Insurance in modern society. The role and functions of insurance - abstract The functions and role of insurance as an economic category

What is insurance? Insurance is a relationship to protect the property interests of individuals and legal entities upon the occurrence of certain events (insured events) at the expense of monetary funds formed from paid or insurance premiums (insurance premiums). Today, insurance is provided only for events about which it is impossible to know in advance whether they will happen or not.

Functions and role of insurance as an economic category Four functions of insurance according to Yu. A. Spletukhov and E. F. Dyuzhikov: loss compensation function, social function, investment precautionary function. (some authors also highlight control and credit functions)

The role of insurance in regulating socio-economic relations in the Russian Federation Economic and social relations in society as a whole, within an individual business entity or citizen and his family, face risks of varying degrees and breadth of impact, sources and destructiveness. The listed criteria predetermine the use of various forms of insurance. The combination of various forms of insurance for the purpose of risk management at the macro- and microeconomic levels ensures the integrity of the national insurance system.

The role of insurance in the formation of investment capital in the Russian Federation In the global economy, insurance companies are among the largest collective investors and take an active investment position. If the dynamics of the insurance market as a whole are positive, then insurers become a source of long-term resources. According to Russian legislation, insurers can place their own funds and insurance reserves. The share of borrowed funds largely prevails over their own and is regulated by the Rules for the placement of insurance reserve funds by insurers. Assets accepted to cover insurance reserves must satisfy the conditions of diversification, liquidity, repayment, and only lastly (in the opinion of the regulator) profitability. Insurance reserves must be sufficient to fulfill obligations under insurance, coinsurance, and reinsurance contracts. Therefore, the legislator has established strict requirements for their composition and structure. Due to the recognition of insurance companies as qualified investors, new opportunities open up for them. Despite the fact that the composition of assets provided for covering insurance reserves includes instruments that are not available, for example, to non-state pension funds, it needs to be expanded. First of all, this concerns the inclusion of shares of closed-end mutual investment funds in the list of assets. The design of a closed-end mutual investment fund will allow for profitable investment indirectly in: · real estate; · venture projects; · real sector of the economy; · other assets.

The role of insurance in the development of the national economy of the Russian Federation In the market economy of the Russian Federation at the stage of its formation, insurance acts, on the one hand, as a means of protecting business and people’s well-being, and on the other, as an income-generating activity. The sources of profit for an insurance organization are income from insurance activities, from investments of temporarily free funds in objects of production and non-production areas of activity, shares of enterprises, bank deposits, securities, etc. Insurance is an important factor in stimulating production activity and ensuring a healthy lifestyle, creates new incentives for increasing labor productivity in accordance with personal contribution to production and ensuring one’s own well-being.

Assessment of the development of the modern insurance market in the Russian Federation The first half of 2008 in the Russian insurance market - trends: equalization of tariffs and a decrease in the growth rate of insurance associated with credit products. What comes first is not market share, but the sustainability and profitability of the business. Most insurance companies have begun an internal transformation - a transition from targets aimed at capturing the largest possible market share at any cost, to a focus on other results. The main trend of the year before last is that many insurance companies are choosing not in favor of “tariff wars” and dumping operations, but in favor of the reliability of the company, its reserves, and the stability of the insurance portfolio. Another trend is the pursuit of a customer-oriented policy.

References 1. Ageev N. R. Insurance: theory, practice and foreign experience. - M.: Yunost, 2008. 2. Aleksandrov A. A. Insurance. - M.: “Prior”, 2008. 3. Vobly K. G. Fundamentals of insurance savings. - M. : - ANKIL, 2002. - 228 p. 4. Yakovleva T. A., Shevchenko O. Yu. Insurance. – M.: Economist, 2004. – P. 12. 5. Ageev N. R. Insurance: theory, practice and foreign experience. - M.: Yunost, 2008. – P. 12. 6. Aleksandrov A. A. Insurance. - M.: “Prior”, 2008. – P. 23. 7. Spletukhov Yu. A., Dyuzhikov E. F. Insurance. – M.: INFRA-M, 2006. – P. 19. 8. Yakovleva T. A., Shevchenko O. Yu. Insurance. – M. : Economist, 2004. – P. 14. 9. Vobly K. G. Fundamentals of economic insurance. - M. : - ANKIL, 2002. – P. 24. 10. Zhuravlev Yu. N. Dictionary-reference book of terms for insurance and reinsurance (second edition). - M.: ANKIL, 2007. – P. 131. 11. Samiev P., Yanin A. New course of the insurance market // Expert. – 2008. - No. 41. - http: //www. expert. ru/printissues/expert/2008/41/novuy_kurs/.


Basic concepts of insurance

The role of insurance



Insurance has a long history and belongs to such fundamental categories as money, credit, taxes. Today, insurance is a way to compensate for damage caused to the owner of material assets as a result of natural disasters, accidents, fires, earthquakes, robberies, etc. These events disrupt the normal course of a person’s life and are distinguished by their suddenness and unforeseenness.

Naturally, any owner, any person is interested in ensuring the safety of his property, life, health and would like to be able to compensate for the damage caused in the event of an insured event. This interest is the subjective basis for the emergence of insurance.

Insurance is a relationship to protect the property interests of individuals and legal entities upon the occurrence of certain events (insured events) at the expense of monetary funds formed from the insurance contributions (insurance premiums) they pay.

Insurance arose and developed as a result of the economic need to protect a person and his property from accidental dangers. Insurance implements certain economic relations that develop between people in the process of production, circulation, exchange and consumption of material goods. It provides all business entities and members of society with guarantees for damages.

The periodic repetition of spontaneous events, which are caused by the forces of nature and society and entail material losses, proves that they have an objective, natural character associated with contradictions in economic relations and man-made problems.

The contradictions that arise in the process of reproduction create objective conditions for the manifestation of negative consequences that are random in nature. There is a risk. Risk is objectively inherent in various stages of social reproduction and any socio-economic relations.

Compensation for damage caused by the manifestation of destructive contradictions from the interaction of the forces of nature and society gives rise to the need to establish certain relationships between people to prevent, overcome and limit the destructive consequences of natural disasters. These objective relations of people to ensure a continuous and uninterrupted production process, to maintain the stability and sustainability of the achieved standard of living together constitute the economic category of insurance protection.

Signs characterizing the economic category of insurance

The following features characterizing the economic category of insurance can be distinguished:

presence of insurance risk (and criteria for its assessment);

the random nature of the occurrence of a natural disaster or other manifestation of the destructive forces of nature;

objective need for compensation for damage;

formation of an insurance community from among policyholders and insurers;

expression of damage in kind or monetary form;

implementation of measures to prevent and overcome the consequences of a specific event;

refund of insurance payments;

self-sufficiency of insurance activities;

closed breakdown of damages, based on the probability that the number of victims is, as a rule, less than the number of insurance participants;

the presence of redistribution relations in space and time, i.e. redistribution of damage both between territorial units (domestic, external, global (world) insurance markets) and over time (years, seasonality, etc.).

Only if the territorial redistribution of insurance reserves is observed is it possible to effectively allocate damage from natural disasters and other phenomena covering large territories and sovereign states.

The specificity of the economic category of insurance protection of social production is determined by three main features:

random nature of the occurrence of an insured event;

material damage expressed in physical or monetary terms;

the need to overcome the consequences of an insured event and compensate for material damage. The essence of the economic category of insurance protection lies in the insurance risk and protective measures.

A powerful impetus to the organization of insurance protection was given by the social division of labor, the development of handicraft production and the separation of trade into an independent industry. The growth of cities, the development of handicraft production, trade, especially international trade associated with increased risk and the use of cash loans, required adequate insurance coverage. In this regard, credit and insurance were closely interconnected. Insurance of the borrower's property transferred to the lender as security for a loan (maritime loans) gave rise to the emergence from among creditors, and primarily moneylenders, of a special group of professionals - insurers, or underwriters, in whose hands the resources of the insurance fund were concentrated. Operational management of insurance fund resources by insurers objectively required them to assess insurance risk, based on an analysis of facts and circumstances, their accumulation, generalization and systematization.

As a result, scientific knowledge about insurance risk and its assessment is formed, based on knowledge of the laws of nature and society.

Thus, a scientific basis is provided for the economic category of insurance protection. Despite the random nature of the onset of a natural disaster or other destructive event, the possibility of their scientific prediction has emerged. It has become possible to predict with a high degree of certainty the possible amount of damage in kind and in money. Thanks to scientific foresight, the insurer could consciously implement measures to prevent the adverse consequences of the occurrence of an insured risk.

Preventive measures (i.e., preventing possible damage in the future) taken by the insurer allow it to optimize the resources of the insurance fund and often use them as a source of investment. Insurance has become one of the specific forms of insurance protection of social production and the organization of an insurance fund.

