The main differences between. Main Differences Between Modern Relations Between Jews and Christians

What is the main difference between the electoral residence qualification and the citizenship qualification?

Citizenship qualification. Foreigners and stateless persons residing in the country where elections are held generally do not have voting rights. However, this rule does not always apply at the local level. The Federal Law “On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right to Participate in Referendums of Citizens of the Russian Federation” (clause 4 of Article 18) granted active voting rights in elections to local government bodies to foreign citizens permanently or predominantly residing on the territory of the municipality in which the elections are held. elections. The legislator, amending this law on March 30, 1999, expanded the scope of participation of foreign citizens in the social and political life of the local community, and even granted them passive suffrage. Moreover, the law, confirming the principle of equality, guarantees foreigners the right to elect and be elected to local government bodies on the same conditions as citizens of the Russian Federation. An essential point that should be paid attention to is that in order to have active voting rights, it is enough for a foreigner to primarily reside on the territory of the municipality, and to acquire passive voting rights it is necessary to live there permanently Komkova G., Shudra O. Organizational and legal requirements for holding referendums in municipalities of the Russian Federation // Municipal law 1999 No. 1.

However, this provision of the law does not mean that at the next municipal elections all foreign citizens permanently or predominantly residing in the territory of the municipality will automatically be included in the voter lists. Mandatory conditions for their inclusion in these lists are the existence of an international treaty of the Russian Federation and the corresponding federal law, the law of the subject of the Federation.

It seems that the mandatory presence of an international treaty of the Russian Federation as a condition for granting active and passive voting rights to foreign citizens in local elections is due to the introduction in Russia of the experience of a number of European states. They provide foreign citizens with the right to participate in the management of local community affairs based on the principle of reciprocity. If two states conclude a corresponding international treaty, they undertake obligations to provide equal voting rights in local elections to citizens of the other state.

The first step for Russia in this direction is the implementation of the provisions of the Charter of the Union of Belarus and Russia, signed in Moscow on May 23, 1997. In accordance with it, the powers of the Union and its bodies are determined, aimed at ensuring equality of political rights of citizens, including voting rights. The parliaments of both countries have yet to take measures to legislatively regulate the right to elect to local government bodies citizens of Russia and the Republic of Belarus who do not live in the territory of the state of their citizenship. This problem becomes particularly acute for municipalities located in the border zone.

The norm enshrined in paragraph 2 of Art. becomes a novelty in the electoral legislation. 28, paragraph 9, art. 31, paragraph 3, art. 49 of the new edition of the Federal Law “On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right to Participate in Referendums of Citizens of the Russian Federation” dated March 30, 1999, indicating that a candidate for elective positions of local government authorities may have, along with Russian citizenship, the citizenship of any foreign state . Moreover, this provision applies not only to the local level, but to the federal and the level of the subjects of the Federation. Now something that was previously impossible to even think about can become a reality: a person who, along with Russian, has Israeli, American, Polish, etc. citizenship, can be elected President of Russia, a deputy of the State Duma, or a governor.

Many issues are associated with the exercise of voting rights by internally displaced persons, this is especially typical for those regions in which the flow of migrants does not stop. The right of a citizen to vote is associated with permanent and primary residence in a certain territory of the Russian Federation. The Law “On Forced Migrants” gives a forced migrant the right to independently choose a place of residence on the territory of the Russian Federation, and obliges the relevant executive authorities to assist him in settling in a new place of residence. An analysis of these legal norms allows us to conclude that the place of residence chosen by a forced migrant is his permanent place of residence.

Settlement qualification. Possession of citizenship does not at all mean unconditional granting of voting rights. One of the most ancient qualifications used in the electoral practice of foreign countries is the so-called residence qualification, which means the period required for a person to be included in the voter lists.

The residence qualification is established depending on the level of elections and is differentiated in the exercise of active or passive suffrage. For example, to participate in local elections, a person must live in a community - a lower administrative-territorial unit: in Japan, Germany - 3 months, and in France - 6 months.

The Constitution of the Russian Federation establishes the only restriction on the time of residence on the territory of the Russian Federation for the possession of passive voting rights - a candidate for the post of President of the Russian Federation must reside on the territory of Russia for at least 10 years (Part 2 of Article 81 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation). This is due to the completely justified need for the future head of state to know and understand the specifics of living conditions in the country. The Federal Law of September 19, 1997 prohibits establishing the duration and period of residence of a citizen in a certain territory of the Russian Federation as a condition for acquiring active or passive voting rights.

