World energy consumption. Energy audit

Kotler V. R., Serkov D. E.

According to the “BP Amoco Statistical Review of World Energy 2000”, in the last year of the last century, the main items of primary energy consumption remained oil and oil products (40.5%), coal (25%), gas (24%), as well as nuclear energy ( 8%) and renewable sources (2.5%). If we evaluate the structure of fuel consumption for electricity production, the picture turns out to be significantly different: coal accounts for 36%, renewable sources (including hydroelectric power stations) - 21%, 17% of all electricity was generated by burning gas and at nuclear power plants, and by petroleum products - 9% (Fig. 1).
Returning to the consumption of primary energy, it should be noted that its total amount at the end of the century was approximately 14,970 million tons of fuel equivalent, or 439 billion GJ. Moreover, the consumption of primary energy in the world was extremely uneven: the USA and Canada accounted for 3680 million tons of equivalent fuel per year (approximately 12.2 tons of equivalent fuel per person per year); for the CIS countries, Central Europe and Iran - 1800 million tons of standard fuel per year (4.4 tons of standard fuel per person), and for India - 850 million tons of standard fuel per year (0.86 tons of standard fuel per person) .

Rice. 1. Structure of primary energy consumption in the world (a) and the share of various sources in the production of electricity (b) according to “BP Amoco Statistical Review of World Energy 2000” and “US DOE EIA International Energy Outlook 2000”

The unevenness of energy consumption continues at the beginning of the 21st century: according to the magazine “Power” for April 2001, electricity consumption per person. in the USA is 11,800 kWh/year, in Mexico - 1650 kWh/year, and in China - 850 kWh/year.
It is very important to know what awaits humanity in 20, 50 and 100 years in terms of primary energy consumption. The authors of “WEC Statement 2000” proposed their forecast in the form of a ternary diagram (Fig. 2), which shows three peaks: coal, (oil + gas), (renewable sources + nuclear energy). The diagram also shows that over the period from 1920 to 1970, the share of hydroelectric power plants remained almost unchanged (about 15%), the share of coal decreased (from 75 to 30%), and the share of hydrocarbon fuel increased (from approximately 8 to 55%). After 1990, the authors suggest the possibility of human development according to different scenarios: A - intensive growth; B - average growth rate; C - slow growth, ensuring a reduction in CCL emissions into the atmosphere from 6 billion tons to 2 billion tons in 2100. It is assumed that the total consumption of primary energy in the period from 1990 to 2050 and to 2100 will increase, respectively, from 12.96 to 36.0 and up to 64.8 billion tons of equivalent fuel under option A, under option B - from 12.96 to 28.8 and 50.4 billion tons of equivalent fuel, and under option C - from 12.96 to 20 .2 and 30.2 billion tons of standard fuel, respectively.

Rice. 2. Assessment of the structure of primary energy consumption when distributing it between coal, oil products and gas, nuclear energy and renewable sources:

