Smart region smart education. A public discussion of the concept of building a “Smart Region” has begun in the Sverdlovsk region

A regional educational forum was held in Dimitrovgrad. Venue: DITI NRNU MEPhI.

Teachers from four neighboring municipalities came to Dimitrovgrad. The Dimitrovgrad pedagogical community also took an active part in the forum. Since the status of the forum is regional, the scope and number of participants were expanded with the help of a teleconference from Ulyanovsk. The plenary meeting was held with the participation of the governor. The head of the city also took part in the forum.

On my own behalf, as the head of the city, I would like to congratulate you on the new school year, and I would like to say a special thank you to the organizers of this forum. This teleconference takes place throughout the Ulyanovsk region. We are now on live television, when everyone sitting in the hall can watch the governor’s speech and this is some kind of progress,” said the head of the city, Alexey Koshaev.

New technologies are now being actively implemented, including in the field of education. Dimitrovgrad was chosen as a pilot site within the framework of the regional project "Smart Region". It’s not for nothing that the educational forum is called “ Smart city - smart education"Most of the reports were devoted to the implementation of modern innovative educational programs.

Arina Makarova

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Latest news from the Ulyanovsk region on the topic:
"Smart region - smart education"

Digitalization will become one of the key directions for the development of the education system of the Ulyanovsk region in the new academic year- Ulyanovsk

On August 25, at the plenary meeting of the annual educational forum, Governor Sergei Morozov outlined the main tasks for the industry.
21:20 25.08.2017 Government of the Ulyanovsk region

Compete not with Nizhny Novgorod, not with Tatarstan, but with world regions. Set goals for education- Ulyanovsk

The government of the Nizhny Novgorod region and PJSC Rostelecom intend to implement projects in the region to informatize parking spaces, work with energy service contracts and introduce telemedicine

Mikhail Oseevsky and Gleb Nikitin (Photo: PJSC Rostelecom)

Acting Governor of the Nizhny Novgorod Region Gleb Nikitin and President of Rostelecom PJSC Mikhail Oseevsky on Friday signed an agreement on cooperation in the implementation of the Smart Region program for innovative urban development.

"Smart Region" is one of the priority areas of the state program "Digital Economy of the Russian Federation". The Nizhny Novgorod region was included in the list of 20 pilot regions of the Russian Federation for the implementation of this project.

According to the information, the parties intend to create conditions for the implementation of comprehensive information solutions in various areas of activity that will contribute to the formation of a modern infocommunication environment, the development of the information society, and safe and comfortable living in the Nizhny Novgorod region.

As part of the agreement, it is planned to develop approaches to transforming state and municipal management systems and integrating them based on platform solutions. In the process of forming the technological model of the Smart Region, new projects will be developed and existing developments introduced into the urban environment will be used.

“In the Nizhny Novgorod region there are a number of projects that have been implemented or are being implemented jointly with PJSC Rostelecom: we are talking about a weight and dimensional control system for transport, a system for photo and video recording of traffic violations, and the Safe City agro-industrial complex,” recalled Gleb Nikitin.

“As part of the agreement, we will implement additional projects, such as informatization of parking spaces, work with energy service contracts related to the modernization of the lighting system, which will subsequently be integrated into a single platform solution,” explained the acting governor.

PJSC Rostelecom noted that the company’s colossal resources are already concentrated in the Nizhny Novgorod region, which make it possible to consolidate regional information systems based on the Smart City platform solution without investing in infrastructure. Among the possible areas of interaction, Rostelecom President Mikhail Oseevsky named the introduction of technologies for remote transmission of information from utility meters and the development of telemedicine in medical institutions in the region.

“This year we completed connecting medical institutions to high-speed Internet. This makes it possible to develop telemedicine, and the Nizhny Novgorod region has a very serious result in this regard,” Oseevsky emphasized.

Currently, the government of the Nizhny Novgorod region and Rostelecom are planning to conduct an audit of the current level of development of informatization in the region and determine priority areas for the implementation of the agreement. The agreement, in particular, defines the conditions for interaction between the parties in solving priority problems in such areas as housing and communal services, creating a comfortable environment for citizens, creating innovative urban infrastructure, digitalization of construction and territorial planning, as well as the development of urban transport systems.

Two years ago, a smart city department was launched at SibGUTI, headed by Dmitry Gokov, widely known in IT circles in the region. The relevance of introducing a “Smart City” in Novosibirsk was also emphasized during the recent visit to the city of Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Maxim Akimov. On the eve of a series of thematic materials devoted to this project, DMITRY GOKOV spoke in an interview with Continent of Siberia about what Smart City can give to an ordinary resident, and what Novosibirsk lacks in order to “get smart.”

Dmitry Gennadievich, what do you see as the key advantage of a “smart city” over a “non-smart” one?

– In order to understand why this is necessary, we need to look a little into the future. A significant part of development – ​​anywhere: in business, science, public administration – today is based precisely on “digital”. You don’t have to look far for an example: with the development of the Internet, new business industries have emerged on its basis, for example, in the gaming industry alone, income is measured in millions of dollars a day. Digitalization, when properly applied, firstly, increases efficiency, and secondly, creates new services and content that are widely in demand and bring added value.

So technology determines the future?

– Don’t forget that all this is created by people. If you look at the basics, the size of this added value is determined by the person and his talent. Soon, the basis of competition between different territories will be the struggle for such talents, which, on the one hand, are the creators of smart services and added value, and, on the other, active users of these services. This is an avalanche-like process that feeds on itself, so it is important not only to entangle the region with digital, but also to create a comfortable environment for talented people so that they can feel comfortable, environmentally friendly, and safe. That is, a smart city, in essence, is a tool for competition between territories for minds.

You say “Smart Region”, not “Smart City”. What are the terminological differences?

– “Smart city” or Smart city is a generally recognized international project; this definition was born abroad, in those countries where the main decisions are made by municipalities, since this is where most of the funds are concentrated. The system is built in such a way that municipalities own the money, so when we talk about a “Smart City”, we need to remember that in Western countries the foundation is the municipality - that’s why we are talking about a smart city. In our country it’s a little different; we have a three-level budgeting model, where the municipal level is at a lower position compared to the regional one. Therefore, if we take into account Russian specifics and geography, a more correct formulation for our country would be “Smart Region”. On the one hand, the project is financed mainly from the regional budget, on the other... I believe that it would be fair to give municipalities, including small ones, full access to all smart city services. In this regard, it is impossible to draw a line between the conditional “village” and “city”, where all development is given to the “city”. Therefore, Russia needs a “Smart Region” and there are already real examples: the Sverdlovsk region is building its own “Smart Region”, and the issue is also on our agenda, in other areas.

And how, in your opinion, does the Novosibirsk region compare to other regions of Siberia and Russia as a whole?

– I think it looks great. Our region has two huge competitive advantages. The first is infrastructure. At one time, when the regional government began to build its own data centers, communication channels, and so on, this met with strong criticism, including from Moscow. Today it is clear to everyone that to create smart services you need an infrastructure on the basis of which all this is built. And in Novosibirsk it is. Data centers with huge reserves that can be filled for at least several more years. There is also a channel structure: telecom operator channels, administration channels - a distributed environment guarantees traffic at a reasonable price. Not long ago, the deputy governor of one of the regions of Russia came to us for advice on modernization. We ask, is there a data center? No. Are there any channels? No. There is nothing at all. After our conversation, he immediately went to call the city-forming enterprise and negotiate with them, since they had previously proposed to implement such a project. And this is almost universal: many do not understand that if there is no basic infrastructure, no digital miracles should be expected. The second important aspect of the future economy is human resources. Today in Novosibirsk, about two thousand IT graduates graduate every year. These two factors give us a huge advantage - but this does not mean that we have achieved our goal, we have nowhere else to grow. No, we still have a lot of things to change. We need not two thousand IT graduates a year, but at least five times more to meet the future needs of the region.

Deputy Prime Minister Maxim Akimov (left), who visited Novosibirsk, gave a positive assessment of the region in terms of the implementation of IT technologies

– At a recent meeting in Akademgorodok, figures were announced according to which Novosibirsk ranks not third in the country in terms of “digital”, but rather first – in particular, in terms of penetration of broadband Internet access or the implementation of the ERA GLONASS system. How do you assess this in the context of the Smart Region?

– Penetration of broadband Internet access is as key a component of “smart” infrastructure as the availability of data centers and channels. The fact that Novosibirsk is in first place in terms of Internet accessibility is an absolutely accurate fact. As well as the fact that the Novosibirsk region has always been very active in GLONASS: for Anatoly Vasilyevich (Dyubanova, head of the informatization department of NSO - “KS”) The space industry is dear and very close. The pilot project has been implemented and can be scaled up further. Positioning accuracy is a fraction of a millimeter for stationary measurements, and within 15-20 cm for moving objects. In the future, this will make it possible to control many equipment, including agricultural equipment, remotely. There are already prototypes, experiments with unmanned tractors are being carried out, and in about five years this equipment should be operational, including on Siberian soil.

– Dmitry Gennadievich, in Novosibirsk IT circles many consider you the ideologist of the concept of “smart region” and “smart city”. What prompted you personally to do this at one time?

– I appreciated the prospects of this new direction five years ago. I participated in Russian official delegations, where, as part of an experience exchange, we traveled to various cities around the world: Seoul, Singapore, London, Abu Dhabi, Sao Paulo - we studied smart city technologies and other “smart” projects. To be honest, not all of this experience is applicable to us; after all, our conditions are somewhat different: nine time zones, 17 million square meters. kilometers, and most of those countries easily fit into the territory of our region. But we still adopted some elements for ourselves, and since then I have been studying this topic and decided to devote my life to it. If we talk about the meaning of my work, I believe that the competitiveness of a country is determined not by the size of its territory, population or mineral resources, but by labor productivity and technology. If we look closely, we will most likely run into the executive branch - its desired and actual effectiveness differ greatly. Therefore, one of the key tasks of my work is to make it more convenient for citizens to interact with the government, and this is also included in the Smart Region project. If you need an example of what we have already achieved, the MFC information system, which already operates in 20 constituent entities of the Russian Federation. We calculated how many services are provided and how much time is saved. Even if we take into account only those procedures that reduce the time of trips to offices, and take the rest out of brackets, it turns out that more than two thousand man-years are saved per year. The figure is very serious: if people spent this time at work, and not in queues, we significantly increased labor productivity. If you spent this time on your family and friends, you strengthened your families. This is the first contribution of the “Smart Region” to our lives.

A smart city and smart region is, first of all, a platform that implements the key principle of a smart city - the reuse of data and infrastructure.

– How long did it take you to open the smart city department at SibGUTI, and what did you ultimately achieve? Whose contribution was significant - the regional authorities, the leadership of SibGUTI?

– In an ideological sense, the support from SibGUTI was complete. Unfortunately, it was more difficult with budgets, but, nevertheless, the university management perceived everything very well. The regional administration also supported the idea of ​​creating a triangle “science – education – production”: when it arises and universities begin to work in conjunction with innovative companies, the result is a strong synergistic effect. Why did we even do this? Because graduates who come to work in IT companies, for the most part, are completely unprepared for our realities. They can do something, but not at all what we require in terms of quality and level of development. It turned out that companies take people from the market and pay them a salary for six months, spending time on their retraining. It is much more profitable when companies in conjunction with a university prepare students “for themselves” with subsequent employment. This model has proven to be very effective. Now we are also planning a programming school, which will accept not only students, but everyone. The project is under development, included in the regional Digital Economy program, and will most likely be implemented. We have already invited several companies to participate in the project, and together we will adapt existing professions, qualifications and competencies to business requirements.

— In addition to leading the smart city department of SibGUTI, you participate in the activities of the NPPA Association, being a member of its board. Are these projects somehow connected?

If SibGUTI provides the “Smart Region” project with the scientific and personnel components, then the NPPA Association provides the technological component. Let me remind you that the abbreviation NPPA stands for National Platform for Industrial Automation. The word “platform” is key here. In our country, a smart city is often reduced to a pile of some local solutions - a “smart” stop, a “smart” traffic light, a “smart” trash can... But this is not the “smart” of a city. A smart city and smart region is, first of all, a platform that implements the key principle of a smart city - the reuse of data and infrastructure. For example, thanks to the integrating system, the same video surveillance camera can be used by a variety of services and departments for their purposes: to monitor road traffic, to ensure public safety, to control the quality of street cleaning, etc. In the same way, different services can use data from each other’s information systems for their needs. This is what brings real efficiency, ensures accessibility of information and reduces duplication of costs. On the basis of the NPPA Association, such an integrating platform has been developed, it has already been tested in several constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and has every chance of becoming the basis of a “smart region” in our Novosibirsk region.

— What are the next steps to build a “smart region” in the Novosibirsk region?

You need to understand that a smart city is a thing that, firstly, cannot be implemented “from above”, and, secondly, cannot be implemented “in one”. Without the involvement of business and the population in the project, as well as without the collaboration of a large number of different specialists, the business will be doomed to failure. That is why we are creating a working group for the Smart Region Novosibirsk Region project. Professionals from various fields and industries will be invited to participate in it - housing and communal services, transport, telecommunications, education, ecology, security, etc. We hope for a response from companies, experts, public organizations and are ready to offer promising “smart region” projects in many industries.

