What are the conditions for providing housing? What is social rental housing and who can use it? Relocation from dilapidated housing

Russians who do not have their own housing and are recognized as in need of improved living conditions can receive social housing for rent from the state.

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What does social housing mean in 2020? Not every citizen can purchase housing.

At the same time, leasing real estate is also unavailable due to the high cost. Therefore, a program for the provision of social housing has been established at the legislative level.

Recipients of the service are citizens belonging to preferential categories or recognized as in need of housing. What is social housing rental in 2020?


Thanks to privatization in the post-perestroika period and active construction in Russia, the bulk of the housing stock is privately owned.

But nevertheless, some of the housing belongs to the state. And such living space is provided to citizens in need of housing.

In practice, this looks like providing a person with housing for permanent residence. At the same time, you can live in the provided apartment/house, register, and register your family members.

That is, in fact, living in social housing is almost no different from owning your own living space. The main difference is the impossibility of disposing of social housing from the point of view of ownership.

However, the possibility of receiving social housing does not mean that any citizen can obtain housing.

What is it

Social housing rental is a transaction between a citizen and the government agency in charge of state/municipal housing.

How to get housing under a social tenancy agreement

Obtaining social housing begins with contacting the authorized body and confirming the right to preferential housing space.

You should contact the administrative authority at your place of residence. The general procedure for a citizen applying for a social tenancy agreement is as follows:

  1. Contacting the authorized body and providing the required package of documents.
  2. Waiting for a decision from a government agency and obtaining consent or refusal.
  3. Registration as a person in need of housing.
  4. Waiting for housing to be provided.
  5. Obtaining a written decision from a government agency on the provision of housing.
  6. Submission of necessary documents.
  7. Conclusion of an agreement.
  8. Moving into the received housing and registering.

In fact, there is nothing complicated if you prepare the documents correctly. The problem is that the queue can be quite long, and the municipality simply does not have the required amount of housing.

Therefore, you can wait for your turn for several years, but still this is a chance to improve your living conditions if there is no other possibility.

Conditions of receipt

The first stage of obtaining social housing is recognition of a citizen as a person in need of housing. The procedure has been established.

In particular, the applicant will need to document his membership in preferential categories of citizens.

The second stage is housing registration and registration in the general queue. If a citizen has a priority right to receive housing, then he can get living space quite quickly.

The social housing stock involves reserving a certain part of the premises. This is specialized housing allocated in emergency situations.

When a citizen is simply recognized as in need of improved housing conditions, he will receive housing on a first-come, first-served basis.

Rights and obligations of the parties

When concluding any agreement, the parties have rights and obligations. They are regulated for the tenant by Article 67 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, and for the lessor -.

The employer has the right:

  • move other people into housing with the consent of the landlord;
  • demand from the lessor the fulfillment of obligations under the contract.

The employer is obliged:

  • use housing for its intended purpose;
  • maintain the proper condition of the premises;
  • pay fees for the use of living space on time.

The lessor has the right:

  • receive payment for housing from the tenant;
  • demand payment .

The lessor is obliged:

  • ensure provision;
  • carry out major renovations of the premises.

Also, the social tenancy agreement may contain other conditions stipulated by the parties and regulations.

Is it possible to privatize it?

If a person wants to privatize service housing, he will need to first transfer it to the social fund.

The transfer of official housing to social rent is carried out at the request of the owner (department) or the citizen himself with the consent of the owner. Next, a social lease agreement is concluded and implemented.

Conclusion of an agreement through court

In some cases, a social tenancy agreement is concluded on the basis of a court decision. In particular, we are talking about those cases when a person lives in an apartment on the basis of a housing warrant issued during the Soviet period.

Government agencies are obliged to conclude a social rental agreement with a citizen based on the provision of a warrant.

If the order is lost for some reason, you will need to go to court to prove your right to live in public housing. The court is filed to recognize the right to use housing.

The application is accompanied by documents confirming residence in a specific living space, period of residence, fact of proper use of housing, extracts from the archives on the provision of housing.

If the court decides that a citizen really has the right to live in social housing, then government authorities are obliged to conclude a social tenancy agreement with him.

What is its cost

Payment for social housing includes:

That is, they actually pay the same as when owning their own home. However, owners of social housing do not pay; the direct owner of the property pays for them.

In addition, they are exempt from payment since the living space is not their property.

In Moscow

Getting social housing in Moscow is quite difficult, if only because there is much less free living space than there are applicants for it.

Considering that the cost of housing in the capital is very high, practically free housing from the state is in great demand.

At the same time, many citizens who previously privatized apartments are now turning to the privatization procedure.

In order to combat deprivatization, as well as to improve the conditions for those in real need to obtain housing, the Moscow Government decided to increase the cost of social rental housing in 2020.

Video: social rental agreement. Who can be an employer

If previously the payment was charged at about 2.64 rubles per square meter, now it is planned to raise the price to 21.11 rubles per square meter. m.

Such an increase should equalize the rights of owners of their own housing and tenants of social housing.

In St. Petersburg

In St. Petersburg, the procedure for providing social housing has special requirements for obtaining the status of a low-income citizen.

So the family must meet the following requirements:

Otherwise, the conditions for lining up for housing in St. Petersburg are the same as in Moscow.

Providing free housing is an unprecedented measure for any state.

The gratuitous transfer of state-owned households for personal use is extremely limited and is under the strictest control of municipal and public organizations. In order to qualify for free housing, you must satisfy a wide range of conditions, be able to document your right to improve your living conditions, and have truly stoic patience.

In truth, in our time, Russian citizens living in extremely cramped circumstances are able to obtain social housing, for which the state is absolutely sure that they will not receive living space in any other way.

Who can apply for social housing

The main applicants for receiving municipal housing under a social tenancy agreement are citizens of the Russian Federation who are recognized by the local government:

a) the poor;

b) those in need of housing.

Both of these categories are complex and ambiguous. In order to understand whether a citizen has the right to improve their living conditions, it is necessary to carry out complex calculations using formulas containing a number of parameters, the values ​​of which change quarterly, and the information is scattered across various sources.

Only low-income people can get social housing in Moscow; there are strict restrictions on this in the capital, but the cost of housing is also very high. In St. Petersburg, the poor include large families with three or more children, veterans of the Great Patriotic War or military operations, disabled people, Heroes of the Soviet Union, as well as rehabilitated native Leningraders who lost their homes in St. Petersburg due to repression.

