Should I invest money in gold? Where to store gold bars after purchase How to store savings in gold.

Gold has long been considered a stable and reliable means of payment. Therefore, many investors give it their preference for preserving and increasing capital. The precious metals market is constantly increasing its volumes; more and more businessmen prefer to store money in gold. This trend has especially increased since 2008, at the time of the onset of the global economic crisis.

The increase in the number of deposits in the “yellow” metal in 2008 was not accidental. During periods of crisis, the position of stock markets is very unpredictable, the economy of many countries is experiencing a recession, the volume of investment is declining, so governments are trying to replace their foreign exchange reserves with gold. This is done to reduce the risk associated with changes in exchange rates of freely convertible currencies.

Since the price of gold rises during times of crisis in the global economy, a period of recession is the best time to invest money in a reliable means of payment, namely gold.

This is easily confirmed by the graph, which you can see below. It shows that prices for precious metals have increased twice over the past 50 years: first in the eighties, due to the then-current stagflation (increasing inflation rates coupled with unemployment) and in 2010 after the mortgage crisis.

In addition, based on Bloomberg data, storing money in gold is preferred among large investors who have a significantly larger share of precious metals compared to investments in securities, real estate and oil.

Various stages of the rise and fall of gold prices.

Analysts have established a connection between gold prices and changes in the global economy. It turned out that the price of gold goes up if any of these conditions are met:

  • Increased dynamics of changes in world currency rates;
  • Decrease in stock market indices;
  • Central banks are increasing the volume of purchases of gold and other precious metals;
  • Decrease in the volume of gold mined.

The question arises: should you invest your money in gold and what benefits can you get from it?

Despite the fact that global gold production volumes are about two and a half tons, the price of this metal continues to rise steadily. At the same time, it is indisputable that its price is determined by the level of supply and demand. When compared to oil, there is an important difference in that after extraction and processing, the metals are not lost, but are kept by investors and used as a reserve currency by the central banks of many countries. Naturally, there were periods of significant decline in the cost of precious metals, but usually this was associated with the withdrawal of the countries' economies from recession and with the improvement of the investment attractiveness of other currencies.

But in the long run, if you want to invest your money profitably, investing in gold will be one of the best investments. If you look at quotes over the last ten years, the price of one gram of gold bullion has increased by more than three hundred percent. And this despite the fact that profitability indicators for this period were recorded at the “zero” level only twice, and otherwise they were significantly higher than bank deposit rates. So, investing in gold, focusing on the long term, is very profitable.

In the long term, gold is a profitable investment.

In addition, in recent years the price of gold has been steadily increasing; during 2011, record values ​​for the value of this metal were recorded as many as 4 times in the entire history of sales. On August 10, gold futures were issued on the COMEX international exchange at a price of $1,800 per troy ounce. And just 13 days after that, an even higher value of gold was recorded - $1,911.46 was paid per troy ounce.

How to make maximum profit?

The cost of gold may vary depending on the form in which the metal is supplied. When thinking about how to invest your money in this precious metal, this should be considered first. Let's study the main approaches to investing in gold.

Investments in jewelry

We can say that investing in gold in the form of jewelry, after studying investor reviews, is the least profitable, because the cost of the product includes the price of the craftsman’s work, and when selling metal in a pawnshop, only the weight of the precious metal is assessed.

For those who plan to store gold bars at home, they will have to pay a tax of 18%. Because of this, the investor will have to pay a much higher amount than the real value of gold.

Compulsory medical insurance

However, by choosing to keep your money in gold in a non-personal metal account, you avoid paying tax on your purchase of precious metals. Anonymized accounts have a number of advantages, while actually having no disadvantages; the owner of such an account can carry out purchase and sale transactions at any time, which makes it possible to use the moments of the “peak” of gold metal quotes to increase their income. Some banks provide the opportunity to open not only compulsory medical insurance accounts, but also time deposits, with interest accrued in rubles or grams. The disadvantage of such accounts is that their status is not a bank deposit, and therefore they do not have a government guarantee of return of funds.