Sub-options A1, A2, A3, C1 and C2, each point denotes the primary energy balance in the year indicated next to the point, differ in the structure of fuel use and the overall change in fossil fuel production in the period from 1990 to 2050 (table).
In addition to the table numbers, based on the diagram in Fig. 2, it can be noted that under all scenarios by 2100 the share of nuclear energy will sharply increase, and the share of gas and fuel oil (especially under scenarios A2, C1, C2 and B) will decrease to 12 tons 21%. According to scenarios that provide minimal emissions of carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere (C1 and C2, Α1 and A3), coal consumption is expected to be reduced to less than 10%.
As for the near future, we can apparently expect the trends that emerged in the last 20 years of the 20th century to continue: in all industrialized countries, during the period from 1980 to 1997, the share of petroleum products decreased and the share of nuclear fuel increased in the structure of electricity generation . For example, in Japan, the share of petroleum products decreased from 47.1 to 18.2%, and the share of electricity generation at nuclear power plants increased from 14.4 to 31.0%. In the UK, over the same period, the share of petroleum products decreased from 11.7 to 2.4%, and the share of energy generated by nuclear power plants increased from 13.0 to 28.5%. The example of France is even more convincing: the share of electricity generation using fuel oil has decreased over 18 years from 18.9 to 1.5%, and the share of nuclear power plants has increased from 23.8 to 79.3% of total electricity generation;
The share of electricity generated by hydroelectric power plants has decreased in all countries due to the fact that the potential of hydropower in most countries is practically exhausted and maintaining the capacity of hydroelectric power plants leads to a decrease in their share in total electricity generation. Even in such a country rich in hydro resources as Canada, the share of hydroelectric power plants in the structure of electricity generation decreased from 67.3 to 61.1%, and in Japan, for example, similar figures were 15.4 and 8.7%, in France - 26, 9 and 12.5%, etc.;
In almost all countries, the share of electricity generated from non-traditional sources (solar energy, wind energy, geothermal power plants, etc.) has slightly increased. But as before, this energy item does not play a significant role and in most countries it accounts for 1 - 2% of the total electrical energy generation;

Characteristics of three scenarios for the development of world energy in the period from 1990 to 2050.


Base value (1990)


Primary energy, billion, tons of standard fuel

Structure of primary energy production, %:

nuclear energy

renewable sources

Use of resources from 1990 to 2050, billion, tons of standard fuel:

Structure of final energy consumption, %

in solid form

in liquid form

in the form of electricity

in the form of district heating, gas and hydrogen

Air emissions:

sulfur, million tons S

carbon*, billion tons C

Excluding non-energy CO2 emissions, as well as CO2 used to enhance the recovery of oil-bearing horizons.

the share of gas in the structure of electricity generation increased in some countries (Italy, Great Britain, Japan), and decreased in others (Germany, France, USA).
It is important to note that natural gas power plants are, as a rule, highly efficient combined cycle gas turbine units (CCGTs) or peak gas turbine units (GTUs). In addition, the need to use natural gas is often dictated by environmental problems, such as in the state of California (USA);
The share of coal also increased in some countries (Japan, Canada, Australia), and decreased in others (Great Britain, France, Germany).
According to forecasts from the International Energy Yearbook, published by the US Energy Information Administration, coal will remain the main fuel for electricity generation over the coming years: its share, averaged across all countries of the world, will change from 36.8% in 1995 to 35.9 % in 2015. At the same time, in absolute figures, coal consumption will increase by 6.3 billion GJ (approximately 215 million tons of standard fuel).
A detailed forecast for the use of solid fuels was published by the World Coal Institute. According to this institute, in 1999 the total production of hard coals in the world amounted to 3466 million tons, and brown coals and lignites - 879 million tons. Coal production is expected to exceed 5000 million tons in 2010. If production rates continue At today's level, proven coal reserves will last for more than 200 years. Accordingly, the same indicator for oil is 45 years and for gas - 65 years. Moreover, about 70% of all oil and gas reserves are in the Middle East and the CIS countries, and coal is distributed more evenly, it is mined in more than 100 countries.
The bulk of hard coal mined in 1999 was in the top ten: China - 1029 million tons, USA - 914 million tons, India - 290 million tons, Australia - 225 million tons, South Africa - 224 million tons, Russia - 163 million tons, Poland - 112 million tons, Ukraine - 81 million tons, Indonesia - 74 million tons, Kazakhstan - 56 million tons.
Most of the coal is used to produce electricity, followed by metallurgy, which uses coking coal.

