Accounting for travel allowances in 1s 8.3. Accounting info

Organizations regularly issue accountable funds to their employees. Employees spend this money on business needs - business trips, postage, purchase of office supplies, fixed assets. The document that reflects the expenses of accountable persons is called an advance report. How to make an advance report in 1C 8.3 Accounting step by step? How to register daily allowances in an advance report in 1C 8.3? We will answer these questions in the article.

Read in the article:

An advance report is prepared for each employee to whom money has been issued against the report. It consists of two sections.

In the first one you can see:

  • the amount of debt at the time of drawing up the report either from the organization to the employee (overspending), or from the employee to the company;
  • how much money was issued according to the advance report;
  • the total amount of expenses according to the advance report;
  • balance of debt due to the accountant.

In the second section, you can see in detail what the accountant spent the money on. You can make an expense report in 1C 8.3 in 4 steps.

Step 1. Open the “Advance reports” window in 1C 8.3

Go to the “Bank and Cash Office” section (1) and click the “Advance reports” link (2).

In the window that opens, you will see a list of all advance reports. To create a new expense report, click the “Create” button (3).

A window for generating an advance report will open. It looks like this:

Step 2. Fill out the basic details of the advance report in 1C 8.3

In the upper section of the expense report, fill in the fields: “Organization” (4), “Accountable person” (5), “Warehouse” (6). The warehouse is filled if the accountant purchased inventory or fixed assets.

Step 3. Fill out the expense sections of the expense report

  • "Advances". Here reflect the amounts issued to the employee for reporting;
  • "Goods". This tab is designed to record purchased goods;
  • "Returnable packaging." The tab is filled in if accountable person received returnable packaging from the supplier;
  • "Payment". Use this tab if the accountable person paid the supplier for the goods;
  • "Other." This tab reflects travel, postal, transportation and other expenses that are not reflected in other tabs.

Let's talk about filling out these tabs in more detail.


In the “Advances” tab (8), reflect the amounts issued to the accountant. To fill it out, in the “Advance document” field, select the required cash receipt order from the list. The advance amount will be filled in automatically.


If the accountant purchased goods or materials, then reflect their name and cost in the “Goods” tab (9). In the “Document (expense)” field, enter the type of document from which the valuables were received, its number and date. In the “Nomenclature” field, indicate the name of the goods or materials that the accountant purchased using this invoice. Also fill in the “Quantity” and “Price” fields. 1C 8.3 will calculate the data for the “Amount” field of the advance report itself. “Accounting account” 1C 8.3 will be determined automatically, depending on the type of incoming items (products, materials, fixed assets).


If the accountable person paid for goods or services from the accountable amount, then fill out the “Payment” tab (10) of the advance report in 1C 8.3. In the “Document (expense)” field, indicate the type of document that was paid. In the “Counterparty / agreement” field, select a supplier and indicate the details of the agreement with him. In “Content”, enter the purpose of payment, for example, “Payment for batteries.” In the “Debt repayment” field, select which document the payment was made against. Also indicate the payment amount (field “Amount”).


Fill out the “Other” tab (11) of the advance report in 1C 8.3 if the reporting person is reporting on a business trip, as well as transport, postal and other expenses not reflected in the previous tabs. Similar to the previous tabs, fill out the “Expense Document”. In the “Nomenclature” field, select the expenses for which the accountant is reporting, indicate the amount of the expense (the “Amount” field). The “Cost Account” field of the advance report will be filled in automatically by 1C 8.3.

Step 4. Save and print the expense report from 1C 8.3

After filling out all the fields of the expense report in 1C 8.3, you can post and print the expense report. Click the “Pass” button (12). Now in accounting there is accounting records according to the advance report. To print a document, click the “Print” button (13).

In today's article we will touch on the topic of processing business trips in 1C Salary and personnel management 8.3. As always, we will show you step-by-step instructions for working in the program, and if you still have questions about business trips in 1C 8.3, you can leave them in the comments to the article. Next we will consider the following questions:

1. Open the “Business Trips” subsection

Open the program, in the “Salary” section, go to “Business trips”.