Recognition of citizens as low-income and in need of housing is limited by a number of conditions and requires the provision of a rather large package of documents. Let's try to understand the technology for determining legal capacity and the algorithm for registering for social housing.

Basic terms and laws

While guaranteeing the right to housing, the Constitution of the Russian Federation does not determine the mechanism and conditions for obtaining it. For this purpose, there is the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, which came into force on March 1, 2005.

The Housing Code establishes the basic principles and conditions of social rental; requirements for applicants for social housing. Anyone who assumes that they have the right to improve their living conditions at public expense should first study Chapter 7 of the Housing Code, since other legislative and by-laws must not contradict the Code.

Social housing

Social housing is residential premises owned by the state or municipality, which is provided to citizens under an indefinite social tenancy agreement.

Currently, social housing includes all residential premises that have not been privatized and are located in the state or municipal housing stock.

Residential premises are real estate that has the following characteristics: isolation and suitability for permanent residence of people. In parentheses, I note that real estate includes, in particular, ocean liners and spaceships, but the Housing Code is limited to the concepts of “residential building,” “apartment,” and “room.”

Important for understanding some provisions of the Code are the terms “total area of ​​residential premises”, “area of ​​residential premises”, “provision norm”, “accounting area norm”.

Total living area (apartment area)

The total area of ​​the residential premises (clause 5 of Article 15 of the RF Housing Code) includes the total area of ​​all parts of the residential premises, including the kitchen, bathroom and toilet, closets, etc., with the exception of balconies, loggias, verandas and terraces.

The concept of the total area of ​​a residential premises according to the Housing Code of the Russian Federation corresponds to the concept of the area of ​​an apartment according to the “Instructions on the accounting of housing stock in the Russian Federation” (approved by order of the Ministry of Land Construction of the Russian Federation dated August 4, 1998 N 37, with subsequent amendments from 09/04/2000 and 05/19/2008 , hereinafter referred to as the Instructions), which is referred to by SNIPs (for example, SNIP 31-01-2003). According to the Instructions, “indicators of apartment area are used for the purposes of official statistical accounting of the housing stock in the Russian Federation, payment of housing and utilities, determination of the social standard of housing and other purposes.” In other words, this indicator should, in theory, determine the level of housing provision for citizens. This is natural, because you and I do not live on the balcony.

However, in reality, some entities, including Moscow, have their own ideas on this matter. In Moscow, Moscow City Law No. 29 “On ensuring the right of Moscow residents to residential premises” dated June 14, 2006 (last amended on October 5, 2011), hereinafter referred to as the Moscow Law, is in force. In particular, it deciphers the basic concepts, where the description of the total area of ​​a residential premises coincides with the Housing Code of the Russian Federation (clause 4 of Article 1 of the Moscow Law), but is not used for the purpose of determining social norms - instead, all norms are based on the area of ​​​​the residential premises, taking into account balconies and loggias. In the Moscow Law, the total area is mentioned only once - in Art. 39 on the right of Moscow residents to replace their residential premises with smaller residential premises (!).

Living area (total area of ​​the apartment)

The area of ​​a residential premises includes everything that is located behind the front door: rooms with a kitchen and bathroom, terraces, balconies, etc. The RF Housing Code does not establish methods for calculating the area of ​​a residential premises, nor does it even introduce such a concept, so it is not clear from the text of the RF Housing Code , how exactly does the total area differ from “just” area. However, the Housing Code of the Russian Federation contains the following (clause 7 of Article 57 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation): “When determining the total area of ​​residential premises provided under a social tenancy agreement to a citizen who owns residential premises, the area of ​​the residential premises owned by him is taken into account.” It is also precisely this formulation of area that appears in Art. 50, dedicated to the provision norm and the accounting norm.

Moscow, naturally, took advantage of the vagueness of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation and in its Moscow Law introduced the concept of the area of ​​a residential premises as “the sum of the areas of all parts of this premises, including the areas of premises for auxiliary use, intended to satisfy citizens’ household and other needs related to their residence in residential premises, including the area of ​​balconies, loggias, verandas and terraces” (clause 3 of article 1). However, the Moscow Law does not provide for any reduction factor for balconies and loggias. It is precisely this understanding of area that was used in Moscow to determine provision standards and accounting standards.

An analogue of the concept of living space area according to the Instructions is the total area of ​​the apartment, calculated as “the sum of the areas of its premises, built-in wardrobes, as well as the areas of loggias, balconies, verandas, terraces and cold storage rooms, calculated with the following reduction factors: for loggias - 0.5, for balconies and terraces - 0.3, for verandas and cold storage rooms - 1.0.” According to the Instructions, the indicator of the total area of ​​an apartment is used for “state statistical monitoring of the volume of housing construction in the Russian Federation (completed and unfinished housing construction for the corresponding period) and other purposes.” That is, this indicator is necessary for statistics on the gross commissioning of housing - here one cannot ignore the area of ​​balconies, since they are still “under construction” and should influence the statistics, albeit with a reducing factor.

As you can see, the Moscow authorities took advantage of a loophole and are using completely wrong area indicators to determine social norms. It is impossible to prove the illegality of such a technique - the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, although unclear in its interpretations, is a law of a higher rank than the Instructions.

Provision rate

The provision norm is “the minimum size of the area of ​​residential premises, on the basis of which the size of the total area of ​​residential premises provided under a social tenancy agreement is determined” (Clause 1 of Article 50 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation). This norm is established by local governments based on local realities. That is, in accordance with this norm, social rented housing will be provided.

According to the Moscow Law (clause 5 of Article 1), “the norm for providing residential area per person (hereinafter referred to as the provision norm) is the minimum size of residential area, based on which the size of the total area of ​​​​living premises provided by the city of Moscow is determined.”

And, finally, clause 3 of Article 20 of the Moscow Law: “The norm for providing living space is 18 square meters of living space per person.”

Accounting norm

The accounting norm is the minimum size of residential premises per resident. According to the accounting norm, the limit of the level of provision with the total area of ​​housing is calculated (clause 4 of Article 50 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation). The accounting standard is established by the local government. In essence, according to the current accounting norm in a particular region, a decision is made whether a citizen needs to improve conditions or not. The accounting norm cannot exceed the provision norm (clause 5 of Article 50 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation) - although it would be clearer to formulate it the other way around - the provision norm cannot be less than the accounting norm, that is, they provide the same amount or more.

