Consumer lending at Moscow Credit Bank. Loan calculator at Moscow Credit Bank Offers for individuals

The most popular area of ​​work of financial institutions in our economically difficult times is consumer lending to the population. It is this direction that such a large commercial organization as the Moscow Credit Bank, or MKB for short, has chosen for its activities.

The company operates in Moscow and the Moscow region and, according to statistics, is one of the hundred best banks in Russia. See the entire reliability rating

We will discuss further what a consumer loan at MKB is, under what conditions it is provided and how it can be applied for.

Offers for individuals

The main difference between MKB and other financial organizations is that the company provides loans to individuals and legal entities at relatively low interest rates. At the same time, the procedure for applying for a loan occurs quickly, comfortably, without delays or bureaucratic red tape.

In 2017, consumer loans for individuals in the ICB on favorable terms are represented by the following programs:

1. Non-targeted loan without collateral- provided under the following conditions:

  • interest rate for individuals from 12.5%;
  • minimum amount - 50 thousand rubles;
  • maximum loan size - 2 million rubles;
  • lending period – from 6 months to 15 years;
  • security in the form of collateral is not required.

2. Mortgage loan from ICD is available to individuals under the following conditions:

  • annual rate from 9.99%;
  • the smallest loan amount is RUB 1,000,000;
  • maximum amount – 15,000,000 rubles;
  • grant period – from 12 months to 20 years;
  • early repayment is possible from the first month;
  • collateral – the apartment being purchased or existing housing.

3. Car loan in MKB physical entities can register under the following conditions:

  • annual rate from 14.5%;
  • minimum amount – 120 thousand rubles;
  • largest volume – 4 million rubles;
  • lending period – from six months to 84 months (7 years);
  • with the possibility of early repayment;
  • Vehicle insurance is provided at the request of the client.

In addition, users living in the capital and the Moscow region have access to profitable offers in the form of plastic products from MKB. The following types of credit cards can be issued at the Moscow Credit Bank:

1. Mastercard Standard and Visa Classic credit cards:

  • account fund limit up to 300,000;
  • service price 850 rub. in year.

2. Gold Mastercard and Visa Gold:

  • the maximum daily withdrawal limit from an ATM account is 500 thousand rubles,
  • Using the card will cost 3 thousand per year

3. World Mastercard Black Edition:

  • card limit up to 55,000,
  • cost of service - 50,000 rubles. in year;

4. Plastic with customer's design(card with individual design from ICD):

  • interest-free withdrawal of up to 300,000 rubles per day when using an MKB ATM,
  • Maintenance per year costs 1200.

The interest-free period for using funds for all ICD loan products is 55 days.

Consumer loan for pensioners in MKB

At the Moscow Credit Bank, pensioners enjoy special respect. A consumer loan for pensioners is provided on the following terms:

  • Non-targeted loan in domestic currency ranging from 50 thousand rubles to 2 million,
  • The period of use of money ranges from 6 months to 6 years,
  • The interest rate for pensioners is 12.5% ​​per year.

MKB also offers pensioners refinancing consumer loans from other banks. The program is called “Credit Reboot”. The conditions for it are as follows:

  • loan volume from 50,000 to 2,000,000,
  • term 1 – 15 years,
  • annual interest rate from 12.5%.

Senior citizens who have retired can apply for a loan from MKB without a commission fee. The decision to lend money is made within an hour after the application.

How to apply?

There are two ways to get a consumer loan from MKB Bank:

  • On a personal visit to the organization;
  • Via the Internet on the official website of the company.

In the first case, the client must come to the bank branch closest to his place of residence with the required documents (passport, income certificate, copy of employment) and, in the presence of a company employee, write an application for a user loan.

The second option for applying for a loan to the Moscow Credit Bank is more comfortable:

  • The user visits the organization's website
  • Select the loan product you like and click the “Leave a request” option.
  • Next, fill out an application form indicating such parameters as the desired loan amount, monthly income, personal information of the applicant (full name, date of birth) and contact phone number.
  • The completed application form is then sent for review.

Application review period

As a rule, consideration of a consumer’s application to obtain a loan occurs quite quickly. When you write an application at an MKB bank branch, a verdict on it is rendered within the next hour. If the application is sent via the Internet, then a company employee contacts the client during the working day, clarifies the necessary information about the consumer and informs about the decision made.

Refinancing a consumer loan at MKB

Another popular service provided by MKB is those issued in other financial institutions. Refinancing at MKB is carried out on the following conditions:

  • Annual interest rate – from 12.5%;
  • Amount – from 50,000 to 2,000,000 rubles;
  • Period – up to 7 years.

