How to combine acts of completed work into a grand estimate. Examples of standard documents when preparing estimates

The program implements the following functions:

  • In order to optimally implement the provisions of Federal Law dated 04/05/2013 N 44-FZ "On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs", a new method of resource calculation of estimates using current prices (resource ranking method) has been developed;
  • PC "GRAND-Smeta" version 7 includes collections of consolidated prices of NCS and NTsKR, approved by orders of the Ministry of Construction No. 167/pr dated 04/07/2014 and No. 506/pr dated 08/28/2014;
  • In accordance with MDS 81-15.2000, version 7 of the GRAND-Estimates software implements a methodology for drawing up estimates for design and survey work using full-format design and survey collections;
  • Automated calculation of physical volumes in the estimate using data previously entered into the local estimate;
  • The ability to directly access cloud and other data storage facilities from the program to compile and check estimate documentation and confirm the scope of work completed in accordance with the KS-2 form has been implemented;
  • Added the ability to prepare commercial estimates using the actual costs of construction work, materials, and mechanisms;
  • And much more

When using the Subtract and Add commands for a resource as a line item, an identifier is automatically generated

This allows you to automatically take into account changes in the volume of an added/removed resource when the price volume changes.

When dragging cells with physical volumes, identifiers are automatically generated for positions and resources

When dragging with the right mouse button pressed, you can select “Insert link...” from the menu. In this case, an identifier will be automatically generated for the position that we are dragging, and then it will be entered at the position that was dragged TO.

When entering formulas in PC Grand Estimate 7.0You can use the mouse pointer to refer to other cells

If, when working with variables in an estimate, or when writing formulas in physical volumes (costs), you need to refer to any other cell (physical volume of another position, or a line of variables), then just press the Ctrl key and then click the mouse cursor on the desired line. The program will automatically substitute the identifier that is written for this line. If the row does not have an identifier, it will be generated automatically. The same goes for resources. Now you don't have to worry about the presence of identifiers if you need to use previously calculated values ​​in subsequent calculations.

Added the ability to copy a cell value rather than a formula

If you need to copy the result that was calculated using a formula to the buffer, you must use the corresponding command from the context menu, or using the shortcut keys Ctrl+Alt+C.

This functionality is available for absolutely all cells in any tabs/bookmarks in all documents, including in the OS/SSR.

Added the ability to expand formulas before their numerical representation

When expanding a formula, the curly brackets are removed from the comments.

When dragging a line with a variable from the estimate parameters onto a position, the latter contains the identifier of what we are dragging

Now you don't have to manually enter identifiers. The connection will be generated automatically.

IN in PC Grand Estimate 7.0 d added the ability to upload several acts into one estimate

If you select several acts in the estimate parameters, then when you click the “Estimate based on acts” button on the toolbar, all selected acts will be uploaded to a new estimate.

In this case, a formula will be generated as a physical volume for the position, consisting of the physical volumes of the copied acts.

When adding an item from the database to the estimate, you can disable the return to the collection

After executing the Add or Insert command, the estimate will remain on the screen, to which items from the regulatory framework have been added. Having entered the physical volume, entering the necessary coefficients and indices, you can continue entering prices. This feature is enabled as an option through the program settings.

Improved histograms when working with execution

Now, when working in act mode, you can always see the overall progress by position, as well as the ratio of the volume in a given act to the volume according to the estimate in terms of time.

In PC Grand Estimate 7.0 Added the ability to multi-edit values ​​for selected rows

You can enter a single price formula for all selected positions, for example, for materials: TC/Index. In this case, the formula will calculate the quotient of dividing the current price by the Index variable. Combined with the ability to expand formulas, the result is a full-fledged numerical formula when printed.

In combination with the ability to highlight prices with the same code in the estimate, you can change the code of one job to another throughout the estimate:

IN in PC Grand Estimate 7.0 d added the ability to enter limited costs as a coefficient

Added the ability to change the color of the selected line

Bringing the selection color to a common denominator - previously the selection color could be yellow (current line) and bluish (selected lines) - we decided to give the user the opportunity to change the color.

Added the ability to autoload prices when creating estimates

If you enable this option, then when adding prices from the regulatory framework to the estimate, for example, current prices will be automatically loaded. This way we will always see the current cost according to the estimate, without resorting to downloading prices every time.

The technical part of the collection can be opened using a command from the context menu

When working with a list of collections, the “Technical” command has been added to the context menu. part”, which opens the technical part of the collection. This is more convenient than using the button on the “Document” tab.

In PC Grand Estimate 7.0 d added the ability to take into account the cost of materials from the resource calculation method when calculating local estimates using indices

For example, when calculating a local estimate, you can calculate the cost of payroll and machine operation using indices, and take the cost of materials from the resource method using built-in identifiers.

