Rates on deposits in foreign currency Belarusbank. Current deposits in foreign currency

In the modern world, everyone is trying to make money using any available methods. However, even if you have a high-paying job, you can't always pamper yourself. While some people are sitting at home and puzzling over how to get more profit, others are making standard or foreign currency deposits in banks in Belarus. Reviews about this type of passive income are mostly positive, since in this case clients of a financial institution do not need to do anything, just put a certain amount of money on deposit and receive a monthly profit. In this case (if such conditions are provided), the citizen can replenish the deposit balance after concluding the agreement. Accordingly, the more money is deposited into the account, the more passive income a person receives. That is why this practice has long been popular in Europe and the USA.

As practice shows, most people prefer to save money in foreign currency the old fashioned way. This is not surprising, because in this case you can not only save significantly, but also make a profit depending on exchange rate changes. This is why foreign currency deposits in Belarusian banks are so popular today. Belarusbank has been offering similar services to clients for many years. Thanks to favorable conditions, the possibility of monthly account replenishment and other bonuses, this financial organization received the highest ratings. Let's consider the most popular tariff offers from Belarusbank.


Those who are looking for foreign currency deposits in Belarusian banks with a fixed rate should pay attention to this interesting offer. When opening a deposit, the client can deposit a sum of money into the account in US dollars, Russian rubles or euros. In this case, the rate will be 3%. There are no restrictions on the minimum contribution amount. In addition, after 3 months of using the deposit, the client can extend the contract. Deposit replenishment is also allowed. If we talk about payments and capitalization, they are made monthly.

"Your choice"

This type of deposit at Belarusbank is considered the most profitable for those who can deposit more than 15 thousand US dollars or euros on an open deposit. In this case, the benefit will be 5% monthly. If the client deposits from 2 to 15 thousand, then the rate will still be more profitable (4.5%) than when using the “Prestige” tariff.

In addition, speaking about the most profitable foreign currency deposits in Belarusian banks, it is worth paying attention to this offer, since clients receive an additional premium income of 0.5% annually.

"Classic Plus"

Another interesting offer from Belarusbank for those who prefer to store funds in US dollars or euros. When registering a “Classic Plus” deposit for 18 months, the client has the opportunity to deposit funds. Interest payments are made monthly. The only minor drawback is that additional funds can only be deposited after 3 months.

At the same time, when considering the most profitable foreign currency deposits for individuals in a given financial institution, it is worth paying attention to the bonus in the form of 0.6% bonus per annum and the possibility of prolonging the transaction. The interest received can be transferred to your account or received in cash.

"Poste restante"

This is one of the best foreign currency deposits in Belarusian banks, since in this case the client can carry out any operations with the account without restrictions from the financial institution. This is especially beneficial if you plan to store money for a long time. By the way, there are also no restrictions on the period for which the deposit is opened. In this way, you can get maximum benefits.

According to the bank's terms and conditions, deposits of US dollars (at least 1 USD) and euros (minimum deposit of 5 EUR) are allowed.

To be fair, it is worth noting that residents of the country are interested not only in foreign currency deposits in Belarusian banks. Some citizens still prefer the national currency. In this case, it is worth paying attention to other offers of Belarusbank.

"A priority"

Fearing sharp fluctuations in the dollar exchange rate, some are afraid to open foreign currency deposits in Belarusian banks. in this case, they are more stable and profitable. When opening a deposit, the client will be sure that after the expiration of its use, he will receive his savings in full, including additional income in the form of cumulative interest.

In order to start receiving such income, you need to deposit at least 100 Belarusian rubles. After this, during the first month you can top up your account and get even greater profits. Payments are made on the last day of the period specified in the contract.


This is another option for those who trust the national currency more. In this case, a longer storage period for savings is provided (up to 3 years). At the same time, regardless of the economic situation and the state of the exchange rate, the client will not lose his income.

If we talk about the interest rate, then by making this deposit, the client receives 25% monthly and 18% as an annual bonus. In this case, the minimum contribution amount is 10 Belarusian rubles.

Returning to the topic of the best foreign currency deposits in Belarusian banks, it is worth highlighting several more financial organizations that offer quite favorable conditions. For example, at Belagroprombank you can choose from several options for such deposits.


When making this deposit, it is allowed to deposit US dollars and euros (at least 50), Russian rubles (minimum contribution 3 thousand). The main disadvantage of this deposit is the impossibility of withdrawing funds before the expiration of the agreement.

The interest rate in this case can be fixed or variable. In the first case, the maximum 7% can be obtained with a deposit in Belarusian rubles. If US dollars are deposited, the benefit will be 1.8% maximum. When applying for a variable rate, the income will be up to 6% in national currency and 1.3% if USD was deposited into the account.

"25 years together"

This is another offer from Belagroprombank. In this case, speaking about interest on foreign currency deposits in Belarusian banks, the benefit will be 0.3% per annum if the client deposited US dollars or euros into the account. Storage of Russian rubles is also allowed. In this case, the income will be equal to 3.5%. If we talk about the minimum contribution, it is at least 100 US dollars or euros and 5 thousand Russian rubles. In this case, funds can be stored in the bank for up to 370 days. For the first 95 days, the interest rate will be fixed, and starting from the 96th day it will be calculated individually depending on the amount of the deposit and the period of its maintenance.

Payments are made every ten days.

"Growth Line"

This deposit from Belagroprombank is also considered the most profitable, according to clients. Among the advantages, many noted flexible storage periods for funds from 35 to 280 days. At the same time, you can deposit money into the account not only in national currency, but also in US dollars and euros (at least 10).

If we compare it with other foreign currency deposits in Belarusian banks, it is worth noting that in this case the interest rate can only be variable. For some clients, this is more profitable, since in this case you can make a larger profit. By the way, the client receives maximum income if he deposits Russian rubles into the account for a period of 280 days. In this case, the payment income will be 4%. If you deposited US dollars or euros, the benefit will be 0.6% for a period of 280 days.

Charges are made monthly.

Also, in search of the most profitable foreign currency deposits in Belarusian banks, you should pay attention to other financial institutions and their offers.

"Great plus"

This offer from Belinvestbank may be of interest to people planning to receive passive income from their money. This tariff involves depositing Russian rubles for a period of up to 3 months. In this case, the investor does not have the right to claim funds before the expiration of the concluded agreement. If all the terms of the transaction are met correctly, then for the first month of using the deposit you can get 0.1% profit, for the second - 1.1%, for the third - 1.6%. It is noteworthy that when using the bank’s services online, the amount of funds received increases to 2.1% for the 3rd month.

Among the main conditions, it is worth highlighting the minimum down payment threshold. It is 5 bel. rubles At the same time, the client can replenish the deposit at any time and receive a large profit. Interest payments are calculated monthly and can be transferred to the user's account.


Of the wide variety of foreign currency deposits in Belarusian banks, it is also worth highlighting this tariff from MMBank. This financial organization operates primarily online, so the client can carry out all operations independently, without leaving home. This is very beneficial for those who live far from large cities.

If we talk about the features of this deposit, then first of all you should pay attention to the flexible storage period for savings, which the client can adjust to suit himself. The storage period for funds ranges from 3 to 24 months. It is possible to deposit both national and foreign currencies (US dollars and euros).

Of the main advantages of such a deposit, many noted the flexible conditions for early termination of the concluded contract. In this case, you will not have to worry about recalculating interest. However, there are no restrictions regarding making additional contributions throughout the entire period of storage of funds.

Depending on the preferences of the investor, he can choose monthly payments or capitalization of income.

However, it is worth noting the possibility of concluding a contract for a new period. If the deposit is made in national currency, then extension is not provided. When depositing US dollars or euros, the client has the right to enter into a new contract. Its validity period will be the same as when the client first contacted the bank. At the same time, the interest rate remains the same.

Deposit calculator

Regardless of which currency deposit in a Belarusian bank you have chosen, it is worth carefully studying the terms of the transaction. In order to significantly simplify the life of investors, all self-respecting financial institutions offer a special online calculator, which can be found on the official website of the institution. Thanks to this service, a person can see exactly what his real passive income will be. In addition, using this free application, you can choose the most favorable conditions.

However, it is worth considering that the terms of deposits are constantly changing, so before opening a deposit, it is recommended to consult with a representative of the financial institution. Most offers do not involve withdrawal of funds until the end of their storage period. This can cause additional problems if the client has deposited all his available funds.