At the same time, the bank provides the opportunity to combine several loans (up to five) taken out from various Russian banks into one refinancing agreement.

MKB is traditionally one of the largest credit organizations in Russia. The products included in its line are in great demand among the population. This also applies to deposit offers for all individuals. The institution has profitable programs that allow citizens to increase their savings.

Moscow Credit Bank deposits for individuals in 2017

In 2017, MKB is updating its main deposit offers, increasing interest rates on them by several orders of magnitude. On the official website, the issuer has posted a document for free downloading, which reflects the maximum interest rates for 2016. This will serve as a kind of guide for those who are just going to enter into a deposit agreement with this credit institution.

There will still be no special conditions for pensioners. Pensioners are not given any special offers on loans. According to these indicators, ICD is at the bottom of the ranking. Interest rates in their maximum values ​​are set here for all individuals, so this bank does not make any special distinctions between clients.

MKB Bank deposits of individuals 2017 interest on deposits

Interest rates on deposits at the Moscow Credit Bank today can be found on the bank’s official Internet resource. The percentages for each offer are indicated in acceptable values, and the final percentages are assigned at the time of execution of the agreement.

The Moscow Credit Bank has developed the following offers for individuals who are citizens of Russia:

  • “Savings” - the maximum percentage does not exceed 10% (which is quite a favorable figure for Russia). The period for all individuals is limited to 380 days. The minimum amount for placement is 1 thousand rubles. Any operations other than early termination of the agreement are not provided for individuals.
  • “All inclusive” - involves 4 different tariff plans, for which the percentage ranges from 8.25-9.75%. The minimum amount for placement is 1 thousand rubles (in foreign currency – 100 USD). The maximum validity period of the agreement is no more than 370 days. Each tariff assumes the possibility of carrying out separate operations: some offers require partial withdrawals, while others, on the contrary, allow replenishment. This product occupies one of the leading places in the bank’s internal rating, but is also considered profitable among Russian citizens.
  • “Just in case” - the stipulated percentage is 4.5%. There are no restrictions for placing in rubles. The rate is always fixed regardless of the amount and validity period of the deposit placed (the interest is not subject to capitalization). The minimum period for placement is 3 months.

For each of the indicated options, it is possible to credit not only rubles, but also foreign currency. For the convenience of potential clients, under each offer, IBC has placed a special interest calculator, through which anyone can calculate the preliminary interest and choose the most profitable one.

Moscow Credit Bank deposits of individuals 2017 for pensioners

In Russia, at the top of the ranking there are only a few banks that develop special offers for pensioners. ICD is not one of them. Its line does not include products designed for retirees, so this category of individuals has to choose a more suitable percentage from those available.

The most favorable conditions and final rate are provided for in the “Savings” tariff. The amount to be credited is 1 thousand rubles, and the yield reaches 10%. The position of this category of individuals in the IBC is taken into account, therefore they are assigned the maximum rate. The Moscow Industrial Bank provides deposits for pensioners at a lower rate - up to 9%. MKB's offer is more profitable.

Moscow Credit Bank deposit reviews

MKB Bank posts customer reviews on its official website. The overall bank rating in Russia is traditionally high, so a significant number of individuals prefer to open their deposits here. The interest rate is favorable, the general conditions are transparent, and amounts in rubles allow even low-income citizens to open deposits. Therefore, customer reviews about ICD products are mostly positive.

MKB Bank customer reviews about loans

Today, MKB is running a promotion, according to which all applicants, if approved, will be assigned the most favorable interest rate on a consumer loan - 14%. As for the probability of approval of any loan, here, like any other bank from the TOP-20, the probability of a loan refusal exceeds the probability of an approving decision (statistics are indicated on the official resource).

Consumer loans from Moscow Credit Bank are extremely convenient for most people. They are easy to apply for, the terms of cooperation will be attractive, and you can spend the money on any purchases as you please.

What consumer loans does the bank offer?

You can take out a consumer loan from the Moscow Credit Bank using 4 programs: in rubles in cash, refinancing, on trust - without certificates.

According to all proposals, the receipt procedure will be extremely simple, and the money will be spent on consumer needs. For example, shopping in stores, treatment, travel, gifts for friends, repairs, paying off past debts.

Conditions of registration

A consumer loan is provided at the Moscow Credit Bank in 2019 under favorable programs:

  • interest rate – 10.9 - 24%;
  • size – from 50,000 to 3,000,000 rubles;
  • for salary card holders – without proof of income;
  • repayment period is up to 10 years, which allows you to reduce the monthly payment;
  • without guarantors;
  • the application is sent via the Internet;
  • with a quick review of the questionnaire.

