Reconstruction of buildings and structures. Reconstruction project and estimate

In the construction industry building reconstruction and buildings occupies a special place. Reconstruction of the building is necessary in many cases - for example, when the customer wants to change the functional purpose of the building (reconstruction of factories into office centers), or when the building has fallen into disrepair or is obsolete, as well as in many other situations when a change in the configuration and size of the building is required, redevelopment of the building , reconstruction of the building, addition of floors, additional extension, etc.

Obviously, building reconstruction- this is a complex of organizational and construction measures and construction and installation works associated with a change in the functional purpose of the building, a change in the quantity and quality of internal premises, the need to increase the total area of ​​the building and its capacity, etc.

Reconstruction of structures as their operation progressed, it became the main and perhaps the most significant issue in the construction industry. After all, the costs of operating dilapidated buildings that require constant repairs here and there are much more than the funds that can be invested in reconstruction of objects.

It should not be forgotten that reconstruction- This is a very responsible job that requires knowledge and experience in performing similar work. After all, improperly carried out reconstruction of a house will entail irreversible consequences - cracks in the facade, ceilings, destruction of the foundation, even the destruction of the building. Therefore, when reconstruction of a house (and especially residential) It is important to comply with reconstruction technology and building regulations. Here, the experience and professionalism of the workers of the company with which you cooperate is of no small importance. The working team of our company consists of highly qualified specialists in this field, so by choosing our company, you can be confident in the quality of the work performed.

Reconstruction of an old house may include the following options:

  • reorganization and refurbishment of the building's interior;
  • construction and installation work in order to change the usable area of ​​the house - this can be: extensions to the building, adding floors, construction and reconstruction of the attic floor;
  • base extension;
  • strengthening of all load-bearing structures.
  • reconstruction of brickwork, screeding of facade cracks.
  • Our company provides complete Range of services for building reconstruction are:

  • creation of design documentation;
  • coordination of the reconstruction project in all government agencies;
  • change of purpose of the reconstruction object;
  • reconstruction of premises with partial or complete replacement of floors;
  • replacement of all communications, installation and commissioning;
  • arrangement of supply and exhaust ventilation and air conditioning systems;
  • increasing the building's electrical capacity;
  • design and installation of ventilated facade systems;
  • landscaping and asphalt paving.
  • It should be noted that building reconstruction and structures is work that is, in many cases, more complex and delicate than new construction. Since the building being reconstructed, as a rule, is already integrated into the existing industrial or residential environment, and is closely connected with it in technical and aesthetic terms. Therefore, any reconstruction requires an individual approach to each object.

    Reconstruction of foundations

    The procedure for any reconstruction of buildings implies a certain sequence of work - the beginning of reconstruction must be on the foundation.

    The main reasons for the need reconstruction and strengthening of the foundation, are:

  • weakening of foundation masonry;
  • reduction of soil bearing capacity;
  • increased load on foundations.
  • Deformation and collapse of buildings occurs in most cases due to unstable soil. That is why when reconstruction of residential buildings Great attention should be paid to the reconstruction of foundations and the integrity of utilities.

    Soil strengthening and strengthening foundations carried out by specialized teams with extreme caution using grips (usually no more than 2 m) so as not to damage adjacent areas and overlying parts of the building.

    Increasing the density and bearing capacity of the foundation soil is carried out using various methods: cementation, bituminization, silicatization, electrosilicatization, heat treatment, resinization, installation of cast-in-place piles and compaction of crushed stone.

    If you do not pay attention to the foundation for a long time and do not strengthen it in a timely manner, the walls and supporting structure of the building may develop cracks that damage the decor and finishing of the facade.

    The most important thing when reconstruction of foundations- this is their unloading. That is, an increase in the load-bearing area of ​​the foundation and a decrease in pressure per square meter of the base area of ​​the structure. Only highly qualified workers can cope with this task.

    Reconstruction of the building box (building walls)

    An equally important stage in the reconstruction of a building is reconstruction of walls.

    A decrease in the load-bearing capacity of the walls of a building occurs as a result of the influence of the same factors that affect the foundation. This is the general settlement of the building, cracks and erosion on its walls, as well as the destruction of the overall frame of the supporting structure.

    Reconstruction of buildings focuses on the need to restore walls, not only as decorative and enclosing parts of the structure, but also as its main load-bearing elements. Therefore, it is necessary to reduce the load not only on the foundation of the structure, but also on the walls. This can be achieved by strengthening the wall structures and unloading the upper structures, including the roof.

    In this case, it is advisable to add iron structures and elements to the structure’s frame to enhance the strength of the walls and increase their load-bearing capacity. It is also possible to add new masonry along the entire surface of the walls; the old walls are attached to it with anchor bolts.

