How important is personal passenger insurance? Passenger insurance Compulsory personal insurance for transport passengers

Since January 1, 2013, the health and life, as well as property of passengers of any public transport are insured.

This change is introduced by the Federal Law of June 14, 2012 “On compulsory insurance of civil liability of the carrier for damage to life, health, property of passengers and on the procedure for compensation for such damage caused during the transportation of passengers by metro.”

This law establishes the minimum amounts of insurance payments and the procedure for receiving them.

On what types of transport do passengers need to be insured during transportation?

The Federal Law on Compulsory Carrier Civil Liability Insurance applies to all types of passenger transport with the exception of passenger taxis:

  • buses;
  • trolleybuses;
  • trams;
  • minibuses;
  • railway trains;
  • aircraft;
  • water transport;
  • metro (for which a special procedure has been established).

This law does not apply to passenger taxis. The carrier’s liability to the passenger in the case of a passenger taxi ride is regulated by other regulations, in particular Federal Law No. 259-FZ of November 8, 2007 “Charter of Motor Transport and Urban Ground Electric Transport.”

The Metro is not required to insure the carrier's liability, but in the event of any harm to passengers, it will also have to pay the full amount of compensation from its own funds.

The only thing passengers need to know: Only injuries received in a subway car will be considered insurable.. In other cases, compensation can be obtained only after proof of the metro’s guilt in the incident.

60 insurance companies will operate in the compulsory insurance market for public transport passengers.

There is no need to buy an insurance policy when traveling on public transport, since it is already included in the ticket price.

For the absence of an insurance contract for the carrier's liability to passengers, the transport company is punished with a fine in the amount of 500 thousand - 1 million rubles, and officials - 40-50 thousand rubles.

How much is a public transport passenger insured for?

Each type of transport has different insurance rates per passenger. In maritime transport it is the highest and amounts to 22.48–45.25 rubles, the lowest tariff on commuter trains is 0.07–0.15 rubles.

The insurance company is obliged to pay compensation to the victim or his relatives in case of injury or death if it occurs while traveling on public transport. At the same time, the amounts of compensation for damage are really large.

For example:

  • for a simple bruise you can get 200 rubles;
  • for a broken leg – 240 thousand;
  • for a concussion – 60 thousand;
  • for pregnancy loss – 1 million.

Passenger death estimated at 2 million and is paid to the relatives of the deceased. The same amount will be paid to people who received group I disability as a result of an accident, and to the parents of children who thus became disabled.

In addition, the insurance company is obliged to compensate for damage caused to the property of passengers.

How to confirm the fact of traveling in a vehicle involved in an accident?

The main document in the event of an accident and injury is regular passenger ticket, and it is advisable to save it until the very end of the trip.

The ticket has a unique set of numbers, so you can use it to find out all the information about the transport organization.

If there is no ticket, the insurance company may use video surveillance data as supporting evidence.

In any case, she is obliged to pay, but only after a thorough check of the accident.

Where to go if you get injured?

In case of an accident, passengers can contact the driver first, who is obliged to call an ambulance and the traffic police. In addition, he must provide a certificate of harm to life and health and provide information about the insurance company that pays for the treatment.

You can apply for monetary compensation at any time, as there are no time limits.

To receive payment you must write an application to the insurance company and provide it with a medical certificate, which indicates the exact diagnosis and records the presence of injuries and other damage.

Compulsory personal accident insurance applies to passengers, tourists and excursionists on a trip. It is carried out on the basis of the Law of the Russian Federation “On the organization of insurance business in the Russian Federation” and the requirements established by Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation “On the main directions of state policy in the field of compulsory insurance” No. 607 of 06.04. 1994 and “On compulsory personal insurance of passengers” No. 750 of 07.07. 1992, which regulate the conditions for carrying out compulsory personal accident insurance on the territory of Russia for passengers of air, rail, sea, inland water and road transport, as well as tourists and sightseers making international excursions through tourist and excursion organizations, for the duration of the trip ( flight). Insurance is carried out by insurers who have received a special state license to carry out such insurance operations. Such insurance does not apply to passengers of: all types of international transport; railway, sea, inland waterway and suburban road transport; sea ​​and inland water transport of intracity communications and crossings; automobile transport on city routes.