Separately, it is worth checking with an employee of the financial institution what conditions are provided for when terminating the contract. In some banks, this does not affect the interest rate in any way. However, there are institutions in which this procedure is associated with quite significant losses of funds on the part of the client.


For a long time, residents of Belarus preferred deposits in US dollars. A little later the situation changed a little, and the euro took the leading position. However, today, when deciding in which foreign currency to store money, many Belarusians prefer Russian rubles. This is explained not only by the stability of the currency, but also by the fact that a huge number of Russian banks operate in Belarus and are interested in the circulation of this particular currency. Thanks to this, financial organizations strive to interest a larger number of clients with the most favorable conditions, promotions and bonuses.

If you are not lazy and study all the offers of banks, you can start investing money and receive quite good interest rates for storing it. Thanks to this, some people do not need to work at all, since they receive monthly interest on their deposits.

Currently, Belarusbank allows its clients to open deposit accounts not only in national, but also in foreign currency. The list of programs and banking products is constantly changing and updated.

The bank's goal is to develop conditions that are most suitable for clients. With Belarusbank, accumulating funds is profitable and convenient.

How to choose a deposit

First of all, you should decide on the currency in which it is preferable to make investments. At the moment, the bank services savings programs in the following foreign currencies:

  • U.S. dollars;
  • Euro;
  • Russian ruble.

Depending on the chosen currency, the rate on deposit investments changes significantly.

  1. Urgent. The agreement provides for certain restrictions. For example, you cannot deposit money into your account or you cannot withdraw funds before a certain date.
  2. Poste restante. This is a freer way to invest. Usually it involves both replenishing the account and withdrawing a certain amount from it. Such deposits have a very low interest rate.

Based on the type of currency and the maturity of the investment, the bank creates various deposit programs and fixes interest rates on them.

Current programs in foreign currency

The most popular and in demand are time deposits. They are less liquid than demand deposits. But the bank client can receive more significant income from them.

Time deposits in dollars and euros

At the moment, Belarusbank is implementing the following time deposit programs in USD and EURO:

These are all the programs that are in effect today in relation to the American dollar and the euro. As you can see, the interest rate is not very high. Nevertheless, the money “works” for its owner and is in a safe place. The profitability of such placement can be seen in the additional bonuses that the bank provides for its regular customers.

Time deposits in Russian rubles

Accepted only in Russian rubles. It is very convenient that the terms of the agreement provide for the capitalization of interest, carried out monthly.

The profitability of time deposits in Russian rubles is also not high, as in US dollars and Euros.

Due to the lack of popularity of such investments, demand deposits are represented by only one program, which is called “Demand”. Deposits are opened only in euros and dollars. It can be stored for any period of time, as specified in the contract. The interest rate is 0.1% per year.

If you analyze the situation correctly, then investments in foreign currency are less profitable than in Belarusian rubles. This is due to the instability of the exchange rate. The bank always sets a lower interest rate on deposits in euros or dollars. This is due to the fact that the exchange rate of a foreign currency is usually expected to rise against the Belarusian ruble, and not vice versa. In this case, the deposit owner receives double benefits - from the increase in the exchange rate and from the accumulated interest.

But at the same time, the total amount in equivalent may be less than a deposit for the same period and a similar amount, but in national currency.

In which currency is it more profitable to open a deposit? What are the current maximum rates on deposits in rubles and US dollars? What is the minimum amount required to open a deposit? These and other questions from Komsomolskaya Pravda readers were answered on a direct line by specialists from VTB Bank Belarus - head of the retail business development department Olga Atapovich and deputy head of the retail business development department Dmitry Kmit.

“If you open a deposit in rubles, you can get a Visa Gold card for free”

Hello, my name is Natalya. I have 10 thousand dollars, I would like to put them somewhere for a not very long time. What advice would you give me?

Do you plan to place money in US dollars?

- This is my second question. I was told that it is better to convert into Belarusian rubles, it is more profitable...