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Informatization and Communications of the Sverdlovsk Region published the construction of the “Smart Region” and invited residents to a public discussion of the document.

The document states that the concept is based on the sustainable development model, according to which “meeting the needs of the present generation occurs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs.”

Model of sustainable development.

A “smart region” is defined in the document as “a territory of innovative development that uses digital technologies to improve living standards, the efficiency of human activity and the competitiveness of the economy, while ensuring that the needs of present and future generations for sustainable development are met.”

Tasks issues to be solved when building a “Smart Region” are as follows:

  • “digitalization of the economy and social life of the region (formation of a digital display of the main socio-economic processes in conjunction with the development of relevant information systems);
  • creation and development in the territory of the Sverdlovsk region of scientific, technological and production competencies of the Russian and world levels in the field of development of digital technologies and smart services;
  • creation in the Sverdlovsk region of globally competitive regulatory conditions, financial incentives, digital infrastructure, mechanisms for stimulating demand for smart services through government procurement and technical regulation mechanisms, an administrative support system for the development and implementation of smart services, as well as supporting technological solutions;
  • building effective communications in order to involve business and the population in the implementation of the concept, promoting the Sverdlovsk region as a “smart region” in the field of digital economy at the international and federal levels;
  • ensuring information security during the implementation of the “smart region” concept;
  • creating a culture of a digital society and training personnel for the digital economy.”

The document examines the “space for the implementation of the concept” (services, technologies; the territorial aspect of the implementation of services; determining priorities for the implementation of services at the level of the region and individual municipalities; smart competency centers); management of the implementation of the concept (management principles; basic directions of implementation; regulatory regulation; information infrastructure; personnel and education; timing and stages, etc.), and also provides an action plan for the implementation of the concept.

The approach chosen as the basis was presented by the International Telecommunication Union in the report “” (“Formation of smarter and more sustainable cities. Striving to achieve sustainable development goals”). As part of this approach, based on an analysis of successful practices in the implementation of digital technologies in various cities around the world and proposals for technological solutions by transnational corporations (Huawei, CISCO, IBM, Microsoft), six functional and technological areas were proposed: “smart” lifestyle, “smart” people, “smart” economy, “smart” mobility, “smart” management, “smart” environment for creating a space (registry) of services.

Functional and technological areas of development of the Sverdlovsk region.

The service registry is a four-level model: functional and technological area, scope of application, tasks to be solved, smart services.

The service registry is an open list of smart solutions, i.e. may be supplemented as new services become available.

Structure of smart services within functional areas: examples.

The concept provides a classification of services and suggests the order of their implementation.

It also talks about the creation competence centers two types:

1. Centers for scientific and technological competencies on the basis of UrFU and other universities in the region, institutes of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

2. Centers of market competence of digital economy companies of the Sverdlovsk region (SKB Kontur, UCSB, Naumen Soft, Trinity, NPO Sapphire, Data Krat, Host, UMMC-Telecom, Extreme-pro, Uralgeoinform, UOMZ, etc.) and spin-offs of international and Russian companies (NTS, Huawei, Rostelecom, Galaxy, Yandex, etc.).

It is also planned to develop a support system for existing companies (with headquarters in the Sverdlovsk region), as well as startups and spin-offs in the field of smart solutions with access to the final order, as well as to create facilities and territories-"polygons"- test sites for developing and testing the compatibility of fundamentally new technologies, standards and other elements of model architecture in an environment reminiscent of real conditions, and assessing the potential for their integration into production. An existing or specially constructed building, a section of road, a university campus, etc. can serve as “testing grounds” objects.

It is noted that the implementation of the Smart Region project must be carried out in close cooperation with other ongoing priority regional projects in the Sverdlovsk region, ensuring the necessary level of digitalization in their areas of responsibility.

Correlation of priority projects of the Sverdlovsk region with the functional and technological areas of the Concept.

Time frames and stages of concept implementation

The implementation of the concept is designed for the period from 2018 to 2030.

Stage 1. 2018-2024. Preparation of the regulatory legal framework, infrastructure, development and implementation of the first technological corridors, formation of a single data space and a single service space, implementation of “pilot” projects with the greatest social and economic effects.

Stage 2. 2025-2030. Large-scale implementation of smart services in the region, formation at the Expo site of one of the world's largest research and educational centers in the field of smart solutions.

Stage 3. 2031-2035. Complete digital transformation of the economy of the Sverdlovsk region, changing the structure of the economy in favor of digital economy companies through the development of a wide class of medium and small digital economy companies, including on the basis of established smart competence centers.

Risks of implementing the concept

As stated in the document, the implementation of the concept is associated with five key risks.

The first risk is insufficient adaptation of target groups to the use of smart solutions(ineffective use, in some cases, active rejection of smart solutions). From this point of view, large-scale training and informing residents of the Sverdlovsk region about the implementation of smart solutions in settlements in the region, as well as about their potential and real effects, is important. In this way, it will be possible to create adequate expectations and popularize the idea of ​​using smart technologies.

The second risk is loss of jobs in traditional activities. It will be minimized through the creation of new jobs in sectors of the digital economy, as well as the implementation of retraining and advanced training programs.

The third risk is information security violation(unauthorized influence on the space of data and information systems, leading to improper and/or dangerous functioning of services, leading to a loss of their quality and the occurrence of dangerous, including emergency, situations). The risk will be minimized by increasing awareness and literacy of the population and organizations in information security issues; priority use of domestic software and equipment in government bodies; implementation of information security standards in the Sverdlovsk region.

The fourth risk is the lack of a regulatory framework for the use of smart services. The risk will be minimized by improving the existing legislative framework of the region in order to remove a number of restrictions; formation of a regulatory legal framework for the use of PPP mechanisms in the field of smart solutions within the powers of public authorities of the Sverdlovsk region, as well as the initiation of the necessary regulatory legal acts at the federal level.

The fifth risk is the emergence of new items of regional budget expenditure related to the implementation of the concept. The risk will be minimized by implementing measures to attract private investment, including foreign; use of PPP mechanisms (concession agreements, etc.); attracting federal funds provided within the framework of the implementation of the Digital Economy of the Russian Federation Program.

Assessment of competencies of the Sverdlovsk region

The appendix to the concept provides statistics for the region. Thus, in regional ratings devoted to assessing the level of digitalization, the Sverdlovsk region occupies a rather modest position: 63rd place in the ranking of regions in terms of the level of informatization and the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia (-55 positions compared to 2016), 48th place in the rating of constituent entities of the Russian Federation in terms of the degree of implementation and efficiency of using satellite navigation technologies based on the GLONASS system (based on the results of the 4th quarter of 2017).

As a result of the analysis of digitalization indicators of the Sverdlovsk region, the following are made: conclusions:

  • in terms of digitalization level, the Sverdlovsk region is inferior to Moscow, St. Petersburg, the Moscow and Leningrad regions and is comparable to such regions as the Novosibirsk region and Tatarstan;
  • consumers of the Sverdlovsk region (both in the corporate and mass sectors) are ready to implement digital solutions, but are not yet fully aware of the effects this can have;
  • on the territory of the Sverdlovsk region, a cluster of strong IT companies has actually formed, which can become one of the foundations for the further development of the digital economy of the region;
  • The northern territories of the region, Yekaterinburg and its satellite cities may become key geographic centers for the implementation of smart solutions.

As the department explains, an interdepartmental working group has been created in the Sverdlovsk region to develop approaches to forming a program for the development of the digital economy in the region. The working group includes representatives of both the executive authorities of the Sverdlovsk region, as well as the scientific, expert and business community.

As part of the work of the working group, in accordance with the “Digital Economy” program, a key project direction of the program for the development of the digital economy in the Sverdlovsk region was identified - “Smart Region”.

Based on the results of the work, with the participation of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin", a draft concept for building a "Smart Region" in the Sverdlovsk region was formed, which was presented on April 18, 2018 at the Council under the regional governor.

by order of the Governor
Ulyanovsk region
dated July 19, 2017 No. 653-r


implementation of intelligent digital technologies
in the Ulyanovsk region "Smart Region" for 2017-2030

1. General provisions

1.1. “Smart Region” is a concept for the innovative development of cities and districts of the Ulyanovsk region based on the introduction of information and communication technologies (hereinafter referred to as ICT) into various spheres of life, which can accelerate the economic development of territories and improve the quality of life of citizens. This is the concept of scaling technical solutions, management methods and social practices of a smart city to all municipalities of the Ulyanovsk region. This is a concept for the development of the digital economy, production and use of innovations within the framework of regional specialization, which involves the creation of the necessary infrastructure for this and the cultivation of competencies in demand in the information society among residents of the Ulyanovsk region.

1.2. Basic concepts.

For the purposes of the Concept, the following terms and definitions are used:

big data– a term for digital data sets whose large size, rate of increase or complexity require significant computing power for processing and special software tools for analysis and presentation in the form of human-perceivable results;

internet of things (IoT)– a concept and a computer network based on it that connects things (physical objects) equipped with built-in information technologies to interact with each other or with the external environment without human intervention;

cyber physical systems (CPS)– these are intelligent network systems with built-in sensors, processors and actuators that are designed to interact with the physical environment and support the operation of computer information systems in real time;

cloud computing– an information technology model for providing widespread and convenient access using the information and telecommunications network “Internet” (hereinafter referred to as the “Internet”) to a common set of configurable computing resources (“cloud”), data storage devices, applications and services that can be promptly provided and relieved of burden with minimal operating costs or virtually no involvement of the provider;

open data– information created within the limits of their powers by state bodies, their territorial bodies, local self-government bodies or organizations subordinate to state bodies, local self-government bodies, or received by these bodies and organizations, which is subject to posting on the Internet in a format that ensures it automatically processed for reuse without prior human modification (machine-readable format), and may be freely used for any legal purpose by any person;

industrial internet of things(industrial internet, industrial internet, IIoT) – the concept of building information and communication infrastructures based on connecting industrial devices, equipment, sensors, sensors, process control systems to the Internet, as well as integrating these software and hardware with each other without human intervention;

end-to-end digital technologies– a set of technologies that are part of the digital economy: big data, neurotechnologies and artificial intelligence, distributed registry systems, quantum technologies, new production technologies, industrial Internet, robotics and sensor components, wireless communication technologies, virtual and augmented reality technologies;

smart regional specialization– a regional or state strategy for economic development, based on the identification and selection for investment in research and innovation of a limited number of priority areas that represent the strengths and comparative advantages of the region;

smart city– a city that implements a set of technical solutions and organizational measures aimed at achieving the highest possible quality of management of city resources and infrastructure and provision of services, in order to create sustainable favorable conditions for living, staying and business activity in the city;

smart region– the concept and regional practice based on it, which consists in scaling smart city technologies to urban agglomerations and areas with a low share of the urban population, as well as the formation of smart specialization of the region;

digital economy– economic activity in which the key factor of production is data in digital form, the processing of large volumes and the use of analysis results of which, in comparison with traditional forms of management, can significantly increase the efficiency of various types of production, technologies, equipment, storage, sale, delivery of goods and services.

1.3. Goals and objectives of the “Smart Region” concept.

The goals of introducing intelligent digital technologies within the framework of the “Smart Region” concept are:

improving the quality of life of the population of the Ulyanovsk region;

increasing the competitiveness of the economy of the Ulyanovsk region;

increasing the efficiency of the state and municipal government system in the Ulyanovsk region;

improving safety and comfort of life in the Ulyanovsk region;

formation in the Ulyanovsk region of a pilot site for the development and implementation of high-tech solutions for smart cities.

The main objectives of the implementation of the Smart Region Concept are:

improving the legislation of the Ulyanovsk region in order to remove restrictions that impede the implementation of smart digital technologies, forming a regulatory legal framework for the use of the mechanism of public-private partnership in the field of ICT and the development of smart cities;

development of infrastructure in the Ulyanovsk region through the introduction of ICT and the Internet of things;

development of elements of e-government and implementation of digital government mechanisms that use big data for making management decisions in the system of state and municipal government of the Ulyanovsk region;

further implementation of ICT in state and municipal institutions of the Ulyanovsk region;

digitalization of industries and clusters of the economy, as well as various spheres of public life in the Ulyanovsk region, the use of big data as a factor in the development of the economy, social sphere, state and municipal government in the Ulyanovsk region;

creating conditions that facilitate the transition of the population and organizations of the Ulyanovsk region to the wider use of intelligent digital technologies;

stimulating the expansion of the domestic market of intelligent digital technologies;

creation in the Ulyanovsk region of new jobs related to the creation and use of ICT;

support and promotion of digital economy products created in the Ulyanovsk region;

transformation of the education system in the Ulyanovsk region to meet the challenges of disseminating ICT in various spheres of life, staffing the ICT sector;

introduction of health-saving innovative technologies;

introduction of energy-saving and environmentally friendly digital technologies;

ensuring information security for residents of the Ulyanovsk region;

creation of new public services (software products) for citizens;

digitalization of public spaces in the Ulyanovsk region;

formation of a culture of information society among the population of the Ulyanovsk region;

speeding up the agglomeration processes of smart cities, forming new key urban areas in the Ulyanovsk region;

scaling the achievements of smart cities to non-urban areas of the Ulyanovsk region, introducing informatization standards and the use of ICT in all municipalities of the Ulyanovsk region;

creating conditions in the Ulyanovsk region to attract investments in the field of ICT and the Internet of things, as well as in the development of solutions for a smart city;

creating conditions conducive to attracting the population, representatives of the business community and the scientific community of the Ulyanovsk region to participate in the development and implementation of projects in the field of intelligent digital technologies, forming communities of active citizens striving for innovation;

creating conditions in the Ulyanovsk region for conducting research and development in the field of development of smart cities and information and communication technologies;

organizing the exchange of experience in the use of intelligent digital technologies in various fields, including through holding forums and conferences in the Ulyanovsk region;

attracting international partners and large companies to introduce smart digital technologies in the Ulyanovsk region.

