Tera in construction. Federal unit prices in construction

With the help of federal and territorial unit prices(EP) for construction work, compiled in base prices as of 01/01/2000, the following tasks are solved:

  • direct costs are determined in the estimated cost of construction;
  • Integrated standards for estimated costs are being developed;
  • payments are being made for the construction work performed.

Collections FER-2001 created at the price level for the base region of the country, which is the Moscow region.

When compiling unit prices The following documents and information are used:

  • state elemental estimate standards (GESN-2001), accepted for construction work;
  • average estimated prices for building materials, structures and products adopted at the beginning of 2000;
  • average estimated prices for the operation of construction equipment and mechanisms, adopted at the beginning of 2000;
  • wages for construction workers and machinists adopted at the beginning of 2000.

IN unit prices for construction work reflects the industry average level of costs for a specific technology and organization of work for each type of construction work. In this regard, territorial and federal unit prices can be used for calculating the estimated cost in construction by any contractors and customers, without regard to their organizational and legal form and departmental subordination.

Determining the estimated cost works (including those of a unique nature), in their absence in collections of unit prices, can be carried out through the development of individual (company, production) estimate standards and prices, which the customer approves as part of the detailed design.

IN unit prices(except for specially specified cases) the price of unloading building materials at the warehouse at the facility is taken into account, as well as the costs of vertical and horizontal transport of building materials, structures and products from the warehouse at the facility to the place of installation, installation or placement in the position specified by the project (that is, intra-building transport).

IN federal and territorial unit prices the average amount of expenses required to maintain the construction power supply networks is taken into account.

In every collection of unit prices There is a technical part and prices for a work or construction meter. Before you start using prices, you need to familiarize yourself with the technical part in more detail.

The technical part contains information about the purpose and procedure for using prices. In addition, it contains the rules by which the volume of work is calculated, and coefficients that allow taking into account the work under conditions different from those accepted in the prices.

In tables unit prices contain indicators of estimated costs that are established for the corresponding measures of work or structures:

  • labor costs for construction workers;
  • expenses for the operation of construction equipment and wages for the operators servicing it;
  • expenses for building materials, structures and products;
  • labor costs of construction workers in man-hours;
  • consumption of materials that are not taken into account in prices, in physical units of measurement.

In collections unit prices for construction work numbering, names and units of measurement are similar to the same points in the tables GESN-2001.

At development of estimate documentation and when making payments for work performed, determining the cost of work for such unit prices done in two lines:

  • the first is calculating the cost of work according to the corresponding unit price;
  • the second is determining the cost of materials, structures and products not taken into account in the prices.

It is permissible to sum up materials not taken into account in the prices for the entire object or for each section of the local estimate.

For certain materials, structures and products in unit prices in construction Only the names are indicated, and the costs for them are taken according to the project data (working drawings).

IN composition of unit prices there is no accounting for overhead costs, estimated profits and other (limited) costs.

Application federal and territorial unit prices directly carried out in the process preparation of local estimates. All necessary indicators from unit prices in this case, they are transferred to the estimates without adjustments. Estimated indicators that are related to the order of use FER And TEP and taking into account coefficients for working conditions, are clarified in the process budgeting. In this case, it is necessary to provide links to the relevant paragraphs in the technical parts collections of unit prices and general instructions.

Drawing up estimate documentation using unit prices can be carried out at the basic and current price levels. The increase in construction costs due to inflationary factors is taken into account through the use of special indices in the calculations.

Federal unit prices in construction

FER (federal unit prices)– these are estimate standards containing prices for the implementation of individual construction work. These estimated standards regulate individual elements of direct costs, expressed in kind, per unit volume of construction work and structural elements: 1. consumption of building materials, 2. labor costs of construction workers, 3. operating time of construction machines.

The standards imply the most progressive, cost-effective design solutions and methods of work production. Estimated standards serve as the basis for determining the estimated cost of a particular type of work, structures and buildings.

