How long does insurance coverage last after an accident? Insurance and non-insurance cases under compulsory motor insurance

Having a compulsory auto insurance policy does not guarantee compensation in the event of a traffic accident, because companies are in no hurry to compensate for losses. To receive money, it is necessary to recognize the accident as an insured event. But many drivers do not know by what criteria it is established. To protect your own rights, you need to study what an insured event is under compulsory motor liability insurance, how it is determined and how to receive compensation from your insurance company.

Concept and legislative framework

In accordance with Part 11 of Art. 1 of the “Law on Compulsory Motor Liability Insurance”, an insured event (SS) is the onset of civil liability of a motorist as a result of damage to property, life or health of another person during the operation of a vehicle. Everyone involved in the accident must have a valid agreement with the insurance company.

To determine an insured event in case of an accident, two criteria are used:

  • object of insurance – motor third party liability of the culprit;
  • subject of insurance – movement of a vehicle along a certain trajectory.

To recognize a case as insured, a combination of 3 factors must be present:

  • MTPL insurance – every driver must have a valid policy;
  • the fact of movement at the time of the accident;
  • damage to property or health.
  1. The car caught fire from another car in the parking lot; each driver has an MTPL policy. Two conditions for recognizing a case as insured are present, but the fact of vehicle movement is missing. This means you can’t count on payment. If the lawyers prove that there was some movement, for example, of the doors (as a structural part of the car), then there is a chance to get money. But according to the general principle, this case is not included in the list of insurance cases.
  2. The car was hit by a fence while maneuvering to avoid another vehicle. In this case, the damage was not caused by another car, and the insurance company can classify this as a non-insurance event. In fact, this is a non-contact accident, and compensation is due here, but to obtain it, additional examinations will be required to prove the fact of the maneuver and the guilt of the other car.

Thus, an accident can occur under different circumstances, and in some cases it is necessary to know exactly how to act in order to receive money.

Types of insurance cases

There are two types of insurance cases:

  • as a result of an accident;
  • no accidents.

In the first case, everything is clear - at least one vehicle must move, as a result of which an accident occurs. The insurance company protects the interests of the victim by paying him compensation for the damage received.

Note! The condition of mandatory movement will be met if at least part of the car moved (for example, damage was caused when opening a door close to another car in the parking lot).

The second option for insured events is possible only if there is a corresponding clause in the contract or additional CASCO insurance has been issued. It could be:

  • disaster;

    fire or arson;

    other damage caused by third parties.

Uninsured events

The legislation defines cases in which the company’s refusal to pay will be lawful. According to Part 2 of Art. 6 No. 40-FZ, the list of insurance risks is as follows:

    damage caused by a driver who was not included in the agreement with the insurance company;

    causing moral damage;

    the emergence of an obligation to compensate for lost profits;

    causing damage during a training trip, competitive or test events;

    nature pollution;

    damage caused by cargo, for which separate insurance must be issued;

    causing harm to employees during the performance of labor functions, provided that this damage is compensated by other types of insurance;

    damage caused by the driver to the transported cargo or equipment;

    causing damage during unloading or loading of transport;

    causing a defect or complete destruction of unique items;

    harm to passengers during their transportation, if the damage is compensated by another type of insurance.

What to do in case of a car accident

Algorithm of actions

The procedure to follow after a car accident is as follows:

    Checking for victims in all cars involved in an accident. If they are, an ambulance call is required.

    Call the State Traffic Inspectorate, who will issue a certificate, and notify your insurer.

    Recording all the circumstances of the accident in a photo or video (it is important that everything remains in its place).

    Conversation with witnesses, if any. Recording their testimony on camera and obtaining contact information.

    Clearing the road from the car after the State Traffic Inspectorate officers arrive and draw up a protocol.

    Checking and signing the protocol. Particular attention should be paid to the correct indication of the personal data of the participants in the incident, information about the car and policy details.

    A visit to the State Traffic Inspectorate to obtain a certificate of initiation of a case or refusal of it.

