What is the difference between an apartment and a studio. The difference between a studio and an apartment

In conditions of constant increase in real estate prices many strive to save money - for example, to buy housing smaller area. Demand creates supply, and developers began offering studio apartments. Legislative there is no definition of this concept. IN we'll tell you in the article what is a studio , consider its pros and cons, suitability for living and investing.

Studio apartment: what is it?

A studio is a residential property in the open space style, that is, with open space. There are no interior walls or separate rooms: a person is in a single space. The only exception is the bathroom: it is located separately, in one or two rooms with doors, is separate room.

Studio is housing , which can be zoned according to your own preferences. It has a kitchen area with communications - it is usually located closer to the exit. The relaxation area - an impromptu sleeping area - is usually located in the back of the room, closer to the window. There is no corridor or hallway - opening the front door, a person immediately finds himself in the only living room.

Interesting fact: For the first time, such an architectural and planning solution was proposed in the USA back in the 1920s by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, a German modernist architect. Later - in 1966–1967 - it was improved by A.V. Purgin. The studios were popular in America and Europe, especially among creative youth. And the prerequisites for creating studios appeared more than 100 years ago in Japan - then “capsules” appeared: small rooms with a minimum of furniture and equipment. They were intended for workers who worked in large cities and lived in small towns or outlying suburban areas. This allowed people to spend less time and effort getting to work.

What are the studios like?

🔷 Received after redevelopment.They were created by owners when remodeling one-room, two-room, three-room or other apartments. The interior walls were removed, resulting in a single living space. space . Most often, redevelopment was carried out with “Khrushchev” and “Brezhnev” buildings. There are cases when two- and three-story studios were created, each floor of which was one large room. Remodeling an apartment into a studio usually takes a lot of time. It involves the collection of a package of documents, numerous approvals from the BTI, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the department of architecture and other government agencies.

🔷 Provided by the project.They began to be built about 5-10 years ago, when the demand for affordable housing began to grow. Most often, studios appear in economy-class houses, but in some cases they can even occupy the penthouse area and have a large living area.

How is a studio different from an apartment?

✅ Smaller area.Even the largest studio will be smaller compared to apartments. The studio area usually starts from 30 m². In rare cases, it can reach 100 m², but such solutions are only possible in houses built using monolithic frame technology. But there is almost no demand for large studios, so they are rarely built.

✅ Absencewalls A studio differs from a 1-room apartmentlack of hallway and separate kitchens - we explained above that such real estate offers a single living space with the exception of bathrooms. By the way, the bathroom in the studio can be either separate or combined - in this it is similar to ordinary apartments.

✅ Single design.If in an apartment you can create your own design style for each room, it is very difficult to do this in a studio. It is possible to create several functional areas - for example, a sleeping and dining area, but you cannot use radically different solutions in them. Otherwise it will look ridiculous and ugly.

✅ Lack of layout.When designing multi-storey buildings, architects usually take into account the smallest details in order to create a convenient and competent layout. It is not provided for in studios - designers only determine the location of bathrooms, otherwise the owner can zone the space as he wants. For example, this isWhat is the difference between a guest room and a studio?: even in apartments type "hotels" are provided layout .

✅ Visual effect.Due to the lack of walls, the studio seems to have more living space. If you compare a studio and an apartment of the same size, the first will look like a spacious, bright room. This is important for those who value comfort and coziness and cannot stay in a tight confined space for a long time.

What is a studio apartment in a new building

A studio apartment in a new building is built taking into account SNiPs and Russian Federation standards, so in terms of comfort it is not inferior to the studios built by the owners. Typically, such housing has large windows that provide bright natural light. Most often in small studios do not have a balcony or loggia.

Studios, like other apartments in multi-storey buildings, are subject to special requirements - they are specified in SNiP 31-03-2003 . Here are some of them:

📜 ceiling height - at least 2.5 m or at least 2.7 m in climatic regions IA, IB, IG, ID and IVA;

📜 the amount of air exchange in the room is at least 3 m³/h per 1 m² of living space;

📜 The minimum thickness of load-bearing walls of an apartment building is 120 mm.

Pros and cons of studios

Pros of studio apartments

➕ Low cost.According to experts, the cost of studio apartments is on average 15–20% lower compared to a one-room property of the same area located in the same area. Therefore, such housing is suitable for those who do not have the money to purchase a larger apartment. For example, studios are often chosen by young couples or professionals who have just started their careers.

➕ Free layout.In the studio you can arrange the zones as you wish. To zone a room, you can use mobile phones partitions : they are convenient to move from place to place and, if necessary, change the layout. Other options zoning of space is the arrangement of furniture, the use of different color accents for different zones or the difference in floor heights: for example, a podium for a bed.

➕ Natural lighting.Studios usually have large windows through which room sunlight penetrates easily. Therefore, during the day there is no need for additional artificial lighting - you can place your desktop near the window and save on electricity.

➕ Good acoustics.This is an important plus for creative people - musicians - and those who are used to listening to music or watching films in good sound quality. Due to the absence of interior walls , the sound spreads evenly throughout the room.

