Where is the best place to get a loan? How to get a consumer loan for an individual entrepreneur: list of banks and requirements


Successful development of individual entrepreneurship is possible if there are sufficient funds. Not all businessmen have such a financial safety net. What could be easier than borrowing money for your own activities? However, this issue requires careful study, because at the moment there are different loans for small businesses.

Cash loan for individual entrepreneurs

Taking out loans for entrepreneurs with real money is very problematic, but this method is in demand for financing one’s own business. Not everyone can take out a cash loan for an individual entrepreneur, because banking organizations set specific conditions, compliance with which significantly increases the possibility of obtaining a loan for small entrepreneurs. Borrowers with a bad history run the risk of not getting a long-awaited loan.

It would probably be superfluous to say that an entrepreneur is required to have a registration certificate, but the fact that the object must be registered with the tax authorities and regularly pay all fees is an extremely important factor. The period of business activity must be more than six months, and the age of the entrepreneur himself must be from 21 to 60 years. The maximum that an individual entrepreneur has the right to count on is half a million rubles, if you do not provide security, but if you have something to offer the bank from the collateral, then the amount can increase significantly.

You can apply for money at:

  • Alfa Bank;
  • Raiffeisenbank;
  • Sberbank;
  • Sovcombank;
  • OPT bank, etc.

Loan for individual entrepreneurs without collateral or guarantor

Banks offer loan programs that are suitable for different purposes, and loan amounts may vary. If you need a loan for an individual entrepreneur without collateral or a guarantor, then you can’t count on large numbers, since banking institutions must be sure that the businessman will return the money on time and in full. The maximum loan to a small business that you can count on under such conditions will be 100-150 thousand rubles.

An entrepreneur must understand that the bank will more readily issue loans to individual entrepreneurs to those entities that need money to develop their business rather than to pay off salary debts. Before you borrow money, you should think carefully about the purpose of the loan. Among the banking institutions that will lend money for lending to small businesses without requiring any obligations are:

  • Sberbank;
  • VTB 24;
  • UBRR.

Individual entrepreneur loans secured

Banking organizations are happy to issue loans to individual entrepreneurs against collateral, since in this way they gain confidence that the loan will be repaid. If the borrowed funds are not repaid, they will have the opportunity to sell the collateral in order to obtain funds. The collateral can be movable or various real estate, bank accounts, etc. It is worth knowing that such loan offers are provided at a lower interest rate than unsecured borrowed funds.

The amounts of products provided may vary and depend on the value of the collateral. The better, for example, the apartment (elite location, area, developed infrastructure of the area, etc.) provided as collateral, the larger the loan will be. It is important to understand that the client will not receive 100% of the market value of the collateral. You need to be prepared that the bank will offer about 60%, although the figure itself can vary significantly.

Consumer loan for individual entrepreneurs

Since a private entrepreneur is an individual, there are no barriers to obtaining a consumer loan for an individual entrepreneur. The application can be addressed to any bank and you will receive a certain amount depending on the level of income, the security or guarantee provided. Interest rates may vary depending on the bank, the amount requested and the term of the loan.

A similar request can be made to microorganizations that issue express loans without collateral or guarantee. However, it is worth considering that you will have to sacrifice significant sums to repay the loan, because financial institutions set a high interest rate: as insurance in case of non-repayment of the loan and covering their own risks.

Loan for opening an individual entrepreneur

Bankers see no barriers to not lending to a beginning small entrepreneur when he creates his own enterprise or other business. The downside is that credit institutions are at great risk, since only the businessman’s own ideas will be available. As a safety net, the financial institution will offer the beginning individual entrepreneur a small amount to implement his ideas.

The main document that a businessman will need to create a business from scratch and get a loan to open an individual entrepreneur is a business plan, and the more competently it is written, the greater the chance of receiving financial investment in his own startup. A loan to a start-up entrepreneur largely depends on this document, since it sets out all the expected income and expenses.

You can get money to promote your own project not only from banks. The state fully supports small and medium-sized businesses. To get started, you can contact the employment center and present a business plan with your ideas. It is important that you can count on an amount equal to 58,800 rubles. When developing an agricultural business, it is worth contacting the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation to receive a preferential loan. You can start your own business by contacting the Bank for Small and Medium Enterprises under the state support program.

How to get an individual entrepreneur loan

Not everyone is ready to give money at interest to a beginning entrepreneur so that he can open and run his own business. For some businessmen who have been cooperating with banks for several years, it is easier to solve this problem, since they have a trusting relationship, and banks can offer them an overdraft. If an entrepreneur has been cooperating with an institution for several years, then this opportunity can become a real lifesaver.

How to get a business loan if you need money to buy equipment or vehicles? We must not forget that all this can be purchased on lease. This method can be advantageous in that it will not take much time to complete documents, and the overpayment will be minimal, if not zero. In addition to all that has been said, do not forget about the assistance, benefits and benefits provided by the state through SME Bank.