For Moscow, similar to the situation with the provision norm, the accounting norm is based specifically on the area of ​​the residential premises (with loggias and balconies). Currently, according to clause 3 of Article 9 of the Moscow Law, the norm is 10 sq.m. per person. That is, to be recognized as in need of improved living conditions, for example, in a one-room apartment with an area of ​​33 sq.m. At least 4 (four) people must be “registered”, and none of them should have any other living space in their ownership or use (clauses 1-2 of Article 9 of the Moscow Law).

The poor - how is the level of security determined?

For the Housing Code, the concept of “poor” does not at all mean people whose salary is less than the subsistence level. The main criterion for classifying a family as low-income is the ability to purchase housing to provide for all family members according to the standard for the provision of living space, focusing on the average cost of home ownership in the region.

If the family's property security is less than the cost of living space that must be purchased to provide for family members according to the provision rate per person, the family is recognized as low-income.

It is quite difficult to determine at first glance whether a family is low-income or not. The calculation formula includes a dozen not always obvious indicators. For example, the concept of “family member” in this case acts as a legal category, not a biological one, and means those living in the same area within the same personal account. If personal accounts are separated, then families are separated, regardless of their blood. Some laws categorically manipulate family ties: “For certain housing programs, the Moscow Government has the right to establish a circle of family members” (Moscow Law No. 24 of June 18, 2008).

For the capital region, the methodology for calculating the recognition of Moscow residents as low-income for the purpose of registering for improvement of housing conditions is given in Moscow Government Decree No. 362-PP dated June 6, 2006.

Determination of property security

Property security consists of family income and the value of property subject to taxation.

a) Calculation of family income

Family income is calculated using a formula that includes the difference between the monthly total income of family members and the total cost of living, multiplied by the calculation period in months (in Moscow - 20 years, that is, 240 months).

Total income is taken for the last 2 years before applying.

The subsistence minimum per capita is taken from the regulatory act in force in the region on the day the application is submitted, which is updated quarterly.

It is better to look for data on a specific region on the official websites of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, where the information is updated more often. For Moscow, for example, Rosstat’s information is already outdated. The new living wage was approved by Decree of the Moscow Government of March 20, 2012 No. 94-PP and amounts to 9,128 rubles per capita.

b) Calculation of the value of family property subject to taxation

The value of family property consists of property owned by family members, with the exception of premises suitable for living:

  • land plots in full or shared ownership, calculated at cadastral value;
  • country houses, garages and other non-residential premises (at market value);
  • cars and other registered vehicles (at estimated average market value);
  • share accumulation in any cooperatives;
  • property shares, shares and securities.

The cost of housing owned by family members is not added to income when calculating property security, but is taken into account when determining housing security. That is, a room, apartment, part of the housing belonging to family members is added not in monetary terms, but to the total square footage, regardless of where this property is located: near Magadan or in Cyprus.

Calculation of the cost of the required living space

The area required for a family to live is calculated as the difference between the area that the family would receive in accordance with the standards adopted in the region and the total area of ​​housing owned by family members. Accordingly, if a family owns partly or in its entirety a living space exceeding the standard, such a family is not registered and is not recognized as low-income.

Information about the standards for the provision of living space adopted in the regions should be found on the websites of local executive authorities. In Moscow, St. Petersburg and the regions, this standard is 18 sq.m. In the Novosibirsk region - 15 sq.m., in Kaliningrad from 15 to 18 sq.m. for each family member.

When calculating the cost of this abstract living space, one should focus on the average market value of one square meter of total housing area in the regions of Russia, approved quarterly by the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation. The last such order was signed on March 29, 2012 No. 143. According to data for the 2nd quarter of 2012, the average market cost of a square meter of housing is highest in Moscow - 85 thousand 500 rubles, and in the Moscow region: 44 thousand 250 rubles. St. Petersburg is not far behind - 50,800 rubles and the Nenets Autonomous Okrug - 47,050 rubles. The cheapest housing in the Karachay-Cherkess Republic is 20,700 rubles, the Chechen Republic is 21,050 rubles. and the Republic of Ingushetia - 21,100 rubles. In the Central Federal District, the lowest market value of housing is in the Kursk and Oryol regions, respectively: 22,700 rubles and 25,300 rubles. The average market price of one square meter of housing in Saratov is low - 23,750 rubles, the Ulyanovsk region - 25,400 rubles and the Stavropol Territory - 24,500 rubles.

The procedure for recognition as low-income in Moscow and the necessary documents

In Moscow, until last year, the recognition of citizens as low-income was carried out by the Department of Social Protection of the City Population, but since April 2011 this function has quite logically transferred to the Department of Housing Policy and Housing Fund of the City of Moscow, concentrating housing affairs in one hand (Moscow Government Decree dated 02/22/2011 . No. 44-PP).

In accordance with the Decree of the Moscow Government of June 6, 2006 No. 362-PP, the district department of the Department of Housing Policy and Housing Fund of the city of Moscow is provided with:

1. Statement based on the model published on the website of the Department of Housing Policy and Housing Fund of Moscow http://housing.mos.ru/dmghtml/needreg/forms.html ;

2. Passports of the applicant and his family members over 14 years of age and birth certificates for children;

3. Certificate or notification of TIN (about the assignment of a taxpayer identification number) for each adult family member;

4. Documents defining the composition of the family: certificates of marriage, birth of children; a single housing document for the apartment where the applicant lives.

5. Documents confirming the types and amount of total family income. First of all, these are certificates of income at the place of work of all working family members in Form No. 2-NDFL for two calendar years, as well as work books. The complete list of income documents contains 21 items and covers all possible sources of money, from scholarships to income from shares, with the exception of lump-sum insurance payments and funeral benefits.

6. Documents confirming the ownership of family members of property subject to taxation (except for premises suitable for living):

  • extract from the Unified State Register of Rights to Real Estate and Transactions with It;
  • documents on ownership of a land plot, dacha, garage; on the ownership of the vehicle;
  • a certificate from the Bureau of Technical Inventory on the cost of a summer house, garage or other non-residential building;
  • certificate of cadastral value of the land plot;
  • certificate of the value of share savings (issued by the cooperative);
  • report of an independent appraiser on the value of the property of the applicant’s family members.