Estimated standards are grouped by type of work, degree of aggregation, purpose and type of construction. According to the types of construction, they are divided into general construction and special; according to the degree of aggregation - for individual types of work and special structural elements, enlarged system standards for structural parts of the building and individual structures; by purpose - for certain types of work, for temporary buildings and structures, for work in winter, for the maintenance of the directorate of enterprises under construction, etc.; by type of construction - for housing and civil, industrial, hydraulic, energy, rural, etc.

Construction standards of federal significance are developed and established only by the Federal Center for Pricing (Federal Center for Pricing in Construction and the Construction Materials Industry). The use of certain estimate standards depends primarily on the requirements for the standards used by the customer of construction, repair, construction, and installation work. In a particular case, the parties (customer and contractor) can agree on contractual prices and then calculate the cost of work based on this. Most often, it is advisable for the customer to use either federal or territorial standards (if any were issued in a given region). Industry standards are used less often (for example, in the oil and gas industry) and standards developed by a specific organization are used even less often.

FERs contain a full set of prices for types of work performed on the territory of the Russian Federation. They are developed at the price level for the 1st base region (Moscow region), approved and put into effect by the Federal State Institution Federal Center for Pricing in Construction and the Construction Materials Industry (FCTS). FERs are used in all sectors of the national economy.

Collections of FER, together with state elemental estimate standards, form a unified state estimate and regulatory framework for the development of a system of enlarged estimate standards.

FER structure

Unit prices, including FERs, are summarized in tables and contain the following indicators for the structure or work meter adopted in them:

  • labor costs for workers (except for labor costs taken into account in the cost of operating construction machines) as of 01/01/00;

the cost of operating construction machines, including wages for workers servicing the machines;

  • cost of materials, products and structures (except for materials, structures and products, the characteristics of which, when drawing up estimates, are taken according to design data);

norms for the consumption of materials (in physical terms), the cost of which is not taken into account in the unit price;

  • names and, as a rule, consumption standards for materials, products and structures, the characteristics of which are accepted when drawing up estimates based on design data.

Types of FER

  • FER for construction and special construction work
  • FER for equipment installation (FERM)
  • FER for commissioning works (FERp)
  • FER for repair work (FERr)

Types of FER collections

  • General instructions
  • Excavation
  • Mining stripping works
  • Drilling and blasting operations
  • Wells
  • Piling works. Consolidation of soils. Drawer wells
  • Monolithic concrete and reinforced concrete structures
  • Prefabricated concrete and reinforced concrete structures
  • Brick and block structures
  • Building metal structures
  • Wooden structures
  • Roofs
  • Protection of building structures and equipment from corrosion
  • Structures in rural construction
  • Finishing work
  • Internal pipelines
  • Water supply and sewerage - internal devices
  • Heating - internal devices
  • Gas supply - internal devices
  • Ventilation and air conditioning
  • Temporary prefabricated buildings and structures
  • Plumbing - external networks
  • Sewerage - external networks
  • Heat supply and gas pipelines
  • Main and field pipelines
  • Thermal insulation work
  • Car roads
  • Railways
  • Tunnels and subways
  • Bridges and pipes
  • Aerodromes
  • Tram rails
  • Power lines
  • Communications, radio and television facilities
  • Mining works
  • Earthen structures of hydraulic structures
  • Concrete and reinforced concrete structures of hydraulic structures
  • Stone structures of hydraulic structures
  • Metal structures of hydraulic structures
  • Wooden structures for hydraulic structures
  • Waterproofing work in hydraulic structures
  • Bank protection works
  • Ship ways of slipways and slips
  • Underwater construction (diving) work
  • Industrial furnaces and pipes
  • Reconstruction works of buildings and structures
  • Landscaping. Protective forest plantations.
  • Wells for oil and gas
  • Wells for oil and gas in offshore conditions