    Transfer of a package of documents to the insurance company (before the expiration of the five-day period after the accident).

If everything is done correctly and the incident really falls into the category of insured events, it is possible to receive compensation in the form of:


    payment for repair work.

Important! If the company refuses to compensate for damage, but the case is insured, you can seek fulfillment of obligations through the court.

How to make an application

The statement that an insured event has occurred does not have a legally regulated form. Each insurance company has its own criteria according to which the document must be drawn up, so it is better to write it in the company’s office.

There are also general requirements for information that must be contained in the application. This:

    insurer details;

    information about the participants in the accident (personal, passport and contact information);

    information about the vehicle;

    description of the insured event – ​​structured with as much detail as possible;

    listing the consequences that occurred;

    details of the mandatory policy;

    signature and date of document preparation.

Note! Before writing a document, you should contact your insurer and find out the requirements for filing an application.

List of documents

The following list of documents must be submitted along with the application:

    personal passport;

    driver's license of the policyholder and all persons specified in the agreement and having the right to drive the vehicle;

    notification of an accident;

    a certificate from the State Traffic Inspectorate regarding the initiation of a case or refusal;

    valid policy;

    documents for the car - STS and/or PTS;

    receipts for expenses incurred (for example, payment for parking before the examination);

    account details for transferring payments;

    power of attorney if the applicant’s interests are represented by a third party.

Depending on the policy of a particular insurer, this list may be supplemented.

Contact options

The following list of documents can be submitted to the company:

    by visiting the insurer's office in person;

    sent by registered mail.

You can apply for compensation for damage:

    by contacting the insurance company of the culprit;

    submitting an application to your insurer (for direct compensation for damage).

The second option is relevant if:

    the number of vehicles involved in the accident is at least two;

    each driver has a valid MTPL;

    The damage was only to cars.

Note! Unreported incidents are not paid by insurance companies. This means that if the drivers resolved the dispute on the spot and the culprit immediately handed over compensation, it is useless to apply for payment.


The package of documents along with the application must be sent to the insurer no later than 5 days after the car accident. The company has 20 days to consider the appeal, after which the policy owner must be notified of the decision.

If a refusal to receive payment is received or the amount of compensation does not suit the victim, legal proceedings can be initiated.

What payments can you expect?

In accordance with Art. 7 No. 40-FZ in case of a car accident, the injured party can receive:

    up to 500 thousand rubles, if damage is caused to life or health;

    up to 400 thousand rubles, if only the vehicle was damaged.

The final amount of compensation depends on:

    results of examinations: technical, medical, traceological, traffic, etc. (depending on the specific circumstances of the incident);

    the amount of damage;

    number of victims;

    vehicle characteristics: make, model, year of manufacture, actual wear and tear at the time of the incident;

    driver class, region of registration and other MTPL coefficients.

Damage can be compensated in the form of:


    carrying out repair work.

In the latter case, we are talking about service stations of the insurer. The decision to independently choose a master can lead to problems in receiving payment for the work performed.

Let's sum it up

The presence of compulsory motor liability insurance implies receiving compensation in the event of an accident. However, for this the case must be recognized as insured.

Basic conditions for receiving compensation:

    availability of an object (automobile liability) and subject (vehicle traffic) of insurance;

    a set of 3 conditions: the presence of a valid insurance policy for all participants in the incident, the fact of vehicle movement and damage to property or life/health;

    It is possible to receive compensation without an accident (hijacking, theft, arson and other damage caused by third parties), if this is specified in the agreement.

To receive payment for an insured event, you must notify the State Traffic Inspectorate and the insurer about it, and also submit to the latter a request for compensation along with the established package of documents.

You should not count on money if:

    the case is specified in Part 2 of Art. 6 No. 40-FZ;

    the cars were not in motion at the time of the accident;

    the driver was a person not specified in the contract, or the driver does not have a policy;

    deadlines for submitting an application have been missed;

    the car was repaired before the inspection by the insurer;

    the car is sent for repair to a service station that is not a partner of the insurer (unless there is a prior agreement).