Income from investments in gold

Investing in gold in the form of purchasing investment coins is beneficial because such coins, especially those issued by Sberbank, are quickly sold out to private collections, which is why their price increases significantly, since the collection price of such coins is already in use.

"Olympic" series of investment coins.

It should also be noted that the cost of a gold bar depends on its weight: a one kilogram bar costs much less than two 500 gram bars. When purchasing gold coins in batches (starting from ten pieces), some banks provide a discount.

In addition, you can invest in gold using the exchange, which reduces the cost of purchasing investments. You can buy a gold futures contract, the price of which depends on the spot price rates.

With this type of investment, it is necessary to quickly respond to changes in gold prices in order to increase the efficiency of investments. This investment approach is speculative and not suitable for long-term investing.

To summarize, we can say that the desire to invest money in gold is a profitable and safe way to increase capital. Demand for this metal is increasing, with growth peaks during recessions. Therefore, when deciding whether it is profitable to buy and invest in gold, you need to take into account that gold is a long-term investment, which in the short term may remain unchanged in price or even decrease, but if you invest for a period of more than several years, then this precious metal brings significant profits .

High-value metals, particularly gold, are a profitable asset to store and increase profits. Most citizens of our homeland are familiar with only one method of investment - purchasing bars of various weights with subsequent storage and sale.

But there are other methods of making money on the values ​​of the subsoil of the earth, and in each listed operation there are pitfalls that can reduce the profitability of the transaction to zero. Let's look at how to avoid getting into trouble below.

The most profitable types of investments in metals are the purchase of valuable coins and compulsory medical insurance.

Coins, in turn, are differentiated into two more types:

Gold of historical value

They consist of 50-70% aurum, which significantly increases their liquidity, and also become more ancient and more expensive every year. Avid numismatists are willing to pay fortunes for the opportunity to own rare collectibles.

Investment banking

This is a type of money created specifically to simplify the system of storing banknotes. As an example, we can take the coin of St. George the Victorious. Its face value is only 50 rubles, but its true value is much higher. The percentage of gold content in it is 65 units, which in weight equivalent is 7 grams. On stock exchanges, pawn shops and banks, the price of aurum varies widely, but on average it is 1,300 rubles per gram. Consequently, one coin will cost the owner 9-10 tr.

This type of investment has many advantages. First of all, they are not subject to tax costs, which saves up to 20% of capital upon purchase, but selling valuables will have to take into account VAT, which will be 13%. Financing in coins is long-term since their purchase and sale is carried out strictly at the bank’s internal rate. To avoid losing in reverse trading, keep an eye on the condition of your coins. If chewed by a cat, with blackening or other defects, they will sharply drop in price.

An impersonal metal account frees the depositor from the need to store both money and gold - everything is stored in a special cell under 24-hour state protection. Replenishing such an investment is possible by depositing cash, transferring metal from another account, or adding your own gold to the cell. The whole process is reminiscent of ordinary manipulations with a cash deposit, only without withdrawing interest.

Is it worth it, is it profitable to invest in gold at Sberbank?

Sberbank carries out more than half of all assignment transactions in the country, which indicates its reliability and development. The institution offers the most favorable conditions for storing metals compared to small financial institutions. Over the past 16 years, gold has strengthened by 244% against the ruble. On average, it brings from 6 to 14% of annual income to the investor. The specific figure depends on the situation in the state and on the general market.

If the investment in gold has already been made and you keep it at home, then the bank is ready to accept minerals weighing from 1 gram from you. up to 1 kg. After an expert assessment of the sample and condition, you will be told the transaction amount. The same weight can be invested in compulsory medical insurance. Details are provided above.

Should you keep your money in gold? Storage specifics

Unlike stock exchanges with their options, gold is a real and tangible investment and a win-win option for enrichment.

It does not depend on currency fluctuations and is difficult to destroy during global catastrophes. This type of investment is also covered by insurance (except compulsory medical insurance), which makes it attractive.

Is there any problem in exchanging gold for money later?

The liquidity of gold in any form has always been at its best and continues to do so. The cash equivalent of an ingot or coin can be paid to you at a pawnshop, jewelry store, bank, or ordinary individuals wishing to purchase metal.

How to use gold as money?