Compulsory personal insurance of passengers (tourists, excursionists) is carried out by concluding, in the manner and under the conditions provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, contracts between the relevant transport, freight forwarding enterprises (carriers) and insurance companies licensed by Rosstrakhnadzor to carry out this type of compulsory insurance. The size of the insurance tariff is established by insurers in agreement with the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Railways of the Russian Federation, and approved by the Federal Service of Russia for Supervision of Insurance Activities.

The amount of the insurance premium is included in the cost of the travel document or voucher and is charged to the passenger (tourist, excursionist) upon sale of the travel document (voucher). Passengers enjoying the right of free travel in the Russian Federation are subject to compulsory personal insurance without paying an insurance premium.

The insurance amount for compulsory personal insurance of passengers is currently set at 120 times the minimum wage, determined by law on the date of purchase of the travel document. When a passenger is injured as a result of a transport accident, a portion of the insurance amount is paid corresponding to the severity of the injury. In the event of the death of the insured person, the insurance amount is paid to his heirs in full. The insurance amount for compulsory personal insurance of passengers upon the occurrence of an insured event is paid regardless of the payment of money to the insured persons or their heirs in connection with the same event on other grounds provided for by the legislation of Russia.

Part of the insurance premiums received by insurers when providing compulsory personal insurance for passengers is used to create reserves to finance measures to prevent accidents in transport. The procedure for mutual settlements for compulsory personal insurance of passengers is determined by insurers together with the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Railways of the Russian Federation and other interested departments and legal entities.

The insurance company is obliged to familiarize the insured person (passenger) with the insurance rules and provide full information about the place, procedure and conditions for receiving insurance payments in the event of an insured event.

In accordance with the established procedure, the interests of the passenger when concluding a compulsory insurance contract are represented by the transport organization. The objects of insurance are the property interests of insured passengers related to their life and health. The insurance contract covers the duration of the trip (from the moment of announcement of boarding a passenger train until the moment of leaving the station or destination station, but no more than within one hour after the arrival of the passenger train).

Insured events are injuries or death of a passenger as a result of a transport accident.

The insurer of passengers on railway transport is the carrier.

In the event of the death of the insured passenger, the heirs submit documents to the insurance company to receive the insurance amount. Demands for payment of the insurance amount can be presented to the insurer within three years from the date on which the insurer was supposed to make the insurance payment.

Personal fire and fire insurance is considered as compulsory or voluntary homeowners insurance. If fire and fire insurance is compulsory (abroad), then it covers all damages that occur as a result of the fire. The amount of insurance premiums is established solely depending on the cost of the insured object. Warranty insurance for certain professions is mandatory in some countries. It is necessary for certain persons of liberal professions, for example, accountants-auditors, notaries, etc. Insurance coverage extends to damage caused by other persons in the course of their professional activities. For example, a notary is required to enter into a warranty insurance agreement for certain professions, since the implementation of his activities is associated with a relatively high risk of damage (property damage) due to errors.

Health insurance

Health insurance is provided in two forms: voluntary and compulsory (a separate lecture is devoted to the issues of compulsory health insurance). They are based on different organizational, legal and economic principles. They differ in the number of parties involved in insurance, goals and operating conditions.

Voluntary health insurance is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Laws of the Russian Federation “On Insurance” and “On Medical Insurance of Citizens in the Russian Federation” and provides for the conclusion of an agreement between the policyholder and the insurance company. Mutual obligations of the parties are regulated by the contract and current legislation. Voluntary health insurance is provided by insurance companies licensed for this type of insurance activity. They enter into insurance contracts under conditions that guarantee the organization and financing of medical services of a certain list and quality.

Insurers are capable citizens or legal entities - enterprises, organizations, etc. any organizational and legal form. The policyholder can insure himself or any other beneficiary.

Insurance contracts are concluded without a preliminary medical examination, but insurance is not accepted for citizens registered in drug treatment, tuberculosis, and dermatovenerological dispensaries.