    Reconstruction of facades

    In our harsh climate, the need for reconstruction of the building facade. Now this is not difficult to do, since with the advent of modern materials and technologies in facade production, you can easily dismantle the facade, strengthen the masonry, or hide damage behind a curtain wall. To the events reconstruction of the building facade include the following works:

  • arrangement of a separate entrance, repair of the old one;
  • increasing the size or number of windows;
  • arrangement of a winter garden;
  • extension of premises, etc.
  • For reconstruction of the building facade, it is necessary to obtain permission for reconstruction work. In order to develop a new reconstruction project, it is necessary to take into account the appearance of the building so that your original ideas do not violate the unified architectural appearance of the building.

    Facade reconstruction may include such types of work as:

    In order to properly repair the plaster on facades, it is necessary to find out the reasons that caused its damage and eliminate them. Materials used for plastering work must comply with GOST standards. Damp plaster, as well as those with efflorescence, gray and resinous stains on its surface must be removed.

    After repairing the plaster and cleaning, the surface of the facades turns out to be non-uniform due to the different textures of the old and new plaster, so to level it it is puttied with preliminary priming.

    Facades are painted using paint spray guns. Window slopes, narrow rods, platbands, rustication seams, and individual molded parts are usually painted with brushes. The paint is applied to the surface in an even layer, without smudges. Facades are painted according to sections.

    Painting is carried out at an outside temperature of at least +5°C, with the exception of those cases when compositions are used that can be used at negative temperatures.

  • Strengthening stone (brick) masonry
  • In some cases, it is necessary to strengthen the masonry by enclosing it in a cage. Masonry in a cage operates under conditions of all-round compression, while its resistance to longitudinal force increases, and transverse deformations are significantly reduced.

    The cage consists of vertical steel corners, which are installed at the corners of walls or pillars on cement mortar, and clamps made of strip or round steel (steps up to 0.5 m).

    The gaps between the frame elements and the masonry are carefully caulked or injected with cement mortar. The injection is carried out by pumping a liquid cement or polymer cement solution into the damaged masonry under pressure. In this case, a general monolithization of the masonry occurs and its load-bearing capacity is restored.

    A ventilated façade is a modern solution for any case of façade reconstruction. It will not only hide the shortcomings of the building walls, but also give them additional insulation and increase their protective properties.

    Even the walls of an old and dilapidated house can be covered with a curtain facade; not only will the house look like new, but its performance characteristics will also increase and it will be able to last longer. The designs of suspended ventilated facades effectively solve energy saving problems, and besides, there are dozens of different materials of various colors and textures that will suit your building.

    Roof reconstruction

    The final stage building reconstruction is its very top - The technical condition of the roof, its performance qualities have a great impact on the premises below.

    The roof itself and its top layer - the roofing - are constantly exposed to many physical, chemical, mechanical and aggressive factors.

    Roofs and roofs must be constantly in the field of view of maintenance workers. Character roof reconstruction determined by its

    If defects are found during a roof inspection, it is necessary to begin eliminating them. , affected by rust, must be painted, worn areas of pipes and gutters must be replaced with new ones. If the roof is covered, patches are applied in case of minor damage; in case of wear, the entire covering is removed and a complete roof reconstruction.

    When completely replacing an old, worn-out roof, the entire covering is cut and dismantled.

    Reconstruction of industrial buildings

    Reconstruction of industrial buildings(reconstruction of factories, reconstruction of an enterprise, reconstruction of a warehouse) provides for the reorganization of the facility, changes in dimensions and technical indicators, capital construction, construction and reconstruction of engineering systems and communications and other changes.

    To the main types of work reconstruction of industrial buildings include:

  • strengthening the foundation;
  • reconstruction of the “box” of the building;
  • change in the number of floors of the building;
  • base extension;
  • change in architectural appearance;
  • carrying out repair work inside the building (flooring, finishing ceilings, partitions, flights of stairs, doors, windows, etc.);
  • production of additional insulation of floors, roofs, cladding of the building with various materials (facing brick, lining, siding, natural stone, etc.);
  • production, installation and repair of engineering equipment.
  • Our specialists will perform the entire range of work on reconstruction of industrial enterprises, will carry out

    When reconstructing buildings, they play an important role design work and various types of approvals, which often fall on the shoulders of the customer. We are also ready to provide assistance in these matters.

    1. Basic concepts

    Production technology is a set of methods for conducting construction, installation and repair work

    Labor organization is a system of preparatory and technological measures that ensure the execution of work using industrial methods

    Restoration - giving structural elements their original qualities and characteristics.