1.4. Principles for implementing the concept

The principles of introducing smart digital technologies in the Ulyanovsk region are:

taking into account regional characteristics and focusing on the social and economic interests of companies and residents of the Ulyanovsk region;

ensuring citizens' rights to access information;

interaction between the state, the business community and civil society in the implementation of projects within the framework of the “Smart Region” concept, including through the use of the public-private partnership mechanism;

support for medium and small businesses in the field of ICT;

consistency in ICT implementation through interdepartmental interaction;

use of the design principle when implementing the concept;

reliance on the best world and Russian experience, openness of the concept to changes;

interregional and international cooperation in the field of ICT development, digital economy and smart city.

2. Global trends in the development of smart cities and smart regions

2.1. Foreign strategies for the development of smart cities and smart regions.

The concept of introducing smart digital technologies in the Ulyanovsk region “Smart Region” for 2017-2030 is based on global experience in the development of smart cities and smart regions.

In foreign countries, national and municipal strategies for the development of smart cities have been developed and are in operation: “Smart Cities Initiatives” in the European Union and the USA; a number of departmental and interdepartmental initiatives standardizing the development of smart cities in the People's Republic of China; the 100 Smart Cities program in India; Smart Cities plan in Australia, etc. By 2017, there are several hundred smart cities around the world.

Experts identify three types and three ways of developing smart cities:

introduction of smart systems into the infrastructure of existing cities;

creation of smart infrastructure for large public events;

construction of new high-tech areas or cities (“greenfield” projects).

Since 2015, the countries of the European Union have seen a transition from a smart city strategy to a smart region strategy, which covers not only the municipal, but also the regional and intermunicipal level of planning and policy. Smart regions scale smart city practices and define their smart economic specialization.

Since 2012, the European Union has been implementing the Research and Innovation Strategy for Smart Specialization (RIS3). Support for regional and national smart specialization strategies is provided through participation in the Smart Specialization Platform (S3), created in 2011, and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). One type of specialization is the development of ICT; the share of these specializations in the total is 12%.

The development of smart regions in the European Union occurs in different ways:

as a continuation of smart city development strategies (Ile-de-France in France, Wallonia in Belgium);

by forming agglomerations (Turin-Milan, in Italy, Lyon in France);

by turning areas with low urbanization into smart regions (Mantua in Italy).

In the United States, the Economic Development Administration implements the Regional Research and Innovation Strategies (RIS) Program. The main goal of the American strategy is to support young companies developing solutions for a smart city.

2.2. The role of private companies, research centers and citizens in the development of technologies for smart cities and smart regions.

Leading companies in the smart city technology market usually have more than a hundred implemented smart city projects around the world. There are two types of smart city projects proposed by companies:

comprehensive solutions – this is servicing the entire life cycle of city construction, including infrastructure, industrial and partial solutions;

partial solutions are technological solutions within a narrow specialization (ICT, telecommunications, energy, security, building automation and control systems, etc.).

Multinational companies often implement projects in collaboration with the authorities of individual cities, then scale up pilot projects to cities around the world in order to commercialize the solutions. In the US, pilot cities always collaborate with private partners. China and India are attracting corporate partners, including foreign corporations, to implement national smart city strategies, creating pilot cities and regions (for example, Wuxi and Guangzhou in China), and supporting joint international business projects.

In addition to large corporations, small and medium-sized enterprises are actively involved in the development of smart cities. As part of national smart city strategies and corporate projects, competitions of ideas and solutions are held, grant support is provided to small and medium-sized businesses, business incubators, open innovation centers and parks are organized, and “champions” working in the smart city development segment are identified.

In some large cities (for example, Berlin in Germany), there are several hundred research groups studying the possibilities and effects of using ICT in various spheres of life. These are research groups at universities, large companies and architectural bureaus, as well as research institutes that study complex urban problems and individual directions in their development, international consulting and expert structures on urban problems, and international consortia.

The role of public, expert and research organizations, as well as companies, is to create various ratings and partnerships for the development of smart cities and regions. An effective mechanism for open innovation is “living labs”, which allow companies, start-ups and enterprising citizens to test various solutions for smart cities in practice in a real urban environment. Crowdsourcing projects and hackathons are used to attract a wide range of citizens.

3. Prerequisites and legal framework for the introduction of intelligent digital technologies in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation

3.1. Strategic documents of the Russian Federation in the field of development of digital technologies.

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 05/09/2017 No. 203 “On the strategy for the development of the information society in the Russian Federation for 2017–2030” approved the “Strategy for the development of the information society in the Russian Federation for 2017–2030.” This Strategy defines the goals, objectives and measures for the implementation of the domestic and foreign policy of the Russian Federation in the field of application of information and communication technologies, aimed at developing the information society, forming a national digital economy, ensuring national interests and implementing strategic national priorities.

This Decree recommends that state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments make changes to strategic planning documents in accordance with the “Strategy for the Development of the Information Society in the Russian Federation for 2017 – 2030.” In particular, the “Strategy for the Development of the Information Society in the Russian Federation for 2017 – 2030” provides for amendments to state programs of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, plans for the activities of executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments, development institutions, and companies with state participation.

The strategy determines that investments from the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local budgets are made in priority areas identified by the state and society for the support and development of information and communication technologies.

The strategy involves conducting an annual assessment of the effectiveness of the performance of the heads of federal executive bodies and senior officials (heads of the highest executive bodies of state power) of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in implementing this document.

By order of the President of the Russian Federation dated April 3, 2017
No. 96-rp “On approval of the Regulations on the working group of the Economic Council under the President of the Russian Federation in the direction of “Digital Economy” and by Order of the President of the Russian Federation
dated 04/03/2017 No.97-rp “On approval of the composition of the working group of the Economic Council under the President of the Russian Federation in the direction of “Digital Economy””, the corresponding regulations and composition of the working group were approved.

The “Digital Economy of the Russian Federation” program has been developed, which defines the goals and objectives of the development of the digital economy. It includes eight areas for the development of the digital economy in the Russian Federation for the period until 2025: “regulatory regulation”, “personnel and education”, “formation of research competencies and technological groundwork”, “information infrastructure”, “information security”, “state governance", "smart city" and "healthcare".

Within the framework of the Program, it is expected to coordinate the activities of federal and regional executive authorities, local governments and interact with representatives of business, civil society and the scientific and educational community on the development of the digital economy and the implementation of the provisions of this document. In a number of areas, it is planned to identify pilot regions and cities. The program involves creating a ranking of smart cities. It is also expected to develop a detailed three-year plan for the implementation of the Program.

The “Digital Economy of the Russian Federation” program provides for the adoption of regulatory legal acts that ensure the development of mechanisms for venture investment and public-private partnerships in the field of the digital economy, including public-private partnerships in the creation and operation of state information systems.

A draft Federal Law on public-private partnership in the field of operation of state information systems has been prepared.

A draft Federal Law “On amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation on the use of information and telecommunication technologies and the introduction of electronic forms of documents in the field of healthcare” has also been prepared. The law will regulate telemedicine issues and create conditions for the use of artificial intelligence to analyze large amounts of medical data.

The common point of the “Strategy for the Development of the Information Society in the Russian Federation for 2017 – 2030” and the program “Digital Economy of the Russian Federation” is the provision that the transition to the third stage of digitalization of industries is currently underway. Its essence lies in the use of big data, methods of its transmission and processing to improve the efficiency of activities in these industries.

3.2 Experience in implementing smart city projects in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and the transition to a smart regions strategy.

Among the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, Moscow takes the lead in the development of smart cities. The city of federal significance is developing active cooperation with foreign companies, as well as with partners within the framework of the European Smart Cities Initiative, the World Organization of Smart Sustainable Cities ( WeGO )" and other international organizations.

In 2014, according to the Ericsson Networked Society City Index, Moscow ranked 17th in the list of smart cities in the world. In The World's "Smartest" Cities ranking, which takes into account a large number of evaluation criteria, Moscow took 108th place among the world's cities in 2016. In 2017, the city was included by several expert organizations in the top ten smartest cities in the world.

Among the advantages of Moscow, experts note the efficiency of the infrastructure, in particular the transport system, the encouragement of start-ups, the quality of higher education and human potential, the work of city portals, and the quality of the Internet. The Moscow Mayor's portal is one of the ten most popular government Internet resources in the world. The Open Government of the Russian Federation notes such Moscow smart city projects as the installation of 6.5 thousand traffic sensors and the interactive map of city institutions “Electronic Atlas of Moscow”.

The experience of Moscow is already being used in the Ulyanovsk region, cooperation with Moscow partners will be expanded in the implementation of the Smart Region concept.

Other cities of the Russian Federation lag significantly behind Moscow in the development of smart technologies. In the ranking of The World's "Smartest" Cities in 2016, St. Petersburg took 133rd place, Novosibirsk - 154th place. The 2016-2017 Innovation Cities Index included several Russian cities, in particular Moscow (43rd place), St. - St. Petersburg (73rd place), Kazan (339th place), Yekaterinburg (358th place) and Nizhny Novgorod (388th place) in the Russian index of cities by the level of digitalization, compiled by the Skolkovo business school, among the million-plus cities of the Russian Federation. include Yekaterinburg, St. Petersburg, Moscow, Kazan and Novosibirsk.

The development of smart cities in the Russian Federation is supported by large companies. IBM Corporation announced cooperation in this area with Skolkovo. Huawei has supported the Russian Government program “Digital Economy of the Russian Federation” and is ready to replicate the Chinese experience of smart cities in Russia. The American company Cisco selects Russian startups for smart city projects. In Yekaterinburg with the support of international experts and the company IBM announced the beginning of an experiment to transform an entire urban microdistrict into a smart city.

Of the large Russian companies, Rostec Group of Companies is the most actively implementing complex smart city projects. A pilot smart city project was launched by the company in Nizhny Tagil, and it is planned to scale it up in the Aktobe region of Kazakhstan. Rostelecom PJSC, which entered into an agreement with the Tambov region, and Rosatom State Corporation, which entered into an agreement on the development of smart cities with Tatarstan, also announced their projects in the field of smart technologies.

In a number of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, authorities have announced a transition to Smart Region projects, including in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, Novosibirsk Region, Primorsky Territory and Rostov Region. The normative consolidation of the project has so far been carried out only in the Novosibirsk region (as part of the re-industrialization program). The concept of Smart region (“Smart region”) of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug was presented at the VII International IT Forum with the participation of the BRICS and SCO countries in 2015, but has not yet received regulatory approval.

“Smart Region” projects in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation involve the introduction of ICT in various sectors and spheres of society: housing and communal services, environmental safety, road safety, medicine and the social sphere in general. The projects pay attention to the creation of geodata systems, as well as the development of the MFC. As part of the implementation of Smart Region projects in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, commercial companies are invited to cooperate, foresight sessions are held, and research centers are created at universities.

4. Predeploymentsimplementation of intelligent digital technologies in the Ulyanovsk region

4.1. Having a strategic vision for the implementation of intelligent digital technologies.

The Government of the Ulyanovsk region has a strategic vision of the need to introduce smart digital technologies in various areas of activity in the region.

In the “Strategy for the socio-economic development of the Ulyanovsk region until 2030” (hereinafter referred to as Strategy 2030), approved by Decree of the Government of the Ulyanovsk region dated July 13, 2015 No. 16/319-P “On approval of the Strategy for the socio-economic development of the Ulyanovsk region until 2030” , the industries of microelectronics, information technology and the production of navigation systems are identified as competitive advantages of the Ulyanovsk region. The development scenarios for the Ulyanovsk region “Industrial Modernization” and “High Technologies and Creative Class” provide for the accelerated development of the ICT sector.

Decree of the Government of the Ulyanovsk Region dated December 26, 2014 No. 32/858-pr “On the Strategy for the Development of the Information and Communication Technologies and Electronics Industry of the Ulyanovsk Region for 2015-2020” approved a corresponding strategy, the main goal of which is the accelerated growth of the ICT industry.

