Obtaining Form 2-NDFL from the employer or organization that provided the income of the IIS owner in 2015 is a fairly simple procedure. According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer must issue it no later than three working days from the date of submission of the employee’s application. The title of form 2-NDFL must indicate the year for which it was issued, and the certificate itself must contain information about the employer (name, details); employee data; income taxed at the base 13% rate – monthly; standard, social and property tax deductions with codes; The total amount of income, deductions, and taxes withheld. It is extremely important that form 2-NDFL is completed correctly, since tax authorities, as a rule, scrupulously check this document.


The most difficult part in the deduction procedure is filling out the declaration in Form 3-NDFL. It can be easily found on the Internet - for example, on the website of the Federal Tax Service. Data on the investment tax deduction in the amount of the contribution to the IIS are indicated in paragraph 3 of sheet E2 (“Calculation of investment tax deductions”). A private investor needs to register income and expenses from operations using an individual investment account, as well as the amount of tax withheld and transferred to the budget based on the 2-NDFL certificate. By the way, the instructions for filling out the declaration, which is attached to form 3-NDFL, have been supplemented with clause 13.4, which explains what needs to be written in clause 3.

Sheet E2 in certificate 3-NDFL for 2015

The good news is that brokerage companies are meeting the needs of clients who own personal investment accounts, helping them with the preparation and filing of tax returns. For example, IH Finam plans to launch a new online service in the near future, which will allow private investors not only to fill out 3-NDFL electronically using the so-called electronic signature, but also to submit a declaration to the Federal Tax Service via the Internet. This service is currently in the testing stage.

FG BCS plans to launch a similar service. It will be available to the company’s clients in the BCS Online Personal Account and will allow them to receive a completed Form 3-NDFL for submission to the tax authority without unnecessary hassle. “In the future, focusing on customer demand and wishes, we intend to expand remote support services so that IIS owners can process tax deductions as competently as possible, as well as other tax benefits,” added Igor Sobolev, head of integrated financial solutions at FG BCS.

The Otkritie Broker company, in turn, will provide consulting support to its clients applying for tax deductions under IIS. In addition, private investors who have opened an individual investment account with this brokerage company have the opportunity to submit a declaration electronically through the government services portal. Gleb Titov, head of the investment products department at Otkritie Broker, noted in a conversation with Financial One that the procedure for processing tax deductions for IIS has not yet been tested in the tax service itself, so filing a declaration electronically is the preferred option. “One of our clients, having come with a package of documents to the tax office at the place of registration, was faced with a complete misunderstanding: as it turned out, the service employees were not aware of what an IIS is and what deduction can be obtained from it. They even had to call their superiors at the Federal Tax Service,” the financier explained.


When filing a tax return, the IIS owner must also attach a tax refund application indicating bank details. A private investor can obtain a sample of this statement from the tax office or from his broker. There are four ways to submit Form 3-NDFL:

– in electronic form through the website of the Federal Tax Service of Russia (using the “Taxpayer Personal Account” service), signing it with a non-qualified electronic signature, which can be generated on the same resource;

– in electronic form via telecommunication channels, using the taxpayer’s enhanced electronic signature, which will need to be obtained from a certification center;

–by mail with a description of the attachment;

– in person to the tax office in paper form.

When filing a return online, a private investor will need to personally submit the remaining documents (confirmation from the broker, application and form 2-NDFL) to the tax service, or send them by mail.


The tax service checks the declarations and the documents attached to them confirming the correctness of the calculations and the validity of the requested deduction within 3 months from the date of their submission to the tax authority. Upon completion of the audit, the amount of overpaid tax will be credited to the bank account whose details the owner of the IIS indicated in his application.

The volume of funds in individual investment accounts (IIA) in Russia has grown almost 2.5 times. In Russia, as of mid-December 2016, more than 177 thousand IIS were opened. If the amount of assets in IIS accounts at the end of 2015 was just over 5 billion rubles, then by the end of this year this volume may already exceed 12 billion. The influx of money into IIS is increased due to annual bonuses, bonuses and 13 salaries.

