Deposit for a child until adulthood Sberbank. Procedure for opening a deposit for a minor child in Sberbank: conditions and features

Every parent wants a decent future for their child. And many people have probably thought about whether it is possible to open a deposit for a minor child in order to provide him with a financial basis. Yes, Sberbank provides such an opportunity, let’s look at the conditions under which you can open a deposit account, as well as the conditions for servicing it.

Deposit for a minor child

A deposit account for a minor child can be opened by one of the parents or a legal representative. This account can be replenished not only by parents, but also by other persons, for example, grandmothers and other relatives, this is according to the conditions of Sberbank of Russia. Access to the account can only be obtained by a child and only upon reaching 18 years of age.

This deposit involves the accrual of interest, and their size largely depends on the amount of the deposit and the size of its replenishment. Starting from the age of 14, the account owner can independently replenish it, as well as withdraw interest, without parental permission. Full disposal of the deposit will be possible only with the permission of the guardianship and trusteeship authorities.

Please note that the minimum deposit amount is 1000 rubles.

Deposit 0+ in Sberbank

How to open a deposit

Let's look at how to open an account for a child in Sberbank. The only documents you will need from you are a passport, a child’s birth certificate, if he is over 14 years old, then a passport, and money. You can submit an application only at a bank branch; you cannot leave an application remotely on the website.

So, you come with documents to the bank branch of your choice, submit documents, sign an agreement to open a deposit account, and, in fact, the registration procedure is completed. By the way, you have the opportunity to choose a program; the amount of interest accrued on the deposit depends entirely on it.

Contribution 14+

This deposit is available to citizens over 14 years of age, and its peculiarity is that a teenager himself can become a client. That is, a child can independently contact Sberbank and open a replenished deposit in his name. The terms of service are the same: third parties, for example, parents, grandparents, can top up the account.

The difference in this proposal is that the client can apply for a youth debit card for this deposit account, and the bank will transfer interest and personal contributions to the teenager to it. Other transfers from third parties, for example, from relatives, as well as benefits, alimony and other payments, can only be received upon reaching the age of majority. By the way, you can top up your account remotely through Sberbank Online.

Please note that you can withdraw money from the account ahead of schedule only with the permission of the guardianship and trusteeship authorities and parents.

Interest rates

Before opening a bank account for a child, you need to consider what potential benefits it will bring. The interest rate on the deposit depends on two factors – the amount of the deposit and the term of the deposit. The minimum amount is from 1 thousand rubles, the maximum amount is not limited. Rates on average range from 5% to 6.15%; the larger the amount, the higher the rate.

Deposit 14+ in Sberbank

The maximum period is 3 years, after which the contract is automatically extended for the same period and on the same conditions, taking into account the capitalization of interest. Parents cannot close the deposit until the child reaches adulthood; accordingly, the deposit account will be opened until its owner turns 18 and he can independently manage his money.

Please note that on the official website of Sberbank you will find a calculator with which you can easily calculate your potential profit.

By the way, you can top up a deposit for a child under 18 years of age at Sberbank remotely, through your Sberbank Online personal account. But you will not have any access to this account, and funds can be sent using the details.

So, how to open a deposit for a child in Sberbank, everything is extremely simple - contact the bank branch directly. The registration procedure will take you only a few minutes, and you are required to provide a minimum set of documents.

All parents think about how to provide their child with a decent future or, at least, a good education. One way to accumulate start-up capital for your child is to open a bank deposit in his name. Back in the early 90s, targeted deposits for children were common, but after the default, Russians were reluctant to use this banking product. However, experts say that in recent years, “children’s” deposits have gradually begun to gain popularity again. Perhaps the reason is that in the West and in the United States, opening savings accounts for children from birth is considered the generally accepted norm, and our fellow citizens do not want to concede in any way to residents of countries with highly developed economies.

Distinctive features

Let us note that this banking institution pays more attention to depositors born before 1945 (inclusive); they are paid compensation in the amount of 3 times the amount of the deposit, and for the rest - only twice.

The investors themselves, as well as their direct heirs, have the opportunity to receive compensation. The bank even pays a refund when the passbook is lost. The payment amount is calculated using a special formula (available on the official website of Sberbank). The amount of compensation depends on the date of opening the account and the period.