The former Federal Law “On Basic Guarantees of the Electoral Rights of Citizens of the Russian Federation” of October 26, 1994 allowed for the possibility of establishing by the laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation periods of compulsory residence in a given territory, which could not exceed one year. For example, in the legislation of the Saratov region there were restrictions related to the residence time for a candidate for the post of head of the executive branch of local government - 1 year. The Federal Election Law adopted on September 19, 1997 excludes this possibility. At the same time, discussions continue on the advisability of abolishing the required period of residence of a candidate for a public position. On the one hand, we must not forget about the original purpose of introducing the residency requirement - the elected official should be minimally familiar with local problems. On the other hand, there is no indisputable connection between the qualities of a candidate and the time of his residence in the electoral district.

Initially, Judaism and Christianity were the same teaching, but over time they split into two directions: that is, two religions that largely contradict each other. Although they have common origins, there are now more differences between them than similarities. What's the difference between Jews and Christians? Let's find out the answer to this question in this article.

Judaism acts as the religion of the Jews, distant descendants who made a vow to Abraham. The main distinctive feature of Judaism is that it talks about the chosenness of the Jewish nation relative to other nations.

Christianity– is a religion that does not depend on nationality. Every person who considers himself a follower of Jesus Christ can become a Christian.

Difference between Judaism and Christianity

How do these two religions differ from each other? Do they have anything in common? We will talk about this in more detail now.

Features of the early relationships between Jews and Christians

It should be noted that Jews have not treated Christians very well since the independent formation of the church. Jews often engaged in provocation of the Roman authorities in order to begin persecution of Christians.

And in later times in the New Testament we find mention that it was the Jews who were responsible for the suffering of the Savior, as well as for the subsequent persecution of his disciples.

This, in turn, led to the negative attitude of adherents of the new religion towards Jews. Later, as a result of this attitude, many anti-Semitic actions were justified in a number of countries around the world.

Since the second century AD, there has been an increase in negativistic sentiments towards Jews on the part of Christians.

Modern relations between Jews and Christians

Some improvement in relations between the two religions begins in the sixties of the twentieth century. At that time, there was an official change in the Catholic Church's perception of Jews, and most prayers were freed of anti-Semitic elements.

In 1965, the Vatican adopted a declaration “On the attitude of the Church to non-Christian religious teachings.” According to it, Jews are no longer blamed for the death of Christ, plus any anti-Semitic activity is condemned.

Pope Paul the sixth had to officially ask for forgiveness from non-Christian peoples (in particular the Jews) for long persecutions. As for the Jews themselves, they are characterized by a fairly loyal attitude towards Christians. Although they find some of the Christian religious customs incomprehensible to them, despite this they show a favorable attitude towards the fact that the basic elements of Judaism are used in other religions (in particular in Christianity).

Do Jews and Christians have the same god?

It is no secret that the Christian Bible consists of two parts: the Old and New Testaments. The Old Testament is the basis of Judaism, and the New Testament is the teaching of Christ and his disciples.

It turns out that both Christians and Jews have the same basis of religion and worship the same Deity, the difference lies only in the rituals of serving him.

Even the name of the Deity remains the same - Yahweh, which translated into Russian means “Existent”.

Differences in postulates

Separately, it is necessary to dwell on the main differences in worldview.

Christians believe in three main dogmas, namely:

  • the original sin of all humanity;
  • the second coming of Christ;
  • atonement for all sins through the death of the Savior.

Adherents of Christianity believe that major human problems can be solved with the help of these dogmas. As for the Jews, they do not recognize these principles.

Different Perceptions of Sins

Another important difference between Jews and Christians lies in their different attitudes towards sin. For example, Christians believe that all people were already born sinners (due to original sin) and can only get rid of it by living a decent life.

As for the Jews, they, on the contrary, believe that all people are born innocent, and throughout their lives they independently choose whether to commit sins or not.

Methods of cleansing from sin

From the previous difference in attitude towards sins, a difference in their atonement follows.

Christians believe that all human sins have already been atoned for by Christ through his sacrifice. But for all the actions a person commits during life, he will answer before the Creator after death. In this case, absolution can be obtained from a priest endowed with such power in Christianity.

In Judaism, it is believed that a person is able to receive forgiveness solely through his good deeds and actions.