Thus, receiving compensation in the event of an insured event has its own characteristics. It is important for the driver to know about them in order to be able to protect his rights and be able to challenge the actions of a company that does not want to fulfill its obligations under the contract.

The result of a road traffic incident is the emergence of obligations towards the person injured in the accident. Insured events under compulsory motor liability insurance are specified in the relevant Federal Law. But despite this, insurers go to various lengths to avoid compensating the victim for damage. Therefore, you need to know exactly what is included in an insured event, and when insurers absolutely legally refuse to pay compensation.

General concepts

An insured event under MTPL is any circumstance as a result of which the car owner driving the insured car caused damage to property and/or harm to the health of other persons in another vehicle. Under these circumstances, the insurer is obliged to compensate the damage to the injured person.

The list of circumstances recognized as uninsurable is contained in the same Law. Moreover, it is more specific than the list of those that are insurance. But more about everything.

Signs of insurance cases

So, how do you know whether the insurance company (IC) is obliged to pay compensation or not? Events are insured if:

  1. The damage was caused using an insured vehicle. Use means driving a vehicle on roads and adjacent areas intended for driving.
  2. There is someone who caused the accident. There must be at least two participants: the culprit, to whom civil liability applies, and the victim (he is paid compensation by the culprit's insurer).

Insured event in case of an accident - examples:

  • The driver did not have time to slow down before the traffic light and crashed into the car standing in front.
  • The truck drove past a parked car and hit it.

Uninsured cases:

  1. Returning to the parked car, the owner discovered a dent on its hood. There were no witnesses to the incident. Therefore, the culprit has not been identified and there will be no payment.
  2. The car was damaged by a load that was poorly secured in a truck parked in the parking lot.

There is a list of situations when the victim 100% can and should receive an insurance payment:

  • the driver hit a pedestrian;
  • a vehicle was damaged in an accident;
  • the people in the car were injured;
  • property was damaged in the accident (for example, a fence).


Current legislation provides for two types of insurance cases:

In the situations listed in the second case, it is not worth counting on a payment under compulsory motor liability insurance that insures not the car, but the driver’s liability. If you want to be calm about your “iron horse” in all unpredictable circumstances, you need to take out voluntary CASCO motor third party liability insurance.

Uninsured events

So, what is not an insured event? The following events fall into this category:

  1. Causing harm to property or a person by cargo, the movement of which is associated with an increased risk. This type of cargo is insured separately.
  2. Causing damage by driving a car that is not specified in the insurance.
  3. Causing harm to the life and/or health of persons performing their official duties. In this case, compensation will be paid through the types of insurance required for employees (personal, social).
  4. Compensation for moral damage and lost profits.
  5. Damage to property or person was caused not by the vehicle, but directly by its driver.
  6. Causing harm in specially designated areas for automobile competitions, training driving, etc.
  7. Damage caused during loading and unloading operations.
  8. Causing damage to architectural objects, antiques, luxury goods, cash, jewelry, etc. Compensation is made at the expense of the guilty person through the court.
  9. Damage to a legal entity if damage was caused to an employee of the same organization on a vehicle owned by it.

Any of these events will be considered by the insurer as a non-insured event, and, therefore, no compensation will be paid.

OSAGO in parking lots and courtyards

According to Federal Law, these territories are considered adjacent to public roads. This means that the same requirements apply to incidents that occur on them as on the roads. For example, if cars in the courtyard of a house were unable to move away, and one of them was damaged, then its owner may receive an insurance payment.

The only thing is: regardless of the scale of the incident, in order to receive payment, you must submit a complete package of documents. As a rule, minor damage is caused to cars in courtyards and parking areas, so not all car owners want to bother with documents. So it turns out that the situation itself is insured, but in order to receive compensation, the victim must make a lot of effort. And for the sake of several thousand rubles, doing this is burdensome.