In many countries, coal is the basis of large-scale energy. For example, in 1999, in Poland, 96% of all electricity was generated from coal, in South Africa - 90%, in Australia - 84%, in China - 80%, in the Czech Republic - 71%, in Greece - 70%, in India - 68%, in the USA - 56%, in Denmark - 52%, in Germany - 51%, and on average in 15 EU countries - 25%.
International coal trade is growing at an accelerated pace. In 1990, the total volume of coal trade was 387 million tons (including thermal coal - 215 million tons), in 1999 the corresponding figures rose to 521 and 333 million tons.
According to data for 1999, the main exporters of thermal coal (in millions of tons) are: Australia - 79.2; South Africa - 63.7; Indonesia - 45.4; China - 30.5; Colombia - 29.3; USA - 23.9; Russia-21.1; Poland - 17.5.
The list of the largest importers of coal according to data for 1999 is as follows: 15 countries of Western Europe imported 115.5 million tons of thermal coal; Japan - 70.9; Republic of Korea - 35.0; Taiwan - 31.8; Germany - 23.3 and Great Britain - 12.9 million tons.

The main problem that has to be overcome when using coal at thermal power plants remains atmospheric air pollution with emissions of acid-forming gases (NOx and SO2), as well as solid particles. However, the successful implementation of demonstration projects under the American “Clean Coal Technology” program allows us to hope that the environmental characteristics of coal-fired power units will soon be on par with those of natural gas-fired CCGT units.

Angolan oil exports fell by over 10% in 2019

According to the Angolan Ministry of Mineral Resources and Oil, Angola’s oil exports fell by 11% in 2019. In 2019, China accounted for 72% of Angola’s oil exports, followed by Spain (6%) and India (5%). Sonangol was responsible for 39% of oil exports. The weighted average price of Angolan oil decreased by 7% to US$65/bbl and oil revenues reached US$31bn in 2019.


French gas consumption increased by around 2% in 2019

According to GRTgaz, French gas consumption increased by 2% in 2019, driven by the demand from the power sector (+39%), in a year of lower nuclear and hydropower generation. Consumption of public distribution remained flat (-1%, with climatic corrections), and industrial demand for gas declined by 2%, owing to the technical shutdowns of some large consumers scheduled for the fourth quarter of 2019. To follow the higher gas demand, LNG imports rose by 87% to their highest level in the last 10 years. Gas transit to neighboring countries nearly doubled and gas outflows to Spain and Switzerland rose by 72% in 2019. The price of gas on the wholesale market decreased from €23.2/MWh in 2018 to €13.6/MWh in 2019 (-41%).


Spain added 6.5 GW of new renewable power capacity in 2019

According to the Spanish power transmission system operator Red Eléctrica de España (REE), Spain added nearly 6.5 GW of new renewable power capacity in 2019 (6,456 MW), corresponding to a 13% increase in the renewable capacity. During 2019, 93 new solar PV power plants added 3,975 MW, while 86 new wind projects added 2,319 MW and 10 other renewable projects added 162 MW. Most of the new renewable capacity came from auctions held in 2017 (5,689 MW). This strong growth in the renewable capacity contributed to increase Spain's installed capacity by 5.6% at the end of 2019.

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A. F. Vladimirova


Annotation. The article is devoted to some areas of analysis of such a multifaceted problem as the geographical structure of world energy, its state and development trends. The author examined the issues of distribution of production and consumption of energy resources across countries of the world, changes in the relationships between the leaders in the production of primary energy resources and energy consumption. An important point is to determine the balance of energy production and consumption, identify energy-dependent and energy-rich countries, as well as characterize the dynamics of energy consumption and electricity consumption per capita.

Key words: world energy, distribution of energy production, primary energy carriers, structure of energy consumption, energy-dependent countries.

In the last two decades, important changes have occurred in the global energy sector, which have led to a major transformation in the geography of energy production and consumption. The period under review is characterized by uneven development of the world's energy sector. First of all, this applies to large countries in terms of production and consumption of energy resources, which determine the state and structure of the world energy sector.

Production of primary energy resources. Over the past two decades, the production of primary energy resources in the world as a whole has increased by almost one and a half times. If in 1990 the volume of energy production amounted to 8.8 billion tons of oil equivalent (toe), then in 2012 13.4 billion toe were produced. Countries around the world are characterized by significant unevenness in energy development. Energy production is concentrated in a relatively small number of countries. Three countries - the USA, China and Russia in 2012 provided the production of more than 41.9% of the world's primary energy resources.