It should also be noted that to date, “children’s” deposits have not yet been paid in the amount specified in the contracts. And there are many who disagree with this. So, in the future, perhaps, other compensation programs will appear that will help Russians return not only the invested funds, but also the accrued interest.

As for modern deposits in the name of a child: keeping money in a bank is still better than at home. If you are very afraid of inflation, then you can select the same deposit in dollars or euros and put it not for 10 years, but, for example, for a year or two, and then simply re-register it (there are deposits for children with automatic extension). After all, then, by the time he reaches adulthood, the child will have his own starting capital, which he can spend either on education, or on his own housing, or for other purposes.

Parents, concerned about the future of their children, are already thinking about the costs of education and living conditions, which inevitably affect every family. Everyone wants to ensure a quality future for their offspring when considering options for saving money, in particular, deposits for children.

In this article we will look at where you can open a bank account for a child today.

Let's start with the fact that children's deposits are very profitable for banks, since the funds will be kept until the child reaches 18 years of age and decides to use the savings. During this time, the bank can make good money on the turnover of this money, sharing only a small fraction with the depositor - 7-10%. However, not many banks are ready to provide this service, limiting themselves to a standard deposit line.

Advantages of a deposit for a child:

  • All relatives can replenish the deposit;
  • Money can be withdrawn only when you turn 18 years old - this protects against thoughtless spending and is timely for paying for the chosen university;
  • All deposits from bankruptcy or liquidation of the Bank;
  • In the event of a parental divorce, this money will not be subject to division,
  • In emergency situations, with the permission of the guardianship authorities, you can withdraw the deposit for a child under 18 years of age.

Features of children's deposits

The most important feature, which is also the purpose of the deposit, is that the accumulated savings will become available to the child only upon reaching adulthood.

Both a plus and a minus is the presence of withdrawal restrictions. On the one hand, there is no temptation for parents to “get into” their children’s money, on the other hand, in emergency situations it is not always easy to gain access to funds (for example, Sberbank requires permission from the guardianship authorities for this). Banks that allow early termination of deposits for children offer a return of funds at a minimum interest rate, calculated at the “Demand” rate, which is only from 0.005 to 0.1%.

The popularity of children's deposits is not high, partly because the interest rates on them are low and are barely able to cover the level of inflation. For most parents, there is a great temptation to sign up for one of the “adult” deposits, for which you can get up to 14%. It’s a pity that not everyone thinks about how a child will have access to savings in an emergency. But only the child’s contribution will be preserved specifically for the child, when the usual one, upon the occurrence of unforeseen events, will be divided among all claiming relatives.

A deposit for a child also protects accumulated savings in the event of a parental divorce, since children’s deposits are usually not subject to division in court.

Like a regular deposit, a children's deposit can be opened in both rubles and foreign currency. But, given the sharply unstable exchange rate, we will consider only ruble deposits in Russian banks.

Sberbank, savings deposit 0+

Deposits for minor children 0+ are opened at Sberbank out of turn, and presenting a coupon () will make the registration process several times faster.

Deposit terms:

  • Minimum amount – 1000 rubles;
  • Replenishment without restrictions;
  • Monthly interest;
  • Income grows depending on the term and amount of the deposit:

To register a deposit for a child under 18 years of age at Sberbank, you only need the parent’s passport and birth certificate.

Alfa Bank, “Children's” deposit from 1.5 million rubles.

A child can begin managing a deposit opened by parents in Alfa Bank at the age of 14. Also, unlike Sberbank, this deposit can be terminated early without the permission of the guardianship authorities, the income in this case will be calculated based on a tariff of 0.005% per annum.

There are small restrictions on replenishment: deposits for a year cannot be replenished in the last 50 days, for 2 years - the last 100 days, for 3 years - the last 160 days.

Deposit terms:

  • The amount of the first installment is from 1.5 million rubles;
  • Deposit term – 1,2 or 3 years, automatic extension is possible;
  • Monthly capitalization.
  • High interest rates on deposits:

UralSib, contribution “A Decent Home for Children”

The deposit pursues noble goals - not only to save money for your child, but also to become a participant in the program for helping orphans, because the Bank sends every 0.5% per annum to the Victoria charity foundation.