It is best to use gold as a way to store banknotes, and use money as money.

Precious metals have always been considered a profitable and reliable investment instrument. The price of these assets fluctuates depending on the political situation in the world, market conditions and changes occurring in the foreign exchange market. In this regard, many investors are asking the question, is it worth investing in gold in 2018? In this article we will try to answer this question based on expert forecasts.

Types of investment

There are several ways to invest in precious metals. To understand whether it is profitable to invest in gold in 2018, you need to familiarize yourself with their advantages and disadvantages. All these options have one common characteristic - they show effectiveness only in the long term.

The main advantage of investing in gold is its high liquidity. You can sell physical gold at any time and turn it into real money. If you choose the right investment instrument, such conversion will take place with minimal losses.

Golden coins

All precious coins are divided into two types - investment and commemorative. The second version is produced in limited edition. It could be one hundred units or several thousand units. For investors, commemorative or collectible coins are of no interest. Their main disadvantages are the 18% VAT charge and the too high cost, which is due to the numismatic value of a particular specimen. Therefore, commemorative coins are most often purchased by collectors. After a few decades, commemorative gold coins can significantly increase in price and bring good profits to their owner.

Investment coins are the most profitable investment option, since their sale is not subject to VAT. Such products are produced in huge quantities of several million units. If you can't decide how to invest money in gold, the easiest way is to purchase investment coins. For collectors, such products are of no value, since their value is determined by the amount of precious metal contained in their composition. You can purchase investment coins at any bank. Recently, they have become in great demand, since the price of some copies has increased several times since their release.

If you decide to give preference to this investment instrument, you should remember that when selling coins you will have to pay a 13% tax to the state. In addition, banks can set the exchange rate for transactions with gold coins independently, so the difference between buying and selling sometimes reaches 10%.

Gold bars

Before investing money in gold bars, you should familiarize yourself with the rules for purchasing them. If you decide to use a gold financial instrument, you need to remember that such operations cannot be carried out without an investor’s identity document. The bullion is weighed with an accuracy of 0.01 grams in the presence of the buyer.

All gold bars must strictly comply with established standards. There should be no mechanical damage or contamination on their surface. When purchasing a gold bar, the client receives a passport from the manufacturer and a certificate confirming its authenticity. In addition, you need to issue cash orders.

They indicate:

  • A mass of ingots;
  • Cleanliness;
  • Number;
  • Number of ingots;
  • Date of purchase;
  • Amount.

At first glance, it may seem that purchasing gold bars is the easiest way to invest in gold. In fact, there are many pitfalls here that every investor who is interested in whether it is profitable to invest in gold should be aware of.

The main problem is the current Tax Code. According to the law, gold bars are considered property, so their sale is subject to 18% VAT. In addition, if you want to sell them to a bank, you will have to pay 13% income tax. Taking into account such features of domestic legislation, we can conclude that investing savings in gold bars is not so profitable. In order to cover all expenses, the cost of the bullion must increase by at least 30%, and this is practically unrealistic even within 1-2 years.

Unallocated metal accounts

This is a fairly reasonable way. Its essence lies in the fact that you deposit not gold into your account, but an amount of money equivalent to a certain amount of this precious metal. Banks offer only 1.5–2% per annum on such deposits.

In developed countries, investing in compulsory medical insurance is very popular. This type of investment is beneficial not only for banks, but also for investors who, in addition to certain interest on the deposit, earn money from rising gold prices.

If you cannot decide where to invest money to make money in Ukraine, choose a large bank with large capital and serious support, and open an impersonal metal account there. Don't chase high interest rates. It's better to receive a little, but at the same time sleep peacefully and know that your savings are in good hands.

Private electronic money

If you are looking for options for your savings, pay attention to electronic money backed by gold. This is one of the new ways of investing, the reliability of which depends on the reputation of the company issuing such money.

Since these investments are not controlled by the government, you can invest your capital anonymously. In addition, electronic money has good liquidity. They can be used to pay for goods and services on the Internet. Withdrawing electronic money to real accounts is quite expensive, since payment systems charge large commissions for such a service. If you can't decide whether to invest in gold, pay attention to this modern way of investing.

