What commission does Sberbank charge for housing and communal services payments? Why does Sberbank charge a commission for housing and communal services?

Most Russians prefer to pay their bills for communications, television, housing and communal services and other services the old-fashioned way, i.e. at the cash desk at the Post Office or at a bank branch. At the same time, the question quite often arises: what commission is charged for making such a payment?

The percentage depends on the region and the recipient of the transfer. All specific tariffs can be viewed in the directory in the “Money transfers” section by opening the region you need on the bank’s website, as well as using this link.

We will look at the general numbers for everyone, and focus on some ranges.

  • You can pay for the services of mobile operators completely free of charge, replenishing both your and any other (spouse, child, parents) phone number. This can be done through any remote communication channel: mobile banking, ATM, Sberbank online.
  • . Such payments can be made either through a cashier or remotely. It is important to consider here that the commission depends on the contractual relationship between the bank and the utility company.
  • Telecommunications services. Both the payment procedure and the commission are similar to payment for housing and communal services.
  • Traffic police fines. Such a service will cost 2-3% through an operator or 1-2% through a self-service device.
  • The bank makes tax payments free of charge. Should not be confused with non-tax payments to the budget or extra-budgetary funds.

How to pay a debt on a receipt? Today, clients of this financial institution have several options for paying off their debt:

  1. Through the cash desk at the branch. There is nothing complicated here - you take a receipt and go to the nearest bank branch. At a special terminal, take a coupon with a number and wait for your turn. You give the papers to the operator and pay the amount in cash or by card, after which you are given a check. Convenient because you can pay in cash and get change. Inconvenient queuing.
  2. Using an ATM or payment terminal of this network - in this case you will need a card with which to make the payment. The device has a special camera that reads all the necessary information from the barcode on the receipt. You need to select the “Payments” section in the menu, then utilities and your company, let the system read information about paying the specified amount;
  3. Using the Sberbank Online Internet service. Here you will need a PC and Internet access. After you log into your Personal Account, you also select the “Payments and Transfers” section, indicate the type of transaction, find the company serving you and enter the details. Next, indicate the account from which you want to debit money and confirm the debit.
  4. Using a mobile application - all actions are similar to working with Internet banking, only the work is carried out from a phone or tablet.

Moreover, the first method is available to everyone, but the subsequent ones are only for existing Sberbank clients who have a card here. But it is always more profitable to conduct an operation through any remote device than through an employee. The difference may be 1-2%.

And for replenishing mobile phones, and you can connect Autopayment to pay for housing and communal services. Connection is free.

Paying utility bills has recently become more and more accessible and convenient: you can activate automatic payment from a salary card, you can make all transactions in the Internet banking system, but many residents of the Russian Federation, especially the older generation, still prefer to pay for utility bills in cash at a bank branch. Before going to the branch, the question may arise: what is the commission in Sberbank when paying a receipt in 2018 and is it worth spending your time going there?

Payment in cash at the branch cash desk

The most common payment method is still a payment at the Sberbank cash desk. But it is worth considering that the commission at Sberbank for paying a receipt in cash at the cash desk is 3%. In 2018, this is the highest percentage for the provision of services of this kind. This state of affairs is due to the fact that accepting money for household services in the department is associated with significant time costs.

As a rule, more than one payment is required and the operator has to manually enter all the data, which increases the time of servicing one client to 15-30 minutes. At this time, the queue grows, and with it the dissatisfaction of visitors. Therefore, in each branch there is an administrator who will gladly teach anyone who wants to pay in cash for household services through other existing methods.

How to pay with a receipt at an ATM

One of the most popular and accessible payment options today is the use of ATMs. Convenience lies not only in efficiency and full control over operations, but also in the location of ATMs and their round-the-clock availability. To visit the department you often have to set aside half a day, or even a whole day. Branches operate during normal business hours, making it difficult for people with work to visit.

Another advantage of cash dispensers in 2018 is the commission at Sberbank when paying a receipt through an ATM - it is significantly lower than when going to a cash register. The exact amount depends on the type of paid services, but on average varies from one to two percent.

