Currency formalities in tourism. Currency formalities

For the development of international tourism have a significant impact customs systems various states. Customs legislation maybe how to contribute to the development of international tourism activities, and to restrain it by complicating various tourist formalities.

Under tourist formalities it is common to understand the procedures associated with compliance tourists, persons crossing the state border, certain conditions, rules and requirements established by government authorities of the country of entry and stay.

The 1989 Hague Declaration on Tourism determined that states and tourist industry effective measures should be taken to simplify tourist formalities And customs procedures regarding passports, visas, medical and exchange controls when traveling, traveling and staying (principle VI). Tourist formalities should be aimed at eliminating obstacles when traveling, facilitating visiting conditions tourists other countries and regions.

Tourist formalities are divided into several large sections and include:

  • foreign passports,
  • visas,
  • customs regulations,
  • currency control and currency exchange procedures,
  • sanitary rules,
  • entry-exit mode,
  • features of the stay and movement of foreign tourists in the country,
  • immigration rules
  • some other procedures.

Internationally tourism It is customary to distinguish between police and sanitary formalities. At the same time, under police formalities refers to the procedures associated with verifying compliance by persons crossing the state border with the established passport and visa regime. The implementation of this type of control is entrusted to the relevant services at airports, railways and highways, sea and river stations (in Russia This control is carried out by the Federal Border Service).

Under sanitary (medical) formalities refers to the procedures associated with verifying compliance by persons crossing the state border and their animals (if any) with the established requirements for vaccination (vaccinations). Compliance control formalities carried out by special sanitary services at border points used for entry and exit from the country, and usually consists of checking tourists and travelers with an international vaccination certificate. If necessary, sanitary formalities include vaccination tourists and travelers on site or their temporary isolation in quarantine if there is a possibility of transmitting infectious diseases. For transported tourists and animal travelers require appropriate veterinary certificates.

Customs is a state body that, in accordance with national legislation, exercises control over the passage of cargo, luggage, passengers, postal items, cash and jewelry across the state border, collects established duties and other fees, as well as detains cargo that does not meet the conditions established by law.

Customs formalities represent a procedure related to verifying compliance by persons crossing the state border with the rules and conditions for the import and export of things, goods and currency. Implementation customs formalities entrusted to customs service at border points used for entry and exit from the country (airports, railway, sea and river stations, border crossing points on roads).

Customs formalities For tourists and travelers usually consist of written or oral declaration list and quantity of transported items, goods and money (currency) permitted for transportation. In this case, a customs declaration in form T-6 is filled out.

State Customs Committee of the Russian Federation letter dated July 9, 1997 No. 02 - 07/12925 established the procedure for the application and execution of a customs declaration of a single form approved by the Council of Heads of Customs Services of the Member States CIS. Customs declaration uniform form is valid from January 1, 1998. Customs declaration used when customs control for goods and items belonging to individuals. Filling declarations intended for persons over 16 years of age. For temporary entry, certified by an employee customs declaration remains in the hands of the owner and cannot be renewed if lost. If necessary, luggage and currency can be checked by customs officers. Carriage of items and goods in excess of the established norm is taxable special tax.

Thus, customs formalities related to the implementation of state-established t customs rules and payment tourist taxes, duties, fees and other charges. It seems that the main problem in this case is the wide variation in permits from different countries for duty-free import and export of things and goods: what is legally allowed in the country of departure may be prohibited by customs in the host country.

What and how can you import into the country? tourists, determined by Government decree RF dated June 18, 1996 No. 808 “On the procedure for moving individuals through customs border Russian Federation goods not intended for production or other commercial activities." Customs value of a product is determined by its retail price and confirmed by a receipt.

General rules for the movement of goods by individuals across the customs border Russian Federation approved by order of the State Customs Committee of the Russian Federation dated August 15, 1994 No. 408. The appendices to this order provide a list of goods that can be imported and exported (moved) in limited quantities, both taxable and exempt. customs duties. Customs declarations And searches may act as limiting factors tourist expenses.

In a number of regions Russia local authorities establish additional tourist taxes, which have a negative impact on tourist visits. Moreover, in a number of cases, “zonal fee”, “resort fee”, “district fee”, “local fee” and other fees that do not contribute to development are charged, almost simultaneously tourism and increasing the flow of visitors to the region and the country as a whole. Tourists, as a rule, have a sensitive attitude towards local tourist taxes, That's why travel agents It is recommended that you know the fees in advance and include them in the cost of the tour.