In the local estimate, for the built-in identifiers used with the list of limited costs, calculation method qualifiers have been added: BC - calculation in base prices without taking into account indices, BIM - calculation by the base-index method in accordance with the indices settings in the estimate, TC - calculation by the resource method. Example of use: TC.MAT – will return the cost of materials for the resource method. BC.NR – will return the amount of overhead costs for calculation in basic prices. Just in case, let's list all the available built-in identifiers:

Variable name

The value that will be returned for the variable


Amount before calculating limited costs


Amount of construction work

M or MR

Amount of installation work

Amount of construction and installation work


Amount of equipment

P or PR

Amount of other work

Payroll fund

Amount in the column “Wages of workers”

Amount in the column “Operation of machines”

Amount in the column “including wages for drivers”

Amount in the column “Materials”

Amount in the column “Labour costs”

Amount in the column “Labor costs of drivers”

The amount of overhead costs calculated in the “standard” way

The amount of estimated profit calculated in the “standard” way


The amount of overhead costs calculated from the ZPM (used only when calculating according to the TSN method)


The amount of estimated profit calculated from the ZPM (used only when calculating according to the TSN method)


Amount of NR + NRZPM


Amount of SP + SPZPM

The amount of winter price increases calculated according to the table of standards (LZ tab – Winter)


Amount of returned materials


Amount of customer materials

When dragging multiple positions, it is clearly visible that a group is being dragged

Added the ability to update the memory value in accordance with the reference book

If edits have been made to the memory list, or the temperature zone has been changed, you can restore the reference values ​​by right-clicking and selecting the “Update values ​​from reference” command.

Added the ability to erase TSC, FSSC, etc. codes when adding materials from collections of the regulatory framework.

If it is required that when adding materials from the regulatory framework or from the price tag, the collection code is “cut off”, then you need to enable the corresponding option in the program settings.

When the setting is enabled, the collection code is “cut off” when added from the regulatory framework:

Similarly when adding current prices from catalogs:

When pasting data from the buffer, the ability to save links to the source has been added

Inserting values ​​with links to the source is done on the “Links” tab in the “Variables” node. In order to insert a link, you need to copy the desired cell in Excel. Next, on the “Links” tab, click on the “Paste from Clipboard” button. Further use of these variables is similar to the general principles of working with variables. They can be dragged into positions with the mouse, they can participate in any calculations, etc.

If changes have occurred in the source file, then when you click on the “Update connections” button, the data will be read again from the source file:

Setting folder paths from ProgramData

Added the ability to change the paths for storing license files (Lic folder), reference books (LocalSetting folder) and calculation templates (SmetaProps folder).

When dragging prices from the regulatory framework, the justification and name are “glued together” in the tooltip

In PC Grand Estimate 7.0 when dragging positions in the local estimate in the context menu, along with the name, the rationale for the position is also displayed

When copying a price from the database to the buffer in the insert menu, the text is formed from its rationale and name

When selecting by pattern, the ability to select positions with a completely matching code has been added

Two new sections “Transportation” and “Loading and unloading operations” have been added to the list of resources according to the estimate.

In order for the budget items to be fell into the corresponding sections of the resource list, the type of work for this position must have a corresponding attribute.

In the results of the resource statement, accordingly, the amounts for these two new groups are also displayed:

For “old” estimates, you can change this attribute manually. New estimates will require updating the work type directories, because this sign is specified exactly there.

The attribute for assignment to a particular section of the resource list is displayed in the last column of the directory. Prv- this is transportation, Pgr- These are loading and unloading operations.

Added the ability to enter your own comments to the estimate item

In the window with additional information about the position, two such comments are provided.

Ability to expand all sections in the estimate

Added the ability to enter resources in monetary form in the quote to calculate wages by position

Using this opportunity, in You can enter calculations and calculate wages not through labor costs, but through the natural meter of the price itself.

When adding prices from the regulatory framework to the estimate, the regions in the database and in the estimate are checked, and if they do not match, a warning is issued

When switching between collections in the tree, the expanded state of the table of contents is preserved

Added the ability to update the contents of the “My Forms” folder without closing the program

Unification of dialogs for opening external files for loading various information

To the list of available files in information has been added from the latest documents, as well as collections of the regulatory framework. Price tags from the regulatory framework may be needed to download basic prices, to download information about groups, cargo classes and gross weight.

Added the ability to divide resources into arbitrary groups

As a source of grouping, you can use any price tag files, including price tags from the regulatory framework. To download groups, you need to select a source and click on the “Select all groups” button.

To enable the group selection mode, click on the corresponding button on the “Subgroups” panel:

When group highlighting is enabled, each group is summarized by total cost and gross weight:

Added the ability to group materials by cargo class, summing up the gross weight for each class

IN To enable grouping of materials by cargo classes, you must click the “Cargo Classes” button.

If information about cargo classes is available, information on the total gross weight for each class of materials will be automatically displayed in the summary line “Materials” in the list of resources.

It should be noted that in if not all materials with the same cargo class have information about gross weight, then the value with the total weight is displayed in red.

Added resource ranking method for faster budgeting at current prices

The resource ranking method allows you to select in the list of resources only materials that are significant in terms of price and indicate the price only for them. This method reduces the labor intensity of preparing estimates using the resource method by an order of magnitude, while the accuracy of the calculation remains at the same level. The resource ranking method is described in detail in a separate manual.

Collections for design work have been reworked

The appearance of the collections is brought into line with their printed original.

Relative cost coefficients are separated into a separate group:

Coefficients for design conditions have been revised.

Added the ability to prepare estimates for design and survey work using new collections for design work

Drawing up estimates for design and survey work is described in detail in a separate manual.

The appearance of the document matches its printed version as closely as possible.

An example of an estimate for engineering and geological surveys:

Form 2p output in Excel:

Added the ability to skip inactive items when renumbering estimates

When this option is enabled, all positions that are inactive will not participate in position numbering. It must be remembered that with this numbering method, duplicate numbers may appear for positions, because Inactive positions also have their own number. To eliminate this situation, it is recommended to use the “Automatic renumbering” option. In this case, active positions in the estimate are guaranteed to have no duplicate numbers.

A table of contents has been added for collections in the Favorites folder

For directories of types of work, the ability to group them has been added

If there is a Vid_rabs folder in the directory folder, then the work type directories saved in it will also be displayed when selected. At the same time, there may be subfolders in the Vid_rabs folder. In such cases, directories will be grouped by these folders when you select

For directories with types of work, a description of their contents has been added

The description is taken from the Comment tag of the Vidrab_catalog node.

A separate field “Justification” has been added to the coefficients in the estimate.

Added the ability to load information about cargo classes and gross weight for materials into the estimate

In the object estimate and summary estimate calculation, the ability to index with an unlimited number of indices has been added

In order to apply an index to any of the OS and SSR lines, it is enough to indicate the code of the desired index in this line in the “Index code” column. In this case, the index can be specified not only for the lines “Total by chapter...” and “Total by chapters...”, but also for the lines “Total taking into account...”.

A new TOTAL costs column has been added to the local estimate screen

This column displays the total value of the amount for the estimate item, taking into account NR, SP, coefficients and indices

The ability to calculate the unit cost indicator has been added to the local estimate

To calculate the indicator, you must specify the number of units, as well as their unit of measurement, in the estimate parameters. For example, if the estimate is drawn up for laying 150 m of pipes, then the quantity will be 150, and the unit of measurement will be “m”.

In the local estimate, the calculated value of the unit cost indicator can be seen in the summary window:

For positions in the local estimate, the ability to specify hyperlinks has been added, as well as links to any external sources with data

  • You can provide a link to the source with the price (for example, the supplier’s website)
  • You can provide a link to information describing the technology of work, for example, from Grand StroyInfo or from the manufacturer’s website
  • You can save a link to a photo with a defect when drawing up estimates for repair work
  • You can provide links to drawings, sheets in these drawings, compiled using the appropriate CAD systems, as well as accounting systems for this documentation.

During further work, you can quickly access saved links through the Data – Hyperlinks tab by selecting the desired link from the drop-down menu

The structure of the window with additional information about the position in the local estimate has been changed

The location of bookmarks has been changed: now their list is displayed on the left in the window with additional information about the position. At the same time, some of the information that has always been displayed at the top of this window (formula for calculating physical volume, physical volume value, multiplicity factor of the meter) has now been moved to the new “Physical Volume” tab.

When working with coefficients in the estimate position, the mode for adding coefficients from the technical part of the collection has changed. The corresponding button is now called “PM”, and when you click this button, the list of coefficients from the technical part opens not in a separate window, as was the case in previous versions of the program, but in the lower part of the window with additional information about the position. Adding a coefficient is done by dragging the mouse or clicking the “Add” button, while the list of coefficients from the technical part remains on the screen, and the added coefficient becomes inactive and goes to the end of the list. The “Close” button or pressing the “TC” button again allows you to disable the display of the list of coefficients from the technical part of the collection on the screen.

On the “Comments” tab, the ability to enter additional text explanations related to the estimate item has been added.

Added the ability to generate a summary resource sheet for the completed amount of work

When working with a summary resource sheet (which shows the need for resources for several local estimates, for an entire facility or an entire construction site), the ability to display data only for the completed amount of work in the sheet has been added. These data are generated on the basis of completed reports of work performed according to the original local estimates. Switching to the mode of displaying data on the completed amount of work is done by clicking the “Report by period” button, while the start and end dates of the period are indicated next to them with the possibility of adjusting them. When you press the “Report by period” button again, you return to the mode of working with complete data for the entire scope of work specified in the original estimates.

