Should you trust Tinkoff Bank? Other reviews about Tinkoff Bank

I have a deposit and 2 debit cards, one of which is the main one, with which I pay in stores (the possibility of remote use is disabled on it) and an additional one for paying for purchases on the Internet. The point of the additional one is not to worry too much about the security of entering card data on different sites (naturally, observing basic rules such as checking the presence of an ssl connection), but it is theoretically possible that someday the card data will be available to someone else. That is why I set a monthly spending limit of 2000. This is the amount that I am willing to temporarily lose (or pay as a last resort) due to my lack of foresight.

On Sunday evening I decided to pay for electricity and gas. After paying for electricity (amount of about 1900), nothing changed in the Internet bank. Those. as if there was no payment at all. I called the contact center to clarify the information, they politely apologized to me on behalf of the bank and said that everything was in order, the information in the information security system had simply not been updated. Okay, everyone has temporary glitches. And then I decided to check the effect of the limits. I go to the Mosoblgaz website, enter the details - 3d Secure confirmation is required. I received an SMS, entered the code - the payment of more than 700 rubles was successful. Both payments were made not through Internet banking, but at the office. websites by entering card details. 3d secure is enabled only on the latter.

It turns out that the total amount paid is more than the established limit! To put it mildly, I didn’t like it at all. I called the contact center to leave a request/complaint. The consultant said that at that time the system was faulty and many people had their card payments rejected. The bank sees the authorization, but there is no data on the payment amounts. And he constantly “reassured” me that he fully understood the essence of my appeal, that there was nothing wrong and adjustments would be made and the corresponding SMS would be sent to me. And to the question “it turns out that since there is no data on the payment amount, then I can now make a purchase for any amount, even more than what is on my card without taking into account limits?” he replied "I can't guarantee that." No comments...

At night (at 0:09 and 0:12) I received the corresponding SMS about the debit, although I have an additional SMS bank account. The card I paid with is not connected. At 0:43 I received an SMS that “the situation regarding call 1-27547415859 has been resolved,” I did not receive any additional comments.

In this regard, I would like to ask a question. How, with the limit set on the card more than a month ago, did it happen that there is currently a negative balance on it? The last SMS indicated that the card balance was RUB 580.78. I see the same thing in online banking. And is it really possible to write off any amount from the card using the bank details when the bank system fails, and the accounts (not credit) will later be “corrected”, even if it is in the negative?

For me, the question is very relevant, because I plan to increase the amount on the card and I don’t want it to be possible to steal it through the details of an additional card on which the limit is set.

I will not give a rating, because it should reflect the general impression of the bank. But in general it is positive, based on my experience of interacting with the bank and what I see from messages from this site. I’ll write my general impression and rating later, when I have more criteria.

The rating of Tinkoff Bank is rapidly gaining momentum, its brand continues to appear on Russian TV screens, as well as on social networks. As a result, even more potential people seek to use the bank’s services. Clients inquire about his activities. But before signing an agreement on mutual cooperation, it is advisable to decide whether it is possible to form an opinion about the reliability of a partner, if you rely only on his direct place in the rating.

Briefly about Tinkoff Bank

The organization began its activities back in 1994 under a different name from today’s “Khimmashbank”. Twelve years passed before this institution was bought by businessman Oleg Tinkov, who also gave it his name. Thus, over time, investors such as HorizonCapital, GoldmanSachs and VostokNafta became co-owners of the new financial institution. The institution personally belongs to part of the TCS GroupHolding PLC group.

The only bank office

There is one surprising fact that Tinkoff Bank has a single office at its disposal, and any customer service is carried out remotely; as for cash withdrawals, it is carried out through ATMs.

But even despite the absence of standard divisions and offices in major cities of the country, as well as remote work, over four million Russians have become clients of the bank to date, which, of course, only confirms people’s confidence in the reliability of the Tinkoff bank they have chosen. Information about the reliability rating is of interest to many.

Internet platform of the bank

In order to serve its borrowers and depositors, the institution uses a high-tech Internet platform; in addition, it daily implements all sorts of the latest developments in this area. This approach helps Tinkoff Bank maintain its leadership position and achieve incredible success in short periods of time.

It is also interesting that in addition to issued credit cards, this bank provides personalized debit instruments, which differ extremely favorably from any competitive analogues, primarily in functionality and the opportunity to receive additional interest on the remaining funds.

Among other things, the organization makes profitable deposits and payments to the accounts of various banks, and also offers cashbacks and many other various services, which will be discussed in more detail below. So, what is the place of Tinkoff Bank in the ranking?

Assets of Tinkoff Bank and its position in the ranking

By conducting a detailed study of information about the bank in question, its direct clients want to determine for themselves the real level of its reliability, the likelihood of long-term and fruitful cooperation with it, as well as the likely prospects for subsequent transformation and development.

For these purposes, most clients do not rely on reviews from Internet users or their friends, but rely primarily on ratings compiled by specialized agencies.

Theoretically speaking, we can say that absolutely any financial structure or analytical firm that has access to basic information receives the right to compile ratings. It’s easy to find out where Tinkoff Bank ranks in the ranking.

In practice, Internet users of the World Wide Web, as well as direct clients and partners, base their popular opinions solely on the top lists of various rating agencies that have acquired a significant reputation in the domestic and international markets.

Reliability indicators

The actual reliability of Tinkoff Bank is formed using the following indicators:

  • The volume of financial assets of the organization. According to one of the Internet portals, last year the bank in question occupied 43rd position among other similar Russian institutions in terms of the size of its own assets. These include all objects that may belong to the company, that is, we are talking about cash, issued loans, securities, real estate, and so on. The bank does not stop buying various assets using its own financial capabilities, in addition, with the help of depositors’ money, as well as concluding profitable credit deals.
  • The increase in valuable property directly depends on the correct and competent adoption of investment decisions, because the funds received are needed in order to increase the overall income of the institution.
  • Amount of deposits. Based on information received by the portal, Tinkoff Bank holds 29th position in the ranking in terms of deposits. Deposits refer to all money that has been accepted by an institution for a specific period of time or on demand. According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, Tinkoff Bank is obliged to return the funds it received to its owners, as well as to pay interest for their use on the terms specified in the agreement.
  • Number of approved and confirmed applications. The Internet portal believes that such indicators provide the Tinkoff organization with a reliable 36th place among its Russian competitors. You can trust the rating for Russia about Tinkoff Bank.

In addition to the listed indicators, it should be noted that interest on a loan also represents one of the main types of profit for an institution; therefore, a significant number of concluded agreements indicate its undeniable profitability and explains its high position in the ratings.

Should you trust Tinkoff Bank?

By conducting a study of ratings compiled on the basis of data provided by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, it can be established that this bank is quite reliable and has excellent prospects for its further development. Customer reviews claim that cooperation with this financial institution will solve any financial problems and difficulties, and will also provide an opportunity to create and increase your savings.

Services provided by Tinkoff Bank

One of the special features in the process of the organization’s activities is the opportunity to receive a credit card in the amount of up to three hundred thousand rubles, and in addition, there is a chance to increase this limit to two million. Such a card will certainly be an excellent solution for anyone who urgently needs large amounts of cash, or this amount can be used as an emergency reserve for various life situations. In terms of deposits and loans, the rating of Tinkoff Bank is quite high.

Compared to others?

Comparing Tinkoff Bank with other similar structures, you can see that it is the bank that provides the opportunity for interest-free lending for a certain period of time. This is an excellent opportunity for anyone who wants to save their money. Among other things, the interest rate of this bank is also not very high, which, of course, attracts a huge number of different clients.

Plus, Tinkoff Bank provides such a unique tool as a personal tariff, which is usually selected based on the data you provide, and which allows you not to overpay extra money when clients take out a loan. What is also convenient, according to customers, is that you can order a credit card from the age of eighteen, and it is absolutely free with direct delivery to your home in any selected region of the Russian Federation.

Possibility of increasing capital

Among other things, Tinkoff Bank allows clients to increase their initial capital by opening deposits on extremely favorable terms. The terms of such financial instruments usually range from three months to three years and allow you to replenish and close your deposits ahead of schedule. Interest rates may vary depending on the currency chosen, but be that as it may, they are always the most favorable compared to other banks. Also, interest on deposits is paid by Tinkoff Bank monthly, which is certainly very convenient for all clients.


Thus, over the time since its opening, this bank has not only been able to acquire a significant number of clients in all cities of Russia, which already amounts to millions of people, but has also become one of the most popular financial institutions in the CIS countries, having high ratings, which is evidenced by benefit of its undeniable reliability.

The bank has licenses and all the necessary documents, and regularly publishes all information about its work. Tinkoff is also included in the compulsory insurance system for all deposits. This system fully guarantees the protection of the rights and interests of investors.

The bank has all the necessary licenses
The bank is included in the compulsory deposit insurance system

Myth: Tinkoff is a soulless corporation. The bank only issues cards and does not have actual branches. The question arises as to where bank employees generally work?

Reality: We imagined many offices in which employees work, wearing identical suits. At the same time, there are computers, telephones and the necessary papers on the tables. However, at Tinkoff Bank everything works differently. It’s difficult to immediately understand that you are in a bank.

More details about the bank's products can be found on the official SITE

Myth: Tinkoff prints a large number of cards and sends them to clients by mail. At the same time, some people activate these cards and will use them, while others will not react to them in any way and will not use them.