Insurance is a way of compensating for losses suffered by an individual or legal entity through their distribution among many persons (the insurance population). Compensation for losses is made from the funds of the insurance fund, which is administered by the insurance organization (insurer). The objective need for insurance is determined by the fact that losses sometimes arise as a result of destructive factors that are generally not under human control (natural forces of nature), in any case, they do not entail anyone’s civil liability. In such a situation, it may be impossible to recover losses from anyone and they “settle” in the property sphere of the victim himself. A pre-established insurance fund can be a source of compensation for damage. Insurance is advisable only when the insurance events (risks) stipulated by the legal relationship between the policyholder and the insurer cause a significant need for money. So, for example, an individual who has this need, as a rule, cannot cover it from his own funds without severely limiting his standard of living.

Basic concepts of insurance

Here are the basic concepts and terms used in insurance, reflecting the specifics and features of insurance as an economic category and field of activity:

"insurance" - relations to protect the property interests of citizens, foreign citizens, stateless persons, organizations, including foreign and international, as well as administrative-territorial units, foreign states upon the occurrence of certain events (insured events) at the expense of insurance reserves formed by insurers from paid insurance contributions (insurance premiums);

“reinsurance” - insurance by one insurer (reinsurer) under the conditions specified in the contract for the risk of fulfilling part of its obligations with another insurer (reinsurer);

"co-insurance" - insurance under one contract jointly by several insurers of the same insurance object;

"insurance activity" - insurance activity, including co-insurance and reinsurance;

“insurance object” - property interests that do not contradict the law and are associated with:

causing harm to the life or health of the policyholder or another individual named in the contract (personal insurance not related to life insurance);

when citizens reach a certain age or when another insured event provided for in the contract occurs in their lives (personal insurance related to life insurance);

with loss (destruction) or damage to property in the possession, use, disposal of the insured or another beneficiary named in the contract, or with damage to their property rights, including the occurrence of losses from business activities due to non-fulfillment (improper performance) their obligations by counterparties of a business entity or with changes in the conditions of this activity due to circumstances beyond the control of the entrepreneur (property insurance);

with liability for obligations arising in the event of damage to the life, health or property of other persons by the insured or another person on whom such liability may be assigned, or with liability under a contract (liability insurance)

"Insurance subjects" are:

An insurer is (always an insurance company) a legal entity that, in accordance with the proposed or concluded insurance contract, undertakes the obligation to compensate for the damage incurred by the insured upon the occurrence of an insured event provided for in the contract for a certain fee.

policyholders - citizens, foreign citizens, stateless persons, organizations, including foreign and international, as well as its administrative and territorial units, foreign states that have entered into insurance contracts with insurers.

“insurance payment” is the amount of money paid to the policyholder (insured person, beneficiary) upon the occurrence of an insured event. In case of property insurance and liability insurance, insurance payment is made in the form of insurance compensation, in case of personal insurance - in the form of insurance coverage;

“sum insured (limit of liability)” - a sum of money established by law or an insurance contract, within which, unless otherwise provided by law, the insurer is obliged to make an insurance payment upon the occurrence of an insured event;

"insurance value" is the actual value of property or business risk. The insured value is considered to be:

for property - its actual value at the location on the day of concluding the insurance contract;

for business risk - losses from business activities that the policyholder would have incurred upon the occurrence of an insured event;

“insurance agent” - an individual or organization carrying out insurance intermediary activities on behalf of an insurance organization;

“insurance broker” is a commercial organization that carries out insurance intermediary activities on its own behalf on the basis of instructions from an insurance organization or the policyholder, or simultaneously from each of them, on the basis of a special permit (license) to carry out insurance activities.

"insurance premium (insurance premium)" - the amount of money payable by the policyholder to the insurer for insurance;

"insurance risk" - an expected event that has characteristics of probability and chance, in the event of which insurance is carried out;

“Insured event” is an event provided for in the insurance contract or legislation, upon the occurrence of which the insurer becomes obligated to make an insurance payment to the policyholder (the insured person, the beneficiary);

"insurance tariff" - the rate of insurance premium per unit of sum insured;

“insurers” - commercial organizations created to carry out insurance activities and having special permits (licenses) to carry out insurance activities (hereinafter referred to as insurers, insurance organizations);

“diversification” is a condition for the insurer to place insurance reserves, which presupposes their simultaneous distribution among unrelated objects of investment activity;

“investment activity” - the activity of the insurer in investing insurance reserves in securities, real estate, precious metals and other property in the manner established by law, as well as in other investments not prohibited by law in order to obtain profit (income);

“association of insurers” is a non-profit organization that was created by insurers and insurance brokers in the form of an association (union) to coordinate the activities of its members, protect their interests, jointly perform certain tasks and does not have the right to engage in entrepreneurial activities, including through the formation of commercial organizations and ( or) participation in them.

insurance economic civil legal

The role of insurance

Insurance relations, enshrined in a written insurance contract as a civil legal transaction, have been known at least since the late Middle Ages. Then, thanks to the great geographical discoveries, the horizons of maritime international trade significantly expanded. Entrepreneurs needed large amounts of capital to take advantage of new horizons of opportunity.

Having historically arisen in connection with the need to provide compensation for losses that cannot be transferred to other persons, insurance has undergone significant changes in the course of its long development and now applies to many cases where the occurrence of losses is associated with the civil liability of their causer. In such cases, insurance serves as an additional guarantee for the victim of the protection of his property interests. Later, along with property insurance, which provides compensation for losses associated with loss or damage to material goods, personal insurance appeared, guaranteeing payment of certain amounts of money upon the occurrence of death, injury, illness, or upon survival to a certain age of a person.

Insurance and entrepreneurship are closely interconnected. Entrepreneurship is characterized by organizational and economic innovation, the search for new, more efficient ways to use resources, flexibility, and a willingness to take risks.

In this case, certain insurance interests arise due to the nature of business activity. These insurance interests, enshrined in the relevant insurance contracts, guide entrepreneurs towards mastering promising forms of development and searching for new areas of investment of capital.

The transition to a market economy ensures a significant increase in the role of insurance in social reproduction, significantly expands the scope of insurance services and the development of alternatives to state insurance. Under the command-administrative system of managing the national economy, the dominant role of state property and the weak economic responsibility of managers and work collectives for its safety, insurance could not get its rightful place in the economy and social relations.

The development of market relations, when the commodity producer begins to act at his own peril and risk, according to his own plan and bears responsibility for this, increases the role and importance of insurance. At the same time, along with the traditional purpose - providing protection from natural disasters (earthquakes, floods, storms, etc.), random events of a technical and technological nature (fires, accidents, explosions, etc.) - losses from various criminogenic phenomena are increasingly becoming the object of insurance (theft, robbery, vehicle theft, etc.).

Enterprises and organizations of various forms of ownership, acting as insurers, feel the need not only for compensation for damage expressed in the loss or damage of fixed assets and working capital, but also for compensation for economic (business) risks. Today it is customary to distinguish two main areas of insurance for these risks: insurance of the risk of direct and indirect losses. Direct losses may include, for example, losses from loss of profit, losses from equipment downtime due to shortages of raw materials, materials and components, strikes and other objective reasons. Indirect - insurance of lost profits, bankruptcy of an enterprise, etc.

The changes also affect the sphere of property and personal insurance of citizens, which is directly related to the economic interests of the population. The ratio of long-term and short-term insurance contracts, the combination of risk, precautionary and savings terms of insurance, the level of bank interest on the reserve of contributions for life insurance contracts, taking into account price trends and the implementation of anti-inflationary measures with the transition to a market economy inevitably become the subject of insurance policy. The supply of insurance services is increasing. The insurance market is gradually being formed. Priority is given to voluntary types of insurance, although in certain areas compulsory insurance is maintained or even introduced (for example, medical, military accident insurance, etc.).

Insurance serves as an important factor in stimulating production activity and ensuring a healthy lifestyle, creates new incentives for increasing labor productivity in accordance with personal contribution to production and ensuring one’s own well-being.

The economic essence of insurance corresponds to its functions, expressing the social significance of this category.

The main one is the risk function, since the insurance risk as the probability of damage is directly related to the main purpose of insurance to provide monetary assistance to victims. It is within the framework of the risk function that the redistribution of monetary value occurs among insurance participants in connection with the consequences of random insurance events.

The preventive function is aimed at financing, using part of the insurance fund, measures to reduce the insurance risk.

Insurance can also have a savings function: in the case of saving insurance amounts with the help of survival insurance due to the need for insurance protection of the achieved family wealth.

