Topic: Cadastre and cadastral works. What are the goals and objectives of cadastral work? What is included in cadastral work?

What types of services include cadastral work? How are cadastral works carried out in relation to land plots? How to choose a reliable company for complex cadastral works?

Hello, readers of HeatherBeaver magazine! With you is Alena Orlovskaya, an expert in cadastral work. In the new article we will understand what cadastral work is.

Speaking about cadastral work, it is worth saying a few words about the State Real Estate Cadastre or, in short, about the State Property Committee. State Property Committee information is used for the effective use of land, organization, accounting and registration of real estate. The State Property Committee also includes carrying out cadastral work.

Let's find out what these events are.

1. What is cadastral work and when might it be needed?

Objects of cadastral work include buildings, structures, land plots that are organized, reorganized, changed, accounted for and registered. All real estate objects in the Russian Federation are considered objects of cadastral work, as enshrined in Federal Law No. 122.

First, let's give the official definition of the term.

This is a set of engineering services that consist of collecting information about real estate, analyzing the data obtained and registering it.

In other words, these activities prepare documentation containing all the necessary information about real estate, which is used for accounting and registration in the register of information.

The purpose of cadastral work is to obtain reliable information about real estate, which allows for cadastral registration and legal registration of ownership.

What is this work for? These procedures are necessary for any form of land relations: inheritance, donation, privatization, sale. They include storing, issuing and updating information that is used for taxation, control and accounting.

Let's look at an example that will help you understand this issue.

Registration of real estate ownership involves the preparation, execution and submission of certificates, permits, acts and other documents to control authorities. The first step in successfully solving the problem is to carry out a full range of geodetic and cadastral activities and register the right to own a plot or object.

The company "Center for Geodesy and Cadastre" employs experienced cadastral engineers with continuous experience of more than five years. The scope of services we provide includes:

  • development and execution of Technical and Land Survey plans;
  • inspection of the territory (object) with the preparation of the corresponding act;
  • performing façade photography of objects under construction and finished projects;
  • determination and removal of the boundaries of the land plot;
  • topographic survey of the object under study using the latest equipment.

The advantage of our cadastral engineers’ work is a comprehensive, objective assessment of the situation. We conduct a thorough analysis of the customer’s situation, take into account the requirements and work rules of cadastral registration officials, and take into account the established procedure in the organization. Therefore, our approval process takes place in the shortest possible time, while re-registration, elimination of deficiencies, etc. - not required. The most complex problems and tasks will be solved taking into account current legislation, new norms and regulations that are periodically introduced.

Cadastral works are a specially developed list of specific, mandatory works aimed at preparing data by a cadastral engineer that provides the opportunity to register land plots, buildings, structures, unfinished construction objects, etc.

The purpose of cadastral work

The main goal of the activities carried out is to obtain reliable information regarding a specific landholding or other property. The data obtained should subsequently ensure the legally guaranteed registration of the property in the state cadastral register and the receipt of a full range of rights to own this object. These same documents make it possible to legally carry out other necessary measures - dividing a plot into two or more, merging several land plots into one, etc.

As a result of cadastral work, the customer receives from the cadastral engineer a boundary plan for the site, or a technical plan for a building, structure, apartment, or unfinished construction project.

It is with the availability of these documents that it becomes possible to carry out the entire procedure for registering a property with cadastral registration and formalize the legal right of the owner.

After submitting the technical or boundary plan to the cadastral registration authority, the customer receives a cadastral passport for the object.

To prepare these documents, strict rules have been developed that determine the composition of the cadastral passport, the form of a particular entry, and other information necessary and important for the quality recording of all data.

Directly, all activities related to the production of cadastral works are carried out by a cadastral engineer who has the right to carry them out and has been duly registered in the unified register. This right is confirmed by a special certificate from a cadastral engineer. To carry out accurate measurements and further correctly draw up accounting documents confirming the rights to the object, appropriate training of cadastral engineers is necessary.

Currently, the most accurate measurements are carried out using special GPS/GLONASS equipment. The measurement accuracy in this case is the highest possible, and the error is no more than 1-2cm. If the location of points is carried out on important construction sites and other objects of national importance, then the error in calculating coordinates on the ground does not exceed 1-2 millimeters.

Types of cadastral works

There are several types of activities that are carried out by specialists of cadastral organizations. Typically, the most common activities include:

  • determination of the composition of all owners of land or plots in the study area, in addition to the owners of plots adjacent to the first;
  • preparation of a schematic drawing in which all calculations and measurements performed are recorded, its coordination with the relevant services in local governments;
  • cadastral survey of the object, where all work is carried out to determine the contour of the land plot;
  • legal registration, collection of evidence confirming that this site is formed legally;
  • measurement of coordinate points, necessary in the absence of confirmed boundaries;
  • identification and marking of turning points on the ground that define the contour of the site;
  • a full range of works related to land surveying, full documentation of the boundary plan or technical plan.

Stages of cadastral work

All activities carried out by cadastral specialists are conventionally divided into 3 sequentially performed groups or stages of work.

The first part of the work is a set of preliminary measures. All materials and documents are collected, all necessary initial information and data relating to the object of work are collected, and its research and study is carried out.

After the completion of the documentary preparation carried out by cadastral engineers, the second stage begins - field work. They are carried out directly on the ground. Here, measurements are practically carried out, the necessary calculations are made, boundary signs of the established shape, color and size are installed, indicating the control points of the site.

Office work is the final, third stage; it consists of the execution of a number of documents of the established form and content confirming the completion of the work.

Objects of cadastral works

The objects in respect of which the implementation of accounting and control measures determined by the current legislation is organized includes a fairly large group of territories, land and other plots. The main goal of all these actions is legal registration in territorial cadastral organizations.

The initially formed territorial areas can be defined as such. For example, in the process of registering a lease, or planning design and general construction processes that are mandatory for the subsequent development of land in the complex.

A significant percentage of all cadastral work carried out consists of objects that undergo internal changes for objective reasons, in the process of human economic activity. Such actions include both merging and dividing areas into a smaller (larger) number within the same boundaries. Often, measures are ordered and carried out in order to allocate a share of the desired plot to the new owner, in a number of other similar cases.

Also, these services may be needed to clarify the location of the site and changes made to these indicators. Very often it is necessary to clarify the boundaries of organized travel to the allocated land plot and other necessary actions.

In addition, in order to clarify (establish) the boundaries of settlements and various municipalities, it may also be necessary to clarify cadastral boundaries. An important action is the delimitation of lands into groups, which necessarily takes into account their real price, formed according to the market principle.

Cost of cadastral works

To determine the price of upcoming cadastral works, several main criteria should be taken into account.

The first is the level of complexity when performing certain activities, as well as the category to which this property belongs.

The next step is the specific type of work required. Ordering a complete set of necessary activities from one specialized company is always more cost-effective than signing contracts with different contractors. And much more time will be spent, and the result may turn out to be much worse.

