Tinkoff Bank, its pros and cons. Tinkoff cash loan: quick receipt of funds on the card Deposits from individuals are accepted through

The bank was registered in January 1994 as Khimmashbank.

In 2005, the financial institution became a participant in the deposit insurance system, and in 2006 it was acquired by the famous businessman Oleg Tinkov* and renamed Tinkoff Credit Systems CJSC (TCS Bank), and was also reoriented to work with individuals.

In 2007, the international investment bank Goldman Sachs became one of the owners of the credit institution; in 2008, the Swedish investment fund Vostok Nafta joined it.

In mid-2012, the international private equity fund Baring Vostok Private Equity Fund IV invested $50 million in the capital of TKS Bank during an additional issue. In October of the same year, the Horizon Capital fund (specializing in investments in companies with mid-capitalization and high growth potential; headquarters is located in Kyiv) entered the capital of the financial organization. In less than five years, the value of TKS Bank has increased almost sevenfold.

In October 2013, the bank conducted an IPO, which resulted in approximately $1.09 billion being raised on the London Stock Exchange. In addition to part of the existing package, investors were offered additionally issued shares of the bank. In the increased capital of TCS Bank, Oleg Tinkov’s share, which was 60.6% before the IPO, decreased to 50.9%.

In August 2014, an entry was made into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities about the creation of the limited liability company "Phoenix". Phoenix LLC is a subsidiary of TKS Bank with the latter's participation share being 51%. It was planned that this company would provide the bank with services for collecting problem debts.

In March 2015, the financial institution changed its legal form and name to JSC Tinkoff Bank.

In June 2015, an antimonopoly case was initiated against Tinkoff Bank by the Federal Antimonopoly Service for St. Petersburg, which was subsequently transferred to the central office of the FAS. In the summer of 2015, the bank’s actions caused a wide public outcry, which was due to the bank unilaterally changing the conditions for SmartVlad. The basis was complaints from citizens regarding the bank’s decision to unify the conditions for replenishing deposits opened in the period from December 24, 2014 to April 30, 2015, as well as deposits for which the rate was increased due to changed market conditions. Thus, the bank decided to apply a single rate to all replenishments of these deposits credited from July 1, 2015, regardless of the deposit term: 13% for ruble deposits and 4% for foreign currency deposits. For comparison: previously, under SmartVlad, the interest rate on additional contributions was charged at a fixed rate from 16% to 18% per annum, depending on the date of conclusion of the agreement with the client. On October 26, 2015, the Antimonopoly Service recognized the actions of Tinkoff Bank as an act of unfair competition, since the bank attracted funds from individuals into time-based replenishable deposits with a subsequent deterioration in their consumer properties. Due to the fact that the identified violation was not eliminated by Tinkoff Bank on a voluntary basis, the FAS commission issued a corresponding order to the bank. From for which the interest rate was increased during the period from December 17, 2014 to April 30, 2015. FAS also ordered the bank to pay clients the income they lost within 90 days from the date of receipt of the order. In addition, the FAS imposed fines on Tinkoff Bank and its official in the amount of 300 thousand and 12 thousand rubles, respectively, for unfair competition in the deposit market (an administrative offense provided for in part 1 of Article 14.33 of the Administrative Code), after which the decision and order of the FAS Russia were appealed Tinkoff Bank in court demanding that the bank recognize the decision and order of the antimonopoly service as illegal. However, in the end, on June 1, the court ruled in favor of the FAS. As a result, Tinkoff Bank canceled the decision to reduce the interest rate on deposits, taken unilaterally. The rate was reduced from July 1, 2015. This concerned replenishments under expensive deposit agreements concluded from the end of December 2014 to April 2015, when banks sharply increased the yield on deposits after the key rate jumped to 17%.

As of October 1, 2019, the volume of net assets of the credit institution amounted to 534.8 billion rubles, the volume of equity funds – 91.8 billion rubles. Based on the results of three quarters of 2019, the bank shows a profit of 22.2 billion rubles.

Network of divisions:
head office (Moscow);
2 additional offices.

shares publicly traded on the London Stock Exchange (in the form of GDRs) – 59.85%;
Oleg Tinkov – 40.15%.