Documents for an individual entrepreneur loan

It’s just that, at a person’s request, a loan can be issued only for consumer needs, and even then for this you will need at least a passport. What documents are needed for an individual entrepreneur loan can be seen in the list below. It is worth considering that each creditor has the right to demand additional certificates or papers (declarations, statutory documents, etc.), so it is important to be prepared for such a turn of events. As a rule, the main documents that will have to be provided to the bank will be the following:

  • passport;
  • A completed application form;
  • individual entrepreneur registration certificate;
  • business plan (for startupers);

Loan for individual entrepreneurs in Sberbank

What does the country's largest bank offer? On the website you can familiarize yourself with the conditions that apply to obtaining a loan for an individual entrepreneur from Sberbank. The simplest ones to obtain are the following:


Submission period

Amount, rubles


Express bail

6-36 months

  • real estate and equipment are accepted as collateral

up to 36 months

  • without collateral.

Business trust

up to 48 months

  • without collateral.

Loan for individual entrepreneurs at VTB 24

You can choose a loan for individual entrepreneurs at VTB 24:


Interest rate

Submission period

Amount, rubles


Express loan

  • minimum set of documents;
  • quick decision making.


  • pledge;
  • registration fee (tariff - from 0.3%).

Investment lending


Loan for individual entrepreneurs at Rosselkhozbank

Depending on the terms and conditions of the loan, the loan rate for individual entrepreneurs at Rosselkhozbank will directly depend. Recently, the bank has launched several products for specific purposes:

  • for the purchase of equipment and machinery;
  • for the purchase of commercial real estate;
  • for the purchase of land plots;
  • for the purchase of farm animals (young animals);
  • for investment purposes;
  • commercial mortgage (mortgage loan).

Among the new products, it is worth highlighting the “Investment-standard” product with the following conditions:

  • maximum provided - 6,000,000 rubles;
  • period for providing funds – up to 8 years;
  • special conditions - an individual loan repayment schedule, the possibility of deferment for up to one and a half years.

Loan for individual entrepreneurs at Alfa Bank

Applying for a loan for an individual entrepreneur at Alfa Bank is easy. There are 2 offers for small entrepreneurs, and no deposit is required:

Loan for individual entrepreneurs at Sovcombank

With a minimum package of documents, you can get a loan for an individual entrepreneur from Sovcombank, and management reporting will not be required. The main advantages are that the decision will be made within 1-3 days, and the collateral can be a car or real estate - these parameters will affect the interest and amount of the loan. Here's what the bank can offer today:

Loan for individual entrepreneurs at Pochta Bank

As for Post Bank, there are no separate bank loans for entrepreneurs. You can take out an unsecured loan for individual entrepreneurs from Pochta Bank on the terms of a simple consumer loan:

Loan for individual entrepreneurs at Otkritie Bank

For a period of up to 3 years, you can get a loan for individual entrepreneurs from Otkritie Bank. The interest rate is not fixed and is calculated depending on the volume of cooperation (service), and is flexible. Money is issued for:

  • investment decisions;
  • contract financing;
  • overdraft;
  • replenishment of working capital;
  • refinancing;
  • express financing.

To do online accounting for individual entrepreneurs, use.

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Most small business owners know how difficult it is for entrepreneurs to get a loan. For an inexplicable reason, banks still consider this category of borrowers to be high-risk. Apparently, the memory of fly-by-night companies that collected loans and disappeared into nowhere is still fresh.

The most common problems are: a high percentage of refusals, unclear documentation, lengthy decision-making, lack of explanations regarding the refusal.

    Financer has collected the best loan offers for entrepreneurs:
  • More than 20 offers
  • Low rates
  • Large range of amounts
  • Any deadlines
  • With a bad history
  • No guarantors
  • Only by passport
  • Delivery within 24 hours

At the top of the page are the TOP 8 options of 2019, recognized as the best, according to popular ratings, reviews, and the opinion of official rating agencies.

To explore more credits, follow the links above.

Why do banks refuse loans to individual entrepreneurs?

The main reason is the unpredictability of financial solvency and insufficient confidence in reliability.

In other words, the bank is not sure that the individual entrepreneur will be financially able to repay the loan and will not abscond with the money received.

It would seem that the entrepreneur is responsible for the loan with personal property (unlike an LLC, the authorized capital of which can be only 10 thousand rubles), but the process of opening and liquidating an individual entrepreneur is extremely simple. This indirectly affects the assessment of the psychological portrait of the borrower - it is believed that LLCs are opened by more serious and trustworthy people.

In addition, an individual entrepreneur is not required to have a legal address. Therefore, it can be located anywhere. Including moving while continuing to conduct business. It is for this reason that individual entrepreneurs who do not have an office, work remotely, or have no employees are especially suspicious. Freelance entrepreneurs have the hardest time getting a loan.