  • Fisun V.A. Economics of construction. Textbook - Moscow: RGOTUPS, 2002.- 232 p. ISBN 5-7473-0103-9 BBK: 65 UDC: 69.003
  • Shundulidi A.I., Nagibina N.V. Economics of the industry (construction). Textbook - Kemerovo: KuzGTU, 2006.- 119 p. ISBN 5-89070-473-7 UDC: 69.003
  • Tolmachev E.A., Monakhov B.E. Economics of construction. Textbook - Moscow: Jurisprudence, 2003.- 224 p. ISBN 5-9516-0023-5 BBK: 65.31 UDC: 338.4; 69

see also

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Information about what TEP is is relevant for estimators. Let's get to know her. The abbreviation stands for “territorial unit prices”. Estimates are drawn up in TER, FER, GESN. Territorial ones are developed individually for each subject. Entry into force is organized by the local administration. Registration of TER in RosStroy is mandatory, after which prices are included in the list of regulatory documents.

TER: where and how it is used

Territorial unit rates apply until cancelled. GosStroy can do this by issuing an order or decree. The currently valid collection is necessary to generate an estimate for If construction is associated with government agencies, TEP accounting is required. For non-state structures, prices are recommended, but they will have to be taken into account.

Working for itself, the company has the right to set its own prices. Participation in government auctions requires compliance with TEP. Since the standards are adopted in accordance with the prices in force at the time of approval, an index is used to obtain the current amount of expenses. A list of indices valid for the near future is published monthly. Knowing what TER is, and owning the index reissued on the 25th of the next month, they prepare a correct, accurate estimate for any construction.

Practical use

It is necessary to know how estimates are prepared in TERs if you have to:

  • government order;
  • construction;
  • participation in the tender;
  • installation;
  • design and survey work.

The ability to use TERs is valued by the contractor.

Estimate: theory and practice

When constructing a building, you cannot do without an estimate. As follows from Article 743 of the current code, the key documents for any facility under construction are:

  • work agreement;
  • basis for payment;
  • estimate.

Knowing what TEP is, estimates are drawn up correctly.

The estimate records:

  • marginality;
  • cost price;
  • price of materials;
  • cost of equipment;
  • construction time;
  • equipment costs.

An estimate is drawn up taking into account the following nuances:

  • specifics of the region;
  • title of work;
  • scope of work;
  • correctness of odds (season, crowded conditions, etc.);
  • current index.

The estimate is drawn up based on:

  • list of works;
  • volumes of work.

With a correctly formed design sheet, data on the composition and scope of work is given to the estimator in advance. When renovating a building, an estimate can be drawn up without the involvement of professionals.

When working with a municipal or federal client, the contractor uses the TEP of the customer’s region. Even if the company is based in another region, and the work will be carried out in a third region, the indices and coefficients of the area where the organization requiring the services is registered are taken into account.

In the case where the work is financed from the federal budget and the construction site is located in Moscow, the cost increase index is used. This indicator was created based only on construction and repairs in the capital. When a developer works on the territory of Moscow with funds allocated from the municipal budget, taking into account TSN-2001.

Unit prices

The regulatory framework is unit prices, compiled for ease of use into reference collections.

Unit prices are expressed financial resources required for the success of the planned work.

TER are compiled for the following catalogs:

  • construction;
  • repair;
  • installation;
  • commissioning;
  • landscaping;
  • technical support.

Computers to help estimators

It’s not easy to master, even knowing the terms of this area and having a sample in front of your eyes. Computer systems have been developed to help estimators calculate objects. When using them, you will still have to know what TEP is, but the process is greatly simplified. The program already contains standard amounts, there is a function for updating the index, the finished document is generated on an accepted form, taking into account state standards.

“On the knee”, construction in TER can be calculated in Excel, but the use of special software guarantees the accuracy of the obtained figures. The estimate program will save time and, based on the entered data, will be able to quickly generate documents of several samples. Daily automatic updates guarantee the relevance and correctness of the results.