Board of Directors: Oleg Tinkov (chairman), Oliver Hughes, Vadim Stasovsky, Sergey Pirogov, Svetlana Ustilovskaya.

Governing body: Oliver Hughes (chairman), Ilya Pisemsky, Evgeniy Ivashkevich, Stanislav Bliznyuk, Natalia Izyumova, Anatoly Makeshin, Valeria Pavlyukova.

* Oleg Tinkov (b. 1967) is a Russian entrepreneur, founder and former owner of the Tekhnoshok chain of stores selling household appliances, the Daria fast food company, the brewing company and the Tinkoff restaurant chain. In 2000, Tinkov completed marketing courses at the University of Berkeley (California, USA). Since 2006, it has been developing its banking business.

Progress does not stand still. Along with the advent of new communications and technologies, all spheres of society began to develop more actively. Many commercial organizations willingly take advantage of this and allow their clients, instead of standing in a long line for a deposit or loan, to use convenient online self-service services. So, today you can open a deposit, order a bank card, send an application for a loan and even get it without leaving your home. Tinkoff Bank is one of these organizations. However, it is worth noting that, unlike its competitors, the company does not have branches and conducts all its activities only online.

Tinkoff Bank products

The bank's most popular product, of course, is Platinum. The card is issued in just a few minutes and delivered to the client by courier or mail. In addition to the platinum credit card, Tinkoff issues both Tinkoff Black debit and ALL Airlines credit cards for accumulating airline bonus miles.

The bank's products also include services. Among them is “KupiVcredit”, which allows you to make purchases in online stores on credit.

Tinkoff Target offers to track the use of cards and purchases on them to create new offers.

Internet acquiring supports regular payments, card linking and a payment form with the company logo, being a kind of online store for partners.

In Tinkoff’s online services, various remote operations are possible without visiting the bank, for example, such as.

Tinkoff Platinum credit card

It’s not difficult: to do this you need to get a credit card. And there is nothing easier than applying for and receiving a Tinkoff Platinum credit card from an online bank. You don't even need to visit the office for this. All operations with the card can be performed at home.

Conditions of receipt

The rate for non-cash transactions for a card is 24.9%, and for cash withdrawals – 32.9%. In addition, a commission of 290-390 rubles plus 2.9% of the amount is charged for cashing out funds. The interest rate for timely payment will be 43.8% per annum. There is a grace period of up to 55 days with a credit limit of up to 300 thousand rubles.

Application for a credit card

As stated earlier, all credit card transactions are completed online. In addition, you can also fill out an application only on the website without visiting the office.

To fill out the form, you need to open the main page of the site and have your passport at hand. Immediately after your application, you will be notified of the bank's decision by email or SMS. If approved, a bank representative will deliver the card to your home or office free of charge.

Advice: carefully monitor the history of transactions on the Tinkoff platinum card in order to avoid delays and problems in the future. If possible, connect to the notification services offered by the company. This way, there will be less chance of making mistakes with payment dates.

Tinkoff Bank - customer reviews on credit cards

Last year there was a difficult financial situation. My husband was fired from his job and I was on maternity leave. I came across an offer on the Internet for a Tinkoff Platinum credit card. I filled out an application and received a card with a limit of 16 thousand rubles. At that moment she was a savior, but I still regretted a hundred times that I contacted her. Huge interest rates plus huge late fees drive you into a corner. I still can't pay off this loan.

Cards should only be ordered if you are confident that you are able to pay all fees and charges on time. I have never used loans or credit cards before. But I wanted to get a credit card “just in case,” and the choice fell on the popular Tinkoff Platinum card because of the simplified approval and receipt procedure. The courier delivered the card directly to the house, and it lay unactivated for almost six months. However, I urgently needed money after an accident to repair my car, and I decided to use it. Of course, I had to pay a small commission to withdraw cash, but this money helped me out. Thanks to the grace period, I did not have to pay interest on the loan and I am very pleased. Positive feedback from me!