Deposit terms:

  • Minimum amount – 5000 rubles;
  • Deposit term – 91,181, 367 days;
  • High fixed rate – 11.2% per annum;
  • Interest payments are credited to a separate account every quarter;
  • Replenishment of the deposit is possible with restrictions for 91 and 181 days - no later than a month before the end of the deposit, for 367 days - no later than 3 months;
  • automatic;
  • Early termination of the deposit is possible at a rate of 0.01% per annum;

Coalmetbank "Investment in the future"

A deposit for a minor child with convenient conditions and an optimal interest rate.


  • Minimum amount – 1000 rubles;
  • Deposit term – 369 days;
  • Interest rate – 9.5% per annum;
  • Replenishment - from 1000 rubles, no later than 90 days before the end of the deposit period;
  • Automatic extension up to 10 times;
  • Interest accrues every quarter;
  • Early termination is possible: up to 90 days - at 0.1% per annum, from 91 to 181 days - at 4% per annum, from 181 days - 6%.

Rosselkhozbank, Detsky deposit

The main difference between a deposit in this bank is the absence of the possibility of extension. You will immediately have to decide for how long you want to save the money - from 365 to 1825 days.


  • Minimum amount – 3000 rubles;
  • Interest capitalization monthly;
  • Replenishment of the deposit is possible at any time, no later than 30 days before the end of the deposit period, by no less than 1000 rubles;
  • The interest rate automatically increases when moving to the next amount category.
  • Early termination of the deposit is possible at a rate of 0.01% per annum.
  • The interest rate depends on the amount and term of the deposit:

Bank Zenit, deposit "Children's"

A children's deposit in this bank can be opened not only for your child, but also for a relative under 18 years of age - brother, sister, nephew, etc.

Terms of deposit

  • Minimum amount – 15,000 rubles;
  • Deposit term – from 181 to 731 days;
  • Prolongation is automatic;
  • Replenishment is not limited;
  • Early termination is possible at a rate of 0.1% per annum;
  • The interest rate depends on the term and amount of the deposit:

Each parent is free to choose how he will participate in the future of his generation. Perhaps someone will find it more profitable to invest in, but for those who do not have such a financial opportunity, we recommend making at least a minimum children's deposit.

Small children are small expenses, big children are big expenses. Parents need to think not only about what to feed and what to dress their children in, but also how to pay for education when they grow up. Financial institutions come to the rescue, offering a product forgotten since the times of the USSR - children's deposits.

What kind of contribution this is and how it works, you will learn from the new article on our portal.

Children's deposits - a bright future for a child or parents' money thrown away?

Many loving parents and grandparents have not even heard of it: such investments are not very popular in Russia and are unlikely to be in demand in the near future.

There are several reasons:

  1. Low rates. For example, Sberbank pays only 3.7–3.8% per annum, provided that the deposit is opened for three years from 1,000 rubles. If you make an investment for 10 years or more, due to inflation there will be nothing left of it.
  2. The population has lost confidence in banks and is not ready to make long-term investments. They are not even attracted to investment insurance.
  3. Due to financial instability, banks are not ready to offer consumers long-term products.

The advantage of children's savings deposits is the possibility of early withdrawal and flexibility. When choosing deposits, it is better to give preference to a product for a period of 1 year with automatic renewal. This will allow you to use the money when needed and save interest.

Conditions for investors

Banks issue deposits in favor of persons under the age of majority and offer various interest rates and conditions.

When asked whether it is possible to open a deposit for a child under 14 years of age, there will be one answer - yes. This can be done by parents, guardians, trustees and third parties in accordance with paragraph 1 of Art. 28 Civil Code of the Russian Federation. They must be adult citizens of the Russian Federation, have a passport with temporary or permanent registration in the country, an INN and an additional document (a foreign passport is possible).

If a non-resident of Russia wants to open an account, in addition to a passport, a residence permit in the country will be required.

The institution accepts deposits in rubles, dollars, euros and precious metals. The minimum amount is 1,000 rubles. Rates in foreign currency are lower compared to rubles.

How to open a children's deposit - step-by-step instructions

Apply for a savings deposit online or directly at the bank.

To do this you need to take only three steps.