1. Ability to change the font size for all documents in the program

In PC "GRAND-Smeta" version 7.1, it became possible to change the font size for all documents in the program. To do this, you need to open the program settings window (Settings button on the File tab) and go there to the Font Settings tab. If the Use custom font settings switch is selected, here you can specify the font to use and select the font size:

After applying the new settings, all documents in the program will be redrawn:

It should be noted that the above setting only changes the font within documents. Setting the font for the toolbar and all other interface elements is carried out using standard operating system tools.

2. Ability to load indexes into several estimates/objects

In order to load information about conversion indexes to current prices into several estimates simultaneously, you need to select the required estimates (or folders with estimates) in the estimate database, and then click the Load Indexes button, which is located on the toolbar on the Operations tab.

3. Ability to load current prices into several estimates/objects

In order to load information about current prices for resources into several estimates simultaneously, you need to select the required estimates (or folders with estimates) in the estimate database, and then click the Load prices button, which is located on the toolbar on the tab Resources.

4. Possibility to add a comment to the estimate

In PC "GRAND-Smeta" version 7.1, it became possible to add any text or graphic comment to the document as a separate line. This is done by clicking the Comment button, which is located on the toolbar on the Insert tab. In particular, you can copy an arbitrary text fragment from methodological or regulatory reference documentation into the comment line.

5. Possibility of duplicating acts of work performed in the estimate

In order to create a copy of any act within the estimate, you need to open the window with the estimate parameters - click the Options button on the toolbar on the Document tab, or press the F6 key on the keyboard - and go there to the Acts of work performed according to the estimate tab. Next, right-click on the desired act to open the context menu and select the Duplicate act command.

After executing the specified command, a new act will be created in the estimate, completely identical to the original act, with the only difference being the name of the act. The word will be added to the name of the original act Copy. If necessary, this name can be changed.

6. Possibility of combining acts of completed work in the estimate

In order to combine several acts according to the estimate into one act, you need to open the window with the estimate parameters - click the Options button on the toolbar on the Document tab, or press the F6 key on the keyboard - and go there to the Acts of completed work according to the estimate tab. Next, you need to select the required acts in the list, right-click to open the context menu and select the Create merged act command.

After executing the specified command, a new act with the name will be created in the estimate Composite act(if necessary, this name can be changed). The value of the volume of work performed for each item of the composite act will be obtained by summing the corresponding values ​​from the individual acts participating in the merger. In this case, this value is output by the formula as the sum of the original values.

7. Possibility of copying certificates of completed work from one estimate to another

The function of copying acts of completed work from one estimate to another greatly facilitates and simplifies the procedure for receiving/transferring acts of completed work between the customer and the contractor when exchanging acts in electronic form.
Let's consider a situation where in the database of estimates of PC "GRAND-Estimates" there are two local estimates: source estimate And acceptance estimate. One or more acts of work performed are entered in the source estimate. The user needs to copy the act from the source estimate to the receiving estimate. To do this, you need to create a new act in the acceptance estimate, go to act mode, select the required act for work, and then click the Copy data to act button on the toolbar on the Execution tab.

This operation has already been implemented in previous versions of the GRAND-Estimates software, but in version 7.1, an additional item appeared in the menu of the Copy data to report button: Import data from another estimate into the current report.

After executing this command, a window will appear on the screen displaying the contents of the My Estimates database; you must select the source estimate here to import data.

After choosing an estimate, you need to choose where exactly you want to copy the data from. The source of data can be either the estimate itself or an act in this estimate.

Selecting an estimate and then selecting a data source is done by double-clicking the left mouse button or clicking the Next button.

After selecting a data source, it is compared with the acceptance estimate. The key field for comparison is the position number; no other information can be used in this capacity.

During the comparison, all source positions are sequentially processed, and for a position with a matching number in the acceptance estimate, an identity check is performed according to the comparison parameters marked at the bottom in the Select data source window. If all the parameters were marked there, the positions are considered identical if the justification, name, meter and resource part coincide.

After the source check is completed, a window with the check results will appear on the screen. If any discrepancies are detected, the program provides detailed information about this.

If there are no identified inconsistencies, clicking the Import button imports data from the source into the acceptance estimate. As a result, in the acceptance estimate, the volumes of work performed for identical positions in the source are copied into the currently selected act. If the estimate itself was selected as the source, the scope of work in the source estimate is copied.

Comment: If there are several items with the same number in the acceptance estimate, data on such items is not imported.