Important! In order for the “Business Trips” position to be active, you need to check the corresponding box in the initial settings for calculating salary.

2. List of documents

In the “Travel Salary” section, you will see a form for a list of documents.

3. Create a document

Look, the program for creating a document has 2 buttons. Clicking the 1st button creates a document for calculating travel payments for the 1st employee.

4. Calculation of average earnings

You need to indicate the month in which the calculation will be recorded. The program defaults to the current month. We open the “Employee” directory and select the one we need.

Next, you need to indicate the start and end of the business trip. If you have a staffing table in your program, then you can release the rate during the employee’s absence by checking the appropriate box. Wed. The program will calculate your earnings and accrual for a business trip automatically.

In case the business trip ends on the following day. month, the 1C ZUP 8 program helps you plan payment in full or for each month. If you choose monthly payment, then with this document you provide payment only for the current month. As for the calculation of payment for other months, it will be carried out when calculating the salary. Further average earnings for such calculations will correspond to the value obtained in the “Business trip” document.

5. How to calculate daily allowance for a business trip

To view the detailed calculation, go to the “Accrued (detailed)” tab.

6. Special territorial conditions

If an employee is sent to special territorial conditions, then on the “PFR Experience” tab you need to fill out the “Territorial conditions” column.

7. Print

To display the printed form, you first need to fill out the “Advanced” tab. On this tab you need to fill in the following data: place of business trip, number of days, basis, purpose and financing of the trip.

8. How to spend a business trip

When all the necessary data is filled in, we submit the document. In addition, based on this document, you can print a business trip order, all calculations, travel certificate and a service assignment (the last 2 points are not required to be completed since 2015).

9. Combination of positions

If your company practices combining positions (and this is indicated in the 1C ZUP 8 program), then using the document “Business trip” you can create a document “Combination of positions”. This will allow you to assign an additional payment to the employee who will perform the work duties of the one who went on a business trip.

10. Part-time job

Or there may be a situation where an employee who went on a business trip has a part-time job. A hyperlink is placed in the document, which allows you to document its absence.

11. Payment of travel allowances

If you choose payment during the inter-settlement period, you can carry out this operation by clicking the “Pay” button. In other cases, the payment is made together with the salary.

12. Calculation of deductions

If you select this payout option, deductions will be calculated. The same thing will happen with the “With Advance” payment type. To view the details of calculation and deductions, click on the “pencil” in the right corner.

13. Business trip order

Using the “T-9a” button, we proceed to generating a business trip order for several employees at once.

14. Creating a timesheet

Filling out the document is done using the “Add” button. When adding information to the tabular part of the document in the last column “Accounting for absences and accruals”, the data will be displayed as a hyperlink. In the above example, absences for the 1st employee are taken into account. since the “Business trip” document has already been added for him, but not yet for the 2nd employee. Thus, it turns out that it is necessary to draw up a separate “Business Trip” document for each posted employee.

15. Payment for days off on a business trip

If the business trip falls on a weekend and the employee was working, then it is necessary to enter information in the document “Payment for holidays and weekends.” Working days that an employee spent on a business trip are indicated in the timesheet by the letter “K”.

On the main tab of the “Business trip” document, you can check the box next to the item about intra-shift business trip. This will allow you to enter information about your part-time travel assignment.

Part-time business trip (intra-shift)

In the accounting sheet it will look like this:

Thus, you have processed and calculated the payment for an employee sent on a business trip and reflected it in the 1C ZUP program.

Hello dear blog readers. Not long ago, the blog pages discussed in some detail issues related to sick leave and vacation pay. In these materials I have presented enough interesting opportunities, which many did not know or forgot. If you have not read these publications, you can also read them. This will be useful for both beginners and experienced users of the 1C ZUP software product.

