What can you invest in? Where can you invest money to make money? Basic rules for break-even investing

Gone are the days when keeping money in a savings account at a bank was considered the accepted norm. Today, everyone knows that money should not be a dead weight, but work. However, this simple rule is not so easy to implement in practice. It seems to many that a small amount of money is not suitable for investing in a business or project. In this article, we will talk in detail about where to invest a small amount of money in order to receive a steady income.

Experts argue that the problem of investing money is a complex issue more from a psychological point of view than from an economic one. The fear of investing in a project overrides the economic feasibility of the rule that money must work. Especially when it's not a big amount.

People consider the issue of investing money to be the prerogative of very wealthy and successful businessmen. At the same time, investing is a way of investing money, regardless of the amount.

To narrow down the search for interesting and really working ideas for investing money, in this article we will limit the budget to 50 thousand rubles. But this does not mean at all that ideas cannot be used for an amount of 5-10 thousand rubles.

Here it is more important to understand the principle of investing and the essence of the law launched by Robert Kiyosaki that "money should work."

Are we saving or multiplying?

Before looking for an investment option, it is important to clearly define the goal. If the goal is to preserve capital, then the best method would be a bank deposit. But at the same time, a bank deposit is not the best way to capitalize a deposit and make a good profit.

Even at the most favorable interest rates, by the time the contract expires, inflation levels out all economic benefits.

This is where you will have to choose between financial risk and capital growth. It is also important to understand that when investing money in any project that generates income, it is important to wait for the time.

It is impossible to pull money out of circulation, whether it be any business project or investment in mutual funds.

You also need to analyze your financial capabilities and decide on the desired income. Money must be truly free.

Golden rules for successful investing

When thinking about where to invest a small amount of money so that they do not lose them and that they bring income, you need to clearly understand the principle of investing.

The rules of successful investing will help you properly manage your earned money and avoid the mistakes that many beginners make.

Rule number 1. Money must be free

Experts recommend that before any investment of money, secure a so-called "financial pillow". This concept came to us from the West and means a specific amount of money that is necessary to ensure life.

This includes the cost of food, utilities and medical services, the purchase of gasoline, etc. Depending on the situation in the family, the number of children, you need to calculate how much you need for these mandatory expenses per month. Now multiply it by 6 and get the amount that will be the "financial pillow" for 6 months. It is this period that experts determine the most profitable for investing money.

An exception to this rule can only be passive income from a bank deposit that was previously placed with a bank.

Rule number 2. Having a steady income

When investing money, you must understand that money cannot be withdrawn from circulation. You must have active or passive income in order not to withdraw money from the project for a certain period of time.

Therefore, if you are not sure that in the near future you will receive a constant income, then it is better to refuse to invest.

Rule number 3. Distribution of money in different directions

Considering that we are specifically considering investing a small amount of money, it will be difficult to distribute it in different directions.

But in order to understand the rules of the investment market, you need to know that diversification allows you to minimize financial risk as much as possible.

Rule number 4. Planning and strategy

Set a clear goal for your investment. It is important to understand how much you want to extract from the capital that you tax and for how long. Write down a long-term and short-term goal. This will allow you to decide on the investment option and choose the most optimal way.

Rule number 5. Learn the types of investing

Before investing in a project or giving it to a professional to work with, do your own research on all available investment methods that are suitable for your amount of money.

Compare risks and opportunities. If you invest on your own, you should start with a small amount of money and choose the simplest ways. Over time, by increasing the experience and level of knowledge, you can move to the next level.

You should be careful about offers of quick windfall profits. At first glance, they seem very tempting, but often carry a very high unjustified financial risk.

7 best ways to invest money

  1. Investing in gold or precious metals
  2. Purchase of securities
  3. Starting your own business
  4. PAMM accounts

In order to understand the essence of each of these types of investments, their risks and opportunities, let's take a closer look at each.

Investing in gold or precious metals

When it comes to a small amount of money of 1-2 thousand dollars, then buying gold is the best option. But, as in the case of a bank deposit, here we are talking more about the safety of money than about making a profit.

Unlike a bank deposit, by investing in gold, you will be independent of the inflation rate. Gold does not lose value and every year its face value only increases.

The statistics of Sberbank of Russia show the profitability of metal accounts over the past 5 years in the region of 84%. At the same time, the price for 1 g of gold increased by 30% from 2012 to 2017.

When investing in precious metals (gold, platinum, silver), you don’t have to worry that at the end of the contract, you will receive an amount of money that no longer has the nominal value that it had at the very beginning of the deposit.

Given the economic instability in our country and rising inflation, investors recommend giving preference to just such an investment compared to a bank deposit.

You can choose 4 investment options:

  • buying gold bars;
  • buying coins;
  • depersonalized metal accounts;
  • purchase of shares backed by gold.

The undeniable advantage of such a contribution is the availability of this method.

Here you do not need to have fundamental knowledge in the field of investment in order to calculate the profitability and risks of the project. Silver is purchased in ingots from 50 g to 1000 grams, palladium from 5 to 100 grams.

When concluding an agreement, the bank without fail issues a document confirming the authenticity of gold and its estimated value.

What should you know about this type of investment? Gold is a property, which means that when sold to a bank, you will need to pay an 18% tax.

You can get around this moment if you purchase coins instead of gold. The fact is that they are already money in themselves, so they are not taxed when sold.

Another type of this method of investing funds is OMS (impersonal metal accounts). Such an account can be opened in any Russian bank that has a license for this type of operation.

Video. Investing in gold

The client purchases gold from the bank at the price that is set on the day of the transaction and opens the OMS. The purchase price of the precious metal in the bank will be higher than on the stock exchange.

When opening a special account, the client does not specifically deal with gold. He transfers money to the account, acquiring a certain number of grams. When closing an account, the bank returns to him the cash equivalent of the current account.

At the same time, there will be no need to pay a tax of 18% for gold. OMS are not subject to VAT. Additionally, interest is accrued on an impersonal account, as in the case of a bank deposit.

But a serious drawback is the financial risk. Unlike deposits, such MHIs are not insured by the bank. In the event of a bank failure, there is a high probability of not returning your capital.

Summing up, it should be said that investing in gold and precious metals is safe, but not profitable. If you are more into saving money, then investing in gold is the best option with minimal risk.

If we are talking about making a quick profit, then this path will not be the fastest.

  • long-term investment;
  • availability;
  • high liquidity of gold;
  • precious metals do not lose their value;
  • passive income opportunity.
  • when selling gold, you will have to pay tax;
  • high purchase price of precious metals in the bank;
  • long-term investment;
  • You won't be able to make big profits right away.

Purchase of securities

This type of investment refers to the purchase of shares and bonds of companies. A security is a document that gives certain rights to property or part of it.