One of the subjects of insurance relations in voluntary health insurance is a medical institution, in which the insurer pays for the treatment of the beneficiary. The list of such institutions is limited by the insurance contract, but by agreement with the insurer, the policyholder or beneficiary may receive paid or partially paid medical services and treatment in an institution that is not on the list attached to the insurance contract.

An insured event is the insured person's application to a medical institution in case of an acute illness, exacerbation of a chronic disease, injury, poisoning and other accidents to receive advisory, preventive and other assistance that requires the provision of medical services within the list provided for in the insurance contract during the validity period of the contract.

The insured person's visit to a medical institution regarding: traumatic injury in a state of alcohol, drug or toxic intoxication is not considered an insured event; traumatic injury or other health disorder resulting from the commission of an intentional crime; attempted suicide, etc. In addition, diseases that cannot be random in nature are not included in the list of insured risks. The insurer does not pay for treatment if medical services are received that are not covered by the insurance contract and provided in medical institutions that are not covered by the insurance contract.

In order to ensure the protection of the interests of citizens, it was decided:

1. Introduce on the territory of the Russian Federation compulsory personal accident insurance for passengers of air, sea, inland water and road transport, as well as tourists and sightseers making intercity excursions through tourist and excursion organizations, for the duration of the trip (flight).

Compulsory personal insurance does not apply to passengers:

all types of international transport;

railway, sea, inland waterway and suburban road transport;

sea ​​and inland water transport of intracity communications and crossings;

automobile transport on city routes.

2. Establish that before the entry into force of the law of the Russian Federation regulating the issues of providing insurance protection for passengers (tourists, excursionists), compulsory personal insurance of these persons is carried out by concluding, in the manner and under the conditions provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, contracts between the relevant transport, transport - forwarding companies (hereinafter referred to as carriers) and insurers. Licenses to carry out this type of compulsory insurance are issued to insurers in the manner prescribed by law.

Insurers are obliged to ensure that each person insured by them is informed of the rules for conducting compulsory personal insurance of passengers (tourists, excursionists), including the place, procedure and conditions for receiving insurance payments upon the occurrence of an insured event.

3. The size of the insurance tariff for compulsory personal insurance of passengers (tourists, excursionists) of air, railway, sea, inland waterway and road transport is established by insurers in agreement with the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Railways of the Russian Federation, respectively, and approved by the federal executive body for supervision for insurance activities.

The amount of the insurance premium is included in the cost of the travel document (voucher) and is charged to the passenger (tourist, excursionist) upon sale of the travel document (voucher). Passengers (tourists, excursionists) enjoying the right of free travel in the Russian Federation are subject to compulsory personal insurance without paying an insurance premium.

4. Establish the insurance amount for compulsory personal insurance of passengers (tourists, excursionists) in the amount of 120 minimum wages established by law on the date of purchase of the travel document.

If a passenger (tourist, excursionist) is injured as a result of a transport accident, a portion of the insurance amount corresponding to the severity of the injury is paid. In the event of the death of the insured person, the insured amount is paid in full.

The insurance amount for compulsory personal insurance of passengers (tourists, excursionists) upon the occurrence of an insured event is paid regardless of the payment of monetary amounts to the insured persons or their heirs in connection with the same event on other grounds provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Insurance payment for compulsory personal insurance of passengers (tourists, excursionists) is made to the insured person or his heirs no later than 10 days after the insurer receives a report drawn up by the carrier on an accident that occurred on transport with the insured person, and other necessary documents provided for by the rules for this type of compulsory insurance. insurance.

5. The carrier is obliged to draw up a report on each accident that occurred on transport with an insured passenger (tourist, excursionist), the first copy of which should be handed over to the insured person, his representative or heirs. The carrier is also obliged, at the written request of the insurer, to send him a copy of the specified act within 10 days from the date of receipt of the request.

6. Establish that part of the insurance premiums received by insurers when carrying out compulsory personal insurance of passengers (tourists, excursionists), in the manner prescribed by law, is used to create reserves to finance measures to prevent accidents in transport.