In controversial cases, a court decision on moving a family member into the residential premises is additionally attached. When different families live in the same residential premises, it is necessary to submit a social tenancy agreement (commercial tenancy, free use, etc.).

If the Moscow Department of Housing Policy and Housing Fund decides to recognize the applicant as low-income, a notice is sent to his address. The applicant can receive the final document - a copy of the Decision at the district branch of the Department.

Conditions for recognizing a citizen or family as needing housing

After recognizing a family as low-income in the prescribed manner, you can proceed to the next stage: recognition as needing housing.

In Moscow, according to the Moscow Law already mentioned above (No. 29 of June 14, 2006), low-income citizens of the Russian Federation who have permanently resided in the territory of Moscow for at least 10 years (in total) and have not deteriorated can apply for registration as those in need of social housing. living conditions for the last 5 years.

A necessary condition is one of the following situations:

1) The size of the living space for each family member is less than the accounting norm.

The accounting standard is established in each region. In Moscow, Moscow region, Krasnodar, Chelyabinsk and others, the accounting norm is 10 sq.m. per person in a separate apartment and 15 sq.m. in a communal apartment; in St. Petersburg - 9 sq.m., in Kaliningrad - 12 sq.m., in Orenburg - 12.5 sq.m., in Cherepovets and Vladivostok - 13 sq.m., and so on. In the Republic of Mari El in one area the accounting norm is 14 square meters. m per person, and in the other 18 sq. m.

When determining the area assigned to a family, the area of ​​housing owned by each of the persons listed in the application for registration is added.

2) The family lives in dilapidated housing beyond repair.

A dilapidated house that cannot be repaired must be declared unfit for habitation in the prescribed manner by the conclusion of an interdepartmental commission based on an inspection report of the premises. The executive authority (in this example, the Moscow Government) makes a decision to recognize a residential building as unsafe; The decision establishes the deadlines for the evacuation of residents, sources of financing for evacuation from a residential building, etc.

3) A tenant who is chronically and severely ill lives in a communal apartment.

The list of serious diseases that make living in a communal apartment unbearable is given in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 16, 2006 N 378. These are diseases such as open tuberculosis, epilepsy with frequent seizures, gangrene of the limbs, etc.

4) The house does not have at least one of the following amenities: electricity, running water, sewerage, heating, bath or shower, gas or electric stove, hot water supply or gas water heater.

5) Family members are not home owners and do not have any housing at all, but they have the right to reside in Moscow and can prove this.

Of the listed conditions, the most difficult is the issue of deliberate deterioration of living conditions.

In the Housing Code, in Article 70, the tenant of a residential premises, otherwise the responsible tenant, has the right to move in family members: a spouse, their children and parents, as well as other relatives at their discretion. But an applicant for improved living conditions should use this right carefully so as not to do something for which they can be expelled or pushed back in line.

The Moscow rules thoroughly describe prohibited and permitted actions.

A responsible tenant, without fear of sanctions, can install:

  • their minor children;
  • spouse and other relatives only on the condition that they were previously registered in the housing register in the capital;
  • disabled parents who were left without housing as a result of its dilapidation and disrepair, or who voluntarily and free of charge abandoned it;
  • temporary residents.

Causes deterioration of living conditions:

  • transactions that change the procedure for using residential premises, exchanges and exchanges;
  • change in family composition, including through divorce, as well as the addition of other family members;
  • sale, donation and other actions aimed at alienating premises belonging to family members;
  • allocation of shares by owners of residential premises.

Here are the most frequently encountered points. For a complete list of permitted and prohibited actions, see Art. 10 of the Moscow Law.

The procedure for registering as those in need of residential premises

If all conditions are met, an application is drawn up in a form approved by the regional authority, which is signed by all members of the applicant’s family who wish to be recognized as in need of improved housing conditions.

Since the “One Window Service” operates in Moscow, the process of recognizing a citizen as low-income and in need of housing since 2011 has been carried out in one stage, although low-income status can be confirmed separately. Forms of forms and samples of filling out applications are published on the website of the Department of Housing Policy and Housing Fund of Moscow http://housing.mos.ru/dmghtml/needreg/forms.html, and the process of submitting an application and a set of necessary documents are set out in the Regulations for consideration in the mode "one window" of citizens' applications, approved by Decree of the Moscow Government of April 7, 2011 N 115-PP.

In St. Petersburg, the decision to recognize a citizen as needing housing and the registration of citizens applying for social rent are carried out by the housing departments of the district administrations of St. Petersburg, and documents are accepted at the Multifunctional Centers for the provision of public services. The application form and the list of documents for registration are published on the information portal “Public Services in St. Petersburg”: http://gu.spb.ru.

Documents for registration as those in need of residential premises

In Moscow, at the applicant’s place of residence, it is necessary to submit an application signed by all interested family members, as well as the following documents (copies and originals for verification):

  • passports, birth certificates for minor children and other documents for a citizen of the Russian Federation, confirming the identity and place of residence of the applicant and his family members;
  • certificates of marriage, divorce and other family relationships connecting the persons specified in the application;
  • a copy of the decision to recognize the family as low-income, if the applicant has taken care of this in advance, or a package of documents confirming the amount of income for the last two years, and information about the existing property (except for housing suitable for living).

In special cases, additional documents are attached:

  • on the ownership rights of family members to residential premises suitable for living, including those located outside the city of Moscow or the Russian Federation over the past 5 years;
  • on the existence of rights to priority receipt of residential premises under a social tenancy agreement, which are available to citizens living in dilapidated buildings, orphans, former prisoners and demobilized from the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, as well as seriously ill citizens according to the list approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 16 June 2006 N 378.

Also, the responsible tenant must prove the fact of residence in Moscow for at least 10 years, if during this period he traveled outside the municipal district, by presenting the corresponding extracts from the house register.

Employees of the One Window Service will request documents from the BTI, an extract from the house register and other documents at the applicant’s current place of residence.

If a positive decision is made to register a family as needing residential premises under a social tenancy agreement, and this issue is resolved theoretically within a month, the applicant is sent a corresponding notice. A copy of the Decision can be obtained within 10 days after contacting the authorized body (in Moscow - the district branch of the Department of Housing Policy and Housing Fund).

What can you apply for and who is first in line?