If you are having a hard time deciding which currency to place your money in, we generally recommend dividing your savings into several currencies. In this case, exchange rate fluctuations will have an insignificant impact on your savings, and you will definitely not lose. If we talk about terms, our bank offers a fairly wide selection - from 35 days to 3 years. If you open a deposit in US dollars for a period of less than two years, then in accordance with tax laws, you will need to pay income tax on the income. In the case of Belarusian rubles, this rule works for deposits with a maturity of less than a year. Therefore, if you do not plan to spend this money in the near future, we would advise you to divide this amount between a ruble deposit for 13 months and a foreign currency deposit for 2 years. Then all the interest income you receive will not be taxed.

- What will be the rate then?

For an irrevocable deposit in Belarusian rubles for 13 months - 12.5% ​​per annum, for two years in US dollars - 3.2% per annum.

If I open a deposit at a certain rate, is there a chance that it may change? And do you have capitalization?

In our bank, rates on all deposits are fixed for the entire term of the deposit. The bank will not be able to change the size of such rates unilaterally. Interest income on deposits - at your choice, you can either add monthly to the principal amount of the deposit or use this money.

- But for this, you probably need some kind of bank account to receive them?

Yes, at the time of making a deposit, we open a free current account for all depositors. In addition, until the end of February, our bank is running the “Golden Depositor” campaign. Those clients who place an irrevocable deposit of more than 10 thousand Belarusian rubles for a period of more than a year are issued a Visa Gold card free of charge. The card is valid for three years. Visa Gold is not only a bank card, but also the opportunity to enjoy Visa privileges around the world (discounts, special conditions, etc.)

- Thank you, that sounds intriguing!

- Hello! What are your conditions for deposits in Belarusian rubles?

Are you interested in deposits with the possibility of early withdrawal? Or do you not plan to withdraw the money ahead of schedule?

- Which is better?

Rates on irrevocable deposits are significantly higher. But we must remember that, by law, early termination of such deposits can be formalized only in exceptional cases and at the discretion of the bank that accepted the deposit.

- How much do the rates differ?

At our bank the discrepancy is up to 4.5 percentage points. We currently accept revocable deposits in rubles for periods from 95 days to 3 years at an interest rate of 8% per annum. If the deposit is irrevocable, then rates start at 9.2% per annum for a period of 35 days. They will be maximum for deposits over a year - 12.5% ​​per annum.

“To earn more, it is better to open a deposit in US dollars for at least two years”

Good afternoon They gave my daughter money for her 16th birthday, both rubles and foreign currency. What deposit should we open so that by the time she turns 18, this amount will increase? And does everything need to be converted into one currency?

For your case, the optimal deposits will be the “Duet” line, which are opened simultaneously in Belarusian rubles and in US dollars. Currently, the rates on such deposits are among the most interesting among all banks: for Belarusian rubles - 12.5% ​​per annum, for US dollars - 3.5% per annum. You determine the deposit term yourself: it can be 13 months, 2 or 3 years.

- How does this deposit work? Should I deposit the same amounts in rubles and dollars?

Not necessary. The amount in US dollars should not exceed the amount in Belarusian rubles. For example, you place 5,000 Belarusian rubles on the “Duet” deposit. This means that in US dollars you can place any amount up to $5,000 for the same period. I would like to note that deposits are irrevocable; you can withdraw money ahead of time only in case of emergency and in agreement with the bank. At the same time, you will be able to receive interest monthly and use it.

- Thank you!

- I am interested in the deposit in dollars. For what period can it be opened?

We have a fairly diverse range of deposit terms - from 95 days to 3 years. If funds in foreign currency are placed for a period of less than two years, income tax will need to be paid on the interest income. Therefore, it is better for the money to remain in foreign currency for longer than two years, then you will receive all the interest income that will be accrued on the deposit.

- What are your rates on currency?

The interest rate depends on two factors. The first is the deposit term: the longer it is, the higher the rate. The second is the opportunity to withdraw the deposit amount before the expiration date. If we talk about irrevocable deposits, from which you cannot unilaterally withdraw money without the approval of the bank, then the rates on them start from 1.5% (95 days) and go up to 3.4% (three years). This contribution is called "Window of Opportunity". But you can open a revocable deposit, and then you can contact the bank any day and withdraw the entire amount before the expiration of the agreement. But the bets will no longer be so interesting. For example, if you open a revocable deposit for the same three years, the rate will be only 2% per annum.

What kind of deposit do you have in Belarusian rubles for quite a long time, but so that it can be replenished?