It should be borne in mind that when importing an act into the acceptance estimate, you can copy from the source not only the volumes of work performed by item, but also other data (conversion indexes to current prices, current prices for resources, etc.) in accordance with the checkboxes in the menu buttons Copy data to act in the Data to copy group. At the same time, the key data in the acceptance estimate - the nomenclature of positions and all information about the positions, the applied coefficients in the estimate positions and in the estimate results, the order of positions, sections and much more - remain unchanged.
An example of using the above function: there is a general local estimate that the general contractor issues to each of his subcontractors. Subcontractors enter acts into the received estimate, indicating the scope of work performed by item - however, no changes in prices in the received estimate are allowed. Next, the general contractor collects estimates with their acts from the subcontractors, after which he can only copy individual acts from the subcontractors into his original estimate and combine them using the act merging function, which was described in the previous paragraph.

8. Possibility of drawing up bills of quantities

In PC "GRAND-Estimates" version 7.1, it became possible to create a new type of document, Statement of Quantities. In order to create such a document, you need to open the File tab on the toolbar, execute the Create command there and select the specified document type from the proposed basic list on the Blank Document tab.

When compiling a bill of quantities, along with standard buttons for adding new sections and positions to the document, an important role is played by the group of buttons Insert a line into a position, which are located on the toolbar on the Insert tab.

In particular, in each position of the statement you can create a set of necessary settlement lines, setting identifiers for them and using the results in subsequent calculations.

The bill of quantities is compiled according to drawings and other design materials; it consists of a brief description of the work and formulas for calculating their quantity.

Calculations of the volume of work for structural elements and types of work should be carried out and placed in the statement in such a sequence that the results obtained from previous tables can be used in subsequent tables. For example, having first calculated the volume of work to fill openings, you can subsequently use this data to subtract openings from the area of ​​walls, partitions and surfaces to be finished.

9. The ability to use external macros to change any data or parameters simultaneously in several estimates

Macros are a sequence of commands that can be used to change certain data or parameters simultaneously in several estimates. Macros are written in the language VBScript and are stored in the Macros folder inside the Grand Estimate folder.

Lines starting with the character “’” are comments and do not affect the operation of the macro. At the same time, macros provide a number of constants that determine the appearance of the button for calling the macro in the GRAND-Smeta PC, and also indicate what types of documents this macro is intended for. Such constants begin with the characters “‘#”. The table below provides a complete list of such constants (the first column in italics shows an example value for using the constant).

Constant name


"#Title = Change the binding mode of indexes in the estimate

The name of the button for this macro, which is displayed on the macros ribbon

"#Description = Changing the way indexes are linked in local estimates

Description that appears when you hover the mouse over the button with the name of the macro

"#DocTypes = Smeta

The type of documents that this macro can process. If you need to specify several types of documents, they are separated by commas

"#Category= Working with Indexes

"#ImageIndex = 6

The picture for this macro, which is displayed on the macros ribbon

Using existing macros as a template, you can create your own macros that make any changes to estimates.

At the moment, the GRAND-Estimates software offers the following macros: Individual indexes for estimate items and Method for linking indexes in a local estimate.

In order to perform the action specified in the macro simultaneously in several estimates, you need to select the required estimates (or folders with estimates) in the estimate database, and then select the desired macro in the drop-down menu of the Macros button, which is located on the toolbar on the Operations tab.

Macro « Individual indexes for estimate items"
Macro code:

"#Title = Change how indexes are applied
"#Description = Changing the method of accounting for individual indexes for local estimate items
"#DocTypes = Smeta
"#ImageIndex = 0


newMode = SelectOption4("Select how to use individual indexes",_
"Do not use", _
"Apply indexes for cost items in each budget item", _
"Use indices for cost items when summing up", _
"Apply indexes to construction and installation work")

"Working on the document

Smeta.IndexesMode = newMode
Macro execution window:

Macro “Method of linking indexes in local estimates”
Macro code:
"#Title = Change the binding mode of indexes in the estimate
"#Description = Changing the way indexes are linked in local estimates
"#DocTypes = Smeta
"#Category = Working with indexes
"#ImageIndex = 6

"Initialization and requesting parameters from the user

newMode = SelectOption4("Select index binding mode", _
"By budget items", _
"By type of work", _
"By sections", _
"According to OS columns")

"Working on the document

Smeta.IndexesLinkMode = newMode
Macro execution window:

10. Using the Grand Calculator program

An additional application program has been developed specifically for use in conjunction with the new version of the GRAND-Smeta PC Grand Calculator. The Grand Calculator program is designed to calculate the volume of work for certain standard structural elements of buildings and structures, the consumption of building materials, as well as for other calculations necessary when drawing up local estimates.