Over the past two decades, the composition of the top three countries dominating the world in energy production has not changed. At the same time, the relationships between them have undergone noticeable changes. Over the past decade, China has sharply increased its rate of energy production. As a result, starting in 2005, it came out on top in the world.

© Vladimirova A.F., 2013

according to this indicator. The leading countries in energy production include such large oil-producing countries as Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, Iran, Nigeria, Mexico, the United Arab Emirates and Venezuela.

The main share in the production of energy resources in the world is occupied by fuel resources. Among the primary fuel energy resources, oil, natural gas and coal are of primary importance. Oil production, as well as energy resources in general, is characterized by significant concentration across countries of the world. In 2012, 13 countries produced more than 70% of all oil. First on the list are Saudi Arabia and Russia, each of these countries produced more than 500 million tons of oil in 2012, and the two countries together accounted for more than a quarter of global production.

Two countries lead the world in gas production - the USA and Russia; their shares in world gas production in 2012 amounted to 19.8% and 19.1%, respectively. Next in terms of gas production are Canada and Iran, which produced about four times less than the leading countries. In 2012, China was in sixth place in the world in gas production, its share in world production was 3.0%.

Currently, coal production is very unevenly distributed across the world. In 2012, China accounted for 45.5% of global coal production. Just four countries (China, USA, India and Australia) accounted for 71% of production. Russia ranks sixth in the world in terms of coal production, our country’s share in the world is 4.5%. It should also be noted that India ranks third in the world in coal production, whose share was 8.1%.

Electricity is classified as a secondary energy resource. China and the USA occupy the first places and provide the production of 21.8 and 19.0% of the world's electricity, respectively. The gap between these countries and other large electricity producers is quite large. Thus, in China in 2012, electricity was generated approximately 4.5 times more than in India, and 4.6 times more than in Russia. All the G7 countries and all the BRIC countries were among the leaders in electricity generation.

Energy consumption. Over the past two decades, the geographic structure of energy consumption has changed significantly. Let us consider these transformations from the state of energy consumption at the beginning of the period under study. All G7 countries, members of the BRIC group, as well as Ukraine, Mexico and Poland, consumed 70% of all energy resources in 1990. This year, the United States, which ranked first, consumed a fifth of the world's energy resources. China and Russia were approximately two times behind the United States in this indicator. In addition, we note that having a fairly large share in global energy consumption (2.8%) in 1990, Ukraine followed India in the list of countries.

The transformation of the geographical structure of energy consumption that has occurred over two decades is associated with differences in the dynamics of energy consumption in different countries. Although energy consumption in the world as a whole has increased by almost one and a half times, in a number of countries the growth in energy consumption was much higher than the world average, while in others it was significantly lower.

The following factors can be identified that influenced the transformation of the geographical structure of energy consumption. Firstly, it should be noted the rapid growth of energy

consumption in a number of large developing countries, associated with the high rates of their economic development. First of all, this applies to China and India, where energy consumption has increased by almost 3 and 2.5 times, respectively. As a result, China's share in the world increased from 10.3% in 1990 to 20.6% in 2012. India's share increased from 3.6% in 1990 to 5.9% in 2012. In addition, during the analyzed period, energy consumption increased significantly in countries such as Brazil, Korea, Iran, Indonesia and Saudi Arabia.

Secondly, over the past two decades, in many developed countries, the growth rate of energy consumption was significantly less than the world average of 49.3%. This applies primarily to the seven countries. Thus, energy consumption increased in the USA by 12.7%, in Canada - by 22.8%, in Japan - by 4.1%, in France - by 12.0%, in Italy - by 5.6%. And in Germany and Great Britain, which are distinguished by the greatest activity in energy saving policies, energy consumption even decreased by 11.3% and 6.4%, respectively.