    Major repairs are repairs carried out to eliminate a malfunction and fully restore the service life of a structural element or object with the replacement or restoration of any of its parts, including basic ones.

    Modernization is a complete reconstruction of a building taking into account new requirements.

    Obsolescence is the depreciation of buildings suitable for use due to socially necessary production costs in the process of creating similar funds and the emergence of new, more modern ones.

    Expansion of enterprises - construction of additional and new production facilities, expansion of existing workshops and facilities for main, auxiliary and service purposes.

    Reconstruction is a complex of construction works and organizational and technological measures associated with changes in the main technical and economic indicators of a building or its purpose, carried out in order to improve conditions.

    Reconstruction of a building is a change in the space-planning structure of a building, as well as its structural and technical solutions in order to eliminate physical and moral wear and tear.

    Development reconstruction is a change in the planning structure of territories in order to increase the efficiency of its functioning.

    Repair is a set of operations to restore the serviceability or performance of structural elements, restoring their resources.

    Renovation is the partial or complete demolition of the housing stock (building) with the subsequent preparation of the territory (site) for new construction on the released territory.

    Current repairs are the repairs of a building in order to restore the serviceability (operability) of its structures and engineering equipment systems, as well as maintain operational performance.

    Technical re-equipment is a set of measures to improve the technical and economic level of individual industries, workshops and areas based on the introduction of advanced equipment and technology, mechanization and automation, modernization and replacement of outdated and worn-out equipment with more productive ones.

    Physical wear and tear is the gradual loss of the original qualities of the materials from which a building is constructed, as a result of which their performance properties deteriorate and their cost decreases.

    Reinforcement - giving structures quality and characteristics that are increased compared to the original ones.

    2. Classification of repair work

    The system of planned preventive maintenance (PPR) is a set of organizational and technical measures for the maintenance and repair of structures, sanitary systems, engineering devices and equipment, carried out according to pre-drawn plans.

    There are two main PPR: current and capital; they are divided respectively into planned preventative (preventive) and emergency (unforeseen) routine repairs and planned preventative (comprehensive) and selective overhauls.

    Current repairs consist of systematically and timely work carried out to protect parts of buildings and equipment from premature wear and to eliminate minor damage and malfunctions that occur.

    The main type of current repair is scheduled preventative (preventative) repairs(TPR). Up to 75...80% of the funds allocated for current repairs are allocated for its production. TPR work includes repair and painting of roofs, painting and partial replacement of drainpipes, partial repair of doors, windows, etc.

    To work current unforeseen repairs(TNR) include urgent corrections of minor emergency damage (for example, in heating systems, water supply), replacement of broken glass, etc. 20 ... 25% of the cost of current repairs is provided for these works.

    Overhaul consists of replacing or restoring the operational characteristics of all structures, sanitary systems, engineering devices and equipment due to their physical or moral wear and tear and destruction.

    Comprehensive overhaul(KKR) covers the entire building as a whole or its individual sections to eliminate moral and physical wear and tear.

    In accordance with current standards, nine years from the start of operation of the building, the roof, facades with sealed joints, staircases, hot water supply systems, etc. are repaired. After the next nine years, i.e. 18 years after the building is put into operation, except The scope of work listed above is also repaired by heating systems, cold water supply and sewerage systems, partially floors, electrical equipment and some landscaping elements.

    Selective overhaul(WRC) provides for the replacement of individual worn-out structures, equipment or their elements, the repair of which is caused by significant wear and tear and cannot be postponed until the next scheduled preventative (comprehensive) repair. The frequency of VCR is 5...6 years.

    Reconstruction (modernization) of a building is its reconstruction with a change in purpose, internal or external appearance.

    Thus, the reconstruction of buildings is conventionally divided into complex and partial. At comprehensive reconstruction At the same time, the tasks of increasing the building capital, landscaping and increasing useful and living space are solved.

    At partial reconstruction usually limited to remodeling interior spaces without replacing floors and significantly re-lining walls. Partial reconstruction is appropriate for buildings with little physical wear and tear.

    When reconstructing a building, in addition to major repairs, work related to new construction is also performed.

    Reconstruction of a building is a concept denoting repair work carried out in a building in order to improve its operational qualities, eliminate physical and moral wear and tear and increase the degree of its improvement.

    Strengthening of structural elements occurs most often during reconstruction work and is associated with providing structures with load-bearing capacity, rigidity and stability.

    System for reconstruction of buildings and buildings

    3. Factors causing the need for repair measures

    Residential buildings.

    - architectural and urban planning solutions- the reconstruction of the city in terms of plan is associated with overcoming the chaotic arrangement of buildings, with the creation of a clearer layout of streets, squares, and courtyard areas.