Cash currency And Russian rubles also indicated tourist V customs declaration. The export of foreign currency is regulated by the Instruction of the Central Bank Russia No. 27 of February 27, 1995, the main provisions of which are given in the instructional letter of the State Customs Committee of the Russian Federation dated March 16, 1995 No. 01-13/3677 “On the export of cash foreign currency by individuals.” Export and import of currency Russian Federation established by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation dated August 14, 1995 No. 01-5/1054, the main provisions of which are given in the instruction letter of the State Customs Committee RF dated August 17, 1995 No. 01-13/11695. In accordance with the specified documents, export and import into Russia currencies RF allowed to residents and non-residents. The amount of currency per individual is set within five hundred minimum wages in RF.

Domestic tourist The export of currency in the amount of $500 is allowed, the excess of this amount must be confirmed by a personal permit from a bank authorized to exchange currency or customs declaration previous trip. Traveler's checks and credit cards are not declared. If found in tourist currency not recorded in declarations, it is confiscated. According to some reports, in 1995 on the Russian customs Undeclared currency worth 66 billion rubles was seized. Since currency formalities change quite frequently, travel agencies are obliged to inform about this tourists going on a trip abroad.

  • allow the import of currency upon depositing its amount into customs declaration;
  • provide complete information to potential visitors and tourists to minimize their inconvenience and financial difficulties when crossing the border;
  • give tourists possibility of reverse currency exchange upon departure;
  • exchange of imported currency for national money is carried out at will tourist;
  • at the entry checkpoint, rules governing currency exchange and the current exchange rate must be posted;
  • upon departure tourists from their country to allow them to have sufficient amounts of money for a return trip within the country.

Passport And visa formalities are as follows:

Passport is an official document identifying a citizen. It contains information about gender, age, place of birth and residence, and citizenship. International passport issued in a number of countries, including Russia. Besides foreign passports in some cases the following can be used:

  • diplomatic, official, consular passports;
  • passport(identity card) of a foreigner or stateless person, issued to a foreign citizen permanently residing in the state;
  • family passports for husband and wife (with or without children);
  • passport(identity card) of the child, sailor’s passport and a number of others.

According to the Federal Law "On the procedure for leaving Russian Federation and entry into Russian Federation"in case of loss tourist abroad international passports he is issued a temporary identity document and gives the right tourist to return home. This document is issued by the Russian consulate in the host country.

As a rule, entry into the host country requires obtaining visas. Visa(Latin visa, plural from visum - viewed) is a special permit from a foreign government to enter/exit, reside or transit through its territory. Permission can be indicated in passport or represent a separate document (for example, a group tourist visa). Grounds for extradition tourist visas is the consent of the host travel agency provide tourist service on an agreed route and within a confirmed time frame, as well as invitation calls to visit relatives and friends or travel for business purposes. Visas there are:

  • disposable and reusable, individual and group;
  • student;
  • entry;
  • transit;
  • exit, Schengen, etc.

For getting visas, as a rule, are filled visa applications(with photo) and paid consular fees. In some cases (for example, when traveling to England, USA) the applicant may be invited to the consulate for an interview.

Minimum application period visa depends on interstate agreements, established practice, type passports, purposes of the trip and its duration. Row tourist companies have permission ( reference) for consular services tourists. However, the presence visas does not guarantee a trip. A number of states ( USA, Sweden etc.) requires foreigners tourists have with you a return ticket and funds sufficient to stay in the country for the specified period. In accordance with Russian legislation, control over the availability visas entry into a foreign country is the responsibility of transport companies (carrier companies).

In seven European countries it came into force on March 26, 1995 The Schengen Agreement, abolishing border controls at internal borders Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Germany, France, Spain And Portugal. Subsequently joined the Schengen Agreement Greece. Two types of visas have been introduced:

  • Single Schengen visa, is issued for a period of up to three months and gives the right to freely move throughout the territory of countries that have concluded The Schengen Agreement;
  • national entry visa for a period exceeding three months, the issuance of which remains the prerogative of the state included in The Schengen Agreement. Group Schengen visas No. For tourists from countries outside European union, including Russia, the entry visa procedure has been preserved. Preferential entry procedures extended to citizens Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Latvia, Lithuania And Estonia.

