Subsidy for military personnel for housing. Procedure for receiving housing subsidies for military personnel Housing calculator for military personnel

Most often, buying a new home without receiving a subsidy is an impossible task for those who want to improve their living conditions. The military and their families are no exception in this regard. Subsidies for military personnel for the purchase of housing have been paid since March 2014. You will learn about the procedure and calculation of the size of the subsidy from this article.

Subsidies for the purchase of housing for military personnel

In March 2014, a new procedure was introduced, according to which military personnel are provided with assistance in purchasing housing. The Russian government made a decision according to which the Ministry of Defense does not issue new, built apartments to the military, but offers them a subsidy sufficient to independently purchase an apartment/house in the area where they live with their families. In such cases, military personnel have the right to choose not only an apartment, but also a city.

Also, if necessary, those wishing to buy an apartment on the secondary market can exercise this right. In these cases, the purchased housing on the secondary market is often not inferior to the quality of new buildings.

The question of the amount of support payments always remains relevant. Requirements for determining its size are established Government Decree No. 76 of 02/03/2014. According to this regulation, the amount of payment will be different depending on how many years the soldier served and how many members of his family. The resolution approved the formula by which payments are calculated. We will provide you with an adapted version of the calculation formula for ease of perception.


It is important that the payment amount will remain at the same level with a modified payment method, without changing the final amount that the military will receive to purchase an apartment.

This is approximately what the modified formula for calculating the subsidy looks like:

RS = OP x NS x CP

  • OP – total area of ​​all housing
  • NS – standard cost (price) of 1 kV. m of total housing area in Russia.
  • KP is the correction factor by which the entire duration of a serviceman’s service is recorded.

The size of the total area allocated is calculated based on:

  • 33 sq. meters per military man;
  • married couple - 42 sq. m. for two;
  • for a family of three or more people, 18 sq.m. for each family member;
  • normative the cost for 2015 is set at RUB 35,915. The coefficient is set based on how many years a soldier has served (calendar years are taken into account) and is determined by the following parameters:
  • 10 – 16 years – 1.85;
  • 16 – 20 years – 2.25;
  • 20 – 21 years – 2.375, while for each subsequent year of service, the coefficient increases by 0.075, starting from 21 years of service. However, the coefficient level should not exceed the maximum value, which is defined as 2.75.

To more thoroughly study the rules for calculating subsidies, let’s calculate it using an example:

For example, the person wishing to receive the payment is an officer who, with his wife and two children, served 20 years in the army.

The required support size is 72 square meters. (based on 18 sq.m. per person) x 35,915 (standard cost of 1 sq.m. of housing, Order of the Ministry of Health and Housing and Communal Services No. 5/pr dated January 14, 2015) x 2.375 (coefficient for calculation based on the number of years of service).

Upon completion, we receive the amount of the subsidy that will be given to the military and it is equal to 6,073,749 rubles. It turns out that the amount of the due payment is quite good. Average figures for Russia range from 2 to 11 million rubles. This amount is sufficient to buy a normal home in different regions. And provided that the family is large, it is possible to purchase an apartment in Moscow.

How to calculate the subsidy

When the benefit is calculated, a prerequisite for its payment is that the serviceman does not have any housing, both in Russia and abroad. If you still have food to live on, the amount of payments will be much less. When calculating the amount of the subsidy, the area of ​​the serviceman’s existing housing will be taken into account. The area of ​​the existing residential premises will be subtracted from the area of ​​the new housing for which you are applying. For example, if you are entitled to a payment for the purchase of 72 sq. m., and you have an apartment with an area of ​​58 sq. m., then the payment will be the amount for the purchase of 14 sq. m.

Even if a military family lives in an apartment under a social lease agreement, then when calculating the amount of payments, this living space will also be taken into account. To prevent such a situation from arising, the serviceman and his family must promptly inform the owner that they intend to terminate the contract with him and transfer the housing to him.


It is important to know that if both husband and wife are military personnel, then when calculating the amount of the subsidy, the amount of allocated living space will not be added up. That is, one family, regardless of the number of family members in military service, will be given the opportunity to receive a payment for only one apartment.

Of all the family members who serve, the one with more years of service can count on receiving a larger subsidy, which means he can count on an additional 15 meters of housing. It is important for the recipient of the subsidy to be able to defer its receipt. In this case, it is possible to increase the coefficient due to the service life by several years. However, this method of increasing the coefficient is not always profitable, since timely receipt of an apartment is usually more important than future additions to the required subsidy.

