Is it possible to re-issue a loan to another person? How to reissue a loan in another bank (refinancing) Is it possible to transfer a loan to another bank

Different situations happen in life. Sometimes, we take out loans from financial institutions for ourselves, and give the money to friends, relatives, etc. But on the condition that they will pay the monthly payments on their own.


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Or here’s another example: a person buys a car on credit, and after a while decides to sell it. The buyer, in turn, does not have the required amount and is ready reissue a loan to myself. Let's take a closer look at how this can be done and how banks feel about it.

In Russian legislation, the transfer of debt to a third party is regulated by Art. 389 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Assignment of your debt is possible only with the consent of the creditor and in accordance with Art. 382 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

Accordingly, a loan can be reissued to a third party only with the consent of the bank, and all documents must also be notarized.

Borrower actions

  1. Go to your bank with the person for whom you want to reissue the loan, and write a corresponding application.
  2. Provide all documents and justify the reason why you need to reissue the loan. This may be due to job loss or illness, sale of property, etc.
  3. The person to whom the borrower wants to re-register financial obligations must submit the following documents:
  • certificate from place of work;
  • passport;
  • second document;
  • documents for any property (car, real estate).

The new borrower will be provided with a complete list of documents at the bank. And then all that remains is to wait for the bank’s decision.

Important! Banks are very reluctant to undertake the procedure of re-issuing loans to new clients. If the borrower paid everything on time, then most likely he will be refused. The bank will not take such risks. Why change something if everything is fine?

If the borrower does reissue the loan, the interest on it may increase significantly. There may also be hidden fees.

What to do if re-registration is refused?

You can try to get a loan for a friend at another bank. This can be much more profitable due to the terms of the loan itself. With the money received, the borrower will pay off the debt in his own, and the new client will repay the loan on his own. Thus, the borrower will fulfill his financial obligations to his bank.

If the relationship with the person who wants to take on the obligation to repay the loan is trusting, then let him continue to make the monthly payment on his own, without re-registration (close friends or relatives usually do this when purchasing a car from each other).

There are certain advantages to this: the old borrower is registered with the bank as a conscientious payer, and accordingly, in the future he will be able to count on more favorable loan terms and a larger amount. After all, money can be needed at any time.

If the relationship is not trusting, then you can issue a notarized receipt for the remaining amount with monthly payments. As soon as a friend stops paying, you can sue him and collect the debt through the FSSP service.

Re-issuance of a loan without consent

It is impossible to forcibly transfer a loan to a third party. If a person does not want to bind himself to debt obligations with a creditor, then any persuasion or coercion is ILLEGAL in relation to him. They are also subject to punishment provided for in the Criminal Code.

Important! Only personal desire can serve as a basis for re-issuing a loan.

Based on Art. 45 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, the prosecutor's office can interfere in legislative processes if it considers that a person does not understand the actions that he is asked to perform. Which will lead to a deterioration in his financial condition.

Any actions have consequences and if you decide to hang your debt on someone who does not want it, be prepared to answer to the fullest extent of the law.

The court cannot in any way influence the bank or a third party and oblige them to change the borrower or take on the loan themselves. Consequently, such a claim will have no legal meaning.

The plaintiff will not be able to legally substantiate his claims, simply due to the fact that there is no such article of law.

Important! The court may oblige the debtor to repay the debt, but not transfer the loan to itself.

Taking out a loan for a friend - a common problem

Taking out a loan on yourself to help a friend or relative is a common situation. The person promises that he will pay, but in fact takes the money and stops all communication with you or “feeds you breakfast” and will return everything.

Important! If you took out a loan for yourself, then ONLY YOU are responsible for its timely repayment. The only exception would be the initiation of a criminal case for fraud against the person who encouraged you to take money from the bank.

Such a violation can be proven in one case - a class action lawsuit filed with the police or prosecutor's office. That is, the massive scale of the crime.

For example, an employer persuaded employees to take out loans for themselves and disappeared with the money. Such actions clearly constitute a crime. A case is initiated in which the bank writes off the debt.