Reality: The bank has a long history of development and has been operating since 2006. Oleg Tinkov created a completely new financial product in which the bank operates remotely. This means that there are no actual bank branches and all transactions are carried out remotely. This significantly increases work productivity. The idea of ​​such an organization was borrowed from large American banks, such as Capital One and Wells Fargo Bank, which have proven themselves well due to their stability and reliability. To begin with, the bank sent out dummies, not real cards. At the same time, an application form was attached to the card. Most customers did not then understand that the cards were not real.

Myth: If the bank is not real and there are no branches, then it is impossible to work with it. How then can you open an account and invest large sums of money?

Reality: Tinkoff initially relied specifically on working on the Internet, and on remote management of funds and all assets. This made it possible to quickly and clearly resolve any issues that arise at a distance. Today, all work is carried out using the fourth version of the software product, which has increased security measures, including authentication using the user’s fingerprint. This allows for maximum protection of deposits and all transactions of bank users.

Myth: Tinkoff Bank constantly issues a large number of credit cards, to everyone.

Reality: In fact, the bank operates according to a complex and modern system. Experienced analysts work here. When submitting an application, bank specialists take into account a large number of criteria and factors. This applies to the client’s age, area of ​​activity, and financial situation. The bank also carefully studies the history of credit transactions in other banks. If necessary, information is viewed even from social networks and other sources. The important factor is that all sources of information and data are taken into account. This makes it possible to quickly determine who the bank is dealing with, a decent person or a swindler.

Myth: The cards are delivered by young people, which does not inspire confidence.

Reality: In Moscow alone, Tinkoff employs more than 300 people, and in other regions there are more than 1,000 employees. All employees undergo complex testing and training, which ensures a high level of qualifications. Also, specialists from other structures are not hired, so as not to introduce stereotypes and dubious work methods into the work.

I want to open a deposit account. Can you trust Tinkoff Credit Systems Bank? and got the best answer

Answer from Vasya All-in[newbie]
Not too colorful)
-Free withdrawal of funds from a debit card "worldwide"
here’s the catch, for example, you come to Ukraine, go to the nearest ATM, withdraw money. Tinkoff Bank, of course, won’t take anything from you.
But the Ukrainian bank will charge a fixed amount for sending a request to another bank to find out the account balance. + will also take a % for currency conversion)
Regarding 11% per annum, it’s also not the best)
You can invest at high interest rates, too bad you can’t leave me links. . take a walk) or English enter the Yuwork website. su
Vasya All-in
yes, and there is not enough information there yet) a new site with links to other sites, it is like an intermediary..

Answer from 2 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: I want to open a deposit account. Can you trust Tinkoff Credit Systems Bank?

Answer from Artzoosalon Area[guru]
Here in Kazan they don’t really trust...

Answer from Gaaaa Garin[newbie]
do they have offices? teach. Until recently, Tinkof only issued loans. they are often not returned. but Oleg knows what he’s doing along the way :)

Answer from Daring wolf[guru]
Well, I’ve had them there for like six months now and they haven’t gone anywhere!

Answer from Night DoZhor)))[guru]
It’s not worth it, if only because this is the first time I’ve heard about this!

Answer from Max[guru]
very colorful, especially cashback...
I opened a deposit with Home Credit, overall I’m happy, maybe I actually found a good branch in Vladykino (in Auchan), they explained everything, plus I opened a card linked to the deposit, and turned on the Internet bank. so that from home you can see how much the account balance is on the current date. And how happy you were when the interest came in. for the next month.

Answer from Yergey Suslov[guru]
I made a deposit at TKS Bank when the annual interest rate was still 12%. Everything is fair and convenient. I received a 1.5% bonus for the transfer.
But now it is far from the most profitable investment! Rates now reach 12.5% ​​per annum! At the same time, the guarantees are the same everywhere - state insurance in all banks of the Russian Federation in the amount of up to 700 thousand rubles. along with interest. No risk! And Sberbank is not for deposits at all!
If necessary, I can help with finding profitable investments as a financier.

Answer from[guru]
Normal bank. I “moved” there myself from Svyaznoy Bank.
The interest rates on deposits are some of the best, although if you look for it, you’ve come across somewhere between 0.5-1% higher interest rates in other banks (even taking into account the 1.5% bonus when topping up by bank transfer).
Well, regarding reliability, all deposits in TKS, as in other banks of the Russian Federation, are insured (state insurance) for an amount of up to 700 thousand rubles.
In general, everything is the same as everywhere else, because I don’t know other banks where depositors are more or, on the contrary, less protected than in TCS.
Good service, quick problem resolution and excellent online banking. Satisfied.

Answer from Haus[guru]
Great bank! All of Tinkov’s projects are worthy of attention and of high quality. And the most important thing that most banks do not provide is convenience.

Answer from Valentina Valova[newbie]
There are options for people with a bad credit history to take money without certificates, for example