Step 1. Select a bank for cooperation

When choosing an institution, pay attention to the interest rate, the possibility of replenishment and early termination of the contract, payment and capitalization of interest (monthly, quarterly, at the end of the term).

For example, Center-Invest Bank offers the “Grow Big” deposit at 6.71% for 365 days.

SDM-Bank opens deposits from 1095 days with a minimum amount of 15,000 rubles at 6% with the possibility of auto-extension.

Step 2. We come to the bank with documents and submit an application

Making a deposit for a child is possible after providing a passport, a certificate of assignment of an identification code to you and the child, and a birth certificate. Some banks require other documents.

Step 3. Study and sign the agreement

After concluding the agreement, you become a full-fledged investor and have the right to replenish the account and make preferential termination, if this is provided for by the terms of the agreement.

Important: If you have any questions, ask a specialist. If required, seek help from a financial lawyer who will explain all the intricacies of concluding an agreement .

Where are the best rates on children's deposits?

When choosing an organization to make a deposit, you want favorable rates that are not “eaten up” by inflation.

There is plenty to choose from in the Russian financial market:

  • The Governor's deposit at Rus Bank is opened in the name of a newborn at 7.79%;
  • IC-Bank allows you to make investments for disabled children. By depositing from 1,000 to 10,000 rubles. to the child’s account, in a year he will be able to withdraw this amount + 7.50% per annum;
  • Garanti-Invest has slightly reduced the rate and offers only 7.0% with a loan period of 370 days;
  • I would like to put Coalmetbank with its product on the fourth step - the “Investment in the Future” deposit. Opened in the name of a child under 18 years of age. There is an automatic extension up to 10 times with quarterly interest rates;
  • Pay attention to the Russian Trade Bank. Size - no less than 1,000 rubles. It is possible to replenish the deposit no later than 30 days before the expiration date. The bank provides for payment of interest to a separate account;
  • Uralsib Bank has lagged behind its “relatives” and, although it has developed a special program “A Decent Home for Children!”, it offers only 5.7–5.8% per annum. Expenditure transactions for this product are not allowed until the end of the contract.

Whose services to use is up to you.

According to Sovlink IC analyst Olga Belenkaya, banks almost do not offer targeted deposits for children, since these deposits for children are almost no different from ordinary investments. Their only advantage is the ability to save money.

How to close an account

To answer this question, let us turn to Russian legislation. The law allows an adult citizen (who has turned 18 years old) to independently manage funds without the participation of parents and third parties.

To withdraw a partial amount or completely close the account, you will need an agreement, a passport and a savings book. The rule also applies if an account was opened for a person who did not have a passport at that time.

At the age of 14–18 years, if there is a written agreement between the depositors, a minor has the right to independently withdraw funds or terminate the contract (Clause 1 of Article 26 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

If a child is under 14 years old, he does not have any rights to manipulate a banking product. Although the Civil Code does not directly indicate the obligation of parents to provide certificates from the guardianship and trusteeship authorities when withdrawing funds from a child’s deposit, many banks require them, guided by the provisions of Art. 31, 37 Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

Sberbank offers account closure in the office, online or through a special application. The end date of the transaction is visible in the contract or personal account on the website. When closing a deposit prematurely, remember: the interest accumulation on the account may be partially lost.

How profitable are children's deposits - expert opinion

In Russia there are not many ways to provide reliable financial protection for children upon reaching adulthood. Existing tools today, according to financial consultant FCP (Financial Management Ltd) Isaac Becker, are not as flexible as in other countries and do not cope with the task.

According to specialist observations, many people are financially illiterate and do not trust banks.

The president of the Finexpertiza company, Nina Kozlova, does not predict anything good, quite the opposite - rates could drop to 6.0% and even special promotions will not save the situation.

I would also like to return to 1992 - the time when all citizens’ investments became worthless. Although the state tried to compensate for the payments, the compensation was so small that depositors began to seek protection of their interests in the escrow court in 1993.

As judicial practice shows, most of the claims were related to children's deposits at a high rate - 190% per annum (it's a shame to compare with today's rates - 7.5%). Almost 25 years have passed since then, but even today many citizens are fighting with Sberbank in the hope of protecting their rights.

A short video about banking products for children: