Certificate of additional income sample from Sberbank. Help on the Sberbank bank form

The solvency and financial stability of the borrower is the main requirement of Sberbank when issuing loans to individuals. To confirm the level of income, the applicant will need a corresponding certificate in form 2-NDFL. Not all employers issue such a document, thereby violating the Labor Code. If the employee is officially registered, this reluctance of the employer is an administrative violation. There are situations when an enterprise simply cannot issue 2-NDFL to its employee. An alternative option is a certificate in the form of Sberbank, developed and established by the credit institution itself.

To register any product, the bank requires clients to provide a special package of documents

Upon request for information, a certificate in the bank form presented to Sberbank resembles 2-NDFL. The document also contains all information about the organization, the employee and his average monthly salary. The difference is that in the first case, the employer is responsible for the accuracy of the information provided, and in the other, the Federal Tax Service. Therefore, Form 2-NDFL is taken into account by the lender unconditionally.

The form provided by the bank is called “Certificate for obtaining a loan/guarantee”. It is issued when the applicant cannot provide an official document about his level of income. Banking organizations are aware that a significant part of Russians are given their salaries “in envelopes” or they work for individual entrepreneurs, where there is no possibility of receiving 2-personal income tax. Therefore, a special form has been developed to assess the financial status of the applicant. Each bank has its own form and rules for filling it out.

Why is the document needed?

In what cases may a document be needed:

  1. The borrower's official salary is lower than the real one, which prevents him from getting a loan.
  2. An individual works unofficially.
  3. In addition to salary, there are other sources of income that require documentary evidence.
  4. The company is not able to provide employees with 2-personal income tax.

The certificate is necessary to confirm the borrower’s income and is required when applying for any type of loan (consumer, car loan, mortgage). Only on the basis of the information received will the bank be able to consider the client’s application for a bank loan.

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the advantages of the document, the following points can be noted:

  • an employee with an unofficial salary has a chance to have a loan application approved;
  • the document may be considered when issuing a mortgage.

The bank requires the most extensive list of documents when applying for loans.

But there are also significant disadvantages:

  • It is not always possible to obtain such paper from the employer. The indicated salary of the employee will be actual evidence of the employer’s illegal actions - concealment of income and failure to pay taxes to the state in full.
  • Due to the difficulty of verifying the veracity of the information received, the bank classifies such documents as risky. Therefore, the borrower will not be able to count on optimal conditions from the lender - the minimum interest rate or the desired loan amount.
  • If a certificate in the form of a bank is submitted to Sberbank to obtain a mortgage, then the client expects a particularly thorough check of his data and employer. If the information does not match the actual information, loan refusals may occur.

What does the sample look like?

A sample certificate in the form of the Sberbank bank takes the form of a standard form, which indicates the following data:

  1. Date of preparation;
  2. name of the Sberbank branch that issued the certificate;
  3. Full name of the employee (borrower);
  4. an indication of the period during which the applicant has been working in the organization (if the employee is currently working at this enterprise, the date of employment is indicated);
  5. full name of the organization;
  6. the organization’s data is filled in (address, telephone numbers of the accounting department, human resources department, OGRN, INN, bank details, BIC);
  7. the applicant's position;
  8. average monthly income of the employee for the last 6 months;
  9. average monthly withholding for 6 months (personal income tax and payments to the employer);
  10. signature of the manager indicating his full name;
  11. signature of the chief accountant with full name;
  12. At the end of the document the company seal is affixed.

If the employer is an individual entrepreneur, then there may not be a chief accountant on staff. In this case, the certificate is certified by the person performing the duties of an accountant. If it is not there, then the manager signs and makes a note that the position of chief accountant is not in the staffing table.

The seal is not affixed only if, according to the organization’s charter, an electronic analogue of the seal is used.

Download the 2019 form

Before filling out a certificate in the bank form for transfer to Sberbank, you must first download the document form on the official website of the banking institution. Typically, a link to download the form is placed on the page of the loan product, if it is possible to provide such paper.

The client can print the template, but only the chief accountant or the employer can fill out the form if the company does not have an accountant position. In addition to the online option, the form can be issued at a bank branch.

Instructions for filling and example

In practice, no difficulties arise when filling out the form. The sample was compiled by the financial institution in such a way that at the bottom of the downloaded form there are all the explanations for correct completion. The accountant or manager of the company where the borrower works only needs to carefully and reliably enter the information in the fields of the form. It is necessary to fill out the fields strictly in accordance with the requirements of the banking institution, otherwise the certificate will be rejected.

It is especially important to truthfully indicate an employee's salary. This “inaccuracy” very often becomes the reason for refusal of lending, which negatively affects the borrower’s credit history and reduces his chances of receiving a loan in the future.

