What is a universal electronic card of a citizen of the Russian Federation? Universal electronic card: getting government and banking services easily Single universal electronic card

For a long time, in the minds of our government, it has been planned to replace the standard main documents of a citizen of the Russian Federation - passport, SNILS and medical policy. All this should be replaced by a Universal Electronic Card (UEC). We read about the realities of implementing a new electronic document in this review.

Attention! The card has not been issued since 2017.

UEC – what are we talking about?

UEK now is not a belief in a bright future, but big unfulfilled dreams. It was planned that the UEC would become a universal replacement for a citizen’s basic documents - passport, SNILS, medical insurance, and at the same time an excellent means of payment. As a bonus, this would promptly resolve personal identification problems. But dreams are not yet destined to come true.

The project was launched in 2013.

Main uses of the card:

  1. Payment (analogous to a bank card).
  2. Health insurance policy.
  3. SNILS.
  4. EDS – electronic signature for identification.
  5. Public transport pass.

But the most interesting thing is that the citizen card was actually issued. Any citizen of Russia could receive it upon application. The card is valid for 5 years. To service the card, you could use ATMs and terminals with the Pro100 servicing system. But the most interesting thing is that you could use it even at home - to do this you had to buy a card reader for your computer (connected via USB).

Electronic signature

Cards do not currently support this option.

Previously, the card could be used as an electronic signature and identified where necessary. Here are some examples of past uses of the card:

  1. Presentation instead of a passport for identification - receiving any government services.
  2. Online digital signature – personal identification for any actions on the Internet

Planned introductions

Everything that was written above has already been somehow implemented. But the plans for one convenient chip card were much broader. Here is a brief summary of the planned application package once again:

  1. Authorization in State Services.
  2. Notarization - without third parties, using your electronic signature.
  3. Information about your car.
  4. Data about the child – from kindergarten, school.
  5. Conducting sports activities - payment, booking.
  6. Virtual registry office - register, get divorced.
  7. Virtual FMS.
  8. Utility payments, housing and communal services, taxes.

Perhaps there were some other thoughts about expansion, but we’ll leave them only in the heads of the developers.

Information and security

One of the main security mechanisms is the card chip, on which all information is stored. In addition, personal data, card number, SNILS and compulsory medical insurance are engraved on the reverse side. All this can be seen in the image below:

In addition, the functions provided could be limited, the registration process was recorded on video, and the card itself and the PIN code were delivered in separate envelopes. In short, they messed around with security quite well, because we were talking about a single card, which was essentially an electronic legal copy of the citizen.


What was all this intended for? In order to avoid bureaucratic issues when submitting applications and save a lot of time - now you don’t need to keep a dozen supporting documents, and many operations can be carried out remotely. The idea itself is great, but apparently in the wrong place at the right time.

Disadvantages of the card

During use, a number of shortcomings were identified, which ultimately put an end to the idea itself. Here are some of the problems encountered:

  1. Problems with loss – a person loses absolutely all documents.
  2. Attackers - despite the security system, with the right approach, it became even easier for attackers to use a citizen’s documents - after all, everything is concentrated in one place.
  3. Replacement cost - personal information, bank and document data were displayed on the card; if something was changed, the entire card had to be made again, and this meant additional costs and time.
  4. Level of training - many people are far from all this digitalization of the modern world, which means they would use these services the old fashioned way.
  5. Special equipment - if you want to use the card from home (and there was a certain bet on this), you will have to buy new equipment for reading the card and understand it even more.
  6. Wear and blocking - the card is broken, the PIN codes are entered incorrectly and the card is blocked - again you are left without documents.
  7. Other documents - the card was not recognized as an identity document, so at the time of use it was necessary to carry other mandatory documents with you.
  8. Surveillance - information has appeared claiming that cardholders are being monitored in the form of tracking movements in the subway, and in addition to this, the collection of all information from a single card by third parties.

How to get it?

According to the information above - at the moment NO.

But previously you could get a card something like this:

  1. Go to the official website of the card (currently no longer available).
  2. The site allowed you to select your region, where the point of issue of such cards was displayed.

  1. We provide documents - application, passport, SNILS, compulsory medical insurance policy.
  2. The photograph is taken on the spot.