The control function of insurance lies in the strictly targeted formation and use of insurance fund funds. In accordance with the control function, financial insurance control over the rules for conducting insurance operations is carried out on the basis of legislative and instructional documents.

Analyzing the above subsection, we can draw the following brief general conclusions.

Insurance is a way of compensating for losses suffered by an individual or legal entity through their distribution among many persons (the insurance population). Compensation for losses is made from the funds of the insurance fund, which is administered by the insurance organization (insurer).

The economic category of insurance is an integral part of the financial category and represents a system of economic relations between insurers and policyholders to protect the property interests of individuals and legal entities upon the occurrence of certain insured events at the expense of funds formed from insurance contributions (premiums) paid by policyholders, as well as a system economic and entrepreneurial activities, investment of capital and investment of temporarily free funds in order to generate income in profitable objects of material production, securities, deposits, bonds, real estate, etc.

In a market economy, insurance acts, on the one hand, as a means of protecting business and people’s well-being, and on the other, as an income-generating activity. The sources of profit for an insurance organization are income from insurance activities, from investments of temporarily free funds in objects of production and non-production areas of activity, shares of enterprises, bank deposits, securities, etc.


Insurance can be defined as a set of redistributive relations of a closed circle of its participants regarding the formation, at the expense of their contributions, of a target insurance fund intended to compensate for possible damage to the property of legal entities and individuals, as well as to provide material support for citizens upon the occurrence of certain events in their lives.

In countries with developed market economies, insurance plays an important and multifaceted role. In this regard, four insurance functions can be distinguished: indemnity, social, investment and preventive functions.

Economic and social relations in society as a whole, within an individual economic entity or citizen and his family, face risks of varying degrees and breadth of impact, sources and destructiveness. The listed criteria predetermine the use of various forms of organizing insurance relations (forms of insurance). The combination of various forms of insurance for the purpose of risk management at the macro- and microeconomic levels ensures the integrity of the national insurance system.

List of used literature

1. Ageev N.R. Insurance: theory, practice and foreign experience. - M.: Yunost, 2008.

Alexandrov A.A. Insurance. -M.: “Prior”, 2008.

Vobly K.G. Fundamentals of Insurance Savings. - M.: - ANKIL, 2002

4. Grishchenko N.B. Fundamentals of insurance activities. - Barnaul: Alt Publishing House. University, 2001.

Denisova I.P. Insurance / - 4th ed. - Rostov n/a: Publishing center "Mart", 2011.

6. Serbinovsky B.Yu., Garkusha V.N. Insurance business: Textbook for universities. - Rostov n/a: “Phoenix”, 2000

7. Yakovleva T.A., Shevchenko O.Yu. Insurance. - M.: Economist, 2004.



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2.1 The role of insurance in modern society

Currently, the importance of insurance is increasing due to the following circumstances:

· the frequency and severity of natural disasters and other adverse events are objectively increasing;

· new, complex risks are generated by scientific and technological progress - from explosions and fires when introducing new technologies to risks associated with new information technologies, genetics, etc. It is important to note that these are new risks, the management experience of which has not been developed;

· the development of the economy leads to the complication of economic relations, at the same time it is known that the more complex the system, the easier it is to bring it out of equilibrium. The breakdown of one economic connection (short delivery of products due to a fire at the supplier) in some cases puts the entire chain of producers and consumers in critical conditions. In addition, economic development gives rise to a lot of new business risks, especially in the financial market (stock exchange, banking);

· all countries with developed economies have a common problem of population aging, which exacerbates the need to protect people (providing them with the necessary medical care and ensuring decent incomes in old age);

· the density of production facilities, housing, cultural and historical values ​​sharply increases the likelihood of risk accumulation. At the same time, the cost of one object increases (for example, oil rigs and other complex technological structures). Together, these two phenomena increase the risk of catastrophic damage;

· finally, it is impossible not to note the general process of criminalization of society - starting from culture (romanticization of situations associated with breaking the law) and ending with statistics of criminal offenses, facts of corruption, etc.

In such conditions, the protection of society cannot be ensured without the help of insurance. These problems are also relevant for Russia. Moreover, in Russia the objective need for insurance is increased for the following reasons:

1. the ability of the state and society to provide assistance and compensation for damage in the event of adverse events is limited due to lack of resources;

2. the production assets of most enterprises have a high percentage of wear and tear, and accordingly, exposure to various risks is increased;

3. many industries use outdated technologies that pose a danger to participants in production and the environment;

4. there is a certain socio-economic instability of society.

These and a number of other factors confirm the relevance of insurance. Indeed, insurance is one of the most important elements in the system of risk management methods. According to the EU and the USA, market participants allocate up to 50% of the funds spent on risk protection to insurance.

With the help of insurance, the risk is transferred to a professional - an insurance organization that has appropriate specialists in working with risk. By compensating for damage, insurance ensures the continuity of economic activity of market economy entities and thereby contributes to the stability of the national economy. Insurance protection of a business entity, the national economy and specific members of society is certainly the main task of insurance. The impact of insurance on the economy and society does not end there:

· during the insurance process, small, scattered contributions from policyholders are accumulated by the insurer and converted into investment capital;

· insurance as a branch of the economy is a labor market.

In addition to increasing employment directly in the insurance industry, insurance also increases employment in industries that are clients of the insurance company or related to them. As a rule, after the occurrence of an insured event resulting in damage or destruction of any property, at the expense of insurance compensation paid by the insurer, the policyholder restores the damaged object, providing additional jobs and paying the cost of hiring labor;

· insurance makes a serious contribution to ensuring the solvency of demand in the country, compensating the policyholder for losses (instead of a broken car, a new one is bought, a new one is built on the site of a destroyed plant) and paying for the work of specialists involved in insurance;

· insurance stimulates scientific and technological progress (STP), providing protection for venture, knowledge-intensive, and new industries. Not every entrepreneur would take the risk of investing in such projects without insurance protection;

· we should not forget about such socially significant branches of insurance as medical and pension insurance. In the current demographic situation, full security in old age is possible only with the help of insurance;

· the possibility of financing by insurance companies of measures to prevent or reduce the likelihood of insured events, mitigating insurance risk, and reducing the amount of damage is becoming important in the modern world. The feasibility of these measures lies in the fact that the economic effect of allocating part of the funds of insurance companies to preventive activities is manifested in a reduction in possible payments of insurance compensation and security in the future. Sometimes such programs are social in nature and help improve the quality of life of the population;

· the successful activities of insurers contribute to an increase in the revenue side of the country's budget both due to tax revenues from the insurance company itself (income tax, property tax, etc.), its employees (income tax), and tax revenues from policyholders whose economic activities are not stopped due to any unforeseen events, but received support in the form of an insurance payment;

· The insurance industry is one of the largest owners of information. Insurance companies have accumulated unique statistical data on accidents, catastrophes, and natural disasters. In addition, insurers' databases include information about the risks of their clients - both legal entities and individuals. Thus, insurance creates unique information systems, including at the international level.

Special studies in the field of psychology have shown that in a country in which entrepreneurs and the population have insurance policies “for all occasions,” social tension in society is significantly reduced.

The role of insurance is so important that insurance is considered to be a sector of the economy.

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Questions: 1. Necessity, economic essence and role of insurance in

modern conditions

insurance funds

3. General characteristics of insurance development

4. Basic concepts and terms of insurance

Question 1 . The need, economic essence and role of insurance in

modern conditions
Insurance has a long history: origins and development.

In the modern understanding, insurance is an economic relationship for the formation and use of an insurance fund intended to compensate for damage caused by various types of adverse events. In any society, disasters are possible that entail material damage or other damage (loss of health, disability, life) inflicted on legal entities and individuals. In this case, disasters are divided into two large groups: 1) natural (mainly natural); 2) social and industrial (technical incidents, i.e. accidents, accidents, etc.).

Insurance is one of the types of human forethought aimed at preserving material well-being in the event of random and unpredictable events.

Insurance is a necessary element of industrial relations, expressing the redistribution of funds regarding compensation for damage. The economic essence of insurance is to ensure the continuity and uninterruption of the production process. Insurance is a mechanism for protecting against various types of risks that require significant funds, which the victims may not have.

Insurance is characterized by:

a) random (probable) nature of the occurrence of emergency events;

b) unbearable damage for an individual citizen or legal entity;

c) creation of closed, solidary relations between participants regarding compensation for damage from the insurance fund;

d) redistribution of damage, both in space and time;

e) repayment of funds mobilized in the insurance fund.

The essence of insurance as an economic category is most fully expressed in the functions it performs. Insurance has the following functions:

1. Risky. Risk as the probability of damage occurring is directly related to the purpose of insurance. Within the framework of this function, a redistribution of the monetary form of value occurs.