Thirdly, the change in the geographical structure of energy consumption was affected by such a global factor as a protracted and large-scale economic crisis in the countries that were part of the USSR and a number of countries in Eastern Europe. In Russia, by 1998, the volume of energy consumption decreased by a third compared to 1990; in 2012, energy consumption was 17.8% less than the 1990 level. In Ukraine in 2012, the volume of energy consumption decreased by almost half compared to 1990.

Balance of energy production and consumption. The relationship between the production and consumption of energy resources plays an important role in the economic development of countries around the world. All countries can be divided into two groups: firstly, energy dependent, in which consumption exceeds energy production, and, secondly, energy surplus, in which energy consumption is less than production.

The balance of energy consumption and production by countries of the world shows that the countries with the largest absolute deficit in energy resources are Japan and China, where energy consumption exceeds their production by more than 400 million toe. The deficit in energy resources in the United States is somewhat less than this value, while a characteristic feature of this country is the systematic reduction in the deficit in energy resources since 2006. The absolute deficit in energy resources is approximately two times smaller in the group of countries that include India, Korea, and Germany.

It should be noted that economically developed countries are mostly energy dependent. Thus, all the seven countries are energy-dependent countries, except Canada, which has an excess of primary energy resources. Developed countries that are energy surplus also include Australia and Norway.

The most dependent on external energy supplies is Japan, which receives almost 98% of all consumed energy resources from other countries. Developed European countries, as well as Korea, have a very high level of energy dependence. At the same time, it should be noted that a number of large countries that lead in terms of the absolute value of energy shortages have a relatively small share of imports in consumption. Thus, the share of imports in consumption in the USA is 18.2%, in China - 16.2%.

For energy-surplus countries, consider the ratio of net exports to the volume of energy production. In terms of this indicator, Norway is in first place, exporting more than 84% of its primary energy resources. Many large oil-producing countries have a large share of exports in energy production. Russia exports 44% of its primary energy resources. This is a fairly high level that creates risks for the development of the domestic economy due to fluctuations in prices and demand for exported energy resources.

Energy and electricity consumption per capita. Based on the level of energy consumption and electricity consumption per capita in the seven countries, two groups can be distinguished: firstly, the USA and Canada, and secondly, European countries and Japan. Levels of energy consumption and electricity consumption per capita in European countries and Japan are noticeably lower (about half) than in the North American countries of the seven. The lowest levels of per capita energy consumption and electricity consumption are in Italy, where in 2012 they amounted to 38.2 and 41.4% of the US level. The UK has come close to these figures in recent years.

Comparing the two North American countries of the seven, it should be noted that Canada is distinguished by an increased level of electricity consumption by 19.4% compared to the United States. For the seven countries, the typical dynamics of per capita energy consumption is a slowdown in growth and its stabilization in the 90s and at the beginning of the first decade of the 21st century. The financial crisis of 2008 had a noticeable impact on the reduction of energy consumption and power consumption in the developed countries of the seven.

The countries included in the BRIC group have significant differences from the countries of the seven. Thus, in particular, these countries are distinguished by significantly lower levels of per capita energy consumption and electricity consumption than the seven countries. There is great differentiation within this group of countries. China has seen a sharp increase in per capita energy consumption and electricity consumption since the early 2000s. In India and Brazil, the growth of these indicators occurred more slowly and evenly.

The dynamics of energy and electricity consumption per capita in Russia in 1990-2012 indicates a significant decrease in per capita energy and electricity consumption, which reflects the crisis recession in the economy that lasted until 1998. Since 1999, the process of restoration of the Russian economy began, and accordingly, per capita consumption of energy resources and electricity began to increase. At the same time, even in 2012 in Russia, per capita energy consumption was 15.0%, and per capita electricity consumption was 1.2% less than in 1990. The financial crisis of 2008 did not affect the growth of energy and electricity consumption in China and India, unlike Russia and Brazil. In the BRIC countries, as well as in the G7 countries, the growth in per capita electricity consumption significantly outpaced the growth in per capita consumption of primary energy resources.