To use the ATM services to pay utility bills, you need to do the following:

  • Insert the card and enter your PIN code.
  • Select the Payments and transfers section.
  • Click on Payments in our region.
  • Go to the tab with the name of the desired utility company.
  • Enter the details from the receipt and some additional information if required.
  • Click the Pay button and track the status of the action until it says Completed.

The disadvantage of the described payment method is that the commission at Sberbank for paying housing and communal services receipts is not fixed and will differ from one organization to another. ATMs of outdated models do not have software with the utility payment function. But in modern machines you can pay not only with a card, but also with banknotes.

What is the commission when paying through the terminal?

In addition to machines for accepting and issuing banknotes, in the financial service system of Sberbank in 2018 there are similar machines - terminals. Their difference lies in the fact that they only accept banknotes and various types of payments from the population, but do not issue money in person. When using the terminal, the commission at Sberbank for paying a receipt in cash will be 2%. The same fee applies when using plastic.

The disadvantage of this type of payment is that the terminals are often located in bank branches. That is, in order to make a payment, the consumer will still have to go to the branch and coordinate his schedule with the financial company’s work schedule.

Payment for housing and communal services in Sberbank online

The most modern and economical in terms of finances and time costs for 2018 is the use of Internet banking. The commission at Sberbank for paying housing and communal services receipts through the Sberbank-online web structure is only one percent. In addition, you can make payments at any time of the day or night, without leaving your home. All that is needed to use this option is the presence of the Internet and an electronic device with stable access. In addition, you need to be registered in the system.

To pay for utilities online, you need:

  • Log in to Sberbank online using your personal login and password.
  • Click on the Transfers and Payments section.
  • Select the desired item at the bottom of the window.
  • Click on the organization serving the residential premises.
  • Enter the requested data.
  • Make a payment.

How to pay utility bills without entering payment details

Using Internet banking, the commission at Sberbank for paying a receipt in 2018 is significantly reduced. Recently, the company released a mobile application that allows utilities to conduct transactions.

Connecting auto payment in 2018

If a consumer does not want to spend a single minute of his time paying for household services, then it makes sense to activate autopayment. A logical question arises: what is the commission in Sberbank when paying a receipt via autopayment? The good news will be a figure of 0-1%. Using this payment method, the required amounts are withdrawn automatically, without requiring client intervention.

All you need for auto payment is a positive balance on the card and regular monthly receipts. Having spent time on auto-tuning once, the commission at Sberbank for paying a housing and communal services receipt for the payer will be significantly reduced, and you will no longer have to worry about transactions, delays and penalties.


To summarize, we can conclude that the commission at Sberbank for paying the 2018 receipt ranges from 0 to 3 percent. Some services, such as paying taxes or using funds for charitable purposes, are not subject to additional fees at all. But, wondering what the commission is in Sberbank when paying a receipt and where it is more profitable to pay, you should give preference to remote methods that do not require personal presence at a bank branch.

A modern payer for housing and communal services clearly chooses the payment method via the Internet - for the sake of convenience and savings. Since the majority of the country’s population are Sberbank clients, the Sberbank online service is gradually becoming the main tool for paying for various services in 2018.

This application is connected when the client has entered into an agreement with Sberbank and received a bank card. It is also possible to independently connect to the service - on the main page of the portal. You can also contact the Sber support service at 900. In both cases, you will have to log in.

The Sber client card will be linked to the Sberbank online service, and money will be debited from it. Moreover, it does not matter what type of card the client has in his hands - debit or credit.

Is there a Sberbank commission when paying housing and communal services bills?

Payment for housing and communal services through Sberbank online is made without bank commission. However, Russians sometimes wonder why Sberbank charges a commission for paying for housing and communal services. This is due to the fact that in some regions there are no signed agreements between the bank and a specific payer of services - a management company or a fuel and energy enterprise. Therefore, Sber is forced to charge 1% of the amount paid for housing and communal services for services.