Order of the Governor of the Ulyanovsk Region dated March 22, 2017 No. 223-r “On approval of the Innovation Declaration of the Ulyanovsk Region” proclaims the priority of innovation and the basic principles of policy in the field of innovation. The most important condition for the innovative development of the Ulyanovsk region is the introduction of intelligent digital technologies in key areas of life in the Ulyanovsk region.

The government of the Ulyanovsk region took an active part in the discussion of the draft program “Digital Economy of the Russian Federation”.

The “Smart Region” concept is aimed at implementing the development scenario of the Ulyanovsk region “High technologies and creative class”, provided for by the 2030 Strategy, and the implementation of the “Innovation Declaration of the Ulyanovsk Region”. It is closely interconnected with the “Strategy for the development of the industry of information and communication technologies and electronics in the Ulyanovsk region for 2015-2020.” The Smart Region concept has been prepared in accordance with the main provisions and indicators of program “Digital Economy of the Russian Federation”.

4.2. High level of Internet penetration and ICT use in the Ulyanovsk region.

An important prerequisite for the introduction of intelligent digital technologies in various fields of activity in the Ulyanovsk region is the widespread use of ICT by the population and organizations.

Currently, in the Ulyanovsk region, the share of organizations using broadband access to the Internet information and telecommunications network in the total number of organizations is 81.1% (in Russia as a whole - 79.5% of organizations, in the Volga Federal District - 78.6 %). Including the share of organizations using access to the Internet with a speed of at least 2 Mbit/s, the total number of organizations in the Ulyanovsk region is higher (53.4%) than in the Russian Federation as a whole (52.2%) and Volga Federal District (50.7%).

More than two-thirds of households in the Ulyanovsk region have a computer (68%), while almost all of them have broadband access to the Internet information and telecommunications network (67% of the total number of households). This generally corresponds to the all-Russian indicator value (71%) and the indicator value for the Volga Federal District (69%).

The number of subscriber devices connected to mobile radiotelephone (cellular) communication networks in the Ulyanovsk region exceeds 1800 per 1000 population, which also corresponds to the average values ​​for Russia and the Volga Federal District.

A prerequisite for the widespread introduction of intelligent digital technologies, in particular the processing of large amounts of data, is a good level of informatization of social sector institutions subordinate to the executive bodies of state power and local government of the Ulyanovsk region. A large proportion of institutions have already been connected to unified information systems, and computerization of basic and auxiliary processes has been carried out.

4.3. High level of development of the information technology cluster in the Ulyanovsk region.

A necessary prerequisite for the development of the introduction of ICT in various fields of activity in the Ulyanovsk region is also the development of the ICT sector as a sector of the economy that generates added value. The Ulyanovsk region is one of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation with a developed ICT cluster.

About 10% of the total volume of shipped goods, works and services of own production in the Ulyanovsk region are products of the ICT sector, which is twice the average for Russia. The Ulyanovsk region ranks 11th in Russia in terms of the share of ICT industry workers in the total number of employees of organizations (4%). Labor productivity in the ICT sector of the Ulyanovsk region is 2.5 times higher than in the regional economy as a whole.

There are about 200 companies operating in the ICT sector in the Ulyanovsk region. Based on the results of 2015 and 2016, two companies are included in the rating of the 50 largest groups and companies in Russia in the field of information and communication technologies, compiled annually by the Expert rating agency. In terms of representation in this ranking, the Ulyanovsk region ranks 3rd after Moscow and St. Petersburg.

The Ecwid company, founded in Ulyanovsk in 2009 and specializing in the development of platforms for organizing electronic commerce on Internet sites, is the largest provider of these services in the world.

International conferences on the topic of ICT are held in the Ulyanovsk region: “Ulcamp”, “Strike”, “RIF.Ulyanovsk”. These events annually attract a total of about ten thousand participants from all over the world.

By Decree of the Governor of the Ulyanovsk Region dated April 11, 2014 No. 38 “On the Public Expert Council for the Development of Information Technologies under the Governor of the Ulyanovsk Region,” a Public Expert Council was created under the Governor of the Ulyanovsk Region, which includes representatives of the ICT sector.

In order to support organizations operating in the field of ICT in the Ulyanovsk region, the Law of the Ulyanovsk region dated October 26, 2015 No. 151-ZO “On amendments to the Law of the Ulyanovsk region “On tax rates of corporate income tax subject to credit to the regional budget of the Ulyanovsk region” was developed , in relation to certain categories of taxpayers" and the Law of the Ulyanovsk region
dated December 28, 2015 No. 215-ZO “On amending Article 1 of the Law of the Ulyanovsk Region “On tax rates of tax levied in connection with the application of the simplified taxation system in the territory of the Ulyanovsk Region” and on the repeal of the legislative act of the Ulyanovsk Region”, in accordance with which reduced the rates of a number of taxes for most entrepreneurs working in the field of information technology.

The existing ICT cluster model represents the unification of several large companies into a regional community, promoting their interests in dialogue with the Government of the Ulyanovsk region, as well as training personnel.

4.4. High human resources potential of the ICT industry in the Ulyanovsk region.

To solve the problem of staffing the ICT industry, interaction has been built between government authorities of the Ulyanovsk region, higher educational institutions and companies.

The companies have created basic departments at universities in the Ulyanovsk region, and representatives of the ICT industry conduct career guidance work with schoolchildren and students.

Every year, universities in the Ulyanovsk region graduate more than 200 highly qualified specialists in the field of ICT.

The Federal State Budgetary Institution of Higher Professional Education “Ulyanovsk State Technical University” ranks 18th out of 49 universities in the all-Russian ranking of the SuperJob portal in terms of graduate salaries in the IT field. The average salary of graduates who graduated from this university from 1 to 5 years ago is, according to the portal, 73 thousand rubles. According to the SuperJob rating, 73% of university graduates find work in Ulyanovsk.

By order of the Government of the Ulyanovsk Region dated March 15, 2016 No. 150-pr “On the participation of the Ulyanovsk Region in the creation of the Information Technology Development Fund of the Ulyanovsk Region”, the Government of the Ulyanovsk Region became one of the founders of the Information Technology Development Fund, the task of which, in particular, is to support educational projects in the field ICT. In 2016, the Fund supported 11 projects for a total amount of 2.9 million rubles, in 2017 – 23 projects for a total amount of 5.1 million rubles.

The largest educational project for students and schoolchildren in the field of ICT in the Ulyanovsk region is the annual conference “Master of Information Technologies”.

In 2016, at the Ulyanovsk State Technical University, with the support of the Government of the Ulyanovsk region, a student co-working space “Internet House” was opened.

4.5. High level of development of e-government.

An important prerequisite for the introduction of intelligent digital technologies in the Ulyanovsk region is the high level of development of electronic government.

The executive bodies of state power of the Ulyanovsk region use 67 information systems, 116 information systems are used at the level of administrations of municipal districts of the Ulyanovsk region. At the same time, 11 information systems were created in the region to solve specific problems of government authorities. In general, informatization programs in executive bodies of state power have been implemented for more than 10 years.

In order to simplify the procedure for providing state and municipal services, executive bodies of state power and local governments use a regional system of interdepartmental electronic interaction (hereinafter referred to as TVIS), with the help of which departments independently request from federal departments the information necessary for the provision of services. 24 municipalities and 12 executive authorities of the Ulyanovsk region are connected to TVIS. Access to TVIS was provided to almost 3 thousand users (employees of departments). 37 electronic services have been introduced into the system. In 2016, 2,460,461 requests were sent to federal executive authorities through TVIS.

According to Rosstat, by the beginning of 2016, the share of electronic document flow between state authorities and local self-government in the total volume of interdepartmental document flow in the Ulyanovsk region was 61.6%, which corresponds to 10th place in the Russian Federation (the average for Russia is 44.9%, in the Volga Federal District - 53.2%).

In 2016, to improve the efficiency of informatization management in the Ulyanovsk region, the State Public Institution “Government for Citizens” was created. The main goals of the institution are to organize the provision of state and municipal services on the “one-window” principle and in electronic form, as well as the development of Internet technologies.

At the beginning of 2017, the regional network of MFCs includes 28 centers and is represented in every municipality. The total number of applicant acceptance windows is 313 units. In the region, 96.2% of residents have access to these services on a “one-stop” basis. There is a single call center through which you can obtain information about municipal services.

In 2016, work was completed to convert 70 priority state and municipal services into electronic form. According to updated data from Rosstat, the share of citizens of the Ulyanovsk region who took advantage of receiving state and municipal services in electronic form in 2016 amounted to 53.9%. The Ulyanovsk region was among 33 constituent entities of the Russian Federation that achieved the target level of this indicator for 2016.

4.6. Leadership of the Ulyanovsk region in the field of open data.

The Ulyanovsk region is consistently a leader in the openness of data from regional authorities. Since 2012, the government of the Ulyanovsk region has been successfully cooperating with the World Bank on issues of increasing data openness and developing e-government. The organization's experts highly appreciated the readiness of the regional authorities for openness and the level of disclosure of data on their activities.

According to the Infometer company, in the ranking of information openness of regional governments, open data of Russian regions, at the end of 2016, the Government of the Ulyanovsk region ranks 3rd in Russia in terms of openness and for the second year in a row - 1st in Russia in hosting open data.

In the Ulyanovsk region, ICTs are actively used to involve citizens in the adoption of significant decisions by authorities.

Heads of state authorities and local governments maintain their own online diaries and have accounts on social networks. Virtual and electronic reception offices of state authorities and local governments have been created. A public discussion of the bills is being held on the official website of the Governor and the Government of the Ulyanovsk region. Crowdsourcing projects are being implemented in the form of online voting and discussions.

In the form of online voting, the activities of members of the Regional Government, heads of municipal administrations and heads of unitary enterprises and institutions are assessed. A system of independent assessment of the quality of services provided by healthcare, educational, cultural and social service institutions has also been introduced. The practice of live broadcasts on the Internet of Government meetings, important meetings, regional and international events has been introduced.

4.7. Successful experience in using big data and the Internet of things in the Ulyanovsk region.

Bodies of state power and local self-government of the Ulyanovsk region have accumulated large amounts of data in electronic form. At the end of 2016, the Civil Registry Office of the Ulyanovsk Region converted 2,324,555 records into electronic form, or 49% of all available records. In the field of education, 95% of the total number of educational organizations in the Ulyanovsk region of all levels of education are connected to the information system “Network City. Education".

Informatization has made the greatest progress in the healthcare sector. The infrastructure of a unified medical information and analytical system, or regional medical information system (hereinafter referred to as EMIAS or RMIS), has been built.

RMIS consists of 9 modules: electronic registry, immunoprophylaxis, fluorotheque, electronic medical record, traffic police certificates, functional diagnostics, recording the movement of patients in the hospital, maternity, and preferential drug provision. The system contains a number of services: electronic registry, situation center, electronic medical record, electronic prescription, sick leave records, laboratory services, personalized records and others.

EMIAS allows you to manage patient flows and maintain personalized records of medical care. The EMIAS analytical subsystem collects and analyzes data on patient visits to medical institutions in the city, including the demand for certain specialists, their workload and the length of queues. EMIAS contains more than 1.6 million outpatient medical records of residents of the Ulyanovsk region (including residents of other regions who received medical care in the Ulyanovsk region).

The portal operates, through which it is possible to make a round-the-clock appointment with a doctor for any resident of the Ulyanovsk region online. Since 2015, the portal has been supplemented with the Vita-card mobile application (Android, iOS).

Since 2016, the integration of the electronic registry with the federal portal of public services has begun under the “My Health” subsection. In 2016, 5.7 million appointments with doctors in the region were made through the electronic registry.

The electronic prescription system aggregates data about the patient, doctor and medical institution. Integration of a unified medical information system with information systems in the field of compulsory health insurance makes it possible to create a regional register of the insured attached population.

Smart technologies are also being actively implemented at the municipal level.

In 2015, the “Smart Lighting” project was implemented in the city of Dimitrovgrad. As part of it, more than 7 thousand street lighting devices were replaced. They are connected to an installed automated management and control system for energy consumption, which automatically allows you to monitor the status of networks, keep records of energy consumption, determine the number of burnt-out lamps and, if manual intervention is necessary, remotely control lighting modes from control centers. The introduction of energy-saving technologies will allow the municipality to save more than 31 million kW of electricity over five years.

The portal “” displays in real time the movement of more than a hundred buses, trams and minibuses in the city of Ulyanovsk with an estimate of the actual arrival time of each route at each specific stop. A pilot project for a “smart stop” has been launched, which is an information kiosk equipped with video surveillance and a panic button, providing access to the “” portal and government electronic services. Information boards are installed at public transport stops.

Smart technologies have become widespread in the housing and communal services sector of the Ulyanovsk region. Online payment services for utilities are available. In Dimitrovgrad, with the assistance of Rosatom State Corporation, the Smart Home project was launched, within the framework of which meters for remote metering of electricity consumption are used. Since 2013, an automated system for accounting and dispatching energy consumption has been introduced, to which about 90% of apartment buildings in Dimitrovgrad are connected.