It's hard to say whether it's good to have a credit card like Tinkoff Platinum. On the one hand, it is issued very easily - I got it literally in five minutes, but on the other hand, you need to prepare to pay all the interest on the loan and the minimum payments on time, otherwise you will have to face troubles. The interest rate is already quite high, and the fines can be simply huge. In addition, delays in payments and non-payment can lead to a meeting with collection offices, which do not stand on ceremony with debtors: they send SMS with threats, call and say nasty things... I stupidly received all this in full. And although I still use the card to this day, I try to pay all bills in good faith.

They offered me to get a Tinkoff Platinum credit card. Designed. Well, it’s convenient: you don’t need to go to the bank, all information and card transactions are at hand in the Internet bank. After the card was delivered, I put it aside just in case until I needed it. True, after some time I became interested in how it works and whether it is convenient to use. I withdrew some money and returned it almost immediately, closing the loan. But what was my surprise when I received a notification that I owed the bank a certain amount (small). I called the hotline to find out what kind of money I owe them. It turned out that for SMS notifications (also for me, notification: one SMS per month) and credit insurance (which I don’t use). Somehow even the trust in this company has diminished. Based on one of the SMS messages, I discovered that my insurance fee was 150 rubles a month, but when the insurers called me, I did not give consent. It turns out that the service was forced.

I don’t have a certain stable income, so no matter how much I tried to take out loans for various purposes, most banks refused me. I contacted Tinkoff, and they gladly issued me a credit card. And you didn’t even have to go anywhere - everything was done online in less than an hour, after which they sent the card by courier. I needed to do some renovations in my apartment. So the most interesting thing began after I started withdrawing cash for these purposes. The interest rates are unprecedentedly high: 290 rubles plus 2.9% of the amount. Moreover, if the ATM does not have the required amount, you will have to pay this commission several times. Second point: the bank promised an interest rate of 36%, but in reality it turned out to be 45-50%. So think for yourself whether the game is worth the candle. However, I did the repairs and paid off the loan on time.

Advice: Tinkoff Bank cooperates with organizations like. Bank clients may encounter them as loan debtors. It is better, of course, not to take out credit cards if you are not sure that you can repay the loan on time, but if you have accumulated debts and collectors begin to threaten you and demand a return of funds, try not to argue with them, but cooperate. They can help you solve your problem. Don't wait or look for answers to your question. In some cases, lawyers recommend waiting for the trial, and there you can already think if there was a violation of the law on the part of the creditor or collection agencies, reviews of whose methods of “knocking out” debts are sometimes simply terrifying.

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The idea of ​​creating an online bank is new and unique. It is difficult not to note the advantages of Tinkoff Bank in terms of ease of processing loans, servicing and carrying out various operations (numerous reviews confirm this). Of course, you just need to remember that you need to be careful with loans and preferably use them in extreme cases, avoiding delays and non-payments.

In contact with

In order not to look like someone who always doesn’t like everything, I write about what I like.

It so happened that, willy-nilly, I became a client Tinkoff Bank . Now about the products Tinkoff Bank , which I know about, but do not use, and also which I know about and use.

Credit cards : - several types. Credit limit up to 300,000 rubles and up to 700,000 rubles. Interest-free period up to 55 days. If the conditions of the tariff plan and comprehensive banking services are met, it is retained for the entire period of using the credit card. For now Bank Tinkoff provides the service " BALANCE TRANSFER" This service allows you to pay for a loan from a third-party bank within the available credit card limit. That is, a loan is closed in one bank and instead of two payments to different banks, one payment is made to one bank. The advantage of this service is Bank Tinkoff for 3 months does not accrue interest on the amount of loan repayment from a third-party bank. Further, interest is calculated as for making purchases, and not for cash withdrawals or money transfers. I don’t use it myself because I hate loans. I recommend it to those who cannot imagine life without loans - for such people it is very profitable. The Bank also provides many different bonuses and promotions - which, one way or another, are returned in rubles to the account.