In 2018, such cases are rare - in most regions of the Russian Federation, Sberbank does not charge a commission fee from the client. When paying for housing and communal services using the Autopayment system of the Sberbank online service, the user will be charged 1% of the payment amount - this is a convenience fee.

When paying through a terminal or ATM, a commission of 2% of the amount paid is charged. Moreover, you can pay in cash at the terminal, but change is not provided.

If a Sber client comes to the office and pays at the cash register, he will be charged 3% of the payment amount.

How to pay for housing and communal services through Sberbank online?

For this operation, you need to have the Mobile Bank online application connected to the Sberbank online service. The payer of housing and communal services must log into the Personal Account of the Sberbank application online and select the “Payment for purchases and services” option.

Select "Housing and communal services and home telephone".

Select the desired service you want to pay for - for example, consumed electricity

The system fills in the fields with the payer's details itself, and the payer needs to check them with those indicated in his receipt and manually enter meter readings.

Then click the “Continue” option and make the payment.

Then you need to confirm it with the password from the bank’s SMS notification, which will be sent to the client’s phone.

When the operation is completed, the message “Completed” will appear.

If necessary, the payer can print a receipt on a printer connected to a computer or other gadget that was used to log into Sberbank online.

It is possible to pay for housing and communal services by card from your account directly from your mobile phone, since Sberbank online also operates in a mobile version. The payer's actions are similar.

However, with all payment methods, you must remember that transactions will not be carried out if there are not sufficient funds on the card. As for credit cards, you can use them to pay for services and goods in excess of the existing limit, but such an operation will cost the owner much more than usual.

How to pay for housing and communal services in Sberbank using a barcode?

In 2018, many terminals and ATMs are already equipped with a laser barcode reading system for housing and communal services payment receipts. This is done for the convenience of payers who do not need to manually fill in the details of organizations where payments for utility services are accepted.

What is the payer's algorithm of actions?

Insert the card into the ATM or terminal and activate via PIN code.

Select the "Payments by Barcode" option.

Bring the receipt to the reading laser scanner so that the beam can hit the barcode. When scanning has occurred, the device makes a sharp sound, and the system fills in the necessary details itself.

The reader scans the barcode on the receipt

Then you should enter the payment amount - from a card at an ATM or in cash at a terminal, and then confirm the payment.

Print the check - if necessary for the payer.

Automatic payment for housing and communal services from Sberbank: what is it?

Sberbank online has the “Autopayment” service in its arsenal. Its advantage is convenience for the client, since it helps him not to waste time, including paying for utilities.

The bank client indicates in the application the time when it is convenient for him to make payments, and the day before, Sberbank takes upon itself the responsibility to check the status of the accounts - are there any unpaid housing and communal services? If any are detected, the user of the Autopayment service receives an SMS notification with account information.

If the client does not refuse payment - and this can be done using a simple command with an SMS code to the number 900 - then the next day Sberbank carries out an operation to pay for the utility service.

If the payer needs a check, the service makes it possible to print it on a printer connected to Sberbank online on a computer or other gadget.

How to connect “Autopayment” housing and communal services through Sberbank and how to disable “Autopayment” housing and communal services Sberbank.

When it comes to paying utility bills, most people calculate the approximate amount before going to the bank to pay. Information about the amount of Sberbank commission charged when paying housing and communal services receipts is posted in branches and on the bank’s official website. But if you need to pay not one, but several receipts, it’s easy to get lost in the numbers and incorrectly calculate the required amount.

A commission is a certain percentage of the total payment amount charged by a banking institution for conducting a monetary transaction. Its size is determined by the institution itself in accordance with Article 157 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation.

Payment methods for utilities

Sberbank offers various methods of paying for utility services so that each client has the opportunity to choose the most convenient one for themselves. The difference will only be in the types of checks issued, payment (independent or with the assistance of bank employees) and the size of the commission.

According to the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, payment for utilities must be made no later than the 10th day of the month following the billing month. The cost of services is indicated in receipts that arrive monthly in subscribers' mailboxes.