    When reconstructing the city as a whole, there are three directions:

    1 – creation of satellite cities in large metropolitan areas, which contain recreation areas, residential areas, consumer services, and social and cultural institutions. By transferring some functions to satellite cities, the large city remains within its borders. The territory of the main city is being reconstructed, creating more comfortable living conditions that meet modern requirements;

    2 – subject to significant reconstruction of the planning structure of the city itself. At the same time, they strive to create structures that could develop painlessly over time, but at the same time having compact transport communications;

    3 – a compact city is created, which, as it develops, turns nearby settlements into satellite cities. This method seems to combine the two previous ones.

    - departmental affiliation– this principle underlies further classification due to the fact that the level of technical operation in different departments differs significantly, especially recently. The level of financing for the operation of the building and the competence of the employees of the operating organization in the issues and rules of operation will determine its technical condition.

    - construction period– the time of construction of a building largely determines the technical, strength and operational characteristics of the main structural elements of the building. The same characteristic predetermines an approximate list of main activities during the reconstruction and modernization of a building. In many ways, this characteristic also influences the subsequent characteristics of the classification of buildings: the material of the main structural elements, architectural and planning solutions, design solutions, the level of engineering improvements and some others.

    In our country, there are three main periods of construction, which include existing buildings:

    1 – pre-revolutionary construction;

    2 – construction 1917 – 1960s;

    3 – construction 1961 – present.

    architectural and planning solutions- this is a sign that predetermines the level of internal changes to the building related to the layout and major social issues caused by the reconstruction of the building.

    Classification of buildings according to architectural and planning solutions allows us to highlight the main solutions, methods and methods of reconstruction and modernization of buildings:

    1 – residential buildings of the pre-revolutionary period, built with high-quality apartments of 6 ... 9 rooms, living area 100 ... 150 m2, spacious kitchens and hallways, rooms for servants, floor height up to 4 m;

    2 – sectional houses of pre-revolutionary construction and those built in the first decades of Soviet power, apartments of 2 ... 5 rooms, living area up to 80 m2, floor height up to 3 ... 3.5 m;

    3 – houses of pre-revolutionary construction with a corridor and gallery system with apartments of 10 ... 20 rooms, room area - 20 ... 35 m2, the presence of one kitchen and one bathroom; residential buildings of a corridor system with rooms of 10 ... 13 m2, floor height up to 3.5 m;

    4 – other types of buildings with a chaotic layout, converted into housing in the first years of Soviet power;

    5 – buildings of the industrial period of construction, suitable for family occupancy with a single bathroom, living space does not meet modern standards, floor height 2.4 ... 2.5 m;

    6 – buildings of the industrial period of construction, suitable for family occupancy with a separate bathroom, with a living area sufficient for modern standards, floor height 2.4 ... 2.5 m;

    7 – buildings of the last years of construction, with an area sufficient and exceeding modern standards, with one or two bathrooms, floor height 2.5 ... 2.7 m

    design diagram– plays a great role in the design and organization of reconstruction of residential buildings:

    1 – single-span with longitudinal load-bearing walls;

    2 – two-span with longitudinal load-bearing walls;

    3 – three-span with longitudinal load-bearing walls;

    4 – multi-span with transverse load-bearing walls;

    5 – mixed;

    6 – with incomplete frame

    - material of the main structural elements of the building– this characteristic predetermines the reconstruction option: cosmetic repairs with reconstruction elements in the form of a superstructure, extension, widening of the building, internal redevelopment, etc.; reconstruction combined with major repairs associated with the replacement of floors or other individual structural elements; complete demolition of the building.

    By type of main structural elements, all existing buildings can be divided according to the rules for calculating uniform depreciation charges for complete restoration:

    1 – stone, especially solid, brick walls 2.5 – 3.5 bricks thick or brick with reinforced concrete or metal frame, reinforced concrete or concrete floors;

    2 – with brick walls 1.5 – 2.5 bricks thick, reinforced concrete, concrete or wooden floors with large block walls, reinforced concrete floors;

    3 – with lightweight masonry walls made of brick, monolithic and lightweight cinder blocks, shell rock, reinforced concrete or concrete floors;

    4 – with large-panel walls, reinforced concrete floors;

    5 – with walls and large-block or lightweight masonry made of brick, monolithic slag concrete, small cinder blocks, shell rock, wooden floors;

    6 – with mixed walls, wooden, chopped or cobblestones.

    This division of buildings makes it easier to calculate physical wear and tear.

    social issues– this is the biggest and most painful problem, which requires particularly careful study at the preliminary stage of reconstruction. In many ways, the development of all documentation for the reconstruction and modernization of a particular building will depend on the solution of this issue.