As part of the transition to a new stage in the development of the digital economy, a number of Ulyanovsk companies are using Internet of Things and big data technologies.

The Aviastar-SP aircraft manufacturing plant, part of the United Aircraft Corporation PJSC, actively uses and implements digital technologies. The Il-76MD-90A aircraft was completely designed using digital technologies, which significantly accelerated the start of its mass production on CNC machines. Since 2014, the base department of the Ulyanovsk State University “Digital Technologies of Aviation Production” has been operating on the territory of the Aviastar-SP plant.

AeroComposite JSC is included in the production chain for the production of components for the new MS-21 passenger aircraft; this is a high-tech project implemented on the principles of digitalization of the economy.

Subsidiaries of OJSC Gazprom Gazoraspredelenie use an automated commercial gas metering system (ASCG) when operating the gas network in the Ulyanovsk region. Its functions include centralized data collection from gas metering stations; monitoring the current state of objects; issuing data and exchanging analytical information with other data collection systems and programs for calculating payments; control of interference in the operation of metering units; preparation of analytical information, reports, protocols; protection of information from unauthorized access.

FSPC JSC NPO Mars is a leading Russian enterprise in the field of automation of processes of combat control in the fleet, creation and maintenance of geographically distributed control systems. In parallel with the creation of an export model of an automated combat control system for an aircraft carrier (ASBU "Lesorub-E"), the enterprise is working to determine the appearance of an integrated combat control system for landing helicopter dock ships for the Russian Navy, improving the mathematical support for aviation control tasks, as well as developing solutions on modernization of technical means and control systems on existing Navy ships.

Rosatom State Corporation uses radiation sensors at its facilities (Dimitrovgrad), the data from which is aggregated in a unified information system, some of the information is available online on the Internet and through a mobile application.

Large amounts of data in electronic form are used by companies in the fields of trade and telecommunications. Call centers of Alfabank OJSC and MTS OJSC are located in the Ulyanovsk region.

Components of industrial cyber-physical systems are produced in the Ulyanovsk region.

Ulyanovsk Machine Tool Plant LLC, part of the DMG Mori Seiki concern, produces machines that are connected via the Internet to the MORI NET Global Edition auxiliary service, which provides the ability to track machines. The service includes a remote system for transmitting alarms and alarm information, processing workflow information and program management.

Seagard LLC produces GLONASS/GPS monitoring systems, machine-to-machine communication devices and other Internet of Things solutions. The company's products are exported to foreign countries.

4.8. High level of innovation development within the framework of smart specialization of the Ulyanovsk region.

Another important prerequisite for the introduction of intelligent digital technologies in the Ulyanovsk region is the fact of the widespread development of high-tech and knowledge-intensive industries in the region.

The share of products from high-tech and knowledge-intensive industries in the gross regional product of the Ulyanovsk region is about 33%, which is the best indicator in the Volga Federal District and the second in Russia. In terms of the share of innovative goods, works and services (13.2%), the Ulyanovsk region ranks 12th in Russia.

Smart regional specialization of the economy is being formed.

In 2016, an innovation cluster was created in the Ulyanovsk region. This cluster is included in the list of 11 innovation clusters - participants in the priority project of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia “Development of innovative clusters - leaders in investment attractiveness of the world level”, approved in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated June 27, 2016 No. 400 “On the priority project of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia “Development of innovation clusters - world-class investment attractiveness leaders.”

The cluster was formed on the basis of two innovation clusters - aviation and nuclear innovation, which also in 2011 were identified among 25 pilot innovation clusters at the federal level. An important component of the project of the united innovation cluster will be new high-tech industrial enterprises and companies attracted over the past five years to the sites of the Ulyanovsk port special economic zone and the Zavolzhye industrial park. The Technocampus 2.0 project will become a single assembly point for all innovative projects in the region and the core of the innovation cluster of the Ulyanovsk region. The organization overseeing the creation and development of the innovation cluster is the ANO DO "Center for Cluster Development of the Ulyanovsk Region".

Also in the Ulyanovsk region, a Regional Technology Initiative is being implemented, formed on the basis of the National Technology Initiative, designated by the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin in his address to the Federal Assembly on December 4, 2014 as one of the priorities of state policy.

To implement the National Technology Initiative in the region, a project office was created on the basis of the ANO “Agency for Advanced Initiatives, Technologies, Projects”. In April 2016, following the results of a federal competition, the region was among the 10 pilot regions of the country that began to implement it. In the Ulyanovsk region, regional working groups have been created and development roadmaps have been approved in 6 areas of NTI: AeroNet, EnergyNet, FoodNet, HealthNet, NeuroNet, Circle Movement.

The most active implementation of the roadmap in the EnergyNet direction is underway. In 2016, at the level of the Russian Federation, an agreement was concluded between the Rusnano Group of Companies and the Fortum company (Finland) to create a consortium for the construction of wind farms in Russia. Ulyanovsk Region Development Corporation JSC, together with Ulyanovsk Technology Transfer Center LLC, Rusnano State Corporation and Fortum Company, carried out the conceptual development of measures to create sources of alternative (wind) electricity in the Ulyanovsk region. An investment agreement was concluded on the construction of the first wind power park in the Ulyanovsk region with a capacity of 35 MW with an investment volume of about 5 billion rubles. Completion of the 35 MW wind farm is planned for the third quarter of 2017. At the same time, the issue of localizing the production of components is being resolved.

In addition to the development of alternative energy, the EnergyNet roadmap provides for the introduction of standard “smart” digital substations with multi-sided power supply and the possibility of remote control, the creation of a modern digital energy metering complex using cloud and additive technologies, the formation of a standard for an energy-efficient home and its replication.

4.9. Active cooperation with large Russian and foreign companies and international organizations.

An important prerequisite for the successful implementation of the Smart Region concept is the active cooperation of the Government of the Ulyanovsk region with large Russian and foreign companies and international organizations.

As part of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum in May 2017, an agreement was signed between the Government of the Ulyanovsk Region and the Yandex company on the implementation of joint projects in the field of medicine, education, and transport.

As part of the memorandum of cooperation signed in May 2017 between the Government of the Ulyanovsk region and the World Bank, cooperation is planned in the “Digital Economy” direction, which involves researching the state of the digital economy of the Ulyanovsk region, expert support for adjusting the ICT development strategy and pilot training for employees of several executive government bodies Ulyanovsk region.

Since 2010, the Ulyanovsk region has been an active participant in the World Organization of Electronic Governments of Cities and Local Authorities (WeGO). The organization brings together 120 cities, regions and international organizations such as the World Bank and the UN.

In November 2012, at the meeting of the II General Assembly of WeGO in Barcelona, ​​the Ulyanovsk region was designated as the vice president of the organization. And in 2013, at a meeting of the WeGO Executive Committee in Chengdu (People's Republic of China), the Ulyanovsk region was chosen as the site for the European regional office.

From June 27 to June 30, 2017, a meeting of the IV General Assembly of the World Organization of Electronic Governments of Cities and Local Authorities WeGO was held in the Ulyanovsk region.” The event was attended by about 400 people from 110 cities around the world. The WeGO Ulyanovsk Declaration was adopted. The organization has been renamed the World Smart Sustainable Cities Organization (WeGO). The draft “Smart City” concept was presented at the conference, which received positive assessments from participants.

5. Basic directions of implementation

5.1. Regulatory regulation.

The main goal of this direction is the formation of a new regulatory environment that provides a favorable legal regime for the emergence and development of modern technologies, as well as for the development of the digital economy. The main objectives of regulatory regulation within the framework of the implementation of the “Smart Region” concept are:

development of a concept for improving legal regulation in order to develop the digital economy and a plan for its implementation in the Ulyanovsk region;

adoption of regulatory legal acts to ensure the stimulation of the development of the digital economy in the Ulyanovsk region, including regulatory legal acts that ensure the functioning of special legal regimes in the territory of the Ulyanovsk region, creating conditions for the most comfortable development of organizations providing activities in priority activities of the digital economy;

consolidation in regulatory legal acts of instruments for coordinating the activities of development institutions in order to select and finance companies and projects in the field of end-to-end digital technologies;

adoption of the necessary legislative and other regulatory legal acts of the Ulyanovsk region and municipal legal acts regulating the issues of creating and ensuring information interaction of federal, regional and municipal information resources containing information about the population with the federal resource about the population;

adoption of regulatory legal acts ensuring the functioning of a unified digital environment of trust on the territory of the Ulyanovsk region, including remote confirmation of identity for performing legally significant actions;

adoption of normative legal acts regulating the procedure for preparation and remote collection of reports in electronic form in order to eliminate duplication of information on paper;

regulatory provision of access to data from state information systems through a software interface on a free and paid basis, taking into account the possibility of attracting sources of extra-budgetary funding for the development of state information systems;

regulatory consolidation on the territory of the Ulyanovsk region in accordance with federal regulatory legal acts of standard requirements for the informatization of public transport and the application of penalties to transport enterprises that violate the requirements for the informatization of public transport;

regulatory establishment of responsibility of municipalities of the Ulyanovsk region for the collection, processing and storage of transport data necessary for digital transport and urban planning in accordance with the standard for the collection, processing and storage of transport data;

bringing regulatory legal acts of the Ulyanovsk region into compliance with federal regulatory legal acts that provide the opportunity to use electronic medical documents;

introducing amendments to the regulatory legal acts of the Ulyanovsk region regulating the activities of government bodies, medical organizations and medical workers to ensure the development of the digital healthcare ecosystem;

normative consolidation in the “pilot” cities of the Ulyanovsk region of the need to publish in digital channels of city information resources information about the structure, volumes of waste generation and disposal from details to the level of container site, enterprise and household;

development and approval of other regulatory legal acts that eliminate key legal restrictions in certain areas of legislation that impede the development of the digital economy in the Ulyanovsk region.

5.2. Information infrastructure.

The main goals of the development of information infrastructure in the Ulyanovsk region are the development of communication networks, data processing centers, the introduction of digital platforms for working with data and the Internet of things to meet the need for collecting and transmitting data and providing services for storing and processing data. The main objectives of the development of information infrastructure within the framework of the implementation of the “Smart Region” concept are:

development and implementation of a plan to provide broadband Internet access to the population of the Ulyanovsk region;

modernization of the material and technical base and ICT infrastructure of institutions and organizations of education, healthcare, culture, social services, public transport, as well as state authorities and local governments in the Ulyanovsk region, including providing broadband access to the Internet;

reducing the number of households in the Ulyanovsk region for which broadband Internet access services are not available to less than 5,000;

increasing coverage of real-time communication services
up to 99.5% of residents of the Ulyanovsk region;

construction of a fifth generation cellular network (5G) in the city of Ulyanovsk;

construction of a Wi-Fi communication network with free access for all residents in the pilot city, city district or in individual localities of the Ulyanovsk region;

providing free broadband wireless Internet access on the campuses of educational organizations;

creation of a unified situation center for the Ulyanovsk region, integration of a large number of information systems based on a single information platform of the situation center;

creation of a dashboard for the Ulyanovsk region on the Internet, displaying real-time information about the situation in the Ulyanovsk region;

introduction of an electronic card for a citizen of the Ulyanovsk region with the possibility of personal identification, access to premises, loyalty programs, payment for travel on public transport, etc.;

using citizens’ smartphones as Internet of Things devices to collect information in a unified regional geographic information system and subsequent analysis of the resulting big data;

increasing the volume of open government and municipal data available to the public, companies and researchers;

ensuring the creation on the territory of the Ulyanovsk region of a federal narrowband communication network using LPWAN technology for collecting and processing telematic information;

attracting investors to the Ulyanovsk region and creating conditions for the development of industries specializing in the creation of cyber-physical systems, supporting pilot projects of investors to test solutions for smart cities in the Ulyanovsk region;

implementation of an investment project for the production of smart city lighting;

attracting investors to the Ulyanovsk region and creating conditions for the development of enterprises specializing in the creation of data centers and big data processing;

connecting all schools in the Ulyanovsk region to the unified information system in the field of education “Network City”;

implementation of an electronic admission system to educational organizations and services for notifying parents about their children’s presence in classes

development of the infrastructure of additional education in the field of ICT - creation of new platforms for self-realization of representatives of educational and scientific organizations (children's technology parks, centers for youth innovative creativity, co-working spaces, incubators);

connecting all government medical organizations to the broadband Internet access system;

implementation of a highly reliable identification system (including biometric) for individuals, participants in information interaction in medical organizations of the Ulyanovsk region;

equipping all places of medical care with the necessary information and telecommunications infrastructure (including mobile solutions) with a unified system for identifying participants in information interaction within the digital health ecosystem;

determining the need of the Ulyanovsk region to equip medical organizations with medical equipment for high-precision surgical interventions, including robotic systems.