Third, the timing of the activities. If the customer has all the initial data necessary to begin the preparation of the ordered document, confirming the right of ownership, the presence of registration marks - all the necessary measures can be carried out quite quickly, without impracticable and expensive additional actions. If the state of affairs with the registration of ownership of an object has many omissions and inaccuracies, then the likelihood of a long wait for the result increases significantly. The main reason may be the difficulty of collecting initial information, often completely missing initial data.

The on-site activities themselves are the work of professionals, which will be completed in the shortest possible time.

The final cost of the work may vary slightly. The remoteness of the object and the possible complexity of the terrain, the presence of vegetation that impedes movement, ponds, wetlands and other difficult areas and territories have an impact.

1. Theoretical part.

Topic: “The main organizations performing

cadastral works"

1. The essence of cadastral work.

Cadastral works- this is one of the stages of the procedure for the formation (or clarification of the boundaries) of a land plot, or rather, it is work on collecting and reproducing in documentary form information about real estate objects, or about their parts, necessary for their further cadastral registration with subsequent state registration of rights to real estate object for the purpose of creating, changing or terminating real estate objects. Cadastral work is a complex of works to establish, restore and secure land use boundaries on the ground,

determining their location and area, as well as legal registration of the received materials.

Cadastral work is carried out in relation to real estate in accordance with the requirements established by law.

The process of performing cadastral work is called cadastral activity.

Cadastral work is necessary to describe the property as an object of law. Thus, by performing cadastral work, real estate objects are created as an object of civil rights.

At the present stage of economic development, cadastral work serves as the main mechanism for the formation of new land plots. Without cadastral work, it is impossible to provide and withdraw land plots.

A professional approach to cadastral work makes it possible to provide land plots for construction in the shortest possible time and thereby increase the economic indicators of ongoing investment projects.

To carry out cadastral work, competence is required, both in technical and legal matters, therefore it is especially important to attract highly professional specialists to carry out cadastral work.

The result of cadastral work is a boundary plan, which is the basis for registering land plots and registering rights to them.

Legal registration of rights to a land plot includes:

Obtaining a cadastral passport for a land plot from the Federal State Institution "Land Cadastral Chamber";

Registration of rights to a land plot with the Federal Registration Service.

2. Main stages of cadastral work.

1. Preparatory work (collection of information about the land plot). At this stage, a large array of documents is collected, including:

Extracts from the cadastre of real estate;

Cadastral plan of the relevant territory;

Catalogs (lists) of coordinates of points of the reference boundary network (MBN);

Information contained in the Information System for Supporting Urban Development Activities;

Cartographic materials;

Remote sensing materials and land inventory materials;

Information about the copyright holders of adjacent land plots and utilities (power lines, gas pipelines, water pipelines, etc.).

2. Field work (definition of a site on the ground):

Study and determination of the actual situation at the location of the land plot;

Drawing up a preliminary layout of the land plot;

Notification of persons whose rights may be affected during cadastral works;

Coordination of the location of the boundaries of the land plot with interested parties;

Determining the location of the boundaries of a land plot using instrumental or cartometric methods - directly geodetic survey of the boundaries of a land plot;

Determining the location of the boundaries of real estate located on a land plot.

3. Office work (preparation of necessary documents):

Calculation of the area of ​​the entire land plot and its individual parts limited in use (protection zones of power lines, gas pipelines, water protection zones, easements, etc.);

Reflection of the boundaries of parts of the land plot limited in use or burdened with easements in the boundary plan;

Preparation of a land plot plan.

Procedure according to formation (or clarification of boundaries) of a land plot can be divided into several main stages:

1. Carrying out cadastral work:

Horizontal tacheometric survey of a land plot;

Formation of a boundary plan.

2. Implementation of state cadastral registration (carried out by the Office of the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography):

Obtaining a cadastral passport of a land plot.

3. Registration of ownership or other real rights, lease agreements for newly formed land plots (also carried out by the Office of the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography):

Obtaining a certificate of state registration of rights.

The procedure for performing cadastral work.

In more detail, the complex of cadastral works consists of the following stages:

1. Application form:

Leave a request for cadastral work;

Conclude an appropriate agreement;

Provide a number of documents for the formation of a boundary plan.

2. Carrying out survey of the land plot.

Upon arrival of a group of surveyors to conduct a survey, the presence of neighbors adjacent to the land plot is welcomed, but is not mandatory.

3. Transfer after surveying the land plot by surveyors, survey data and documents provided to the cadastral engineer for further processing and consideration. After this, the cadastral engineer carefully studies the provided materials and within 1 month (if all necessary documents and data are provided in a timely manner), creates a package of documents for registering the land plot with the State Cadastral Registration.

3. The main organizations performing cadastral work.

In Russia, a multi-level structure of the urban planning cadastre has been defined, which consists of the following levels:

Russian Federation;

Subjects of the Russian Federation;

Administrative-territorial entities;

Urban and other settlements.

The maintenance of each urban planning cadastre is carried out by the cadastral service of the body of architecture and urban planning.

Functions of architecture and urban planning bodies:

Manage the work of the Civil Code services:

Organize the development and control of the Civil Code;

Determine the priorities for the formation of the Civil Code and the order of work;

Introduce into the practice of cadastral services unified legal, normative, methodological and software and technological foundations for maintaining Civil Codes;

Participate in the preparation and submission of an annual analytical report to executive authorities on the state of the Civil Code.

Civil Code service at the level of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

The Civil Code Service is created as a structural unit within the body of architecture and urban planning or as an independent legal entity under it. The body of architecture and urban planning determines the structure, staffing, legal address, feasibility, opening of a personal account for the Civil Code service, and coordinates these decisions with the relevant executive authority.

Depending on the specific scale of urban planning changes, the volume of design and survey work, the activity of the processes of legal circulation of real estate, the structure of the Civil Code services is modified based on the decision of the architecture and urban planning body. At the same time, the composition and direction of activities of departments are changing both in terms of combining functions and the emergence of new ones.

The cadastral service carries out:

Regular receipt of information entered into the Civil Code;

Primary processing of data and entering it into the cadastre;

Maintenance of software and hardware leading the Civil Code;

Exchange of information with other GCs;

Maintenance of information storage and archiving systems;

Protection of information from unauthorized access;

Formation of cadastral documents and their issuance at the request of the architecture and urban planning authority;

Generating cadastral certificates based on user requests;

Providing direct authorized access to cadastral systems for individual users;

Adaptation and addition of general methodological and regulatory provisions of the Civil Code in relation to the peculiarities of the action of the Civil Code;

Development and improvement of the civil code of the territorial object;

Maintaining a bank of urban planning data, materials formed together with the Civil Code, an information base of urban planning activities.

Initial consideration of applications from owners, users, managers of land plots, buildings, as well as sections and nodes of engineering and transport communications;

Drawing up conclusions and submitting them to the architectural authorities of the municipality;

Registration of applications from owners, users, managers.

Civil Code service at the municipal level.