It’s a completely different matter when damage to cars is caused while parked. The most typical situation is careless opening of the car door. Since none of the cars is in motion, the insurer has the right to refuse to pay the victim.

Instructions for car owners after an accident

Here are the actions that should be taken by the policyholder in the event of an insured event under a compulsory motor liability insurance policy in order to receive 100% of the due remuneration:

  1. Setting a date for the examination. Until this point, it is strictly prohibited to carry out car repairs. Based on the results of the technical inspection, a report is drawn up reflecting the amount of insurance compensation.
  2. Direct compensation for losses in cash (to the policyholder’s bank account or through a cash register) or in kind (repairs).

So you have learned what to do after an accident in order to receive an insurance payment. After reviewing the documents submitted by the applicant, the Investigative Committee will decide whether the road incident is insurable or not. In any case, the insurer is obliged to respond no later than 20 days from the date of the client’s request. If the insurance company refuses to compensate for the damage, but you are sure that the damage received is subject to compensation, you can contact the RSA or the court.

There comes a time in every driver’s life when he has to remember about car insurance. Then some rejoice at their foresight, while others complain about mistakes, since they have to compensate for all the costs themselves. This article will describe in detail what constitutes an insurance event under compulsory motor liability insurance; we will discuss all the nuances of its occurrence, registration and receipt of payment.


An insured event is an event that caused damage to the object of the contract. OSAGO insures the life, health, property of third parties, that is, harm caused by the driver to someone. CASCO compensates for damage incurred by the policy owner.

The occurrence of an insured event is a reason to contact the company for compensation. But before a person receives payment, a detailed study of the facts and circumstances of the incident takes place. To exclude cases of fraud, deliberate actions or intent, the company will study all documents in detail.


All insurance rules, as well as the procedure for the victim’s actions, are prescribed in the contract. In short, the algorithm looks like this:

You should not call the company immediately after an accident. Firstly, employees are unlikely to tell you the correct procedure and all the nuances of paperwork. Secondly, they will ask about the availability of certificates confirming the occurrence of an insured event. Therefore, it is worth reading the agreement in advance and studying the algorithm of actions.

First of all

If you are involved in an accident, it is worth putting up emergency signs at the scene of the accident. If necessary, provide assistance to the victims. Then call the traffic police by calling 002, 112, 911.

During the waiting period, you should not discuss any nuances of the accident with the other party. This information can then be used against you. This time should be spent on recording cars, finding out the names of other participants in the accident, their phone numbers, it is advisable to obtain information from witnesses, if any. During this time, it is also worth filing a statement. The insured event must be described in accordance with the requirements specified in the contract.

The victim is advised to find out the contact information of the person responsible for the accident, the name of the insurance company, and his policy number. If there are many participants in the accident (more than two cars), and it is difficult to clearly determine who is to blame for the incident, then it is worth interviewing all parties and collectively drawing up a notice that an insured event has occurred under compulsory motor liability insurance. It is attached to the policy.

If the second driver does not agree with the stated facts or simply does not want to sign the document, there is no need to worry. The insurance company does not have the right to refuse payment solely due to the lack of an application.

Important points

Before the traffic police arrive, a lot can change at the scene of the accident. Therefore, if you have a camera or video camera with you, then you should immediately photograph the scene of the incident (from four sides) and the victims, if any. It's best to take several photos from different angles and distances.

Nothing can be changed at the scene of an accident. But if a traffic jam has formed and the victims are forced to clear the roadway before the police arrive, then it is first necessary to draw up a diagram of the accident, record the position of the vehicle in the presence of witnesses and prepare a statement. The insured event must be registered according to the rules specified in the contract. If there are objects that are related to the scene of the incident (for example, glass fragments), then all measures should be taken to preserve them and limit the detour.

If the insurance rules provide for informing the company about the occurrence of an accident by calling, do not hesitate to find out the name of the employee who answered the call. If in the future his words provoke you to violate the order of paperwork, then you will have someone to refer to. Owners of CASCO policies are required to inform the insurance company independently.