2. Precautionary . Part of the insurance fund finances measures to reduce insurance risk.

3. Cumulative (savings). Typical mainly for life insurance.

4. Test . Offers a strictly targeted approach to the formation and use of insurance fund funds. Based on relevant legislative documents and methodological materials.

Question 2. Contents of the concept of insurance protection. Forms of organization

insurance funds
The objective existence of risk situations gives rise to insurance economic relations to prevent and overcome the destructive consequences of emergency events, as well as to compensate for damage. The totality of these relations determines the economic category of insurance protection. Its essence lies in the presence of insurance risk and the need for protective measures, which are materially embodied in the insurance fund.

Insurance is based on the idea of ​​creating, even before the onset of emergency events, a special fund, called an insurance fund, from which it will be possible to compensate for damage. Therefore, in any society there is a need for a fund designed to compensate for losses caused by accidents and dangers, i.e. uncontrollable forces. This is the main economic purpose of the insurance fund. In practice, the forms of formation and use of insurance funds are also different. Usually there are three:

1. National reserve funds. These are centralized funds, created in monetary and material form. The main source is the state budget. They are at the disposal of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus and lower authorities. Designed to provide the country with the necessary resources in the event of emergency and large-scale adverse events.

2. Self-insurance funds. Decentralized funds are created by business entities for the purpose of uninterrupted production, subject to various risks. They have monetary and natural-material forms. The procedure for use is provided for by the Charter of the business entity. These funds play an important role, but they also have disadvantages: they divert significant funds from circulation; cannot be created in such a volume as to fully compensate for the damage, etc.

3. Insurers' funds. These funds are created by special insurance organizations through contributions from legal entities and individuals. Relations arise within a strictly defined circle of insurance participants. The advantage of this form of fund organization is that the damage of one insurance participant is distributed among all participants in the creation of the insurance fund. Since the number of recipients of funds from this fund is always much less than the number of payers of insurance premiums, this makes it possible to concentrate significant amounts in the fund, guaranteeing real compensation for damage within the framework of the law.

Question 3. General characteristics of insurance development
Insurance- one of the oldest categories of social relations. Having originated during the period of decomposition of the primitive communal system, it gradually became an indispensable companion of social production.

The history of the development of insurance in the Republic of Belarus is closely connected with the development of the state, and is also inseparable from the economic development of the USSR and Russia.

In pre-revolutionary Russia, insurance business was carried out by numerous enterprises and societies. The leading role was played by commercial enterprises – joint-stock companies. Fire insurance was most widespread in pre-revolutionary Russia.

It was for these purposes that the first insurance company was established in 1872, which was called the First Russian Fire Insurance Company. Over the next thirty years, two more fire insurance companies were opened - the Second Russian Fire Insurance Society (1835) and Salamandra (1864). At first the volume of operations of these insurance companies was very modest. However, with the abolition of serfdom, the widespread development of the insurance business began; it was actively spreading to the countryside. In a short time, several new insurance companies emerge.

The necessary conditions for the restoration of insurance were created only after the civil war. The Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of October 6, 1921 “On State Property Insurance” laid the foundation for the development of state insurance in Soviet Russia. In accordance with the Decree, voluntary property insurance of “private households against fires, falling livestock, hail damage to agricultural crops, accidents of water and land transport” is organized everywhere.

In the Republic of Belarus, state insurance is organized on the basis of the Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the BSSR dated December 3, 1921 “On the organization of state property insurance in the BSSR.” This date is considered the birthday of Belgosstrakh, which has been a state monopolist for more than 70 years.

Since 1992, a rapid process of demonopolization has developed in the republic, which marked the beginning of the formation of a national insurance market. The most significant changes in the insurance market in 1993-2006. One can note the establishment of a number of non-state insurance organizations on it, including those with the participation of foreign capital, and the development of the regulatory role of the state. As the market developed, the list of insurance services acquired classical features.

In the conditions of modern society, insurance has become a universal universal means of insurance protection of all forms of property, income and other interests of enterprises, organizations, farmers, tenants, and citizens.

Question 4. Basic concepts and terms of insurance
In insurance, a significant number of specific terms are used. The main ones are the following:

Insurer - a specialized organization in charge of creating and spending the insurance fund, that is, it is an insurance company.

Policyholder – an individual or legal entity who pays insurance premiums and enters into a specific insurance relationship with the insurer. In international insurance, the policyholder is called the policyholder.

Insurance field – the maximum number of objects that can be insured.

Insurance portfolio – the actual number of insured objects or concluded insurance contracts.

Insurance premium (premium) – payment from the policyholder to the insurer.

Sum insured – the amount of money for which the object is insured, i.e. the amount within which the insurer is obliged to compensate for damage upon the occurrence of an insured event.

Insured event - the occurrence of an event that triggers the insurer’s obligation to pay insurance compensation to the policyholder.

Insurance compensation - the amount paid to the policyholder by the insurer upon the occurrence of an insured event.

Insurance policy - a document certifying the fact of concluding an insurance contract.

Insurance coverage – payment under a personal insurance contract in connection with its termination.

Insurance period - time interval during which the insurance objects are insured. Can range from a few days to a significant number of years (15 - 25). In addition, an indefinite period of insurance is possible, which is valid until one of the parties to the legal relationship (the policyholder or the insurer) refuses its further continuation, having notified the other party of its intention in advance.

Insurance assessment – the value of property determined for insurance purposes. It is characterized by a system of monetary measures of the insurance object, closely linked to the probability of the occurrence of an insured event. The actual value of the property or some other criterion (declared value, original cost, etc.) can be used as an insurance valuation. In international practice, instead of the term “insurance assessment”, the term insurable value is used.

Depending on the system of insurance relations implemented in the insurance process, in addition to insurance as such, there are also: co-insurance, double insurance, reinsurance, self-insurance.

Coinsurance - this is insurance in which two or more insurers participate in certain shares in the insurance of one object. Insurance pools (associations of insurers for joint insurance of large and most dangerous risks) are created and operate according to the principle of co-insurance. The need for coinsurance is determined by the fact that the volume of insurance liability for large objects and projects may exceed the capabilities of a particular insurer.

Double insurance - this is insurance from several insurers of the same interest against the same dangers, when the total insured amount exceeds the insured value. Double insurance can be used for enrichment purposes. Therefore, the legislation of a number of countries pays great attention to it.

Reinsurance represents insurance by one insurer (reinsurer) under the conditions specified in the contract for the risk of fulfillment of all or part of its obligations to the insured by another insurer (reinsurer). The purpose of reinsurance is the secondary distribution and equalization of risk within the insurer's insurance portfolio. This increases the financial stability of the insurer.

Questions: 1. Insurance risks. Risk management

2. Classification in insurance

3. Forms of insurance

4. Franchise

Question 1. Insurance risks. Risk management
In insurance, risk is understood as the danger of an unfavorable outcome of any event, phenomenon, or process.

Risk is a reflection of the potential threat of damage. It is the feeling of risk and the existence of a connection between risk and damage that makes people insure against the occurrence of an unfavorable combination of circumstances that brings real losses.

Risk is a random event that occurs against the will of a person. Risk assessment (measurement) is performed using probability theory. In insurance relations, risk exists throughout the duration of the insurance contract. It realizes through random events or phenomena about which an insurance relationship arises. The forms and frequency of manifestation of risk are diverse, and the severity of the consequences of risk manifestation is different. Risk is a variable value. Its changes are largely due to changes in the economy, as well as a number of other factors. Therefore, the insurer must constantly monitor risk dynamics, maintain statistical records, analyze and process the collected information.

Risk classification is based on their various characteristics:

1) reasons (type of hazard) causing adverse events. Technogenic, natural and mixed risks are distinguished here;

2) by the nature of the activity with which they are associated (entrepreneurial, financial and credit, professional, transport, industrial and other risks);

3) by the nature of objects that are at risk (risks of harm to the life and health of citizens and property risks, among which the risks of civil liability are particularly highlighted.

Risk classification serves as the basis for classifying types of insurance.

Risk management is a multi-stage process that aims to reduce or compensate for damage to an object in the event of adverse events. All methods of influencing risk can be divided into three groups – risk reduction, preservation and risk transfer.

Reducing risk means reducing either the extent of possible damage or the likelihood of adverse events occurring. This is achieved by implementing preventive organizational and technical measures.

Retention of risk - this method of risk management is called self-insurance.

Transfer of risk means transfer of responsibility for it while maintaining the existing level of risk. These measures include insurance, as well as various types of financial guarantees, guarantees, etc.