Travel agencies upon registration visas for their clients face a wide range of a range of problems, which can be divided into three groups.

  • The first is related to the organization of the work of foreign consulates and their employees.
  • The second - with requirements for the registration procedure visas, established by the ministries of foreign and internal affairs of the respective countries and which are normative for consulates.
    • list of required documents,
    • the procedure for their acceptance and consideration,
    • visa processing times,
    • procedure for accreditation of travel agencies,
    • types of issued visas etc.
  • The third group of problems is state regulation of issues related to obtaining travel visas from the Russian side.

Import and export from Russia cultural values ​​are defined by the Law of the Russian Federation "On the export and import of cultural property" dated April 15, 1993 No. 4806-1. The category of items falling under its scope includes historical and artistic values, ancient books, rare manuscripts, unique and rare musical instruments, ancient coins, orders and medals, rare collections, etc. Cultural assets declared for export from Russia, are subject to mandatory examination.

Rare collections and specimens of flora and fauna also fall under the Federal Law “On the Export and Import of Cultural Property.” Many of them are protected by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Flora and Fauna, signed by almost every country in the world.

Restrictions are usually associated with rare plants, for example, orchids, cacti; animals - monkeys, parrots, tigers, leopards, hippos, crocodiles, etc., as well as products made from these animals. Specimens of flora and fauna prohibited for export may be confiscated at customs.

Certain restrictions exist for the import and export of small domestic animals such as dogs and cats. This especially applies to elite pets. As a rule, for the import and export of pets, it is required to have documentary evidence of their vaccinations in the form of a veterinary certificate and certificates of vaccination against rabies. It should be borne in mind that these documents have a specified validity period.

They include checking compliance with rules and procedures related to the movement of goods, goods and currency abroad.

The procedure for the import and export of things, goods and currency is regulated by a number of regulatory legal acts, including:

Customs Code of the Russian Federation. Federal Law dated May 28, 2003 No. 61-FZ;

Federal Law dated December 10, 2003 No. 173-FZ “On Currency Regulation and Currency Control”;

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 27, 2003. No. 715 “On approval of the Regulations on the procedure for customs clearance of goods transported across the customs border of the Russian Federation by individuals for personal use”;

When crossing the border, every tourist must go through customs control. In some countries of the world, this procedure is almost invisible, with the exception of the existing “customs” sign, which may catch the eye of a tourist, while in others, going through customs can take quite a long time. The question of the procedure for tourists to move goods across the border for personal needs is quite complex and often changing, since it directly depends on the social and economic situation in the country.

In almost all states there is a procedure that personal goods imported and exported by tourists are exempt from customs duties and duties. But the tourist may be required to provide explanations and evidence that he is carrying things specifically for personal use. When it comes to the number of personal items transported across the border, the concept “in reasonable quantities” is introduced.

There are also restrictions on the duty-free movement of a certain amount of tobacco products, wine and spirits, perfumes, coffee and tea, as well as medicines for personal consumption.

200 g of tobacco or tobacco products, or 200 cigarettes or 50 cigars, or any combination of these products not exceeding 250 g;

2 liters of wine and 1 liter of strong alcoholic drinks;

1/4 liter of eau de toilette and 50 g of perfume;

500 g coffee and 100 g tea;

Medicines in required quantities for personal consumption.

The rules and procedures in Russian customs change regularly, as they depend on the economic situation in the country.

It is important to know that the “customs value of goods” moved across the border is determined by its retail price. The tourist is required to confirm the purchase price with a receipt indicating the place, time and circumstances of the purchase. Therefore, you should always keep a receipt (invoice, invoice) for the imported item. If necessary, customs authorities can check the cost using the relevant catalogs or make a request to the relevant structures of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation.

In accordance with the articles of the Customs Code of Russia:

All persons crossing the border bear equal responsibility for the payment of customs duties, value added taxes and excise taxes, customs duties (Article 19);

For a simplified procedure for the movement of goods, it is necessary that these goods are not intended for production or other commercial activities, i.e. they must be only for personal use or consumption by the tourist or members of his family (Article 109). This "small" difference in their purpose is determined by the customs official;

Some goods can be imported under a simplified preferential procedure, but in limited quantities - alcoholic beverages up to 6-15 liters, tobacco products up to 3 thousand pieces. (and these quantities also often change).