7. The procedure for mutual settlements for compulsory personal insurance of passengers (tourists, excursionists) is determined by insurers together with the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Railways of the Russian Federation and other interested departments and legal entities.

Passenger insurance is aimed at covering the costs of treatment in case of transport accidents and compensation for disability. Various emergency situations and incidents while on transport are recorded quite often, and therefore the possibility of protecting people’s lives and health is regulated by legislative acts. Passengers can insure themselves individually and absolutely voluntarily, but compulsory insurance is provided for the carrier.

In the modern understanding, this is an agreement between a transport organization (carrier) and a company with a license for insurance activities. The carrier is responsible for the safe movement of people, and the insurer compensates for all resulting losses and damages to passengers. Their life, health and personal property are subject to insurance. It is valid for any passenger transport, except for passenger taxis.

Until recently, there was compulsory insurance for passengers for certain types of transport services, but since 2013 it has been replaced by compulsory carrier liability insurance (OSGOLP). All insurance premiums for the passenger are taken into account in the fare, and no additional mandatory payment is made. At the same time, he has the right to voluntary forms of insurance, which expands the boundaries of compensation payments for treatment in case of transport accidents.

On what types of transport is it required?

The following transport services are subject to compulsory insurance under the OSGOPP:

  • railway passenger services providing any type of communication;
  • air transportation on all types of passenger aircraft and helicopters;
  • all types of sea passenger transportation;
  • waterborne types of vehicles for internal transportation;
  • bus services for transporting people along any highways, incl. in the city;
  • electrified, urban, public transport.

The absence of an OSGOPP agreement does not relieve the transport organization from liability, and it will be forced to compensate for all losses in accordance with current regulations. Information about the insurance company servicing OSGOPP must be available to passengers

The legislative framework

In the Russian Federation, since January 1, 2013, a special law dated June 14, 2012 No. 67-FZ has been in force with amendments and additions. It made it possible to clearly define the procedure for insuring people in all complex cases of their movement on public transport.

The law solves the following important problems:

  • ensuring general conditions for compensation of losses to passengers;
  • regulation of inconsistencies caused by the use of transport of different departments;
  • regulation of the procedure for providing insurance compensation and establishing minimum amounts of payments linked to the minimum wage.

A special insurance procedure is provided for metro passengers. All accidents that occurred directly inside the carriage are subject to unconditional compensation. Outside its aisles, the guilt of the metro must be proven.

The regulations and rules do not apply to passenger taxis. This does not mean that the passenger remains unprotected in this type of transport. The responsibility of the taxi owner is determined by the law of November 8, 2007 N 259-FZ “Charter of motor transport and urban ground electric transport”.

Cases to which the law does not apply

The following cases are considered insured: injuries, poisoning, death and damage to personal property during transportation. The law does not apply under the following conditions:

  • when the victim commits a crime during a trip;
  • when attempting suicide en route;
  • cases of resistance to the demands of the administration (driver);
  • in case of gross violation of the rules of transportation on this type of transport.

It should be taken into account that this Law does not apply to international and suburban traffic, water movement within the settlement and water crossings

How much is a public transport passenger insured for?

If the insured circumstance is confirmed, the injured passenger will certainly receive (except for the above cases) insurance compensation. It depends on the extent of the damage. Typical examples of minimum compensation can be given:

  • bruise or minor injuries – from 200 rubles;
  • bone fractures, incl. upper and lower extremities – from 220 thousand rubles;
  • traumatic brain injuries – from 65,000 rubles;
  • serious bodily injury – 200,000 rubles;
  • termination of pregnancy as a result of an emergency – 1 million rubles.

In the event of a person’s death, his relatives will receive compensation of at least 2,025 thousand rubles. People who have become disabled in group 1 as a result of a traffic accident can claim the same amount. For loss or damage to personal property, compensation depends on its value. The minimum payment amount is 20 thousand rubles.

Bus passenger insurance price

The cost of OSGOPP depends on the type of transport. Marine shipping insurance is the most expensive. The minimum price for insurance for bus passengers within the city is 4,000 rubles/year, and for intercity travel – about 25,000 rubles/year. However, in the absence of insurance, the costs of an accident will be hundreds of times higher.