And all sins are divided into two types:

  • committed against God's will;
  • committed against other people.

A Jew receives forgiveness of the first category, subject to sincere repentance and regret for what he has done. At the same time, he does not need to go to confession in church - it is enough to pray to the Almighty from the heart.

Perception of other world religious movements

In almost all religious teachings of the world, there is a single doctrine - only people who believe in the real God can end up in Heaven (or Paradise). For all those who neglect this rule, eternal life in Heaven becomes inaccessible.

In Christianity, this doctrine is also observed to some extent. But Judaism is characterized by a more tolerant perception of other religions.

In particular, the Jews believe that any righteous person who during his life adhered to the seven main commandments given to people by Moses and received by him from the Most High can end up in Paradise.

These commandments are universal, so it is not necessary that a person believes in the Torah.

Let's take a look at these 7 basic commandments:

  • one must believe that the Universe was created by a single Creator;
  • you cannot blaspheme;
  • laws should be followed;
  • prohibition on worshiping idols;
  • prohibition on theft;
  • prohibition of adultery;
  • prohibition on consumption from the living.

It is believed that even if a person is not Jewish by blood, if he observes all these commandments, he will be able to end up in the Garden of Eden after death.

Also speaking in general, it should be mentioned that Jews have a fairly loyal perception of monotheistic religions (for example, Islam in Christianity), however, paganism is categorically not accepted (due to polytheism and idol worship).

Different perceptions of good and evil

Another very big difference is the attitude towards good and evil between Jews and Christians. What is this difference?

Christians place great emphasis on the concept of Satan (Devil). It is he who is personified by a huge, powerful force, which represents the root cause of evil and all disasters on earth. Christians made Satan the antipode of the Creator.

It is here that the difference is hidden, because the main belief of the Jews is the belief in a unique (!) and omnipotent Creator. The Jews are firmly convinced that no other Higher power can exist besides the Creator. And, based on this, a Jew never divides good into the will of God, and does not attribute evil to the machinations of evil spirits. In Judaism, God acts as a fair judge, rewarding for good transgressions and able to punish for bad ones.

Perception of original sin

You already know about the concept of original sin among Christians. and did not comply with God’s will, for which they were expelled from the Garden of Eden. It is for this reason that all newborns are already considered sinful.

The Jews deny this approach and say that all children are initially innocent and can achieve any worldly blessings. And only the responsibility of the person himself is what kind of life - righteous or sinful he will live.

Perception of worldly life and worldly comforts

And the last difference lies in the perception of worldly life and consolations between Jews and Christians. How does it manifest itself? Christians consider the subsequent life after death to be the main purpose of life for all people. Jews, of course, also believe in the existence of an afterlife, but their main goal in life is to improve their present life.

These concepts can be clearly observed in both religions' perceptions of worldly and bodily desires:

  • Christians believe that all human desires are wicked and are designed to tempt the righteous to commit sins. They are convinced that only pure souls who were not subject to temptations during life receive the honor of living after death. And based on this, every Orthodox Christian is supposed to pay more attention to his spiritual development than to worldly desires. It is because of this that the Pope and priests are supposed to adhere to the vow of celibacy, limiting themselves to worldly pleasures in order to gain greater holiness.
  • Judaism also believes that the soul is more important than the body, but it does not believe that one should completely limit all one's carnal desires. Jews make the process of fulfilling them a good deed. Therefore, they do not understand the Christian vow of celibacy, because for them family and procreation are a purely holy act.

Likewise, these two religions perceive wealth and material goods differently. Christians take the vow of poverty because for them it represents an ideal of holiness. And the Jews, from their position, find the accumulation of financial wealth a positive quality. We hope that we have helped you understand the differences between the religions of Christians and Jews.

What is the main difference between retailers and wholesalers Explain with specific examples.  

The main difference between merchant wholesalers, on the one hand, and agents and brokers, on the other, is that the former offer more services to the buyer. Please comment on this statement.  

What are the main differences between a Theory X and Theory Y leader?  

Any capital is invested by its owner in the expectation that it will bring him income. The main differences between equity and debt capital are as follows. The investor (owner of the enterprise) receives income (called in this case a dividend), the amount of which directly depends on the economic results of the enterprise. In such a situation, receiving dividends is not guaranteed. The lender (for example, a bank) receives its income in the amount of a pre-agreed percentage, regardless of performance results companies. The advantage in this case is the guarantee of income, the disadvantage is the relatively low interest rate.  