What are the benefits of opening such an account in terms of taxes?

The owner of the IIS receives a tax deduction from the state. You are given one of two tax deduction options, which in different forms can compensate for the 13% income tax (personal income tax). That is, in three years, when investing each year a maximum amount of 400 thousand rubles, you can get 156 thousand rubles - and this is only due to tax benefits, without taking into account the result from the investments themselves.

Another option is when the investor does not take advantage of the contribution benefit, but all income received from operations on the IIS is exempt from paying personal income tax after three years of the account’s validity.

At the end of 2016, there has been an increase in the influx of funds into individual investment accounts - in particular, these are those bonuses, bonuses and 13th salaries that in past years people transferred to deposits without unnecessary hesitation. It is also worth taking into account the desire of investors to receive a more substantial amount of tax deduction next year, because for this it is necessary to have time to purchase assets before the end of the current year.

What is the best way to manage the funds in an individual investment account?

IIS owners choose strategies for themselves depending on their level of experience and knowledge. For those new to the financial market, it is usually recommended to use conservative solutions. For example, bonds of reliable companies. Some new clients buy dollars and euros at favorable exchange rates. Some choose riskier strategies. Those who already have successful experience investing in the market, for the most part choose aggressive strategies and actively trade shares in the derivatives market.

Is it possible to return personal income tax without unnecessary hassle and going to the tax office?

There are fewer and fewer formal obstacles to opening an individual investment account. There are services, including those from investment companies, that allow the account owner to easily receive a completed Form 3 of personal income tax for submission to the tax authority.

IIS is gradually becoming one of the drivers of development of the domestic stock market. The innovation increases people's interest in investing, because thanks to tax incentives there is an opportunity to try their hand at the stock market. Government support already suggests that this market is an important part of the economy and personal financial planning. The growing popularity of IIS is accompanied by such factors as a decrease in rates on bank deposits and an increase in the financial literacy of the population.

What if step by step? What are the instructions for opening an investment account and returning personal income tax?

  • Where to come?
    To a licensed brokerage or management company.
  • What documents should I have with me?
    To open an account, it is enough to have a Russian passport.
  • What papers need to be filled out?
    Standard kit for opening a brokerage account. Our employee will prepare all the necessary documents for the client.
  • How long does it take to open an account?
    No more than 20 minutes.
  • Do I need to already decide on an investment option before coming to the office?
    The client can make a fundamental decision on investment, as well as on what strategy will be used, both when opening an individual investment account and later.

Can you describe in detail the options for returning personal income tax if you open an individual investment account?

1 option— annual 13% discount on contribution. Open an IIS and deposit up to 400,000 rubles into it. This contribution reduces the tax base: the investor can count on a personal income tax return from the budget in the amount of up to 13% of the amount deposited into the IIS. That is, by opening an account for a maximum of 400,000 rubles, you can count on a personal income tax refund of up to 52,000 rubles. To do this, you need to contact the tax service with a certificate from a broker, which indicates the amount of funds deposited into the IIS.

At the end of tax season, any refund due will be deposited into your bank account. If the investor adds funds every year, then the operation can be repeated annually - deposit funds into an IIS and reduce the tax base by 13%. An important point: such a tax refund can only be received by an investor who has already paid personal income tax (for example, from salary) during the year when the contribution was made. Therefore, the investor can expect a refund of no more than the amount of tax already paid to the treasury. When closing an investment account, you will have to pay a 13% tax on income received from transactions in the account.

This option may be suitable for conservative investors: 52 thousand with a contribution of 400 thousand per year is practically “in your pocket”, and this profitability can be increased with the help of conservative investments.

Option 2— Income without tax. This type of individual investment accounts assumes that the investor does not receive a contribution benefit, but all income received from operations on the IIA is exempt from personal income tax after three years when closing the IIA.

This option may be of interest to active traders who are willing to accept higher risks in anticipation of potentially higher returns.

When choosing the type of individual investment account, it is worth remembering that although you cannot change the type of IRA, you do not make the choice for life. After three years, you can close the account and open a new one - with a different type of taxation.