The Appendices to the General Rules for the movement of goods by individuals across the customs border of the Russian Federation provide lists of goods subject to and exempt from customs duties. For example, you can export duty-free:

Clothes; toiletries; personal jewelry; photo, film and video cameras with a reasonable amount of film and accessories; portable musical instruments and record players; portable sound recording and reproducing equipment with films; portable radios and televisions; laptop computers; calculators; binoculars; baby strollers; sports; tourist and mountaineering equipment (tents and equipment); fishing gear; diving equipment; sporting weapons with accessories; bicycles; kayaks and other boats up to 5.5 m; surf and windsurf boards; golf equipment; gliders; hang gliders;

When traveling by car, in addition to a full fuel tank, a tourist can only have one canister of gasoline with a capacity of 20 liters, as well as 5 tires, tires and inner tubes;

Medicines no more than one package of each name;

Fish delicacies (balyk, salmon, beluga, etc.) - no more than 5 kg per person, black and red caviar - no more than 280 g with container;

Jewelry made of gold, platinum up to 120 g;

Other jewelry and precious stones - no more than 5 items per person, etc.;

Alcoholic drinks (for persons under 21 years of age) - 5 l;

Tobacco products (for persons under 16 years of age) - 1000 pcs.;

Clothes made of genuine leather or fur - 3 items;

Carpets -2 pcs.;

Crystal products - 3 items;

Diamonds - 0.5 carats;

Jewelry items made of precious metals, precious and semi-precious stones - 5 items.

The most common mistake tourists make is not declaring currency, which, if detected by customs officers, is confiscated. It should be remembered that all cash foreign and Russian currency is subject to declaration.

The export of currency is regulated by the Central Bank Instruction, which states that “tourists can withdraw foreign currency in the equivalent of 1000 US dollars, exceeding this amount must be confirmed by the permission of an authorized bank (valid for one year).” Traveler's checks and credit cards are not declared.

There are no restrictions on the export of currency from the Russian Federation. A tourist can export up to USD 1,500 without indicating it in the customs declaration. For currency in excess of this amount, documentary evidence of the legality of its origin is required, including:

Entry declaration indicating the amount of currency imported into the Russian Federation;

Bank certificate form No. 0406007 indicating all the details of the document identifying the owner of the currency;

Permission from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation for export if the amount exceeds 10 thousand US dollars5.

List of goods that can be imported duty-free into the Russian Federation

Alcoholic drinks5 l

Tobacco products200 cigarettes

Automobile gasoline 20 l (excluding what is in the gas tank)

Gemstone jewelry 5 items

Perfume 50 ml

Currency formalities

With the growth of international tourism and the expansion of its geography, an increasing number of Russian citizens began to “face” foreign currency. Even unaccustomed financial workers find it quite difficult to understand foreign banknotes. For tourists, “other people’s” money sometimes conceals not only something unusual, but also unpleasant: when exchanging it, there are abuses and frauds. In addition, there are more and more counterfeit banknotes. According to experts, 80% of “counterfeits” are in US dollars.

Speaking about US dollars, it should be noted that according to one version, their everyday names - “green” and “bucks” - come from the slang expression “greenbacks” - “green backs” (the color of the reverse side of American paper banknotes).

In accordance with Art. 11 of the Declaration of the International Convention for the Suppression of Counterfeiting of Currency (Geneva, 1929), counterfeit banknotes must be confiscated and handed over either to the government or to the issuing bank that issued the banknotes. All this requires travel agencies to carry out certain work to prepare for the trip, including in terms of preliminary acquaintance with the currency of the country where tourists are going. It’s nice that the first guide to world currencies for a wide range of readers was prepared, developed and printed by a travel agency.

Different countries around the world have different rules and procedures for importing and exporting currency, so it is important to clarify them immediately before your trip. For example, in the USA it is required to declare the import and export of currency in an amount over 10 thousand dollars, in Norway - if the amount exceeds 25 thousand crowns, in Portugal - over 2.5 million escudos, in Finland all currency during import and export is registered for compiling the country's balance of payments, in Australia - if it exceeds 5 thousand Australian dollars, filling out a statistical form is required.