The “Grand-Calculator” program can be launched from the “GRAND-Smeta” PC by clicking the button on the toolbar on the Home tab in the Programs group of commands, or using a shortcut on the desktop that is created during the installation of the “Grand-Calculator” program on the computer. After launching the Grand Calculator program, a window will appear on the screen for selecting a calculation formula.

The database of the Grand Calculator program consists of calculation formulas, which are grouped into folders depending on their purpose. Select the desired formula by double-clicking the left mouse button. After selecting the formula, a window for calculating the results will appear on the screen.

Calculation formulas are stored on the computer in the form of separate files with the extension .gcf. Each such file is an archive that can be opened using WinRAR. As part of the archive, the Data.xml file defines the list of source data and specifies the order in which results are obtained, the data.bmp file is a picture, and the info.rtf file contains explanatory text, which, when working with the selected formula, is displayed at the top of the window.

After the initial data for the calculation has been entered, the results are displayed in the window. At the right edge of each line with the result there is a button with which you can copy this value to the clipboard and then paste it into the local estimate.

Drawing up and subsequent filling out an estimate is rightfully considered the most important stage of any construction or repair work. In most cases, the design of a building or structure is completed by drawing up estimate documentation. In the case of performing small amounts of work, for example, repair or finishing, when the project is not being developed, an estimate is also necessary. This is explained by the fact that it serves as initial information for the development of many related documents necessary and important for the effective organization of work, in particular, a work schedule and a delivery schedule for the necessary materials and mechanisms.

Drawing up estimates will become a much simpler process if you entrust this matter to professionals.

Form and sample estimate for work

Essentially, the document in question consists of two parts:

  • calculation of direct costs, which are determined based on 2001 prices and are converted into current prices by multiplying by the corresponding price increase index, established quarterly. Direct costs consist of the following elements:
    • cost of materials;
    • basic salary of workers;
    • costs for EMM (operation of machines and mechanisms necessary to perform work), including salary for machinists;
    • calculation of overhead costs and estimated profit, made taking into account the standards in force at the time of drawing up the estimate.

The disadvantage of this method is that the 2001 prices used when using it often do not take into account the realities of today, since at the time of compilation many technologies and materials simply did not exist. However, for the construction of budget facilities and most private large construction projects, there is no alternative to the base-index method today.

How to make an estimate for a job

As an example of a simplified form of an estimate for the renovation of a room, you can give the following table.

Name of work

Price per unit

Cost of work

Dismantling partitions

Removing the balcony door

Construction of partitions from foam blocks

Plastering partitions and walls

Putty, primer and painting of plastered surfaces

Balcony door installation

Plastering door and window slopes

Putty, primer and painting of window and door slopes

TOTAL according to estimate

139 080=

The importance of competent preparation and execution of estimates

As already noted, filling out an estimate allows you not only to get an approximate amount that construction or a certain amount of work will cost. This value is necessary to determine the contract price of an object or stage of work, both for the customer or investor, and for the contractor, that is, the direct manufacturer.

But in addition to this direct functional purpose, competent and model-based execution of the estimate will allow you to plan the work in such a way that it is completed as quickly as possible and at a lower cost. In addition, the estimate also helps to determine the need for the necessary materials, which, in combination with the work schedule, will allow us to develop a schedule for their delivery.

Main objectives of the estimate

Developing and filling out an estimate allows you to solve three most important tasks at once, always facing any contractor and customer:

  • determining the cost of construction or carrying out any work. In modern conditions, the estimated price is the most important parameter, vital for all participants in the construction process. The customer is interested in not overpaying, and the contractor is interested in receiving a decent reward for the work. A well-prepared estimate allows you to take into account the wishes of both parties and get an amount that suits everyone;
  • development of a calendar plan. The timing of the construction of a building or the completion of any work is often no less important to the customer than its cost. The timely delivery of the object and, naturally, receipt of compensation, possibly with a bonus, depend on this. An estimate for work, made according to the sample, provides builders with all the necessary information to develop a schedule;
  • development of a materials supply schedule. When the estimate is filled out correctly, the need for materials and mechanisms becomes clear, which, in combination with the calendar plan, makes it possible to draw up another document that is important for the smooth work of builders - a materials supply schedule. Effectively operating construction organizations do not purchase materials for the entire project at once - this simply freezes money that could be much more efficiently spent on something more important at the moment, and also requires significant costs for warehousing, etc. Also, any downtime of equipment and workers is extremely unprofitable, which is fraught with equally serious additional costs.

As a result, we can say the following: drawing up an estimate allows you not only to understand the cost of construction or a separate stage of work, but also to effectively plan their implementation.

Base-index method of drawing up and filling out estimates

There are several different methods for generating estimated costs. When constructing large objects, when filling out estimates takes place as part of project development, the base-index method is almost always used. In this case, the estimate standards of 2001 and conversion indices to current prices are used for calculations.