    There are other reasons for refusal of an individual entrepreneur’s loan:
  • tax debts, fines, penalties
  • bad credit history/no credit history at all
  • no home phone
  • outstanding loans
  • low profitability of the company
  • lack of permanent registration in the region where the bank operates
  • residence outside the region where the bank operates
  • living in a rented apartment in the absence of home ownership (the exception is living in a spouse’s apartment)

A tricky nuance is that the company has been operating for less than 1 year. Many banks indicate a minimum of 6 months in their requirements, but when the borrower applies, they are refused. In fact, most often a loan is approved for individual entrepreneurs with profitable activity for more than 2 years.

Does this mean that the bank is deceiving? Not at all. But a loan for activities from 6 to 12 months is more likely to be received by clients who have a legal account with this organization. Because the movement of funds in the account will be visible and more predictable for the assessment system.

Consumer loan for individual entrepreneurs

This option is quite complicated for an entrepreneur. Especially if you need a loan for an individual entrepreneur without collateral or guarantors.

Banks either refuse, or offer to provide collateral, or approve a very small amount. You can increase your chances by providing official income data. But practice shows that even an entrepreneur with many years of “experience” and stable income sometimes receives a refusal.

Which banks are ready to issue loans to individual entrepreneurs?
  • 9.9% per year
  • can be reduced to 6%
  • up to 3,000,000 rub.
  • high approval rate
  • from 12% per year
  • up to 1,000,000 rub.
  • without a trip to the office
  • highest approval rate
  • from 10.5% per year
  • up to 4,000,000 rub.
  • up to 10 years
  • the decision is made in 15 minutes
  • 0% on promotion
  • up to 1,000,000 rub.
  • up to 5 years
  • minimum rate guarantee

Consumer loan for individual entrepreneurs at Sovcombank– issued without collateral or guarantors, but the ownership of real estate/car significantly affects the interest rate downwards.

Attention! Sovcombank mainly cooperates with borrowers over 35 years of age. If your age is lower, it is recommended to contact another bank. Otherwise, the risk of failure will increase.

Consumer loan for individual entrepreneurs in OTP– the bank is ready to approve a loan even for beginning entrepreneurs. The form is filled out on the website. After 15 minutes the client receives a solution. A significant advantage is also the low interest rate and long loan term.

Consumer loan for individual entrepreneurs at Promsvyazbank– the lowest rate among similar offers. 9.9% with the opportunity to further reduce the percentage to 6 over 3 years, without commissions or overpayments. The application can also be submitted online, without visiting the office.

Consumer loan for individual entrepreneurs at Tinkoff Bank– the highest percentage of approval. Like OTP, Tinkoff willingly cooperates with budding entrepreneurs. Open to cooperation with young businessmen over the age of 21. The application is submitted 100% online. The decision is made quickly. Receiving a loan does not require visiting the office - the courier delivers the card with the credited amount to the address specified by the client. An individual entrepreneur’s loan is issued without collateral or guarantors. However, a secured loan can significantly lower your interest rate.

Unfortunately, you won’t be able to get a large consumer loan for individual entrepreneurs without collateral or guarantors, but in the amount of up to 500 count thousands really.

The best option for receiving 100 - 500 thousand rubles.

What documents will help reduce the risk of refusal?

To get a loan, an individual entrepreneur needs to convince the bank of his reliability and financial solvency.

The first category includes: home telephone number, registration in the region where the bank operates, owned apartment. It is extremely difficult for a borrower renting a living space to obtain a loan - according to the logic of the system, he can leave at any time. Own real estate is a good guarantor of stability.

Consumer loan for individual entrepreneurs at 0%

Credit cards for individual entrepreneurs

Unlike consumer loans, credit cards for entrepreneurs approved almost 100% of the time.

The starting limit may be small (up to 30,000 rubles), but constant use of the card allows you to accelerate your up to a maximum amount of 300 – 600 thousand(depending on the card).

The best credit card offers for individual entrepreneurs
  • up to 300,000 rubles
  • 55 days without interest
  • you can pay off other loans
  • home delivery
  • high approval rate
  • only by passport
  • up to 500,000 rubles
  • 60 days without interest
  • points in "Crossroads"
  • 5000 points immediately
  • 10 points = 1 ruble
  • approval – 1-2 days
  • up to 300,000 rubles
  • 56 days without interest
  • 4% per annum on balance
  • high cashback
  • add. bonuses
  • approval from 18 years old

What you will need for registration:

In most cases, a certificate of income is not required - it is enough to clarify the average monthly income.

Moreover, you don’t even have to go to get your Tinkoff Bank card - the courier will deliver it to the specified address at a convenient time.

An ideal option for a constantly revolving loan with an initially small but potentially decent amount.