For producers of educational goods and services, the degree of commitment to marketing as a market philosophy is embodied in the stages of transition from the so-called “production and sales” orientation to marketing orientation. The main differences between these types of orientation are shown in table. 8.1.  

In table 1.2 summarizes the main differences between the two accounting systems, which are reflected in the definitions of financial  

And here we are faced with the fact that financial accounting is becoming increasingly important static balance, while with points of view management accounting important dynamic balance. The main difference between them is due to the understanding concepts of capital. In the first case we are talking about property (funds, resources), in the second - about advanced capital. Consequently, static balance is built in the current estimates, and the dynamic one is built in the estimate invested capital, i.e. at cost. Hence the subject management accounting is the movement of investments, which are considered in a broad and narrow sense. Investments in a broad sense are capitalized expenses of the company, i.e. the entire asset, except Money. Investments in the narrow sense are capitalized expenses associated with the acquisition (or creation) of non-current assets.  

Describe the main differences between Russia and the West with points of view entrepreneurship and accounting.  

To better and more clearly represent the essence management accounting, it is useful to show the differences and similarities between financial and management accounting. To do this, we will characterize 12 main differences between these accounting subsystems and their common features.  

What is the main difference between open and closed investment funds and why investment funds open type are more popular  

Give the main differences between organization of commercial finance and non-profit organizations  

There are two main differences between the economic and accounting approaches. The first is that, unlike the economic approach, the elements of profit are clearly identified in the accounting approach, that is, the types of income and expenses, and their separate accounting is maintained. Thus, there is always a verifiable and objective information base to calculate the final financial result(naturally, we are talking about transactions carried out within the framework of current legislation and therefore automatically fall into the double entry system).  

During these same years, the OFR on a bilateral basis accounted for about Va loan capital and subsidies received in developing countries. ODF includes two types of lending and subsidizing ODA and other ODF. The main difference between them lies in the conditions under which resources are provided. If the terms of the loan (term, Grace period, interest level) correspond to the established norms of preferential lending, then it refers to ODA, if not, then to other ODA. All non-repayable subsidies are also included in ODA. The average terms of loans within the framework of ODA are as follows: loan term - 25-30 years, Grace period-about 10 years, the cost of the loan is usually not higher than 3% per annum. Loans classified as other OFR are tougher, but usually more profitable, than loans received developing country on world market loan capital.  

Thus, the main difference between formulas (13.1) and (13.2) is that when calculating the EFR using the first formula, the basis is the contractual interest rate(C/7), and for the second - the SP rate (1-Kn), adjusted for tax benefits. The contract rate is replaced by the actual rate, taking into account the deduction of financial expenses.  

The main differences between the methods of pooling capital and purchasing a block of shares  

With a certain degree of convention, we can formulate the main differences between them (Table 6.1), although in practice these two types of analytical work often overlap.  

The main difference between the concepts of profit in accounting and in economics is that the accountant relies on implementation principle as the main criterion for  

State the main differences between competitive advantages, which are formed external environment and are created directly by the company. To which group can absolute competitive advantages be classified?  

State the main differences between forward and futures contracts, including in foreign currency.  

What are the main differences between transactional and liquid approaches to the assessment of the money supply  

What is the main difference between risk and term structures of interest rates rates  

For clarity, Table 28 shows the presence or absence of individual blocks of credentials for different accounting systems OPR. From the information provided, it is clear what the main difference is between factual, normative and comprehensive standard accounting methods. Note that the mere fact that the enterprise practices a system of regular development of a consolidated budget or, conversely, such a system does not exist, has no direct relationship to the choice accounting systems. So, in actual accounting method with equal success, drawing up a planned estimate of the pilot project for the next budget period, or may be absent altogether planning system as such. Those blocks of credentials that are indifferent to the selected accounting system, in table 28 are marked with the notes YES (NO) and NO (YES).  

The main difference between shares and share capital is that shares must be transferred in their entirety, share capital can be divided into parts. FREE ECONOMIC ZONE- limited territories in which particularly preferential economic  

In restrictions (3.153) a and u/ are deterministic, and in restrictions (3.151) they are used mathematical expectations a and b. It should be noted that when planning based on linear models as technological coefficients in, y and restrictions bj, as a rule, average values ​​are used or values ​​determined on the basis of precedented options for the operation of installations. The main difference between linear constraint(3.153) and constraint (3.151) is determined primarily by the quadratic term  

The main difference between these two couples is the corresponding mood.  