1. Official website of the International Energy Agency [Electronic resource]. - URL: (date of access: 03.11.2013).

2. Official website of the UN. Population data [Electronic resource]. - URL: (date of access: 03.11.2013).

O.V. Gonova A.A. Malygin


Annotation. The article discusses the issues of market strategy of the state administration of agriculture. The strengths and weaknesses, advantages and threats of development for the long term have been identified, including taking into account possible risks and government support based on a SWOT analysis. Implementation of measures to strengthen the material and technical base of agricultural service cooperatives.

Key words: government support, agriculture, sustainable development, regional economy, SWOT analysis, service cooperatives.

In the context of a market strategy of public administration, support for agriculture is an integral part of its regulation and represents a combination of various levers and instruments of influence. Even though agriculture as an industry is subject to basic economic laws, it is necessary to take into account the features associated with the operation of biological objects, seasonality and the nature of production technologies.

Based on the results of scientific research, the authors came to the conclusion that the formation of an adequate policy in the agricultural sector is possible only taking into account the state of the regional economy and the sustainability of its development. On the other hand, the situation in the agri-food sector also affects the general situation in the region’s economy and, first of all, regarding food security. In a simplified form, the interaction of elements of the regional economy and the agri-food complex can be represented as follows (see Fig. 1).

In Fig. 1 the following notation system is used: X is a set, the elements of which are possible strategies for regional economic policy; Y is a set, the elements of which are the corresponding possible economic policy strategies in the agricultural and food sector; S is the set of possible states of the region's economy; Z is the set of possible situations in the food market; I is a set of factors i that influence the development of the economy, but, as a rule, are not taken into account when formulating policy; R - criterion (scale of preferences) for assessing the policy being pursued and the degree of achievement of the goal (Rx - from the perspective of the regional economy and Ry - from the point of view of the tasks of the agri-food complex).

© Gonova O.V., Malygin A.A., 2013

300 kWh per month - this electricity consumption rate will be introduced at the beginning of 2019. What this amount will be enough for, and what you will have to give up - we understand the material 66.RU.

Representatives of the Ministry of Energy and the Ministry of Economy proposed introducing limits on electricity consumption. It is assumed that the “ceiling” of the norm will be at the level of 300 kWh per connection point. Electricity consumption in this case will be paid at the base tariff. Over 300 kWh - according to the increased rate, over 500 kWh - according to the “economically justified” one. In this case, the volume of energy consumption will be recorded not per person, but per “connection point,” that is, per household.

How many devices fit into the norm?

As the Ministry of Energy explains, the introduction of new energy consumption rules will not affect 70% of the population. According to Natalya Porokhova, director of the Analytical Credit Rating Agency (ACRA), on average in the country households consist of 2.5 people and consume 220 kWh per month.

Basic household appliances and lighting are taken into account.

A standard set of appliances - lighting, refrigerator, computer, washing machine, TV - on average consume 180 kWh per month. If the house has an electric stove, consumption increases to 225 kWh. An iron, hair dryer and chargers for gadgets, which you can’t do without, but they work from time to time, are about another 20 kWh. Comfort appliances - electric kettle, iron, microwave, dishwasher, vacuum cleaner, air conditioner - will increase costs by about 80 kWh. It’s difficult to fit into the norm, but it’s possible - if you pay a little attention to comfort.

The remaining 30% of the population includes not only miners. Those who are used to living comfortably - they installed a “warm floor”, installed a water heater, and have a TV in every room - most likely will not meet the limit.

In addition, the Ministry of Energy plans to gradually reduce the list of consumers who currently enjoy benefits when paying for electricity. Among them, for example, are residents of apartments equipped with electric stoves. Today they use energy at a reduced tariff: in Yekaterinburg, 1 kWh in a house with an electric stove costs 2.72 rubles. versus 3.89 rub. in houses with gas stoves (tariff based on a single rate meter). After the introduction of new rules, they will pay the same. Also, the Ministry of Energy intends to eliminate the difference in payment between city residents and rural residents - for now the tariff is lower for them.