Gold Forex

Today, this method of investing is the simplest and most accessible for ordinary citizens. Investing in Forex gold does not imply the physical acquisition of this precious metal. At the same time, the investor can make a profit on the rise or fall in gold prices.

The main advantage of this type of investment is the ability to use “leverage”, that is, you can trade gold in volumes significantly exceeding your deposit. If the trade is carried out using leverage, do not forget to leave a small margin of funds on your balance, otherwise you may get stopped out.

Novice investors often ask the question: is it profitable to invest money in Forex gold in 2018? It is profitable if you work through a trusted broker. In this case, you will not have to pay taxes and worry about the safety of storing gold.

How to get maximum income

Many novice investors are interested in how to properly invest money in gold to get maximum profit? The most profitable option is investing in gold investment coins, since their sale is not subject to VAT. Choose not the smallest coins, since the cost of one gram of such a product is quite high due to the high costs of their production. The largest coins may not increase in value, so choose something in between these two options. Also, do not forget that coins must be stored very carefully, otherwise the bank may not buy them back.

Another way to avoid paying VAT is an impersonal metal account or renting a savings cell. But banks charge commissions for operations with compulsory medical insurance, and long-term rental of a cell is not cheap, so all your profits may, as a result, be reduced to zero.

Since no one can guarantee that gold prices will rise, you should not invest all your savings in this precious metal. Experts recommend investing 5–25% of your total capital in gold. It should be remembered that good profits can only be obtained from long-term investments. Accordingly, if you are looking for investing in gold, it is better to refuse immediately.

Decide for yourself whether it is profitable to invest in gold. If you can approach this issue wisely, you can achieve good returns on such investments.

Expert forecasts

Financial analysts suggest:

  • In the first half of 2018, the price of gold will rise slightly, after which it will consolidate at the level of 1050–1100 dollars per ounce;
  • By the end of the year, the price will gradually decrease and in December stop at around $950-1000.

But there are a number of factors that can cause gold prices to rise:

  • The price of this precious metal can be artificially raised by mine owners, since a further drop in prices can result in large losses for them;
  • The cost of gold may rise due to its purchase into the national reserve of one or more countries of the world;
  • Last year, some companies significantly reduced the volume of gold production, and therefore, there may be a shortage of gold in the market and prices will begin to rise.

When making a decision, you should also not forget that an increase in the dollar exchange rate can also increase the cost of this precious metal.

Expert forecasts are quite contradictory, but despite this, experienced financiers believe that this is one of the most profitable investment instruments. Therefore, if you doubt whether it is profitable to invest in gold now, listen to the opinion of experts.

Advantages and disadvantages of investing in gold

Let's figure out whether it's worth investing in gold? According to experienced financiers, this is the most reliable and calm type of investment. It does not bring much profit, but at the same time it guarantees the safety of funds. Gold does not fall in price during economic crises, wars or defaults.

Despite the fact that gold practically does not depreciate, its price can fluctuate within a wide range. This is the main disadvantage of short-term investment in this precious metal, since a significant decline in prices can lead to large losses. Another important drawback is the high spread that accompanies the purchase and sale of gold. For this reason, this investment method is not very flexible.

Many citizens of our country often ask the question: is it possible to invest in gold during a crisis? It is possible and even necessary, but you should not hope that you will get rich quickly. Gold mines will not soon exhaust their potential, so prices for this precious metal will not rise significantly in the near future. If you decide to invest your savings in this financial instrument, you should take into account all its features.

Another question that can be heard from novice investors is when is the best time to invest in gold? At the moment, gold prices have stabilized, so you can safely invest your money in this metal right today. It is almost impossible to predict the behavior of prices on the market, since their fluctuations depend on a variety of factors. The main advantage of gold is that it is present in the world in limited quantities. The more money different states print, the faster the price will rise.

Gold has always been not only a good asset for investing capital, but also a wonderful gift. But for such purposes, they usually choose jewelry that has a fairly low 585 standard and a high cost due to the work of the craftsman and designer. Pure 999 gold, bought from a bank, is cheaper than jewelry of the same weight. When selling jewelry, the owner will most likely lose at least 50% of the initial cost of the jewelry; in contrast, gold for investment has higher liquidity.