A calculator helps you calculate the amount of overpayment, and it also allows you to find the most profitable loan for consumer needs at the Moscow Credit Bank. If you don’t find something suitable in the list of offers, explore alternative options at other institutions.

The credit calculator of Moscow Credit Bank will help you calculate a consumer loan in cash in 2018 - 2019: the amount of monthly loan payments and payment terms for early repayment. You can use the official online calculator on the website for free!

Living on credit is convenient and practical. Consumer loans have become a part of the lives of Russians. Cash loans are especially popular among borrowers. Lending in 2018 will delight you with a variety of offers for individuals.

To choose the most interesting and profitable of them, to plan early repayment of the loan, you need a financial instrument. This is exactly what the Moscow Credit Bank loan calculator is: convenient, visual, free.

Lending terms

  • Borrower's age: from 18 to 75 years (at the time of repayment);
  • Minimum amount: 30,000 rubles;
  • Maximum amount: 5 million rubles;
  • Duration: from 3 months to 5 years;
  • Loan issue fee: none;
  • Security: guarantees from individuals – citizens of the Russian Federation (no more than 2).

Loan interest rate

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Moscow Credit Bank offers two consumer lending programs with well-balanced conditions. MKB knows the needs of clients well, they know how to work with everyone. MKB banking services are available 7 days a week.

Moscow Credit Bank (MCB) offers its clients a full range of financial products and services. Here you can open a deposit account, order a debit or credit card, get a mortgage or car loan. Among other things, the bank offers a huge selection of unsecured consumer loans. MKB loans to individuals are an opportunity to receive a large amount of money without collateral or security for a long period and with a minimal overpayment. This is why so many potential borrowers who urgently need to borrow money turn to financial institutions.

For what purposes and terms are loans provided by the ICD?

If we talk about loan terms, they are quite long. All MKB consumer loans to individuals have the same loan period.

MKB loans to individuals are provided mainly for non-targeted consumer needs, among which are:

  1. Large capital investment. For example, this could be buying a plot of land or a garage, or building your own house. There are no targeted loans for such needs, and the amount of a consumer loan from the ICB is quite enough to make a large purchase.
  2. Car loan. The bank has convenient and profitable car loan programs, including those with government support, but many borrowers prefer to take a non-targeted loan to purchase a car, despite the fact that such a loan is much more expensive than a targeted loan. This is easy to explain. Firstly, the car will not need to be insured under CASCO and you will not need to overpay a lot of money. Secondly, the car does not remain as collateral with the bank. Thirdly, no one limits the borrower in choosing a car or where to buy it.
  3. Apartment renovation is another popular reason why people take out IBC loans to individuals.
  4. Refinancing debt on loans from other banks. Despite the fact that MKB has a targeted loan for refinancing, consumers prefer to take out a regular loan. This is due to the fact that targeted loans are provided on limited terms. For example, for refinancing loans, the client should not have any arrears, or the amount should not exceed a certain amount, etc. It is much easier to take out a simple loan and pay off all your loans from other organizations with this money yourself.
  5. They often receive money from the bank for expensive purchases (household appliances, fur coats, telephones, computers, etc.)
  6. A popular reason in recent years has been a loan for holidays abroad, etc.

Among other things, here you can get targeted MKB loans to individuals to purchase an apartment, car or refinance debt from other banks.

Loan conditions in MKB and interest rates

The terms of a loan from MKB for individuals depend on the product chosen. The credit institution has a lot of car loans and mortgage programs, but only a few consumer loans.

Credit Max. sum Min. Bid Max. term Payment type Calculation
14% 180 months Annuity
loan in
16% 180 months Annuity
Loan for partner employees 15000000
15% 180 months Annuity

Non-targeted consumer loans from MKB to individuals have the largest maximum amount and relatively low interest rates. Thanks to the large amount and long term (up to 15 years), the loan can be used for almost any purpose.

A targeted refinancing loan is issued to repay loans from other banks. Interest rates on this product will be slightly higher than on a standard non-targeted loan. In addition to the main list of documents, the client will have to submit documents on loans from third-party organizations.

Another ICD consumer loan to individuals can be obtained by employees of accredited partner companies. They have a reduced interest rate. The amount and terms of provision are similar to previous loans.

In general, it can be noted that interest rates on MKB loans have too wide a range of values, which consists of 15 percentage points.