Debit cards, also known as deposit cards : - interest is accrued monthly on the deposit balance at the rate of 8% per annum. There is a return on purchases of up to 30%, it all depends on promotions and affiliate programs. 1% is always returned. This is why I pay with a debit card 95% of the time. Tinkoff Bank– it’s very nice to see a refund. The amounts are certainly not large, but topping up your phone is the way to go. There is also a minus - expensive (relatively) maintenance of such a card, namely 99 rubles per month. But there is also a plus that motivates. If on a deposit card Tinkoff Bank There is a fireproof balance of 30,000 rubles or more, then no money will be charged for card servicing. But even if there is no such amount on the balance, as is often the case with me, two returns (interest and a refund for purchases) cover the monthly card maintenance. I still remain in the black and can “put” this money on my phone. Mobile app Tinkoff Bank– very convenient. Everything is seen. Everything happens quickly. The details are always at hand, since we all have our phones at our fingertips now. Top up your card with partners without commission. Partners - Svyaznoy, Euroset, MTS - these are those whom I know and whose services I used to replenish. Fast, convenient. You can top up both by card number and by agreement number. It is very convenient to ask relatives and friends to transfer money from any city in Russia. Since there are Svyazny and Euroset networks in almost every city. I recommend it to those who, like me, do not like loans and paying interest, but love a deposit and who like to receive interest and not give it away.

Worked under a contract. My travel allowances were transferred directly to my debit card. Tinkoff Bank. I paid for the hotel and Aeroexpress tickets with this card. The accounting department accepted checks for payment. At the end of the billing period, I received a percentage on the return. I was very pleased with this. It's a small thing, but nice.

Contribution : - I don’t know much about this, since I haven’t used it yet, but I’m going to. I know that you can get plus 1% on the amount of the deposit transferred from a third-party bank to Tinkoff Bank. Relevant for those who are saving for something.

After becoming a debit card holder Tinkoff Bank – I was thinking about withdrawing money and closing this card, since several cards from third-party banks were already available. Started using the map and mobile application Tinkoff Bank – and could no longer refuse her. Expensive card maintenance didn’t stop me. Because I still remain in the black. And I have the motivation to keep more than 30,000 rubles on the card.

Tinkov offers a cash loan using a card product, which can be used to receive funds from an ATM, daily purchases or remote shopping on the Internet.

Favorable terms for using a loan, a preferential interest-free loan period of 55 days, as well as making a decision in just 5 minutes certainly attract individuals. Tinkoff is currently expanding its customer base and offering a flexible system for issuing loans.

Cash loans are usually needed to purchase a car, real estate or for consumer expenses. Tinkoff Bank offers several targeted programs with which you can profitably purchase a car, real estate, or simply receive money in cash to solve your problems.

A mortgage loan from Tinkoff Bank is offered at an installment interest rate of 10.9%. An application for a large loan can be submitted directly on the corporate website, and the loan request will be simultaneously processed by several partners of Tinkoff Bank. The client will receive all available banking offers, from which he will be able to choose the most attractive and profitable.

Tinkoff Bank card products: profitable cash loans

Card banking products are the most common and widespread. Banks try to offer clients convenient conditions focused on certain goals. As a rule, one of the card products offered in the package is universal.

The Tinkoff Platinum card is the most common and profitable universal card product of Tinkoff Bank. This card allows you to withdraw money from an ATM as quickly as possible and on favorable terms at a low interest rate - for only 2.9%. Money can be received without a limit and at the bank’s cash desk during business hours, and also transferred to the current and card account of a company or individual who is planning a large purchase.

Universal credit card Tinkoff Platinum

Obtaining this card implies the possibility of using credit funds up to 300 thousand rubles. The limit amount will depend on your current income. Loans are issued only with a passport, as well as upon provision of one direct or indirect document confirming income.

The credit limit is increased by the system during the service process if the client actively uses the card to pay for services in stores. The card awards bonuses for purchases - usually 1% and up to 30% on special offers. The loan payment is about 8% and is set individually.

Topping up the card can be done in one of the convenient ways:

  • using a transfer from card or account to card;
  • replenishment through electronic kiosks (more than 300), as well as free use of ATMs of partner banks.

The Tinkoff Platinum card can be used to refinance loans from other banks. You can transfer money to another bank with a 0% payment fee and a grace period for interest-free installments of 90 days. The decision is guaranteed to be made within 5 minutes, and the courier will deliver the finished card to you within 2 days, regardless of your place of residence.