5.3. Human resources of the digital economy.

A key direction for increasing competitiveness and growing the share of the digital economy in GRP is the training of qualified personnel for it. The main goals of this direction are: improving the education system, which should provide the digital economy with competent personnel, developing a system of career guidance, additional education for children and youth, and identifying talent in the field of ICT. The main objectives of personnel training within the framework of the implementation of the “Smart Region” concept are:

introduction of a system of competencies that reflect the digital reality of citizens’ activities, including the competencies of teachers, in educational organizations of the Ulyanovsk region;

formation of a system for independent assessment of the qualifications of graduates of professional educational organizations in specialties in the field of ICT;

increase in funds from the Ulyanovsk Region Information Technology Development Fund allocated for educational, educational and career guidance projects;

increasing the number of “success lessons” conducted in educational organizations by representatives of leading companies in the ICT field, including parents who have competencies and practical skills in the field of intelligent digital technologies;

attracting investors involved in digital production in the Ulyanovsk region to career guidance work with schoolchildren and students;

increasing the number of specialized classes in computer science and educational organizations;

expanding the coverage of competitions and competitions in the field of competencies that meet the needs of the digital economy for schoolchildren and students;

development of competencies related to the needs of the digital economy within the framework of the movement and regional championships JuniorSkills and WorldSkills;

holding competitions in educational organizations on competencies that meet the needs of the information society between representatives of different generations;

ensuring an increase in the number of graduates of schools and secondary vocational education organizations taking the Unified State Exam in computer science;

analysis of the current and future needs of the Ulyanovsk region for workers with digital economy competencies and their availability;

annual formation of target figures for budget admission to educational organizations that meet the long-term needs of the digital economy of the Ulyanovsk region in the coming years in order to increase the number of graduates with competencies in the field of ICT by at least 3 times compared to the current number;

increasing the number of students in secondary vocational education organizations in the Ulyanovsk region in the field of digital economy;

implementation of a retraining (internship) program for teachers of professional educational organizations in the Ulyanovsk region at enterprises and organizations in the ICT sector;

attracting representatives of companies and research organizations in the field of ICT to study in educational organizations of the Ulyanovsk region;

the use of educational and methodological associations in the vocational education system and clubs of industrial training masters in the Ulyanovsk region of company materials for inclusion in educational programs of vocational education in the field of the digital economy, which include the study of domestic and foreign developments;

the opening of new specialties and departments in universities of the Ulyanovsk region, as well as the introduction of new educational courses related to the use of ICT in various fields;

attracting foreign specialists and Russian specialists in the field of ICT who have gone abroad to teach at universities in the Ulyanovsk region of the Ulyanovsk region;

increasing the number of classes taught in English;

using the mechanism of student exchange programs and travel to attract interested foreign students and specialists with the prospect of staying in Russia;

using the opportunity to carry out final qualifying work for students in the higher education system in the form of startups;

orientation of development institutions towards the implementation of programs aimed at supporting entrepreneurial activity of students in the field of the digital economy;

conducting an information campaign among employers in order to inform them about the special competencies of graduates of Ulyanovsk universities in the field of ICT, which can improve the efficiency of the activities of employing companies;

expanding the movement of schoolchildren participating in the education of representatives of older generations, including using school infrastructure;

implementation of a retraining program for civil servants in order to improve their digital literacy;

creation, in cooperation with employers of the Ulyanovsk region, of a system for advanced training of workers in various industries in order to develop competencies that meet the needs of the digital economy;

implementation of a retraining program for new professions and areas of activity related to the digital economy, covering citizens over 50 years of age, citizens with disabilities, as well as unemployed citizens;

development and implementation of training programs for lawyers in the field of digital economy;

signing additional agreements between the executive authorities of the Ulyanovsk region and medical universities (faculties) on additional training as part of the targeted training of students from the Ulyanovsk region in order for them to successfully master modern ICT in medicine;

creating conditions for the participation of educational organizations in the Ulyanovsk region that train medical personnel in research and pilot projects in the field of digital health;

updating the programs and curricula of secondary specialized and additional education organizations in the Ulyanovsk region that train medical specialists and administrative workers, taking into account the digital transformation of healthcare and the need to have skills in using ICT in professional activities;

ensuring retraining and advanced training of medical workers in the Ulyanovsk region in order to successfully use ICT.

5.4. Formation of research competencies and technological groundwork.

The main goal of this direction is to create a system to support search and applied research in the digital economy (research infrastructure of digital platforms) by creating an institutional environment for the development of research and development in the field of the digital economy. The main tasks of creating technological groundwork in the field of digital economy as part of the implementation of the “Smart Region” concept are:

creation of departments in universities of the Ulyanovsk region that specialize in end-to-end digital technologies and provide research and training in the main areas of implementation of the Smart Region concept, support for the established departments on alternative energy and the Internet of things of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Ulyanovsk State Technical University";

creation by universities of the Ulyanovsk region of basic departments for the use of digital technologies at enterprises and organizations in various industries;

creating conditions for the participation of high-tech companies of the Ulyanovsk region and other constituent entities of the federation in the formation of strategies for the development of vocational education organizations that train specialists for the digital economy;

creating conditions for the emergence in the Ulyanovsk region of organizations that are leaders in “end-to-end” technologies in the field of the digital economy;

creation of a competence center for “end-to-end” technology in the field of digital economy at the leading organization;

organization of interaction between medical organizations of the Ulyanovsk region with scientific, educational and scientific-production clusters on the basis of federal state budgetary institutions of the Ministry of Health of Russia (National Medical Centers of the Ministry of Health of Russia);

encouraging organizations and companies to participate in communications based on the created digital platforms and Russian centers of competence when conducting research and development in the areas of end-to-end technologies;

creating conditions for the participation of organizations and companies of the Ulyanovsk region in consortia in the main areas of the digital economy;

creation of the Technocampus 2.0 technology park and the smart city of Santor;

creation of a system of preferences and benefits for the localization of research centers of foreign corporations, independent laboratories and research centers on the territory of the innovation cluster of the Ulyanovsk region;

annual growth in the number of technology startups in the innovation cluster of the Ulyanovsk region.

5.5. Information security.

The goal of this direction is to achieve a state of protection of the individual, society and the state from internal and external information threats by ensuring the unity, stability and security of the information and telecommunications infrastructure. The main objectives of ensuring information security within the framework of the implementation of the “Smart Region” concept are:

increasing awareness and literacy of the population and organizations in information security issues within the framework of open programs for informing citizens about information security risks;

securing the responsibility of officials for the use of certified encryption tools when organizing connections using secure protocols in organizations, authorities and local governments of the Ulyanovsk region;

replacement of imported equipment and electronic component base with Russian analogues in state and local government bodies, as well as in state and municipal institutions and organizations;

increasing the share of domestic software purchased by state authorities and local governments, as well as state and municipal institutions and organizations;

implementation and enforcement of national standards in the field of information security in the Ulyanovsk region;

stimulating the development of enterprises in the Ulyanovsk region that meet the needs of economic sectors for electronic components;

support for companies in the Ulyanovsk region specializing in the development of software and technologies in the field of information security;

participation of representatives of the Ulyanovsk region in a pilot project to train qualified specialists in the field of information security.

6. Applied directions of implementationintelligent digital technologies in the Ulyanovsk region

6.1. Healthcare and healthy lifestyle.

The main goal of digitalization of healthcare is to increase the availability of quality medical services and medical goods through the use of digital medical services by doctors, patients, and health care managers in institutions of all forms of ownership. The main principles of digital healthcare development are the principles of timeliness, personalization, preventiveness, technological effectiveness and safety of medical services. A major role in the field of “smart health” is played by personal devices and special applications for smartphones, which help citizens in preventing diseases and helping to maintain a healthy lifestyle and create communities of citizens, researchers and physicians who profess the principles of innovative healthcare and health conservation. The objectives of the development of digital healthcare in the Ulyanovsk region within the framework of the “Smart Region” concept are:

development and approval of an action plan for connecting medical organizations of the Ulyanovsk region of all forms of ownership to the electronic medical record component of the unified state information system in the field of healthcare (hereinafter referred to as the Uniform State Health Information System);

implementation of new RMIS modules, in particular the image archiving and transmission module (PACS) and the expert pharmacotherapy support system;

expanding the use of computer analysis systems for medical images in medical institutions of the Ulyanovsk region;

ensuring continuous guaranteed access from all automated workstations of medical personnel of state medical organizations of the Ulyanovsk region to regional segments of the Uniform State Health Information System storing electronic medical records of citizens living in the Ulyanovsk region, as well as to depersonalized data, taking into account compatibility and security requirements;

providing access to regional and federal segments of the Uniform State Health Information System storing data from electronic medical records of citizens living in the Ulyanovsk region from the workplaces of non-governmental medical organizations, subject to the approval of this access by the patient,

providing access to depersonalized Uniform State Health Information System data to medical researchers in the Ulyanovsk region;

ensuring the provision of semantic core services (a unified medical dictionary) for medical organizations of all forms of ownership;

connecting primary care centers in settlements with a population of more than 300 people to the Internet and equipping them with the necessary telemedicine equipment in accordance with the approved standards for equipping medical organizations;

development and implementation of regional components of the Uniform State Health Information System necessary for monitoring the health status of patients with chronic non-communicable diseases, and its integration with the corresponding federal components of the Uniform State Health Information System;

introduction of services for citizens’ personal accounts and corresponding mobile applications integrated with the patient’s personal account (“My Health”) on the government services portal;

entry of the Ulyanovsk region into a pilot project to test services for personalized monitoring of the health status of patients suffering from chronic socially significant non-communicable diseases (monitoring of patients with SSc, type 1 and type 2 diabetes, etc.);

introduction into the medical practice of medical organizations in the Ulyanovsk region of the use of implantable and non-invasive devices (diagnostic and therapeutic-diagnostic), ensuring the collection and processing, based on neural networks (systems using artificial intelligence algorithms), of data from continuous monitoring of the health status of patients observed within the framework of nosological registers;

introduction of remote methods of diagnosis, monitoring and treatment of patients, including robotic and mechanized complexes for performing medical and preventive procedures;

implementation of joint projects in the field of telemedicine with private companies and research centers;

formation of a digital healthcare ecosystem within the nuclear innovation cluster by creating services for remote consultation and monitoring the health status of patients at the Federal High-Tech Center for Medical Radiology;

popularization among the population of the Ulyanovsk region of the best mobile applications in the field of disease prevention and a healthy lifestyle, as well as the use of wearable devices that track parameters of human health;

the entry of the Ulyanovsk region into a pilot project for the introduction of technology for maintaining a molecular “omics” profile of the fetus at the perinatal stage and newborns, as well as certain groups of patients with the simultaneous use of algorithms for analyzing the obtained data and artificial intelligence;

implementation and applied use in clinical practice of intelligent medical decision support systems and implementation of pilot projects using methods of predictive modeling of health status;

formation of a state order to provide state medical organizations of the Ulyanovsk region with innovative tools and services of digital medicine;

creating conditions for private investment in digital healthcare in the Ulyanovsk region, including on the principles of public-private partnership;

attracting investors to create production of high-tech medical equipment in the Ulyanovsk region (non-invasive personal telemedicine devices, implantable diagnostic and therapeutic-diagnostic drugs, including nanodevices, etc.), as well as supporting the localization of production of imported equipment;

popularizing the use of digital health technologies among employers in the Ulyanovsk region: attracting companies specializing in telemedicine and disease prevention to cooperation, equipping corporate medical departments with devices that use digital health technologies.

6.2. Education

The main goal of the education system in the digital economy is the formation of an information space of knowledge. This is carried out, inter alia, through the implementation of educational and awareness-raising projects and providing a safe information environment for children. The main mechanism for the development of education with the help of ICT is the creation of various technological platforms for distance learning in order to increase the availability of quality educational services. The objectives of introducing digital intelligent technologies in the field of education are:

conducting professional retraining of teachers of general education organizations to ensure their implementation of modern models of the educational process, based on the key competencies of the teacher and the development of the key competencies of the student, meeting the needs of the information society;

reformatting the work of subject and methodological associations of teachers, including computer science teachers, in order to disseminate experience in the use of ICT and distance education in the educational process, as well as to develop competencies in students that meet the needs of the information society;

creation of a system of remote certification and advanced training of school teachers covering at least 25% of teachers in the Ulyanovsk region;

creation of an electronic school with the possibility of distance education with the possibility of covering up to 15% of all graduates of the Ulyanovsk region with distance learning;

formation of a single bank of remotely accessible educational materials for use in educational organizations of the Ulyanovsk region;

introduction of elements of informal distance learning using knowledge available on the Internet into the educational process in educational organizations of the Ulyanovsk region;

selection and popularization of the best mobile applications using tasks from the open bank of the unified state exam among schoolchildren;

introduction, in agreement with the parents of students, into the daily educational practice of educational organizations in the Ulyanovsk region, the use of smartphones belonging to students to access interactive materials and test knowledge;

attracting investments and implementing the Smart School project in the city of Santor using an electronic educational platform and ICT in the educational process;

“uberization” of work with talented children and youth, “gamification” of the talent identification system, launch of a “gaming” venture fund and volute;

ensuring 100% of the needs of families raising children with disabilities in distance school education;

ensuring the participation of residents of the Ulyanovsk region in the distance education program through receiving individual digital vouchers.