All information must be provided truthfully so as not to spoil your credit history in the future.

How to get help step by step

Ordering a certificate is very simple:

  1. First, take the form from the operator at the branch or download it from the Sberbank website.
  2. Submit the blank form to the accounting department or to the employer if the position of accountant is not available.
  3. The accountant (manager) fills out the form independently, signs it, and confirms it with a seal.
  4. The client submits the completed form with the remaining documents required to obtain the loan to the Sberbank branch.


An important point in drawing up a salary certificate in the bank form is to indicate the date of registration. According to Sberbank rules, such a document is considered valid for 30 days after its preparation. If the deadline is missed, you must issue a new paper.

The template for filling out the form can be found on the bank’s website; you should look for it in the list of documents for loans

Checking the certificate by bank employees

Many people are interested in whether Sberbank checks the certificate according to the bank form? The answer is definitely. And especially carefully if the application is submitted for a large amount or for a long period. The most scrupulous check is for mortgage loans. It is handled by the credit department and security service of the banking institution. Initially, the credit manager checks the documents for falsification: the details and other data are verified. Then they contact the employer or the accounting department of the enterprise where the applicant works by telephone, and the specified salary is clarified. The second option for checking information about the borrower’s earnings is to use a database of the company’s payments to social funds, which will be evidence of actual payroll payments to employees.

For large loans, the security service may be involved. If all information is submitted without distortion, then the document is accepted for further consideration of the loan application.

The thoroughness of the check is explained by the fact that the bank considers the provision of information from the employer to be a risk group. In some cases, the employer may, at the request of the employee, overestimate his level of income. At the moment, there are many “firms” offering such certificates for a fee.

Banks pay special attention to this paper - they check the accuracy of the specified data

Borrowers who use such dubious options and obtain loans using false documents are subject to Article 159.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Fraud in the field of lending.” This article provides for serious punishment - a large fine and even imprisonment for up to 10 years.

When can you do without a certificate?

A certificate of income in the bank form is not always needed: in some cases, Sberbank does not require clients to provide it. This is possible in the following cases:

  • The client participates in the Sberbank salary project. An active salary card confirms the financial solvency of the borrower, so the bank does not require additional income certificates. The bank may request such information if there have been no receipts on the salary card for 4 months or more. An additional document will be required if the borrower has several other sources of income.
  • An open and timely repaid loan or deposit with Sberbank is also evidence of the client’s solvency. If the deposit has not been replenished for at least six months, the bank has the right to require information about the financial condition.

When applying for a loan, a significant advantage is having a salary card or a significant deposit with this bank

The situation is more complicated for individual entrepreneurs who independently calculate their income and make tax deductions. For personal income tax payers, the document confirming their earnings is the 3-NDFL declaration. For entrepreneurs under the simplified taxation system, such a document is a declaration under the simplified tax system. As for the UTII declaration, it cannot replace a certificate in the form of Sberbank. In this case, income is calculated using basic data and adjustment factors, so actual income may differ.

Alternative ways to verify income

If at state-owned enterprises, according to administrative documents, it is not possible to provide employees with such an official document, then civil servants can provide a document based on the model of this enterprise. The sample contains the following information:

  1. Full name of the employee;
  2. the exact name of the enterprise or military unit with the address;
  3. accounting department phone number;
  4. average salary and full earnings for the last 6 months.

The certificate is certified by the signature of the chief accountant and the seal of the state enterprise. If the document indicates the employee’s length of service and his position, then there will be no need to provide employment information to submit a loan application.

For individual entrepreneurs working on UTII, there are 2 ways to confirm their earnings.

If you need a Sberbank certificate in the bank form, most likely you are planning to take out a loan. Filling out such a certificate is one of the methods of confirming your own income, which is necessary to pay off the loan amount and the interest accrued on it. The second method is a certificate in form 2NDFL, it is usually generated by accounting employees, data is entered automatically from software products, we will talk about it in the next article. In 2018, the Sberbank certificate form according to the bank form did not change much. Only the clarifying part, which contains only background information, was changed, and columns were added indicating the calculation of taxes paid by the employer in favor of the Federal Tax Service and non-state funds for the employee in whose name this certificate is issued according to the Sberbank form in 2018.