Today we will look at how the program executes accrual for the time spent on a business trip, namely the document. This will be a kind of continuation of the previously mentioned materials and it will also be useful for experienced users of 1C ZUP, since I will be analyzing complex examples of accruals. In the examples, we will look at two options for paying for business trips in which the employee worked on weekends/ holidays:

  • Single payment based on average earnings (using "Individual schedules");
  • Payment in double size(using document “Payment for holidays and weekends of the organization”).

A little theory

The concept of a business trip is quite clearly stated in Labor Code of the Russian Federation in article 166: “ Business trip- a trip of an employee by order of the employer for a certain period of time to carry out an official assignment outside the place of permanent work. Business trips employees whose permanent work is carried out on the road or has a traveling nature are not recognized as business trips.”

I will also highlight the position of the article 167 Labor Code of the Russian Federation: “When an employee is sent on a business trip, he is guaranteed to retain his place of work (position) and average earnings, as well as reimbursement of expenses associated with the business trip.”

Options for calculating travel allowances arise if business travel days fall on weekends or holidays. If work on weekends or holidays was not initially provided, then work on such days on a business trip is subject to wage double - article 153 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

If work on weekends and holidays was provided for in advance and specified in the order or official assignment for a business trip, then such days are calculated based on average earnings.

Travel allowances based on average earnings + payment for work on weekends in a single amount (using “Individual schedules”)

Seminar “Lifehacks for 1C ZUP 3.1”
Analysis of 15 life hacks for accounting in 1C ZUP 3.1:

CHECKLIST for checking payroll calculations in 1C ZUP 3.1
VIDEO - monthly self-check of accounting:

Payroll calculation in 1C ZUP 3.1
Step-by-step instruction for beginners:

So, according to the conditions of the example, the chief equipment maintenance engineer for our car service center was sent on a business trip to a neighboring city, where they are preparing to open a branch, to help set up the equipment. The business trip is designed for 10 days - from 08/04/2014 to 08/13/2014. At the same time, work is planned on Saturday (09.08) and Sunday (10.08). In connection with this, the employee’s planned work schedule for August is changing, which in all previous months of his work was unchanged - a 40-hour five-day week.

First of all, we will enter an individual schedule for this employee for August 2014. For this we will use the document “Entering individual work schedules for an organization”. It can be found on the program desktop on the “Payroll” tab in the middle column. In the document we indicate the month of August and add it in the tabular section new line, in which we select employee Gavrilov. In this case, the line will be filled with information about the planned schedule of this employee. We will set 8 hours of working time in the cells for August 9 and 10. In this case, upon returning from a business trip, the employee will be given days off on Friday and Saturday. Therefore, we remove the eights in the cells for August 14 and 15. We carry out the document.

Next, if the organization maintains detailed personnel records, then we create a document for the personnel records subsystem "Organizational business trips." This document does not calculate amounts, but is a personnel document - it must be entered by an employee of the personnel department. It can be found on the program desktop on the “Personnel Accounting” tab.

You can open this processing by clicking on the “Open accruals” button in the personnel document "Business trips of organizations".

So, let’s create, calculate and post the document “Payment based on average earnings.” Let's open it and see what the program has calculated for us. Thanks to the use of the “Analysis of No-Shows” processing, all fields were filled in automatically and the calculation was made.

To analyze the calculated amount, it is convenient to open the printed form of this document - "Calculation of average earnings".

Please note that since the employee was hired by the organization on January 1, 2014, income was taken into account not for 12 months as expected, but for 7. In addition, the working days of July were not fully taken into account since the employee was on vacation for half a month. So, the calculation of travel allowances is carried out according to the formula:

Average_daily_earnings * Number_of_days_of_business trip = Income_for_pay_period / Count_days_of_settlement_period * Number_of_days_of_business trip = 229,782.61 / 130 * 10 = 17,675.60

The program took into account exactly 10 days of a business trip since we introduced an individual schedule, where Saturday and Sunday falling on a business trip are marked as working days.