Express loans for individual entrepreneurs

They are approved by almost everyone and always. Moreover, the individual entrepreneur does not even need to provide a certificate of income, account statement, etc. It is enough to indicate the average monthly income and, in some cases, tell the manager a little about your business.

It is important to consider two disadvantages.

First, a small loan amount. At the first application, it is rarely possible to receive more than 10 thousand rubles, even if you provide documents confirming your income. In the future, the maximum amount could potentially reach 70–80 thousand rubles.

Secondly, a high interest rate compared to consumer loans for individual entrepreneurs. Overpayment reaches 1.5% daily. Often, if you need to receive an amount of more than 10 thousand rubles and the banks refuse, it is more profitable to apply for a loan secured by PTS.

Positive sides– issuing funds in 15 minutes (really urgent) + approval for any credit history and issuing loans to individual entrepreneurs without collateral or guarantee for any level of income.

The best loan offers for individual entrepreneurs in 2019
  • From 0%
  • First loan – up to 10,000
  • Maximum loan – up to 70,000
  • For a period of up to 3 months
  • Almost 100% chance of approval
  • From 0%
  • First loan – up to 15,000
  • Maximum loan – up to 30,000
  • For a period of up to 30 days
  • High chance of approval
  • From 0%
  • First loan – up to 15,000
  • Maximum loan – up to 15,000
  • Open 24/7
  • Almost 100% chance of approval

What you will need for registration:

All microloans are issued 100% online. Approval and receipt of funds rarely takes more than 30 minutes.

An ideal option when you urgently need a small amount.

Business loan for individual entrepreneurs

Beneficial when it comes to business development. Business lending is provided by all banks that work with entrepreneurs and provide account registration services.

Moreover, their own clients are obviously provided with more favorable conditions And greater chance of approval(almost 100%).

The downside is the small chance of approval when applying to banks where you are not a client. A loan for individual entrepreneurs in this case will require the provision of a detailed business plan indicating goals, calculation of investments, direction of spending, and planning of expected profits. Ordering such a calculation in itself costs significant money (from 50 – 100 thousand rubles). In addition, the banking system more closely studies projects provided to non-clients, and the chance of a loan for individual entrepreneurs is significantly reduced.

  • If you have a current account– We recommend submitting an application to your bank first. The conditions will certainly be better and more profitable than in other organizations. Find out more about the types of business loans..

    Mortgage loan for individual entrepreneurs

    It is considered an almost impossible task. Banks are not ready to trust individual entrepreneurs in such a long-term perspective. Most often, an entrepreneur has to look for co-borrowers or guarantors. However, one profitable option was still found.

    Not sure if they'll approve?

    Go through - find out how banks evaluate you and how high your chances of getting a loan are.

To start any business project, start-up capital is required. It takes time to accumulate it on your own. And this will take not 2-3 months, but at least 5-6 years. If you do not intend to wait, you will have to turn to private investors for help or try to get a loan from a bank. Fortunately, this is not as difficult as it seems. Today, many financial organizations are ready to issue loans to small businesses from scratch. All thanks to targeted government support and the federal program for the development of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

Borrowed funds can be an excellent launching pad for a young entrepreneur. But business lending has its own nuances that need to be taken into account. Firstly, a loan is usually issued for specific purposes. This could be business development, starting a new business, purchasing equipment, repaying tax payments, replenishing working capital, etc. You will not be able to use the money in any other way. Otherwise, conflict with bank representatives and supervisory authorities cannot be avoided.

Secondly, to get a loan to start a small business from scratch, you need to provide a business plan. As well as an official certificate confirming your status as an individual entrepreneur, and the right establishing documents for the commercial real estate and commercial equipment you own (if any). In addition, to obtain a large loan, you may need a third party guarantee or other guarantees of your solvency (collateral, intermediation of the SME Corporation, etc.).

Requirements for the borrower

To take out a loan for a business plan, you need to meet the requirements established by the management of the banking organization. Each bank has its own internal standards, which only company employees know about. But, nevertheless, there are general criteria that are more or less the same for all financial institutions in the Russian Federation. These include:

  • citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • age - from 23 to 65 years;
  • business period is from 12 months.

Moreover, the last point does not mean that you will not be given a loan to develop a small business from scratch. It is quite possible to get it, you just need to use one of the government support programs.

Governmental support

The Russian government has long realized the importance of small and medium-sized businesses. To stimulate the entrepreneurial activity of the population, various financial and information support tools are being developed. Moreover, not only federal authorities, but also regional administrations take part in their preparation.

Stimulating SME lending

The small business lending incentive program is one of the largest projects of the SME Corporation. Together with the Ministry of Economic Development and the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the organization has developed a fundamentally new instrument for financing young businessmen. The corporation managed to fix the interest rate on loans from 5 million to 1 billion rubles. at the level of 10.6% (9.6% for medium-sized enterprises). You can get a loan for a small business from scratch on these terms in 45 Russian commercial banks, including Sberbank, Vozrozhdenie, Alfa-Bank, Raiffeisenbank, etc.