A security has a market and par value. What is the difference? The market price is formed under the influence of supply and demand of the stock market. The nominal value is the actual price declared by the company. It depends on the size of the capital of the company. In simple terms, the sum of the total authorized capital is divided by the number of issued shares of the company.

Dividends are paid to shareholders based on nominal value, not market value. As a rule, the nominal value is a very conditional indicator and rarely coincides with the market value, which is formed by demand.

The advantage of such an investment is that you can count on a good income, which cannot be compared with the annual interest from a bank deposit.

The downside is that in order to manage investments, you need to be well versed in the specifics of the stock market.

Securities are one of the most volatile instruments subject to numerous external and internal economic factors. For beginners who still want to try their hand at investing in securities, experts recommend purchasing dividend stocks. In any case, they will be able to make a profit.

Starting your own business

Many of this type of investment, given the small amount of capital, may be very skeptical. However, today on the Internet you can find a lot of business ideas for starting your own business with minimal investment.

Here is just a short list:

  1. Growing house plants.
  2. Flower shop.
  3. Opening of a nail studio.
  4. Shugaring salon.
  5. Breeding nutria or rabbits.
  6. Production of semi-finished products at home.
  7. Home atelier for tailoring and repairing clothes.
  8. Making gel candles or handmade soap.
  9. Organization of weddings.
  10. Cleaning company.

A mutual fund is a mutual investment fund.

This organization is based on the trust management of depositors' money.

The purpose of such a fund is to manage the funds of investors, while investment processes are handled by professionals.

Simply put, you allow experts to manage capital by investing it in various areas of production.

It should be noted that investing in mutual funds today is no longer as popular as it was 10-15 years ago.

In the early 2000s, the rapid development of such funds allowed their investors to extract up to 500% of the profit from projects. Today we are not talking about such a huge profit, but it is still a good type of investment.

Any citizen who has money to buy one share can invest in a mutual fund.

A share is one part that has its own nominal value. The advantage of such an investment is that you do not need to have fundamental knowledge in the field of economics and finance. Professionals will be engaged in the search for profitable projects. At the same time, the mutual fund does not limit the geographical location of the company. So, you can invest in domestic and foreign companies.

Experts here use the principle of diversification. The one we talked about in the basic rules for successful investing.

A mutual fund allows you to invest money in the development of companies engaged in oil production, the sale of cosmetics, the production and processing of goods.

How does the investment fund work?

For example, you have an amount of 50 thousand rubles. You understand that this is not enough to launch a large project. If you find 9 more people with the same amount, then half a million rubles can already allow you to launch an interesting and profitable business idea. But where to find the rest of the participants? Here the mutual fund just allows you to combine the efforts of several investors for competent money management. At the same time, the fund does not limit the amount of the contribution. Anyone can become a participant, and the income will be distributed according to the amount of the investment.

It should not be forgotten that a certain amount will need to be given to experts, because it is they who will analyze the market and determine where to invest money.

Each of the participants of the fund, depending on the amount of investment, receives a certain number of shares. This indicates that each share has its own face value.

With all the money, the fund to which you entrusted the assets buys shares of companies (maybe different companies) and manages them on the stock exchange. At the end of a certain period, which is stipulated in the agreement, the participants of the fund can withdraw their profit along with the initial capital invested. And they can only take the profit, leaving the captal to work further.

It is fair to say about the financial risk that exists in this type of investment. Of course, it is, but minimal.

Firstly, professionals who have a special education and extensive experience in the field of investing will work with money.

And secondly, given the principle of diversification, the money will be circulating in different projects. The probability that all projects will immediately “burn out” is minimal.

The good news for those who are afraid to invest in mutual funds is government control. But even in this case, in order to minimize financial risk, it is important to choose the right fund.

Consider several criteria when choosing. Don't just focus on profitability. It can be high performance in a short period or a simple coincidence, a lucky coincidence. If it is the profitability for you that is the main criterion when choosing, then analyze the profitability of the mutual fund over a long period of time.

There are open and closed mutual funds, which differ in the rules for entry and equity participation.

An open-ended fund is convenient for a minimum amount of equity participation and a short-term investment.

A closed-end fund offers investment for the long term.

Having on hand an amount of 10-15 thousand rubles, you can already safely invest it in a mutual fund and at the same time count on a profit that will grow every year.

Very often, people, having the amount of half a million rubles in their hands, do not come up with anything new, except to place all the funds in a deposit account.

The income from such an investment will be much greater than from a deposit, but only if this fund works well.

  • experts manage the contribution;
  • high profitability;
  • free entrance;
  • low entry threshold;
  • possibility of deposit insurance;
  • state control over the work of the fund;
  • transparency in money management;
  • the possibility of withdrawing money with an open form of deposit;
  • variety of projects.
  • payment for the services of professionals;
  • financial risk.

Investing in PAMM accounts

Another option for investing a small amount of money is PAMM accounts. To some extent, this option is similar to a mutual fund in that it pools the money of several investors.

But the main difference is the management of that money. Anyone can become a trader and manage investment accounts. These are brokerage companies that have recently gained great popularity due to intensive advertising in the mass media.

PAMM is a form of money management by one person who "plays" securities on the stock exchange. All other participants observe the process, making a profit in proportion to the money invested.

In order to implement this type of investment, you need to find a professional successful broker. A professional broker is the key to the success of this type of investment. It is important to understand that all monetary transactions occur without the participation of the depositor.

If you have always wanted to make money on the exchange, but at the same time you understand that you do not have sufficient experience and knowledge, then investing in a PAMM account will be the best option.

Brokers earn their percentage from each transaction, so they are primarily interested in the success of the project. But at the same time, they do not invest their money, which means they do not bear financial risk. For an investor, investing in a PAMM account is a good opportunity to receive passive income.

Video. Investments in PAMM accounts


Of course, this list of options for investing a small amount is far from complete. In this article, the information was based on the criteria for the amount of capital of 50 thousand rubles and the lack of specific experience.

Today on the Web you can find many proposals on the topic of investing a small amount. In order not to become a victim of scammers, do not consider options for financial pyramids. The tempting offer of quick and high profits is always leveled by the fact of the complete loss of one's capital.

Video. Where to invest a small amount of money?

Hello dear readers!

Many people are willing and willing to invest. But some of us are stopped by the lack of significant capital. Fortunately, small amounts can be successfully invested. That is what today's article will be about. So, read on and find out where to invest a little money to earn.

I will say right away that there are indeed restrictions on the minimum amount of investment in many investment companies and projects. If we talk about large European brokers, then the entry threshold, as a rule, starts at $10,000 or even more.

Why is this being done? Large companies simply do not want to spend time on service and support for customers who bring little income. In general, the usual Western prudence is manifested.

At one time, I myself faced this. However, there are options for investment. And over time, it became quite clear that even with a small amount you can start making good money on investments.