When faced with the need to pay utility bills, you can do this in several ways:

  1. At a bank branch. You can use the services of a cash register operator: take an electronic coupon, wait for your turn and pay all bills in any convenient way (cash or bank transfer).
  2. Via terminal. It can be located in the same bank branch, on the street or in shopping centers. In the menu, you need to select the payment window for the required type of service (electricity, gas, water, etc.) and fill in all the required fields (full name, account number, amount and period of payment, meter readings, etc.). After that, deposit the money and pick up the check.
  3. Through the Internet. To avoid wasting time visiting a bank branch and standing in queues, you can use Sberbank online or mobile banking services. In the applications in the payment menu there are templates to fill out, and the ability to create automatic payments for certain types of services.

When paying for housing and communal services to Sberbank online, a commission of 0-1% of the payment amount is charged

Payment for services at a bank branch

Once upon a time, it was possible to pay utility bills only at the bank's cash desk. To do this, you need to perform a certain sequence of actions:

  1. come to the department;
  2. take an electronic queue ticket and wait for the operator to call;
  3. give the bills and money to the cashier; after the transaction is completed, they will be stamped with payment dates and stamped by the bank.

Today, cash register services are used mainly by older people, since they do not have knowledge of using the Internet. The disadvantages of this method are waiting in queues and a long service procedure. The cashier fills out all payment forms manually, and this takes time. On average, this operation takes 15-30 minutes.

The fee for paying a bill at the cash desk is 3% and is the highest of all utility payment options.

Since waiting in line does not suit all visitors, there is usually an administrator in the hall who can advise clients on paying for utilities through terminals and ATMs.

Payment for services through a terminal or ATM

You can independently make payments on housing and communal services receipts via Sberbank terminal. It accepts both plastic cards and cash. The one-time limit for depositing funds is 15,000 rubles.

You must have your receipt with you. It contains a special QR code at the bottom, which must be brought to the reading window of the terminal. Through it, all information about the payment will be transmitted automatically.

Procedure for payment:

  1. Log in to the terminal if payment is made from a card.
  2. Select the tab (Utilities) from the menu.
  3. From the proposed options, select the one you need to pay.
  4. Enter personal account and payer details (or read them from the QR code).
  5. Full information about the payment and the amount of debt, if any, will appear on the screen. It is important to check the accuracy of the data and adjust the payment amount if necessary.
  6. Click the “Pay” button.
  7. When paying with a card, the money will be debited from your account. If you deposit cash, it is worth remembering that change is not issued by the terminal.
  8. Pick up the check.

The most convenient way to pay for utilities is Sberbank online banking

A similar algorithm of actions is required when paying through an ATM. Only the ATM does not have a reader, so all information will have to be entered manually. Another disadvantage is that it is not always possible to find a modern ATM. And in older models there is no function for paying utility bills.

Payment can be made at any time of the day if a terminal or ATM is available. The commission percentage for using a terminal or ATM is 2% of the payment amount.

Features of paying for housing and communal services through Sberbank online

According to surveys, approximately 7 out of 10 clients pay utility bills using Internet banking on the website https://online.sberbank.ru. This saves users time and nerves, and also makes it possible to view the history of their transactions and check for debts to suppliers.

When payment is confirmed, funds are transferred to the accounts of service companies within a few minutes. Payment can be made quickly and at any time of the day, without waiting for the transaction to complete.

What is the commission to Sberbank online for payments for housing and communal services? For users of the Internet service, the bank has established a minimum commission fee: from 0 to 1% of the payment amount. The maximum commission amount (about 1000 rubles) is charged only when transferring funds to a legal entity that does not have an agreement with the bank for the transfer of payments.

When using Internet banking, the risk of incorrect execution of a payment receipt due to the fault of a bank employee is completely eliminated. The user independently fills out the payment form, which, in turn, does not exclude the risk of making an error due to the fault of the user himself.

Sberbank stores the online history of payment transactions for several years. If at any time you need to locate and print your receipt, you can do so without much hassle. Storing a paper copy is not insured against damage over time or loss.