How and where to apply

Voluntary personal insurance is valid for trips where insured vehicles are used. It becomes possible to receive compensation for treatment in the range of 100-600 thousand rubles for injuries received as a result of an accident, as well as temporary disability and disability. The cost of the policy depends on the sum insured.

A contract for voluntary passenger insurance is concluded with an insurance company based on the policyholder’s application for a specific trip. It can be submitted in person at the insurer’s office or “online” by logging onto the company’s website. The contract must stipulate the insured amount, a list of insured events and compensation rates for them, the rights and obligations of the policyholder and the insurer.

To complete the contract, the following information is required:

  • Full name of the applicant and his passport details, place of residence, contact telephone number;
  • type of transport service, flight number and route;
  • travel date, starting and final destination, travel time.

The insurer can legally request official data on the health status of a person wishing to receive an insurance policy. At the same time, the policyholder does not have the right to hide circumstances that could provoke an insured event. The contract comes into force after payment of insurance and is valid for the agreed period.

What to do in case of an insured event

What to do when recording an insured circumstance (injury or property damage) and where to go if you receive an injury? The first step is to contact the driver or official of the large vehicle and report the incident. The driver must call an ambulance and a traffic police officer. It is important for the victim to take an act of harm to health or damage to property. An official or transport organization must immediately notify the insurer servicing the policy of recording an insured circumstance. In case of personal insurance on voluntary terms, the victim himself notifies the policyholder.

There is no time limit for contacting the insurance company regarding compensation. In principle, the victim can apply at any time convenient for him. To obtain insurance, he writes an application to the insurer and provides supporting documents.

In the event of a major accident, when the driver was also injured, the corresponding report is drawn up by the traffic police or other authorized services for the mode of transport. To determine the extent of damage, it is necessary to undergo an examination at a medical institution.

It should be especially noted that the absence of an OSGOPP policy from the carrier cannot serve as a reason for refusing compensation. In this case, the transport organization must compensate for the damage with its own funds. To do this, you must submit an official application to the manager and register it. If voluntary compensation is refused, the issue is raised with the transport supervision service, which may deprive the carrier of a license for transport services.

How to confirm the fact of traveling in a vehicle involved in an accident?

To receive an insurance payment, it is important to confirm that the victim was traveling in a vehicle involved in an accident. The main document is a travel (passenger) ticket. It must be kept until the end of the trip. It contains a special digital code that can be used to determine information about the carrier and a specific vehicle, as well as the route and time of travel.

If the ticket is lost, you will have to resort to other evidence. The most reliable “witness” is a video surveillance camera. In addition, you can invite living witnesses. It is important to prove the fact of the accident and the presence of the victim inside the vehicle at the time of the accident.

Where to go if you get injured?

The insurance amount is determined after a medical examination. For this purpose, a medical examination is carried out, and the insurer has the right to appoint an independent examination. A medical certificate is a mandatory document attached to the application for compensation. If you have an individual insurance policy, it is important to also have documents confirming the cost of treatment and drug costs.

Combined system

Many insurance companies offer a combined passenger insurance policy. This type of insurance is voluntary and includes different types of services. It obeys several basic rules:

  1. A combination of several types of insurance carried out according to specially developed rules. A good example is combined air passenger insurance. It may include the following types of insurance: compensation for damage to health (in the amount of 220-500 thousand rubles); luggage insurance (sum insured - 21-25 thousand rubles); compensation for unexpected costs in case of flight delay - for a 3-hour delay 1100 rubles and for each next hour - 700 rubles.
  2. A single tariff providing a common approach to insurance.
  3. Impossibility of terminating any one service. The contract can only be terminated completely.

Combined insurance makes it possible to provide a variety of options in one policy. This simplifies maintenance and does not require a variety of paperwork. Everything is done in one office, over one phone, in communication with one insurance agent.

Insurance for drivers and passengers

The law obliges any transport company engaged in transporting people to enter into an agreement with the insurer. The OSGOPP agreement protects not only passengers, but also all service personnel in the vehicle (drivers, pilots, stewards, conductors, mechanics, etc.). All people who find themselves in an emergency situation have the opportunity to receive compensation for health damage.