    Residents of old houses represent different segments of the population: those who have lived in this house for a long time, those who recently bought it or received it by inheritance, those who have lived since birth but want to get a new one. Depending on the category of residents, various options for providing them with housing after the reconstruction of a given house may arise:

    1 – return to a renovated apartment;

    2 – exchange, but in the same house;

    3 – exchange, but in the same area;

    4 – moving to another area.

    - level of engineering improvement– the presence or absence of landscaping elements affects the level of comfort and attractiveness of a particular building. Therefore, when addressing issues of reconstruction and modernization, this issue is given considerable importance. The lack of certain types of improvement very often determines the need for major repairs or reconstruction.

    - environmental issues, responsible for the quality of the building as a whole and specific rooms in a given building: thermal comfort, insolation of rooms, sound comfort, visual comfort, etc.

    The need to reconstruct buildings often arises during their operation. The owner or tenant needs to increase the usable area, change the layout, update the facade or solve other problems.

    Before reconstructing a building, specialists perform a full technical inspection, which will allow them to assess the current condition of the facility and select measures for further refurbishment. Next, you can begin to develop design documentation. Priority tasks are changing the quality and quantity of useful spaces inside the building, increasing capacity, extension area, etc.

    An example of the reconstruction of an industrial building (factory) into an office center:

    The main goals of the reconstruction of buildings and structures:

    increasing the area of ​​the building (construction of attics, redevelopment of premises, addition of floors, construction of extensions, etc.

    refurbishment of internal premises;

    updating or changing the façade of a building;

    changing or updating the appearance of an object;

    strengthening the load-bearing structures of the building.

    One of the main areas of our activity is the reconstruction of industrial buildings. During their work, the specialists of the RosArchitect company have implemented many projects of varying complexity. etc.

    What work is included in the reconstruction project?

    The main list of work performed during the reconstruction of public, industrial, and residential buildings is indicated in the Appendix of Departmental Construction Standards of the State Committee for Architecture and Urban Planning. To update and restore objects, in addition to increasing the usable area, the following is carried out:

    • reorganization of internal space. This stage of reconstruction is especially important for industrial buildings, allowing the old building to be brought into compliance with new requirements for working conditions;
    • modernization of internal and external engineering networks, replacement of equipment with modern, reliable and efficient analogues;
    • restoration of the load-bearing capacity of structural elements (foundation, walls, ceilings);
    • improvement of architecture and landscaping of the surrounding area. It is mandatory to carry out the reconstruction of administrative and public buildings located in the historical part of the city, and other objects whose appearance must correspond to the aesthetics of the surrounding buildings.

    Depending on the purpose and condition of the object, this list may be supplemented with other items, so the design of building reconstruction is always carried out individually.

    Reconstruction projects for different parts of objects

    The building reconstruction project is being prepared in stages, with a detailed study of each element of the structure. The foundation, walls, facade and roof are considered separately. Restoring or updating each has its own characteristics.

    Design of building foundation reconstruction

    Work is carried out if the foundation masonry is weakened, the load on it is increased or the bearing capacity of the soil is reduced. The strength of the foundation is increased with the help of reinforced concrete structures, soil imperfections are corrected by laying cast-in-place piles, compacting crushed stone, and silicization.

    Building wall reconstruction project

    When restoring walls, the main work is aimed at restoring their load-bearing capacity, reducing shrinkage, erosion and cracks. To strengthen the project, reinforced concrete products or new brickwork are laid along all enclosing structures and attached to them with anchor bolts.

    Roof restoration

    Before designing the reconstruction of the roof of an industrial, residential, or public building, its condition is assessed. After the inspection, the list of works includes eliminating defects, painting damaged areas, replacing pipes and gutters, and outdated roofing.

    Reconstruction of facades of residential, administrative, industrial buildings

    When updating the façade, the project involves not only strengthening the walls. Restoration work may include installation or repair of the entrance group, increasing the number or size of window openings. The final stage is finishing, for which plaster or paint is used. Before starting work, restoration operations are carried out to correct wall defects, and materials that comply with GOST standards are selected.

    Also, the restoration of the facade is carried out using new brickwork or strengthening the old one. In the second case, the structures are enclosed in steel corners, and a polymer cement solution is pumped into the gaps.

    Another way to update facades is to install suspended ventilated systems. This method of reconstruction is applicable to all types of objects, but is especially in demand in industrial buildings, hiding communications and any surface defects.

    Work examples

    Stages of work

    Architectural concept

    Development of preliminary architectural and space-planning solutions for the construction site, including the development of AGR

    Obtaining initial permitting documentation (IRD)

    • Obtaining GPZU
    • Carrying out engineering surveys
    • Carrying out a building survey (if necessary)
    • Obtaining Technical Specifications, etc.