The card was produced within 20 days. And the kit included 4 PIN codes in an envelope:

  1. PIN1 is a standard pin for everyday tasks - payments and settlements.
  2. PIN2 – use of an electronic signature.
  3. KRP ID – unlock code for the first two pins.
  4. Bank PIN - gaining access to banking services, for example, to access Sberbank services if you have an appropriate account.

The popularity of the remote format of cooperation between citizens and the state determines the emergence of new tools for service, one of which is a universal electronic card. UEC card - what is it? At the moment, the innovation allows us to simplify many bureaucratic procedures. Similar projects exist in many countries, but in Russia it is being implemented absolutely free of charge. The functions, capabilities and features of the single card will be described in detail and clearly below.

This is a plastic card that is valid throughout the country and performs not only a payment, but also an identification function. Among the tasks assigned to the UEC, the main one can be identified - facilitating citizen’s access to electronic government services.

The plastic contains an electronic digital signature (EDS) of the holder, which is legally equal to a regular signature, but is also valid in a remote format. Also, a single card of a Russian citizen replaces the compulsory medical insurance policy and SNILS.

If you use it when paying, you must take into account that all manipulations are limited by the PRO100 payment system. It cannot be used in all situations, but Sberbank ATMs with UEC work. In some UEC regions you can pay in public transport. Most likely, in the future this function will become widespread throughout the country.

Now the universal electronic card is classified as a “pilot project”; in the future it will be further developed. The geography and structure of points for accepting applications for issuance and the capabilities of the cards themselves are expanding.

In the near future, it is planned to add to the list of UEC functions the ability to store traffic police information (availability of fines, data on the CASCO policy, etc.). This will allow you to pay fines, fees, insurance, parking spaces, registration and deregistration of cars directly from the plastic card.

How to get it. Is it possible to do this via the Internet without leaving home?

Registration of a universal card is carried out only by submitting an application to a specialized authorized organization or PJSC Sberbank of Russia. The full list of addresses is posted on the official resource of OJSC "UEK" (ye-c.ru).

Many are concerned about the question of how to obtain a UEC through government services or other remote means. Unfortunately, at the moment this possibility is not implemented.

To apply for a card, you must have the following package of documents with you:

  • Passport or birth certificate (up to 14 years);
  • Compulsory medical insurance policy;
  • SNILS.

The last 2 points are optional, but significantly expand the functionality of the card. UEC production time is 20 working days. Not only the issuance, but also the replacement of lost or unusable plastic is free. Client photography is done on site. However, children under 14 years old do not need to place a photo on the card.

Universal electronic card of a citizen of the Russian Federation - where to get it

You must pick up the card at the Sberbank branch, which the applicant indicates in the application, and where an account will be opened in his name.

Important! The electronic CPU key is placed on the plastic only at the request of the client. But this service is not provided at all delivery points. This must be taken into account when choosing a branch where the applicant plans to leave an application.

Refusal to issue a card may occur for a number of the following reasons:

  1. The citizen has already received the UEC earlier;
  2. There are errors in the application;
  3. The client knowingly provided incorrect data or false information.

UEK Sberbank - how to activate

The universal electronic card of Sberbank, both issued for the first time and re-issued, must be activated no later than the next business day after receipt. This can be done at the same bank branch where the card was received.

  • The card is automatically activated after the first transaction made through self-service devices (a PIN code must be entered) or Internet banking;
  • If the client plans to use the card abroad, the bank recommends checking in advance that the card is active by carrying out any operation through a terminal or ATM that requires entering a PIN code.

UEC - how to use

The information on the plastic card makes it possible to automatically fill out applications at the MFC, State Services, order and pay for services at the clinic, and use the functionality of Sberbank ATMs. When filling out documents and requests, the holder can independently change the data.

Payment for purchases at retail outlets is possible if a sticker with a logo is placed at the checkout.

UEC is closely integrated into the Internet. It is possible to order various services through an online account without using an ID and password. Remote cooperation with notary offices, insurance companies, travel agencies, and banking institutions is planned for the future. If previously personal presence was required to order services. Using UEC, the client will be able to sign contracts remotely using his electronic signature. In case of legal disputes, the electronic digital signature on the UEC will have the force of an ordinary one. That is, with the help of such a map it will be possible to solve a large number of issues, spending a minimum amount of time and effort.

Is the UEC an identity document?

A document can be recognized as identification only on the basis of any legislative or regulatory act. These include a passport, military ID, refugee ID, sailor's passport, birth certificate, diplomatic passport. However, the legislation does not provide a clear definition of this concept. What is a UEC card, and can it be presented as an identification document? A citizen has the right to receive services provided for by compulsory medical insurance. In this case, the card, according to Federal Law-210, can be considered an identity document. The card can also duplicate SNILS. But the UEC is not a full-fledged analogue of a passport.

Is this card currently issued and in use?

Universal electronic cards for Russian citizens are going through a thorny path of development. From January 1, 2017, it was planned to stop issuing and issuing them. Cards issued before the end of 2016 are valid until their expiration date. At the same time, UEK JSC, together with Sberbank of Russia, continues to develop the project, adjusting it along the way.

At the moment, the company is called “Calculation Solutions” and carries out innovations in the field of transport, housing and communal services, and biometrics.

One of the tools for transferring public services to this format should be universal electronic card(hereinafter referred to as UEC), the issue, issuance and maintenance of which is regulated by Ch. 6 of the Federal Law of July 27, 2010 No. 210-FZ " " (hereinafter referred to as the Federal Law "On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services").

Now the UEC is issued at the request of a citizen, but after January 1, 2014 it will be issued to all citizens(except for those who wrote a statement refusing to issue it) (Article 26 of the Federal Law “On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services”).

The Federal Law "On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services" mentions the possibility of obtaining UEC minors(Clause 2, Part 3, Article 22, Part 5.1, Article 23), however, does not specify the procedure for issuing UEC to them - as a rule, such information is enshrined in regional laws. It is assumed that the use of UEC by children will allow, for example, to pay for school breakfast, record the time spent by the child at school, organize the maintenance of an electronic progress diary, etc.

To coordinate the activities of regions in implementing and ensuring the functioning of UEC, maintaining registers of issued UEC and performing some other functions, a Federal Authorized Organization was created in 2010 OJSC "Universal Electronic Card"(Article 28 of the Federal Law “On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services”, order of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 12, 2010 No. 1344-r). Its shareholders are OJSC Sberbank (44%), CJSC Sberbank CIB (24%), OJSC URALSIB (12.5%), OJSC AK BARS BANK (12.5%) and OJSC SITRONICS (7%).

According to the National Agency for Fiscal Research, the general level of public awareness of the introduction of UEC is quite high and amounts to 69%. True, of these, only 14% of Russians clearly understand the essence of the UEC and the opportunities it provides, and 55% of respondents admitted that they know about the innovation only in general terms.

What services can you use using UEC?

Each UEC contains three blocks:

1. Identification block for access to and direct receipt of government services. The main purpose of the UEC is to simplify and increase the efficiency of citizens receiving state and municipal services. For this purpose, UEC has federal, regional and municipal electronic applications that allow you to receive services at the appropriate level.

Minimum list of federal applications enshrined in the Federal Law “On the Organization of the Provision of State and Municipal Services”, it includes applications that provide identification of the user of the UEC for access to receiving government services, as well as receiving government services in the systems of compulsory pension and health insurance and banking services (Part 5 of Art. 23). The list of other federal annexes that the UEC must contain should be fixed by the Government of the Russian Federation, but the corresponding resolution has not yet been adopted. The scope of regional and local UEC applications is established by the subjects of the federation, so you must first clarify whether a particular state (municipal) service is provided using the UEC in your region.

At the request of the holder, you can activate the built-in UEC electronic signature. To do this, you need to download and install the cryptoprovider program CryptoPro UEC CSP on your computer (step-by-step instructions for activating an electronic signature on the UEC can be found on the official website of the UEC). In addition, in some regions you can issue an electronic signature directly when applying for a UEC at an authorized organization (for example, such a service is provided in the Voronezh region) or at a bank office. An electronic signature generated using the UEC is an enhanced qualified electronic signature - this means that it can be used when applying for all types of government services, the provision of which in electronic form is not prohibited (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 25, 2012 No. 634 "On types of electronic signatures, the use of which is permitted when applying for state and municipal services ").

Since May 23, 2013, UEC holders have gained access to use Unified portal of public services. Using UEC, you can register on the portal and log into your personal account without entering a login and password, as well as receive electronic government services presented on the portal.

For example, through the UEC you can quickly make an appointment with a doctor or receive a referral for a medical and social examination. Some regions provide the opportunity to record on UEC medical history patient-holder of the UEC, which will certainly be convenient for patients visiting both public and private clinics or those whose medical records have been lost. Thus, in April 2013, the Voronezh region launched the “Health Card” project, which, in addition to this opportunity, encourages citizens to lead a healthy lifestyle - for example, students can undergo a diagnostic examination at the “Health Center” (or do fluorography, take a drug test) and after that, receive discounts in certain stores, pharmacies, and fitness clubs using the UEC.

On the portals of regional administrations you can find information about the provision of such government services with the help of the UEC, such as the issuance of urban planning plans and construction permits, the transfer of residential premises to non-residential premises and vice versa, the establishment of a regional supplement to pensions, the appointment and payment of child care benefits, and placement in a queue. for housing, provision of land for use, rent or ownership, etc.

Using UEC in some regions you can also pay for public transport- both on the ground and in the metro. Thus, from April 2 of this year, passengers of the capital were able to use the UEC as an electronic wallet, topped up at metro ticket offices or automated kiosks. You can deposit up to three thousand rubles on the UEC, while the cost of one trip on the metro is 28 rubles, and on land transport - 26 rubles. (the validator displays the amount written off and the remaining balance on the card).

It is better to check exactly what services can be obtained using the UEC in a particular region on the websites of the relevant authorized organizations in the regions. A complete list of such organizations is posted on the official website of the UEC.

2. Bank block. An electronic banking application that allows you to receive banking services using the UEC is one of the mandatory federal electronic applications and is contained on each issued UEC. At the same time, his activation is voluntary and completely depends on the discretion of the UEC holder (Part 17, Article 23 of the Federal Law “On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services”). A citizen can independently choose a bank that will provide him with services within the framework of an electronic banking application from among the banks that have entered into an agreement with OJSC "Universal Electronic Card" (Part 4 of Article 25 of the Federal Law "On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services"). The list of such banks is posted on the official website of the UEC. After receiving the UEC, it is also possible to change the servicing bank (Part 18, Article 23 of the Federal Law “On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services”).

You can pay for UEC in trade organizations serviced by the relevant bank. UEC has a domestic payment application PRO100. If the sales or service organization is marked with a logo "PRO100", this means that UEC payments are guaranteed to be accepted by it.

In addition, the UEC holder has the opportunity to withdraw money through an ATM and top up the account, as well as use online banking.

Children under 14 years old cannot connect to the electronic banking application, but children from 14 to 18 years old can connect it with the consent of their legal representatives (Part 5.1, Article 23 of the Federal Law “On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services”).

3. Commercial block for payment for services of private organizations. The rules developed by the Government of the Russian Federation allow commercial organizations to apply to the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia with an application for the provision of an additional area of ​​UEC data, included either in the identification application or in a specially created independent federal application. It is this area of ​​data that will allow such organizations to provide citizens with this or that service. If this application is satisfied by the authorized commission, the new data area is either placed on the UEC of a new release (if the end of the development of the data area coincides in time with such a release) or is connected to previously released and valid UEC. In this case, the connection can occur remotely or by contacting the UEC holder to the organization providing services (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 22, 2011 No. 613 “On the development, connection and operation of federal electronic applications, with the exception of the electronic banking application”).

This opportunity will allow commercial organizations to expand their client base, and UEC users will quickly and conveniently receive their services and take advantage of special offers from organizations for UEC holders. For example, UEC can be used as a fuel or discount card. In addition, a commercial organization wishing to join the UEC project can contact a regional authorized organization to provide services only to residents of a particular region.

How to get UEC?

The procedure for obtaining the UEC, including the list of points for accepting applications for the issuance of the UEC, is established by the regions (Parts 3, 6, Article 25 of the Federal Law “On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services”). Most often, you can apply for a UEC at the MFC, a bank branch (in most cases it is Sberbank or URALSIB Bank) or at a special authorized organization that is created in the form of state budgetary institutions or commercial organizations (for example, in the Republic of Mari El this is the State Budgetary Institution "Informsreda" ", and in the Stavropol Territory - OJSC "UOS Stavropol").

As a rule, a photograph for the UEC can be taken directly at the application acceptance point, however, in the absence of such a technical possibility, the future UEC holder will have to provide the photo independently. This nuance must be clarified before visiting a specific application collection point.

A complete list of application acceptance points, as well as addresses of regional websites where you can get complete information about the procedure for obtaining UEC in your region, can be found on the official website of OJSC "Universal Electronic Card". There you can download the application form for the provision of UEC.

Issued by UEC for free, the exception is cases of re-issuance of UEC in case of loss of the card or PIN code for it, but even in this case, the tariffs for issuing UEC are very low - for example, at Sberbank their size ranges from 30 to 60 rubles. Upon expiration of the UEC validity period (five years), re-issue will also be free of charge. The cost of servicing the UEC, if the banking electronic application is activated, is set by banks independently.

Citizens are also given the right to write application for refusal to issue UEC(Part 5, Article 26 of the Federal Law "On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services"), as well as refuse to use the UEC after receiving it - the UEC in this case is canceled in the prescribed manner (Part 10, Article 26 of the Federal Law "On the Organization provision of state and municipal services").

If an application for receipt of UEC or refusal to receive UEC was not filed by a citizen before January 1, 2014(or an earlier period established by a resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation or the laws of the constituent entities), then:

  • The UEC is still issued to such a citizen by an authorized regional organization free of charge;
  • The UEC is issued on the basis of information about the citizen’s personal data, which is available to regional executive bodies, regional divisions of federal executive bodies and extra-budgetary funds;
  • The UEC does not post a photo of a citizen;

If a citizen has not chosen a bank within the period specified by the subject of the federation (it cannot be less than 30 days from the date of publication of the notice of the issue of the UEC for this category of citizens), the UEC will be issued to him with the banking application of the bank selected by the subject of the region based on the results of the competition (Art. 26 of the Federal Law "On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services").

Many constituent entities of the Russian Federation have launched special sites, where you can familiarize yourself with the procedure for obtaining and using UEC in a specific region, the list of available services, etc. (Moscow, Vladimir region, Voronezh region, Ivanovo region, Kaliningrad region, Pskov region, Rostov region, etc.). In addition, additional services are provided - for example, on the Official Portal of the Universal Electronic Map of the City of Moscow you can check the validity of the UEC, as well as the status of the application for the issuance of the UEC.

How to use UEC?

UEC is always used with the help of additional technical devices, which include:

  • terminals(infomats) for UEC, located in the MFC and other frequently visited public places;
  • ATMs, payment and POS terminals of banks;
  • validators in public transport;
  • card readers. A card reader is required in order to use the UEC without leaving home. It is a memory card reader with a display, a numeric keypad for entering a PIN code, and a certified hardware and software module. The card reader is connected to the computer, the UEC is inserted into it, and after entering the PIN code, the user gets access via the Internet to all the capabilities of the UEC (public services portal, online services of banks participating in the UEC project, websites of commercial service providers where you can pay for their UEC services, etc. .d.). The cost of card readers that support UEC ranges from 500 rubles. up to 5,000 rubles, you can purchase this device in computer stores.

Why are Russians in no hurry to receive UEC?

According to the press service of the Department of Strategic Communications of OJSC "Universal Electronic Card", at the moment almost 71 thousand UEC have been produced, and more than 88 thousand citizens have sent applications for the issuance of UEC. As a percentage of the Russian population, this is about 0.1%.

There are several reasons for this wary attitude towards the UEC.

According to a FOM survey conducted on September 16, 2012, 18% of Russians fear of difficulties in restoring the UEC in case of its loss or theft or the possibility of its use by unauthorized persons. However, the UEC does not contain a database of government bodies, but only provides access to them - therefore, the loss (theft) of the UEC does not mean the loss of personal information about a citizen. In addition, to use UEC, you need to enter a PIN code that only the card owner knows, which significantly reduces the risk of fraudsters using UEC.

14% of respondents do not trust information security measures, used in UEC. At the same time, the technologies of the UEC electronic chip are certified by the FSB of Russia and are protected from cloning and hacking, and the UEC microprocessor and any reading device exchange information in encrypted form.

In addition, respondents mentioned the establishment of excessive state control over citizens (4%), the need to master special skills in using the UEC (3%), the possibility of failure of the UEC (2%), etc.

Some answers confirm that the level of awareness about the procedure for registering and using the UEC remains at a low level - for example, 1% of respondents believe that you will have to pay money for the registration of the UEC, and if the card is lost, all documents will be lost (7%).

A separate part of the population actively counteracts the spread of UEC among Russians. For example, judicial practice knows cases of citizens applying for recognition of certain provisions of Chapter as invalid. 6 of the Federal Law “On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services” and regional laws on UEC (see, for example, the ruling of the St. Petersburg City Court dated March 26, 2013 No. 33-3500/2013, the decision of the St. Petersburg City Court dated 17 October 2012 No. 3-204/12, decision of the Moscow City Court dated March 12, 2012 No. 3-37/12). The applicants referred to the fact that, in their opinion, when issuing the UEC in a notification procedure, the rules for processing personal data, as well as the rules for opening a bank account, are violated. The court did not agree with these statements, pointing out the possibility of filing an application to refuse to issue the UEC.

"It is important to note that the possibility of using the UEC infrastructure when using electronic passport. Services that are already available using a universal electronic card can in the future be obtained using an electronic passport, which should be no less convenient than the UEC,” notes the press service of the Department of Strategic Communications of Universal Electronic Card OJSC.

The results of a survey of visitors to our portal show that respondents’ opinions on the need to replace a paper passport with an electronic card are almost equally divided. 48% of respondents were in favor of implementing this idea, while 44% were against it.

How do you feel about replacing a paper passport with an electronic card?

I approve - 48%
I don’t approve - 44%
This is the first time I’ve heard about this initiative – 7%

Survey time: June 1-7, 2013
Location of the survey: Russia, all districts

Sample size: 365 respondents

Thus, UEC is not yet widely popular among Russians, which is due both to insufficient information about the opportunities it provides and to the relatively undeveloped infrastructure for its maintenance. At the same time, further improvement of UEC technologies and expansion of the scope of its application, coupled with a competent information policy, can strengthen the prestige of the universal card and significantly increase the number of its holders.

Information is increasingly appearing in the media about the start of a program to issue universal electronic cards by banks. However, Russians do not strive to become owners of this convenient invention in the shortest possible time. Moreover, many even oppose their implementation. The reason for this phenomenon is that many people are not even aware of its benefits. For what purposes is it needed and how to get it? Is it possible to refuse it? Let's figure it out.

Creation in Russia

The history of the Russian payment system begins in 2010. In July of this year, Federal Law No. 210 on the provision of state and municipal services came into force. This document, among other things, contains information on the procedure for using the UEC. Initially, the law envisaged a ban on conducting payment transactions using cards outside of Russia. This initiative could lead to the bankruptcy of the Visa and MasterCard payment systems. However, after long negotiations the ban was lifted.

In 2011, the Government of the Russian Federation decided to create the UEC. The PRO100 payment system and all the infrastructure necessary for it were created especially for these cards. However, this initiative was not supported by banks and the population. Therefore, UECs are no longer required to be issued.

Since the beginning of 2012, a project to introduce new cards has been launched in several regions of Russia. At the end of this year, the largest number of UECs were sold in the Komi Republic.

Since 2014, UECs have been issued to all Russians. However, everyone has the right to refuse the card.

What is a universal electronic card

At its core, the UEC is a combination of a bank card, SNILS, a health insurance policy, and an identity document. In addition, you can enter data about your travel card, passes, and driver’s license. The card has a microchip built into it, which stores all the information about various electronic applications.

The UEC project is larger than a conventional payment system. The universal electronic card of a citizen of the Russian Federation makes it possible to use all kinds of municipal, state and commercial services. As stated on the official website of UEC, with the help of these cards, Russians will be able to remotely use some services that were not previously available. We are talking about submitting applications and completing various documentation.


The external design of the UEC coincides with the design of a regular bank plastic card. Service through it is carried out at payment terminals, ATMs, retail outlets, as well as via the Internet. Non-contact use is also acceptable.

The UEC itself must contain the following information:

  • last name, first name and patronymic of the owner;
  • photo;
  • number;
  • validity period;
  • contact information of authorized organizations.

The card does not contain a barcode.

Who can receive

According to the law, a citizen of the Russian Federation (Russia) is issued to all citizens of our country, regardless of age. Previously, the basis for its issuance was an application submitted to an authorized organization. Currently, issuance does not require a special application.

When receiving a card for children under 14 years of age, only their legal representatives can sign the application for issuance. In this case, it is impossible to connect the banking application to the card. Children over 14 years of age can connect it only with parental consent.

Where and how is the UEC issued?

A universal electronic card of a citizen of the Russian Federation is issued by organizations that are approved individually in each region. As a rule, banks and multifunctional centers are engaged in issuing.

To issue a card, you must present the following documents:

  • general passport (for children - birth certificate);
  • pension certificate;
  • health insurance policy;
  • photo on electronic media.

It is not necessary to bring a photo. When you receive your card, you will be photographed. The application must indicate the bank that will be used for the payment application. You can only select an organization that is a partner of this program. Card production time is no more than 20 days. Upon receipt, a general passport is required.


Many opportunities open up for UEC owners. What does a universal card give to citizens of the Russian Federation? With its help, you can obtain services from government organizations and various departments - tax, migration services, registration chamber, traffic police and others. For example, you can pay for utilities, public transport tickets, purchases in stores, taxes, government duties, make money transfers, make appointments with doctors, kindergartens, receive electronic prescriptions for medicines, keep an electronic diary, pay for meals in educational institutions. institutions. The list of available UEC services and various options for its use is gradually expanding.


The universal electronic card of a Russian citizen (UEC) has a number of advantages:

  • compactness - the card replaces several documents at once;
  • the ability to remotely receive government services at any time and anywhere;
  • the procedure for contacting state and municipal institutions takes less time, since card data is entered automatically;
  • the card has an electronic digital signature, which allows holders to use the services of commercial providers;
  • the ability to connect a card to a specific bank account;
  • Possibility of use as a travel ticket, as well as to pay for goods and services.


The universal electronic card of a citizen of the Russian Federation (UEC) is not mandatory for all citizens. According to the law, anyone can refuse it by writing a corresponding statement. You can do this anytime. After reviewing the application, the card will be cancelled. You can refuse the UEC until January 1 of the next year (2017). The list of application acceptance points is presented on the UEC website.

Replacement and loss

The universal electronic card of a citizen of the Russian Federation can be replaced both in case of loss or change in the installation data of its owner. An application for a duplicate is submitted to authorized organizations in each constituent entity of Russia.

The application is reviewed within a month. Based on the entries made in the register, a duplicate UEC is issued. Issuance is carried out directly to the citizen on the basis of an identity document. The fee for re-issuing a card if lost is determined separately in each subject of the federation. Replacement is absolutely free.


The creation of the UEC caused a flurry of emotions from the public. The fact is that the cards contain personal data regarding the amount of monthly income, the owners’ property, social security and other information about various aspects of human activity. All information is compiled into a single data bank. Opponents of the electronic card argue that the information security system is far from perfect and access to the database can be obtained by third parties. Moreover, all information will be contained in the microchip.

Even at the pilot stage, the project became a cause of discontent among Russians. More than a third of Moscow residents spoke out against the implementation of the UEC. The Moscow City Duma received more than 10 thousand appeals.

The universal electronic card causes a lot of discussion on the Internet. Total control, according to opponents of the system, has become quite real. After all, all operations and even the route of a citizen’s movement can be tracked. Information leakage may well occur.

There is another point of view. Many citizens fear that electronic cards will be very effective in cities where infrastructure is developed. In villages and towns, you should not expect results from the UEC.

Human rights activists argue that while civil society is at a low level of development, the introduction of universal personalized cards could lead to abuse and fraud.

The government claims that universal electronic cards carry out routing, but not the consolidation of information about citizens. That is, using the map, you can extract the necessary information from the database, which is located in the department of government agencies. Also, the UEC developers and project organizers claim that all cards are protected by hardware and software and are directly controlled by the state. It is not at all necessary to issue a card; you can issue a refusal if you wish.

So, the universal electronic card of a citizen of the Russian Federation is a very useful invention of our time. With its help, you can receive various non-cash payment transactions. Its main advantage is that it contains information about several documents of its owner. Every citizen can receive a universal card. However, the introduction of a system of personalized cards caused dissonance in society. Many Russians are categorically against this innovation. However, the authorities leave the choice to the citizens - they can refuse the card.