Simplified estimate form

Quite often, especially when construction or repairs are carried out on a self-employed basis or on small projects, a simpler estimate form is used, which consists only of calculating direct costs. It contains a list of the scope of work and prices for them, which can be divided into the same components as in the version described above: salary of workers, cost of materials and, if necessary, costs of machines and mechanisms. In this case, the estimate form, after it has been completed and filled out, will look as shown in the following photo:

When drawing up and filling out such a simplified version of the estimate, the contractor’s profit is established on the basis of his negotiations with the customer or construction investor.

Form of object estimate for work performance

Quite often, especially when constructing large objects, several so-called local estimates are drawn up at once, that is, separate calculations for each type of work performed. In this case, to obtain the total cost of construction, they are combined into a general object estimate, a sample form of which is shown in the following photo.

Object estimate

Drawing up and filling out a project estimate allows you to bring together all the information about the facility under construction, even when individual stages of its construction are carried out by different contractors. Often local estimates are also calculated by them. Therefore, summarizing all the disparate data is extremely important for any customer or investor.

Programs for drawing up and filling out estimates

Currently, there are many programs that are used in preparing estimates. With some degree of convention, they can be divided into two groups:

Free. They are posted online on thematic resources. Are freely available.

Professional. Used for work by specialists. To use, you must purchase a distribution kit of the service product.

In the first case, there is no particular need to describe programs, since they appear almost constantly, having similar parameters:

  • the ability to perform the simplest calculations;
  • lack of updating of regulatory frameworks (if they exist at all);
  • minimal functionality.

Professional estimate programs are used much more actively, since without them it is almost impossible to compile high-quality documentation for any large object. The most popular products at the moment are the following:

GRAND Estimate

According to experts, the most widely used estimate program. Its advantages are the ability to automate the entire complex of estimate work, the speed of making changes to the regulatory framework and effective technical support of the product.

The only program that really competes with the GRAND Estimate described above. The main advantage of the product is its ease of use, which allows you to work with it without having the professional knowledge of an estimator.

1C: Contractor (or 1C: Construction Organization Management)

These programs are not purely budgetary. However, they are quite popular due to the fact that 1C is used for accounting at the vast majority of Russian enterprises, including construction ones. The software products in question help to draw up the necessary estimate documentation; as a bonus, they are integrated into the company’s unified work management system.

Turbo estimator

The program is easy to learn and use, yet has quite serious functionality. It is not used as often as compared to GRAND Smeta and

WinSmeta, Rick and Bagheera

Software products whose peak popularity is in the past. However, a certain number of professional estimators still continue to use them, which is explained by a number of undoubted advantages: wide functionality, editing capabilities, adjustments, etc.

Basic mistakes when drawing up estimates

There are several main types of errors that occur when drawing up and processing estimates in practice. The most typical are the following:

Error 1. Insufficient detail or excessive enlargement of the estimate. Any well-written estimate must contain a complete list and volume of work performed and, accordingly, prices for them. In practice, often the customer and the contractor, having found out that the price level suits both parties, agree on the cost of a stage of work, for example, the renovation of one room. As a result, in fact, we get a situation where the actual amount of work performed does not coincide with what was initially expected. The result is a conflict situation, since it is not clear how to evaluate the increase or decrease in cost of work;

Error 2. Inaccurate accounting of volumes. The basis for the construction estimate must be a correctly and accurately compiled bill of quantities; in the case of repairs, a defective bill of quantities. In both situations, the result of drawing up the estimate depends on the correctness of their preparation. An error at first can lead to a fairly serious distortion of the final cost of the calculation, since in most cases multiplication occurs by various indices and prices, so the magnitude of the error increases all the time;

Error 3. Incorrect application of prices contained in GESNs and TERs. One of the main problems of the basis-index method, the most common in real life, which was mentioned above, is the discrepancy between the existing types of work and those encountered in practice. Therefore, quite often it is necessary to use the existing prices “as applicable”. This is a special term coined by estimators for such a situation. The more “as applied” prices are used when filling out estimates, the more likely it is that the final figure will be incorrect. Naturally, it is worth taking into account the fact that customers try to use low “applicable” prices, and contractors, on the contrary, are the most profitable.

In any case, the preparation and execution of estimates should be considered an important and extremely necessary preparatory stage of any construction in modern conditions. It is better to entrust its implementation to professional and trained estimators, which will not only create the optimal cost of work for the customer and contractor, but also organize their effective implementation in the shortest possible time and at the lowest possible cost.

The Grand Estimate program allows you to generate any types of estimates that are usually used when calculating the cost of building a facility. The advantage of the program is the multiplicity of functions, the interconnectedness of intermediate results and data. It is enough to simply create a New object, for which you can then save all the necessary information. Including using the application, it is possible to generate a Certificate of Completion of Work. At the same time, it is first important to understand how this happens and what features this file type has.