Trust management technologies

Secondly, never, under any circumstances, trade forex or binary options on your own. Barkers beckon with easy money. In fact, it is always a one-way ticket to losses. There is a sad statistic: beginners lose in Forex in 99.7% of cases.

At the same time, there is a slightly smarter way to make money. You can invest in experienced managers who have proven themselves over time and are included in these 0.3% of successful traders. In fact, this is the same as that offered by large European brokers, which were discussed at the top of the article.

Modern technologies for investing in forex through managers are called PAMM and MAM. Adequate yield of these instruments lies in the range of 20-100% per year.

PAMM accounts especially common in RuNet. Competition in the industry spurs the fight for customers. As a result, now there is a large selection of successful managers and a number of convenient services for controlling your investments. At the same time, the minimum amount for cooperation with a particular trader starts from $10-$100.

Statistics from one of the popular MAM account managers. The investor gets 50-70% of the profitability


Also, I would note highly profitable projects. They are also called HYIPs. This is quite a risky tool.
As a rule, the risk is covered by a generous return. Profits can amount to tens of percent, and not per year, but per month. The least risky tactic is to invest in a particular project for a period of one or two months, and then withdraw funds.

In conclusion, I note the need for a comprehensive Try to combine different tools. And then the risk will decrease, and the potential profitability will remain.

I would be grateful for your questions / opinions on where to invest a little money to earn in comments.

I wish you all a profitable investment!

12.02.2016 22.04.2016

If you liked this article - do a good deed

The first thing that comes to mind for most people who think about how to increase money is to put it at interest in the bank.

However, in fact, although this is a safe investment of funds, unless, of course, you have chosen a reliable bank for a deposit, it is not very profitable. After all, bank interest is very low. In many cases, bank interest is below the real rate of inflation. But, despite this, professionals in investing personal funds recommend putting about a fifth of personal savings at interest in a reliable bank.

Some experts advise opening a bank account in the currency in which you pay. Another popular option was the division of deposits into currencies: part in rubles, the rest in dollars and euros. So you can protect yourself from a fall in the exchange rate of a particular currency and earn on its growth.

In a number of banks, you can open deposits in precious metals such as gold, silver, platinum. The owner of such an account will benefit greatly from the rise in prices for precious metals, however, a very high income is not guaranteed, since the value of precious metals can both rise and fall.

Investments in apartments and other non-commercial real estate

Ask passers-by on the street where it is better to invest money so as not to lose it? Most respondents will answer that it is best to invest in houses and apartments.

Many spears have been broken about the benefits of investing money in real estate, but this option is chosen today by quite a few residents of our country who invest money, first of all, so as not to lose it, and not with the expectation of high profits.

The object of investment in this case are apartments, rooms, garages. There are several ways to make money by investing in real estate.

You can invest in an apartment at the initial stage of building a house, when the price is not too high, and then sell the house when the house is built and the cost of square meters increases. But, when planning to invest in building a house, it is important not to fall into the housing pyramid. Heard about the defrauded real estate investors? You can article them!

Another way to quite profitable investment in real estate can be buying an apartment in an already built house and renting it out. The income will be the difference between the rent and the amount of taxes and utility bills. In addition, the apartment will grow in price from year to year, which will also generate income. True, it will be possible to get it only with the sale of the apartment.

Where is it profitable to invest money: buying shares

That's just 100 percent accurate to predict whose shares and how long will rise in price is almost impossible. Until recently, it seemed that oil and gas would constantly rise in price, but their price is also subject to sharp jumps. Many economists recommend investing in the shares of the food industry with profit, since food will always be in demand. In the next few years, the IT sector also has very good prospects for development.

Reliable and profitable investments - buying bonds

It is noted that young people prefer stocks, which is risky. But the older a person is, the more often he invests money so as not to lose it - he buys bonds, which is more reliable than buying shares.

Investing money in bonds is not very risky, and the yield may well be higher than on bank deposits. But you can also lose money on bonds. To get the most benefit from the purchase of bonds, experts advise consulting investment companies, which issuers are now the most reliable.

There are downsides to investing in bonds and stocks. The price of securities may fluctuate. And it may happen that when you urgently need money, their rate will be minimal. Then you will have to sell shares and bonds at a price below the purchase price. So for the most profitable investment in stocks and bonds, you should not count on their quick sale. It is believed that the average yield of bonds is 9-20% per annum, shares - 35-40% per annum.

A profitable way to invest money - investment funds

When choosing the most reliable investment fund for investing money, experts recommend investing in foreign funds with a long history. Maybe the profitability in this case will not be maximum, but the capital will grow, and the money will be protected. If you want to get rich quick, then look for a Russian investment fund that offers the maximum benefit. But in this case, be prepared to lose money at any moment.

It has been proven over the years that there are no reliable funds that invest in risky securities in order to quickly earn big money. Therefore, when choosing an investment fund for investing money, pay attention to what its strategy is.

Thus, we have considered five profitable ways where it is profitable to invest money to make it work. Of course, there are other riskier ones, such as forex trading, binary options, derivatives, and finally, private loans for the development of a small business.

As you know, in recent years the situation in the stock market has become very aggravated. The depreciation of the ruble did not have a positive effect on the data predicted by experts. Therefore, every person who has his own savings worries about them and looks for ways that can help him save finances due to inflation, and thinks about where to invest money with a guarantee. Indeed, otherwise, what is now of value may soon become pennies. But there is always a way out, and even now, in such a tense situation, a solution to the problem can be found. Investing in various areas will help not only save your resources from depreciation, but also earn on them.

Currency operations

For quite a long time now, the dollar has maintained its position on the stock exchange. In this regard, many experts believe that the ideal solution would be to convert all savings into US currency. Perhaps this move will not only save resources, but also make a profit in the future. This is exactly the option where it is more profitable to invest money.

If a person is ready to risk his finances, then he can try to make an investment by converting his money into euros or dollars. The most important factor affecting the value of this currency is the cost of oil. In addition, fluctuations in the exchange rate are influenced by political changes on a global scale. Therefore, it is very important, before making a deal, to carefully study all the predicted data and assess the possible risks. And only then decide where it is more profitable to invest money.

It is also worth paying attention to strong conservative currencies. It means something like pounds sterling. But these currencies are more likely to be only a protective mechanism for financial savings. It will be profitable to exchange money later only if you invest in American and European currencies. Given their growth in the future, it will be possible to receive a good amount.

Create a personal project on the Internet

Since the advent of the Internet, the world of business has changed, its horizons have expanded significantly. The world economy is currently undergoing quite serious changes. And part of the reason is that many are moving their businesses to a virtual environment. Now, according to experts, financing in the service sector, trading business or in the production of our own products is the most risky business in our time. But investing in an Internet project can bring good money.