Risk management is traditionally associated by many managers, primarily with insurance. Indeed, insurance was originally the most common method of influencing risk in the world and currently remains so. In the largest developed countries (USA, Japan, Germany), annual payments of insurance premiums reach 7-9% of gross domestic product. Insurance covers almost all sectors of human activity.
Question 2. Classification in insurance
The classification of insurance is based on two criteria: differences in the objects of insurance and the volume of insurance liability. In this regard, two classifications are distinguished:

  1. By insurance objects (universal).

  2. By type of danger (partial), covering only property insurance.
Partial classification by type of danger provides for the identification of the following links and only in property insurance:

  1. Insurance against fire and other natural disasters.

  2. Insurance of agricultural crops against drought and other natural disasters.

  3. Insurance against death or forced slaughter of animals.

  4. From theft, accidents, theft (of vehicles).
The general classification provides for the division of insurance into industries, sub-sectors and types.

To specify the insurance relationship, there are sub-sectors..In each of the sub-sectors there is a significant number species insurance.

View insurance is the last link of the classification and represents insurance of homogeneous objects against their characteristic insurance risks. Each type of insurance usually requires the development of special rules for conducting insurance operations and calculating the corresponding system of insurance rates. Currently, the number of types of insurance amounts to many dozens and is constantly increasing. For example, household contents insurance: animal insurance; insurance of buildings owned by citizens, etc.

Table 1 presents a general classification of insurance, reflecting the division of insurance relations into interconnected links that are hierarchically subordinate to each other.

Table 1

Classification of insurance by industries, sub-sectors and types of insurance

Industries or









Accident insurance

Property insurance for legal entities

Property insurance for individuals



Indemnity Insurance

harm (insurance




life insurance, children's insurance, additional pension insurance, voluntary health insurance, etc.

vehicle insurance (land, air and water transport), cargo insurance, insurance of other types of property, financial risk insurance, etc.

civil liability insurance for vehicle owners, carrier civil liability insurance, civil liability insurance for enterprises that are sources of increased danger, professional liability insurance, liability insurance for failure to fulfill obligations, etc.

Personal insurance- the insurance industry, where the objects of insurance are the property interests of citizens related to life, health, ability to work, and pensions. Under a personal insurance contract, the insurer undertakes, upon the occurrence of an insured event, to pay the policyholder a lump sum or periodically pay the insured amount stipulated by the contract. Personal insurance includes: life insurance; accident insurance.

Property insurance has as its object the property interests of the insured person associated with the ownership, use and disposal of this property. Property insurance is based on the principle of compensation for damage within the limits of the insured amount under the contract. Property insurance includes the following sub-sectors: property insurance of legal entities, property insurance of individuals.

Liability insurance - the insurance industry, where the object is liability to third parties (individuals and legal entities) who may suffer damage (harm) as a result of any action or inaction of the insured. Through liability insurance, insurance protection of the economic interests of possible harm doers is implemented. These interests in each insurance case have their own specific monetary expression. Liability insurance includes: debt insurance, damage insurance, which is also called civil liability insurance.

The peculiarities of life insurance operations necessitate additional classification of insurance services. In this regard, according to the methods of calculating insurance rates and forming insurance reserves, all types of insurance are divided into life insurance and insurance other than life insurance.

Question 3. Forms of insurance

Insurance can be carried out in 2 forms: 1) compulsory and 2) voluntary.

Insurance is mandatory , if this is provided for by the legislative acts of the Republic of Belarus, which define the types, conditions and procedure for providing insurance services.

Initiator mandatory Insurance is a state that, in the form of a law, obliges legal entities and individuals to contribute funds to ensure public interests. The state establishes a mandatory form of insurance, when the insurance protection of certain objects is related to the interests of not only individual policyholders, but also the entire society. Compulsory insurance is carried out on the basis of relevant legislative acts, which provide for:

List of objects subject to insurance;

Scope of insurance liability;

Level (standards) of insurance coverage;

Basic rights and obligations of the parties involved in insurance;

The procedure for establishing insurance rates, insurance premiums and some other issues.

The law determines the circle of insurance organizations entrusted with carrying out compulsory insurance. Compulsory insurance is, as a rule, entrusted to the state insurance organization. With compulsory insurance, the completeness of the insurance objects is achieved. On the other hand, the compulsory form of insurance excludes the selectivity of individual insurance objects inherent in the voluntary form. Due to the maximum coverage of insurance objects with a mandatory form of its implementation, it is possible to apply minimum insurance rates and achieve high financial stability of insurance operations.

A type of compulsory insurance is compulsory state insurance, the features of which are as follows:

it can be carried out in relation to the life, health and property of civil servants;

the source of payment of the insurance premium for such insurance is state budget funds;

the policyholders are executive authorities;

operations on such insurance can be carried out in two ways: either directly on the basis of laws or other legal acts on such insurance by the state insurance or other government organizations specified therein, or by concluding insurance contracts between insurers and policyholders in accordance with legal acts regulating the procedure for carrying out mandatory state insurance.

Among the types of compulsory state insurance currently carried out in the Republic of Belarus are compulsory state personal insurance for military personnel and those liable for military service, employees of tax authorities, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, veterinarians, etc.

Mandatory form insurance is based on the following principles.

  1. The principle of compulsoryness (automaticity) is manifested in the fact that insurance is mandatory by law. The relevant regulations determine the list of objects subject to insurance, the list of events for the occurrence of which insurance is carried out, the amount of insurance premiums and the frequency of their payment, the amount of compensation paid, the rights and obligations of the policyholder and the insurer.

  2. The principle of complete coverage of compulsory insurance. The essence of this principle is that insurers who are required by law to provide compulsory insurance must ensure 100% coverage of the relevant objects.

  3. The principle of mandatory insurance protection of independence from payment of insurance premiums. If the policyholder has not paid the insurance premiums and his relevant property interests are damaged, the insurer will pay him compensation by withholding the insurance premiums. In some cases, fees may be recovered through the courts.

  4. The perpetuity of compulsory insurance is manifested in the fact that insurance protection will be provided by the insurer as long as the insured has a property interest subject to compulsory insurance, or until the relevant law is repealed.

  5. The principle of rationing the liability of insurers makes it possible not to take into account the individual characteristics of insurance objects and, by establishing appropriate standards, to simplify the organization of the insurance process.
Voluntaryform insurance is carried out on the basis of mutual agreement of the parties, i.e. conditions are determined by the insurance contract. Often, when concluding such an agreement between the parties, an intermediary is involved in the form of an insurance broker or insurance agent. The insurance contract is certified by an insurance policy. The regulatory framework for organizing and conducting voluntary insurance is created by insurance legislation. Based on the legislative framework, conditions or rules for certain types of voluntary insurance are formed. These rules and conditions developed by the insurer are subject to mandatory licensing by the state insurance supervisory authority.

The voluntary form of insurance is based on the following principles.

  1. The principle of voluntariness is manifested in the fact that the policyholder enters into an insurance contract of his own free will, and not due to legislative compulsion. At the same time, he insures only what he considers necessary and for as much as his financial capabilities allow.

  2. The principle of incomplete coverage of individuals and legal entities with voluntary insurance is due to the fact that not everyone wants to be insured and has the means to do so. In turn, insurers set certain restrictions when accepting various objects for insurance.

  3. The principle of limited insurance period. Voluntary insurance, as a rule, has a pre-agreed certain period of insurance. The beginning and end of the insurance period are specified in the contract with particular precision, since the insurer bears insurance liability only during the insurance period. The insurance contract must be concluded in writing. With voluntary insurance, it is possible to ensure continuity of insurance with timely renewal of the contract for a new term.

  4. The principle of dependence of insurance protection on the payment of the insurance premium. Voluntary insurance comes into force only after payment of the insurance premium (insurance premium). Moreover, a long-term voluntary insurance contract is valid if premiums are paid by the policyholder periodically (monthly, quarterly) or one-time (once a year).
Voluntary property insurance, personal insurance and liability insurance contracts are part of civil legal relations and are included in the number of paid contractual obligations. Under such an agreement, one party is obliged to pay the other party a specified amount of contributions. In turn, the other party is ready to provide the insurance service specified in the contract. Under an insurance contract, the service consists of paying insurance compensation or the insured amount for the consequences of insured events that have occurred.

The relationships between the forms used changed. Since 1998, some types of insurance have been transferred to a mandatory form, which allows for a wide range of insurance risks, automaticity, perpetuity and complete coverage of objects, and the use of lower tariffs.

Question 4. Franchise
In some cases, insurance rules allow the insurer to resort to limiting its liability in terms of the amount of losses subject to compensation. This restriction is called a franchise. It consists in the fact that the insurer pays for losses minus a certain portion, usually amounting to one or another percentage of the cost of the insured property.