In Moscow, a social rental agreement is concluded for housing with a total area of ​​at least 18 sq.m. per person. At the same time, due to the architectural features of urban construction, a married couple can apply for a one-room apartment with an area of ​​up to 44 square meters; not a couple - for a two-room apartment up to 50 sq.m.; spouses with a child will receive a two-room apartment of up to 62 sq.m. and for three independent citizens there will be a three-room apartment with an area of ​​up to 74 sq.m.

If there is a seriously ill person in the family according to the federal list of diseases, he is entitled to isolated living space in an apartment.

First of all, orphans, demobilized Muscovites and Muscovites returning from prison receive social housing if they have lost their housing during their absence. Secondly, seriously ill chronically ill patients; the third group includes residents of dilapidated houses that are unsuitable for living.

Why are they deregistered or the queue pushed back?

The reasons are obvious: leaving Moscow for permanent residence; changes in living conditions as a result of obtaining housing, changes in family composition; loss of legal basis for social hiring; receiving subsidies for affordable housing.

Moscow authorities check the housing and property conditions of registered citizens once every five years, a year before the turn to receive housing and immediately before issuing keys to a new apartment. Checks are carried out without the participation of a waiting list: requests are sent to the competent organizations and if a discrepancy is detected or the basis for obtaining housing is lost, the family is removed from the register.

If, during the final check before issuing a warrant for housing in Moscow, it is discovered that the person on the waiting list has committed actions qualified as deterioration of living conditions, he will be pushed back in the queue several years ago.

Also, they may be sent to the end of the queue next year for three refusals of the proposed apartments.

Is it possible to get social housing?

Someone gets it! According to Rosstat, in 2010, a total of 244 thousand families (including singles) received housing in Russia, of which 9,701 were in housing in Moscow, 16,602 in St. Petersburg. True, 2.8 million remain registered as needing housing, yes and the trend is not encouraging: for the last six years, 5-6% of registered families have received housing. At this rate, the waiting period will be 19-20 years.

Government officials are doing everything to make the barriers to free social housing as high and steep as possible. The law clings to any reason that may serve as a reason for refusal. Sanctions for deliberately worsening living conditions are the most common technique.

Let's consider a theoretical everyday situation: a family of four (the employer, his wife and his parents) live in an apartment with a total area of ​​38 square meters. The wife owns part of an apartment with an area of ​​15 sq.m. in the city of Koryazhma, Arkhangelsk region, where her unlucky brother lives with his third wife and children. The fact of ownership is recorded in the Unified Register, and there is no use in hiding it.

A child is born into a family. The apartment becomes very crowded, but taking into account the wife’s property in a distant region, the total size of the area still exceeds 10 sq.m. for each family member.

Options that save the situation: divorce with the wife’s formal expulsion from the apartment; disposal of property in the city of Koryazhma; registration of one of the wife’s many nephews; dividing a personal account and allocating a separate share to parents with only them being registered - see subparagraph 2 of Article 10 of Moscow Law No. 29-2006 “Actions that led to the deterioration of living conditions.” Five years in violation of the rights to register for housing is guaranteed!

This is the very case when the inheritance of a deceased grandmother can make even very thick-skinned grandchildren sincerely grieve for the deceased.

There is a well-known story when a war veteran was denied registration due to the fact that his daughter sold part of another apartment that belonged to her, that is, she deliberately worsened the family’s living conditions. “Wait 5 years,” optimists from the Department of Housing Policy suggested to the 85-year-old veteran.

In order not to violate the rules and conditions for obtaining free housing during twenty years of waiting, you must not be too successful, quite patient and a very stable family. It is much easier and more profitable to take part in some state or city program, such as “Affordable housing for young families” or a social mortgage, or in other activities partially subsidized from the local or federal budget.

Laws and regulations

“Housing Code of the Russian Federation”, approved by the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2004 No. 188-FZ

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 16, 2006 No. 378 “On approval of the list of severe forms of chronic diseases in which it is impossible for citizens to live together in the same apartment”

Moscow City Law No. 29 of June 14, 2006 “On ensuring the right of Moscow residents to residential premises”

Moscow City Law No. 7 of January 25, 2006 “On the procedure for recognizing Moscow residents as low-income for the purpose of registering them as those in need of residential premises”

Decree of the Moscow Government of June 6, 2006 No. 362-PP On measures to implement the Moscow City Law “On the procedure for recognizing Moscow residents as low-income for the purpose of registering them as those in need of residential premises”

Law of St. Petersburg of July 19, 2005 No. 407-65 “On the procedure for keeping records of citizens as those in need of residential premises and the provision of residential premises under social tenancy agreements in St. Petersburg”

Obtaining social housing today still remains relevant for many families, in particular newly formed ones, who do not have the financial ability to independently purchase an apartment or build a residential building. Unfortunately, most Russians face difficulties in finding housing precisely because of the lack of funds and help from relatives. It is not always possible to obtain a mortgage, since, as is known, it requires a significant down payment and significant monthly payments, not to mention interest.

According to the law, not every citizen has the right to social housing, which is fully justified by the already huge influx of applicants, as well as by the fact that the state simply does not have enough residential real estate to quickly provide it to all those in need. Thus, we have to determine who really needs it. There are not so many requirements to get on the waiting list for a social apartment, but this allows you to weed out those who can solve their problems on their own. All grounds giving a person the right to receive government assistance must be documented and subject to careful verification.

Who is it intended for?

First of all, it is necessary to determine who has the right to receive social housing in accordance with current Russian legislation. This question does not tolerate vague formulations, so there are a number of fixed categories, which include:

In addition to them, families recognized as low-income and single mothers have the right to submit an appropriate application for municipal housing. At the same time, you should not hesitate to apply, since the queue in any locality is large and moves slowly. Accordingly, the sooner they put you on the queue, the less you will have to wait. Especially considering the fact that it will take more than one day to collect the required documents, and one person can move along the list for a year or more.

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Obtaining low-income status

Obtaining the official status of a low-income family or low-income citizen occurs in accordance with Russian legislation and municipal acts, which contain their own nuances in each locality. Despite the fact that the conditions and requirements are not so significant, for some people this can still play a significant role, so it makes sense to inquire in advance about the rules in force in your region. This will save time and greatly facilitate further processing.

The difference by locality usually concerns the income of citizens, that is, their maximum level. Do not forget that calculations will be made not for one person who submitted an application, but for his entire family officially living with him. Not only wages and other payments will be taken into account, but also real estate and other property that is subject to tax. Thus, many people wishing to obtain social housing space end up being refused.