It should be noted that only three currencies are “absolutely free for purchase and sale”: the US dollar, the British pound sterling and the French franc. More than 70 countries in the world have limited convertible currencies. There are states where the dominant position is occupied by the American dollar, the English pound or the French franc.

Allow the import of currency provided that the entire amount is included in the customs declaration;

Full information of potential visitors and tourists to minimize their inconvenience and financial difficulties;

Possibility of reverse currency exchange when leaving the country;

Exchange of currency for national money, only at the request of the tourist;

Availability at the entrance to the checkpoint in a visible place of the rules governing currency exchange, based on the current exchange rate;

When leaving your tourists, allow them to have sufficient amounts of their money for a return trip to their country.

It is important to keep in mind that in a number of countries there are strict currency regulations and laws according to which national money is the only means of purchase and sale. Carrying out currency exchange transactions bypassing authorized banks is criminally punishable and a tourist for illegal currency exchange can actually appear in court.

In other countries, in turn, deception when exchanging money is not considered a crime, so using the services of a money changer can lead to large financial losses.

Since currency formalities also change quite often, travel agencies need to regularly update them and immediately bring them to the attention of tourists.

2.7 Currency formalities

With the growth of international tourism and the expansion of its geography, an increasing number of Russian citizens began to “face” foreign currency. Even unaccustomed financial workers find it quite difficult to understand foreign banknotes. For tourists, “other people’s” money sometimes conceals not only something unusual, but also unpleasant: when exchanging it, there are abuses and frauds. In addition, there are more and more counterfeit banknotes. According to experts, 80% of “counterfeits” are in US dollars.

Speaking about US dollars, it should be noted that according to one version, their everyday names - “green” and “bucks” - come from the slang expression “greenbacks” - “green backs” (the color of the reverse side of American paper banknotes).

In accordance with Art. 11 of the Declaration of the International Convention for the Suppression of Counterfeiting of Currency (Geneva, 1929), counterfeit banknotes must be confiscated and handed over either to the government or to the issuing bank that issued the banknotes. All this requires travel agencies to carry out certain work to prepare for the trip, including in terms of preliminary acquaintance with the currency of the country where tourists are going. It’s nice that the first guide to world currencies for a wide range of readers was prepared, developed and printed by a travel agency.

Different countries around the world have different rules and procedures for importing and exporting currency, so it is important to clarify them immediately before your trip. For example, in the USA it is required to declare the import and export of currency in an amount over 10 thousand dollars, in Norway - if the amount exceeds 25 thousand crowns, in Portugal - over 2.5 million escudos, in Finland all currency during import and export is registered for compiling the country's balance of payments, in Australia - if it exceeds 5 thousand Australian dollars, filling out a statistical form is required.

It should be noted that only three currencies are “absolutely free for purchase and sale”: the US dollar, the British pound sterling and the French franc. More than 70 countries in the world have limited convertible currencies. There are states where the dominant position is occupied by the American dollar, the English pound or the French franc.

Allow the import of currency provided that the entire amount is included in the customs declaration;

Full information of potential visitors and tourists to minimize their inconvenience and financial difficulties;

Possibility of reverse currency exchange when leaving the country;

Currency exchange for national money, only at the request of the tourist;

Availability at the entrance to the checkpoint in a visible place of the rules governing currency exchange, based on the current exchange rate;

When leaving your tourists, allow them to have sufficient amounts of their money for a return trip to their country.

It is important to keep in mind that in a number of countries there are strict currency regulations and laws according to which national money is the only means of purchase and sale. Carrying out currency exchange transactions bypassing authorized banks is criminally punishable and a tourist for illegal currency exchange can actually appear in court.

In other countries, in turn, deception when exchanging money is not considered a crime, so using the services of a money changer can lead to large financial losses.

Since currency formalities also change quite often, travel agencies need to regularly update them and immediately bring them to the attention of tourists.


The concept for the development of tourism in the Russian Federation for the period until 2012 states that the current procedure for issuing Russian visas to citizens of foreign countries that are safe in terms of migration does not always contribute to the growth of inbound tourism. That is, this fact is evidence that it is necessary to reconsider positions regarding the issue of entry of foreign citizens into Russian territory. A more flexible policy is needed here. And the country's leadership understands this.

In this case, it is quite possible to introduce a procedure for providing purchased visas to citizens of countries that are safe in terms of migration. This measure will help attract foreign tourists.