Hence, franchise- this is part of the possible damage that may be caused to the property interests of the policyholder, which is not subject to compensation from the insurer, but remains the responsibility of the policyholder himself. The deductible specified in the insurance contract allows us to ensure the policyholder's interest in the safety of the insured property and reduce the amount of the insurance premium payable. The deductible can be set in absolute or relative values ​​to the sum insured and the assessment of the insurance object, as well as as a percentage of the amount of possible damage. Franchise can be conditional or unconditional. With a conditional deductible, the insurer's obligations under the insurance contract do not arise until the amount of damage exceeds the deductible amount. In this case, the insurer fully compensates for the actual amount of damage, regardless of the amount of the deductible.

With an unconditional deductible, the insurer in all cases is exempt from liability for losses within the established deductible.

Questions: 1. Insurance legislation. Concept of contract


2. Insurance market. Insurance intermediaries

3. Insurance marketing

4. State regulation of insurance activities

Question 1. Insurance legislation. Concept of contract

In the field of civil law, rules on insurance are contained in legislative acts, resolutions of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus, and departmental acts. Important legislative acts (decrees and decrees) of the President of the Republic of Belarus are in force.

In the Civil Code of the Republic of Belarus an entire chapter is devoted to insurance. The main insurance relations are regulated by the Regulations on insurance activities in the Republic of Belarus, approved by Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated August 25, 2006 No. 530 “On insurance activities” and Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated August 25, 2006 No. 531 “On establishing the amounts of insurance tariffs, insurance contributions , liability limits for certain types of compulsory insurance.” Insurance regulations are contained in many other laws.

According to the insurance contract one party (the insurer) undertakes, upon the occurrence of an insured event, to pay insurance compensation or the insured amount to the policyholder or another person entitled to receive it, and the other party undertakes to pay insurance premiums on time and fulfill other terms of the contract.

The insurance contract is concluded in writing by issuing an insurance policy by the insurer.

The essential terms of the insurance contract are: the object of insurance, the amount of the insured amount, insurance premiums and the timing of their payment, a list of insured events, the insurance period, the beginning and end of the insurance contract.

The insurance contract comes into force from the moment of payment of the initial insurance premium, unless otherwise provided by agreement of the parties or legislation.

Question 2. Insurance market. Insurance intermediaries
Demonopolization of the economy marked the beginning of the development of the domestic insurance market. The content of the insurance market, the level of its dynamism and development largely determines the effectiveness of the functioning of a market economy.

Insurance market - this is a special socio-economic environment, a certain sphere of monetary relations, where the object of purchase and sale is insurance protection, supply and demand for it are formed.

Insurance market can also be considered:

  • as a form of organizing monetary relations for the formation and distribution of an insurance fund to ensure insurance protection of society;

  • as a set of insurers that provide insurance services.
Foundations of the insurance market are: market economy, variety of forms of ownership, free pricing - calculation of tariff rates, presence of competition, freedom of choice, development and implementation of new types of insurance services, etc.

Mandatory conditions for the existence of the insurance market:

  • presence of public need for insurance services - demand formation;

  • Availability of insurers – formation of proposals.

The primary link in the insurance market is the insurance company.

Others also operate in the insurance market subjects: reinsurance companies, insurer intermediaries - insurance agents and brokers (brokers), various associations of insurers: insurance pools, unions, etc. The structure of the insurance market can be characterized in institutional and territorial aspects.

In an institutional aspect The structure of the insurance market is represented by: state, joint-stock, corporate, mutual and other insurance companies.

In a territorial aspect The structure of the insurance market is characterized by insurance markets: local (regional); national (internal); global (external).

The insurance market of the Republic of Belarus began to take shape in 1990. As of January 1, 2009, there were 25 insurance companies operating in the republic. The largest of them is Belgosstrakh (more than 50% of the market). Among the non-state ones, the largest are B&B Insurance Co., Brolly, Kupala, etc.

Question 3. Insurance marketing
Insurance Marketing - is a means of satisfaction in the insurance service through exchange. It has two main planes: macroeconomic and practical. On the one hand, it is a phenomenon of the insurance market that largely determines insurance, and on the other hand, it is a practical tool for the insurer’s work aimed at studying the market and optimizing relations with policyholders.

There are two common meanings of the term insurance marketing. One defines marketing as a function of an insurance company - its sales activities aimed at promoting insurance services from the insurer to the policyholder. Second, it considers marketing as an integrated approach to the organization and management of all activities of an insurance company. At the same time, demand is created by the efforts of the insurance company itself and is satisfied by it.

Question 4. State regulation of insurance activities
Government regulation insurance activity represents the influence of the state on participants in insurance obligations, carried out in several directions: direct participation of the state in the formation of an insurance system for the protection of property interests; legislative support for the formation and protection of the national insurance market; state supervision of insurance activities; protection of fair competition in the insurance market, prevention and suppression of monopolism.

Insurance legislation is complex in nature and can be distinguished as a separate complex branch of legislation, including the Laws of the Republic of Belarus, Decrees and Decrees of the President of the Republic of Belarus, resolutions of the Government of the Republic of Belarus, orders and instructions issued within their competence by state insurance supervisory authorities.

According to Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated August 25, 2006 No. 530 “On insurance activities in the Republic of Belarus,” state regulation of insurance activities is carried out by the President of the Republic of Belarus, the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus, the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus, and the Ministry of Finance.

State regulation of insurance activities is carried out by determining:

1. main directions of state policy in the field of insurance activities;

2. the procedure for carrying out insurance activities in the Republic of Belarus;

3. procedures for registration, reorganization and liquidation of insurance organizations, insurance brokers and associations of insurers;

4. procedure for licensing insurance activities;

6. rules and principles of insurance, reinsurance, tariff policy;

7. requirements for the formation, placement, use of insurance reserves and other funds that ensure the financial stability of insurance organizations.

At the same time, the President of the Republic of Belarus determines the main directions of state policy in the field of insurance activities; introduces new types of compulsory insurance; annually determines the amount of deductions, the procedure and directions for the use of funds from funds of precautionary (preventive) measures for voluntary life insurance, medical expenses, compulsory types of insurance, with the exception of compulsory state insurance, compulsory insurance of liability of commercial organizations engaged in real estate activities for causing harm in connection with its implementation, compulsory insurance of civil liability of temporary (anti-crisis) managers in economic insolvency (bankruptcy) proceedings; coordinates republican programs for the development of insurance activities, the procedure for investing and placing funds from insurance reserves, taking ownership of the Republic of Belarus and (or) its administrative-territorial units of shares in the authorized funds, ordinary (ordinary) or other voting shares of insurance organizations; establishes the amount of insurance premiums and insurance tariffs for compulsory types of insurance, including annually for compulsory insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases, liability limits for compulsory civil liability insurance of vehicle owners; exercises other powers.

The Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus, within its competence:

in agreement with the President of the Republic of Belarus, approves the procedure for investing and placing funds from insurance reserves;

in agreement with the President of the Republic of Belarus, issues decisions on the adoption of shares in the authorized capital, ordinary (ordinary) or other voting shares of insurance organizations into the ownership of the Republic of Belarus;

in accordance with the laws and acts of the President of the Republic of Belarus, adopts normative legal acts regulating relations in the field of insurance, including for determining cases of insurance of liability for breach of contract, and exercises other powers in the field of state regulation of insurance activities.

First of all, it should be noted that in order to monitor compliance with the interests of policyholders, as well as create legal, organizational and other conditions for the activities of insurers of various forms of ownership and, ultimately, the effective functioning and development of the insurance services market, state regulation is carried out specifically in this area by a government agency authorized to do so.

In the system of government bodies designed to ensure the achievement of these goals, a special place is given to the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus, which:

1. determines the conditions for carrying out insurance activities by insurance organizations and their separate divisions;

2. exercises supervision over compliance by insurance organizations, insurance intermediaries and associations of insurers with the requirements of insurance legislation;

3. carries out state registration of insurance organizations, insurance brokers, their branches and representative offices, associations of insurers, changes and additions made to their constituent documents in accordance with the law, coordinates the names of insurance organizations, insurance brokers, associations of insurers, and also interacts with republican bodies state administration and other bodies on issues of state registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, including issues of registration, registration as a payer, insurer for compulsory insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases, issuing permits for the right to manufacture seals, confirming the fact of their destruction , in the manner determined by the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus.

In accordance with Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated August 25, 2006 No. 530 “On insurance activities in the Republic of Belarus”, in order to ensure compliance with the requirements of insurance legislation, effective development of insurance services, protection of the rights and interests of policyholders, insurance organizations and the state, the Ministry of Finance and its territorial bodies carry out state supervision of insurance activities on the territory of the Republic of Belarus.