Among the financed industries:

  • Agriculture;
  • production and supply of electricity, gas and water supply;
  • food production;
  • construction;
  • connection;
  • freight and passenger transportation.

A loan for the development of small businesses from scratch from the state is issued as part of preferential lending. The guarantor in this case is JSC Federal Corporation for SMEs.

Free loan

You can also receive money for business development free of charge. If an entrepreneur complies with the requirements of Russian legislation and has no outstanding tax debts, he is entitled to targeted subsidies. Moreover, both federal and regional.

To apply for a subsidy, you must first choose a direction. This can be done, for example, on the website of the Innovation Promotion Fund. To start a business from scratch, the organization issues free loans of up to 15 million rubles. Separately, you can get up to 300 thousand rubles. from the regional Ministry of Economic Development as part of a regional competition.

Non-profit foundations

You can take out a loan for a small business, from scratch, without collateral or guarantors, not only from the state, but also from non-governmental organizations. For example, the International Business Leaders Forum (IBLF). Under the “Youth Business of Russia” program, which is supervised by the Youth Business International (YBI) Foundation, you can get a loan of up to 300 thousand rubles for a period of 1 to 3 years. The interest rate is 12%, the debt can be deferred for 6 months.

All you need to apply for a loan is a ready-made business plan. The promotion is designed to support young businessmen, so the age of the potential borrower should be no more than 35 years.

TOP 5 business loans

Most loan offers that are not included in the program prepared by the SME Committee are issued to entrepreneurs whose business has been in existence for at least 1 year. Discussion of individual conditions is possible if there is security or guarantee from persons enjoying the confidence of the management of the banking organization.

5th PLACE: loans from Alfa-Bank JSC

Alfa-Bank is one of the most customer-oriented Russian banks. He actively cooperates with the SME Corporation and provides loans for small businesses from scratch on preferential terms. He also develops his own financial instruments for young entrepreneurs:

  • "Partner". Loan for business development at 16.5% - 17.5% per annum. You can borrow from 300 thousand to 6 million rubles, no deposit is required. A prerequisite is to have a current account with Alfa-Bank JSC. Repayment period - from 13 months to 3 years;
  • "Overdraft". Money for current needs, a kind of “spare account” for the company. Issued for 12 months. The loan size varies from 500 thousand to 6 million rubles. Interest rate from 13.5% to 18%. No collateral is required, but a surety from an individual is required. A one-time fee of 1% is charged for opening an overdraft limit.

If you have just started a business from scratch, then the likelihood of approval is very small

4th PLACE: business loans from JSC Rosselkhozbank

Rosselkhozbank specializes in financing enterprises one way or another related to agriculture and the food industry. Therefore, the company has many targeted lending programs. Entrepreneurs involved in small businesses may be interested in the following loans:

  • "Optimal". Non-targeted loan from 100 thousand to 7 million rubles. Repayment period - 5 years. Issued on the security of real estate, commercial equipment, transport or special equipment. Deferments for debt payment are not provided;
  • "Fast decision". Loan in the amount of 100 thousand to 1 million rubles. The loan term is short, only 12 months. Can be used to pay lease payments or update the material and technical base of the enterprise. Collateral is not required.

Interest rates of Rosselkhozbank depend on the size of the loan and its repayment period. And they are calculated by credit managers individually.

3rd PLACE: targeted loan from PJSC Russian Capital

Russian Capital has a large number of corporate lending programs. But for small businesses, the target package “Business Development” is of greatest interest.

Under this program, entrepreneurs can receive a loan from 1 to 150 million rubles. at 11% per annum. The loan repayment period is up to 10 years. The money can be used to purchase equipment, renovate real estate or replenish working capital. Funds are issued both in the format of a one-time loan and in the form of a non-revolving credit line with a maximum disbursement limit.

To obtain a loan, you must provide collateral and enlist the support of guarantors. The minimum period of business existence is 9 months. Borrowers can be individual entrepreneurs and legal entities that are tax residents of the Russian Federation.

2nd PLACE: non-targeted business loans of Sberbank PJSC

Sberbank has been successfully lending to small businesses for a long time. You can get a loan for enterprise development here using one of three special programs:

  • “Trust” Basic loan for up to 3 years at 16.5% - 18.5% per annum. The client can count on an amount of up to 3 million rubles, no guarantee or collateral is required;
  • “Express overdraft” This loan also does not require collateral. The loan term has been reduced to 12 months, the interest rate is 15.5%, and the maximum amount is 2 million rubles.
  • “Business Turnover” and “Business Invest” These two transfers are very similar, the rate is from 11.8%, the maximum loan amount is not limited, it is determined only by the solvency of the borrower and the value of the collateral. These offers are targeted loans, this is the main difference.