About 10 years ago in Russia it became possible to freely invest capital in precious metals, including gold. Before this, there was a state monopoly on sales and purchases. Now every investor can take advantage of this opportunity to protect themselves from financial blows. Currently, refineries are engaged in the production of pure gold bars. These weigh from 1 to 12,000 grams.

Placing gold bars in a bank

After purchasing bullion from precious metals, including gold, the question of proper storage arises. The client is provided with accompanying documents indicating the amount, quantity, name and purity of the metal. Then you need to decide whether to take the precious metal home or leave it for safekeeping in a bank. The bank provides the opportunity to rent a safe deposit box or place it on OMS (unallocated metal accounts).

This possibility has a number of advantages. Firstly, exemption from VAT on assets. If all transactions are carried out within the walls of one certified storage facility (in other words, a bank), then the seller is exempt from the need to pay taxes. Secondly, when opening compulsory medical insurance, some banks charge additional income in the form of 3-5% per annum.

There is another side to placing gold bars inside a bank. Very often, when conducting operations with compulsory medical insurance, banks charge additional commissions: for crediting and issuing metal, as well as for verification and verification of the presence of all necessary documents. Such fees can significantly reduce income from precious metals transactions.

Storing bullion at home

If the investor nevertheless decides to take the bars home, then those of them that, upon subsequent sale, were in possession for more than 3 years are not subject to taxation. If less time has passed since the purchase, then such tax on income from sales must be paid independently.

Also, storing gold bars in non-specialized storage facilities can have a detrimental effect on the safety and quality of the precious metal. Any scratches and even fingerprints can reduce the quality.

The price of gold directly depends on the foreign policy of the state and the general situation in the world. Given this and the need to pay taxes and fees, investing in gold bullion is a long-term investment. When deciding to invest in gold, an investor should pay attention to the choice of storage location until the time of sale.

Where to keep your savings? 3 most popular options

Turbulence in the Russian economy has decreased, but the head of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, Elvira Nabiulina, predicts that the next 3 years will also be a difficult period. Citizens have a simple question: where to store their savings and in what. Some are already so desperate that they do not think about increasing their funds, but are looking for a safe haven for their savings in order to simply save them. Russia is a country of opportunities, including economic ones, and if you approach the issue of saving savings wisely, then in the end you will be able to earn income.

Money under the pillow

Keeping money at home is a habit from the 90s that is still alive today. Some people still keep money at home, which is called under the pillow. Although the government provides guarantees for bank deposits, people also have other options for storage. Most often there are several reasons for this decision:

  • Ignorance of one's capabilities;
  • Distrust in the banking system;
  • Black origin of money;
  • Reluctance to “shine” your property;

Cash is a headache for tax and regulatory authorities. Money in the bank is much easier to control and track transactions. If a person received money illegally or simply did not pay taxes, then savings at home under the pillow will allow him to hide his property from regulatory authorities.

Since the summer of 2016, banks can request the source of origin of money when opening a deposit for a client. Complete anonymity is one of the main advantages of saving at home.

Another compelling argument in favor of saving at home is that you always have the money. You can spend money at any time and you don’t have to worry about the bank going bust or running out of cash at its tellers/ATMs. This provides you with a certain independence from the financial system, but this independence will come at a cost. And this payment lies in the main disadvantages of this type of savings.

Money under your pillow does not work and does not generate income. Even a regular bank deposit can bring you 8-10% per annum. Inflation in Russia is at 6-8% per annum. As a result, it turns out that you not only lose potential income of 8-10% per annum, but also lose 6-8% of the purchasing power of your money. In just 3-5 years you will “lose” almost half of your savings.

The possibility of physically losing money should not be ruled out. There may be a fire in the apartment or you may be simply robbed. This is a risk of losing 100% of your savings. And if you decide to insure your property, then most companies do not insure the money in the apartment in any way. You can buy a safe to store your savings at home, but such a step may attract additional attention from thieves.