Could you need this money before the deposit expires?

- I hope to put the money in such a way that it won’t be touched.

Then I will offer you an irrevocable “Window of Opportunity” contribution. You can place Belarusian rubles for a period of 13 months, 2 or 3 years at 12.5% ​​per annum. For a 13-month deposit, you will be able to make additional contributions within the first 25 days from the date of registration of the deposit, for a two-year deposit - during the first 360 days, for a three-year deposit ------ during the first 720 days.

- What is the minimum amount needed to open a deposit?

The minimum contribution is only 20 rubles. In addition, until the end of February, our bank is running a “Golden Depositor” promotion: when you open an irrevocable deposit in the amount of 10 thousand Belarusian rubles for a period of more than a year, a Visa Gold card is issued free of charge.

- Thank you!

“In order not to lose money on exchange rate differences, it is better to open several deposits in different currencies”

Hello! I want to sell the car in the near future, then I will buy a new one, but not right away. Is it possible at your bank to put this money on deposit, but so that I can withdraw it at any time?

Yes, there is such a possibility. Such deposits are called revocable: the depositor has the right to withdraw the deposit early at any time, and the bank will be obliged to return the money. For how long would you like to open a deposit and in what currency?

- Probably for three months in Belarusian rubles.

Then the optimal “Window of Opportunity” deposit for three months will be optimal for you, the rate on it will be 8% per annum.

- What do you need to do to open this deposit?

All you need to do is come to any bank branch with your passport and the amount of money you want to deposit.

- Tell me, in which currency is it more profitable to open a deposit?

As a rule, rates on deposits in Belarusian rubles are more interesting than rates on deposits in foreign currency. But if exchange rates fluctuate against each other, there is a certain risk. Therefore, we recommend dividing the amount into several currencies and opening several deposits in different currencies at the same time. For example, on deposits in Belarusian rubles for a placement period of 13 months, the rate is 12.5% ​​per annum. This is a fixed rate, it is guaranteed to be valid for the entire term of the contract. For deposits in dollars, rates start from 1.5% to 3.4% per annum depending on the term.

- If I open a deposit with you, will I be able to immediately use the interest?

On all our deposits, interest is transferred to a current account, which is opened by the bank free of charge at the time of execution of the agreement. You have the right to either use this interest or add it to the principal amount of the deposit during the period when the terms of the deposit provide for such an opportunity. Then they will also receive income.

- What happens after the end of the deposit period? Can I somehow automatically renew it?

Upon expiration of the deposit period, the entire amount will be transferred to the same current account. After this, you will be able to choose the best offer for you from the bank’s current line and open a new deposit or make a different decision.

Bank contacts: +375 (17, 29, 33) 309 15 15

CJSC VTB Bank (Belarus). UNP 101165625.

When saving money at home, inflation eats up a large share of savings, and there is a temptation to buy something that is not particularly necessary with this money. To prevent this from happening, you can open a savings deposit in a banking organization, and thereby save and even increase your financial resources. But for this you also need to find a suitable bank.

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What is this

Savings deposit is a bank investment intended for the constant accumulation of money for large acquisitions.

The peculiarity of the investment is that the account can be replenished with small amounts, and funds can also be partially withdrawn. All deposits and withdrawals are shown in your savings account. Savings books can be used to record actions.

Terms of accommodation

Savings accounts, like demand investments, do not have a specific storage period. At the same time, withdrawals are tracked. For savings investments, a certain time is assigned for advance notification of the bank about future withdrawals.

The duration of this time can vary from a week to 90 days. Moreover, the longer the notification time, the higher the interest on the investment. Often, banking organizations limit the number of withdrawals from an account or set partial withdrawal limits and minimum account balance limits.

Which banks offer Savings deposits?

Savings deposits are offered by various banks in Russia: Sberbank, VTB 24, Belarusbank and other organizations. In foreign currency, Belarusbank offers to open a Savings (Revocable) deposit in dollars or euros.

The smallest investment amount is from 100 dollars, euros. Money can be deposited for a period of 36 months. There is no fixed interest rate.

Any Russian citizen can open a savings account from Sberbank of Russia. You can make a deposit in rubles, euros or dollars with additional contributions. There are no restrictions on the deposit amount, and there is no limit on the first payment.