Loan term Business Turnover - up to 3 years, Business Invest - up to 10 years

A decision on the application is made within 3 working days, online registration is possible.

1st PLACE: loans for business development of PJSC Bank VTB 24

A distinctive feature of VTB 24 programs is their clear specialization. The bank has both investment proposals and targeted loans for the development of small businesses from scratch, the purchase of special equipment and other needs. The most popular loans are:

  • "Target" Issued in amounts starting from 850 thousand rubles. for the purchase of equipment and special vehicles from the bank’s partners. Repayment period - up to 5 years. It is possible to defer payments on the principal debt for 6 months. Base rate - 10.9%;
  • "Investment" Can be used to implement various business processes. Amount - from 850 thousand rubles, term - up to 10 years. The rate, as in the previous case, is 10.9%. It is necessary to provide material support;
  • "Kommersant". Express loan for business development at 13% in the amount from 500 thousand to 5 million rubles. You can spread your monthly payments over a period of up to 5 years. The loan is not targeted and is provided against a minimum package of documents (business plan, individual entrepreneur certificate, etc.).

You can apply for a loan from VTB 24 either at the bank’s office or through a form on the official website.

Full list of small business lending products www.vtb24.ru/company/credit/


Small business loan from scratch issued by both government funds and commercial companies. Material support can also be obtained from non-governmental organizations created on the initiative of entrepreneurs themselves. The main thing is to prepare a convincing business plan and find guarantors who will be willing to take on your financial obligations in the event of a crisis.

Features of individual entrepreneur lending in general terms are as follows:

  • the difficulty of assessing the real solvency of the subject (for example, for individuals this aspect is quite easy to assess using a 2-NDFL certificate from work);
  • a higher risk of loss of funds for the bank that issued the loan to the individual entrepreneur (own business itself is associated with greater risks);
  • if an ordinary employee, as an individual employed on a permanent basis, has a regular income, then for an individual entrepreneur it depends on many factors that are quite difficult to predict (although some of them are possible, which is why the bank requires the provision of a business plan);

For the above reasons, many banks want to play it safe and give loans only to those entrepreneurs who have already been operating for a certain time (this period can be from six months to a year).

Also, due to the fact that the income of an individual entrepreneur is unstable, and he can lose his funds at any time and for this reason cease to be able to repay the loan, the requirements of banks for such entities are much stricter than, for example, for individuals.

Factors that banks pay attention to when issuing a loan to individual entrepreneurs

In order for an individual entrepreneur to receive a loan for his business, he will have to fulfill a number of conditions imposed by the bank. The list of requirements to be met includes a certain amount of income, the financial condition of the individual entrepreneur, the period of activity, and the absence of debt on tax payments.

Income level

The point of assessing the income level of an entrepreneur is to identify his solvency. To do this, credit institutions establish a certain level of income at which a loan can be issued. Usually the amount of income for the year is requested.

In addition to the amount shown by the individual entrepreneur, the bank is also interested in the state of the industry in which the borrower operates. Representatives of the most promising industries at the moment are much more likely to receive a loan.

Financial reputation

Credit institutions are always interested in how well the borrower repaid previous loans. Therefore, credit history is studied. If it leaves much to be desired, the entrepreneur will most likely not receive a loan.

In addition, if an entrepreneur has received any certificates or awards in his activities, copies of documents about this must also be provided to the bank, this will influence the decision to issue a loan. Also, some banks study where the borrower directs investments and how he manages profits from activities.

Duration of business

Most loan offers are designed for entrepreneurs who have been operating for at least six months. It is extremely rare for banks to issue loans to those who have been running a business for 3 months or more. This measure is necessary to protect banks from loss of funds.

Thus, it is quite difficult to borrow money from a bank to open a business as an individual entrepreneur (but it is possible as an individual).

Timely payment of taxes

The absence of tax debts, as well as loan debts, is an indirect indicator of the client’s solvency for the bank. If an entrepreneur has a debt to the state budget represented by the tax authorities, this is an indicator of the failure of his business and the inability to repay the debt. The bank will definitely refuse a loan to such a borrower. In order to confirm the regular payment of taxes, the entrepreneur is required to provide the bank with a certificate from the Federal Tax Service.

To take out a loan, an individual entrepreneur must perform a series of sequential actions, the result of which will be the receipt of borrowed funds. As noted above, loans are provided more often to those individual entrepreneurs who have already been working in their field for some time, but money for starting a business is given only as part of government programs to support small businesses.

A feature of a loan for individual entrepreneurs from scratch is the need to have a ready-made business plan, collateral or guarantors.

Individual entrepreneur registration

To receive a loan as an individual entrepreneur, you need to register accordingly in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs. There are 3 ways to register an individual entrepreneur.