Thus, the Ministry of Finance, within its competence, carries out:

1. supervision of compliance by insurers, insurance intermediaries and associations of insurers with the requirements of insurance legislation;

2. supervision of compliance by insurance organizations and insurance brokers with legislation on wages;

3. control over the financial condition and financial results of the activities of insurance organizations, including compliance with:

standards established by law, including the standard for costs of conducting a case;

minimum size of the authorized capital;

relationships between financial assets and assumed insurance liabilities;

solvency and financial stability;

the structure and size of tariff rates for types of compulsory insurance, including the amount of contributions to guarantee funds and funds for precautionary measures;

4. other functions.

When exercising state supervision over the activities of insurance organizations, the Ministry of Finance has the right, in the prescribed manner:

1. carry out inspections of compliance by insurance organizations, separate divisions, as well as insurance intermediaries with the requirements of insurance legislation;

2. give insurance organizations and insurance brokers mandatory instructions to eliminate identified violations;

3. apply sanctions to insurance organizations, insurance brokers, and their officials for violations of insurance legislation;

4. make decisions on suspension or termination of special permits (licenses) from insurance organizations and insurance brokers to carry out insurance activities;

5. apply to the economic court with a statement of economic insolvency (bankruptcy) of the insurance organization, insurance broker;

6. receive from insurance organizations, insurance brokers established reporting on insurance and insurance intermediary activities, as well as other information about their financial and economic activities necessary to perform the functions of supervision of insurance activities, apply for such information to other government bodies, banks , non-banking financial institutions, other legal entities and individuals;

7. if necessary, order a mandatory audit, attract experts to participate in it at the expense of the insurance organization, insurance broker;

8. carry out other actions in accordance with the law.

In particular, the Main Directorate of Insurance Supervision of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus directly regulates this area.

Its functions include:

implementation of state policy in the field of insurance activities and supervision of its implementation on the territory of the Republic of Belarus;

registration of insurers;

determination of the procedure for the formation of insurance reserves and other conditions for the implementation of insurance activities by insurance organizations;

issuing licenses to insurance organizations for each type of insurance activity;

regulation of foreign economic activity on insurance issues;

generalization of insurance practice.

The specificity of control in the insurance business is control by the Main Directorate of Insurance Supervision of the Ministry of Finance, which controls only the activities of insurers, reinsurers and insurance intermediaries. This body of state supervision of insurance activities exercises comprehensive control and is endowed with greater rights in accordance with Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated August 25, 2006 No. 530 “On insurance activities.” Its supervisory function is carried out even at the stage of creating an insurance organization.

The legislation provides for the need for insurers, after their registration and before starting professional activities, to obtain a special permit (license) to carry out insurance activities. The Ministry of Finance monitors compliance with legal requirements, determines the composition and size of the necessary financial reserves, monitors their safety, checks the legal basis for carrying out certain insurance operations, and requires insurance companies to provide broad information on their financial condition.

Registration of insurers and the issuance of licenses to them are carried out on the basis of an application from the founders of the insurance organization with the attachment of a number of documents confirming the readiness of the future insurer to carry out insurance activities. Thus, along with the documents submitted in accordance with the legislation on state registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, information on the professional suitability of candidates for the positions of manager and chief accountant of the created insurance organization, as well as documents confirming formation by the founders of an insurance organization of a statutory fund, the minimum size of which is determined by law depending on who is the shareholder of the insurance organization (Belarusian participants and (or) foreign investors) and the specific type of insurance.

Thus, in accordance with Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated August 25, 2006 No. 530, insurers and insurance brokers are subject to state registration with the Ministry of Finance.

State registration of insurers, insurance brokers, associations of insurers, as well as amendments and additions to their constituent documents are carried out in the manner established by the legislation on state registration of business entities, taking into account the specifics established by this Decree.

The minimum size of the authorized capital is established in an amount equivalent to:

1 million euros – for an insurer providing types of insurance not related to life insurance;

2 million euros – for an insurer providing types of insurance related to life insurance;

5 million euros – for an insurer engaged exclusively in reinsurance activities.

The compliance of the size of the insurer's authorized capital with the minimum size of the authorized fund is determined by recalculating the funds contributed to the authorized fund (in foreign currency and (or) Belarusian rubles) into euros at the official exchange rate of the corresponding monetary unit against the euro established by the National Bank on the date of recalculation.

The authorized capital of the insurer must be formed by its founders in full by the date of state registration.

Part of the authorized capital corresponding to its minimum size must be contributed in cash in foreign currency and (or) in Belarusian rubles based on the official exchange rate of the corresponding monetary unit against the euro established by the National Bank on the date of adoption by the founders, shareholders (participants), owner of the property of the corresponding solutions.

A part of the authorized capital exceeding its minimum size can be formed by making non-monetary contributions by the founders of the insurer in the manner prescribed by law and the constituent documents of this organization.

Payment by foreign investors for shares (shares) in the authorized funds of insurers and insurance brokers is made exclusively in cash.

After state registration, the insurer must constantly have funds in its accounts in banks of the Republic of Belarus in an amount corresponding to the minimum size of the authorized capital.

The property contributed to the authorized capital of the insurer must belong to the founders (participants) under the right of ownership (economic management) and be necessary and suitable for use in the activities of this insurer.

The amount of the contribution of each founder to the authorized capital (participant's share in the authorized capital) of the insurer, with the exception of the contribution (share) of the Republic of Belarus and (or) its administrative-territorial units to the authorized capital of the insurer created in the form of a joint-stock company, a limited liability company and a company with additional liability, cannot exceed 35 percent of the size of the authorized capital.

For state registration of an insurer, insurance broker, along with documents submitted in accordance with the legislation on state registration of business entities, the insurer, insurance broker sends to the Ministry of Finance information on the professional suitability of candidates for the positions of managers, their deputies and chief accountants of this insurer, insurance broker, as well as documents confirming the origin of the insurer’s founders (participants)’s own funds. The professional suitability of candidates for these positions is determined in the manner established by the Ministry of Finance.

An insurance organization may be a founder (participant) of other legal entities. The total amount of the contribution of an insurance organization to the authorized capital of another commercial organization cannot exceed 35 percent of the authorized capital (with the exception of contributions of republican unitary enterprises carrying out insurance activities), unless otherwise established by acts of the President of the Republic of Belarus, and is contributed from the profits remaining at its disposal.

An insurance organization that is a subsidiary (dependent) of a foreign investor has the right to carry out insurance activities in the Republic of Belarus if the foreign investor has been an insurance organization operating in accordance with the law of the relevant state for at least 10 years.

The quota of foreign investors in the authorized funds of insurance organizations of the Republic of Belarus is established by the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus in agreement with the President of the Republic of Belarus.

If the quota is exceeded, the Ministry of Finance stops registering insurance organizations with foreign investment and (or) issuing licenses to such organizations to carry out insurance activities.

Insurance organizations that are subsidiaries (dependent) business companies in relation to foreign investors and (or) having a share of foreign investors in their authorized funds of more than 49 percent may create separate divisions on the territory of the Republic of Belarus, as well as be founders (participants) of other insurance organizations after receiving prior permission from the Ministry of Finance.

Reorganization and liquidation of an insurance organization and an insurance broker are carried out in accordance with legislative acts.

When an insurance organization is liquidated, its obligations to policyholders (beneficiaries) are fulfilled in an extraordinary manner at the expense of insurance reserves and equity capital.

An insurance organization, regardless of its form of ownership, is obliged upon liquidation or termination of a special permit (license) to carry out insurance activities, and if an economic court initiates bankruptcy proceedings against an insurance organization - debtor, it has the right, in the manner established by law, to transfer obligations under voluntary insurance contracts to another insurance company organizations or terminate voluntary insurance contracts.

It is important to note that insurance organizations acquire the right to carry out insurance activities from the date of receipt of the appropriate license. A separate license is issued for each type of voluntary and compulsory insurance in the manner determined by the Ministry of Finance. The Appendix to the license specifies the entire list of insurance services provided.

One of the factors in the formation of a civilized insurance market is its transparency and openness to society. And here the role of the state is to create the necessary legal and other conditions to ensure the free receipt by all interested parties of information related to the provision of insurance services. Thus, one of the areas of work of the Main Directorate of Insurance Supervision of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus is the generalization of the practice of insurance activities. Implementing this function, the Main Directorate of Insurance Supervision of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus regularly publishes a rating of insurance organizations and gives a detailed commentary on it, analyzes the activities of insurance organizations of the Republic of Belarus for the year, brief results of which are published in the open press, and provides the general public with other information about the work of insurance companies. companies

And the state, taking into account the enormous economic, social and ethical importance of insurance in modern conditions, recognizing the danger that may arise due to abuse in this area, promotes the establishment of companies in the insurance market that have a solid financial foundation and an impeccable business reputation.