Cons of studio apartments

➖ Small area.Compared to one-room apartments, studios differ smaller area. This is a minus for those who are used to using a large amount of furniture or household appliances. The problem can be solved by using compact furniture and appliances or so-called “transformers” - for example, a wardrobe bed.

➖ Lack of hallway.Due to the fact that there is no corridor or hallway at the entrance, dust or dirt from the entrance will enter the room. There is also a risk of spreading dirt from shoes or clothes throughout the living area. The first problem can be solved with a good door and proper care of the staircase, and the second - with neatness.

➖ Single area.Due to the fact that there are no interior partitions in the studio, the aromas from the kitchen will spread throughout the living space. Also, other odors will spread around the room - for example, from the activity of pets. This problem can be solved by powerful ventilation of the room.

➖ Lack of personal space.This is a minus for those who do not live one . In studios there are usually no corners in which you can retire: all those who live in them are always on mind from other residents. Therefore, studios are popular with those who live alone.

Who is suitable and who is not suitable for living in studios?

Who is it suitable for?

Who is not suitable for?

🚶 To lonely young people.The studio has enough space for one person to live - if desired, you can organize a dining area, a reception area, a bedroom and a relaxation area in one room.

👫 For young couples.If a young couple does not have the money to buy a one-room or two-room apartment, a studio will suit them.

🎨 For creative people.The open layout of the studio allows you to organize a living and creative area in one room. The studios also have good acoustics.

🏞 People who need space.If a person is afraid of cramped spaces, a small studio will not suit him. A possible way out of the situation is a large studio with an area of ​​50–100 m².

Should an investor choose a studio apartment?

The cost of housing and the payback period are influenced by many different factors - for example, the current situation on the market, the distance of the property from the center, the total area. It is necessary to calculate the payback period in each individual case, taking into account the characteristics of a particular region and market situation.

In general, investing in a studio is more profitable compared to investing in a one-room or two-room apartment. This is due to the fact that the cost of a studio is slightly lower compared to the price of standard housing. The payback period will be lower. And the cost of renting one-room apartments and studios is approximately the same - all other things being equal, a studio will pay off faster. True, it is worth taking into account demand - many, responding to question " Which is better: a studio or a one-room apartment?» prefer to choose regular housing, especially tenants with children or families. Therefore, before investing in a studio, study the market - if there are many unclaimed rental offers, the payback period may increase.

Are there other features of the studios?

Studio is ordinary residential real estate from the point of view of the legislation of the Russian Federation. There are standard requirements for real estate and transactions with it. When purchasing a studio, you need to go through the same procedure for registering ownership as usual, that is:

❗ sign a purchase and sale agreement with the owner or developer, accept housing;

❗ submit a purchase and sale agreement to Rosreestr, pay the state duty, fill out an application;

❗ receive later an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate confirming ownership.

In the studio you also need to pay for utilities, and housing can also be given, exchanged, sold and left as an inheritance.

Today, studio apartments have become so popular that many young people are willing to move there to live, leaving standard apartments. How does a studio differ from an apartment, and is it suitable for permanent residence? First, let's look at the definitions of these two words.

A studio is a real estate option that does not have a strict division into residential and non-residential space. This can also be an apartment where the kitchen is combined with the living room. It’s possible to create it yourself from an ordinary apartment through redevelopment. An apartment is a space with rooms, a separate kitchen and a bathroom. There are residential and non-residential areas (corridor, balcony). This type is intended for permanent residence of one or several people. A studio is more suitable for temporary stay and is often a one-room option for living space, in contrast to an apartment, which can have 2-3 or more rooms. What other differences are there between these living spaces? Let's try to find out.

What is the difference between a studio and an apartment: differences, similarities, features

Let's start with the fact that a studio apartment has the following characteristics:

  • has no corridors;
  • often has good sound insulation, because this type of housing prevails in monolithic frame houses built from ceramic blocks;
  • can be of different shapes: square, round, trapezoidal;
  • designed to accommodate 1-2 people;
  • You can make an ordinary apartment out of it using partitions.

In addition, it sometimes differs in that the shower cabin intended for this room may be located outside it, but this is only in extreme projects.

Residential apartments have a separate kitchen, bathroom, toilet, corridors and a balcony. Often such apartments are built in panel-type houses, although today this type of construction is considered obsolete. An important difference between an apartment and a studio is that the first option costs much more than the second. Although studios are often rented. This is mainly done by young couples who do not intend to have children in the near future. This type is also suitable for recording music albums, theater rehearsals, etc. Today in Moscow and other large cities of Russia, many aspiring musicians rent studios where they engage in creative activities.

In terms of similarities, the following stand out:

  • both options apply to residential real estate;
  • upon purchase they are legally registered;
  • located in residential buildings.

So, an apartment primarily differs from a studio in that it is intended for permanent residence of several people, exceeds the size of a studio, has a clear division of territories, and also costs much more than a studio. Moreover, residents of standard apartments need to pay much more for utilities than those living in studio apartments.

A studio apartment differs from a one-room apartment in its unique layout. This is the same separate housing, only it does not have divisions into a bedroom, kitchen and living room. The entire area is an open space with only an isolated bathroom. The advantage of such real estate is the absence of corridors.