Travel allowances based on average earnings + double pay for work on weekends (document “Payment for holidays and weekends of the organization”)

Seminar “Lifehacks for 1C ZUP 3.1”
Analysis of 15 life hacks for accounting in 1C ZUP 3.1:

CHECKLIST for checking payroll calculations in 1C ZUP 3.1
VIDEO - monthly self-check of accounting:

Payroll calculation in 1C ZUP 3.1
Step-by-step instructions for beginners:

So, let's change the conditions of our example a little. Employee Gavrilov went on a business trip on the same dates, but work on Saturday and Sunday was not expected. Already on the spot, it was decided that it was necessary to go out on weekends to resolve urgent issues. Consent was obtained from management.

Since it was not known in advance that the employee would have to work on weekends, his 40-hour five-day work schedule will not change (we will not use individual schedules). As in the previous example, we will enter a personnel document "Organizational business trips" on the basis that we will create settlement document "Payment based on average earnings" using processing "Analysis of no-shows". Let me remind you that you can read in detail about the use of this processing.

Let's open the created and calculated document "Payment based on average earnings" and analyze the amount received.

The average daily earnings have not changed and this is correct, since we did not change anything in billing period. But the payment amount has changed, since there are 8 business travel days at the time of calculating this document (Saturday and Sunday are days off as scheduled). From here we get: 1,767.56 * 8 = 14,140.48 rub.

Now you need to reflect the payment for work on weekends at double the rate. For this we will use the document “Payment for holidays and weekends of the organization.” The document should look like this:

In total, the document should contain 4 lines, two for each day. Payments are made according to two types of calculations "Payment for work on holidays and weekends" And “Additional pay for working on holidays and weekends.” It is better to fill it out manually. In this case, the data in the “Hourly tariff rate” field is calculated automatically by the program. Setting up options for calculating this indicator is carried out in "Accounting parameters" on the bookmark "Calculation algorithms" in a switch group “When converting the monthly salary into an hourly tariff rate, use:”. I discussed these settings in detail in the corresponding article. The “Result” field is also filled in automatically based on the results of the data in the “Hours worked” and “Hourly tariff rate” fields. We carry out the document.

Summarize. Both examples essentially reflect two options for working on a day off, which are provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The first example is essentially working for time off. An employee receives two days off upon returning from a business trip. The second example is double pay for work on a weekend.

This is the simplest example and therefore I will not illustrate it separately.

That's all for today! Soon there will be new interesting materials on.

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In one of the previous articles, I already wrote about registering a business trip in 1C Accounting 8 edition 2.0 for an enterprise using a simplified taxation system, today I wanted to tell you how the same operation is processed in new edition 3.0.

The basis for sending an employee on a business trip is an order signed by the director of the enterprise, which is then used to issue a travel certificate. In the 1C Accounting 8 edition 3.0 program, these documents are not generated.

Registration of a business trip in 1C begins with the issuance of money for reporting. A cash advance can be issued from the cash register (document “Cash outlay order”) or from a current account (document “Write-off from a current account”).

Within three working days after returning from a business trip, the employee must draw up an advance report attaching all documents confirming expenses (hotel bills, checks, travel tickets, etc.). These expenses will be recognized on the date of approval of the advance report if the conditions for their payment are met. If travel expenses exceed the advance amount, they can be recognized only after the employee is reimbursed for the amount of the overexpenditure.

Registration of a business trip in 1c Accounting 8 edition 3.0

For example, Plyushka LLC sends an employee to S.S. Sakharov. on a business trip to Kazan for 3 days. She is given an advance from the cash register in the amount of 8,000 rubles. The basis is statement No. 3. Upon return, the employee submits an advance report with the following documents attached: hotel bill 3,000 rubles. (VAT exempt), train tickets RUB 2,360. including VAT 18%. The daily allowance at the enterprise is 600 rubles per day.

The issuance of an advance from the cash register to an employee must be formalized with the document “Cash Expenditure Order”. To do this, go to the “Bank and cash desk” tab and in the “Cashier” section select desired document. Do not forget to correctly set the type of operation “Issue to an accountable person”. We fill out the document and indicate the application number in the attachment, since since 2012 funds have been issued for reporting based on the application.