You can pay for housing and communal services in Sberbank using the Autopayment service

Sequence of actions when paying through Sberbank online:

  1. Log in to your Sberbank Online personal account.
  2. Select the “Payments and Transfers” tab.
  3. In the list that opens, select the “Housing and communal services and home telephone” tab.
  4. A list of services available for payment using the service will appear on the monitor. You can find the desired service provider organization through the search bar by type of service, enterprise tax identification number or subscriber’s personal account number.
  5. In the form that opens, fill in all the required fields: receipt number, payer’s personal account number, the remaining parameters should be filled in automatically. It is only necessary to verify their accuracy.
  6. If necessary, you must change the payment amount and click the “Pay” button. Then enter the confirmation code received via SMS into a special form.

If the amount indicated in the payment form is greater than what is in the payer’s account, the payment will not be able to be made, so you should make sure in advance that the card balance will cover all transactions performed.

When you finish working with banking, you should not only close the bank page, but also first log out of your account. This will protect your account from fraudulent activities regarding funds in the account. When receiving emails on behalf of the bank, you should not click on the links specified in them, since this may also be an attempt by scammers to lure a Sberbank client to a phishing page. Official letters from the bank may contain addresses of official pages, but they are never redirected.

To simplify the procedure for paying bills, the “Autopayment” function has been introduced in the mobile application and Sberbank online service. It allows you to create templates for payment receipts according to selected parameters, and funds from your account will be debited from them automatically within the specified time frame. Sberbank's commission for auto payments ranges from 0 to 1% of the amount.

Sberbank charges a certain commission when paying for utilities. The amount of the fee varies depending on the methods of payment transactions. In order to understand how Sberbank charges commission when paying receipts, you need to consider several of these methods.

At a bank branch

This is the most common way to pay for utilities. All you have to do is go to the nearest office and pay for services at the cash desk. After completing the cash transaction, a receipt will be provided. For many, this is the most reliable and convenient type of payment.

What disadvantages can be identified:

  • wasting a lot of time due to queues;
  • personal factor (not all cashiers can quickly cope with the job);
  • the commission is quite high - 3%.

This type of payment will save time and will not cause hassle. Plastic cards and banknotes are accepted. There is a limit on the amount - 15,000 rubles. The commission fee will be reduced to 2% of the total amount.

What do we have to do?

  • If you choose to pay by card, place it in the device and enter the password.
  • In the menu that opens, go to the “Utility Payments” section and select the required one in the list of organizations.
  • Then the system will request your personal account details.
  • At the next stage, all information about the client, metering data and possible debt will appear.
  • Carefully study all the data on the screen, correct any shortcomings and indicate the amount of money to transfer.
  • Click on the corresponding “Pay” menu field.
  • When using a plastic card, funds will be debited automatically. If cash is used, it must be placed in a special slot in the terminal.
  • Don't forget to pick up the receipt and keep it as proof of the transaction.

Using an ATM

In this case, you only need a bank card.

After identifying the card, select the desired service and institution in the main menu. Enter 10 characters of the payer’s personal code.

The amount for payment will appear on the screen, which must be made by pressing the “Pay” button. The funds will be written off instantly.

This method will allow you to pay for services quickly and at any time. Not all ATMs have this feature. The commission will be 5%.

Using the Sberbank online service

This is the most convenient way. You can pay any bills around the clock, without leaving your home. All you need is an internet connection.
Registration in this system will not take much time. Sberbank online makes it possible to create templates for each transaction to pay for utility services, in which all payment data will already be indicated in advance. This can save time on subsequent payments by not having to enter all the required information again.

The Sberbank-online system does not charge a commission on payments, which has made this type of payment very popular.

Anyone who has a plastic card can afford to use all the options of this system. You just need to first obtain an ID and password to use the service.

All payment methods for receipts offered by the bank are convenient in their own way. The smallest commission fee will be paid when using terminals. You can avoid paying commissions altogether by using the Sberbank-online system.