Bottom line

Re-issuing a loan to another person is possible, but individually in each situation. You cannot oblige someone to take on your financial obligations. You also cannot force the lender to consider another candidate to take your place as a borrower.

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Applying for a loan is a responsible transaction. The borrower undertakes to repay the debt on time, but this does not always happen in life. There are situations when one person takes a loan and gives the money to another person. Another option is also possible - the borrower can no longer fulfill his obligations to the bank and is ready to re-issue the loan to another person. Such a transaction is called assignment of debt, and it is not prohibited by law.

Is it possible to re-issue a loan to another person?

Article 391 of the Civil Code provides for a change of debtor, but only with the consent of the creditor, the old and the new borrower. All documents must be notarized or in writing.

This situation most often happens when paying off a mortgage. The amount of monthly payments is large and the borrower does not always cope with such a debt load (find out about all the possible ones). In order not to lose the property altogether, a decision is made to voluntarily sell it. If the buyer does not have enough cash, he has the opportunity to transfer the debt to himself. So, to the question of whether it is possible to re-issue a loan to another person, the answer is yes. But the creditor must give his consent to this transaction.

Borrower actions

The bank's decision to assign debt largely depends on the client's payment discipline. If he makes all payments on time, the financial institution will not agree to change the debtor.

In the event that there is an overdue debt on the loan (read) and the client does not plan to repay it, the bank will willingly agree to assign the debt. But provided that the new borrower meets all established criteria.

The procedure for changing a debtor includes the following steps:

  1. Carefully read the current loan agreement, especially the clause on the possibility of assigning debt to third parties.
  2. Find a person who will take on your obligations to the bank. If a secured loan is reissued, it will not just pay off the debt. He also becomes the owner of the property against which this loan was issued.
  3. Contact a bank branch with a new client and write an application to change the debtor. In it, describe in detail the reasons why you can no longer fulfill your obligations. The potential borrower must also provide his documents and income certificate.
  4. The bank will review the application and make a decision. If the new client has official employment, a positive credit history, and a stable source of income, then the financial institution will agree to the transaction.
  5. Re-registration of all documents for the new borrower. For secured loans, papers are subject to notarization.

In practice, banks charge a commission for this service. It averages 1-3% of the debt amount. Also, the new borrower must make an advance to pay off the debt, as when applying for a loan. He also enters into an insurance contract in his own name if they are provided for by the terms of the transaction. After all operations, the debt from the first borrower is completely written off. He also loses his property, which served as collateral. We have already discussed these points in the article.

What to do if re-registration is refused?

The bank may well refuse to assign the debt, especially if the potential borrower does not have an impeccable credit history and high income.

In this situation, the client can do the following:

  1. A new borrower takes out a loan in his name from another bank and repays the debt (find out more about everything) on ​​the existing loan. After this, the seizure of the property is lifted, and then a purchase and sale agreement is concluded.
  2. If the debt is transferred to a loved one, then he can simply pay it off. The debtor does not change. After the loan is repaid, re-register documents for the property.
  3. The change of debtor is carried out illegally. An agreement is concluded between two persons, which is certified by a notary. It spells out in detail all the terms of the transaction. At the bank, the borrower remains the same. The debt is repaid by another person, to whom the pledge will subsequently be transferred.

These options are possible, but they are quite risky for both parties.

After repaying the debt, the borrower may not re-register the documents to the new owner. It is also possible that the new client will take the car, but will not pay for it. To avoid getting into such an unpleasant situation, it is better to make the assignment of debt official.

Re-issuance of a loan without consent

Re-issuance of a loan through the court

You should go to court only if the transaction was concluded under duress. For example, one person forced another to take out a loan for himself, and took the money received. This is pure fraud. You must immediately contact the police and write a corresponding statement at the bank.

It should be noted that the issue will not be resolved quickly. They will conduct internal investigations and interview bank employees. The court will write off the debt from you and force you to repay the fraudster. But this is provided that sufficient evidence is collected.