This investment has no time limit. It all depends on the desire of the depositor - for how long he wants to put his money in the bank, so it will be. Moreover, over time, you can decide when the investment will be opened.

When performing natural-expenditure activities, a savings account provides for cash and non-cash payments. You can deposit money into your account in cash, although it is recommended to do such transactions non-cash.

Tariffs in rubles

Bank, depositBidSumTime
SberbankFrom 2.3%From 30 to 2 million rubles.Not limited
VTB 24, Optimal choice9 % From 30 thousand rubles.Half a year, 181, 545 days
Express Volga Bank, Savings +14 % From 1000 rub.From 360 days
MKB, Savings +9,72 % From 1000 rub.Up to 190, 191 and 380 days
Guta Bank, Guta ClassicFrom 7.75 to 11.25%From 5 thousand rubles.From 91 to 1825 days
Gazenergobank9,5 % From 10 thousand rubles.360 days
Metallinvestbank, Savings11 % From 10 thousand rubles.From 1 to 36 months.
Center invest10 % From 100 thousand rubles.3 years
Citibank6,5 % from 2500001 rub.From 12 months

Tariffs in foreign currency

The interest rate on Sberbank savings investments is low. It does not allow opening an account with the goal of receiving additional profit when there is not a significant amount of money in the account.

If the main part of Sberbank’s investments provides for the accrual of interest depending on the amount and account of the investment, then the savings account has a slightly different system for accruing interest.

Rates on Sberbank ruble accounts range from 1.5 to 2.3% per year, euro and dollar accounts - from 0.2 to 1.15%. So, for example, the smallest ruble account rate works in the situation if the account contains up to 30 thousand rubles, and the highest – 2 million rubles.

On a dollar account, the smallest rate is assigned if the deposit has an amount of up to a thousand dollars, and the largest - from 100 thousand dollars. The same applies to accounts in euros.

VTB 24 offers the “Optimal Choice” savings deposit. Under this program, the interest rate depends on the duration of the agreement: the longer it is, the lower the rate. The first six months the rate is 9%, and from 181 to 545 days - 5% per year.

The smallest amount needed to open an account is 30 thousand rubles, and the amount of the additional contribution must be at least 1 thousand rubles. The client can receive the interest accrued from the investment monthly or at the end of the term, and they can be transferred to a card or bank account.

The “Savings +” deposit, which is offered by Express Volga Bank, has the smallest investment amount from 1000 rubles, 100 dollars or 100 euros. You can invest money for a period of 360 days. Monthly interest on the ruble is 14%, on the dollar and euro – 4.5%.

Moscow Credit Bank offers a “Savings +” deposit that opens at a rate of up to 9.72% in amounts starting from 1,000 rubles. and for up to 190, 191 and 380 days.

In Guta Bank you can open a Guta Classic deposit from 5 thousand rubles, in dollars and euros - from 100, for a period from 91 to 1825 days. You can make an investment in rubles at 7.75-11.25%. Replenishment is not provided. Interest is paid every month or at the end of time.

Gazenergobank offers deposits at rates of 9.5% in rubles and 2.25% in dollars or euros. You can deposit from 10 thousand rubles into your account. and from 150 dollars, euros.

Metallinvestbank offers to open a Savings deposit in rubles, dollars, euros for a period of 1 to 36 months. The smallest deposit amount is from 10,000 rubles for individuals, the highest interest rate on the deposit is up to 11.00% per year.

At Center Invest Bank you can open a savings investment for 3 years at an interest rate of 10% and with a minimum contribution of 100 thousand rubles.

Citibank offers a progressive savings account Plus in rubles and dollars for a period of 12 months. The smallest deposit amount is from 2,500,001 rubles for individuals, the highest investment rate is up to 6.5% per year.

Video: Affordable Investments

Interest rate

Interest is usually accrued at the end of the term. Interest rates on savings investments are the highest - 0.25-0.5% higher than on savings investments, and 1-1.5% higher than on settlement ones.

Interest on deposits in rubles

Interest on deposits in foreign currency

How to apply?

The savings account is intended for use by individuals only.

They can arrange it in these ways:

  • Go to a bank branch with a passport or other identification paper.
  • Sign an agreement to open an account and deposit the required amount of funds into it.