Calculator for subsidies for military personnel for the purchase of housing

To calculate the size of the subsidy for the purchase of housing for military personnel and find out how much money is allocated to the military for the purchase of housing, you can use the subsidy calculator. Which will calculate the amount of subsidies for the purchase of housing for military personnel. To do this, click on the image to open a page with a calculator.

  • Military personnel with the rank of colonel and above;
  • military personnel teaching in military professional educational organizations providing higher education, military departments, etc.;
  • military personnel engaged in scientific activities who have a scientific degree.

According to legal norms, the list of categories of military personnel entitled to additional meters in housing is exhaustive. It is also important that from 2023 the construction of official housing for those who serve will be significantly limited. It is planned to increase the provision of military housing under special programs, the basis of which will be mortgage loans. To facilitate the implementation of this project, they plan to create special services.

In recent years, the procedure and rules for state housing subsidies for military personnel have been significantly simplified. Previously, military personnel who were on the waiting list for housing were provided with ownership of living space only in those houses that were built by order of the Ministry of Defense, but now military personnel receive certain amounts in the form of housing subsidies and choose for themselves what housing to spend it on.

Russian legislation provides for a type of deferment for receiving a housing subsidy. A serviceman may not apply for it immediately, increasing his length of service and, accordingly, increasing the number of square meters of living space allotted to him in the future. Of course, this factor is attractive for those families who do not spend large sums on living in rented housing, otherwise the benefits of delaying receiving a housing subsidy will be questionable.

Housing subsidies for military personnel for housing

Housing subsidies are one of the ways of economic and financial support for military personnel, which are provided in cash.

  • has the right to purchase residential premises on any territory of the Russian Federation, having a certificate for receiving a housing subsidy;
  • can buy housing larger in area than required, since the size of the military subsidy for housing often exceeds the market value of the residential premises;
  • independently determines the quality of the future residential premises;
  • has the opportunity to use maternity capital if there are not enough financial resources to purchase housing.

How to get a housing subsidy for a military personnel

According to the law, the following categories of military personnel are entitled to receive housing subsidies:

  • those who entered into a contract before 01/01/1998 (exception: cadets of military educational organizations) and members of their families recognized as in need of improved living conditions;
  • those dismissed from military service (upon reaching the age limit, for health reasons or due to staff reductions), who managed to serve 10 years or more, and members of their families, subject to the need to improve their living conditions;
  • military personnel who served 20 years and were provided with official housing;
  • dismissed after service (minimum 10 years) for health reasons or upon reaching the age limit, who were provided with official housing.

Subsidy payment amount

The size of the subsidy for the military is calculated individually by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, based on three factors:

  • standard cost of one square meter of residential premises
  • number of squares placed
  • length of service of a soldier.

As a result of multiplying the above indicators, the total amount of the subsidy for the right to receive housing for the military is obtained.

The calculation of subsidies for military personnel for housing, first of all, depends on the standard cost of one square meter of housing in Russia. Moreover, it also provides for the calculation of subsidies for housing for military personnel who need housing above the established standard by 15-25 square meters in the following cases:

  • for those with a rank higher than colonel (inclusive);
  • when conducting scientific and teaching activities;
  • when health conditions deteriorate, etc.

The military service record also plays a big role when calculating the certificate for receiving a housing subsidy. The longer the experience, the greater the correction factor: from 1.85 to 2.75.

There are standards for the cost of housing in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other subjects of the federation, for example for Moscow this figure is 90,400 rubles, and for the Moscow region 51,225 rubles, in St. Petersburg the cost per square meter is 58,112 rubles, in the Leningrad region - 41 220 rubles, in Sakhalin the standard price per square meter is 53,723 rubles, in the Republic of Crimea 29,000 rubles, and in Sevastopol - 30,000 rubles.

To make it more clear, consider an example:

Officer of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, served in the army for 20 years, married, has a family (wife and three children). Let's start counting: the size of the housing subsidy = 5x18 (18 square meters of living space for each family member) x 35,915 rubles (standard average market value of 1 square meter for 2015) x 2.375 (adjustment factor for length of service) = 7,676,831.25 rubles.

What documents are required?

List of required documents:

  • passports of the applicant and all members of his family;
  • certificate of marriage or divorce;
  • birth certificate of the child(ren);
  • an extract from the personal file on military service in federal executive authorities;
  • a court decision to establish family ties with the applicant as citizens of the Russian Federation;

The package of documents is small and will not be difficult for you to collect.

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We wish you good luck!