Let's look at the principle of filling out a Sberbank certificate according to the bank form (sorry for the tautology), look at an example of filling it out and find out whether it is so difficult to cope with this on your own without involving the chief accountant for help. In general, it is worth noting that a certificate on the form of any bank (they are different in appearance, but the information required to be filled out) must be filled out by an employee of the form in which the loan applicant is employed. The fields are sequentially filled in indicating:

Company details (TIN, OGRN, address, current account, name of operating bank),
- location of the company,
- employee salaries and the amount of taxes paid to him,
- the exact time of his work (date of employment under an agreement or contract)/

Next, the certificate is certified by the personal signature of the director and chief accountant, and the organization’s original seal is also affixed. It is important to remember that if the organization issuing a certificate for its employee does not have a chief accountant or this function is performed directly by the manager or a hired auditor/accountant who is not on staff, the director will need to make the following entry:

There is no position of chief accountant (another official performing his functions) on the staff of the enterprise (organization).

The entry must be certified by the personal signature of the director.

Sberbank of Russia prefers to reinsure itself by issuing a loan to the borrower for the purchase of housing, commercial real estate or a car. Confirmation of the client's solvency must be documented. The most common option is a completed certificate in form 2-NDFL. But not all enterprises have the opportunity to provide employees with this type of paper due to double bookkeeping or the absence of an accountant as unnecessary. In such cases, the client can prepare a certificate in the bank form for Sberbank.

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In what cases is a certificate needed?

A citizen may need a document confirming the availability and amount of income to apply for a mortgage, car loan or non-targeted loan from a bank. The paper reflects the actual amount of income of a person in an organization that is not able to provide the bank with a 2-NDFL certificate. It is proof of the income of a potential client. The paper is necessary to calculate the possible amount of the credit body.

Important! If the borrower needs a large amount of money for a mortgage, additional certificates can be provided to prove income.

Sources of profit other than wages are:

  • pension benefit;
  • benefits paid by the state;
  • profit from the rental of real estate and movable property;
  • maternal capital.

If the client has an active one in his hands, he does not need to submit a certificate for a mortgage in the bank’s form. The lender knows all the information about solvency. A request for a certificate is possible if there has been no receipt of funds on the card over the past six months. The document is required if several channels serve as proof of income for the bank. Each of them requires its own confirmation.

Important! There is no need to confirm solvency if you have a deposit in Sberbank. The existence of an outstanding but timely repaid loan from the bank will work in favor of the borrower.

Who should fill out the certificate

The income certificate is filled out by the accountant of the organization in which the borrower works. If the position of accountant is not available, it is filled in and signed by the manager. Opposite the accountant's signature field, you must make an appropriate note indicating that the position does not exist:

  1. The document indicates the basis for its issuance and the Sberbank division to which the paper is provided.
  2. Then enter the last name, first name, patronymic of the person being credited, the day, month, year of employment and the name of the organization in which he works.
  3. Along with the name, the tax identification number, OGRN, telephone number, and address of the enterprise are entered.
  4. Next on the list is the position held and the amount of wages for the last six months.
  5. Afterwards, the amount of contributions to the state treasury for all types of taxes (personal income tax, pension tax, social security and others), if any, is prescribed.
  6. The paper is certified by the director and chief accountant.

If the company does not have the position of chief accountant or other person performing similar functions, the document is signed by the manager. And opposite the note “Signature of the chief accountant” it is necessary to make the inscription “The position of chief accountant is not on the staff of the organization.”

Sample certificate in the form of Sberbank bank

To apply for a mortgage on an apartment, you need to collect a package of documents, which includes a paper on solvency. A sample of it can be taken at a Sberbank branch or downloaded from the bank’s official website. To download it yourself, you must complete the following steps:

  1. Visit the Sberbank website.
  2. Find the “Take a loan” section at the top left of the bank page.
  3. In the window that opens, select from the list the line of interest with the name of the loan.
  4. Poll: are you satisfied with the quality of services provided by Sberbank in general?


  5. View the page that opens by scrolling down and find the section with useful information.
  6. In the “Useful information” section, select the line “Certificate of income according to the bank form.”
  7. The pop-up window with the loan calculation can be closed by clicking on the cross in the upper right corner. The mortgage certificate form according to the Sberbank form can be downloaded directly from the website or by clicking on.

    The downloaded form will be ready to fill out and print.

    Note! At the top of the document there is a field for filling in the date the document was compiled. It is valid for submission to the bank within 30 days.

    The paper must contain all the necessary signatures, certified by the seal of the organization. The contents of the certificate have a direct impact on the decision of the bank’s lending commission. The document must be completed by the company's accountant.

An income certificate is one of the most requested documents from an employer. The need to provide it is faced primarily by potential clients who expect, for example, to take out a loan or an overdraft. As a rule, a certificate of form 2-NDFL is accepted as confirmation of a citizen’s solvency. However, recently, most banking institutions have begun to accept its alternative, which is a certificate in the form of a bank, a sample for filling which has certain nuances depending on the credit institution. Let's take a closer look at the issues that are relevant to borrowers: what such a certificate looks like, where you can get a sample of it, and how it is filled out.