Main Features

A certificate of completion of work is a document that reflects a complete list of costs that relate to a specified period for the object of interest. The act calculates the costs of paying workers, purchasing materials, and renting equipment. Only the actual cost of what has already been done (materials spent) is indicated here. It is on the basis of this information that the Work Acceptance Certificate will be generated in the future. It is also possible to compare the pre-compiled estimate, the planned budget with actual calculations, in order to then justify possible discrepancies.

Technical point

To generate a Certificate of Work Completed in the Grand Estimate, you will need to go to the object of interest (the one for which it is being generated), then select Add and indicate “Certificate of Work Completed”. Next, you will need to enter the dates for which it will be compiled.

Most often, for convenience, it is customary to generate such acts on a monthly basis, in order to subsequently create a final estimate for the object based on them.

Formation of certain types of documents

The peculiarity of the Grand Estimate is that the program allows you to generate the necessary data and documentation annexes based on previously compiled estimates. To do this, the required form is selected, and then the necessary manipulations are carried out with the file, the result of which is to obtain the desired type. Based on the received Certificate of Completion, it is possible to generate many different kinds of related documents that are mandatory from an accounting point of view or simply required for a more complete assessment of the cost of the object.

The most common requests include:

  • KS-2. To do this, you need to select the file of interest, set “Create act”, then close the task execution window. After this, the received data is copied to the local estimate and exported. Check boxes are placed in those fields that should appear in the results of the act. The generated file is saved in the program database and can be transferred to a computer.
  • Form M-29. Formed from KS-2. To do this, you need to mark the area of ​​​​interesting values ​​and set Export to M-29. A practical secret: if you try to do this from the original estimate, you will get an error.
  • KS-3. Certificate of work performed and costs for the facility. It is generated automatically, which greatly simplifies the work of estimators. To generate such a file, you must complete: Files/Forms/Generate a certificate using the KS-3 form. Next, the received document will be saved in a folder for the object. A document is generated based on the Certificate of Completion, so it must first be exported to the database.
  • To select equipment separately, you need to define the type as Type of work for each calculation that should be taken into account for this parameter. Initially, you can also simply add the Equipment section. The final calculations will show the amount automatically for all categories for which this parameter is specified.
  • Resource statement. Often it needs to be highlighted as a separate document so that it is possible to directly see the costs of materials. Sometimes this is done at the initial stage of calculations, since the cost of purchases may differ significantly by the time construction is completed, so it will be more convenient to correct the prices in a separate document. Initially, this is already formed in the estimate itself (section before the totals). In order to see detailed information, you just need to click on the plus icon to the left of the name. If you need to display these calculations in a separate file, then you need to select Sample forms/Resources by estimate/File with current prices. The received document will be automatically saved in the section for this construction project.
  • Bill of quantities. Allows you to evaluate prices for work performed on the object of interest, and also, based on construction parameters, determine what approximate volumes will be required to complete the task. Typically, this type of calculation is already generated in User documents. If not, then you just need to check the box and refresh the page. Next, the statement will be generated based on the final estimate, after which, if necessary, it can be downloaded from the database.
  • Defective statement. Almost always it is formed in exactly the same way as the statement of quantities (they are usually identified in many sources). However, in practice, many prefer to draw up a report manually after directly inspecting the property. You can also enter into the Grand Estimate all the information about what kind of work on the facility will need to be done, what its volume and cost are, depending on the condition of the structure and the degree of damage.
  • Customer's material. Sometimes some materials and resources may be provided for the work by the customer himself. In this case, they must be assessed by subtracting this amount from the final cost of the object. To do this, in the Work with resource column, you need to make a note that these are customer materials. Their cost will be deducted from the final calculation.
  • KS-6a. It is formed on the basis of KS-2 data. It is a journal of work performed, which is compiled based on the initially declared volumes of work and the prices for them for the object. At the time of formation, the cost may be adjusted due to rising prices and inflation (often observed in cases where construction takes a long time). Data is entered here on a cumulative basis. Based on this file, a Work Acceptance Certificate will ultimately be generated. In order to obtain this document, you need to select the desired file or certain columns in an already open one, and then set the formation parameter KS-6a.

Possible difficulties

If, however, any difficulties arise when generating the Certificate of Completion, you can always use the detailed instructions provided in the Grand Estimate settings. Using the reference book, you can easily find the answer to your question, view page screenshots or a video tutorial with step-by-step recommendations on how to create a particular file you need.

In fact, no special difficulties will arise if you carefully read the requested parameters, names of columns and buttons, but a certain inconvenience is the difference between the versions. That is, those who are accustomed to working in the original versions of the Grand Estimate may find it somewhat difficult to work in the latest versions.