The status of a low-income family or low-income citizen gives the right to be put on the waiting list. How long you will have to wait is unknown, since the state does not set any time frame. However, while waiting, a person may be removed from the queue without being provided with an apartment if his life circumstances change and he no longer corresponds to the status of a beneficiary.

Who has the advantage?

The issuance of social housing, be it an apartment or a separate room in it, is always confirmed by a rental agreement. Until this moment, citizens are in limbo and are forced to independently decide the issue of accommodation. But even after receiving municipal housing, a person cannot completely relax, since this entails a whole list of responsibilities. They represent timely payment of utilities and compliance with the rules of living in an apartment building. Failure to comply with them can result in you losing your home and remaining on the street.

However, before you worry about signing the contract, there is one more thing you need to know. There are categories of persons who can be promoted up the queue, even if they were registered later than others. These include:

What is also important is that only persons with Russian citizenship have the right to apply for social housing.

Under what conditions?

In addition to the fact that a person entitled to receive social housing must belong to one of the categories listed above, there are other conditions. These include:

If all the requirements and conditions are met, you can submit an application for municipal housing along with the documents prepared in advance. You should submit your application to the local government authority, where it is wise to go in advance to clarify the full list of papers in your particular case. Circumstances are different and everyone has nuances.

If you neglect even one condition or do not submit a complete package of documents, the person will invariably receive a refusal and will not be able to quickly resume submitting the application.

For federal cities

The rules for obtaining social housing and getting on the waiting list are not the same in all cases, and we are talking here not only about regional regulations. Even they have their differences, which include the division of settlements into federal and non-federal.

For the former, more stringent requirements for selecting those in need of housing apply, since there are many more of them here. One of these requirements is the mandatory residence of a citizen in a city of federal significance for the last ten years or more.

Standard list of documents for obtaining social housing:

  • Written application from a low-income citizen;
  • Identification number and personal passport of the applicant;
  • Certificate confirming the status of a low-income person;
  • Birth certificate of the child or court decision on his adoption;
  • Certificate of marriage or divorce;
  • A certificate stating that the applicant does not own any other residential property;
  • Papers confirming that the applicant belongs to a preferential category of the population.

General design

When we are not talking about populated areas of federal significance, the mandatory period of continuous residence is five years, not ten, which makes the task much easier for many citizens. Of course, the fact of residence must be documented. It is impossible to resolve the issue if a person lives in a populated area for less time due to the large flow of people wishing to do so and the insufficient amount of housing.

Before receiving social housing, you will need to submit documents and an application written on behalf of one person or on behalf of the family that will live with him and will be included in the rental agreement. This is an important nuance, since persons registered initially will have more rights in the future, and there will be no difficulties with registration after receiving housing.

The submitted request is considered within a month. After which a written official decision will be made - the applicant was put on the waiting list or refused, with an explanation of the reasons. In addition to non-compliance with preferential categories and non-compliance with requirements, the reason for refusal may be the provision of false information in the documents that were submitted with the application.

Signing the contract

When the queue for social housing comes up, the local municipality must sign a rental agreement with the citizen, since it is they who issue the housing available on its balance sheet. Each agreement is drawn up according to a standard form, but the content may vary slightly depending on the circumstances. This document must contain paragraphs with information about:

Responsibilities of the municipalityTenant's responsibilities
  • Transfer of an apartment or room within the specified period and no later than it;
  • Serviceability of communication systems at the time of transfer of the property;
  • Carrying out major repairs in the house;
  • Timely notification of tariff increases;
  • Monitoring the serviceability of all communication systems and their repair
  • Signing acceptance certificates and checking the information specified in it;
  • Maintaining housing in proper condition, suitable for living;
  • Payment of utilities;
  • Carrying out redevelopment only with the permission of government authorities;
  • Vacancy of residential premises within the specified period upon expiration of the contract

Not all citizens of our country can afford to buy an apartment. Or even take it out on a mortgage. For those who cannot do this, the state provides social housing. However, since there are many people who want it, but there is clearly not enough housing, a certain procedure for providing social housing is in place. What does it consist of?

Step one: Get on the waiting list for social housing

There has always been a waiting list for obtaining housing. Since Soviet times, people have been standing in such queues for years. Currently, the situation is not much different and only privileged categories of citizens can count on quickly getting an apartment. Thanks to the fact that the state Housing Program has been running since 2010, the fund of social housing is growing and there is still a point in standing in line for it.

So, first you need to determine your status. To preferential categories of citizens , who are primarily entitled to social housing, include:

Veterans of the Great Patriotic War and labor, disabled war veterans;

Participants in combat operations in modern hot spots;

Children without parental care, graduates of orphanages and boarding schools;

Disabled children from childhood and persons with disabilities of a non-working group;

Families who have lost their housing due to circumstances beyond their control, as a result of natural disasters;

Employees of law enforcement agencies who were transferred to the reserve due to length of service;

Thus, large families, families that have lost their breadwinner in the line of duty, and others may qualify for benefits.

All other citizens fall into the general queue for social housing. However, to do this they will have to prove their right to receive it. Social housing is only available to those who belong to low-income segments of the population . Only a local government body can recognize low-income citizens in the manner established in this regard by the law of the subject of the Russian Federation. The main criterion for inclusion in this category is income level. It is determined for the family as a whole, based on the minimum subsistence level per each family member, depending on his age and social status. This minimum cost of living is calculated every quarter at the federal and regional levels. It differs among children, the working population and pensioners. In addition, the value of property, which is owned by all family members and is subject to taxation, plays a role.

I must say that when determining family income , absolutely everything is included, including pensions and benefits. In this case, income is determined in the amount in which it was accrued, and not in the amount in which it was actually received, minus personal income tax. Incomes are compared with the regional subsistence level. And, if a family owns an expensive car or a country house, it will never be recognized as low-income, even despite its income level.

In addition, it is necessary to live for 10 years in one city and for 5 years not to allow the deliberate deterioration of living conditions. That is, do not sell an apartment or room, do not register other persons in your home, deliberately reducing the number of square meters per person.

It is important to understand that only those categories of citizens specified in Part 3 of Article 49 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation can count on municipal housing. Local authorities can provide them with residential premises of the municipal housing stock under social rental agreements. Before this norm of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation came into force (March 1, 2005), not only the poor, but also other categories of citizens in need of residential premises could apply for social housing. Therefore, those citizens who joined the queue before this moment also have the right to receive an apartment. It is possible to remove them from the queue only if the grounds that, before the entry into force of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, gave them the right to receive residential premises under social tenancy agreements, were completely or partially lost.