Help on bank form sample filling - main features

It is important to emphasize that, despite the fact that a certificate from a banking institution is a local document that is not approved at the legislative level, it is an official financial document that must reflect reliable information. The use of such a certificate, the purpose of which is similar to that of the generally accepted certificate of form 2-NDFL, is due to the fact that in some cases part of the wages received is not officially processed in order to reduce the tax burden on the organization. Payments “in an envelope” are a violation of current legislation, and therefore not every manager will sign a certificate indicating the so-called “gray” salary.

Nevertheless, information about how to fill out consistently arouses interest among those interested. The issuance of such a certificate is carried out in accordance with established rules, which may differ depending on the bank. In other words, the sample certificate, which can be downloaded on the Sberbank website, is suitable for use in this particular bank.

What does a bank certificate look like and where can I get it?

As noted above, each bank has its own idea of ​​what a bank certificate looks like. You can familiarize yourself with a sample that is acceptable in a particular case on the official website of the bank to which you plan to apply.

As a rule, a sample certificate is available for downloading and further printing. It is an A4 document. All empty fields must be filled in. In the vast majority of cases, the bank is interested in the following information:

  • name, details, address and telephone number of the organization in which the citizen is employed;
  • information about the employee;
  • position held and existing work experience;
  • actually received wages for the last six months, broken down by month.

After this, the certificate is certified by the signature of the head and/or chief accountant of the organization and sealed with its seal.

Do not forget that the validity period of the certificate is limited. Most often, it is accepted within 30 days from the date of preparation.

How to fill out a bank certificate correctly?

Obviously, correctly filling out a certificate in the bank form is a guarantee of acceptance of the package of documents, while making any mistake makes the document invalid, which leads to complications when registering a particular banking product of interest. The sample form will help you fill out the bank certificate correctly. It can be viewed both online and by visiting bank branches. The importance of such information is difficult to underestimate, because when filling out the form there are certain nuances that should be taken into account. We emphasize that each bank sets its own requirements. For example, in the help

To obtain a loan from Sberbank, you must contact the bank branch and fill out the appropriate application, along with submitting the appropriate package of documents. Among them, the most important is a certificate from Sberbank for obtaining a loan. You can download the sample and form below.

A certificate for obtaining credit funds from Sberbank is confirmation of the appropriate level of income for a certain period of time. That is, in fact, this is a kind of alternative to the standard personal income tax-2 form, which is included in the general list of mandatory documents required to obtain a loan.

However, any type of program makes it possible to use different methods of transmitting documents. In some cases, it is impossible to obtain a document in the required format. This is dictated by specific document flow regulations, forms of management and ownership. Therefore, Sberbank has developed such a certificate.

Terms of lending at Sberbank

A certificate to Sberbank for applying for a loan (sample and form for downloading is in this article) is issued in the form of a formal form, which should be submitted to the accounting department or the head of the company. The authorized person fills out the relevant sections, affixes signatures and appropriate seals.

You can obtain such a certificate in two ways:

  1. Contact a bank branch.
  2. Download on the website.

Download the certificate form

The procedure for filling out a Sberbank certificate

Often, borrowers turn to Sberbank employees not only with a request to issue a certificate, but also wanting to take a sample to fill out. As a rule, the last option is not stored in the department, because the form is not difficult to fill out. It contains the following sections:

  • Full name of the applicant;
  • name of the enterprise;
  • details and contact information. If this is an individual entrepreneur and there are no bank accounts or other data, the fields do not need to be filled in;
  • date of official registration for work;
  • job title;
  • average income (for 6 months). If the period of work at the enterprise is shorter, it is necessary to indicate it and recalculate it;
  • average expenditure taking into account tax deductions and other costs for 6 months.

If the enterprise does not have a chief accountant or other responsible person, there is no need to sign. The main thing is to indicate that this position does not exist.

Necessary package of documents for obtaining a loan

Deadline for submitting a certificate

Please note that after receiving the certificate you will only have a month to complete it and return it. When a bank certificate is issued for obtaining a mortgage from Sberbank, the employee puts on it the date, number and name of the bank branch. If the certificate was taken from the website, you need to go to Sberbank with it to receive the proper marks. Otherwise there will be difficulties. Although, in practice, such cases are rare.

Please note that until the bank is provided with up-to-date information in full, the application will not be considered. In some situations, it is better to request a certificate from Sberbank in advance to apply for a loan. After viewing the sample and downloading the form, you can collect the documents in accordance with the mandatory list, while the accountant or manager is preparing them.