Summing up

So, we can safely say that the concept of TERs is necessary for every self-respecting estimator. This helps to correctly draw up the documentation accompanying the construction. The use of TEP expands the company's capabilities, allowing it to participate in auctions.

When hiring an estimator, it is in the employer’s interest to test the specialist. Skills in using TER, the ability to distinguish territorial from federal prices, the ability to master new software systems for construction calculations - these are the key skills of a skilled worker.

Territorial unit prices for construction and special construction work TER-2001 are intended for use in determining the estimated cost of construction of new, reconstruction, expansion and technical re-equipment of existing enterprises, buildings, structures, housing, civil and industrial facilities carried out in the Moscow region. And the GU MO “Mosoblgosekspertiza” (formerly LEU MO) is being developed.

TER collections are an integral part of the pricing and estimate standardization system in construction operating in the Russian Federation.

Territorial unit prices are mandatory for all enterprises and organizations, regardless of affiliation and forms of ownership, carrying out construction using funds from the regional budget or with its participation and targeted extra-budgetary funds.

For construction projects financed from the own funds of organizations and individuals, TERs are advisory in nature.

TERs of the Moscow region are developed on the basis of:

· State elemental estimate standards for construction and special construction work GESN-2001, approved by the relevant resolution of the Gosstroy of Russia

· The amount of funds for remuneration of construction workers, adopted according to state statistical reporting in construction and data from the administrations of districts and cities of the Moscow region as of January 1, 2000

· Average estimated prices for materials, products and structures at the basic price level for the Moscow region as of January 1, 2000

· Average estimated prices for the operation of construction machinery and mechanisms, as well as the wages of drivers as of January 1, 2000, according to the Federal Collection of Estimated Standards and Prices for the operation of construction machinery and vehicles

Basically, unit prices in TEP collections are closed, i.e. take into account the estimated cost of materials of the most widely used brands (from those provided for by both estimated standards and projects) and the estimated cost of operating machines.

In the case of using building materials with their brands and consumption rates according to design data (working drawings), the specific material taken into account in the price, its consumption and base price can be replaced with the material provided for by the project at a price reduced to the base price level as of January 1, 2000 of the year.

At the same time, standard indicators for labor in man-hours and construction machines in machine-hours are not subject to adjustment.

The current cost when calculating by type of work performed between customers and contractors is determined by the base-index method based on the base (2000) cost of construction and installation work provided for in local estimates, and the Collection of calculation indices of the State Ministry of Education and Science "Mosoblgoseksperiza" by type of work.


Unit price are the direct costs of producing a unit of work. Prices are divided into two types: closed and open.

Closed prices direct costs take into account all types of costs, including all material resources. This price is displayed in one line in the estimate.

Open prices The cost of basic material resources is not taken into account in direct costs, i.e. resources that determine this type of work. Such a material resource is called unaccounted for. The price in the estimate is displayed in several lines.


When determining the estimated cost of construction, all costs are divided into four groups:

construction work, installation work, equipment and other costs.

The local estimate is drawn up based on:

Scope of work according to design data

Nomenclature and quantity of equipment, inventory

Estimated standards in force at the time of drawing up the estimate

Free (market) prices and tariffs for equipment and inventory

In general, a local estimate is prepared for one type of work.

For example, for buildings and structures - construction work; special construction work; internal sanitary works; internal electric lighting; electric power plants; installation and acquisition of technological and other types of equipment; instrumentation and automation; low-current devices (communications, alarms, etc.); acquisition of devices, equipment and other work.

For general site works - for vertical planning; installation of engineering networks, paths and roads; landscaping, small architectural forms and others.

Two or more local estimates can be drawn up for the same type of work in cases where complex buildings and structures are being designed and technical documentation for construction is being developed by several design organizations, as well as when the estimated cost is divided among start-up complexes.