One of the ways to economically and financially support military personnel is housing subsidies provided in cash. The advantages of receiving housing subsidies for military personnel are that this category of citizens:

  • has the right to purchase residential premises on any territory of the Russian Federation, having a certificate for receiving a housing subsidy;
  • can buy housing larger in area than required, since the size of the military subsidy for housing often exceeds the market value of the residential premises;
  • independently determines the quality of the future residential premises;
  • has the opportunity to use maternity capital if there are not enough financial resources to purchase housing.

How to get a housing subsidy for a military personnel

According to current legislation, the following categories of military personnel are entitled to receive housing subsidies:

  • those who entered into a contract before 01/01/1998 (exception: cadets of military educational organizations) and members of their families recognized as in need of improved living conditions;
  • those dismissed from military service (upon reaching the age limit, for health reasons or due to staff reductions), who managed to serve 10 years or more, and members of their families, subject to the need to improve their living conditions;
  • military personnel who served 20 years and were provided with official housing;
  • dismissed after service (minimum 10 years) for health reasons or upon reaching the age limit, who were provided with official housing.

Amount of subsidy payment for a military personnel

The amount of subsidy payment for housing for military personnel is calculated individually by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, based on three factors: the standard cost of one square meter of living space, the number of square meters required, and the serviceman’s length of service. As a result of multiplying the above indicators, the total amount of the subsidy for the right to receive housing for the military is obtained.

Features of calculating housing subsidies for the military

The calculation of subsidies for military personnel for housing, first of all, depends on the standard cost of one square meter of housing in Russia. Moreover, it also provides for the calculation of subsidies for housing for military personnel who need housing above the established standard by 15-25 square meters in the following cases:

  • for those with a rank higher than colonel (inclusive);
  • when conducting scientific and teaching activities;
  • when health conditions deteriorate, etc.

The service record of the military also plays a big role in calculating the certificate for receiving a housing subsidy for this category of citizens. The longer the experience, the greater the correction factor: from 1.85 to 2.75.
The increasing coefficient will also be applied in the case of receiving housing subsidies for the families of deceased and deceased officers.

Required documents

Documents required to purchase a certificate for a housing subsidy for the military:

  • certificate of marriage or divorce;
  • passports of the applicant and all members of his family;
  • child's birth certificate;
  • an extract from the personal file on military service in federal executive authorities;
  • a court decision to establish family ties with the applicant as citizens of the Russian Federation;

Thus, in order to receive a housing subsidy, military personnel need to collect a significant package of documents. The Unified Housing Subsidy Fund will help you significantly save time in preparing documents for purchasing an apartment with a subsidy for housing for military personnel, and will also become an indispensable assistant when conducting real estate transactions, such as searching for suitable living quarters and registration

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Calculation of housing subsidies for military personnel is it causing you problems? The article will explain in an accessible form the formula and rules by which it is calculated for military personnel and retirees.

On January 1, 2014, amendments were made to the Federal Law “On the Status of Military Personnel” dated May 27, 1998 No. 76-FZ, designed to quickly solve the housing problem among the military. Now they are given the right to receive subsidies for the purchase or construction of housing anywhere in Russia, regardless of the state of the housing stock of the Ministry of Defense. Until this time, a serviceman could become the owner of a residential premises in several ways:

As a result, officers, contract soldiers and warrant officers waited for years for their turn to receive housing, occupying official apartments and awaiting orders to dismiss. According to existing legislation, it was impossible to dismiss them without providing an apartment. At the same time, the Ministry of Defense paid them a certain allowance, and a considerable one, spending up to 40 billion rubles. in year.

The main advantages of housing subsidies

The introduction of a housing subsidy brings a number of other benefits for military personnel who need housing and are on the waiting list:

  • Firstly, a serviceman has the right to purchase housing at his own discretion in any place, regardless of whether the Ministry of Defense housing stock is available in the chosen region or not. The residential premises can be anything: an apartment or a private house with a plot of land.
  • Secondly, a military man can buy a larger living space than he is entitled to without investing his own funds or taking out a bank loan, since in many Russian regions the subsidy amount exceeds the market value of housing.
  • Thirdly, an officer or contractor will be able to independently determine the quality of the purchased premises, including its layout, condition, floor or view from the window.
  • Fourthly, it is now possible to use maternity capital along with a subsidy if there are not enough allocated funds for the housing you like. Previously, military personnel did not have this right.