Online stores, blogs, news portals and forums are now considered the most relevant in this market. If the choice of where to invest money in order to earn money falls on the Internet, but you have absolutely no experience in this area, then it is best to gather a staff. At the moment, there are many IT specialists who can not only develop the site itself, but also fill it with unique, interesting content. It is from this that the attendance of the resource will depend, how much money it will bring, and so on. That is, the more interesting the information is on the site, the more likely it is that the project will be profitable. In addition, it is important that you have promotion specialists working for you. They will be able to bring the resource to the first pages of search engines and attract more visitors. And then this area will really be the one where it is more profitable to invest money.

The main point why the internet is a profitable investment is that it has no limits. That is, it does not matter the time of work or the geographical location of your enterprise. Your clients can be people from any corner of the Earth. That is why a project in a virtual environment is a good investment solution, experts say.

mutual funds

Investing free money in mutual funds is an old technique of people who understand what the market for finance, securities and all that is. Many experts believe that this is the ideal solution for investing money in our time. A scheme of such enrichment has been practiced for a long time, many young investors have made their fortune on such investments.

The essence of a mutual investment fund is that investors collectively invest their money, transferring a power of attorney for their further support to traders with experience in this area. All invested money is collected in a common fund, then you need to find a project manager who will carry out all financial transactions in order to make a profit for all investors.

This option is ideal for people who are just starting their investment activities. For an ordinary person, the necessary information about what economic indicators are in different organizations is not always available. Acquisition of securities is a simple matter, it can be done by any novice investor. Difficulties begin when there is a need to start managing them. A professional trader will tell you which stocks to invest in, or better, in precious metals and other important assets, whose value has temporarily decreased, in order to then regain their own positions in the financial market.

To professionally search for the ideal investment option, you must definitely make an effort and focus on the area that interests you. First, it is important to understand what the world economy is and understand all its intricacies. Secondly, you should definitely follow all the news, this is the only way to respond in time to important changes in this area. For an ordinary person, this is quite difficult and it is not always clear what you should pay attention to and how exactly to do it. Therefore, if there is no experience and knowledge in this matter, or simply there is not enough time to deal with it, it is better to find a professional specialist and entrust him with financing and investments. You won’t have to worry about the honesty of cooperation with the manager of the company, because all his activities will be strictly controlled by government agencies.

Real estate

Buying a home is one of the surest ways to invest money so as not to lose. Prices for it fall very rarely, and in the case of the center of the settlement they also grow. It doesn't matter if it's commercial or residential. According to experts, the value of real estate will only grow in the coming years. Therefore, investing in this area, you can get a decent profit. This is one of those options where to invest money in order to receive a monthly income.

The ideal investment option would be to buy a living space and rent it out after all the paperwork has been completed. People who use this method to accumulate capital recommend purchasing a few rooms or a couple of one-room apartments. Basically, landlords receive from 10 to 20 percent per annum per year. It will take about 10 years for the cost of housing to pay off, and as a result, the apartments will begin to bring a net profit to their owner. But it is still the right option where to invest money in order to receive a monthly income.

This investment tool will be useful for those who have a good start-up capital. The idea is not new at all, so it has long established itself as a good investment option. After all, it turns out that the landlord receives a monthly income from each acquired area.

The main disadvantage in the decision to invest in real estate is the high cost of investing in this area. In addition, during the transaction, unforeseen problems may arise that will have to be addressed. But still, such investments are a guaranteed investment option with long-term profit.

The biggest risks in investment projects

For people who want to get a big return on their investments, it is very important to be able to see the prospect of the project. Only by learning to distinguish between profitable deals and fraudulent schemes, you can start making investments. There are projects in which it is not worth investing money under any pretext.

You should avoid all kinds of HYIPs, or, as they are also commonly called, financial pyramids. A well-known example of such a scam is MMM. Only the creators of the pyramid can withdraw huge money from such a project, while the rest become bankrupt in about a year. Experts strongly do not recommend investing in such schemes.

Also, an investment in an online casino will be of poor quality. This is a very common type of investment failure, as many people put almost all their savings into these projects and end up with nothing. After all, it is almost impossible to win in such a casino, at least a large amount. But you can spend everything in the hope of still getting the jackpot. The main scheme of such a business is that people who are prone to gambling invest money there, and at the right time they are not able to stop psychologically, therefore they lose everything they have.

These are the two most common schemes where novice investors are offered the notorious “cheese in a mousetrap” almost for free. But our world is arranged in such a way that easy money does not bring a stable income, but, on the contrary, provokes a person to lose everything that he has. Do not pay attention to flashy advertisements and confidential slogans. It is better to consider more serious and reliable options for where it is more profitable to invest money.

precious metals

Buying precious metals is perhaps one of the oldest and most common ways to invest money. Most often, the choice of investors falls on the purchase of gold. At the moment, it can be exchanged for money in banks, and it is measured in bars. Usually the price of this precious metal jumps, but despite this, all investors in this direction have a profit from such an acquisition, and quite a good one at that.

It should be borne in mind that transactions of an impersonal type will allow you to purchase gold without paying taxes. It doesn't matter if you buy it or sell it. But if you decide to buy an ingot, then you will have to pay 18 percent of VAT to the state.

Now it is popular to buy not only gold bars, but also other metals. The most common are silver and platinum. You can make a profit from such acquisitions if their value on the world market begins to rise. If you are afraid that you will lose money due to inflation, then gold is the best investment. It is only worth considering that the transaction should be carried out when the cost of the metal is at its lowest level. Such an investment may not pay off immediately, so it is best to invest free money in it.

Investment in art

If the question is where to invest money in order to earn money, then it is worth considering the option of investing in works of art. The main thing that is needed for this is to have an idea about this area and to understand it well. Also, the need for a constant presence at various auctions and exhibitions will fall on your shoulders, because you will have to look for buyers who want to buy this thing.

This type of investment has its pros and cons. It's no secret that you can buy and sell an object of art. Moreover, anyone can make such a deal, no matter how old he is or what status he has.

No special permits or documents are needed to make an art purchase. If necessary, you can use the services of a professional who is well versed in the art, who can assess the value and confirm the authenticity of the future purchase.

The crisis is considered the most profitable time for such investments. It was at this time that many people, having gone bankrupt or having significantly lost their fortune, begin to give away such things at a low cost. The main disadvantage of investing in art is the long-term profit. Sometimes finding a buyer can take years.

Own business

It is very profitable to invest in the development of your own or someone else's projects. According to experts, this is one of the most effective ways to make a profitable investment. Of course, this area is one of the most profitable, but in order to achieve a positive result, you will have to work very hard and seriously address the issue. And do not miscalculate in which business to invest money.

Experts say that the first and most important step in this matter is to estimate the initial investment amount. It is on its basis that it will be possible to make assumptions about whether it is rational to invest in this project, and whether it will be profitable or unprofitable.

Also, the profitability of such an investment is influenced by many external factors, the main ones being competition, dishonesty of suppliers and employees, as well as constant changes in the country's legislation. The main thing is that the money invested in the business brings a net profit.