By virtue of Article 6 of the Federal Law “On the Enactment of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation”, from March 1, 2005, the registration of citizens for the purpose of subsequently providing them with housing under social tenancy agreements in the state or municipal housing stock is carried out on the grounds and in the manner that provided for by the Housing Code of the Russian Federation. To be placed on the queue, it is necessary to collect and submit to the municipal executive authority all necessary documents . These include income certificates for all family members, documents on the right to benefits, certificates on existing living conditions and documents on the ownership of real and movable property. After reviewing all the documents, the local government body makes a decision on whether to place the person on the waiting list for social housing or to refuse it.

Step two: If the turn has come to providing social housing

The procedure for providing social housing is regulated by the provisions of Article 49 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation. Therefore, if the queue for an apartment is approaching and it is planned to rent out an object with social housing or vacate an apartment from the old housing stock, then the citizen must be called to the local government body. At the same time, he may again be required to provide documents confirming that he has not lost his right to social housing. The only exceptions are those citizens who registered for housing before March 1, 2005, when other requirements for the right to receive and the procedure for providing social housing were in effect.

If it turns out that a citizen, before registering for housing, intentionally worsened his living conditions or understated his income, he is deprived of the right to receive an apartment and can be re-registered no earlier than five years later. At the same time, he will have to prove that he belongs to the poor. Changes in the living conditions of family members of a citizen who is on the housing register do not entail changes in his status as someone in need of housing.

The procedure for providing residential premises under social tenancy agreements specified in Part 3 of Article 49 of the RF Housing Code is determined by Federal laws, decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, and also by the laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. First of all, these regulations regulate the standards for the provision of social housing. At the same time, the accounting standard for housing area is the minimum size of living space, on the basis of which the level of provision of citizens with the total living area is determined. The accounting norm is established by local governments. Its size cannot exceed the size of the provision norm that was established by this body.

Under a social tenancy agreement, residential premises must be provided to citizens at the place of their permanent residence (within the boundaries of the locality where they permanently reside), and the total area per person must not be less than the provision norm (usually from 16 to 18 square meters) .

If a document check shows that the citizen still has the right to receive social housing, then a social rental agreement is concluded with him. Depending on the circumstances, it can be either indefinite or concluded for a certain period. At the same time, the future tenant of the apartment is introduced to all the rules for using social housing. After signing the contract, the tenant receives a warrant and can move in.

Housing provided under a social rental agreement is, in fact, free living space for you (an apartment, part of an apartment, a room, etc.), which the city transfers to you for use for an unlimited period. In return, you must pay rent and utilities on time.

You can If new residents are registered at their place of residence, the social tenancy agreement is renewed. However, the landlord (Department of City Property) has the right to refuse to move in if the living space per each family member after the new tenant moves in is less than the provision rate per person.

">register residents there on a permanent or temporary (no more than six months) basis, rent it out or exchange it for other housing under a social tenancy agreement.

Since you do not own such a home, you do not have to pay property taxes on it, but you cannot, for example, sell it.

At the same time, housing provided under a social rental agreement is possible, after which it will be transferred to your ownership.

2. Who can receive housing under a social tenancy agreement?

The following can apply for housing in social security:

  • those who registered as those in need of improved housing conditions (that is, everyone who registered for housing before March 1, 2005);
  • those who registered as those in need of residential premises (that is, everyone who registered for housing after March 1 and was recognized Low-income citizens are residents of Moscow whose property security is less than the cost of the total living space, which must be purchased by family members to ensure the provision of living space per person according to the norm.

    Property security is defined as the sum of the value of property owned by family members and subject to taxation, and the monetary value of the income of all family members for the billing period. In this case, the value of residential premises or parts thereof owned by family members is not taken into account.


Housing is provided in You can find out your place in the queue by sending a request through the website. To do this, you need to indicate your last name, first name, patronymic, registration file number, year, district and region of registration.

">in order of priority. In this case, first those in need of improved living conditions are provided with housing, then those in need of living quarters.

The following have the right to priority receipt of housing under a social tenancy agreement:

  • Muscovites whose houses are duly declared unfit for habitation and cannot be repaired or reconstructed (including residents of five-story buildings being demolished in Moscow);
  • citizens living in an apartment occupied by several families, suffering from severe forms of chronic diseases, in which living together with them in the same apartment is impossible;
  • residents of communal apartments after the vacancy of the living space occupied by their neighbors (provided that they are on the housing register or have every reason to be accepted on it). They are given vacated premises in their apartment.

3. What kind of housing is provided in social security?

Under a social rental agreement, residential premises located within the boundaries of Moscow are provided from the city housing stock.

The size of housing that you can get is calculated based on the number of square meters per person - as a result, for each family member indicated in the registration file, there should be 18 square meters. Moreover, if you already have housing on the right of use or right of ownership, its area will be deducted from the total area of ​​​​the housing provided. (That is, a family of four can get an apartment with an area of ​​72 square meters, provided that they vacate their own. Or they can get an apartment with an area of ​​36 square meters, provided that they keep their own, with an area of ​​the same 36 square meters).

The provision rate may be greater, but cannot exceed the following values:

  • for one person - 40 square meters (if it is a room or a one-room apartment);
  • for a family consisting of spouses - a one-room apartment with an area of ​​up to 44 square meters;
  • for a family consisting of 2 people who are not spouses - a two-room apartment with an area of ​​up to 54 square meters;
  • for a family of 3 people, which includes spouses, a two-room apartment with an area of ​​up to 62 square meters;
  • for a family of 3 people, which does not include spouses, a three-room apartment with an area of ​​up to 74 square meters;
  • for a family of 4 or 5 people - a living space with an area of ​​18 square meters per family member (the resulting size of the living space can be increased by no more than nine square meters);
  • for a family of 6 or more people - residential premises (living premises) with an area of ​​18 square meters per family member (the resulting size of the residential premises (living premises) can be increased by no more than 9 square meters).

Moreover, if there is a patient in the family who suffers from severe forms of certain chronic diseases, the apartment (or house) should have a separate isolated room.

The placement of different-sex family members (except for spouses) in the same room is allowed only with their consent.