Civil Code services at the municipal level (city, district) are focused on serving a specific territory and form in the Russian Federation a system of cadastral services that maintain the State Urban Planning Cadastre. The number and composition of cadastral services within a territory is determined by its size, population, number and structure of cities, towns and other settlements, and their level of development. Services are created:

For the republic, territory, region, national district;

For the administrative region.

The tasks of creating civil ledger services include:

Development of a regulatory framework regulating the conditions for their formation and functioning, including interaction with departments of architecture and urban planning authorities;

Establishing the subject and procedure for interaction between cadastral services of different levels on the basis of agreed upon boundaries and functions;

Material equipment and staffing of civil engineering services;

Formation of software and hardware kits and information and communication systems;

Personnel training.

Organizational structure of a land management enterprise.

A land management enterprise carrying out work on the re-registration and registration of rights to land plots is faced with tasks, the correct solution of which primarily depends on the choice of a rational organizational and production structure. These include:

A wide range of works (geodetic, cartographic, land management) included in the project determines the need to attract specialists from different fields, forming them into a single project team by establishing a pattern of interactions;

The timeliness of the project dictates the need for parallel implementation of several types of work, which determines the need for prompt maneuvering of labor resources;

A clear division of powers in the field of project management, on the one hand, assigning the solution of specific production tasks to specialists in this area, and on the other hand, coordinating the activities of the enterprise towards the final goal of the project.

The organizational and production structure of a modern enterprise combines elements of both a functional and matrix system. A schematic diagram of the organizational and production structure of a land management enterprise is presented in Figure 1.

Fig.1. Organizational and production structure of a land management enterprise.

matrix communication

The main leader of the company is the General Director, whose competence is the solution of the most general (strategic) issues, such as: concluding contracts for the production of work, approving and developing elements of the staffing table, attracting senior managers to work, solving other problems related to production development and determining the specialization of production in specific market conditions. The General Director is the highest level of centralized production management.

Solving general production problems is the responsibility of the chief engineer of the enterprise, who, directly reporting to the general director, solves the following tasks:

Determining the needs and providing production with the necessary resources, including labor resources;

Management and control of work through the heads of production departments subordinate to him;

Development of staffing schedules, control of the use of labor resources based on calendar reports from heads of production departments.

The chief engineer is an element of the functional structure, occupying the position of a line production manager. It is he who makes the decision to transfer work on the project to one or another division of the company, to hire or lay off performers on the representation of the head of the division. It is noteworthy that in most cases the chief engineer takes charge of the so-called technical department of the enterprise, the main task of which is to provide the production process with production means (computers, geodetic instruments, etc.) and their operation (adjustment, routine repairs), software development, creation of local enterprise networks, training of personnel in working methods on the equipment used and other auxiliary functions.

The elements of the matrix structure are the positions of chief specialist and deputy chief engineer. The need for these elements to appear in the structure of the enterprise is due to the irrationality of concentrating the management of the production process in the hands of one person - the chief engineer, in view of the fact that the problems of interaction between various divisions of the enterprise are complex and require prompt solutions.

In this regard, often, the deputy chief engineer takes over the management of the technical part of the land management project, which consists in the production of specific products of a certain content, quality and quantity. He also monitors compliance with the requirements of materials that are the end result of a specific department’s work on the project and the initial data for the department performing the next type of work. When carrying out land management and land cadastral work, the main part of the technical work: production of drawings, plans, overview maps, drawing up explications, descriptions of boundaries, falls on the cartographic department, which, in view of this, is directly subordinate to the deputy chief engineer. The remaining divisions, not reporting directly to him, coordinate their activities with him in one way or another.

The company's chief specialist develops general tasks within a specific project and ways to solve them, thereby determining the methodology of the production process. Work on re-registration and registration of rights to land plots is essentially a land management project within the enterprise. In view of this, the position of chief specialist, in most cases, is occupied by the head of the land management department. It is he who determines the requirements for the composition, type, and quality of products produced by various divisions of the company.

Not being directly the heads of all production departments, the deputy chief engineer and chief specialist exercise their authority through the chief engineer of the enterprise, thereby ensuring the consistency of the activities of all production departments. The combination of these three managers, who are elements of various production structures, can form the third type of organizational and production structure of the enterprise. In the event of unforeseen circumstances that disrupt the implementation of the project and require prompt management decisions, the chief engineer can delegate a number of his powers to the deputy and chief specialist and thereby form the so-called project management structure. Being the heads of the main production departments and having full power in their hands, through coordinated actions they bring the project implementation activities back to the optimal level. When the specialization of an enterprise changes, the composition of managers also undergoes changes, so with a topographic-cartographic orientation of production, the position of chief specialist can be assigned to the head of the cartographic department, deputy chief engineer - the geodetic survey department.

A large land management enterprise usually works on several projects simultaneously. Based on this, land management has some special features compared to other departments. It includes several leading specialists. Reporting directly to the head of the land management department (chief specialist), they coordinate and control work on specific projects. In addition, to carry out technical work (preparation of land management files, land management projects and other land management documentation), the department has technicians and engineers of lower categories.

Thus, a modern land management enterprise combines elements of functional and matrix organizational and production structures, which allows, with a given level of centralization, to quickly solve production problems, the complexity and diversity of which are determined by a specific project.

Composition and structure of land management and land cadastral work performed by cadastral organizations.

The main goal pursued by the customer of the work is to carry out territorial land management of the areas owned by the enterprise. Confirmation of the right to a specific land plot is a certificate of state registration of rights to real estate and transactions with it in the established form, which is issued by the Ministry of Justice based on the results of state registration of rights.

The title documents are resolutions of local government bodies and agreements of purchase/sale, lease of land plots. The preparation of resolutions is carried out by committees for the management of municipal property, for which it is necessary to contact these bodies with an application accompanied by cadastral plans of land plots.

Cadastral plans of land plots (CPZU) are prepared by the federal state institution "Land Cadastral Chamber" FGU ZKP and issued by the Territorial departments of the Rosnedvizhimost Administration, after the procedure for state cadastral registration of land plots. To carry out this activity, the interested party applies to the Rosnedvizhimost branch with an application to carry out registration of the land plot. Mandatory attachments to the application are title documents and documents on land surveying. Based on these documents, appropriate entries are made about the characteristics of the land plot and the rights to it in the Unified State Register of Lands.

Land survey documents (description of land plots) are documents that are as close as possible to the Unified State Register forms and contain information about the land plot: general information, including location, intended purpose, permitted use, area and accuracy of its determination; plan (drawing) of the boundaries of the land plot; description of the boundaries of the land plot; description (croki) of boundary signs that fix the boundaries.

The description of land plots is prepared on the basis of land management work to establish or restore the boundaries of a land plot, the formation of which is carried out on the basis of land surveying work or on the basis of an approved inventory of the enterprise's lands.

Surveying land plots includes determining the boundaries of a land plot on the ground, coordinating boundaries with adjacent land users, determining the coordinates of boundary markers, and preparing plans (drawings) of the boundaries of a land plot.

Land inventory includes work to study the actual state of the customer’s land fund: study of a set of title and title documents, determination of the actual areas of land plots, their intended purpose and permitted use; design of land boundaries; production of inventory plans; coordination and approval of inventory documents, which may form the basis for state registration of land plots.

Carrying out work on land surveying is preceded by obtaining information from the state land cadastre about the land plot being developed, as well as about adjacent land plots, containing information about the boundaries of the plots, their areas, intended purpose and permitted use. To obtain this information, you must contact the Territorial Department of the Administration at the location of the sites with statements of the established form. The Territorial Departments need to obtain information from duty cadastral maps about the cadastral division of the territory, as well as source cartographic material.

The production of inventory plans, overview maps of the technical project of land management, plans (drawings) of the boundaries of land plots, and the preparation of initial cartographic material are carried out during the implementation of cartographic and mapping work.

The basis for carrying out cartographic and land management work is geodetic surveys, which include the creation of a reference boundary network (MBN) for the territory of the object and horizontal surveying of this territory. These works are carried out on the basis of relevant projects. The initial data for carrying out geodetic work are extracts of the coordinates of points of the state geodetic network, the existing reference boundary network and the boundaries of the corresponding points obtained from the committees on land resources and land management, bodies of the Federal Service of Geodesy and Cartography.

Each stage of work is subject to agreement with the customer, its completion occurs after the customer approves the materials. All materials: technical reports on the creation of compulsory medical insurance, horizontal survey, land management files on inventory, land surveying are prepared in two copies to provide the customer with the first and submit the second to the relevant authorities: Rosnedvizhimost, Federal State Institution ZKP, municipal property management committees (KUMI), registration chambers

Thus, Territorial Land Management projects, as well as the preparation of documents for State Cadastral Registration of land plots of agricultural enterprises, includes the following stages and types of work - Figure 2.

Rice. 2. Structure of the project work on re-registration and registration

rights to land plots .

4. General characteristics of cadastral work

different organizations.

Currently, the following government organizations are involved in regulating land relations:

Federal Land Cadastre Service.

The Federal Land Cadastre Service of Russia (Roszemkadastr) is a federal executive body for state management of land resources, carrying out special (executive, control, permitting, regulatory and other) functions.

The main tasks of the Federal Service are:

Implementation, within its competence, of state management of land resources and participation in the implementation of land reforms;

Maintaining the state land cadastre and state cadastral registration of real estate located on land plots and firmly associated with them;

Exercising state control over the implementation and protection of land;

Organization and implementation of land management;

Organization and implementation of land monitoring;

Providing, in the prescribed manner, federal government bodies, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments, and interested legal entities with information about the condition of the land.

The structure of territorial bodies responsible for ensuring the functions of the local service has been preserved - committees on land resources and land management for the relevant constituent entities of the Russian Federation and land cadastral chambers for the corresponding cadastral districts.

Department of the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography.

Office of the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography abbreviated name - Office of Rosreestr, which carries out the functions of state registration of rights to real estate and transactions with it, provision of public services in the field of maintaining the state real estate cadastre, carrying out state cadastral registration of real estate, cadastral activities, state cadastral valuation of land, land management, state monitoring of land, geodesy and cartography, names of geographical objects, navigation support for transport, as well as the functions of state geodetic supervision, state land control, supervision of the activities of self-regulatory organizations of appraisers, control (supervision) of the activities of arbitration managers, self-regulatory organizations of arbitration managers, state metrological supervision in the field of geodetic and cartographic activities.

Ministry of Land and Property Relations.

The main objectives of the ministry are:

Implementation of state policy in the field of land and property relations on the basis of legislation, privatization of state property;

In accordance with the established procedure, possession, use and disposal of objects owned by the state.

Acting as the owner of state property, the ministry carries out:

Conducting auctions for the sale of real estate and land plots;

Renting out real estate and land;

Transfer of real estate and land plots into trust management;

Control over the effective use of real estate, seizure of inefficiently used real estate.

In the field of regulation of the real estate market, the ministry carries out:

Methodological and information support for the development of the real estate and land market;

Regulation of valuation activities;

Participation in the regulation of real estate activities;

Introduction and development of non-state forms of housing stock management (HOA), professionally managing facilities;

Optimization of timing and costs when registering land through the “one window” mechanism.

Ministry of Construction and Architecture and Housing and Communal Services (HCS) of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The main objectives of the Ministry are:

Implementation of state policy in the field of architecture, urban planning, construction, and the building materials industry; housing and communal services;

Determination of the strategy and main directions of development of the construction and housing and communal services complexes;

Implementation of intersectoral coordination in the established field of activity of the Ministry.

The Ministry is responsible for the following main functions:

Architectural business management;

Urban planning management within the limits of the granted powers;

Safety management of hydraulic structures (HTS) on the territory;

Construction materials industry management;

Construction management;

Management of ensuring citizens' rights to housing and providing consumers with quality housing and communal services;

Creating conditions for the formation of housing markets, housing and communal services;

Management of ensuring the right of citizens to housing;

Supervision of construction, reconstruction, major repairs of capital construction projects;

Control over ensuring the rights and legitimate interests of citizens and the state when providing housing and utility services to the population;

Management of state-owned housing stock.

Department of Architecture and Urban Planning.

Main tasks of the department:

Development of all types of urban planning documentation;

Development and implementation of urban planning policies and implementation of urban planning activities in the subordinate territory.

Committee on Land Resources and Land Management .

The Committee on Land Resources and Land Management is an executive body of state power, formed in accordance with the law to pursue state policy and implement public administration in the field of land relations and maintaining a real estate cadastre, as well as to coordinate the activities in this area of ​​territorial and sectoral executive bodies of state power.

Federal state institution "Land Cadastral Chamber".

The Federal State Institution "Land Cadastral Chamber" is a state organization created to carry out the executive functions assigned to the Federal Real Estate Cadastre Agency for the provision of public services in the field of maintaining the state land cadastre and the state cadastre of real estate, as well as maintaining state technical records of capital construction projects .

Main functions of the organization:

1. Ensuring that interested parties are provided with:

In the prescribed form (in the form of cadastral plans of land plots and territories) official information of the state land cadastre;

In the prescribed form (after the publication of the relevant regulatory legal acts) official information of the state land cadastre;

Information contained in catalogs of land plots (after the publication of the relevant regulatory legal acts - in catalogs of real estate), including tax authorities, as well as bodies that, in cases established by law, have the right to check the availability or search for property;

Other derivative cadastral documents (including information, statistical and analytical materials created on the basis of information from land plot catalogs and duty cadastral maps of cadastral catalogs).

2. Checking the documents submitted for state cadastral registration for the presence of information necessary for registration and their compliance with the information contained in the cadastre, as well as for the absence of other grounds for refusal or suspension of state cadastral registration.

3. Checking the documents submitted for state technical registration for completeness and consistency of the information contained in them.

4. Formation of cadastral files.

5. Reception and registration of documents necessary for carrying out state cadastral registration of land plots, and after the publication of the relevant regulatory legal acts - other real estate objects, as well as documents necessary for carrying out technical registration of urban planning activities.

6. State cadastral registration of land plots (including registration of newly formed land plots, accounting for current changes in the characteristics of existing land plots, deregistration of land plots that have ceased to exist), and after the publication of the relevant regulatory legal acts - state cadastral registration of other real estate objects.

7. Ensuring the implementation of state technical registration of real estate objects (including the reception and registration of documents necessary for carrying out technical registration and the provision of information about real estate objects classified as objects of urban planning activities).

8. Maintaining duty cadastral maps of cadastral blocks.

9. Cataloging of land plots and real estate registered in the corresponding cadastral district.

10. Publishing and publishing public real estate catalogs and public cadastral maps.

11. Preparation and submission to the Office of the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography of proposals to change the cadastral division of the territory of the cadastral district and to determine the specific fees for providing information from the state land cadastre, as well as their copying (documentation).

12. Reception of interested parties on issues within the competence of the Institution.

13. Consideration, within the prescribed period, of requests from copyright holders of real estate properties, other interested parties, state authorities and local governments regarding violations of their rights when registering real estate, as well as making other decisions and preparing responses.

14. Providing advisory and methodological assistance on issues of maintaining the state land cadastre, and after the publication of the relevant regulatory legal acts - on issues of maintaining the state cadastre of real estate.

15. Conducting explanatory work on the issues of formation and accounting of real estate with the right holders of real estate (citizens and legal entities), as well as with specialists in the formation and accounting of real estate.

16. Storage of main and auxiliary documents of the state land cadastre and the state cadastre of real estate.

State unitary enterprise Bureau of Technical Inventory.

State Unitary Enterprise BTI has subsidiaries in cities and regions of the Republic of Tatarstan, which are independent economic entities with the right of a legal entity, have an independent balance sheet, a coat of arms and a seal with their name and operate on the basis of self-financing.

BTI's activities are guided by the requirements of legislation on the territory of the Republic of Tatarstan, regulations of government and management bodies and charters.

The main types of production activities of BTI are:

Technical inventory and certification of housing stock, social and cultural facilities, non-residential buildings, structures, industrial facilities and premises, regardless of form of ownership;

Maintaining state technical records of urban development projects;

Preparation of a package of documents for registering a capital construction project with the state cadastral register in the Unified State Register of Regional Registers of Regional Registers;

Agency services for registering a capital construction project with the state cadastral register in the Unified State Register of Regional Register of Regional Registers;

Valuation of real estate for the purposes of taxation of property of individuals;

Maintaining a register of residential buildings under construction.

In accordance with the issued licenses, RGUP BTI carries out additional activities:

Market valuation of real estate;

Land surveying;

Design of buildings and structures of I and II levels of responsibility, which will allow us to offer to the market a service for the preparation of documents for legalizing redevelopment, including the preparation of redevelopment projects.

In connection with the entry into force of the Federal Law of July 24, 2007 No. 221-FZ “On the State Real Estate Cadastre”, when citizens apply to obtain technical documentation for state registration of rights to real estate, from March 1, 2008, all structural divisions of the BTI issue an additional certificate to customers document - cadastral passport of the object.

Technical Inventory is carried out in order to obtain information about the location, quantitative and qualitative composition, technical condition, level of improvement, cost of real estate and changes in these indicators.

Maintaining a register of residential buildings makes it possible to identify houses with a high degree of readiness, which gives city and district administrations the opportunity to accept houses for operation. This is one of the measures to ensure the implementation of the housing commissioning program.

In order to increase the efficiency of production activities, the BTI enterprise interacts with the registration and tax services, the regulatory service in the field of land relations, and the Ministry of Land and Property Relations of the Republic of Tatarstan. State Unitary Enterprise BTI purposefully pursues an industry technical policy aimed at comprehensive automation of all main areas of BTI activity. This is one of the priority activities of the enterprise. BTI enterprises have implemented an automated information system designed to evaluate and record real estate, their technical, cost and legal characteristics, store accumulated information in electronic form and provide the ability to analyze information based on its presentation in the form of aggregated indicators, allowing to automate interaction with social authorities protection, tax authorities, etc.

Responsibilities of Inventory Technicians:

1. Direct implementation of work on the technical inventory of civil buildings and structures of I and II categories of complexity, external improvements (streets, driveways), transfer devices.

2. carry out an assessment (revaluation) of the listed objects, individual actions to register ownership of buildings, geometric surveys of built-up and undeveloped residential areas.

The inventory technician must know:

1. Techniques for geometric survey of the territory;

2. Design and operation of simple measuring devices;

3. Shooting floor horizontal plans of vertical sections of buildings and structures, streets, driveways, squares;

4. Technical and construction drawing;

5. Conventions used in technical accounting;

6. Construction materials;

7. Parts of buildings and structures, as well as their technical characteristics and signs of physical wear and tear of the structure.

5. Main stages and prospects for the development of cadastral

production in Russia.

The first document regulating the conduct of “cadastral registration” in Russia can be called “Russian Truth” (XI-XII centuries). Already in this document, the lands were classified by land and, accordingly, the boundaries of these lands at that time were determined on the ground. Tatar censuses of princely lands dating back to the 13th century have also survived to this day. Just as now, they were conducted for taxation purposes - determining the amount of tribute.

In the 16th century, a specialized institution was created in Russia - the Local Prikaz. The functions of this institution were in many ways similar to the functions of the current cadastral chambers, registration services and, partly, tax authorities. In the scribe books, qualitative and quantitative records of land were kept (cadastral chamber), information about all transactions with land was recorded (registration service), and the amount of land tax was determined (tax). In addition, the Local Order was a powerful statistical body.

The reforms of Peter I completely destroyed the Local Prikaz system. Instead of household taxation, which took into account the availability of property of taxpayers, a poll tax was introduced. To calculate it, the amount required to maintain the army and the number of male souls were used. With this approach, the cadastre, of course, lost its significance. However, it was Peter, who loved technical innovations, who was the first to use geodetic measurements on the ground in Russia using a goniometer instrument. It was he who first came up with the idea, so relevant today, about continuous land surveying. However, he never managed to carry it out, and an attempt to carry out a complete land survey in Russia was made only 30 years after his death.

The first continuous land survey began in 1754 and - I remember this phrase from school - was accompanied by frequent land disputes. It was often based on scribal records. And these records, in turn, were compiled on the basis of oral testimony from the owners - the boundaries of the plots were not indicated on the plans. In addition, the first general survey involved the “linking” of all land plots to the owners, that is, unauthorized occupied land plots from government lands were identified.

The general survey of 1766 involved the “linking” of land plots to administrative units, cities and villages, and secured actual ownership. Special commissions were created to resolve land disputes. During the general survey, extensive cartographic material was created - land maps. However, information on land quality was not collected.

The abolition of serfdom in 1861, which involved landowners and peasants in active market turnover, the elimination of the poll tax in 1888 - all this served as the reason for new extensive cadastral surveys. Zemstvo institutions took upon themselves this function. The work was carried out on a large scale - the condition of the soil cover, crop yields, and even “the distance from points of sale of products and supply bases with material and technical resources” were assessed (this is from the modern methodology for assessing land). A lot of other indicators were also taken into account. It is believed that it was during this period that sciences such as evaluation statistics and soil science appeared.