  1. Using a special Internet service of the Federal Tax Service. This method is the fastest and easiest. You need to go to the website, fill out the attached form and pay the state fee. After this, the information is sent to the Federal Tax Service, and after a few days you can receive a certificate of registration from the Federal Tax Service at your place of residence.
  2. Registration of an individual entrepreneur directly with a credit institution along with opening a current account. This method is also simple and fast, here you don’t have to do anything yourself, all the work will be done by bank employees.
  3. Registration directly with the Federal Tax Service. This path is the longest and most labor-intensive; additional collection of documents and filling out the necessary forms manually will be required.

Based on the results of providing all the required information to the tax office, the application will be reviewed, and within 3 working days a decision will be made on registration or refusal. If a positive decision is made, you will be able to receive the following documentation:

  • certificate of registration of individual entrepreneur (OGRNIP);
  • extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs (USRIP);
  • notification that the individual entrepreneur is registered with the tax authorities (form 2–3 registration);
  • notification of registration with the Pension Fund;
  • certificate of registration with the Compulsory Insurance Fund;
  • notification that Rosstat has assigned statistics codes.

If anything from the above list is not issued by the Federal Tax Service, you need to get it yourself.

Preparation of a business plan

In order for the lender to assess the theoretical solvency of the borrower, if he wants to get a loan for a business from scratch, a business plan is required. It reflects the key points of a new business for which borrowed funds are taken.

The compiler must:

  • determine long-term and short-term (strategic and tactical, respectively) areas of activity;
  • perform quantitative and qualitative business analysis;
  • determine the volume of production;
  • estimate potential profits and costs;
  • analyze the market segment in which the business will develop;
  • guess what kind of staff is needed for the job.

First you need to decide what kind of loan the entrepreneur needs:

  • express loan (this is a program characterized by minimal requirements, quick decision-making, but with shorter terms and higher rates);
  • consumer (involves the issuance of funds for any purpose, more documents are required, as well as the provision of collateral or guarantee);
  • targeted (a loan for certain areas of spending, this type is associated with state programs to support small businesses, it requires that the activities of the individual entrepreneur be promising, according to the bank, and the individual entrepreneur himself has been running his business for at least 3 months);
  • cash (for revolving and non-revolving lines of credit and overdraft).

According to the purposes for which the individual entrepreneur wants to receive a loan, you need to choose a bank. Having decided on the goal, you need to find out which credit institution provides such a service, as well as where the lending conditions are most favorable for individual entrepreneurs. It should not be forgotten that an entrepreneur must study the requirements of potential creditors in order to determine whether he meets them or not.

Collection and provision of documentation

Banks request the following information about the borrower with the provision of relevant documents:

  • passport;
  • registration certificate;
  • extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs;
  • declarations sent to the Federal Tax Service for the last year;
  • certificate of open accounts in the name of the entrepreneur (also issued by the tax office);
  • statements from these accounts showing cash flows;
  • a certificate stating that the entrepreneur has no tax debts.

The credit institution reserves the right to request other information regarding the activities of the individual entrepreneur.

Getting a loan

If all the above conditions are met, the entrepreneur can receive funds. The bank will need:

  • fill out a loan application;
  • choose a loan program;
  • provide the bank with previously collected documentation;
  • providing the bank with a down payment, collateral or guarantors.

If the bank considers the application positively, the borrower can receive money.

Almost all banks provide lending to individual entrepreneurs. The conditions are somewhat different, but there are some common ones that apply to all institutions. Let's consider banks that provide loans to start a business.


The most famous Russian bank offers its clients loans for:

  • current expenses;
  • purchase of real estate and cars;
  • purchase of equipment;
  • financial support of contracts.

Sberbank has the following requirements for the borrower:

  • The individual entrepreneur must be properly registered;
  • the entrepreneur must be a Russian citizen;
  • The minimum period of activity is 3 months.

An entrepreneur must provide the bank with the following to obtain a loan:

  • constituent documentation;
  • financial documents;
  • documents for collateral (if collateral is provided).

It is also possible to open a current account at Sberbank (Easy Start program) and receive up to 120,000 rubles. for business development. According to various bank programs, you can take out a loan from 120,000 to 5,000,000 rubles. for up to 5 years. The interest rate at Sberbank for individual entrepreneurs is 13% and higher.


VTB offers the Kommersant program. This express loan is available to persons aged 25 to 70 who have been engaged in business for at least a year. This loan is not issued for businesses of a certain type, or when located in certain regions. This program does not require loan collateral, meaning the application can be approved without collateral. It is also important that the business is registered no further than 150 km from the bank’s location. The loan rate will be from 14 to 19%. The borrower can count on an amount from 500,000 to 5,000,000 rubles. for up to 5 years.


Raiffeisenbank offers a business development loan for Express individual entrepreneurs. The borrower has the option of early repayment of the debt. When borrowing, you will need a guarantee from one of the owners of the business.

Registration of an individual entrepreneur must be within 100 km from the city in which the bank where the application is submitted is located.