It is necessary to apply customs benefits for tourists coming to Russia.

These measures are necessary because complex tourist formalities repel many foreign tourists from Russia.

Today this is the most important of all aspects of this most important area of ​​international economic relations. And, if earlier the state was mainly concerned with how to remove obstacles to the development of tourism in the host country, thereby simplifying tourism formalities in relation to tourists directly, today, taking into account the importance for everyone of this type of “invisible export” of goods, the state, in essence, moved to the second stage of the process of multilateral regulation of international tourism - the stage of eliminating obstacles to the development of international tourism in the country of origin of the tourist. The question arose about compliance with tourist formalities on the part of tour operators. Thus, by purchasing a tour, as mentioned above, the client receives the right to certain services of the tour operator’s partners, but no one guarantees that these services will be paid for. And most of these services are aimed at complying with tourist formalities, since the cost of the tour includes payment for a visa, insurance, carrier services (the presence of a return ticket is a condition for issuing a visa in many countries), etc.

The latest measures relate, in particular, to the need to increase the level of protection of the interests of the person purchasing tourism services in his homeland, his insurance against all kinds of risks, including those associated with the unfair behavior of tour operators. In recent years, unfortunately, cases of fraud in the field of international tourism have become more frequent when a tourist, having purchased, for example, complex or package travel services (that is, including payment for more than one type of tourism services, for example, transport and hotel accommodation, meals and etc.), having arrived in the host country, he encounters many difficulties of a financial and everyday nature.

This situation leads to an erosion of the trust of potential clients - consumers of tourism services - in international tourism, disorganizes international interstate economic relations (IGER) in this area, and causes colossal damage to the economies of states, which, of course, is unacceptable.

It seems that the experience of solving this problem within the European Union should be adopted by all countries of the world in the interests of developing international tourism in order to ensure that tour operators fulfill their obligations to tourists and either provide tourists with the promised services or return their money in case of premature bankruptcy . The signing of a multilateral convention on relevant issues could also contribute to this goal.

It is useful for Russia to adopt this experience. And as mentioned above, the state understands that it needs control in this area.

At the same time, Article 1212 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation determines that the consumer of tourism services - an individual - is guaranteed the protection of his rights provided by the mandatory rules of law of the country of residence of the consumer without any exceptions. In this case, the legislator rightly determined the priority of human rights.

Considering the importance of tourism for the Russian economy, in accordance with Art. 19 Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of Tourism Activities in the Russian Federation”, in order to promote the tourism product on the global tourism market, the federal executive body in the field of tourism creates representative offices outside the Russian Federation. The procedure for the creation, operation and liquidation of these representative offices is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation in accordance with international treaties of the Russian Federation.

Previously, the WTO Executive Council had a Facilitation Committee, which was responsible for the entire range of issues related to the problems of the movement of tourists, both internationally and nationally. In October 2009, it was merged with the Committee on Tourism Safety and became known as the WTO Committee on the Quality of Tourism Services. At meetings of the Committee, approaches to the development of measures for the safety and protection of tourists are considered, reports are heard on the need to have tourist police in major tourist centers of a particular country, based on the existing experience of other countries in this direction.

The WTO pays special attention to the need to hold a diplomatic conference, at which it is expected to consider the prepared draft and eventually adopt an International Convention to Facilitate Tourist Travel and Stays, which will clearly outline recommendations for simplifying border, customs, sanitary, currency and other formalities and procedures.

Major international tourism associations are also paying attention to streamlining tourism formalities and improving tourism safety. For example, PATA - the Tourism Association of Asia and the Pacific, sets one of its most important goals as "assistance in establishing cooperation on the simplification of border formalities, currency and customs regulations and other norms."

It should also be said that the Final Document of the Vienna Meeting of Representatives of the States Parties to the Conference on Cooperation and Security in Europe speaks of the need for assistance from states in organizing tourist trips, reducing to a minimum the time for consideration of applications for such trips, and also paying serious attention to proposals for concluding agreements regarding issuing multiple-entry visas and simplifying tourism formalities.

The draft Budapest Convention to Facilitate Tourist Travel, Travel and Stays, the text of which was almost completely included in the aforementioned Hague Declaration on Tourism, defined the basic principles: “Each Contracting Party undertakes to facilitate individual and organized group travel and stays,” but at the same time there it states that “no provision of the Convention can be interpreted as preventing a Contracting Party from taking temporary measures that that Party considers necessary to preserve law and order and security. The other Parties must be immediately informed of the introduction of such temporary measures.”