As for the question of what kind of business can be started with a small amount of investment, there are several banal options. First, you can try to open a grocery store or offer services for the production and installation of windows and doors. Secondly, you can try to organize a personal farm by buying a land plot in the countryside. There can be a lot of options where to invest a little money, the main thing is to understand what you would like to do and make sure that this is a really profitable business that is worth investing in. If you are not well versed in the issue, it is better to use the services of professionals who can advise you on the best option.

Bank deposit

In recent years, a very common option for protecting money from inflation is the decision to profitably invest money in a bank at interest. In any case, it will not be possible to earn a lot of money on such an investment instrument, but inflation will definitely not be able to spoil the mood.

If you still have not decided where you would like to invest your money, you should consider this option. The main thing is to find in which banks it is profitable to invest money. We need to look for those structures that can survive any crisis. The easiest way is to work with private organizations. If there are such people in mind, then you can go there and open a deposit account at interest.

Naturally, there are risks of such a decision where to invest money. Expert advice - open a deposit for no more than three months, but at the same time indicate in the contract that you want to capitalize interest and want the prolongation to occur automatically. Be sure to clarify that you reserve the right to receive your money back at any time if necessary, even if the deposit has not yet expired. Only in this way will it be profitable to invest money in a bank at interest.

If it works stably, then good dividends await you. If there are any problems or there is a risk of bankruptcy, then it will be possible to withdraw money and open a deposit in another, more reliable place. If we take deposits into account, then this is a good option for where to invest money. Expert advice - carefully read all the contracts and follow the news about the state of the bank.


The global market is now quite unstable, so it is important to be able to make rational decisions in times of crisis and be able to work and adapt to a variety of changes in the economy and legislation. Having considered many options, we can safely say that it is possible and necessary to save money from inflation and even make a profit from it. But it is very important to understand the area that will become the main one after funding.

Only by understanding what you are dealing with, you can achieve positive results. In addition to positive aspects, there are also negative ones: these are multiple pyramid schemes and other fraudulent schemes that can cloud the mind of a novice, inexperienced investor. Therefore, without experience and the ability to understand business, it is best to hire specialists who are able to soberly and sensibly assess risks and choose the right decisions regarding all investment operations.

The world market is growing every year, and many new, promising areas for investment have recently appeared. Therefore, beginners and not only investors have a place to turn around. The main thing is to objectively assess your capabilities and calculate all the options for the development of events so that the investment turns out to be profitable, not unprofitable.

We all save money. A schoolboy saves for a new smartphone, a student for a car, a young family for an apartment (or more often for a down payment for a mortgage), a worker for a vacation, and a pensioner for a funeral. And no matter how tense the economic situation is, the money somehow accumulates. Otherwise, why are there so many iPhones and expensive cars around?

But what most people don't realize is that when the accumulated money is under the pillow, it subtly diminishes. Every night a "savings killer" comes and steals a small part of our savings. And this killer's name is Inflation.

The official inflation rate in Russia for 2015 is almost 13%. But we know that it is not weakly underestimated (those who remember the prices for products in 2014 understand this especially well). The real inflation rate for 2015 was definitely over 20%.

Thus, all our savings depreciate at a rate of at least 20% per year or 1.65% per month. So, now most of the ways of investing do not help to increase your funds, but at least offset inflation a little.

In such a situation, it is very unwise to keep money under the pillow. Any free money should work. But how to invest them as reliably and profitably as possible?

Investing is not that hard.

I think everyone understands what investing is. When investing, you make your funds work. That is, you invest money, expecting to receive even more money in the future.

But we must not forget that investing entails risks. Instead of the expected profit, you can get a loss or even lose all your money.

Therefore, the main rule of investing is risk diversification. According to this rule, you must break your savings into parts and invest them in different investment projects.

For example, let's say your investment portfolio is $100,000. Then you need to choose a few investment instruments that are suitable for you. Suppose you have chosen mutual funds, PAMM accounts and backing and HYIP projects. Now you will need to distribute your portfolio between instruments depending on how much you are willing to risk.

Let's say that you are configured for moderate risks and distribute money as follows: mutual funds - 40%, PAMM accounts - 40%, backing - 10% and HYIP projects - 10%. Now you need to apply the principle of diversification within each chosen way of investing.

That is, you will need to select several different PAMM accounts and distribute your 40% of the portfolio between them. The same must be done with other chosen ways of investing.

In order to comply with this rule, you need to use several tools that can multiply your money. I have selected 12 of the best ones for you.

We compare the 12 best ways to invest.

I not only selected for you the 12 best ways to invest, but also compared them with each other. For comparison, I chose several parameters that I decided to evaluate on a 10-point system, where 1 is the lowest score, and 10 is the highest.

Comparison of the best ways to invest.

The following options have been selected:

  • Simplicity. This parameter characterizes how easy it is to understand this type of investment, understand the principle, find a suitable company and make a deposit.
  • Yield. Here the average return on investment will be estimated. Most often, this and the following points are interconnected: the higher the yield, the higher the risks.
  • Reliability. This parameter characterizes the riskiness of the analyzed investment instrument.
  • Entry threshold. Shows the minimum amount you can invest.
  • Liquidity. Estimates how quickly you can withdraw your deposit, and what losses you expect if you withdraw money prematurely.
  • Passivity / activity- this parameter shows how passive this type of income is. That is, 10 points means “invested and forgot”, and 1 point means that in order to get the maximum profit, you will have to spend extra time and effort.

Of course, all my assessments will be subjective and I think that many readers will not agree with them.

1. Bank deposit.

A bank deposit is the most understandable and simple way of investing for an ordinary person. Even any grandmother understands how everything works. After all, even in the Soviet Union, in which there was no investment, people kept money on passbooks. And one of the heroes of the popular Soviet film called on fellow citizens to keep money in savings banks.

All you need to do to make a deposit is to choose a bank and come there with your passport and money. What could be easier? I bet 10 points.

At the same time, the profitability of a bank deposit is not high. At the moment, deposit rates range from 7% to 12.5%. I think this is one of the lowest returns of all investment methods. Deserves 1 point

But you can be sure of the reliability of your contribution. The deposits are insured by the state. Even if you plan to invest a large amount, in order to insure that your bank's license is taken away, you can break the amount into small parts and invest in several banks. In this case, even if the bank is deprived of a license, and your deposit was less than 600,000 rubles, then you will be compensated for both the deposit and interest. 10 points for reliability.

You can start investing with an amount of 10,000 rubles. This is not much at all, so you can put 8 points.

In most cases, you can withdraw money from the deposit at any time. But if you withdraw money early, you will lose most of the profit. 7 points for liquidity.

This type of deposit belongs to the “put it and forget it” category. All you need to do at the end of the investment period is to come to the bank and withdraw your money. Well, or roll over the deposit. 10 points.