Then we draw up an advance report. Located on the same tab and in the same section. In the document, fill out the “Advances” tab, where we indicate the cash settlement companies to which the money was issued. Next, go to the “Other” tab. Here we indicate three types of employee travel expenses. All expenses will be accepted as expenses under the simplified tax system.

After completing the document, we look at the entries and the book of income and expenses. All travel expenses will go to KUDiR, as they have been paid.

We learn to draw up expense reports using examples (1C: Accounting 8.3, edition 3.0)


In my observation, for novice accountants, preparing expense reports is a significant challenge at first.

Today we will look at the basics of this matter, as well as the most popular cases from life. We will perform all experiments in 1C: Accounting 8.3 (edition 3.0).

So, let's begin

It’s not for me to tell you that 71 accounts are responsible for settlements with accountable persons in the accounting department:

Issue assets is reflected to the employee on the debit of this account, and write-off - on the credit.

Well, for example, they gave out 5000 against a report from the cash register:

Why did I say assets? This is because we can give the employee:

  • Cash (from the cash register through cash register)
  • Non-cash funds (transfer from the organization's current account to the employee's card account)
  • Money documents(for example, plane tickets for a business trip)

Let's look at each of the examples listed above.

Cash withdrawal from the cash register

To issue an advance from the cash register, we issue a cash receipt order (in the top three, this is the “Cash Withdrawal” document):

In the type of operation we indicate “Issuance to an accountable person”:

The wiring turned out like this:

Issuance of non-cash funds

In this case, the enumeration Money carried out to the employee’s card account (the account to which bank card, with which the employee can withdraw this money).

In the troika, this operation is formalized by the usual document “Write-off from the current account”:

Also, do not forget to indicate in the form of the “Transfer to an accountable person” operation:

The wiring turned out like this:

Issuance of monetary documents

A monetary document can be, for example, a plane ticket that an organization purchased for an employee who is going on a business trip.

After purchase, this ticket is accounted for as the debit of account 50.03:

When issuing this ticket to an employee for reporting (before a business trip), the accounting department draws up the document “Issue of monetary documents”:

And on the “Cash Documents” tab this very ticket is indicated:

The posting turned out like this (the ticket was written off from account 50.03):

I will specifically mention:

  • We have the right to issue reports only to employees of the organization - persons with whom we have concluded an employment or civil law contract.
  • The list of such persons is approved by a separate order of the head.
  • The same order stipulates the maximum period within which the employee must report to the accounting department; if an employee goes on a business trip, this period is automatically extended until his return.

Employee reports

But assets are given to an employee for a reason, but to fulfill a certain official assignment. Therefore, the moment comes when the employee must report to the accounting department in form AO-1.

This is a printed form that indicates:

  • everything that we gave to the employee for reporting
  • everything he spent this money on (or didn’t spend it, or maybe there was an overspending)
  • Supporting documents (checks, invoices, acts, tickets...) are attached to this form.

Here is an example of the AO-1 form:

This report (AO-1) is compiled by the employee together with the accounting department and approved by the manager. At the very bottom, the number of documents and sheets on which they are attached to the report is indicated (checks are usually pasted in whole packs onto A4 sheets).

So, in order to print such a report (AO-1), write off debt on 71 accounts from an employee, and also accept expenses in the top three, there is the document “Advance report”:

Let's briefly go through his bookmarks:

Examples of advance reports from life

Fill out the "Advances" tab:

It must be said that this tab is not displayed in any way in document postings, but is only available for the AO-1 printed form.

Fill out the “Products” tab (we bought a bunch of everything and put it on ten):

Here are the postings for this bookmark:

We fill out the “Payment” tab (we pay off the debt to suppliers, or pay an advance):

Here are the wiring:

Examples of filling out the "Other" tab.

Payment for communication services:

Payment for newspaper advertisements:

Write-off of daily allowance and debt for travel tickets:

Payment for some services (immediately charged to 26):

By the way, on the “Products” and “Other” tabs there is a checkbox “SF”, if you check it, then the invoice received will be entered on this line.