Sometimes, when there is an urgent need for funds, there is not enough time to carefully study the conditions of various banks. Credit institutions themselves from time to time offer more profitable promotions and lower rates.

Naturally, the borrower is attracted by such factors and has a desire to transfer loans to another bank. The transfer process itself implies not only the opportunity to reduce the loan rate, but also to combine all loans within one single payment. This solution saves the payer money and simplifies the loan payment process.

How does refinancing work?

Transferring a loan from one bank to another in banking language sounds like refinancing. The process is essentially the process of applying for a new loan, but with some reservations. Firstly, when calculating the client’s solvency, the amount of the monthly installment on the transferred loan is not taken into account. This feature allows you to receive a larger amount at a time than by simply taking out a second loan. The principal amount owed on a previously taken out loan will have to be paid immediately, but the balance can be used at your discretion.

Refinancing involves providing a package of documents for registration. To the main list (passport, 2-personal income tax, certificate of income in the form of a bank, work book, etc.), statements of the account of an existing loan, a certificate of the amount of the principal debt, details of the loan agreement, and a payment schedule can be added.

Once funds are approved and credited to the account, the new bank will automatically repay the old loan by bank transfer to the account details. For the correctness of the procedure, it is necessary to clarify the balance of the debt and write an application for full early repayment of the previously issued loan.

In what cases is refinancing relevant?

A loan transfer should be carried out if a previously issued loan was issued on unfavorable terms: high interest rate, expensive insurance. Refinancing is suitable for those who have several separate loans from different banks.

Condensing all payments into one on a single date greatly simplifies the payment and banking process. By combining loans into one, the risk of confusion and delay is reduced. In addition, many credit institutions provide discounts on refinancing, which brings additional benefits.

What's worth knowing

In order for refinancing to be truly beneficial for the borrower, it is recommended to know some subtleties:

Because of what they may have

Refinancing will be denied if there are late payments on other loans or credit cards. All late payments for the bank are in the public domain; it is impossible to deceive the system. Even one day is considered late, this should be remembered. If your income has decreased since the previous loan was issued, then the limit for obtaining refinancing may no longer be enough.

Lending and refinancing are an excellent opportunity to purchase what you need now, without saving money. The banking sector offers a wide range of programs. Refinancing is a great solution to many credit-related problems. However, you should approach it wisely, choosing a reputable bank and carefully assessing its conditions.

In some situations, borrowers need to get rid of debt obligations, so they are interested in whether it is possible to transfer the loan to another person. The Civil Code of the Russian Federation allows for the transfer of debt, but subject to certain requirements.

Is it possible to transfer a loan to another person?

The specifics of transferring debt obligations to another person are regulated by Art. 391 Civil Code of the Russian Federation:

  • The original borrower and the new one reach an initial agreement to reissue the loan, and only then contact the credit institution.
  • Before transferring a loan to another person, you must obtain the written consent of the bank where it was issued. If received, the transfer is considered completed at the time the notification is issued.
  • If the obligation is related to entrepreneurship, both debtors bear joint liability, unless the agreement provides for subsidiary liability. The original borrower may not be released from his obligations to the finance company.

Thus, whether it is possible to transfer your loan debt to another person with his consent, the law gives an unequivocal affirmative answer, but this is not enough to complete the transaction. It is necessary to comply with a number of legal requirements and obtain approval from the bank, and only after that the debt obligations will be removed from the original borrower.

Is it possible to reissue a loan to another person without his consent?

According to the law, re-issuance of a loan is possible only with the consent of a third party. Even if a complete package of documents is submitted to the bank, it will not be possible to satisfy the request. To assign rights, the written consent of the new borrower is required.

Another question that people are often interested in is whether it is possible to transfer a loan to another person if the money received from the bank was spent on him. This situation is common: a person takes out a loan from a bank, purchases things for another person, then the relationship between them deteriorates and he decides to re-issue the debt obligations to him. In this situation, you will have to repay the debt in full.