All this colossal work turned out to be of no use to anyone with the advent of the new government in 1917. The 1918 Decree “On the Socialization of Land” recognized equal use of land. Private property, everyone knows, was abolished - land was transferred free of charge for permanent (indefinite) use and ceased to be the subject of transactions. And, accordingly, the subject of taxation. During Soviet times, it was carried out mainly only agricultural land cadastre .

In 1928, the nationalization of land was proclaimed by the Land Code of the USSR, which actually established the main features of land relations in the Soviet Union until 1989. Thus, all lands in the USSR belonged to the state. All transactions with land - purchase and sale, rent, pledge, etc. were prohibited. Agricultural enterprises received land for free and indefinite use. The state, being the owner, had the right to redistribute land between enterprises, seize it for non-agricultural use, and dispose of it in other ways. Agricultural enterprises, in turn, allocated plots of about 0.20 hectares from the land given to them for their use for private farming (LPH) by rural residents. The farm allocated a certain part of the land to the population, to its workers in their fields - for planting potatoes and vegetables. These lands were not assigned to the family, were provided for the season, and were often cultivated collectively. In addition, there were collective pastures and hayfields for livestock. Collective farms and state farms became an adequate form of agricultural enterprise under such a system of agricultural production - large state enterprises with an appointed manager, accountable to state governing bodies in their activities and with a significant hired staff of workers.

This system, in its main features, was formed in the USSR in the late 1930s and then only transformed within the framework of the established paradigm. Six decades of development have demonstrated, on the one hand, sufficient stability of its internal structure and adequacy to the tasks being solved, but on the other hand, it has revealed two of its main problems, the solution of which turned out to be impossible without changing the fundamental foundations of the state agricultural system. The first of these problems is the lack of endogenous economic incentives for the economic activities of enterprises. The second problem was the lack of an effective mechanism for motivating labor within farms. Both problems were recognized already in the 1950s.

In the mid-1960s, an economic regulator was introduced - profit, which immediately turned into some kind of accounting and statistical indicator, but never became a real incentive for production. Soviet agriculture, despite the ongoing process of reforms, gradually slid into stagnation. Thus, by the 1990s, the state agricultural system had reached the limit of its self-development; it became a brake on technical progress in the industry, and its reform rested on the need to replace system-forming principles. The question arose about the need to create production units in the agricultural sector that were capable of managing independently in the new conditions, which collective and state farms in their previous form were fundamentally unable to do. First of all, opportunities were created for the development of family farming. In 1987, experiments with farming began in the USSR. With the adoption of cooperative legislation in 1988, family farms began to emerge under the guise of agricultural production cooperatives. The first farms and agricultural cooperatives received the right to rent land from large farms for a fee.

In 1989, the Law “Fundamentals of Land Legislation of the USSR” was adopted, which introduced a new title to land - lifelong inheritable ownership. Its introduction was due to a compromise between the need to give some land independence to nascent private agricultural enterprises and the socio-political impossibility of introducing full-scale land ownership in the country. Also, the “Fundamentals of Land Legislation” of 1989 introduced land lease in exceptional cases and the principle of payment for land use. For the first time in all the years of Soviet power, a land tax was introduced. However, land relations in the country remained basically the same; there were no radical changes in either the structure of land relations or the structure of agriculture.

In the Laws of the Russian Federation of November 22, 1990 “On Land Reform” and of November 23, 1990. in accordance with the Constitution, the right of private ownership of land was secured. Workers and members of collective and state farms were given the right to receive a land share when leaving collective farms and collective farms to organize a peasant farm, that is, they acquired the right of ownership to a land share. It also provides for the provision of private ownership of land plots to citizens for personal subsidiary plots.

Between November 1989 and March 1990, the Supreme Soviet of the USSR adopted laws on rent, property and land. These laws allowed citizens to rent land plots both inside and outside collective and state farms. These laws also provided land ownership rights, including the inheritable right to work the land, but without the rights to buy, sell or mortgage the land.

By the beginning of land reforms in the 1990s. In Russia, a multi-purpose State Land Cadastre has been formed as a single integrated system of information about the legal, natural and economic status of lands, aimed at solving management problems in various spheres of the economy.

At the end of 1990, the Supreme Council of the RSFSR approved a package consisting of three legislative acts on land and agrarian reform: the Law on Peasant Farming, the Law on Land Reform and the Law on Social Development in Rural Areas. These laws gave peasants the right to sell land to the district council, provided a mechanism for allocating land to peasants, exempted peasant farms from government procurement and land tax for 5 years, allowed the use of hired labor and provided a flexible maximum size of land ownership.

Since August 1991, agrarian and land reforms have been carried out within the boundaries of the entire country. In December 1991, the Presidential Decree “On urgent measures to carry out land reform” and the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On the procedure for reorganizing collective and state farms” were issued. Based on these documents, collective and state farms had to decide on the transition to private ownership.

On October 11, 1991, the Law “On Payment for Land” was adopted, which established that the use of land in the Russian Federation is paid. The forms of payment for land are land tax, rent, payment for temporary use of land, payment for the acquisition of land plots of ownership, payment for the acquisition of the right to lease land plots, compensation payments for losses of agricultural production, payment for the use of a land plot when establishing an easement.

On March 19, 1992, the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation approved new certificates of land ownership, lease agreements for agricultural land and agreements for the temporary use of agricultural land.

On August 25, 1992, the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On improving the maintenance of the state land cadastre in the Russian Federation” approved the Regulations on the procedure for maintaining the state cadastre, recognizing the need to coordinate the maintenance of the land cadastre, ensuring a phased transition to an automated method of receiving, processing, storing and providing it data. In addition, the need to conduct an inventory of the lands of settlements was indicated.

The Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of October 27, 1993 “On the regulation of land relations and the development of agrarian reform in Russia” and the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, which classified land plots and everything firmly connected with them as real estate, became important.

In 1994, the activities of the bodies in charge of the land cadastre in Russia were aimed at implementing the above laws, decrees of the President of the Russian Federation and resolutions of the Council of Ministers of the Russian Federation. The most significant documents include the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 3, 1994 “On the procedure for determining the standard price of land,” which established it at 200 times the land tax rate per unit area of ​​a land plot.

In 1997, work continued on the formation of an automated system of the state land cadastre and registration of land rights. In the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, regional programs for creating state land cadastre systems were developed and approved.

The content of the land cadastre, in accordance with the Federal Law “On State Land Cadastre” of January 2, 2000, includes obtaining reliable information about land plots and territorial zones as the main units of cadastral registration. All other actions (maintenance of basic and current land records, compilation of land balances, soil grading and economic assessment of land, state management of land resources, etc.) are included in the land information system.

The Land Code of the Russian Federation of October 25, 2001 determined that the state land cadastre is a systematized set of documented information about objects of state cadastral registration, about the legal regime of lands of the Russian Federation, about the cadastral value, location, size of land plots and objects firmly associated with them real estate. The state land cadastre also includes information about the subjects of rights to land plots.