    Project documentation

    Development of project documentation at the “Project Documentation” stage in accordance with the requirements of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 87 of February 16, 2008, to the extent necessary for passing the examination of project documentation

    Approval of project documentation

    Obtaining all necessary approvals, including undergoing an examination of design documentation and obtaining a Construction Permit.

    Working documentation

    Development of working drawings to the extent necessary for construction and installation work

    Conducting architectural supervision of the construction of the design object

    Carefully carried out engineering calculations and preparation of technical documentation guarantee exceptional reliability, functionality and energy efficiency of the buildings being constructed.

    The design of buildings is carried out in full compliance with current building codes and regulations. Each object developed by our architects is a unique building, distinguished by comfort, functionality and ergonomics.

    The advanced trends that are used in the design of buildings are reflected by strict proportions and elegant decoration of facades, thoughtful layout of premises and communications, as well as full natural insolation of the internal space and compliance with the requirements for the accessibility of buildings by people with limited mobility.

    Why is it profitable to order building design in "RosArchitect"

    Personal approach to each client. At the stage of preliminary approval of the project, the Customer can make adjustments to the documentation.

    Turnkey service package. Specialists perform a full range of work, starting with developing the concept of the future structure and ending with project support at all stages of construction.

    Automation of work. During the design process, advanced computer modeling methods and modern equipment are used. As a result, the quality and efficiency of technical documentation development significantly improves.

    Experience and competence of employees. The company's staff consists of specialists with specialized education and extensive experience in the field of building design.

    No intermediaries. The project is developed by one organization, which guarantees compliance with deadlines and more favorable price conditions.

    We guarantee:

    • fulfillment of contractual obligations efficiently and on time;
    • full compliance of the results with the goals set;
    • flexible approach and readiness to solve any technical issues;
    • prompt approval of design documentation.

    Reconstruction projects are characterized by complex and special work associated with dismantling, replacing and strengthening building structures.

    According to the degree of complexity (complexity category), reconstruction objects are divided into 3 groups:

    1. Simple objects; 2. Medium difficulty. 3. Particularly complex.

    According to the composition and space-planning solution, they are distinguished:

    1. simple – these are several standard buildings or one building with a simple space-planning solution;

    2. medium complexity - these are several non-standard buildings and structures, with repeating parameters of the main dimensional diagrams, or one non-standard (individual building);

    3. especially complex - this is a large number of different buildings and structures or one large building with various non-standard space-planning solutions.

    Constructive solutions of a building or structure:

    1. simple – these are standard designs;

    2. medium complexity - these are various combinations of individual and standard structures that require the use of relatively simple construction technologies;

    3. especially complex - these are individual structures that are largely associated with the replacement or strengthening of bases, foundations, load-bearing structures of buildings and require the development of special technologies for the work.

    Due to tightness:

    1. uncomplicated - this is normal tightness (K st >1);

    2. medium complexity - these are cramped areas (0<К ст <1);

    3. Particularly difficult – these are especially cramped areas (K st = 1).

    By building density:

    1. uncomplicated – low density;

    2. medium complexity - this is average density;

    3. especially complex - high density.

    on operational activities of reconstructed facilities:

    1. uncomplicated - work is carried out in buildings vacated for the period of construction and installation work;

    2. medium complexity - the main activity of the object is suspended for a limited time, but the object functions with some restrictions.

    3. Particularly complex - the operation of the facility does not stop during construction and installation works.

    According to the saturation of the territory and operating conditions of utilities:

    1. uncomplicated - a small number of utilities that do not require their protection or overpayment during the reconstruction process;

    2. of medium complexity - there are communications that are used during reconstruction, but also require their replacement or relocation to a small extent;

    3. particularly complex - the presence of a large number of communications that are used during the reconstruction process and require their protection or transfer.

    Reconstruction of existing enterprises is always associated with the need to ensure interaction between two systems:

    1. operation of the facility;

    2. construction production.

    Their interaction is possible only if appropriate conditions are created for each.

    Three reconstruction methods are possible:

    1. with stoppage of production - in industrial construction it is used mainly in the reconstruction of processing-type production facilities with a continuous technological cycle (steel, glass, cement production) or workshops of enterprises with strict requirements for microclimate, humidity and cleanliness of premises (chemical, electrical industries); in civil engineering, this method is used to reconstruct buildings from which, during their reconstruction, people have been evicted and the enterprises located in them have been removed;

    2. without stopping production - reconstruction work is carried out without stopping the main production, or without eviction of residents of houses;

    3. partial stop – as a variation.