Terms and conditions for the Tinkoff Platinum credit card:

  • 300 thousand credit limit;
  • 55 days of free credit use;
  • the possibility of refinancing loans from other banks at 0% bank commission for transferring funds and a 90-day interest-free grace period;
  • when receiving cash, the interest rate is 32.9-49.9% per annum, depending on the risk, integrity and credit rating of the client;
  • 24.9-34.9% interest rate for purchases with a card. Depends on the documents provided confirming income;
  • cash withdrawal fee 290 rubles plus 2.9%;
  • one-time cost of annual maintenance;
  • convenient client-bank for laptops and mobile devices;
  • there is a loyalty program “Bravo”, Tinkoff;
  • annual service cost 590 rubles;
  • cashback program: bonuses are awarded for use in the amount of 1% of the purchase price;

How to get a cash loan from Tinkoff: step-by-step instructions

The credit limit on the card will depend on the client’s income and his confirmation of his solvency. This can be done in two ways, by providing a 2-NDFL certificate and a document of your choice. Such a document can be considered a foreign passport, which has a stamp confirming travel to foreign countries within the last 6 months.

Considering these features and the fact that Tinkoff does not increase the credit limit at the request of the client, it is better to prepare for the process of obtaining a loan in advance.

Use the following reminder:

  • Prepare your passport by checking in advance that all pasted-in photographs are included and any changes have been made.
  • Obtain from your employer a certificate confirming your income and a completed bank form from your place of work.
  • Fill out an application on the website using the following form.
  • Wait for a call from a bank specialist to confirm your personal information.
  • Receive your credit card within 2 days.

The process of obtaining a card is simplified as much as possible for the convenience of customers. The decision is made within a few minutes.

Mortgage from Tinkoff Bank

Bank Tinkoff cash loan for the purchase of mortgaged real estate can make an application not only to this bank, but also to partner banks:

  • Uralsib Bank;
  • DeltaCredit Bank;
  • Housing Finance Bank;
  • Transcapital Bank;
  • Absolut Bank;
  • Transcapital Bank, etc.

Tinkoff Bank will help you save up to 0.9% of the interest rate of another bank on mortgage loans. Transferring money to the seller's account is carried out with a minimum commission and in a minimum time, as a result, Tinkoff Bank clients can buy real estate on very favorable terms.

Other card products

Tinkoff Bank offers a variety of card products aimed at remote shopping on the Internet, for example:

  • card for purchases on Aliexpress (profitable cashback);
  • card for purchases in all online stores (profitable cashback);
  • a card for purchases with a cashback tool can be used in Kanobu, Kalina, Lamoda, etc.

Each card product allows you to withdraw money in cash and use it as part of a consumer loan. Registration is as fast and convenient as possible.

Tinkoff Bank provides cash loans using a remote service that is actively developing. Flexible conditions for clients mean receiving a loan without refusal.

What are the features of withdrawing cash from a Tinkoff credit card? What is the interest rate for the Tinkoff credit card? What are the conditions for using the card at the Platinum tariff?

Credit cards are convenient, modern, and sometimes even profitable - when you buy in partner stores of the bank and cashback is returned to your account. Tinkoff credit card has all the advantages of modern banking products and a range of exclusive benefits.

Today I, Denis Kuderin, financial expert of HeatherBober magazine, will tell you about these advantages and much more. You will learn in which situations it is worth using a credit card, and in which it is strictly recommended, and how to get a Tinkoff credit card quickly and without problems.

Read the entire article - you will find an overview of the most popular Tinkoff Bank cards, plus expert advice on the proper use of credit cards.

1. Tinkoff credit card: interest-free loan or life on credit

Modern credit cards, including Tinkoff Bank cards, are becoming a real alternative to traditional consumer loans. Banks are issuing credit cards (CCs) in the millions, indicating increasing demand for this product. Why are credit cards so popular?

There are several reasons. Cards really convenient and easy to pay wherever there are payment terminals– in clothing stores, household appliances, hypermarkets, hairdressers and cafes, online stores. And they also have Grace period.

Exactly grace period distinguishes a loan on a card from consumer loans. Grace period defines period of use of the credit card without accrual of interest.

This means that every client has the right to use bank assets and not pay a single ruble for it.

But on one condition: Ifhe repays the debt within the grace period. This period varies from 30 to 100 days for various banking products.