Features of calculating housing subsidies for the military

Since February 3, 2014, in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 02/03/2014 No. 76, the housing subsidy is calculated according to a certain formula. Several factors are taken into account:

  1. Standard cost of 1 sq. meters of housing in the Russian Federation.
    This indicator is established by the Ministry of Construction based on the average market value of housing in Russian regions. In the 1st half of 2016 it amounted to RUB 36,008. in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation dated December 28, 2015 No. 951/pr. In the future, the amount will change every six months taking into account the average cost of housing throughout the country.
  2. Total area of ​​housing.
    The total area of ​​the premises is calculated taking into account the composition of the military family. In accordance with the introduced rules, the largest living space will be received by a large family consisting of 3 or more people, since each member is entitled to 18 square meters. meters. A married couple without children can count on housing with an area of ​​42 square meters. meters, and a lonely bachelor - for an apartment of 33 square meters. meters. But here there are a number of subtleties. In particular, the standard is reduced by the total area of ​​the residential premises if:
    • it belongs to the military man himself or members of his family as property;
    • it is occupied by a military personnel or members of his family under a social tenancy agreement, which the tenant does not intend to terminate;
    • it was sold or alienated by the military or members of his family as a result of civil transactions.

    In the latter case, 5 years must not pass from the date of implementation, otherwise the total area standard will not be reduced.

    Don't know your rights?

    Some categories of military personnel have the right to an additional 15 square meters to the total housing area. meters. This group includes colonels, captains of the first rank, generals, commanders of military units, teachers of military universities and departments, as well as military personnel with honorary titles of the Russian Federation and academic degrees or titles.

  3. The length of service of a soldier.
    All military personnel were divided into 4 groups, for each of which a correction factor was calculated taking into account the total service life:
    • from 10 to 16 years - 1.85;
    • 16-20 years old - 2.25;
    • 20-21 years old - 2.375;
    • 21 years or more - 2.45.

    With extensive service, over 21 years, the coefficient increases by 0.075 for each year of military service. But in the end, the figure should not exceed more than 2.75, but contract soldiers and their families are provided with an increase in the correction factor to 2.375.

    Ultimately, all 3 of the above indicators are multiplied, and the total amount of subsidy that the military has the right to receive from his department is obtained. It is considered provided from the moment the money is transferred to the serviceman’s account through the Federal Treasury. Moreover, the procedure for its payment depends on the regulations adopted by the federal authority of the region where military service is carried out.

Who can benefit from housing subsidy

A housing subsidy can be received by any person who serves in the army or has been discharged from military service and is recognized as in need of housing in the manner prescribed by law.
But what should those military personnel who already own residential premises do? In this case, it is worth checking whether their area complies with established standards. For example, a married couple lives in an apartment with an area of ​​44 square meters. m., and over the past few years she has had 2 children. According to the new rules, a family is entitled to housing with a total area of ​​72 square meters. meters. By simple calculations (72 - 44) we find that for the missing 28 sq. meters, the serviceman is entitled to a cash payment.

Electronic formula for calculating the amount of subsidy

You can calculate the subsidy amount yourself, taking into account the above factors, or use an online calculator. It is located on the official website of the Ministry of Defense and was specially designed to assist the military in calculating the amount they are entitled to for the purchase or construction of housing.

This section contains all the necessary explanations and tips. A person just needs to enter data on the number of family members, the right to additional space and the length of service, so that the calculator instantly performs the necessary calculations and produces the final result.

Let's say the family of a private military man who served for 10 years consists of 3 people. However, neither he nor his family members have their own home. According to the calculator, he is entitled to about 4 million rubles. Of course, this amount is not enough to purchase residential premises in Moscow or St. Petersburg, but it is quite enough to buy a 3-room apartment, for example, in Novosibirsk or Kazan. If a military man wants to live in the capital after his dismissal, he should remain in military service and earn additional points towards the correction factor. True, here too you should hurry in order to get “real” money in time, since by 2023 mortgages will become the main form of providing military housing.

Features of registration of housing subsidies for widows of military personnel

Widows of military personnel can also take advantage of housing subsidies if they do not have their own apartment and are determined to be in need of housing. In this case, the total area of ​​the premises is calculated based on the number of all family members, taking into account the deceased or deceased husband. At the same time, for this category of families, the maximum correction factor is set at 2.75, regardless of the service member’s total length of service. As a result, the family will receive a cash payment, which will certainly be enough to solve its housing problem.

An interesting fact, but the government expects that the innovation will have a positive impact on the demographic situation, since the amount received is directly dependent on the number of military family members: the more minor children, the more money. In addition, it is assumed that the military will now strive not to retire to the reserve for as long as possible. And this is also quite understandable: the correction factor depends on the length of service. The higher it is, the larger the cash payment received.