In addition, you must have a current account with this bank, otherwise the loan will not be approved. The advantage of an express loan from Raiffeisenbank is its quick processing - in just two days. No deposit is required. In this bank, the rate is determined in each case individually, you can get from 300,000 to 3,000,000 rubles. for a maximum period of 5 years.

OTP bank

OTP has higher rates and a smaller amount offered as borrowed funds, but less stringent requirements for borrowers and a smaller amount of required documentation. The loan amount ranges from 15,000 to 200,000 rubles. for a period of one to four years. Interest rate - from 34.9%. In this case, no security is required (no collateral or guarantee is required from the client).

The remaining conditions are standard: the borrower must be a Russian citizen, reside in the territory of the subject where the bank is located, and operate as an individual entrepreneur for at least a year. In addition, OTP imposes requirements on the age of the borrower - from 25 to 65 years.


PSB offers loans for individual entrepreneurs in the amount of RUB 1,000,000 to RUB 3,000,000. at a percentage determined individually for a period of up to 5 years. Promsvyazbank issues an express loan for individual entrepreneurs and legal entities “Simplified”.

Applications are approved within just one business day (if all the required papers are provided, and the package of documents is quite small). The bank does not charge any fees for taking out and repaying this loan.

Promsvyazbank also has requirements for the borrower in the form of age (in the range of 23 - 60 years) and business experience (at least one year). If desired and possible, the borrower may repay the loan early. The bank does not require collateral for this loan. In this case, the individual entrepreneur must be registered no further than 100 km from the locality where the credit institution is located.

How to lower the loan rate for individual entrepreneurs?

As can be seen from the above review of loan offers from various banks, in those of them where no loan collateral is required, the interest on loans is much higher (for example, OTP). Providing a guarantee or any property secured by the bank, as well as applying for a targeted loan, allows you to obtain a loan on more favorable terms.

Applying for a targeted loan

If an entrepreneur wants to reduce the loan rate, he should pay attention to targeted loan programs, for example, for the purchase of equipment. Rates on such loans are usually 1-2% lower per annum.

Providing collateral

Real estate (residential and non-residential premises), equipment and transport can be provided as collateral. Banks are always more willing to issue loans to those clients who can secure the loan with collateral and, accordingly, provide them with more favorable conditions, including reduced interest rates.

It is best if the cost of the property set aside as collateral covers the cost of the loan. In this case, the likelihood of your application being approved will significantly increase.

Providing guarantors

Not only individuals, but also individual entrepreneurs, as well as legal entities can act as guarantors. A surety, like a pledge, is a type of financial guarantee to a bank. If the borrower cannot fulfill its obligations, the guarantor will have to do this. For this reason, the guarantor must have a stable income.

In addition, the entrepreneurial experience of the individual entrepreneur influences the result of consideration of applications. Typically, banks want their borrowers to have been working in their field for at least six months to a year.

It is also important that the individual entrepreneur has a current account in the bank where he plans to take out a loan. Credit institutions treat their clients much more loyally. And not the least important role is played by the borrower’s credit history. If it is good, then a positive response from the bank is much more likely.

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Business loans are issued by banks for various purposes under various programs. There are specific differences between issuing loans for starting a business and for ongoing business development. Loans are also divided into loans for individual entrepreneurs And loans for legal entities. If you need funds for your business, you should carefully calculate the required amount and possible profits from its use. To begin with, it is worth drawing up a business plan with all the necessary calculations - it will be useful not only for your own planning of activities, but also for submission to financial institutions, as confirmation of the goals and intentions of obtaining borrowed funds.
It is now possible to submit an application and obtain a loan for entrepreneurs online on our website. In order to replenish working capital for business development, purchase new equipment or expand production facilities, as well as implement other business plans - now you just need to leave an online application on our website for consideration by credit managers and prompt receipt of funds.
For regular customers, banks can also provide credit lines with revolving amounts in the accounts, thus, having repaid one loan amount on your balance sheet, it becomes possible to take it out again and again.

How to get a business loan?

On our website it is possible to obtain a loan for legal entities, as well as individual entrepreneurs. For the fastest and most complete consideration of the application, you must accurately and truthfully indicate all the data required in the application form. The terms of the loan provide for the availability of all mandatory documents confirming the state registration of a particular business entity, be it a large, medium or small business. And also, depending on the chosen program, you may need a business plan, collateral, for example, in the form of goods or fixed assets, registration of insurance - it all depends on the chosen program and the loan amount.
The main advantages of the programs we offer are flexible lending conditions, including the possibility of early repayment without penalties, a loan term of up to 2 years, low interest rates and, of course, the speed and accessibility of loan processing. Consider our offers and see for yourself their advantages. If you have any questions about the terms of the loan, be sure to contact our competent specialists, who will give a clear and complete explanation of all the details of the agreement and its conditions.