Registration of an insured event under compulsory motor liability insurance

Upon arrival, the traffic police inspector is obliged to collect vehicle registration certificates, driver’s licenses and policies from all participants in the accident. Based on information from all parties, a report is drawn up detailing all the circumstances of the accident. The certificate must include the personal details of witnesses, if any, and passengers. If the information is presented correctly, then the paper can be signed. If a person believes that the documents for the MTPL insurance event were drawn up incorrectly, then this should also be recorded in the notice. In this case, you must indicate “Disagree” and sign.

The inspector is obliged to give the victim a copy of the offense report, a certificate, a map of the accident (terrain plan and location of the car, speed, braking distance, description of the collision site), data on the inspection of the vehicle and explanations of all participants and witnesses. These papers must clearly indicate the name and position of the inspector. If the documents cannot be issued immediately, then it is necessary to clarify the exact time of consideration of the case and appear at the specified place and within the specified time frame.

If the accident caused serious damage to the health of the victim, then a medical examination report must be attached to the documents. The procedure is carried out at the scene of the accident or in a medical facility in the presence of two witnesses. This is how a specific MTPL insurance event - an accident - should be recorded.


After an accident, you should carefully check the damage caused to the car. Then the traffic police officer must clearly describe them, and also include in the act the phrase “Possible hidden defects.” Otherwise, the insurance company will not pay the costs of repairing damage that was not previously described.

You should also check the correctness of filling out protocols and certificates, the accuracy of the specified data on the place and time of the accident, information about the participants and the vehicle. All corrections must be certified with a seal, signature and the phrase “believe the correction.” The document must be written in one hand.

You can evacuate the car after documenting the accident with the permission of the inspector.

Other options

If the vehicle was damaged as a result of a natural disaster, such as a hurricane or the fall of a billboard, then you should contact the local branch of Roshydrometeocenter for a certificate of the incident. If the car was damaged by fire, the relevant document can be obtained from the fire department.

To receive compensation for damage caused by third parties, owners of CASCO policies must write an application to the local police department and take a certificate confirming the fact of theft of parts. The same should be done in case of vehicle theft.

If an MTPL insured event (road accident) occurs, and the culprit received a policy in another city, then you need to contact the local branch of the company. should be carried out in a place convenient for the victim (city).

This is how an insurance case is processed under compulsory motor liability insurance.

What not to do

  • Move the car or objects related to the accident site before the arrival of the traffic police officer without very compelling reasons.
  • Give in to the threats of the participants and pay for the damage to the other party before the police arrive.
  • Panic.

Notification IC

The time frame within which the client is obliged to report an incident is specified in the contract. According to OSAGO, they are 15 days from the date of the incident, according to CASCO - 3 working days in all cases, except for theft. In the latter option, the person has only 24 hours. Then you need to come to the branch of the insurance company and provide a complete package of documents. His list is also in the contract. A person has 15 days to collect papers. Although very often the time is not regulated.

If the victim has not received any documents from the scene of the accident, the Investigative Committee can make a corresponding request. The client will be required to provide a passport, the original policy, copies of receipts, a car registration certificate, a driver’s license, the original “Notice”, bank details of the injured party, an application in duplicate to receive payment for insured events. The papers must be stamped, dated and numbered.

Company employees must carry out an examination. If the damage is very serious, then an expert must go to the scene of the accident. Depending on the results of the assessment, the amount to be paid is determined. From the moment the documents are submitted, the Investigative Committee has 20 days to make a decision.

The procedure for conducting the examination

Often a situation arises when a person does not agree with the assessment and the amount of payment. To resolve the problem, it is necessary to conduct an independent examination with the participation of appraisers who have a license to carry out this operation and representatives of the insurance company. The invitation to company employees will have to be sent by registered mail no later than three days before the inspection date. If the preliminary amount of damage is more than 120 thousand rubles, then the culprit of the accident should also be invited for examination. Such actions in the event of an MTPL insurance event will help the injured party in the future to receive compensation through the court. Representatives of the Investigative Committee often ignore independent investigations. But what is important here is the fact of written confirmation of the notifications sent. If the insurance company refuses to pay compensation or does not respond at all within 30 days after receiving the documents, you should go to court.