The exception is spending money on family needs. Here you will have to prove that the funds were used to purchase common property: for example, furniture or household appliances. Receipts may be used as evidence. However, even in this case, the bank is not obliged to satisfy the borrowers' requests unless their spouses consent.

If there is a need to re-register the debt to a spouse during a divorce, and the money was spent on general needs, and he refuses to take on debt obligations, it is possible to re-register the loan through the court. To do this, you will also need cash receipts proving that the borrower did not spend the finances solely on himself.

It is worth considering that when re-issuing a loan to another person in the event of a divorce, all debt obligations, as well as property, are divided in half, i.e. the ex-spouse will be able to use the things for which he pays money.

How to transfer a loan to a third party

To carry out the procedure for transferring a loan to another person without problems, you must adhere to the following algorithm:

  1. Study the loan agreement. It must indicate the possibility and conditions of re-registration. The bank has the right to refuse a request if it considers that the potential borrower does not meet its requirements: has an insufficient level of income or a bad credit history. Employees of the financial institution are not required to explain the reason for the refusal.
  2. Find a potential borrower - an entity that has expressed its readiness to assume debt obligations. This could be a spouse, relative, or one of your friends.
  3. Make a visit to the office of a financial company and coordinate your intentions with the creditor bank.
  4. Submit an application to the lender and receive the result. The credit company's decision is issued in writing. The application must indicate the reason for the assignment of debt.
  5. Create a package of necessary documents and hand over everything to bank employees. It must include certificates justifying the need to transfer debt obligations.
  6. To successfully transfer a consumer loan, the new borrower must provide the bank with an income certificate, SNILS, documents for a car or real estate. They will be used as confirmation of the client's solvency and increase the chance of approval of the application.

A complete list of required documents can be found on the website of the bank to which you plan to apply. Both parties must have their passports with them when re-issuing a loan.

Is it possible to transfer a mortgage loan to another person?

When applying for a mortgage, the purchased apartment serves as collateral. If the loan was issued to only one spouse, but the couple subsequently decided to divorce, the debt obligations can be divided. The procedure is also relevant when selling mortgaged real estate: along with the housing, the new owner also acquires obligations to repay the debt.

Banks are very reluctant to assign loans with collateral, but there are chances if potential owners follow the step-by-step instructions:

  1. The seller and buyer find each other. The latter determines whether it is profitable for him to purchase a mortgaged apartment by assessing its value in cash. If the overpayment is insignificant or absent, both parties go to the bank and submit an application, indicating the number of the mortgage agreement, their data and signing.
  2. The financial company reviews the application and checks the new participant in the transaction for solvency. Having an apartment as collateral is not a guarantee, because the main task of banks is not to take away the property, but to receive the loaned funds.
  3. If the new client fully meets the lender’s requirements, a new contract is drawn up, and the home becomes his property.
  4. The buyer makes full payment to the seller. From this moment, all debt obligations are transferred to him, and the bank will not have the right to demand payment of monthly payments from the previous borrower.

Now in more detail about whether it is possible to re-issue a consumer loan to a husband if he has a source of income, but is not officially employed. It all depends on the loan amount and other circumstances:

  • If the amount of debt is small, and the spouse is a client of the bank - he has a debit card through which funds flow regularly, the bank may approve the application.
  • When the other half does not have a plastic card, official income and a favorable credit history, the bank will definitely refuse to transfer the debt to him.

If all the requirements of the financial company are met and there is an urgent need to reissue the loan, but the bank refuses to do so, you should go to court. It is worth considering that the creditor is not obliged to justify the reasons for refusing clients, however, at the meeting he will voice them, and on this basis the judge will decide whether to satisfy or deny the claim.

Is it possible to re-issue a mortgage loan to another person: advantages and disadvantages

Before transferring a loan to another person, if he is the buyer of a mortgaged apartment, you should familiarize yourself with the pros and cons of such a transaction for him:

Before conducting a transaction, buyers are recommended to contact notaries to check the apartment for encumbrances. For example, if minors are registered in it, they cannot be discharged without the consent of their parents and registration at a different address, so the debt assignment operation may be declared invalid and the money may be lost.