In accordance with the federal law of November 29, 2004 “On amendments to part two of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and some other legislative acts of the Russian Federation, as well as on the recognition as invalid of certain legislative acts (provisions of legislative acts) of the Russian Federation,” the tax base began to be cadastral value of land.

Until now, land registration has been a process of registering land plots and territorial zones with making entries in the Unified State Register of Lands. An automated system for maintaining the state land cadastre and state registration of real estate has now been created (developed in accordance with the federal target program "Creation of an automated system for maintaining the state land cadastre and state registration of real estate (2002-2007)", approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated October 25. 2005 No. 745) in order to ensure the efficient use of land and other real estate, their involvement in turnover and stimulation of investment activity in the real estate market in the interests of meeting the needs of society.

A target program has been developed “Creation of a real estate cadastre system (2006-2011)” of the federal target program “Creation of an automated system for maintaining State Land Land Registration and GUON (2002-2008)” in accordance with the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 15, 2001 No. 369-r were accepted into this program changes approved by Decree of the Russian Federation dated September 13, 2005 No. 560

The government customer of the program is the Federal Agency for Federal Property Management and FACON.

The goal of the federal target program is to create an automated system for maintaining state land registration - state registration of real estate, involving in turnover and stimulating investment activity in the interests of meeting the needs of society and citizens.

As part of this program, the following subprogram should be implemented:

Creation of the Real Estate Cadastre system (2006-2011)

The purpose of the program is:

Creation of conditions for ensuring state guarantees of property rights and other proprietary rights to real estate;

Improving the tax administration system, creating a complete and reliable source of information;

Improving public services provided to organizations and citizens, as well as state authorities and local governments.

The land cadastre in our country was introduced in recent decades. Therefore, the problem of the land cadastre has many controversial and unresolved issues, but time has already confirmed the need for its existence. In the future, in addition to the land cadastre, environmental certification of agricultural lands will be carried out, which is necessary due to the fact that the environmental situation has recently deteriorated.

During the period of state cadastral assessment of settlement lands (2000–2005), significant both positive and negative experience in carrying out relevant work has been accumulated.

The work carried out by the Federal Land Cadastre Service of Russia to develop the state land cadastre system and cadastral valuation of land, helping to strengthen rights to land and real estate, creates favorable conditions for the development of the country's economy and improving people's living standards.

6. Owners, managers and users of the urban planning cadastre.

The owners of information resources (funds) of the Civil Code are:

Russian Federation;

Subjects of the Russian Federation;

Municipalities represented by their highest executive bodies.

The managers of the information funds of the Civil Code, upon the authority of their owners, are:

Civil Code of the Russian Federation - Ministry of Construction of Russia;

The Civil Code of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation is the body for architecture and urban planning of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation;

The Civil Code of the municipality is the body of architecture and urban planning of the municipality.

Users (consumers) of the urban planning cadastre include:

Customers of urban planning documentation, developers - when providing land for development, obtaining initial data, assignments and design permits, surveying and carrying out construction, issuing construction passports;

Design, survey, research and construction organizations - to obtain initial data when performing relevant work;

Bodies of architecture and urban planning - when drawing up urban planning assignments, regulating the development of urban planning documentation, monitoring the allotment, urban development and use of land plots, and other urban planning activities;

Land resources and land management authorities - when selecting sites for construction and economic needs, regulating land use, monitoring the intended use of land, organizing land surveying, establishing administrative-territorial boundaries, city (village) boundaries, rural settlement boundaries, preparing proposals for the amount of payments for land and the standard price of land, taking into account the urban planning value of the territories, monitoring the lands of settlements;

State property management bodies - when assessing real estate taking into account its urban development value and the associated territory;

Bodies carrying out state registration of rights to real estate and transactions with it - when filling out the established state registration forms;

Environmental and natural resources protection bodies - on the development of environmental protection measures, monitoring, supervision and control over the use of natural resources and the state of the environment of urban and other settlements and their systems;

Financial authorities, investors and insurance services - when establishing rates of land tax and rental payments, taking into account the urban development value of the territory, assessing and insuring the risk of investments in the development of territories;

Executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local self-government of municipalities - in developing a policy for resource- and legally balanced development of territories and settlements, determining investment priorities;

Services of state cadastres (registers) and industry data banks (information funds) - with their interconnected maintenance and receipt of cadastral information;

Other legal entities and individuals (owners of land plots and other real estate) - upon receipt of town planning passports and certificates.

The exercise by citizens of their rights to acquire, alienate, lease or inherit real estate requires compliance with the rules for preparing documentation for all real estate objects. One of these rules is the preparation of technical documentation for houses, buildings and plots. During these activities, cadastral work is carried out. This is essentially recognition by the state of fixed boundaries and dimensions and assignment to the owner of the property.

What is cadastral work and why are they mandatory when registering real estate transactions?

Cadastral work is a set of activities related to the inspection of a real estate property

The ability to realize your economic rights to own and dispose of real estate requires, first of all, a clear understanding of what is meant by a specific property. All structures, buildings, residential and industrial complexes, land for various purposes when carrying out legal operations, regardless of the final purpose, require the preparation of documentation. Since real estate properties are located on land plots and have designated plots and areas for construction or other activities, they must be properly examined and recorded in the federal cadastre. In fact, cadastral work is nothing more than a set of activities related to the examination of a real estate property, analysis of the information received and the development of documentation for registering the property in a unified information system.

Cadastral surveys are a mandatory stage in the development of materials for carrying out basic actions with the property:

  • When purchasing, selling, or otherwise alienating a property;
  • Changes in ownership rights to an object or part of it;
  • Division of one plot of land, structure, building, apartment of a house into several parts, separating them into an independent object;
  • Changes in the purpose of use of a land plot or area;
  • Transferring an object to all views;
  • Entering the object as collateral;
  • Determining the initial value of real estate.

The main document regulating the rules for conducting all types of cadastral surveys is Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 122.

The most popular types of cadastral work - TOP 6 main services

In all the variety of work related to the development of cadastral documentation, 6 types associated with the initial development of documentation and its clarification are most often used. To develop primary documentation for an apartment or land plot, the entire cycle of research is carried out, from searching and submitting all requested documents to the cadastral bureau, to issuing an extract from the state cadastre to the owner.

For other cases, this is limited to clarifying existing documentation on specially developed programs and algorithms.

Why do you need cadastral registration?

Cadastral registration is somewhat reminiscent of the creation of the world - a real estate object is created out of nothing and assigned to the owner. True, in this case, the object, regardless of its form - land, industrial facility or city apartment, must already exist in its natural form and have entirely physical outlines.

Cadastral registration involves going through the entire cycle of surveys. There will be no trifles here and the procedure will be fully followed, regardless of where the object itself is located. The result of this work will be:

  • Registration of real estate in the state;
  • Preparation of a complete set of documents;
  • Assigning a special registration number and assigning it to this object.