Banks also provide individuals with the opportunity to open a savings account via the Internet - on the website of a banking organization.


A savings investment is not created by a parallel deposit and can increase due to constant or inconsistent deposits of the same or different amounts over time.

The peculiarity of savings accounts is that they can be returned immediately after the message or at the end of the appointed time. The liquidity of savings investments is also reflected in the fact that withdrawal of the deposit in exceptional situations is very likely even without the implementation of a preliminary notification interval.

Income calculation

The annual percentage return is the rate paid on a deposit, savings account, or other form of investment. To calculate this ratio, you need to know how often interest accrues to your savings account.

To do this, follow these steps:

  • Divide the annual rate by the frequency of interest payments per month.
  • Add 1 to the result.
  • Multiply the indicator by a factor equal to the frequency of profit deposits.
  • Calculate 1 from the result won.
  • Multiply the result by the account size.

Law on compensation of savings deposits of the USSR

Since 1996, the Russian Federation has been implementing a program to compensate for money lost by the population due to the collapse of the USSR, as well as depreciated during inflation. Compensation is credited to budget funds and paid at the cash desks of Sberbank, where there is data on Soviet depositors.

Such people can apply for compensation:

  • Holders of savings books received before July 20, 1991 at Sberbank and closed during 1992-2014. or still functioning.
  • Heirs of dead investors based on a will under an account or an inheritance certified by a notary.
  • Third parties who buried the account holder.

It will help you calculate the amount of income when opening a deposit and will allow you to better understand current programs.

Belorusbank occupies a leading position in the banking sector of Belarus, providing clients with a full range of services. Deposits for the bank are one of the priority areas, so it offers a wide variety of programs.

Features of deposits:

  • Long periods - the deposit period can be 5 years, and in the case of the Care program even longer.
  • Short terms – The “Guaranteed Income” and “Savings Certificate” programs have a period of 15 days.
  • Large selection of currencies: from national to dollars, euros and Russian rubles.
  • The most profitable deposits are those made in Belarusian rubles.
  • Inclusion of the refinancing rate indicator in deposit rates.

SR – official refinancing rate of the Republic of Belarus.

Programs in Belarusian rubles:

Shelf life Min.amount
first installment
Free choice 11 months
24 months
500,00 12,3%
Classic Revocable for 35 days 35 days 150,00
Classic Revocable up to a year 95 days
185 days
Classic Irrevocable up to a year 3 months
6 months
9 months
Classic Irrevocable up to a year
with fixed interest rate
1 year 100,00 10,7%
Classic Irrevocable for over a year 18 months
24 months
150,00 13%
Internet deposit-Trend
from 1 month up to 9 months 50,00
5,2% - 9,2%
Internet deposit-Trend
from 3 months up to 9 months 50,00
6,7% - 10,7%
Pension Not
0,01 0,5%
Care Unlimited 0,01
Poste restante Not
0,01 1%

Programs in foreign currencies:

Name of deposit Shelf life Min.amount Bid
Classic Revocable up to a year 95 days
100 US dollars, euros
RUR 5,000 rubles
185 days 100 US dollars, euros
RUR 5,000 rubles
Classic Reviewed for over a year 18 months 100 US dollars, euros
RUR 5,000 rubles
Classic Irrevocable up to a year 3 months 100 US dollars, euros
RUR 5,000 rubles
6 months 100 US dollars, euros
RUR 5,000 rubles
9 months 100 US dollars, euros
RUR 5,000 rubles
Classic Irrevocable for over a year
30 months 100 US dollars, euros
RUR 5,000 rubles
36 months 100 US dollars, euros
RUR 5,000 rubles
Internet deposit-Trend
from 3 to 23 months. 100 US dollars, euros
RUR 3,000 rubles
1,2% - 2,8%
2,6% - 6,5%
Internet deposit-Trend
from 3 to 23 months. 100 US dollars, euros
RUR 3,000 rubles
1,5% - 3%
5,1% - 9%
Poste restante Unlimited 1 USD, 5 EUR 0,1%

Calculate an example for yourself by filling out the form provided on this page.

Belarusbank deposit calculator

Rub. $ euro

1.5 years = 18 months, 2 years = 24 months, 5 years = 60 months