Is it possible to re-issue a credit card to a third party?

A credit card is a personal banking product issued individually for a citizen. Full name is indicated on the plastic. client, and it cannot be re-registered to another person.

If a user has a credit card debt and wants to get rid of it, there are two options:

  • Borrow money from a loved one or ask him to pay the debt himself.
  • Pay off the debt yourself and close the card.

To close a card account, you must do the following:

  • Contact the bank and find out the balance of the debt along with interest. Some financial organizations provide such certificates through your personal account.
  • Pay off the debt and write an application to liquidate the credit account.
  • Receive a response from the bank and request a certificate of no debt.

The last document is extremely necessary: ​​due to an employee’s mistake when calculating the debt, the client may be left with a small debt, which over time develops into huge charges due to the accumulation of interest and penalties. Having a certificate will help you get rid of such a debt if it is transferred to collectors or the bank decides to claim it through the court.

Important! Blocking a card does not mean closing the account, so it is necessary to draw up an application and then submit it to the bank, otherwise fees for servicing the plastic card will continue to be charged.

Is it possible to transfer a car loan to another person?

If the borrower can no longer repay the loan or decides to sell the car, he can transfer the car loan to a third party. What you need to do for this:

  • Find a buyer or other person who wants to purchase a vehicle with a lien on which he will have to make monthly payments. Agree with him.
  • Together with the buyer, visit the bank branch where the car loan was issued and provide the employee with an application for assignment of debt.
  • Along with the application, bring identification documents confirming the solvency of the new client.
  • Receive the bank's decision and reissue the loan agreement. From this moment on, the new borrower is obliged to repay the debt. After the loan is completely liquidated, the car will become his property.

Is it possible to reissue a loan if you are a co-borrower?

When taking out a mortgage, both spouses are co-borrowers. If they decide to transfer the debt to just one borrower, this is entirely possible, but banks very rarely make concessions: if only one person is responsible for paying the debt, they are less likely to reclaim the money when he becomes insolvent.

However, re-registration of debt is quite possible, and the procedure is carried out according to the standard scheme:

  1. The spouses contact the lender and leave an application, which is considered for several days.
  2. Clients are notified of the bank's decision via a call or SMS message. If it is positive, they come to the office again and provide a package of documents necessary to transfer the mortgage.
  3. A new agreement is drawn up in the presence of all parties.

The creditor refused to re-register the debt: possible reasons

The most common reasons for refusal to transfer debt payment obligations are:

  • Lack of credit history of a potential client. If he has not previously taken out loans anywhere, he may be denied a large loan. To solve this problem, it is enough to borrow a small amount of money and pay it off early. The operation will be reflected in the BKI, and the likelihood of the application being approved will increase.
  • The new borrower does not meet the criteria of a financial enterprise: insufficient income, lack of permanent work, and there is no possibility of providing property as collateral.
  • Damaged credit history. Before issuing a large loan, all banks make a request to the BKI and, if it turns out that the person for whom it is planned to re-issue the loan is a persistent defaulter, the application will be denied.
  • A citizen who wants to transfer a loan to himself already has other loans. When making a decision, banks are guided by the current credit load and income level of potential borrowers, and if the size of their monthly payments exceeds 60% of the salary, the request may be refused.
  • Bank employees suspect the borrower of fraud. This is possible if he has already been recorded for fraud in transferring money to his account.
  • Unsatisfactory monthly income. In this case, the bank can either refuse the application or offer a loan secured by property.
  • Identification by the security service of the credit company of violations on the part of the borrower, according to which the debt cannot be transferred to him.

What to do if the bank refuses to transfer the loan to a third party

Cases of refusal to satisfy the requests of clients who want to transfer the debt to another person are quite common. Here you can do the following:

  1. Register a citizen who agrees to repay the loan as a guarantor.
  2. Send a letter to the credit company about the inability to repay the debt and about transferring obligations to the guarantor.