It is also recommended that all countries, by analogy with the WTO structure, establish a National Authority (Committee on the Quality of Tourism Services), which is “responsible for coordinating activities to streamline and simplify regulations, formalities and procedures affecting tourism travel, trips and stays of tourists.”

It should be noted that in the field of simplifying the organization of tourist travel, the WTO acts in close contact with the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), the World Health Organization (WHO), the International Maritime Organization (IMO), the Customs Cooperation Council (CCC) and other organizations. By analogy with this, the work of the National Tourism Administration of a particular country should be carried out in close contact and interaction with all other interested ministries and departments.


Tourism is a multifaceted activity that involves many actors from individuals to states. Therefore, this area undoubtedly requires regulation at the international legal level. As will be shown in later chapters, Europe was the most successful in this regard. But Russia is also actively joining this process.

In this course work the following tasks were solved:

The essence of tourist formalities is considered: this is a condition or action required by law when performing any important and responsible business.

The main types of tourism formalities have been studied:

Passport formalities

International driving license and procedure for renting a car

Other identification documents in tourism and the concept of “Green Card”

Visa formalities

Sanitary and epidemiological formalities

Customs formalities

Currency formalities

Simplification of tourist trips and travel is a comprehensively thought-out and coordinated policy of the state and the actions of its specific government bodies, primarily the national tourism administration for the development and encouragement of tourist trips, providing tourists with the necessary social and economic security, as well as qualified medical and other assistance, protecting them property, health, personal rights and dignity. Naturally, this activity should be carried out in close contact with the tourism organizations and associations themselves; without this constant interaction there cannot be a positive shift in the field of tourism.


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When citizens travel abroad, government agencies at border crossings monitor the transportation of foreign and national currency by citizens across the border in accordance with national currency legislation. Each country's currency legislation establishes its own rules for the transportation of currency; usually they regulate the amount of imported and exported currency that is not subject to declaration, and a ban on the export of national currency.

In a number of countries, there is a practice of establishing a minimum currency required for entry, usually this applies to countries participating in the Schengen Agreement and member countries of the European Union, where the required minimum is 50 euros per person per day of stay in the country. This minimum can be confirmed at the border by having traveler's checks, an extract from a bank credit card account or in cash. Traveler's checks and credit cards are not subject to declaration. If the amount of currency that is not subject to declaration exceeds the permissible amount, the tourist must declare the excess part, otherwise, if detected by customs officials, it is subject to seizure.

In accordance with Regulation of the European Parliament and Council (EC) No. 1889/2005 of October 26, 2005, when moving cash across the EU customs border in an amount exceeding 10,000 euros, a declaration is filled out.

Many states periodically limit the possibility of free exchange of foreign currency for national currency, establishing a special procedure for currency conversion for foreign tourists, for example, in Cuba, a significantly “lower rate” has been established for converting the US dollar to the national currency. All these restrictions are designed to control currency exchange, but at the same time they can lead to a reduction in the volume of tourist flows to these countries. Currency formalities in countries change quite often, so it is the duty of travel company employees to track this information and promptly inform tourists about it.

The rules for the import and export of Belarusian rubles and foreign currency across the border of the Republic of Belarus are regulated by the Resolution of the Board of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus and the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Belarus dated April 30, 2004 No. 73/38 “On approval of instructions on the procedure for the import, export and transfer of foreign currency, Belarusian rubles, payment documents in foreign currency, documentary securities in Belarusian rubles and foreign currency by individuals across the customs border of the Republic of Belarus.”

The import and export of Belarusian rubles by individuals is permitted in an amount not exceeding per person 500 basic units established in Belarus on the date of import (export) of Belarusian rubles without mandatory declaration in writing.

Import (export) of securities is carried out without restrictions on the amount and without mandatory declaration in writing.

When individuals import foreign currency in an amount exceeding the equivalent of 10,000 US dollars per person, calculated at the official exchange rate of the Belarusian ruble to the corresponding foreign currency on the day of customs clearance, a mandatory declaration is made in writing to the customs authority of the Republic of Belarus.