    Under cramped understand that there are certain obstacles that limit the ability of construction machines or workers to be used on a construction site. Reconstruction objects are characterized by internal and external constraints. External tightness is expressed by the ratio of the free territory of a construction site to the area of ​​the site required for the rational organization of construction production and placement of construction equipment, storage of structures and materials and placement of a camp for builders. Internal tightness determines the technology of construction processes, their interconnection in time and space, and characterizes the conditions for organizing workplaces, restrictions in the formation of work fronts, and the possibility of using construction equipment during installation and dismantling work. Internal constraint is characterized by the degree of freedom of the indoor premises of building structures. The degree of freedom refers to the number of possible directions of unhindered movement of structures and materials. The degree of freedom depends on the location of the enclosing structures, the dimensions of the building, the dimensions of the room, the height of the floors, or other parameters characterizing the space-planning solutions of the building. All these parameters largely determine the brands of machines and mechanisms.

    Reconstruction (repair and construction production) has a number of features that distinguish it from new construction. These include:

    · preservation (restoration, strengthening) of some structural elements of the building;

    · carrying out work in cramped conditions of the existing urban development;

    · presence of specific technological processes (inspection, restoration, strengthening, dismantling of structures);

    · the need to make fundamental organizational and technological decisions for reconstruction long before the start of design - usually already at the stage of inspection of the building planned for reconstruction (at subsequent stages these decisions are only clarified and adjusted).

    The repair (reconstruction) organization project must be developed taking into account:

    · application of advanced technologies,

    · materials, products, structures, equipment;

    · maximum limitation on the construction of temporary buildings and structures through the use of existing buildings (including those subject to demolition) for the period of repair or reconstruction;

    · creating conditions for maximum preservation of structures, materials, products, equipment obtained during disassembly;

    · ensuring the safety of citizens in areas adjacent to repair or reconstruction facilities; environmental protection.

    Repair (reconstruction) project is a mandatory document for all participants in the investment process: investors, customers, contractors, operating organizations, supervisory and control authorities. The project for organizing the reconstruction is coordinated with the customer, the general contractor, the owner (the balance holder or the body authorized by him) of the buildings and structures being repaired or reconstructed, the administration of the municipality on the territory of which repair and construction work is carried out, operating organizations, the environmental protection committee of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, the Department state fire service, the relevant traffic police department. The authorized body conducting the examination of design and estimate documentation for repair or reconstruction, during the examination process, has the right to require additional approvals in connection with the specifics of repair and construction work. Approval of the reconstruction organization project (as part of the design and estimate documentation) is carried out in the manner specified for the approval of design and estimate documentation for construction (reconstruction).

    The starting materials for developing a reconstruction organization project are:

    · feasibility studies (TES), technical and economic calculations (TEC), business plans;

    · materials of technical inspection of structures, elements and systems of buildings and structures being repaired or reconstructed;

    · data on the possibility and timing of vacating (if necessary) buildings and structures from residents and tenants;

    · design and estimate documentation for repairs or reconstruction; decisions agreed with contractors on the use of basic structures and products, as well as mechanization means for repair and construction organizations;

    · the procedure for providing facilities with energy resources, agreed upon with operating organizations;

    · data on the conditions of delivery and transportation to sites from suppliers of structures, materials, products, equipment;

    · data on the provision of facilities with labor resources;

    · information about the conditions of social welfare provision for workers for the entire period of repair and construction work;

    · information about the main provisions of contracts with foreign contractors (in case of involving foreign firms in the work).

    The customers transfer the above materials to the design organization.

    The repair (reconstruction) organization project includes::

    1) calendar plan;

    2) a construction master plan indicating: existing and demolished buildings and structures; operated buildings, structures, utility networks that are not subject to reconstruction; dismantled and repositioned utilities.

    The project for organizing work on the reconstruction of a building is a guide for operational planning, control and accounting and should include preparatory and main periods. During the preparatory period the following work is carried out:

    1) placing orders for the manufacture of parts and structures, determining delivery times to the site;

    2) fencing of the building being repaired (enclosures);

    3) dismantling of buildings to be demolished;

    4) installation and relocation of underground communications;

    5) delivery to the site of inventory, tools, machinery and equipment, installation of main machines;

    6) construction of temporary structures, warehouses (maximum use of existing premises in the reconstructed facility);

    7) resource provision (water, electricity, communications, etc.);

    8) vacating the building from residents (tenants);

    9) inspection of the building by a technical commission consisting of representatives of the customer, design organization and contractor in order to clarify design solutions and determine the return of materials from dismantling structures and equipment.