6.3. Culture, tourism and e-sports.

The main goal of using digital intelligent technologies in the field of culture, tourism and e-sports is the dissemination of information that corresponds to the high intellectual and cultural level of residents of the Ulyanovsk region and its guests, the formation of a culture of an information society and a knowledge space. The objectives of introducing digital intelligent technologies in the field of culture, tourism and e-sports within the framework of the “Smart Region” concept are:

using the capabilities of ICT to attract tourists to the Ulyanovsk region;

increasing the number of virtual tours of tourist infrastructure facilities in the Ulyanovsk region, posted on the Internet;

improving the quality of the hospitality industry in the Ulyanovsk region by expanding the use of electronic feedback platforms with service recipients;

development of Internet sites in city centers, parks, and tourist sites with the aim of posting information on the Internet about objects and events of the Ulyanovsk region;

implementation of a pilot project using augmented reality technology in order to popularize information on the history of the Ulyanovsk region;

use of mobile applications to inform participants of public events held in the Ulyanovsk region;

creation of a unified system of information about the time and place of cultural events held in the Ulyanovsk region;

attracting companies from the creative cluster of the Ulyanovsk region to the implementation of digital economy projects;

expanding the use of electronic tickets in cultural institutions of the Ulyanovsk region;

development of e-sports in the Ulyanovsk region, support for the activities of the Russian Computer Sports Federation in the Ulyanovsk region;

holding eSports competitions between generations and between educational organizations in the Ulyanovsk region;

attracting partners for the development of e-sports to implement projects and cover e-sports competitions in the Ulyanovsk region;

popularization among residents of the Ulyanovsk region of information resources that contribute to the dissemination of traditional Russian spiritual and moral values, support for the “Father Online” project and other similar projects;

digitization of museum and archival funds, with the possibility of remote access to cultural values ​​of the Ulyanovsk region;

ensuring the participation of the Ulyanovsk region in the formation of the National Electronic Library and other state information systems, including objects of the historical, scientific and cultural heritage of the peoples of the Russian Federation, as well as access to them by the widest possible range of users;

the use of ICT to establish and expand sustainable cultural ties of the Ulyanovsk region with compatriots, foreign citizens and organizations living abroad;

ensuring the preparation and implementation of events for the Year of Smart Technologies and Creative Industries in the Ulyanovsk Region (2018) and an action plan based on its results.

6.4. Construction and housing and communal services.

The main goal of introducing digital intelligent technologies in the field of construction and housing and communal services is to increase the efficiency of the design, construction and operation of real estate, ensuring high quality planning of settlements, housing stock and services provided in the housing and communal services sector, as well as increasing the transparency of the housing and communal services market for end consumers of services. The objectives of introducing digital intelligent technologies in the field of construction and housing and communal services within the framework of the “Smart Region” concept are:

creating conditions for the transition of the region's construction complex to information modeling technologies for buildings and structures (BIM technologies);

transition to the mandatory use of information modeling technology in the construction of buildings and structures commissioned by government authorities and organizations, as well as companies with state participation;

creating conditions for equipping housing construction projects built using information modeling technology with systems for monitoring, analyzing and predicting breakdowns of intra-building infrastructure (elevators, pipelines, etc.), as well as for installing remote metering devices for the consumption of heat, energy and water resources during the construction of new buildings and structures and replacement of old metering devices;

ensuring integration by developers of capital construction projects with existing regional and/or municipal solutions of System-112 and the Integrated System of Emergency Notification of the Population about the Threat or Occurrence of Emergency Situations (KSEON);

expanding the capabilities of citizens and organizations to remotely and electronically process documentation related to the construction, operation, rental and sale of real estate;

formation of conditions for carrying out transactions of lease and purchase and sale of real estate in electronic form;

formation of a system of measures to stimulate the use of energy-saving materials and technologies in the construction of new buildings and structures;

creating conditions for management companies and homeowners' associations to use information systems for managing smart homes and neighborhoods;

development of the regional segment of the GIS housing and communal services in order to create new opportunities: obtaining free and open access regulatory legal acts in the field of housing and communal services, disclosure by management companies of information about their activities, maintaining electronic passports of apartment buildings, remote reception and posting of meter readings;

attracting companies to the market of the Ulyanovsk region, including international ones, offering various solutions for the “smart home”, creating conditions for locating offices and production facilities of these companies in the Ulyanovsk region;

holding a competition for the development of a mobile application that uses open big data from information systems to analyze the quality of the housing stock in various areas and buildings in the cities of the Ulyanovsk region;

the priority choice of investors who use energy-saving and smart technologies during construction, major repairs and operation of buildings.

6.5. Energy and water supply.

The main goal of introducing digital intelligent technologies in the field of energy and water supply is to increase the reliability and efficiency of electricity, heat and water supply to settlements in the Ulyanovsk region, reducing the negative impact of cities and other settlements on the environment. The objectives of introducing smart digital technologies in the energy and water supply sector within the framework of the “Smart Region” concept are:

conducting an analysis of existing commercial losses and other costs in the provision of fuel and energy resources and water resources, as well as an analysis of the needs and possibilities for remote collection, transmission and provision in electronic form of data on the consumption of fuel and energy resources and water resources in the context of municipalities of the Ulyanovsk region;

creating conditions for citizens and organizations to widely use alternative energy sources;

attracting to the market of the Ulyanovsk region companies specializing in smart networks and energy generation from renewable and inexhaustible resources (including creating conditions for the development of wind generation in the Ulyanovsk region, bringing wind farms in the Ulyanovsk region to self-sufficiency, construction of smart power substations);

creating conditions for increasing the share of installed Russian-made devices used for remote electricity metering;

development of a public network of points for recharging mobile devices, including those using solar energy;

installation of energy-saving street lights with the ability to remotely control lighting in new development areas and along new or repaired sections of roads;

attracting private investment for the introduction of digital technologies in the energy sector, including in order to stimulate resource supply organizations to use digital technologies to improve their own efficiency and increase the reliability of supply of resources to consumers;

launching a pilot project for remote control, monitoring and forecasting the condition of generation, distribution and sales facilities of fuel, energy and water resources in one of the cities of the Ulyanovsk region;

reducing the average connection time to power supply networks through the use of electronic document flow between applicants and companies.

6.6. Transport.

The main goal of introducing digital intelligent technologies in the field of transport is to increase the efficiency of using public transport and transport infrastructure, increase the efficiency and safety of freight transportation, and ensure high quality of transport services. The objectives of introducing intelligent digital technologies in the field of public transport and freight transportation are:

conducting an analysis of urban and regional transport systems to determine their readiness for the introduction of digital technologies;

implementation and use of an information transport system in the cities of the Ulyanovsk region;

implementation of a pilot project for using a parking space management system using digital technologies to monitor the occupancy of parking lots and inform drivers and city services through modern digital interaction interfaces;

implementation and use of a system for monitoring traffic flow parameters;

implementation of a road user information system using dynamic displays;

implementation of a control system for technical means of regulating and organizing traffic, in particular, smart traffic lights;

development of a television monitoring system for traffic in cities and a system for photo and video recording of traffic violations;

equipping public transport with geopositioning tools integrated with the transport information system;

placement of electronic displays at public transport stops in Ulyanovsk and other cities of the Ulyanovsk region;

installation of smart lighting and smart traffic lights at pedestrian crossings;

providing cities with stable online access to information about the operation of public transport through various digital channels,

introduction of digital services for multimodal trip planners on public transport;

introduction of unified electronic travel documents and mobile fare payment systems;

creating conditions for organizing a network of charging stations for electric and hybrid vehicles, including stations using solar energy, on the territory of the Ulyanovsk region;

implementation of a pilot project on the use of unmanned public transport, integrated with the urban traffic management system, in the smart city of Santor;

development of a system for monitoring the implementation of the transport and urban planning standard, taking into account the possibilities of using domestic and localized foreign technologies for integrated transport modeling.

6.7. Ecology and waste management system.

The main goal of introducing digital intelligent technologies in the field of ecology and waste management is to create a comfortable and safe environment for the health of citizens. The objectives of introducing smart digital technologies in the field of ecology and waste management are:

creation of a comprehensive, operational and automatic environmental monitoring system in a pilot city of the Ulyanovsk region, taking into account the connection of large industrial polluters to these systems and the possibility of automatically calculating fines for environmental pollution

the use of public-private partnership mechanisms and the possibility of voluntary connection of devices owned by private individuals when creating an environmental monitoring system;

ensuring that new buildings are equipped with means of monitoring the state of the environment and connecting them to urban environmental monitoring systems in the pilot city;

creation of an online map and mobile applications of the state of the environment in the pilot city;

connecting collection, transportation, sorting, transshipment and waste disposal sites to automated monitoring and control systems;

implementation of a city monitoring system for waste transportation vehicles, including monitoring the movement of each vehicle unit with monitoring of departure from the route; it is possible to build these systems according to the concession model or public-private partnership in the pilot city of the Ulyanovsk region;

ensuring the integration of monitoring systems for waste transportation vehicles with urban environmental monitoring systems in the pilot city;

implementation of a pilot project to ensure separate waste collection at the household level in a pilot city in the Ulyanovsk region;

the use by pilot municipalities of the Ulyanovsk region of sensors for the filling of waste collection containers and containers with waste compactors powered by solar batteries;

introduction of mechanisms for public control over illegal waste disposal sites and approval of regulations for the response of city services to citizens’ reports of illegal waste disposal in the pilot city of the Ulyanovsk region;

introduction of GIS in the management of specially protected natural areas of the Ulyanovsk region;

using the capabilities of space monitoring of natural fires in the Ulyanovsk region.

6.8. Public safety.

The main goal of introducing digital intelligent technologies in the field of public security is to increase the level of security and law and order in the face of various risks of a social, man-made and natural nature, to create safe conditions for life and business in the Ulyanovsk region.

The main task is to form a comprehensive intelligent public security system that provides forecasting, monitoring and prevention of possible threats, as well as control over the elimination of the consequences of emergency situations and offenses with the integration under its control of the actions of information and control subsystems of various organizations (duty, dispatch, municipal services) with the provision their operational interaction.

The basic level of construction and development of an intellectual public security system is the municipality, which is the center for collecting and processing information.

An integrated intelligent public security system is based on an infrastructure that combines information and telecommunication systems for the creation, transmission, storage and analysis of information in the framework of ensuring public safety, law and order and the safety of the living environment.

The basis and result of the existence of the “smart region” infrastructure is a single information space for processing territorial processes and procedures - from environmental to social.

The security system in the “smart region” is based on interaction with the electronic police service, and also involves all other emergency services, for which the Unified Command or Situation Center is used, the creation of which is expected to be under the Governor of the Ulyanovsk region.

The introduction of intelligent digital technologies in the field of security should ensure video security and safety of the living environment, including roads, strategic facilities, housing and communal services and implies:

use of safe and secure computer technologies, solutions in the field of data transmission, security of information and cyber-physical systems;

use of various devices for data collection;

identification and processing of data that is valuable for making management decisions;

implementation of video surveillance and video recording;

recording, processing and transmission of video and audio streams from surveillance devices about offenses and emergency situations, including damage to communications, infrastructure and property;

use of video analytical solutions, analysis of video and audio streams, including automatic registration of events based on a video stream analysis system, video analysis of events, real-time video stream analytics, identification and recognition of faces;

connecting social sector organizations to a unified hardware and software complex (hereinafter referred to as EAPC) of video surveillance, which allows recording incidents and dangerous situations for their effective investigation and disclosure;

creating an archive for storing video recordings and the ability to quickly obtain remote access to video archives for each installed video camera with the ability to differentiate access rights;

ensuring the functions of public control over the activities of services responsible for ensuring public safety, law and order and the safety of the living environment;

implementation of automated information systems for warning and protection from natural and man-made emergencies, ensuring fire safety;

introduction of automated information systems for integrated monitoring of natural phenomena and forecasting of emergency situations and their consequences;

development at the regional level of the system-112 , allowing for the receipt of information about the incident via any communication channel and in any form, as well as the further transmission of information to departments;

building an effective emergency warning system, informing the population and organizations in the emergency area through all available communication channels - SMS, television, loudspeakers, sirens, public address system, radio;

implementation of automated information systems for ensuring and monitoring law and order;

development of the “Safe City” hardware and software complex;

integration of security systems with a single situation center of the Ulyanovsk region;

holding a competition for the development of a mobile application “Safe Region” (a warning and feedback system for citizens);

implementation of automated information systems to ensure the security of state security facilities;

development of transport safety systems based on the mechanism of photo-video recording of traffic rules, weight and dimensional control, parking, ITS, which allows to reduce the number and consequences of traffic violations, reduce mortality;

introduction of systems for territorial analysis of statistics of crime, fires, accidents and road traffic accidents.

prevention of crime on roads, transport infrastructure facilities and vehicles;

implementation of the “Helper” project: citizens’ reports of violations of parking rules;

implementation of automated information systems to ensure interaction between natural resource users and regulatory authorities.