  • High reliability.
  • Availability.
  • Low taxes. You will have to pay 35% of taxable income, which is calculated according to the formula: all income minus the refinancing rate.
  • Predictability of results.


  • Low yield.

Conclusion. This type of investment is more likely not to increase your money, but to somehow compensate for inflation. In any case, if you do not want to risk at all, then this method is better than just keeping money under your pillow.

2. Mutual investment funds (PIFs).

For an ordinary person, investing in mutual funds seems not a very clear undertaking. To understand this, try explaining to your grandmother at the entrance that you are buying shares in the fund of a management company that invests money in assets.

The choice of a mutual fund should also be taken seriously, studying the statistics of different funds. After that, you need to go to the office of the company or its agent. For simplicity I will put 6 points.

The yield here depends on the type of funds and on the approach to choosing a mutual fund. The riskier the investment the fund makes, the higher the potential return is expected, but in most cases it is not high. 3 points.

Reliability also strongly depends on the type of fund. At a time when bond mutual funds are one of the most risk-free investments, investing in venture funds carries very high risks. On average, I would rate reliability at 7 points, because at least you will not be able to lose most of the deposit, as in other ways of investing.

The minimum cost of a share starts from 300-500 rubles per share, which is suitable for almost everyone. 10 points.

I think most people invest in open mutual funds, so in this paragraph we will only talk about them. You can withdraw money from open funds by selling your shares in 1-3 working days. I will put 10 points.

Still, with this method of investing, you will have to spend a little time managing your investments. Of course, the management company will do the management within the fund without your participation, but you will have to transfer money between mutual funds and decide when to sell shares and when to buy. 8 points.

Pros and cons of this investment method:


  • A large number of assets in which the fund can invest.
  • Low entry threshold.
  • Relatively low risk.


  • Possibility of making a loss in case of an unsuccessful choice of a fund.
  • Relatively complex investment procedure.
  • An investor should be interested in the stock market.

Conclusion. With a successful selection of funds and proper management of your investments, the profit from the deposit covers inflation and brings a small income. But you need to remember that many funds bring losses to their investors.

3. PAMM accounts.

Brokerage companies have invested so much money in advertising in recent years that only the deaf have not heard about Forex and the tempting prospects of becoming a successful trader. Therefore, it is not difficult for an ordinary person to understand the principle of PAMM investing - to give money to a trader so that he can play on the stock exchange.

You can find a suitable broker on the Internet. At the moment the most popular is Alpari. So I will put 7 points for simplicity and clarity.

Some accounts can bring you more than 100% profit per year, and some drain all your money. But, when using the principle of risk diversification, the income from this type of investment is slightly higher than in mutual funds and is estimated by me at 5 points.

As returns increase, so do risks. When using the principle of diversification, you will not lose the entire amount of your investment, but you may receive a loss. For reliability, I would put 6 points.

You can start investing in PAMM accounts with $10. At the moment, this is equal to 700 - 800 rubles. The amount is small, so I put 10 points.

You can withdraw money at any time within one to two business days. Therefore, for liquidity 10 points.

Investment management takes time. If you do not use automatic tools, then you will have to log into your personal account almost every day. After all, the market situation can change very quickly and your managers can make critical mistakes. I bet 6 points.

Pros and cons of this investment method:


  • Low entry threshold.
  • Opportunity to build your own investment portfolio.
  • Simple investment procedure.


  • It is possible not only to receive a loss, but also to drain the entire amount of the deposit.
  • An investor should be interested in trading in the foreign exchange market.

Conclusion. This is a very common way of investing, which has gained popularity due to advertising. This way to invest money is more suitable for those people who like the foreign exchange market or who have experience in trading on the stock exchange.

4. HYIP projects.

This type of investment is often referred to as quasi-investment. In simple terms, these are pyramids that accrue profits to participants from new deposits.

It is very easy to invest in these projects. Many of them accept bank transfers and payments through the most popular payment systems. Most often, HYIPs have a legend that explains to gullible investors where the company takes money from to pay such high interest.

It is very easy to make a contribution to such a project via the Internet. But, if you are new to the Internet, it will be more difficult. For convenience, I would put 8 points.

Profit HYIP-projects promise simply cosmic. On average, long-term HYIPs offer to pay 20-30% per month. Short-term ones can promise to double the amount of the deposit in just a few days. 10 points for the promised yield, but in fact it, of course, turns out to be lower.

There is no need to talk about any reliability of deposits. The project can collapse at any moment. Every day 1-2 HYIP projects are opened and the same amount is scammed. Therefore, for reliability, I would put everything 1 point.

I think that in this paragraph and the paragraphs below, we should consider only long-term projects. The minimum amount of entry into them starts from 1,500 thousand rubles. 9 points for a low entry threshold.

In most projects, the deposit cannot be returned. It will be returned to the depositor during the entire investment period with each payment. Therefore, only 1 point.

If you have already invested in one of the HYIPs, then all you have to do is sit and hope that the project will exist and pay. You can't do anything anymore. Completely passive investment deserves 10 points.

Pros and cons of this investment method:


  • High yield.
  • Convenient deposit and withdrawal of money.


  • Very high risks.

Conclusion. Earn onHYIP-projects can only those who are "in the know." You need to be able to analyze projects and find those that can generate income. Most people who make money on HYIPs compensate for the loss when investing by attracting referrals.

5. Bucking (investing in poker players).

Almost everyone knows about such a game as poker. At the same time, many understand that successful players receive big money for winning tournaments. But how many people know that most poker players don't play big tournaments with their own money?

That is, if a strong player does not have enough money to participate in the tournament, he turns to an investor (sponsor), who receives a percentage of the prize money if he wins. The player can also have several sponsors who invest in the player and profit from winnings depending on the amount of investment.

You can buy a share from a player only by agreeing on it on specialized forums. For example, on the forum of this site: PokerStrategy.com. To purchase, you will need to personally write off the player. For convenience, I would put 4 points.

The reliability of this type of investment is highly dependent on the choice of players. In addition, when buying a share, you do not sign any contracts and the player may “not want” to give you your share for winnings. 3 points for reliability.

You can buy a share from $10. But only novice players sell so cheaply, to buy a share of a professional, you will need to invest 200-300 dollars. But it's still better to start with small investments, so I put 10 points for a low entry threshold.

There is no such thing as withdrawal of money. You pay a share, and if the player gets into the prizes, you take the profit.

After you have made a deposit, you just have to wait for a positive outcome. You can no longer influence anything. 10 points.

Pros and cons of this investment method:


  • The possibility of making big profits when a player wins a tournament.


  • More suitable for people who understand poker.
  • The deal is based only on an oral agreement with the player.
  • Usually, players earn more than sponsors.

Conclusion. Rather, backing will suit people who are well versed in poker. It will be difficult for the average person to pick the "right" player.