There are risks here for the main borrower: the guarantor may refuse to pay the debt, and then the bank will again demand money from him. Both sides will have to prove their case in court, which will cost a lot of time and money.

Is it possible to reissue a loan to another person in Sberbank and VTB 24

The two most popular banks among the population are VTB24 and Sberbank. It is in them that mortgages are most often issued, so the question of whether it is possible to transfer a loan to another person in them is quite relevant.

Everything is quite possible if the new client meets all the requirements of these banks and they have approved the debt transfer. The re-registration procedure is carried out in a standard manner and does not present any particular difficulties, but it must be taken into account that Sberbank and VTB24 impose the most stringent criteria on borrowers.


If there is agreement between three parties - the bank, the existing borrower and the new client to whom it is planned to transfer the debt, the procedure for re-issuing a loan will take from 10 to 30 days. After concluding a new agreement, all debt obligations are transferred to a third party, and when the mortgage is transferred and the debt is liquidated, the apartment will be his property without encumbrance.

Typically, each borrower, when searching for an organization from which he will borrow funds, is guided by the conditions offered - namely, the interest rate, ease of registration and the presence of additional commissions. However, a situation often arises when, having already paid the loan, an offer from another bank arises, which is very profitable and interesting in comparison with the existing loan. In this case, the question arises of how to transfer loans to other banks.

This process is a refinancing that is offered by almost every banking organization, since with its help you can attract many responsible and solvent clients.

By refinancing, it is possible to reduce the interest rate or increase the loan term. This has a positive effect on monthly payments.

When contacting a bank to which they plan to transfer a loan, people are faced with the need to meet certain requirements and conditions. Most often these include:

Therefore, if the borrower has arrears or other problems related to the payment of funds on an existing loan, then it will be impossible to transfer him to another banking organization.

Transfer procedure

The whole process can be carried out in a few simple steps:

It is worth saying that borrowers are often refused to carry out the refinancing procedure, and banks have the right not to notify the reasons for such a decision. This is most often due to a bad credit history or low income.

In addition, refinancing is not always profitable. This is due to the fact that some banks may impose additional commissions, and you often have to re-insure an apartment, car, or the life and health of a citizen with a new insurance company. All this entails additional expenses, so refinancing may be unprofitable.

Is it possible to combine several loans?

It often happens when one borrower takes out several loans at once. This leads to the fact that overpayments are high, and the debtor is also obliged to constantly remember exactly when payments on a particular loan must be made. Therefore, there is a need to transfer all loans into one loan.

Many banking organizations offer this opportunity, and this is a beneficial solution for the borrower, because he has a single loan for which a certain amount of money is paid per month. In addition, a person can easily track changes in the loan.

This process is called applying for a new consolidation loan. It is designed not only to consolidate multiple loans, but also to further reduce your monthly payments. In this regard, a fairly significant period is usually established for which funds are issued.

The simplest is considered to be those issued in one banking institution. To do this, it is enough to visit the bank, submit an application for merger and negotiate with an employee of the organization all the conditions of the consolidation loan.

It is considered more difficult to transfer loans issued in different banks to one bank. In this case, it is appropriate to issue a new loan, which will pay off all other debts.

Benefits of credit transfer

You can transfer all loans or one loan to another bank on favorable terms. This process has many advantages, but is also not without its disadvantages. The positive points are:

However, this action is not without significant drawbacks, which every borrower should remember. And they are like this:

  • if there is a need to reduce payments, then the period for which borrowed funds are provided increases, and this leads to an increase in overpayments;
  • the amount of one loan is often very high, so some banks require collateral from the borrower, which can be guarantors or real estate owned by the client;
  • It is not allowed to perform this action for borrowers who experienced delays in the process of repaying loans;
  • the decision takes quite a long time, since the bank checks the potential borrower with special care to be sure of a guaranteed return of funds;
  • there is a need to collect more documentation.

Thus, refinancing offers the opportunity to transfer a loan from one bank to another. A consolidation loan allows you to combine several loans into one. These processes have both pros and cons, so borrowers should make sure in advance that any procedure is profitable and appropriate.