If the client does not manage to pay off the debt in full by a certain date, interest begins to accrue. And for a card they are higher than for consumer loans in cash.

Next, the bank deals checking your candidacy. It is called credit scoring. It takes from several minutes to several hours. Would you like to know the status of your application? check the website or call.

Step 2. Collect and provide documents

A bank representative will check your original documents when he delivers the agreement and card to your home.


  • general passport;
  • the second document – ​​SNILS, international passport, driver’s license;
  • a copy of the work book (if any);
  • certificate 2-NDFL, if required.

If you have already used the services and products of the bank and have, for example, a debit card, the procedure is simplified and other documents other than a passport may not be needed.

Step 3. We conclude an agreement and receive a card

Concluding an agreement is a key point in the process. If you want to avoid unpleasant surprises, read the agreement from the initial paragraphs to the notes and the column “Special conditions”.

What are the most important points:

  • final interest rate;
  • the procedure for calculating fines for delays;
  • rules for calculating the grace period;
  • procedure for resolving controversial issues;
  • the presence of commissions for financial transactions;
  • annual maintenance amount;
  • procedure for blocking a card if it is lost.

If everything is clear and you are completely satisfied with the conditions, sign.

After this you will receive the plastic in your hands. The card remains inactive until you activate it. This is easy to do - enter your card number on the website or log into your personal account. During the activation process you will receive a PIN code.

And also the card needs to be signed– do this with a ballpoint pen on the reverse side.

To quickly apply for a credit card, just click on the image:

4. How to use a credit card correctly - 4 useful tips

Use the card wisely - only then will it become useful and convenient product. Monitor your account status in your personal account or using the mobile application. Avoid impulsive and unplanned purchases.

And be sure to balance your expenses with your income.

Some more useful tips.

Tip 1. Protect the card from physical damage

An electronic plastic card is a moderately durable thing, but it must be handled with care. If the chip is damaged, the card will have to be replaced.

It is best to carry the card in a lockable pocket separate from your wallet. In most situations, credit cards are stolen along with the wallet. Keeping them separate reduces the risks.

Attackers know how to take victims by surprise - they pretend to be employees of a bank, police, or shops. But even real (and not fake) employees are not supposed to know the PIN code. So - no one. Under no circumstances.

Handle the card with care, do not share your PIN with ANYONE!

And do not write down your PIN on paper. And don’t write it down anywhere at all. It is better to restore access through the bank's technical support than to hand over the password to attackers.

Tip 3. Use a card for non-cash payments

Banks do not encourage cash withdrawals from credit cards. For such operations, as a rule, grace period does not apply, and the interest on them is decent.

Make it a rule - Do not withdraw cash from your credit card! Unless you have a special card for which such transactions are included in the grace period.

Other examples of operations that are not included in the preferential terms of service:

  • transfers from card to card of another bank;
  • certain categories of online payments – for housing and communal services, electricity;
  • purchase of electronic currency.

You need to find out about the presence of such restrictions in advance.

Use the card to pay for any purchases in places where there are payment terminals - hypermarkets, restaurants, boutiques, pharmacies, railway and airports, online stores.

Tip 4. Calculate the grace period correctly

Universal rules for using credit cards: We buy little with the card and pay off debts quickly.

In order not to be late in paying your debts, you need to correctly calculate the grace period. For Tinkoff cards, the grace period is calculated based on the reporting period.

If you receive your monthly statement on the 1st, you will have 30 days for purchases and 25 days for profitable debt repayment.

5. How to increase your credit card limit

The bank sets the limit for each client. The amount directly depends on the solvency of the borrower and the history of his individual relationship with the credit institution. If you are applying for a card for the first time and have never used the services of Tinkoff Bank before, available credit will be minimal.

The limit increases automatically for customers who carefully pay off debts and actively use the card.

There is no provision for borrowers to personally contact the bank regarding increasing limits on most types of Tinkoff cards.

6. Is it worth opening a Tinkoff credit card – reviews from real users

On the trustworthy Internet resources Sravni.ru and Banki.ru you will find hundreds of reviews about Tinkoff Bank loan products. As you read them, remember that people are more willing to write about problematic situations. When things are going well, there is usually no desire to write a review.