6. Trust management in sports betting.

Most people treat sports betting like gambling. But professional marques earn a lot and consistently on bets on sporting events.

Many privateers create their own PAMM accounts, which actively attract investors. This type of investment is similar to PAMM accounts in the foreign exchange market.

In order to make a deposit, you need to register on the BetPamm.com trust management platform and select several accounts for investment. 7 points for simplicity.

If you look at the charts of profitability, you will see that the leading privateers increase the funds in their accounts by thousands of percent. Such income should bribe. But on average, the return on this type of investment is much lower and deserves 6 points.

If you use the principle of diversification and invest in several PAMM accounts, then at least you will not lose the entire investment amount due to privateer errors. For reliability, I would put 6 points.

Investing can start with very small amounts. For a low entry threshold 10 points.

You can withdraw money quickly and easily. 10 points.

After investing, you will need to monitor the selected PAMM accounts in order to transfer money between accounts in case they go to a loss or achieve maximum profitability. 6 points.

Pros and cons of this investment method:


  • Short term investment.
  • Self-build portfolio.
  • Low entry threshold and the ability to use a demo account.


  • The possibility of receiving a loss or draining the entire amount.

Conclusion. This method of investment is very similar to investing in PAMM accounts in the Forex market. But it is not so famous due to the lack of advertising.

7. Startups (venture investments).

In recent years, stories of successful startups have been booming all over the place. Everyone understands how profitable it would be to buy shares of young companies, which in a few years would turn into large billion-dollar corporations.

The first way to invest in a startup is to conclude an investment agreement with the company directly. Some companies actively attract investors on their own by selling them future shares at discounted prices. Yunitskiy's SkyWay can serve as an example of such a startup.

You can also invest in a startup using crowdfunding platforms and startup exchanges. Exchanges do not inspire confidence in me, as I consider them HYIPs (read my ShareInStock review). But many reputable sources call them real companies. When you enter the exchange, you will see audited and verified companies in which you can buy shares. You just have to choose a suitable startup and buy a share in it. For simplicity 7 points.

For the purchase of shares on the exchange, the company will pay you dividends in the amount of 2% to 7% per month. In addition, an investor can sell his shares if the company develops and its shares grow in value. He can also sell shares if they lose value and he realizes that he has invested in a shell company. For profitability 6 points.

You need to understand that startups are a risky type of investment. According to statistics, 70% of them are unprofitable, and 20% of these 70% are just scammers who embezzle investors' money. But even of those companies that are in the top 30%, half of them break up in the near future due to internal problems.

One of the ways to invest in startups is through crowdfunding platforms. Unfortunately, in Russia they are not very developed and the minimum amount of investment through them is quite high. But all the companies represented on the site are subject to mandatory verification. There is also the possibility of investing in startups directly. For reliability 6 points.

The entry threshold for this type of investment is not high. 10 points.

If you decide to withdraw money or redistribute it within the share exchange by selling all or part of the purchased shares, then you will need to sell them on the exchange at a price below the market. The lower the price you set, the faster your shares will be bought. 7 points.

For the most profitable investment, you will have to devote your time. It will be necessary to track changes in the value of shares on the exchange, selling and buying them. There is no manager here, so you have to do everything yourself. 5 points.

Pros and cons of this investment method:


  • Convenient and simple investment procedure.
  • Very low entry threshold.
  • High potential return.


  • High risks in passive investment.

Conclusion. If you decide to invest in startups, then it is better to use exchanges. You will pay about 5% for withdrawing money, but you will be protected from scammers.

8. Currencies and precious metals.

Surely, among your friends and acquaintances there is a person who, with a smart look, claims that money should be kept in gold (platinum, dollar, pound, yen, etc.). This approach says that a person does not understand investing, but simply uses popular “stereotypes” among the people.

For example, if you look at the dynamics of gold prices, you will see that since 2012 it has depreciated against the dollar by almost one and a half times.

If you decide to do without the services of managers and independently buy precious metals or currency in order to store money in it, then this procedure will not be difficult.

You can buy currency in bank branches, or by using the services of brokers (which will be more profitable than buying through a bank). You can also change currencies using online and offline exchange offices or payment systems.

Precious metals can also be bought from banks. And it became possible to purchase gold using the WebMoney payment system.

Also, do not forget about cryptocurrencies, for example, Bitcoin, which, according to all forecasts, will rise in price in the long term. The purchase of these assets will not be difficult, so I put 8 points.

Buying precious metals or currencies for long-term investment primarily protects you from the depreciation of the national currency. For many countries with weak currencies, this is a reasonable solution. But courses behave unpredictably, so there may not be any profitability. 2 points.

A beginner does not know which direction the course will go in the near future, so his investment is more like gambling. Even if now people prefer to keep their money in dollars, what is the guarantee that oil will not rise in price in the near future along with the ruble?

You can probably protect yourself from the depreciation of the national currency by keeping half of your money, for example, in dollars, and the other half in rubles. So when the rates fluctuate, you will not lose anything, but you will not earn anything either.

Profitability depends on luck and I would bet everything 2 points.

The entry threshold depends on the type of asset and on the method of purchase. On the exchange, 1 lot will cost at least $1,000, and through exchange offices or payment systems, you can change amounts of several dollars. So anyone can buy currency or precious metals. 10 points.

You can sell currency as quickly as you can buy it. In exchange offices and exchanges, this is done almost instantly. Gold is also a highly liquid asset. 10 points.

In general, attempts to influence profits by tracking rates and then selling assets already turns you into a trader. And I would not attribute trading to investing. Therefore, I understand investing in currencies and precious metals as “put and forget”. That's why 10 points.

Pros and cons of this investment method:


  • Able to protect against depreciation of the national currency.


Conclusion. Buying precious metals and currencies for a beginner is a very unpredictable way to invest money. You can reduce risks and increase profitability either by entrusting money to a manager, or by independently studying trading in the foreign exchange market.

9. Securities.

I think that most people from securities are familiar only with stocks. The most financially literate will probably be able to name more bonds. Only a few know how to invest money in securities.

In fact, buying securities is no more difficult than buying a currency. You also need to contact a major bank or broker. 7 points for simplicity.

When buying securities as a beginner, making a profit is a big question. And, if even a beginner can count on a small income when investing in bonds, then the stock market can bring a loss to a novice investor. 3 points for profitability.

In fact, usually low returns entail low risks, but not in this case. There are high risks in the stock market. 3 points for reliability.

You can start investing with a small amount. The entry threshold starts at about 1,000 rubles. 9 points.

Securities can be sold on the stock exchange in the same way as you bought them. This asset is considered to be quite liquid. I bet 10 points.

Again, if a person begins to manage his securities on his own, then he is already turning from an investor into a trader. Therefore, here we consider only passive investing. 10 points.