The studio is considered a good “start-up” for young people or newly married couples who do not yet plan to have children. The only drawback of such housing is the impossibility of privacy for one of the family members. But for this, redevelopment is possible, which will be discussed further. And the main advantage of purchasing a studio apartment is its price, which is 30% lower than that of a one-room apartment.

Studios are built in open-plan monolithic-frame houses. Our development company sells apartments in the Vertical housing complex, built from large-format ceramic blocks using modern construction technology.

This gives apartment owners the benefits of excellent noise absorption and thermal insulation, which creates a favorable temperature microclimate in the room and neighbors do not disturb each other with extraneous sounds. One-room apartments can still be built in panel-type houses, which are an outdated type of construction.

Types of studio apartment layouts

A stereotype has been created about studio apartments as very small and inconvenient housing for several people. This is absolutely not true. Studios can be not only large and spacious, but also two-level. The layout type provides for various shapes: apartments can be rectangular, square, trapezoidal and even round.

A rectangular layout with one window implies creating the effect of visually expanding the space, which is achieved by choosing the right color scheme in the interior design. To do this, the kitchen is visually zoned with different shades in the color of natural wood, and the rest of the room, intended for the bedroom, is finished in a white shade. To enhance the effect, ceiling lighting is used with spotlights.

If you still like a non-visual division into zones of the kitchen, living room and bedroom, then you can use the installation of decorative partitions or the installation of cabinets. To separate the kitchen in studios, a bar counter is often used, which also serves as a table for preparing and eating food. The bedroom area can be highlighted by installing shelving that also has a functional meaning. The most modern option for dividing into zones is the installation of sliding partitions made of frosted glass.

When arranging furniture, you should not use the traditional perimeter arrangement; your apartment will look uncomfortable. A large number of trinkets and figurines will create the impression of clutter, so it is better to decorate the walls with decorative plates or paintings. In general, a studio apartment is a modern type of housing that is affordable to a large number of people.

Unlike a regular apartment, the studio has an open layout. In such a room there is no clear separation of the room from the kitchen by a solid wall, so there are much more opportunities for zoning and creating a unique design. The pros and cons of studios compared to typical apartments are discussed in detail in the material.

A studio means an apartment in which the residential and non-residential parts are actually combined. There is no clear division into different zones, since there are no walls between the kitchen and the room, as well as between the rooms. The only room that is almost always separated from the main one is the bath and toilet. Thus, a studio is an apartment in which there are practically no interior walls. An example of a typical layout of such a room is shown below.

Its area is comparable to that of a regular apartment, but it is usually larger due to significant space savings due to the absence of walls, niches, built-in wardrobes, etc. Other differences are detailed in the table.

criterion Studio ordinary apartment
presence of interior walls No Yes
price usually less usually more
target consumer mostly young families any categories
type of apartment building usually monolithic frame, in which there are no load-bearing interior walls any (frame, brick, panel, etc.)
feeling of freedom, “space” strongly expressed usually weakly expressed
possibility of creating an individual design more less
possibility of privacy less (virtually absent) more

Expert opinion

Ozerova Marina

Lawyer, specializing in inheritance, family, housing matters

A studio should not be confused with a gostinka, which is a small room in a dorm or in a small-family house. In practice, the living room can also be turned into a studio, but the latter is distinguished not only by an open layout, but also by a larger area.

Pros and cons of the studio

If you compare a studio with a typical residential space, you can identify not only significant differences, but also understand what pros and cons they provide. At first glance, an open plan provides great opportunities for creativity, since such housing can really be furnished to your taste. Other advantages include the following:

However, such an apartment also has its disadvantages, which you need to think about in advance:

  1. There is no possibility of privacy in the room - some people are categorically not happy with this circumstance.
  2. The apartment is not suitable for families with a child who always needs a separate room.
  3. The kitchen is not separated from the living area, so all smells and sounds spread freely throughout the room.
  4. It is quite difficult for 3 or more people to live in a studio - this is the best option for 1-2 residents.

Also, bulky pieces of furniture will look inappropriate in such an apartment. Therefore, if the family has quite a lot of things, it will not be easy to place them in the studio. However, this drawback is easily eliminated in various ways (installing a cabinet/rack as a separator between residential and non-residential parts, storing things in a sofa, etc.).

Who is the studio suitable for: 7 signs

Based on a comparison of a studio with a typical apartment and an analysis of its advantages and disadvantages, we can identify several signs by which it is easy to understand that a studio is more suitable for a particular person or couple:

  1. The buyer does not have much money, he is looking for a budget option.
  2. A couple of young people live at approximately the same rhythm: both get up early/late, do not interfere with each other during the day, and go to bed almost simultaneously.
  3. A person loves space very much, and walls and narrow corridors have a depressing effect on him.
  4. The family consists of no more than 2 people; have no children.
  5. People are inspired by creative projects, they want to create an original design because they are tired of monotonous classic interiors.
  6. The family doesn't have many things.
  7. Residents do not strive to acquire bulky pieces of furniture.