How to file an insurance case under MTPL without certificates?

Recently, the practice of registering an accident according to the Europrotocol without the participation of traffic police officers has emerged. In order to register an accident using this principle, it is necessary to use special forms developed by the Investigative Committee. They are accepted within 5 days from the date of the accident.

Registration conditions: all participants must be insured, there should be no disagreements regarding damage or accident patterns. Only then will drivers be able to issue documents using a simplified system. The “Notification of an accident” must be signed by all participants and submitted to the Investigative Committee. In this case, the victim cannot make additional demands on the insurer, but the company has the right to conduct an examination to clarify the conditions of the accident.

Insurance "Rosgosstrakh": features of OSAGO

Changes in legislation for 2015

Last year, the State Duma adopted amendments to the law, increasing the limit of payments for material damage and changing the wear and tear threshold. If an insured event occurs under compulsory motor liability insurance, the car owner can now independently choose the method of receiving compensation (in cash or by sending it for repairs). Only the victim's insurance company will reimburse the funds, regardless of which company services the person at fault for the accident. The State Duma believes that redirecting another participant in an accident to a local branch of the insurer only delayed the process of receiving compensation. Previously, in such cases, a fine was paid in the amount of 0.1% of the amount of compensation for each day of delay. New amendments to the law have increased the size of this commission to 1%.

Fines are also provided for in the event that insurance company employees refuse to sell an MTPL policy to interested parties. Their size is 50 thousand rubles. Alternatively, the company may be imposed additional services for the same amount.

The maximum payments under Rosgosstrakh OSAGO policies have also changed. The insured event that occurred in Moscow, St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region is estimated at 400 thousand rubles. In this case, participants in an accident will have to provide data from video recordings of both cars. For other regions, the limit is limited to 50 thousand rubles.

The amendments also provide for the introduction of a tariff corridor so that companies can reduce policy prices. But how much this will affect the cost of the “citizen car” is still unknown. According to preliminary estimates, the tariff may increase in price by 24.2%. Starting from 2016, it will be adjusted by the Central Bank.

The deadlines have been reduced to 25 days. For the first 20, it is necessary to conduct an examination and make a decision regarding payment. There are still 5 days left for the settlement itself. This time is not enough to fully process each insurance claim. The risk is that auto lawyers may become more active and offer clients to pay compensation in cash in exchange for the assignment of the right to claim. Then such specialists alienate from the insurance company amounts that are several times greater than the amount of damage. Here the company suffers losses, and the client does not receive the full amount of compensation. Vicious circle.

An insured event is an unpleasant incident not only for motorists, but especially for car insurers.

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The first party considers losses and damages for its own property to be an extremely undesirable event, while the insurer, as the other party, must pay compensation, thereby losing its own income.

There are often cases where insurance companies try in every possible way to avoid paying for insurance claims. It is worth noting that due to the legal illiteracy of motorists, they succeed quite well in this.

In order not to become a victim of an unscrupulous insurance company, and to have the opportunity after the occurrence of an unforeseen situation that entails losses for the motorist, you need to be competent in the matter of insurance, know what an insured event is, what documents are needed for requests for payment under OSAGO, how carry out this process correctly.

What is included

An insured event is the occurrence of civil liability of a motorist as a result of causing damage to the life, health or vehicle of the victim or victims using his vehicle.

As a result of the incident, the culprit becomes obligated to make an insurance payment.

It is much easier to resolve this issue if the injured and guilty motorists have the same insurer, because this allows for a quicker investigation and to deal with the bureaucratic nuances.

There are two types of insurance cases:

  • as a result of a traffic accident;
  • no accidents.

We will analyze all cases of these types of insurance claims, which will allow us to correctly classify our own case and choose the correct algorithm of action.