4. How to get housing for social rent?

  1. Submit your application and documents for . In the application, you need to choose the method (form) of providing housing - social rent. Everyone must sign it Applicants are everyone who is listed in your accounting file.">applicants And Family members are the spouses and minor children of all applicants.">members of their family.
  2. If necessary, provide documents for . This procedure is carried out at least once every 5 years. It must also be carried out at least a year before the decision to provide housing is made and immediately before such a decision is made. This is necessary to make sure that you still have reasons to be on the housing register. Usually the procedure is carried out without the participation of a waiting list. But if necessary, you may be asked to provide missing documents.
  3. Wait for the Department's decision. As soon as it is your turn to receive housing under a social tenancy agreement, while maintaining the grounds that allow you to apply for improved housing conditions, the City Property Department will issue an order confirming the possibility of concluding a social tenancy agreement with you, of which you will be notified by mail or by telephone.
  4. Select accommodation. You will be offered a choice of 3 living spaces. You will have to inspect them at the appointed time and within five days notify the Department employees of your consent or disagreement to conclude a social tenancy agreement. If you are not satisfied with the residential premises, the selection of residential premises will be postponed until next year.
  5. Conclude a social rental agreement. If you agree to move into the housing offered to you, you and all members of your family will need to enter into a social rental agreement. To do this you need to provide an application and You will need:
    • general civil passports of all family members over 14 years of age specified in the Department’s notification about residential premises proposed for provision under a social tenancy agreement (if a representative or authorized person applies, a copy of the passport);
    • certificate of passport replacement indicating the reason for the replacement for the period from January 1, 1991, including from previous places of residence outside Moscow, if the passport was changed after receiving a notification from the Department (may not be presented if the function is to receive and transfer documents to the registration authorities for registration and deregistration of citizens of the Russian Federation at the place of stay and at the place of residence within Russia is carried out by the “My Documents” center, which you contacted);
    • birth certificates of all family members under 14 years of age specified in the Department notification (may not be presented if the certificate was issued by the Moscow Civil Registry Office after March 31, 2012 when registering a birth or again or on the basis of a corrected (amended) birth certificate record for the period from January 1, 1990;
    • identification documents of legal representatives and proxies, and documents confirming their powers;
    • notification of the Department about residential premises proposed for provision under a social tenancy agreement;
    • written consent of all family members specified in the Department’s notification to the provision of residential premises from the Moscow housing stock under a social rental agreement (notarized or signed in the presence of an employee of the “My Documents” center);
    • a written statement from all family members specified in the Department’s notification about failure to commit actions over the past 5 years that resulted in worsening living conditions (notarized or signed in the presence of an employee of the “My Documents” center);
    • a written commitment from all family members specified in the Department’s notification to vacate the occupied residential premises (notarized or signed in the presence of an employee of the “My Documents” center) - in the case of the provision of housing with the vacancy of the occupied residential premises;
    • a single housing document, and in its absence - a copy of the financial personal account of the tenant of the residential premises or an extract from the house register (the document is provided if it is not at the disposal of the “My Documents” center to which you applied, or if your family is registered in Troitsky and Novomoskovsky administrative districts of Moscow).

    Documents that the Department receives in the course of interdepartmental interaction. If they are not in the base register, you may be asked to provide them:

    • birth certificate (if the birth certificate was drawn up and issued by the Moscow Civil Registry Office after March 31, 2012. when registering a birth either repeatedly or on the basis of a corrected (amended) birth record for the period from January 1, 1990;
    • certificate of passport replacement indicating the reason for the replacement for the period from January 1, 1991 (if the function of receiving and transmitting to the registration authorities documents for registration and deregistration of citizens of the Russian Federation at the place of stay and at the place of residence within Russia is carried out by the “My documents” that you applied to);
    • a single housing document, and in its absence - a copy of the financial personal account of the tenant of the residential premises or an extract from the house register (if the function is to calculate payments for residential premises, utilities and other services and (or) the function of receiving and transmitting documents for registration to the registration authorities registration and deregistration of citizens of the Russian Federation at the place of stay and at the place of residence within Russia in relation to the residential premises in which the applicant and members of the applicant’s family live is carried out by the “My Documents” center);
    • an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate about the property;
    • an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate on the rights of an individual to the real estate objects that he/she has;
    • documents confirming the right to receive social support (information about the current preferential category).
    ">necessary documents
    to the public services center.

Any request you make to the City Property Department is registered, as a result of which a number is assigned to it. With its help you can visit the site.

5. Do all family members have equal rights after concluding a social tenancy agreement?

A social tenancy agreement is concluded by only one of the family members, but all the others are indicated in the document and have joint rights and obligations with him. The tenant, without the written permission of the remaining family members, cannot exchange housing or register other residents in the residential premises (either permanently or temporarily), except in cases where one of the family members has minor children - no one’s consent is required for their permanent registration.

At the same time, family members, by common decision and with the consent of the landlord (Department of City Property), can renew the social tenancy agreement, indicating in it as the tenant any of the family members listed in the previous agreement. The contract must also be renegotiated in the event of the death of the employer.

6. Is it possible to keep the old living space?

Housing under a social rental agreement is provided:

  • with the release of previously occupied space;
  • in addition to the existing living space.
  • the residential premises you occupy are subject to transfer to non-residential premises;
  • your home has been declared uninhabitable;
  • as a result of major repairs or reconstruction of the house, the residential premises that you occupy cannot be preserved or if its total area decreases, as a result of which the tenant and his family members living in it may be recognized as in need of residential premises, or increases, as a result whereby the total area of ​​occupied residential premises per family member will significantly exceed the provision norm;
  • residential premises are subject to transfer to a religious organization;
  • cohabitation with children for whom you have been deprived of parental rights has been declared impossible by the court and eviction is required by the legal representatives of minors, the guardianship and trusteeship authority or the prosecutor.
  • In all these cases, If the cohabitation of citizens deprived of parental rights with children in respect of whom they are deprived of parental rights is recognized by the court as impossible, such citizens, at the request of the legal representatives of minors, the guardianship and trusteeship authority or the prosecutor, may be evicted by court from the residential premises without providing another residential premises, unless otherwise provided by the law of the subject of the Russian Federation.

    ">except for the last one, you must be provided with alternative housing under a social tenancy agreement, regardless of whether you are on the housing register or not.