    Work of the main period for the reconstruction of the building begins after the completion of all work of the preparatory period, about which a special act is drawn up. The work of the main cycle is usually grouped into the following cycles:

    1) preparatory stage;

    2) zero cycle;

    3) dismantling of internal networks (water supply, sewerage, central heating, gas, electrical networks) and installed equipment;

    4) dismantling of building structures (in accordance with the project; usually from top to bottom);

    5) repair (restoration and strengthening), if necessary, replacement of building structures in the sequence determined by the project;

    6) sanitary, electrical and other works (1st stage);

    7) interior finishing work (1st stage);

    8) sanitary and electrical work (2nd stage), carried out after the 1st stage of finishing work - installation of devices and fittings;

    9) interior finishing work (2nd stage);

    10) repair of facades;

    11) landscaping.

    Repair and construction flows are divided depending on the structure on the:

    · specialized, consisting of a number of construction processes carried out on a continuous basis, combined into groups of structural elements of a building or stages of dismantling and installation;

    · object-based, which are a set of specialized flows, the result of which is a reconstructed building;

    · complex, representing a group of object flows assigned to a complex of homogeneous buildings (for example, residential buildings).

    A specific feature of reconstruction is the organization of work on rearranging and moving building structures. This work includes: dismantling, moving or rearranging structural elements. The basis for organizing dismantling should be the principle of comprehensive mechanization of all operations.

    According to the nature of the construction and installation work performed, reconstruction is distinguished: with changes in space-planning solutions; without changing space-planning solutions; with replacement and strengthening of load-bearing structures.

    By the nature of combining construction and installation work with the activities of the enterprise reconstruction can be carried out: without stopping production; with partial stoppage of production; with a complete shutdown of the operating enterprise.

    Full complex
    building reconstruction works

    cost of work

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    Reconstruction of buildings and structures of any complexity

    One of the specializations of our company is the reconstruction of buildings. Working in this segment of the construction market for several decades means invaluable experience and professionalism, the ability to perform tasks at various sites in the most difficult conditions. Today the scope of activity of the enterprise is residential and administrative buildings, production buildings.

    Basic prerequisites for reconstruction

    There is an extensive list of nuances that require work:

    • changing the functional purpose of the building;
    • physical aging of a number of structures during operation;
    • critical changes in soil quality indicators;
    • damage to man-made structures;
    • the need to redevelop individual premises or the complex as a whole;
    • increasing the building density of the microdistrict;
    • restoration work;
    • expansion of the area of ​​production workshops.

    Stages of building reconstruction

    Regardless of the total volume and types of construction and installation tasks included in a single complex, there is a strict sequence of all activities.

    • Carrying out detailed monitoring and technical inspection of the facility, taking into account all the requirements of governing documents relating to reconstruction.
    • Based on the results obtained, sketch and working drawings are drawn up, resource requirements are calculated, the estimated cost of construction is determined and design documentation is agreed upon.
    • Registration and receipt of necessary permits.
    • And only after this the actual installation begins.

    Why is it so important to comply with all provisions of the technological map? Today, the reconstruction of a house in the center of a city like Moscow will require a technical examination of not only the object itself, but also adjacent buildings and communications. This is due to the requirements to exclude the possibility of mutual destruction, preserve the historical value of the façade, and maintain the panorama of the block or microdistrict. It is very important to prevent possible damage and record problems for timely resolution.

    Works during reconstruction of buildings

    This is a huge multi-step process of a large number of construction activities. When carrying out work to reconstruct an old house, the following will be carried out:

    • repair and strengthening of the foundation;
    • a full complex for the restoration of the façade;
    • increasing the strength of interfloor ceilings and support columns;
    • reconstruction of walls and partitions;
    • roofing.

    Repurposing production complex structures will also require a serious approach. Depending on the project assignment, the following tasks may be required:

    • increasing the geometric dimensions of workshops or individual structures;
    • strengthening the load-bearing capacity of capital walls;
    • construction of additional architectural forms;
    • complete replacement of floors.

    Modernization of administrative buildings is carried out with the aim of creating separate work, living areas and conference rooms. In this case, most often there is internal redevelopment and replacement of part of the walls. Construction of additional windows and doorways. The entire complex is carried out taking into account the preservation of the characteristics of the entire structure as a whole. At this stage, various repair work can be carried out: eliminating mold and high humidity in the premises by carrying out

    The task of the builders during installation is to strictly comply with all provisions and requirements of the project.

    Today, the reconstruction of buildings is an important process of ensuring the integrity and timely maintenance of the residential and industrial stock.

    The formation of cracks and skewed doorways is the first signal! The main thing is not to put it off. An application for repair work can be made on our website or by phone. We are always ready to lend a helping hand!

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