Savings in the bank

Confidence in the banking system in Russia is at a high level. The Deposit Insurance Agency (DIA) played a significant role in this. Bank deposits worth up to 1.4 million rubles are insured and their return is guaranteed by the state. If the banking system and the DIA are working, then deposits up to 1.4 million rubles cannot be lost.

You can count not only on safety, but also on profitability. As of November 2016, the best annual rate in banks was 10.5%. TOP 5 deposits:

Bank Premier Credit10,5%
Bank VVB10,32%
Russian standard10%
Renaissance Credit9,5%
Credit Europe Bank9,5%

The ideal option is a replenishable option, but with the possibility of early withdrawal without loss of interest. As a rule, the most profitable deposits (9-10% per annum) are burdened with fixed terms, which means you do not have access to your money. This is the main disadvantage of saving in banks.

Only those who can confirm the origin of their money can take advantage of the bank savings option. As soon as you open a deposit in a bank, you come to the attention of regulatory authorities. This does not mean that your bank is sharing information about you. The money that appears in your account may potentially raise questions from regulatory authorities.

You can store not only rubles, but also foreign currency and even precious metals in the bank. Some banks also offer financial instruments for investment, such as buying shares. A bank deposit is the most conservative banking instrument suitable for savings. Other banking instruments are more related to investment instruments rather than saving savings, and are also associated with greater risk.

Savings in foreign currency

There is no clear answer to the question of what currency to store savings in. If you have a sufficient amount of savings, then you can form your own currency basket. Experts recommend including three currencies in it: rubles, dollars and euros. In Russia you can buy other currencies, including the promising Japanese yen or Chinese yuan, but for savings it is better to use the largest world currencies.

The percentage of currencies in your portfolio may vary depending on your vision of the future. One of the most common schemes: 40 to 60. Where 40% is the Russian currency (rubles), and 60% is foreign currency. You can form your currency portfolio, for example, 40% from rubles, 30% from dollars and 30% from euros.

This ratio is due to the fact that you can deposit savings in rubles in the bank at 8-10% per annum, thereby receiving income. In addition, the Russian ruble is the currency with which you can pay within Russia. And if you continue to live in Russia, then you definitely need to have at least part of your savings in rubles.

Savings in foreign currency will not provide you with a high return on your deposit, since rates vary between 0.5-2% per annum. Foreign currency guarantees you stability and also promises potential income if the exchange rate changes significantly.

Predicting what the euro or dollar exchange rate will be in 2017 and other years is an extremely difficult task. If you look at the plans of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, then by 2019 the ministry expects an average dollar exchange rate of 71.1 rubles. Based on the draft budget, we can conclude that savings in dollars and euros promise good prospects.

Precious metals and compulsory medical insurance

If we look at the price of gold, silver and other precious metals, we see that the current value of most metals is far from their historical highs. Price of a troy ounce of gold against the US dollar:

Gold is the main lifeline for investors around the world when the economy collapses or during simply unstable years. Savings in metals are usually typical for those people who pursue long-term goals. In the short term, the price of precious metals may even fall, but in the long term it is one of the most reliable forms of savings.

If you decide to buy precious metals in bullion, you will be required to pay VAT. Also associated with savings in precious metals are the costs of their storage and possible transportation. There are risks of damage to the bullion, as well as relatively high costs for buying and selling. You will not be able to buy or sell bullion at the market price. One of the easiest ways to the precious metals market is impersonal metal accounts (UMA).

Compulsory medical insurance is provided by a number of large banks, for example, Sberbank and Alfa Bank. Instead of a classic bank account in which currency is stored, an account is opened in which the precious metal is “stored”. The account is called “unallocated” because you are not buying metal bars, but a record of the amount of metal purchased is kept in your account. For example, 32 troy ounces of gold.

Such accounts can be used for both savings and investment. You can sell metal as easily as you bought it through compulsory medical insurance. The difference between the purchase/sale rate and the market price is approximately 2%, and all transactions can be performed online, but after concluding an agreement with the bank. In addition to gold, you can look at other metals, such as silver, platinum or palladium. Alfa Bank offers convenient tools for saving in metals; to compare the cost, we offer the exchange rate for November 15: