Procedure for paying a fine issued for traveling without a ticket. Public services fines for traveling without a ticket How to avoid paying a fine on the bus

Every passenger is required to pay for travel on public transport, especially since there are many payment methods. However, sometimes citizens forget about this and try to travel for free. In this case, such a passenger may be forced to pay a fine for traveling without a ticket.

How long does it take to pay a fine for traveling without a ticket?

Traveling without a ticket on a bus or subway is an administrative offense. Therefore, an appropriate administrative fine is provided for this. It must be paid only after an authorized person has drawn up a resolution and issued a receipt.

The receipt must contain the following information:

  • resolution number;
  • amount;
  • date of commission of the offense.

To issue a document, the controller is obliged to use the personal documents of the violator. If he does not provide a passport, the official has the right to hand over the stowaway to the police for identification. Therefore, it is better not to interfere with the controller to perform its duties.

In 2019, the fine for ticketless travel on the metro or bus is 1 thousand rubles. If the violator unlawfully uses the discount card, the amount will be 2 thousand 500 rubles.

Information: the payment deadline according to Russian legislation is 60 days. Any payment method can be chosen.

Where to pay a fine for traveling without a ticket

There are many ways to pay various fines and other payments to the state. Previously, you had to go to the bank to do this, but with the development of technology, you can pay a fine for traveling without a ticket on the subway and bus:

  • using Internet banking;
  • through terminals and ATMs;
  • through virtual payment systems;
  • on the State Services website.

The choice depends on the preferences and capabilities of the free rider.

How to pay a fine for traveling without a ticket through Sberbank Online

If the violator has a Sberbank card, then paying the fine will not take him much time. Especially if you have access to online banking. Then the payer does not need to use an ATM to deposit money or personally visit a bank branch.

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

Paying a fine through Sberbank Online is quite simple. The money is credited instantly, and the procedure itself takes only a few minutes. In addition, you can download a similar application to your phone and make transfers at any time.

How to pay a fine for traveling without a ticket through State Services

One of the simplest and most convenient ways to deposit funds via the Internet is the State Services portal. This is especially convenient for residents of Moscow, St. Petersburg and other large cities. Payment through the State Services website is carried out as follows:

  1. The payer needs to go to the website and log in (register).
  2. Then go to the “Fines” section.
  3. Provide the required information from the receipt.
  4. Select payment method. You can transfer money from a card, e-wallet, or mobile phone.
  5. The transaction is usually carried out after confirmation via SMS.

How to pay a fine for traveling without a ticket if you have lost your receipt

To enable the violator to pay an administrative fine, a special receipt is provided. But since the payment period is quite long (two months), the document can easily be lost. However, this is not a reason why a stowaway can avoid the obligation to pay the penalty.

Therefore, you will still have to pay a fine for traveling without a ticket if you suddenly lost your receipt.

So, if the payer somehow managed to lose the receipt, he needs to do the following:

  1. Open the Transportation Organizer website.
  2. Go to the “Payment of fines” tab.
  3. Print the form that opens.
  4. Fill out and pay the fine.

When there is no receipt, the details of the decision are indicated. You can find out about them by contacting this organization.

Other payment methods

Any passenger can be fined, even if he simply did not have time to pay the fare. And while young people can easily deposit money online, older offenders may have problems with this. Therefore, if it is not possible to use modern technologies, you can deposit money through a bank cash desk. To do this you need:

  1. Send to the nearest bank branch. This can be any institution, so it is not necessary to be its client.
  2. You must have a passport or any other identification document with you.
  3. A receipt is also provided. You can pay with a card from the same bank or in cash.
  4. A receipt will be issued after payment. It needs to be preserved.

Another option for depositing money is through various terminals and ATMs. A suitable device can be found at a bank or shopping center. The rules of use are as follows:

  1. First you need to decide what your payment method will be. If using a card, then you should select a terminal with the appropriate functions.
  2. Next, you need to insert the card and enter the PIN code. If payment is made in cash, you can immediately open the device menu.
  3. Select the desired section. This could be “Payments and transfers” or “Payment for services”.
  4. Next, you need to open the “Fines, taxes” tab.
  5. Go to the “Transport Organizer” section.
  6. Enter receipt details.
  7. Amount.
  8. If necessary, deposit cash.
  9. Click "Pay".
  10. Pick up the check.

In addition to the above methods, the payer can use any virtual payment system, for example, WebMoney or Qiwi. Naturally, his electronic wallet must contain the required amount.

Is it possible to avoid paying a fine?

By law, the violator has 60 days to pay the fine. But this does not mean that he can appeal the decision during this entire period. The payer has only 10 days after the decision is made to contact the appropriate authority. If a claim has not been filed in court during this time, the violator will have to pay a fine.

If a citizen refuses to pay, after 2 months the amount of the penalty increases by 2 times. In addition, another administrative penalty may be applied to the violator. We are talking about arrest for 15 days. Hardcore violators often face a ban on traveling abroad.

A thousand rubles is a small amount, so you shouldn’t delay paying the fine. If we talk about going to court, then in this case it is pointless. Firstly, the claim may not be satisfied and you still have to pay. Secondly, a penalty and legal costs will have to be added to the amount of the fine. And in order not to encounter such problems, it is better to purchase tickets. Then you won’t have to conflict with the controller and pay an administrative penalty.

The State Public Institution "Transportation Organizer" reminds you of the need to timely pay the fine for an administrative offense (within 60 days from the date the Resolution on the case of an administrative offense enters into legal force).

Failure to pay a fine within 60 days from the date of entry into force of the Resolution in the case of an administrative offense, in accordance with Art. 20.25. The Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses entails the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of twice the amount of the unpaid administrative fine, but not less than one thousand rubles.

In accordance with Article 10.1 of Moscow Law No. 45 dated November 21, 2007 (as amended on June 18, 2014) “Moscow City Code on Administrative Offenses” a fine for ticketless travel of a passenger is 1000 (One thousand) rubles, for illegal use of a preferential personalized card – 2500 (Two thousand five hundred) rubles.

Methods of paying a fine

For travel on any public transport, be it a bus, monorail or airplane, you have to pay a certain fee. Refusal to pay is an offense for which you have to pay an even larger amount.

Grounds for imposing a penalty

The obligation to purchase a ticket is provided for by the laws of the Russian Federation, which also make it possible to hold passengers accountable for free travel.

The amount of sanctions applied to free riders in suburban and intercity transport is regulated by the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation, which specifies in detail the types of vehicles and the corresponding amounts of fines.

Transportation services around the city are provided by municipal services and commercial organizations, so the need for collection and its size are determined at the local level.

The amount of the fine also depends on the carrier’s tariff and, on average, is equal to the cost of several dozen trips on an unpaid route. When calculating the amount of recovery, the carrier must take into account the class of transportation, category of the cabin or carriage in which the stowaway was found.

State Public Institution "Transportation Organizer": official website, fines for Moscow

This is a free service with which you can obtain information regarding fines for driving without a ticket in Moscow municipal and city transport. There is a reminder on the official website that you have 60 days from the date of registration to pay off fines.

Fine for traveling without a ticket on the train

Article 20.25 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation provides for a doubling of the fine if the requirement was ignored and the fine was not paid. For the capital, special penalties have been established for the offense of ticketless travel. Moscow Law No. 45 of April 18, 2014 stipulates:

Fine free riders 1 thousand rubles. This is because the person did not consider it necessary to buy a ticket (single or travel). The fact that a passenger bought a ticket but managed to lose it does not relieve liability.

Charge 2.5 thousand rubles if, as a result of the inspection, it is revealed that the passenger did not pay for the fare on the basis of a fake (invalid) preferential certificate.

Important! A fine is a measure of administrative responsibility, ignoring and evading which entails the imposition of other restrictions.

Methods of paying a fine for ticketless travel on public transport

Receipt for payment of fine

The State Public Institution “Transportation Organizer” reminds you of the need to timely pay the fine for an administrative offense (within 60 days from the date the “Resolution on the case of an administrative offense” enters into legal force).

Failure to pay a fine within 60 days from the date the “Resolution in the case of an administrative offense” comes into force, in accordance with Art. 20.25. The Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses entails the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of twice the amount of the unpaid administrative fine, but not less than one thousand rubles.

In accordance with Article 10.1 of Moscow Law No. 45 dated November 21, 2007 (as amended on June 18, 2014) of the Moscow City Code on Administrative Offenses, the fine for ticketless travel of a passenger is 1,000 (one thousand) rubles, for the unlawful use of a preferential personalized card – 2,500 (two thousand five hundred) rubles.

Methods of paying a fine

To pay a fine, you must enter a unique accrual identifier (UIN), which is indicated on the “Resolution on an Administrative Offence” form or payment receipt. Any payment method must offer the ability to enter a unique UIN accrual identifier. You can clarify the UIN on the public services portal of the city of Moscow (after entering the series and number of the “Resolution on an administrative offense”, the “Details” section, the “Identifier” requisite will be available).

Important: enter the series and number of the Decree without spaces. The series of Decrees is introduced in Cyrillic.

Through the portal of public services of the city of Moscow

Important: enter the series and number of the resolution without spaces. The series of resolutions is introduced in Cyrillic.

Through a bank branch

To pay a fine, a citizen must contact a bank branch operating on the territory of the Russian Federation with a copy of the “Resolution on an Administrative Offense” or a receipt for payment of a fine on an administrative offense.

A copy of the “Resolution on an administrative offense” and a receipt for payment of a fine for an administrative offense contain the details for payment of the fine. Both documents are issued by specialists who control the passage of passengers on public transport in case of violation of the established rules for passenger travel and baggage transportation.

After paying the fine, the citizen is given a bank receipt confirming the acceptance of funds to pay the fine. The receipt must be kept in order to prevent disputes.

Through ATMs of partner banks in the lobbies of Moscow metro stations

Through information and payment terminals installed in the Moscow region

Payment terminals are installed in branches of partner banks, shopping centers, as well as at Russian Railways stations and other places where citizens are concentrated. You can find the addresses of payment terminals on the official websites of partner banks.

Important: payments are made both by cardholders of partner banks and by citizens who are not clients of the bank.

Back in 2015, the President of the Russian Federation signed a Decree providing for significantly increased fines for ticketless travel. The purpose of this innovation is to increase the profitability of those organizations that transport passengers and are state-owned. Penalties for “hare” travel apply to all types of transport.

How to avoid significant unexpected expenses? The only way out is to buy a ticket, otherwise regular payments for violations will seriously deplete the budget. When a passenger is given a ticket, he receives the legal right to travel on this type of transport. Controllers vigilantly monitor order and monitor any attempts at abuse related to administrative violations.

Fine for traveling without a ticket on public transport

According to 18-FZ, the fine for traveling without a ticket on an electric train has increased significantly in 2017. Now it is set at fifty times the cost of travel over a distance of 10 kilometers. It is worth noting that the size of the sanctions depends primarily on the following factors:

  • the territory of the stop point location;
  • railway station;
  • subject of the federation.

For example, if a “hare” was caught in the city of St. Petersburg, then the fine is 1,040, and in the region it is even more – 1,275 rubles. The Pskov region will require 1,320, and Karelia - 1,270 rubles. The amounts are quite large, and in addition you will have to get off at one of the stations to draw up an administrative protocol. Further travel will be possible only after purchasing the appropriate travel ticket.

The fine for traveling without a ticket in the metro is 1,000 rubles. We are talking about trying to get past the turnstiles in Moscow. If it turns out that the trip has already taken place, then the cost of the punishment will immediately increase to 2,500 rubles.

Compliance with the rules in Moscow is monitored by two bodies at once:

  • a government agency called the "Transportation Organizer";

security service located directly on the territory of the metro.

Failure to pay a fine for traveling without a ticket

To pay the amount of the fine due to the budget, 60 days have been allocated. You can challenge a fine for traveling without a ticket within the first 10 days after receiving the protocol on the administrative violation. Arguments that the passenger forgot to pay, was busy with something, was talking on the phone, or does not know where the ticket went are not convincing.

Some significant reasons for appeal:

  • after payment, the driver-conductor did not issue a ticket;
  • the protocol was not drawn up on the spot, but arrived by mail;
  • The driver-conductor did not have change.

There are still quite a lot of illegal seizures today. The lawyers of the Legal Resolution company are ready to advise on writing a complaint in the event that an error occurred that led to the appearance of a protocol.

Additional consequences of failure to pay the fine within the allotted time

If failure to pay a traffic fine took place, it is better to pay it before the amount of the penalty has doubled after a two-month period of non-payment. This state of affairs indicates that you will have to pay not 1,000, but 2,000 rubles. In addition, a 7 percent enforcement fee will cost another 140 rubles.

If nothing happens at this stage, the case will be heard by the court. His decision may be even more unpleasant than paying a fine:

  • administrative arrest for 15 days;
  • forced labor;
  • ban on traveling outside the Russian Federation.

Collection of a fine for traveling without a ticket on a bus

The penalty for traveling without a ticket on land-based urban transport is 1,000 rubles. When a penalty has been imposed, and time is slowly running out, it’s time to seriously think about the need to pay a fine for travel on public transport. There are several ways to transfer payment:

  • go to any bank and pay based on a payment order;
  • make a transaction from a credit or debit card account online;
  • transfer the required amount through an ATM or terminal;
  • make a contribution to the budget through the government services website.

The increase in penalties is intended not only to reduce the number of free riders, but to further increase the profitability of urban transport as a whole. In addition, such a measure will help minimize abuse by careless drivers who deliberately do not issue a ticket when the passenger does not request it.

When deciding to use public transport services, you must take into account the payment of the fare, the amount of which is set at the state level. Below you will find information regarding the size of the fine itself, as well as methods of subsequent payment of the imposed penalty for the offense. It is necessary to be guided by the rules for collecting fines for ticketless travel in the capital, the relevant Law No. 45, adopted as amended on June 18, 2014. In particular, Article 10.1 indicates that it is established:

  • The fine for traveling without a ticket is 1000 rubles for a citizen.
  • If there has been an unlawful use by users of urban transport of a preferential card (establishing direct personification), then a decision is made to collect 2,500 rubles as penalties.

There are also two points worth noting. The first is a uniform fine, regardless of the category of citizens or their level of social security. The second one sets specific terms of payment for this administrative offense. In particular, the State Public Institution “Transportation Organizer” indicates that payment under the fine must be made within 60 days from the date of the immediate issuance of the Resolution on the administrative offense. Repeated failure to pay threatens the offender with the possibility of arrest for a period of fifteen days and restrictions on the ability to travel abroad.

In the event that there is a failure to pay penalties, additional sanctions are envisaged, namely a doubling of the amount of the administrative fine provided for by current legislation. True, the minimum threshold for the amount of an additional sanction is limited, namely, it is at least one thousand Russian rubles.

Methods and procedure for paying a fine for traveling without a ticket

In order to pay a fine for traveling without a ticket on public transport, you must follow the following procedure:

  • Enter the established accrual identifier indicated on the form of the issued resolution (marked in the UIN column). It can also be indicated on the corresponding payment receipt.
  • Any payment method must provide for entering a single unique accrual identifier. You can easily clarify the methods and capabilities of certain payment instruments on the Moscow city service resource. After the series and number of the issued Order are entered into the appropriate columns, the “Details” section will open for the offender, indicating the “Identifier” details.
  • It is important to note that entering both the series and the Resolution number is carried out without additional spaces in the form. Entering the series is provided exclusively in Cyrillic.
  • Among the many ways to pay for fines, it is worth noting the use of the Moscow public services portal service. To do this, you just need to follow the instructions indicated on the website.
  • The standard option is to pay the fine through the use of banking services, which is profitable and convenient primarily for residents of various other regions who have direct access to the Internet and have a bank account. It is important to note that payment of the imposed fine for ticketless travel is provided for by a specific bank, depending on the regulations of the services provided. It is worth first clarifying the possibility of making such a payment by contacting a bank employee for help.

Features of paying fines for ticketless travel in transport

It is noted that in the receipt or resolution regarding the offense committed, three main points are indicated. The first is the actual date when the incident took place, the second provides an indication of the amount of the imposed penalty, the third is the number of the resolution according to which payment will be made. In the event that the receipt form has been lost, you can easily go to the website of the carrier whose services the citizen used and download the form, filling it out yourself. Employees of all banking structures are required to accept the completed violation form. An appeal against a fine for traveling on a bus is unlikely, due to the issuance of a resolution on the fact of a violation in the vehicle itself. The relevant controlling person who has provided identification before the start of the inspection has the right to issue these receipts.