The combination in practice of all the measures of state regulation of insurance activities discussed above is intended to ensure the financial stability of insurers, the stable functioning of the insurance market and, ultimately, the protection of the rights and interests of policyholders.

The economic category of insurance is its necessity, function and role in modern society. At the same time, insurance is characterized by economic relations associated only with the redistribution of income and savings to compensate for material and other losses. The following features characterizing the economic category of insurance can be identified...

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Insurance is an economic category that is in a subordinate relationship with the category of finance. Like finance, insurance is determined by the movement of the monetary form of value during the formation and use of appropriate target funds of funds in the process of distribution and redistribution of monetary income and savings. At the same time, insurance is characterized by economic relations associated only with the redistribution of income and savings to compensate for material and other losses. Thus, insurance is associated with the probabilistic movement of the monetary form of value.

The following features characterizing the economic category of insurance can be distinguished:

1. When insuring, monetary redistribution relations arise due to the presence of insurance risk as the probability and possibility of an insured event that could cause material or other damage. By this feature, insurance is associated with the category of insurance protection of social production.

2. Insurance is characterized by closed redistribution relations between its participants, associated with the joint distribution of the amount of damage in one or several farms among all farms involved in the insurance. Such a closed distribution of damage is based on the probability that the number of affected farms is usually less than the number of participants

insurance, especially if the number of participants is large enough.

To organize a closed calculation of damage, a special-purpose monetary insurance fund is created, formed from fixed contributions of insurance participants. Since the funds of this fund are used only among the participants in its creation, the amount of the insurance premium represents the share of each of them in the breakdown of damage. Therefore, the wider the circle of insurance participants, the lower the insurance premium and the more affordable and effective insurance becomes. If millions of policyholders participate in insurance and hundreds of millions of objects are insured, then it becomes possible to compensate for maximum damage through minimal contributions.

The insurance category, first of all, differs from other financial categories due to the closed layout of damages.. For example, state budget revenues are generated through payments from enterprises and citizens, but the use of mobilized funds goes far beyond the scope of contribution payers.

3. Insurance provides for the redistribution of damage both between territorial units and over time. At the same time, for effective territorial redistribution of the insurance fund during the year between insured households, a sufficiently large territory and a significant number of objects subject to insurance are required. Only if this condition is met is it possible to assess damage from natural disasters covering large areas.

The distribution of damage over time due to the random nature of the occurrence of emergency events extends beyond the scope of one business year. Emergency events may not occur for several years in a row, and the exact time of their occurrence is unknown. This circumstance creates the need to reserve part of the received insurance payments in favorable years to create a reserve fund, so that it serves as a source of compensation for emergency damage in an unfavorable year.

4 . A characteristic feature of insurance is the repayment of insurance payments mobilized into the insurance fund. Insurance payments are determined on the basis of insurance rates, consisting of two parts: net payments intended to compensate for probable damage, and overhead costs for the maintenance of the insurance organization providing insurance. The amount of net payments is established on the basis of the probable damage for the billing period (usually 5 or 10 years) on the scale of a certain territory (region, territory, republic). Therefore, the entire amount of net payments is returned in the form of compensation for damage during the time period taken into account on the same territorial scale. The sign of repayment of funds brings the insurance closer to the category of credit. Thus, insurance is not only financial, but also by credit category.

The given features of redistribution relationsarising during insurance, allow us to give it the following definition. Insurance acts as a set of special closed redistribution relations between its participants regarding the formation of a target insurance fund through cash contributions, intended to compensate for possible emergency and other damage to enterprises and organizations or to provide monetary assistance to citizens.

It is necessary to distinguish the economic essence of the insurance category from its economic content. The essence, as is known, is constant, the content is changeable, has a class nature in each socio-economic formation, and predetermines the socio-historical types of insurance. This definition of insurance characterizes its economic essence and content in modern society.

Insurance, as noted in the introduction, appeared earlier than the insurance fund, since in the early stages of the development of society a mutual allocation of damage was carried out without the formation of an insurance fund. Later, with the development of commodity-money relations on the basis of the social division of labor, the insurance category began to be used for the formation and use of an insurance fund on the principle of a closed distribution of damage between insurance participants. In other words, insurance under conditions

commodity-money relations can be used as a method of organizing an insurance fund, when a centralized fund is formed through the payment of insurance premiums by insurance participants and compensation for damage from this fund only among insurance premium payers.

For successful insurance, it is necessary to ensure, first of all, the territorial (spatial) distribution of damage during one business year, and then the distribution of damage over time, i.e. for many years in a row. This condition requires a fairly large-scale concentration of insurance fund funds. For this reason, the development of our insurance was associated with the establishment of a state insurance monopoly in 1918. V.I. Lenin, in his work “The Impending Catastrophe and How to Deal with It,” written shortly before the October Revolution, pointed out: “The nationalization of banks would greatly facilitate the simultaneous nationalization of the insurance business, i.e., the unification of all insurance companies into one, the centralization of their activities, control over it states" . State insurance, ensuring the necessary concentration of insurance fund funds and the implementation of a unified insurancepolitics undoubtedly played a positive role. WITHWith the help of state insurance, a powerful insurance fund was created, through which emergency damage was repeatedly compensated. Currently all objects coveredstate insurance, insured for an amount exceeding a trillion rubles. And there is no doubt that in our developing insurance market, state insurance is stillwill occupy a leading position for many years.

The tendency of insurance to concentrate the funds of the insurance fund, resulting from the above essential features, is a fundamental principle of the insurance business. This principle should be decisive for every non-state insurance organization if it strives for long-term break-even insurance activities.

The objective economic necessity of using the insurance category for the purpose of insurance protection of social production is due to the property isolation of economic units and families of citizens. When the state is deprived of the possibility of administrative management of the national economy as a single whole and broad inter-economic and inter-territorial maneuvering of financial resources, the most effective and only possible method of compensation for damage is its distribution in space and time between the farms concerned, and this method isnothing more than insurance. A significant period of our post-October history was associated with the almost unlimited dominance of national, state property, which did notcreated a special need for the use of insurance, naturally limiting the scope of its application to collective farm-cooperative, personal property of citizens, and their family interests. In modern conditions of denationalization of property, the widest possible field opens up for insuring a wide variety of risks and economic interests of business entities.

In interstate economic relations, due to the property isolation of sovereign partners, insurance protection of objects and foreign trade and other business transactions becomes possible only with the help of insurance. Thus, the property independence of each owner is the main reason for using the insurance category.

The economic essence of insurance corresponds to its functions, expressing the social purpose of this category. They are external forms that allow us to identify the features of insurance as a part of the financial system. The category of finance expresses its economic essence primarily through the distribution function. This function finds a concrete, specific manifestation in the functions inherent in insurance: risk, precautionary and savings.

The main one is the risk function, since insurance risk, as the probability of damage, is directly related to the main purpose of insurance to provide monetary assistance to affected households. It is within the framework of the risk function that the redistribution of monetary value occurs among insurance participants in connection with the consequences of random insurance events.

The preventive function is aimed at financing, using part of the insurance fund, measures to reduce the insurance risk. In life insurance, the insurance category is most similar to the credit category when accumulating stipulated insurance amounts under life insurance contracts. Saving money through life insurance is associated with the need for insurance protection

achieved family wealth. Thus, insurance can also have a savings function.

The control function of insurance lies in the strictly targeted formation and use of insurance fund funds. This function follows from the above three specific functions and manifests itself simultaneously with them in specific insurance relations, in the conditions of insurance. In accordance with the control function, financial insurance control over the correct conduct of insurance operations is carried out on the basis of legislative and instructional documents.

The role of insurance in ensuring the continuity, uninterruption and balance of social production is manifested in the final results of its implementation: in optimizing the scope of insurance; in terms of development of insurance operations; in the completeness and timeliness of compensation for damage and loss of income; in the participation of temporarily free funds of the insurance fund in the investment activities of insurance organizations, in the replenishment of the state budget revenues of the country from a part of the profit (income) from insurance and other business operations.

The modern state widely uses the category of insurance in the form of social insurance and pensions for public insurance protection of workers, employees and collective farmers in the event of illness, disability (including age), loss of a breadwinner, and death." The state's concern for compensation for losses in the income of the able-bodied citizens generates the feasibility of the insurance method of forming and using the social insurance fund and pension fund , although insurance premiums (chargesfor social insurance) are paid not by workers, butenterprises and organizations where they work. Here is the insurancethe method is due to the property isolation of enterprises andorganizations and the need to measure the degree of participation of the relevant sectors of the national economy and the non-productive sphere in the implementation of social insurance.

5. Course “Insurance”

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