When individuals export foreign currency in an amount exceeding the equivalent of 3,000 US dollars per person, calculated at the official exchange rate of the Belarusian ruble to the corresponding foreign currency on the day of customs clearance, a mandatory declaration is made in writing to the customs authority of the Republic of Belarus.

When individuals export foreign currency in an amount exceeding the equivalent of 10,000 US dollars per person, calculated at the official exchange rate of the Belarusian ruble to the corresponding foreign currency on the day of customs clearance, it is carried out upon mandatory presentation of permits to the customs authority of the Republic of Belarus. The authorization document is a bank certificate.

Import and export by individuals of documentary securities in foreign currency and payment documents in foreign currency are carried out without restrictions on the amount and without mandatory declaration.

With the growth of international tourism and the expansion of its geography, an increasing number of Russian citizens began to “face” foreign currency. Even unaccustomed financial workers find it quite difficult to understand foreign banknotes. For tourists, “other people’s” money sometimes conceals not only something unusual, but also unpleasant: when exchanging it, there are abuses and frauds. In addition, there are more and more counterfeit banknotes. According to experts, 80% of “counterfeits” are in US dollars.

In accordance with Art. 11 of the Declaration of the International Convention for the Suppression of Counterfeiting of Currency (Geneva, 1929), counterfeit banknotes must be confiscated and handed over either to the government or to the issuing bank that issued the banknotes. All this requires travel agencies to carry out certain work to prepare for the trip, including in terms of preliminary acquaintance with the currency of the country where tourists are going.

Different countries around the world have different rules and procedures for importing and exporting currency, so it is important to clarify them immediately before your trip.

For example, in the USA it is required to declare the import and export of currency in an amount over 10 thousand dollars, in Norway - if the amount exceeds 25 thousand kroons, in Finland all currency during import and export is registered to compile the country's balance of payments, in Australia - when exceeding 5 thousand Australian dollars, filling out a statistical form is required.

  • allow the import of currency provided that the entire amount is included in the customs declaration;
  • full information of potential visitors and tourists to minimize their inconvenience and financial difficulties;
  • possibility of reverse currency exchange when leaving the country;
  • exchange of currency for national money only at the request of the tourist;
  • presence at the entrance to the checkpoint in a visible place of rules governing currency exchange based on the current exchange rate;
  • when leaving their tourists, allow them to have sufficient amounts of their money for a return trip to their country.

It is important to keep in mind that in a number of countries there are strict currency regulations and laws according to which national money is the only means of purchase and sale. Carrying out currency exchange transactions bypassing authorized banks is criminally punishable, and a tourist for illegal currency exchange can actually appear in court.

In other countries, in turn, deception when exchanging money is not considered a crime, so using the services of a money changer can lead to large financial losses.

Since currency formalities also change quite often, travel agencies need to regularly update them and immediately bring them to the attention of tourists.

In many countries, in order to combat counterfeiters, the color of banknotes is constantly changing based on the latest advances in technology; various puzzling anti-counterfeit elements are added. For example, Switzerland, which did not sign the Maastricht Treaty on the transition to a single currency, began issuing green 50-franc notes, dark red 20-franc notes, bright yellow 10-franc notes, yellow-brown 200-franc notes, purple 1000-franc and blue 100-franc notes. Each of the new banknotes has its own base color and tonal transitions, which cannot be reproduced on electronic copiers.

On May 2, 1998, 11 European countries were identified as adopting a single currency: Austria, Belgium, Germany, Ireland, Spain, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Portugal, Finland and France.

On January 1, 1999, the euro was introduced into non-cash circulation. On July 1, 2002, the euro became a single currency.

The EU Commission has approved the rules for introducing the euro currency:

  • comply with the rules for converting national currency into euros, taking into account the inevitable “rounding” of prices;
  • do not impose additional fees on customers who want to pay in euros cashless;
  • provide clients with all information about the rules of transition to the euro;
  • indicate the price in euros and national currency;
  • train staff to work with clients in new conditions;
  • provide customers with the opportunity to pay in eurocurrency.
  • 1ZH GO held a special seminar “Euro and Tourism”, which noted the advantages of introducing the euro currency:
    • there is no need to spend time and money on exchange transactions;
    • it became possible to compare prices for services in different countries, prices for tourist services will be more “transparent”;
    • The functions of the police and security will be simplified, and the number of frauds when exchanging money will be reduced.