Pros and cons of this investment method:


  • Simple investment procedure and low entry threshold.


  • For a beginner, this is a risky and low-yielding way to invest money.

Conclusion. If you have already decided to invest in securities, then it is better to contact a professional manager who will manage your funds for a small commission. Investing in the stock market on your own as a beginner is more like gambling than investing.

10. Real estate.

There is one stereotype among people: “ The most reliable investment of money is the purchase of real estate". But do not forget that real estate includes not only apartments, but also various buildings, structures, water bodies, forests, etc.

In general, there is some truth in this, because many people want to save up for an extra apartment by old age in order to rent it out and get a good pension increase. And in which case you can sell it and get a good capital.

You can invest in residential or commercial real estate, under construction or already built, suburban or located within the city. Ease of investment also depends on the choice of the type of real estate.

To invest in residential real estate, you will need to contact a realtor, look for suitable options, draw up a lot of documents and, possibly, make repairs. As for me, the procedure is quite dreary.

If you decide to buy commercial real estate, then the hassle becomes much greater. You will need to keep accounts, pay taxes, manage facilities, re-register energy supply. On average, for convenience, I would put 2 points.

As for profitability, you can receive no more than 1 percent per month from residential real estate with a long-term lease. This is 7-10% per year. The renting of residential facilities by the day turns into work and is not considered.

If you expect to sell it more expensive after a while, then it is far from a fact that prices will rise. In general, for profitability, I would bet 3 points.

Real estate, indeed, has a high reliability. Unless, of course, this is not an object under construction.

Even if real estate prices fall, you will continue to make a steady income from rent. For reliability, I put 9 points.

The entry threshold is high, even if it is a collective property purchase. The minimum investment amount starts from several hundred thousand rubles. I will put 2 points.

It often happens that in order to quickly sell real estate (especially commercial) you have to set a very low price. Sometimes objects cannot be sold for several months. I bet 3 points.

If we consider a long-term lease of residential real estate, then you will not have to spend much time on management. You will need to find tenants once and then collect money once a month. 8 points.

Pros and cons of this investment method:


  • Clear scheme of income generation.
  • High reliability.
  • You do not need any special knowledge and experience in investing.


  • High entry threshold.
  • Low profitability.

Conclusion. Investing in residential real estate is understandable to every way of investing money. This method is especially liked by conservative investors who do not want to take risks.

11. Investment in business.

Of course, here we will not talk about investing in creating a business from scratch, but about buying a ready-made company. Starting a business from scratch is hard work with unpredictable results. An investor is interested in an established business with streamlined processes that brings a stable income.

In order to find a company to buy, you can use newspapers or bulletin boards. But most often, the entrepreneur does not talk about the sale of his offspring, so as not to raise doubts among employees and customers.

Therefore, they prefer to contact broker companies that will sell their business. They also distribute information about the sale among friends and acquaintances.

Once you have found a suitable business, you will need to audit it to make sure that business processes are in order. This whole procedure for a beginner can turn into an insurmountable obstacle. 1 point for simplicity and clarity.

Super profitable businesses rarely sell, so you should count on average profitability. Of course, profitability strongly depends on the type of activity and the quality of management. I will put 6 points.

Many people think that entrepreneurs only sell unprofitable businesses. But actually it is not. The reason for the sale may be: an urgent need for money, disagreements between the owners, loss of interest, lack of time (especially if one entrepreneur has several types of business), etc.

The audit will help analyze the reliability, profitability and prospects of the business. Therefore, the chance of buying a loss-making asset is very small. I bet 7 points.

The entry threshold for this type of investment is relatively high. Yes, there are very small companies, but they cost far from a penny. Buying a profitable business with streamlined cost processes is similar to buying real estate.

Often people join groups to buy a business. For example, several friends and acquaintances buy a company together. But even in this case, the entry threshold remains high. I will put 2 points.

If you urgently need money, the company can be sold. If your business is unprofitable, then it will be difficult or almost impossible to sell it. A profitable business is easier to sell, but most often this procedure takes a lot of time. That's why 3 points.

If you manage the acquired company yourself, then turn from an investor into a businessman. Therefore, you will need to hire an executive director who will manage your business. But even in this case, you will have to control it and analyze the activities of the company.

Yes, and you will need to deal with the selection of a manager yourself. That's why 2 points.

Pros and cons of this investment method:


  • Reliable and profitable type of investment.
  • You can choose the business that you like and understand.


  • Complicated procedure for selecting and registering a business.
  • High entry threshold.
  • It will be necessary to delve into business processes and to some extent manage the company.

Conclusion. I believe that if you have enough capital, buying a ready-made business is one of the best ways to invest money. But it is desirable that you like the type of activity of your company and that you have at least minimal experience in doing business.

12. Investments in content sites.

This way of investing money is similar to investing in a business, but with a simpler purchase and management procedure. Again, you do not need to create and promote a site. You can just buy a ready-made project.

The website itself is more of a tool than an asset. The real asset is the audience that visits this project every day. The site owner makes a profit by displaying ads, affiliate programs and other sources of monetization.

To buy a site, you can use the exchange. One of the most popular exchanges in Runet is Telderi.ru. In the list of sites for sale, you can see all the information on projects: audience size, profitability, development dynamics, payback period, etc.

The transaction is protected and follows the rules of the auction, where the site goes to the buyer who offered the highest price. For simplicity, you can put 4 points.

Usually normal sites are sold at a price equal to the income from it for 12 months. That is, if the project brings 20,000 rubles a month, then the fair price for it will be 240,000 rubles.

But in most cases, on such sites, monetization works far from 100%. Thus, after “twisting” monetization, it will be possible to recoup the contribution in 6-10 months. 7 points for profitability.

If the site is made with high quality and promoted only by "white" methods, then such a contribution can be called reliable. Of course, if you want the project to bring you profit for more than one year, then you need to carry out at least minimal work on it. But, for a year or two, the project will be enough without additional investments. 8 points for reliability.

In general, some sites are sold very cheaply. You can find it for 500 rubles. But such sites should not be of interest to the investor.

You can buy as one expensive and high-quality site, as well as several medium ones. Therefore, I do not advise you to start with too small amounts. I will put it at the threshold of entry 6 points.

If the project ceases to be of interest to you or you need money, then you can always sell it on the same exchange. For this I bet 4 points.

When buying a site that will bring you passive income, you can make a profit without doing it at all for a year or two. But, over time, without administration and updates, the project will lose its audience, bringing less and less income. I will put 4 points.

Pros and cons of this investment method:


  • Convenient investment amount for everyone.
  • High investment security.
  • You can develop the project, increasing profits.


  • You need to have minimal knowledge about sites and how to monetize them, or seek help from an experienced specialist.

Conclusion. Investing in content, information and other similar sites is one of the best ways to invest. This type of investment can be easily turned into a business by working on purchased sites and increasing profits.

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