The OSGOPP policy is valid for 1 year and then renewed annually. The document clearly regulates legal, organizational and financial issues. The amount of minimum insurance payments is tied to the minimum wage, and changes automatically as it is revised. Payments of compensation are made no later than one month after the victim submits an application. It should be especially noted that persons who have discounted and free travel are considered insured on a general basis and are entitled to insurance payments.

Mandatory and voluntary forms of insurance provide complete, individual health protection for passengers in all types of public transport. Insurance payments allow you to provide free treatment for victims, as well as compensate for the loss of a loved one. The actions of insurance companies are strictly regulated by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

In contact with

Compulsory personal insurance for passengers (tourists, excursionists)

Compulsory personal insurance of passengers (tourists, excursionists) is carried out by concluding, in the manner and under the conditions provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, contracts between the relevant transport, freight forwarding enterprises (carriers) and insurance companies licensed to carry out insurance operations for this type of compulsory insurance.

The interests of the passenger (tourist, excursionist) when concluding a compulsory insurance contract are represented by the transport organization. The objects of insurance are the property interests of insured passengers (tourists, excursionists) related to their life and health that do not contradict the law.

Compulsory personal insurance does not apply to passengers:

  • all types of international transport;
  • railway, sea, inland waterway and suburban road transport;
  • sea ​​and inland water transport of intracity communications and crossings;
  • automobile transport on city routes.

The size of the insurance tariff for compulsory personal insurance of passengers (tourists, excursionists) of air, railway, sea, inland water and road transport is established by insurers in agreement with the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation and approved by the Insurance Supervision Authority.

The amount of the insurance premium is included in the cost of the travel document (voucher) and is charged to the passenger (tourist, excursionist) upon sale of the travel document. Passengers enjoying the right of free travel in the Russian Federation are subject to compulsory personal insurance without paying an insurance premium.

An insured event under this type of insurance is the injury or death of a passenger as a result of an accident on the type of transport in which the insured travels. However, the insurer may refuse an insurance payment to the victim if the insured event occurred as a result of:

  • the passenger commits an intentional crime that leads to the occurrence of an insured event;
  • the passenger being in a state of alcohol, drug or toxic intoxication, which contributed to or led him to suicide or attempted suicide, except in cases where he was brought to such a state by illegal actions of third parties;
  • intentional infliction of bodily harm by a passenger, etc.

Sum insured for compulsory personal insurance of passengers

(tourists, excursionists) is currently legally established in the amount of 120 minimum wages on the date of purchase of the travel document. If an injury occurs, the insured person is paid a portion of the insurance amount corresponding to the severity of the injury. In the event of his death, the insurance amount is paid in full to the heirs. The insurance amount for this type of insurance upon the occurrence of an insured event is paid regardless of the payment of monetary amounts to the insured persons or their heirs in connection with the same event on other grounds provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Insurance payment for compulsory personal insurance of passengers (tourists, excursionists) is made to the insured person or his heirs no later than 10 days after the insurer receives a report drawn up by the carrier about an accident that occurred on transport with the insured person, and other necessary documents provided for by the rules for this type of compulsory insurance. insurance.

The carrier is obliged to draw up a report on each accident that occurred on transport with an insured passenger (tourist, excursionist), the first copy of which should be handed over to the insured person, his representatives or heirs. At the written request of the insurer, the carrier is also obliged to send a copy of the accident report to the insurer within 10 days of receipt of the request.

To receive insurance payment, the injured passenger must submit the following documents to the insurer:

  • statement;
  • an accident report drawn up by the carrier;
  • a certificate from a medical institution, which indicates the date and circumstances of the injury, the diagnosis, the signature of the attending physician and the seal of the medical institution;
  • travel document;
  • identification document.

Part of the insurance premiums received by insurers when carrying out compulsory personal insurance of passengers (tourists, sightseers), in the manner prescribed by law, is used to create reserves to finance measures to prevent accidents in transport.