How to set the boundaries of a land plot

The procedure for registering a land plot involves resolving many issues, the main of which is the legal support for registration of status. To do this, based on the owner’s application and title documents, survey work is carried out, during which:

  • The collection of all information about the site is organized;
  • Comprehensive field work is carried out - geodetic survey, measurement and documentary shooting of the object;
  • In the process of information processing, individual data and calculations are checked and clarified;
  • The necessary parameters are calculated;
  • State registration is underway.

As a result, a until recently unexplored piece of land appears on the map of the geoinformation resource, indicating its location coordinates, boundaries, area characteristics and, most importantly, information about the owner.

How to properly divide a plot

In the legal field, the division of an existing plot into several separate objects or the separation of a separate part from a complex or construction is accompanied by work on the division of the land plot. In this case, cadastral work is carried out during the reorganization of enterprises, the division of property of spouses or the desire of the owner, for example, when the developer transfers ownership of the estates of a cottage town.

The main issue that you need to pay attention to with this type of work is a change in the legal status of the entire site or its individual parts.

Boundary plan - the main document fixing the boundaries

It is very difficult to find a plot of land without neighbors, and therefore, in order to clearly know the boundaries of your property, a boundary plan is being developed. The drawing up of a working document is carried out by actually surveying the boundaries of the site, its total area or individual areas if the site has a complex shape. In addition, other information and analytical work is being carried out, during which neighboring areas are studied in order to eliminate errors during land surveying.

Issuance of a cadastral passport

Just as for a person, a citizen’s passport determines his citizenship and is a mandatory document, so a piece of real estate is a document that gives the right not only to own, but also to the existence of the real estate itself.

Possession of a cadastral passport for an object allows the owner to carry out all operations related to the disposal of this property. The passport contains all the complete information about the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the object and its legal status at the time of manufacture.

Preparation of cadastral extract

A cadastral extract allows you to provide an interested party with the necessary information about real estate without developing the entire package of documents. When drawing up a loan agreement or preparing a set of documents for obtaining a mortgage, such an extract, for example, can confirm the applicant’s right of ownership of this object in order to subsequently formalize it as collateral.

A cadastral extract is also issued in other cases, for example:

  • Liquidation of an enterprise or individual property;
  • Changes in the actual condition of the building or legal documents;
  • The onset of legal consequences that impose restrictions on the right to dispose of objects.

In connection with the introduction of new forms of documentation, a unified form of extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate has been introduced today.

Algorithm for performing cadastral work

According to the methodology available today, cadastral work is divided into certain stages, during which mandatory procedures are carried out. The logic and principles of the work are reflected in seven main stages of research.

Stage 1. Preparatory stage - study and analysis of documentation

Study and analysis of documentation for cadastral works

The start of the procedure for fulfilling the customer’s order is the customer’s application to the engineering bureau with an application to conduct surveys and draw up an agreement to carry out cadastral work.

The contract specifies the rights and obligations, and as a mandatory addition, an estimate for all services provided by the bureau.

This stage resembles the work of a detective:

  • Inquiries are made to organizations and institutions;
  • Certificates and extracts from title documents are collected;
  • A study of technical documentation and cartographic materials related to the object under study is carried out.
  • An analysis of adjacent properties, communications of local and state facilities located in close proximity to the site or building is carried out.

Stage 2. Geodetic surveys - surveying the site and surroundings of the object

This stage is associated with carrying out field work directly on site:

  • A survey of the site or building is carried out;
  • Based on the measurements, a site plan is drawn up;
  • Turning points on the ground are recorded and linked to the main grid;
  • Boundaries with adjacent areas are established directly on the ground.

Stage 3. Use of space technologies in data processing

In some cases, when it is not possible to conduct a normal geodetic survey of an object, special geodetic techniques are used - the results of satellite images and aerial photography are processed.

During this work, all parameters are calculated using computer programs based on satellite images and specialized software products.

Stage 4. Restoration and development of lost and missing project documentation

During the work, it may be discovered that the documentation provided has inaccuracies or does not fully meet the requirements of the assignment and requires clarification or even revision. In this case, additional research is carried out and the documentation data about the property is restored or supplemented with the necessary information. When updating the documentation of objects that were registered a long time ago, during the time that has passed since the development of documents for registration, many documents have become outdated or new forms of documentation have been introduced.

Stage 5. Development of a boundary plan

Creating a boundary plan for a land plot is considered one of the main stages of work. After completing the cadastral plan, engineers draw up a boundary plan indicating all the complete information about the land plot. In addition to tabular information, it contains a textual part with a description of the object and a graphic part, where a plan is drawn up to scale indicating the area, side dimensions and coordinates of turning points, as well as communications of local and regional significance.

Stage 6. Obtaining the desired documentation

The result of the main work is the issuance of a state document for the property - a Cadastral passport. The documentation package ready for issue includes:

  • Boundary plan of the site;
  • Technical plan of the facility;
  • Additional documents – cadastral extract or duplicate of the cadastral plan.

Stage 7. Final stage - clarification, approval and signing of the work completion certificate

Prepared documents enter into legal force only when the final verification, approval and registration of all documents takes place.

When working with a customer, it means that a certificate of cadastral work is being drawn up. The act must, in addition to registration documents and basic information, also indicate the results of coordination with the owners of neighboring plots.

The act is approved by the head of the bureau and signed by the responsible executor. The document is certified by the seal of the enterprise.

Only after this the documentation package is handed over to the customer.

First among the best - TOP 3 companies providing real estate cadastral registration services

Companies providing cadastral services

The correctness and efficiency of work related to the preparation of cadastral documents depends on the level of qualifications and experience in the service market. Choosing the right agency will allow you not only to receive an order completed at a high level, but also to count on fruitful cooperation in the future.

Today, in many regions, regional companies hold the lead in terms of the volume of services provided. The top 3 firms and companies providing cadastral services in the central region include:

  1. Guild of Engineers is a Moscow company specializing in the development of design and cadastral documentation for Moscow and the Moscow region;
  2. EGRP 365 is a young company with a large arsenal of application of computer technologies for document development;
  3. AKR SPb is a company from St. Petersburg that has been working in the real estate and cadastre market for 15 years.

Trust professionals or how to choose a reliable company for cadastral work

The correct choice for cadastral work will ensure the completion of several tasks:

  • Quality of document preparation;
  • Efficiency of surveys and work;
  • The use of high-tech tools for work at all stages.
  1. To have a license to perform work related to the cadastre;
  2. Having experience in the market - the company’s portfolio must indicate the results of work, real estate objects and companies with which the bureau cooperates;
  3. Availability of professional computer systems and software equipment to support the work;
  4. The company has its own printing equipment, necessary instruments and vehicles for autonomous work;
  5. Using means of prompt information exchange and obtaining data from various sources, including satellites.

Despite the complexity and volume of information, the development of cadastral documents for a real estate property for professional engineers is just a competent and correct execution of their work, which means that it is the professionals who will be able to do everything efficiently and on time.

Cadastral works. Practical conference:

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