In local estimates, data is grouped into sections according to individual structural elements of the building (structure), types of work and devices.

Grouping usually corresponds to the technological sequence of work. It is usually allowed to divide buildings and structures into an underground part ("zero cycle" work) and a surface part. Typically, a local estimate includes the following sections:

Construction work: excavation work; foundations and walls of the underground part; walls;
frame; floors; partitions; floors and bases; coverings and roofs; filling
openings; stairs and platforms; Finishing work;

Special construction work: foundations for equipment; special
grounds; channels and pits; lining and insulation; chemical protective coatings
and other works;

Internal sanitary works: water supply, sewerage, heating;

Gas supply;

Equipment installation: purchase and installation of process equipment,
technological pipelines, technological metal structures, etc.;

Ventilation and air conditioning;

Electric installation work;

Low voltage networks;


In general, an estimate is a statement that summarizes unit prices, grouped into sections, indicating additional cost items for each section and for the estimate as a whole.

The cost determined by local estimates includes direct costs, overhead costs and estimated profit.

Direct costs consist of the basic wages of workers, the cost of operating construction machines and the cost of materials, products, structures (all these figures are indicated in the estimate columns). Direct costs and their components are deciphered line by line.

Accrual of overhead costs and changes in profit when drawing up local estimates without dividing into sections is carried out at the end of the estimate after the total of direct costs, when forming by sections - at the end of each section and in general according to the local estimate.

The assignment of overhead costs and estimated profit is carried out according to the norms of overhead costs and estimated profit, respectively, the amount of which is provided for by the current governing documents and is based on the basic salary.

So, direct costs, overhead costs and estimated profit make up the cost of construction, repair, installation, etc. work.

In addition, in object estimates and summary estimates, limited expenses are accrued, including: winter increases in prices, temporary buildings and structures, preparation of design estimates; contingencies and other expenses required by local conditions.

In cases where consolidated estimates are not prepared, the above costs are included in the local estimate.

In the case when, in accordance with the design decision, dismantling of structures or demolition of buildings and structures is carried out, for structures, materials and products suitable for reuse, the results of local estimates (calculations) for dismantling, demolition (relocation) of buildings and structures are provided for reference refund amounts, i.e. amounts that reduce the size of capital investments allocated by the customer. These amounts are not excluded from the local estimate (calculation) and from the volume of work performed. They are shown in a separate line called “Including refundable amounts” and are determined on the basis of the items and quantities of structures, materials and products received for subsequent use, also given after the results of the local estimate. The cost of such structures, materials, products as part of refundable amounts is determined at the price of possible sales minus from these amounts the costs of bringing them into a usable condition and delivering them to storage locations.

Structures, materials and products taken into account in refundable amounts should be distinguished from the so-called revolving materials (formwork, fastening, etc.), used in accordance with construction technology several times when performing certain types of work. Their repeated turnover is taken into account in the estimated standards and the prices compiled on the basis of them for the corresponding structures and types of work.


Object estimates are compiled for the facility as a whole by summing up the data from local estimates (estimates) with grouping of work and costs according to the corresponding columns of the estimated cost: “Construction work”, “Installation work”, “Equipment”, “Other costs”. They are compiled at one price level: basic or current.

If the cost of an object can be determined from one local estimate, then an object estimate is not drawn up.

In order to determine the full cost of the object necessary for settlement of work performed between the customer and the contractor, at the end of the project estimate, funds for covering limited costs are additionally included in the cost of construction and installation work determined at the current price level. to increase the cost of work performed in winter, the cost of temporary buildings and structures included in the estimated cost of construction and installation work.

In the object estimate, line by line and ultimately, indicators of unit cost are given per 1 m 3 of volume, 1 m 2 of area of ​​buildings and structures, 1 m of network length, etc.

Following the results of the consolidated estimate calculation, return amounts are shown for reference, which are the final result of return amounts provided for by local estimates.