The Ministry of Economic Development proposed indexing tariffs from January 1, synchronizing it with the increase in VAT.

This is not the first time that energy restrictions have been proposed

This is not the first time that the Ministry of Energy has made such a proposal: in 2013-2014, a similar project was already launched in several regions of Russia. The pilot territories were Transbaikal and Krasnoyarsk territories, Vladimir, Nizhny Novgorod, Oryol, Samara and Rostov regions. For them, the standard was set at 50–190 kWh per month per person. Families that met the standards had to pay a reduced rate; for those exceeding the rate, the fee increased accordingly.

Since July 2014, the authorities intended to introduce the same standards throughout the country, but the project stalled. First of all, because of criticism of Vladimir Putin. The President then said that the introduction of new rules would require a significant increase in energy tariffs.

The project was forgotten for several years - until the summer of 2018, when the Ministry of Energy began to discuss cross-subsidization. Now part of the money for paying for electricity consumed by the population is paid by industrial enterprises. In 2017, the volume of “crossroads” was estimated at 368 billion rubles. By 2022, the figure, according to forecasts from the Ministry of Energy, will increase even more - to 417 billion rubles. Planned reduction of “crossroads” to 89 billion rubles. by 2022 it would require an increase in tariffs for the population by 13.9% per year. Such growth was considered unacceptable. But in the end they returned to plans to introduce a limit on electricity.

Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Kozak has already approved the proposal of the Ministry of Energy and the Ministry of Economic Development. Documents on the new reform must be prepared by January 15, 2019.

How to fit into the limit without giving up your usual

The innovations proposed by the Ministry of Energy should be considered not only from the point of view of rent changes, but also from an environmental point of view. The constant increase in energy consumption leads to the depletion of the planet’s resources, because oil, gas, and coal are spent on generating electricity. And the processing of these materials into electricity is associated with the release of harmful substances into the atmosphere.

Reducing energy costs within an apartment is not so difficult. We won’t even talk about replacing incandescent lamps with energy-efficient ones - after all, people are reasonable and understand everything themselves. But there are other measures - the simplest ones.

* Do not leave devices in standby mode. First of all, we are talking about televisions, computers, and stereo systems. A simple calculation for a TV: the device works 6 hours a day, 18 hours a day in standby mode. During these 18 hours, on average, the device uses about 300 Wh. Multiply this figure by 30 - the result is 9 kWh. The music center consumes a little less - up to 7.8 kWh per month.

* Regularly remove scale from kettles and pots: since scale has low thermal conductivity, it takes longer to heat dishes with such deposits, and electricity consumption increases. Clean dishes can reduce consumption by 10–30%!

* Boil as much water in the electric kettle as required at the moment. 1 liter of water is heated in a kettle for about 4 minutes - all this time the counter is spinning. To boil a cup, one and a half minutes is enough - the consumption is almost 3 times less.

* Wipe off dust from light bulbs and lampshades. It seems like advice from the category of “thank you, captain,” but it is often neglected. Especially in the autumn-winter season, when the lamp is turned on as soon as you wake up or come home from the street: there is simply no time to notice the dust. In this case, dust can reduce the brightness of the lamp by 20%. And to illuminate the room you may need a less powerful source. Dirty windows also absorb light - don't forget to wash them.

* Remove the refrigerator from any heating devices. Proximity to a stove or heating radiator automatically increases the energy consumption required to produce cold. The same applies to opening doors - the less you slam the refrigerator door, the more cold it remains.

* Load the washing machine fully. Otherwise, up to 15% of energy is wasted. Try to wash at a lower temperature, since the main consumption of electricity is to heat the water. At a washing temperature of +60 degrees, energy consumption is 30-40% lower than at +90.