According to the degree of breadth and accessibility of the attracted information support in scientific and educational literature it is customary to distinguish two type of analysis internal and external. With a certain degree of convention, we can formulate the main differences between them (see Table 1.3), although in practice these two types of analytical work often overlap.  

All the above questions relate to the content, not the principle of operation. Both my scientific understanding and my experience in trading have convinced me that the main difference between winners and losers is whether they are interested in the content or the process.  

In the end, the main difference between the rich dad and the poor dad was that they simply had different realities. One made the choice to expand his reality and said How can I afford to buy this property on the ocean - despite the fact that at that time he could not afford it. The choice of another was expressed by the words “I can’t afford this.” As I said, it was not a piece of land on the ocean that made one rich and another poor, but their choice of realities.  

Quadrant C is intended for small businesses, or for those who provide themselves with work. People who belong to it see the world from a position of personal independence, do it yourself, or, in other words, a pronounced individualism. Even in this comparison between the S and B quadrants (for those who own their own business), you will find leverage at work. One of the main differences between a small business owner and a large business owner is based on how many people the business owner serves. The owner of a large business does everything possible to build a system that can serve as many people as possible. A small business owner is often driven by his own motivation to serve as many people as possible. The problem with the S quadrant is that a small business owner often lacks time and is unable to serve as many people as a large business owner. So one of the fundamental differences between a small business owner and a large business owner is that an S quadrant business owner serves people personally, while a B quadrant business owner uses an entire system to serve as many people as possible.  

Analyze the main differences between warehouse store and a showroom store selling from catalogues. What factors contributed to the spread of these enterprises?  

The main difference between goals and standards work efficiency in this context is that the goals are self-liquidating, i.e. they usually disappear at the end of the planning period, and the standards work efficiency can move from one planning period to another without changes. Examples of standards work efficiency are the following  

In scientific and educational literature, it is customary to distinguish two type of analysis internal and external. There are two main differences between them: firstly, the breadth and accessibility of the attracted information support and, secondly, the degree of formalization analytical procedures and algorithms. Within internal analysis possible attracting almost anyone necessary information, including those that are not publicly available, in particular for external analysts. Techniques external analysis are built on the assumption of a certain limited information analysis, as a rule, such methods are built on the basis of the most complete set of publicly available financial statements contained in the annual report.  

The main difference between simple and compound interest can be described as follows. Interest on an investment is called simple interest if it is not added to the original amount at the end of each period. Conversely, if interest is added to the original investment, then the amount actually invested increases and the interest income from such new investment amount also increases in the same proportion. This is called compounding, or compounding interest, and the investment earns interest income based on compound interest.  

Douglas Breeden developed a model in which risk of valuable securities is measured by their sensitivity to changes in investor consumption. If he is right, then the expected stock return should move along the line of its consumption beta, and not along the line of its market beta. Figure 8-11 (a) and (b) summarize the main differences between the standard and consumer versions valuation models long-term assets. In the standard model, investors are only interested in the magnitude and uncertainty of their future wealth. Every investor's wealth ultimately correlates perfectly with market profitability portfolio, the demand for shares and other risky assets is thus determined by their market risk. A stronger motive for investment - ensuring consumption - is not taken into account in the model.  

Don Peppers and Martha Rogers recently explored the main differences between mass marketing and what they call the one-to-one concept (see Table 23.2). Companies that know each of their customers can change the product, various offers, appeals, delivery and payment methods in order to maximally satisfy customer requirements. Today, companies have at their disposal a very powerful tool for collecting names, addresses and other information about individual customers - a database.   By order method The cost of a group of machines or an individual machine in individual production is calculated.  

Answer "Much more receptive than television viewers. This factor is a great advantage for radio, and today represents the main difference between radio and television advertising," answers James Garrity, Head of Department IBM advertising. Markoe Rada, head of the public relations department of the travel agency American Express Travel, says the same thing. “We choose radio advertising because of its flexibility and greater focus on certain categories of consumers, which is achieved by choosing a particular radio station.”  

Like that. and another set of basis functions provide the possibility of approximating any continuous function with arbitrary precision. The main difference between them is the method information coding on the hidden layer. If perceptorns use global variables (sets of infinite hyperplanes), then radial basis networks rely on compact balls surrounding a set of support centers (Figure 15).