List of required documents for a loan in the ICD

The ICD requires a fairly large list of required documents from a potential borrower. To receive a loan, the borrower must provide the bank with:

  • Passport
  • Any 2nd identification document
  • A copy of the work book, certified by the employer, or an employment agreement
  • 2NDFL certificate of income for the last 3 months, or a certificate in a bank form, or a salary/pension account statement
  • Documents confirming education status
  • Documents proving marital status
  • Document from the list:
  1. international passport
  2. Pensioner ID
  3. Muscovite social card
  4. Driver license
  5. Documents confirming ownership (certificate of registration of vehicle, real estate, etc.)
  6. Pass/certificate from the place of work (if available), etc.

How to apply for a loan at MKB?

Having decided on the terms of the loan and choosing the appropriate product, the borrower must leave a preliminary application. This can be done in different ways:

  • Fill out an online form on the bank's website
  • Call the hotline and answer the operator's answers
  • Fill out an application form for a loan through Internet banking MKB-Online
  • Directly at a bank branch in person

After submitting the application, the bank will make a preliminary decision on the loan, which will inform the borrower by phone. If approved, the client will have to come to the branch with a full package of documents to fill out an extended questionnaire.

On the spot, the credit manager will re-fill out the questionnaire according to the borrower, supplement it with documents and new answers. After this, all papers will be sent for verification to the bank’s Security Service.

A final decision will be made within 1-3 business days, after which the borrower will be called to bank branches to sign documents and receive cash.

Requirements for an ICD borrower

Capable citizens of the Russian Federation who meet the following mandatory requirements can obtain a consumer loan without collateral or guarantee:

  1. Age from 18 years. The maximum age threshold is not limited by the bank
  2. A constant source of income that will ensure timely repayment of the loan without delays. In this case, a long-service pension or an old-age labor pension can be considered as the only source of income. This means that non-working pensioners can get a loan from the MKB to individuals.
  3. Permanent registration in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation
  4. The employer or his official representative must be registered in Moscow or Moscow Region.

Loan calculator in MKB

Below is the MKB loan calculator, which can be used to calculate any bank loan. To do this, the user must fill in the empty fields and enter the parameters of the loan of interest, select the type of interest accrual and “Calculate” the loan.

  • Mortgage loan calculator for Android

    Calculation and accounting of multiple loans. Export data by email. Opportunity to evaluate the benefits of early payments. Graphical representation of profitability using graphs. Calculation with interest rate changes.

    Loan calculator for iPhone/iPad

    Version available for iPhone and iPad. A convenient calculator that allows you to calculate the loan, and also possible early repayment of the loan

    Loan calculator for Windows Phone 7-8

  • As a result of the calculation, the user will see a payment schedule with the exact dates and amounts of each monthly installment. All calculation parameters will be immediately visible here: overpayment, total amount of debt, remaining principal after each payment, etc.

    Compared to similar free programs, this loan calculator has a number of additional features that make it unique:

    • Using one calculator, the user can make calculations for any types of loans from MKB or another bank (mortgage, consumer loan, car loan, collateral). Other calculators are designed in such a way that they will only correctly calculate 1 type of loan for which they were created.
    • It is possible to calculate the loan, taking into account early repayment on a certain date. You can also calculate a loan with several partial early repayments.
    • The result can always be saved to your computer and returned to the schedule at another convenient time. Thus, calculations in different banks will be easy to compare according to the schedule.

    Geography of presence of the Moscow Credit Bank

    MKB has a sufficient number of offices and branches, but all of them are located in Moscow or Moscow Region. Let's consider the addresses of bank branches in the largest cities of the Moscow region.

    City Office adress Telephone
    Moscow Lukov lane, 2, building 1
    Podolsk st. Cl. Gottwald, 8daily, from 10:00 to 21:00 +7 495 777-4-888, 8800-100-4-888
    Narofominsk st. Marshala Zhukova G.K., 16, non-residential premises No. 4 daily, from 10:00 to 21:00 +7 495 777-4-888, 8800-100-4-888
    Serpukhov st. Sovetskaya, 64 Daily from 10:00 to 21:00 +7 495 777-4-888, 8800-100-4-888
    Sergiev Posad st. Rybnaya 1st, 18/2 Daily from 20:00 to 21:00 +7 495 777-4-888, 8800-100-4-888
    Ramenskoye st. Karla Marksa, 3a +7 495 777-4-888, 8800-100-4-888
    Elektrostal Lenina Ave., 44/14 +7 495 777-4-888, 8800-100-4-888
    Odintsovo Mozhaiskoe highway, 22, office. I (1-21) +7 495 777-4-888, 8800-100-4-888
    Balashikha Lenin Avenue, 31 +7 495 777-4-888, 8800-100-4-888
    Shchelkovo Proletarsky Prospekt, 7 +7 495 777-4-888, 8800-100-4-888