Insured event under compulsory motor liability insurance in case of an accident

The current one, namely, according to which auto insurance policies were drawn up, regulates the issue of insurance cases. It also indicates payments under compulsory motor liability insurance if the policyholder is at fault for an accident on the road.

This legislation provides:

The legislation stipulates that accident cases must be reviewed by insurers within 20 days. In this case, the maximum amount in some cases may be a limit of 400 thousand rubles.

And the insurance company should be notified about the accident on the road no later than 15 days after the accident.

No accidents

There is another category of insurance claims, the cause of which is not an accident while driving. Such incidents are also regarded as damage to the property of car owners, because the vehicle cannot always be found or restored.

Insured events without an accident are considered:

  • hijacking;
  • intentional arson or spontaneous combustion of a vehicle;
  • disaster;
  • intentional harm to third parties.

In order to receive timely payment in any of the above cases, you should conduct an investigation as quickly as possible and collect the necessary documents that will help explain the circumstances of the incident to insurers.

What to do first

Provides coverage for property or health damage not to the at-fault insured, but to victims of his actions.

Therefore, it is in the interests of victims of an insured event to promptly contact the insurer and report the occurrence of the incident. This is what you should do first.

Insurance cases under compulsory motor liability insurance in case of an accident if the culprit is not identified is not new in practice, so you should collect all the evidence from the incident, the necessary documents and report it to law enforcement agencies for investigation.

The investigation will be much easier if the guilty motorist escapes without a vehicle. So, license plates will help you immediately find out information about this driver.

If you make a request to the at-fault motorist's insurer as quickly as possible, you will be able to choose from three main compensation schemes:

  • direct payment (“direct settlement”);
  • standard procedure for covering losses.

The first two payment schemes are considered simple and practically time-consuming, but they require filing an application immediately after the occurrence of an insured event.


With this document, to which a whole package of official papers is attached, the victim during an insured event must contact the insurance company.

An application for the occurrence of an insured event with the participation of the Insured has its own basic clear structure, which should be taken into account when writing the document.

Basic and mandatory details:

  1. Contact and passport details of the injured motorist.
  2. Information about the person insured by the company.
  3. Structured description of the insured event.
  4. Statement of consequences.
  5. Insurance policy information.
  6. Signatures and date of document preparation.

It should be borne in mind that the statement does not have strict regulations regarding the structure and content, so it can be drawn up at the scene of the incident and contacted by the insurance company.

But keep in mind that the presence of the details listed above will allow the insurer to obtain the most accurate information for making a decision.

What documents are needed

The application is submitted with a full package of necessary documentation. This condition is provided so that the insurer can verify the accuracy of the facts received about the incident.

Therefore, if a victim applies for damages under a compulsory motor liability insurance policy, he should be provided with:

  • herself ;
  • a copy of the completed passport pages certified by a lawyer;
  • power of attorney to represent the interests of the beneficiary (if necessary);
  • bank details if a non-cash payment will be made;
  • if he cannot contact the insurance service on his own;
  • certificate of an accident on the road;

It should be remembered that the notification of an accident is filled out by both the victim and the culprit, so you should think about filling it out earlier.

As a last resort, you can fill out the form on one side if one of the participants refuses to complete the documentation.

The application for insurance payment is written by the victim independently in free form, but with a comprehensive description of the insured event.

If the policyholder provides a special application form, it must be completed.

After cases involving the death of a victim from an insurance claim, family members of the deceased contact the insurer of the at-fault motorist with a death certificate.

Deadlines for application and consideration

The at-fault driver is required to provide his insurance company with notice of the accident in which he became a participant. The deadline is the same - no more than 5 working days.

Documents can be delivered in several convenient ways:

  • during a personal visit;
  • by registered mail.

The victim as a result of an insured event may notify the insurance company in one of the following two ways:

  • file a claim with the insurance company at fault;
  • file an application for direct compensation for damage to your insurer.