Date of entry of the operator into the register: 19.07.2011

Grounds for entering the operator into the register (order number): 596

Operator name: Joint Stock Company "Calculation Solutions"

Operator location address: 117587, Moscow, sh. Varshavskoe, 118, bldg. 1

Start date of personal data processing: 01.01.2012

Subjects of the Russian Federation on whose territory personal data is processed: Moscow

Purpose of processing personal data: Organization of personnel records, assistance to employees in employment, training, promotion, remuneration in accordance with the terms of the employment contract with employees, accounting and tax accounting, submission of reports to regulatory authorities, implementation of pension accruals, payroll, personnel selection, organization access control regime, storage of information processed by organizations of the housing and communal services complex, issuing tickets for business trips, issuing a voluntary health insurance policy, publishing personal data of employees on the internal corporate portal. execution of orders of personal data operators in the housing and communal services sector for the processing of personal data, provision of accounting services to users within the framework of the Ladoshka Personnel Accounting System, assistance to employees in employment, training, promotion, remuneration in accordance with the terms of the employment contract with employees, maintaining accounting records and tax accounting, submitting reports to regulatory authorities, making pension accruals, calculating wages, recruiting personnel, organizing access control regimes, storing information processed by organizations of the housing and communal services complex, issuing tickets for business trips, issuing a voluntary health insurance policy, publishing personal employee data on the internal corporate portal. execution of orders of personal data operators in the housing and communal services sector regarding the processing of personal data, provision of accounting services to users within the framework of the Ladoshki System

Description of the measures provided for in Art. 18.1 and 19 of the Law: The management of JSC "CALCULATION SOLUTIONS" has approved: a policy for the processing of personal data, instructions on the procedure for processing and access to information constituting personal data, a regulation on the organization of a security regime for premises where personal data is processed, a list of employees authorized to process personal data, job descriptions of employees approved for the processing of personal data - organizational measures: a person responsible for organizing the processing of personal data has been appointed, communicated to the company's employees - the policy for processing personal data, regulations on organizing the security regime of the premises where personal data is processed, instructions on the procedure for processing and access to information constituting personal data, a list of employees authorized to process personal data, job descriptions of employees authorized to process personal data. Specialized trainings are regularly conducted for employees of JSC "CALCULATION SOLUTIONS" on the processing and protection of personal data. Technical means of protecting confidential information have been introduced.

Categories of personal data: surname, first name, patronymic, year of birth, month of birth, date of birth, place of birth, address, marital status, social status, property status, education, profession, income, registration address, place of residence, address for information, photo, information contained in certificates from the place of study of student workers, place of study, name of the educational institution, information contained in the document on education and qualifications, information contained in the birth certificate, information contained in the birth certificate, information contained in the certificate about marriage, information contained in a military ID card, citizenship, information about academic titles, information about academic degrees, place of work, employee corporate email address, cookies, information about students (school number, class number, letter), number personal account, bank card data, hash code (an image of the palm vein pattern converted into a numerical value), biometric personal data (digitized image of the palm vein pattern), special categories of personal data: health information contained in the pregnancy certificate.

Categories of subjects whose personal data is processed: Employees of JSC "CALCULATION SOLUTIONS". Citizens of the Russian Federation are payers of housing and communal services. Users of the Ladoshki System - site visitors, laid-off employees, close relatives of employees, applicants, responsible persons of participants in the Ladoshki system, employees of counterparties (NCO LLC "SETTLEMENT SOLUTIONS")

List of actions with personal data: Collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data. Within the framework of the housing and communal services project - only storage of personal data.

Processing of personal data: with transmission over the internal network of a legal entity, mixed, with transmission over the Internet

Legal basis for processing personal data: Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Tax Code of the Russian Federation, consent to the processing of personal data for the purpose of ordering tickets for business trips, statement of consent to the processing of personal data, consent to the processing of personal data for the purpose of issuing a voluntary health insurance policy, user consent to the processing of personal data for the purpose of maintaining telephone directories, consent to the processing of personal data for the purpose of providing accounting of services within the framework of the Ladoshki System and the access control and management system at JSC "CALCULATION SOLUTIONS"

Availability of cross-border transmission: No

Database location information: Russia