6.9. State and municipal administration.

The main goals of this area are to improve the quality of state and municipal services, the efficiency of implementation of government functions, including control and supervision, as well as ensuring the effective operation of state authorities and local government in the Ulyanovsk region. The objectives of introducing intelligent digital technologies in the field of state and municipal government are:

increasing the share of residents receiving state and municipal services electronically to more than 70%;

increase in the number of regional and municipal services provided in electronic form to 65;

introduction of a public-private partnership mechanism in the development of digital government, in particular in the field of operation of government information systems;

the use of analytical tools for processing big data on the state of the economy and social sphere of the Ulyanovsk region by the Government of the Ulyanovsk region;

transition of state authorities and local government of the Ulyanovsk region to electronic document management for legally significant exchange of electronic documents (90% of all document flow);

creation of a technological base for remote identity verification in multifunctional centers of the Ulyanovsk region in order to provide remote services;

introduction of mechanisms for providing state and municipal services in the Ulyanovsk region for life and business situations through government and commercial applications and services;

transition to the use by state authorities and local self-government of the Ulyanovsk region of a unified national population register;

implementation of the concept of typification of regional and municipal services according to the powers of state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments established by federal laws;

automation of control and supervisory activities of state authorities and local government of the Ulyanovsk region, including using the Internet of things;

transition to the provision of reporting by authorities and organizations electronically through a software interface once, ensuring access of authorities to the collected reporting data;

providing conditions for automation of support for management decisions in the performance of state and municipal functions.

6.10. Interaction between authorities and citizens.

The main goals of this direction are to improve the quality of informing citizens and their involvement in management processes in the Ulyanovsk region. The objectives of introducing intelligent digital technologies in the sphere of interaction between authorities and citizens are:

creation of a special regional portal and a pilot city portal for discussing proposals and voting on the most important issues in the life of the region, including the possibility of making proposals to the development strategy of the region and municipalities;

conducting regular monitoring of the satisfaction of residents of the Ulyanovsk region with the level of quality of life, taking into account the use of digital channels of interaction with citizens and the use of digital services to monitor public opinion;

the use of mobile applications with which citizens can report problems in populated areas, the development of services of the “Professional Citizen” application;

introduction of digital services for electronic voting of homeowners in apartment buildings;

launching a pilot project for participatory budgeting based on free voting of citizens;

publishing plans for the construction of facilities on the Internet and taking into account, when planning it, the opinions of residents of adjacent buildings, expressed in electronic form;

creating groups of owners of residential premises of apartment buildings on social networks.

6.11. Key clusters and sectors of regional economic specialization.

The main goal of introducing smart digital technologies in key clusters and sectors of the economy is to increase the competitiveness of companies in the Ulyanovsk region. The objectives of introducing intelligent digital technologies in key clusters and sectors of the economy of the Ulyanovsk region as part of the implementation of the “Smart Region” concept are:

creating favorable conditions for the technological re-equipment of aircraft manufacturing, nuclear energy and radiology, defense industry, automotive and agriculture enterprises in order to use the industrial Internet of things, big data and virtual modeling;

creating conditions for enterprises in the Ulyanovsk region to receive state defense orders for the development and production of products that use digital technologies;

encouraging wholesale and retail trade companies in the Ulyanovsk region to use big data and the Internet of things, as well as the development of personalized trade;

support for e-commerce projects as one of the areas of smart specialization in the Ulyanovsk region;

promoting the localization of digital and logistics components of e-commerce in the Ulyanovsk region;

localization of digital production for investors creating enterprises in the Ulyanovsk region;

ensuring the participation of Ulyanovsk developers in the ICT field in all-Russian competitions of “national champions”;

holding forums and exhibitions dedicated to the use of digital technologies in aircraft manufacturing, medicine, agriculture, energy, as well as solutions for smart cities;

promotion of the brand “Ulyanovsk Region – Smart Region” in order to position the Ulyanovsk Region as a territory favorable for the development of digital production, a territory for creating products in the ICT field, Internet of Things components and solutions for smart cities and regions;

holding competitions for developers of software and mobile applications for working with big data, open data and cyber-physical systems;

increasing funding for the Information Technology Development Fund of the Ulyanovsk Region in order to implement projects for the development of the ICT sector.

7. Stages of implementation of the “Smart Region” concept

The implementation of the Smart Region concept will take place in four stages.

The following activities will be implemented in 2017:

formation of an organizational structure for the implementation of the concept;

selection of priority and pilot projects and areas for implementation of the concept;

analysis of the potential of the Ulyanovsk region and the readiness of various areas to implement intelligent digital technologies within the digital economy;

development of a three-year plan for the implementation of the “Smart Region” concept for 2018-2020;

development of roadmaps for specific areas of implementation of the Smart Region concept;

formation of project teams;

development of a concept of priority measures to improve legal regulation in the Ulyanovsk region;

searching for partners to implement the concept and concluding agreements;

formation of investment sites in the Ulyanovsk region in order to implement the “Smart Region” concept;

formation of regional and local budgets of the Ulyanovsk region for 2018-2020, taking into account the need to finance projects as part of the implementation of the “Smart Region” concept.

The following activities will be implemented in 2018–2020:

implementation of pilot projects with a short period of achieving results and using existing infrastructure capabilities (development of applications for smartphones, etc.);

implementation of projects with high financial results to form a budget for the implementation of the Smart Region concept;

formation of specialized infrastructure in the region;

implementation of a three-year plan and road maps in certain areas of the Smart Region concept;

searching for partners and investors in order to implement projects within the framework of the “Smart Region” concept;

annual formation of regional and local budgets of the Ulyanovsk region for the next three-year period, taking into account the need to finance projects as part of the implementation of the “Smart Region” concept;

development and implementation of the concept of medium-term measures to improve legal regulation in order to develop the digital economy in the Ulyanovsk region.

The following activities will be implemented in 2021–2024:

development and implementation of a rolling three-year plan and road maps in certain areas of the Smart Region concept;

implementation of the concept of comprehensive legal regulation of relations arising in connection with the development of the digital economy in the Ulyanovsk region;

annual increase in the volume of funds allocated from the regional and local budgets of the Ulyanovsk region for the implementation of projects within the framework of the “Smart Region” concept in accordance with the growing share of the digital economy in the GRP of the Ulyanovsk region;

solving problems and achieving the main indicators of the “Digital Economy of the Russian Federation” program in the Ulyanovsk region.

In 2025 – 2030 the following activities will be implemented:

updating the concept and plans for its implementation, taking into account the results of the implementation of the “Digital Economy of the Russian Federation” program in the Ulyanovsk region and the best world experience;

comprehensive implementation of all areas of the Smart Region concept;

replication of pilot projects in all municipalities.

8. Management of the implementation of the “Smart Region” concept

In order to manage the implementation of the “Smart Region” concept, an expert group of the Council for Reforms and Priority Projects under the Governor of the Ulyanovsk Region in the direction of “Digital Economy” was created, which included representatives of various executive bodies of government, the administrations of the cities of Ulyanovsk and Dimitrovgrad, as well as representatives of companies and development institutions in the field of ICT.

Coordination of the implementation of the “Smart Region” concept is entrusted to the State Public Institution “Government for Citizens”. When developing a three-year plan for the implementation of the concept and road maps in certain areas, specific activities, projects and directions will be assigned to various state authorities and local governments, as well as to development institutions of the Ulyanovsk region.

To implement the concept of legal regulation of relations arising in connection with the development of the digital economy in the Ulyanovsk region, the Government of the Ulyanovsk region will interact with the Legislative Assembly of the Ulyanovsk region and local governments of municipalities of the Ulyanovsk region.

In collaboration with the Government of the Russian Federation and relevant local governments, a list of 50 Russian cities of various categories participating in the focused implementation of the smart city concept until 2024 will be determined within the framework of the Digital Economy of the Russian Federation program. Based on the results of selecting one or more cities in the Ulyanovsk region as pilot cities for the implementation of the “Digital Economy of the Russian Federation” program in the “Smart City” direction, an organizational structure is being formed in the relevant municipalities for the implementation of projects within the framework of this program and the corresponding activities of the “Smart Region” concept "

Also, the Governor of the Ulyanovsk region, the Government of the Ulyanovsk region and individual executive authorities will interact with federal executive authorities as part of the implementation of pilot digitalization projects in certain industries.

When implementing the “Smart Region” concept, an important role will be played by the interaction of government and local governments, as well as development institutions of the Ulyanovsk region with companies, universities, the scientific community and citizens of the Ulyanovsk region and Russia, as well as with foreign companies, research and educational organizations and international organizations. When planning, implementing, monitoring and evaluating results, the views of all stakeholders in the implementation of the Smart Region concept will be taken into account.

Projects within the framework of the “Smart Region” concept will be financed from the regional budget of the Ulyanovsk region, the budgets of municipalities of the Ulyanovsk region, the budget of the Russian Federation and special funds that will be determined at the federal level. Also, for the implementation of projects, investments, funds from companies and residents of the Ulyanovsk region will be attracted on a voluntary basis and within the framework of the public-private partnership mechanism.

In order to implement the Smart Region concept, corresponding three-year plans will be developed, which will be updated annually. Road maps will be developed for individual areas of the concept. Within the framework of the concept, both existing and new priority projects in the Ulyanovsk region will be implemented. To implement the Smart Region concept, a project approach will be used.

In order to manage the implementation of the “Smart Region” concept, a system of indicators and methods for assessing the effectiveness of the development of the digital economy and smart cities in the Ulyanovsk region will be developed, taking into account developed and being developed international and Russian standards, as well as international ratings in these areas.

Tools for monitoring the effectiveness of the implementation of the Smart Region concept will be developed and implemented. Monitoring will be carried out quarterly.

Also, in order to adjust the plan for the implementation of the concept and the Smart Region concept itself, the emergence of new technologies and solutions for smart cities and regions will be constantly analyzed, as well as barriers that impede the implementation of the concept will be identified.

A separate block of activities is work to promote the potential results of the project among residents of the Ulyanovsk region to form adequate expectations from the implementation of the concept and popularize the use of smart technologies.

9. Main target indicators of the “Smart Region” concept.

Achievement of the planned characteristics is ensured by achieving the following indicators by 2030:

the share of households that have broadband Internet access (100 Mbit/s) - 98%;

share of organizations with broadband Internet access (100 Mbit/s) - 100%

the number of higher and secondary vocational graduates with IT skills at the global average is 5 thousand people.

the number of higher education graduates - IT professionals - 900 people;

the population of the smart city of Santor is 15 thousand people;

the share of internal costs for research and development of the ICT sector in the total volume of internal costs for research and development is 5%;

100% of state and municipal social institutions are connected to a video surveillance system and remote security monitoring;

at least 20% of regional roads in the Ulyanovsk region are equipped with video recording devices for traffic offenses;

The share of citizens who have increased literacy in the field of information security, media consumption and use of Internet services is at least 70%;

100% of FAPs in settlements with a population of more than 300 people are connected to the Internet and equipped with the necessary telemedicine equipment;

reducing mortality from chronic socially significant non-communicable diseases by 1.3 times due to early diagnosis of complications and their prevention;

the share of doctors who have the opportunity to access a patient’s electronic medical record, subject to his permission – 100%

25% of teachers in the Ulyanovsk region have improved their qualifications and are certified through a distance system;

a system has been created to ensure distance education for 15% of school students in the Ulyanovsk region;

30% of tickets to cultural institutions of the Ulyanovsk region are sold electronically;

95% of museum and archival funds in text format have been digitized;

the share of new consumers (including households in new buildings) and consumers who replaced metering devices (including during major repairs) who use remote metering devices for the consumption of heat, energy and water resources – 99%;

reduction in the volume of electrical energy losses during transportation - at least 30% compared to the level in 2016;

the share of electricity obtained through energy generation from renewable and inexhaustible resources is at least 25%;

100% of vehicles serving municipal and regional public transport routes are connected to an online monitoring system through geopositioning with the ability to build mobile applications based on the collected data;

100% of vehicles serving municipal and regional public transport routes support the ability to pay with a single electronic travel document;

the length of unmanned public transport routes is at least 3 km

at least 20% of waste at the household level is collected according to the principle of separation;

100% of waste transportation vehicles are connected to the online monitoring system via geopositioning;

5% of trash containers are equipped with fill sensors and/or trash compactors.

the share of regional state and municipal services provided by authorities in electronic form from the total number of services provided is 85%;

the share of organizational reporting forms provided once only in electronic form, of the total number – 100%;

Interdepartmental exchange of documents in electronic form using an electronic signature - 100%;

share of citizens satisfied with the quality of electronic government services – 95%

100% of the region’s residents are covered by digital channels of interaction with local governments;

the number of citizens' appeals regarding the provision of state and municipal services and access to city resources, submitted in electronic form, exceeded the number of similar appeals submitted on paper.

doubling the share of the innovation sector and the digital economy in GRP;

increase in the share of people employed in the field of information technology – 2.5 times;

increase in the growth rate of the information technology industry to the growth rate of the gross regional product of the Ulyanovsk region - 5 times;

the number of companies – “national champions” in the ICT field – is at least 6.