But for this, the following circumstances should be taken into account:

  1. Only two vehicles were involved in the accident, the owners of which have issued compulsory motor vehicle liability insurance policies.
  2. Only motor transport suffered losses.

In turn, the insurer undertakes to make its verdict and pay compensation within twenty days, in accordance with current legislation, but practice shows that such time frames extend to thirty working days.

Notification of an MTPL insurance event must have fixed dates so that the insurer does not have the right to delay payment deadlines.


This document is provided by the insurance company after it has carried out investigative actions and renders its verdict.

This act will help in the future to monitor the insurer’s compliance with its obligations, calculating all kinds of underpayments.

Each motorist to whom payments will be made for an insured event may request such a statement in writing.

Practice shows that insurers often refuse drivers to obtain such a document, which is an illegal act.

This is because during possible pre-trial proceedings, such a document may affect a disappointing outcome for the insurer.

In such cases, contact the motorist and demand that your rights to receive accurate and reliable information be exercised.

Neglecting such nuances can affect not only the amount of compensation, but also cause its non-payment at all.

This act has its own strict structure:

  • information about the victim and the culprit of the insured event;
  • an accurate description of the damage and calculation of the total amount;
  • time and date of the incident;
  • time and date of filing an application for the occurrence of an insured event under the MTPL policy;
  • examination results;
  • time and date of the decision on payments;
  • insurance company details.

Let us note that each insurer can draw up an act according to its own rules, but it must be taken into account that it records all the necessary data that we listed above.

Registration procedure

Insurance payment is issued and made according to a strict procedure. They are carried out after consideration of the application for the occurrence of an insured event.

The order is as follows:

  1. Establish the grounds for compensation by the insurance company.
  2. Measure the amount of payment to cover the damage (depending on the conditions).
  3. Preparation of the required documentation indicating all the required details.

Within up to 15 working days after the accident, the insurer is given the completed accident report (or sent in any way, especially by registered mail, which fixes the timing of sending and receiving).

Settlement Agreement

The draft law on compulsory motor liability insurance, which was certified by the Presidium of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation in June last year, states that as soon as the insurer fulfills its obligations in terms of insurance payments in the required amount, without additional independent examinations, the policyholder and the victim cannot demand additional compensation.

A document that records the fact that the parties are satisfied with the amount and terms of compensation is evidenced by an agreement on the settlement of an insured event under compulsory motor liability insurance.

Practice shows that insurers cunningly require their clients to sign such an official document in order to relieve the insurance company of obligations.

This document contains all the basic data about the insured event and the payments made to the victim.

An important point is “The parties have reached an agreement,” which is signed by the participants and indicates that there are no claims against the insurance company.


The type of damage after the occurrence of an insured event directly affects the amount of payment that will be made to the victim. The amount of compensation is regulated by the law “On Compulsory Motor Liability Insurance” (clause 49).

The insurance company undertakes to pay:

If the damage affected the victim’s health and ability to work, then the costs for his treatment are calculated, as well as possible wages that he lost during rehabilitation.

Statute of limitations

The statute of limitations for a motor vehicle license is a period that provides for a motorist the opportunity to go to court for legal assistance to protect his legitimate interests.

Although the law provides for a three-year limitation period, in reality for compulsory motor liability insurance it is 2 years.

During this period of time, you can file claims against the insurer, the main thing is that the period does not expire, and that all dates of the insured event and documentation are documented.

The process of registering an insured event and making compensation payments for it requires compliance by the participants in the insured event with certain bureaucratic and organizational aspects that relate to the preparation and signing of an application for an accident, a report on the insured event and agreement between the parties to the process.

The presence of all the listed components allows you to receive compensation from the insurer in full and in the shortest possible time.

It is important to observe such measures even with the help of an auto lawyer, because insurers are reluctant to make payments, trying in every possible way to reject them or reduce them in size, each time coming up with the most varied and plausible reasons for this.

Notification of an MTPL insurance event is an important document that officially notifies the insurer of the fact that his client caused the insured event, and the consequences of the incident require compensation in a certain amount of money.