How much to sterilize liter jars. How to sterilize canning jars

In order for our canned jars to stand all winter and not deteriorate, they must be perfectly clean, for this it is necessary to sterilize the jars and lids.
Banks should be free of chips and cracks, lids without damage.
Thoroughly wash jars and lids before sterilization. I tend to wash the jars with regular baking soda.

Then I rinse well under running water.
Here are some ways to sterilize jars.

How to sterilize empty jars

1.How to steam sterilize jars

This was probably the most common method of sterilization.
So sterilized jars, even my grandmother.
What you need for this: take a pan, cover it with a net (diverter, splash screen when frying), put jars on top (upside down), boil water in a pan. Steam sterilize jars.

Instead of a divider, you can use a special nozzle for a pan (available at hardware stores) with a notch for a jar.
I have an old nozzle, for one can.

Now they produce modern nozzles for 2, 3, 4 cans and a more attractive look.
Still, you can use a regular kettle (but not electric). Boil water in the kettle, remove the lid and replace it with a jar.
Banks with a volume of 0.5-0.75 are sterilized for 10 minutes; liter jars are sterilized for 15 minutes; two-liter - 20; three-liter - 25-30 minutes.

2.Sterilization of jars in a saucepan (by boiling)

For this method, you need to take a pan. Pour water into the jar(s), put the jar(s) in a saucepan and fill the jar(s) up to the neck with water.

We bring the water to a boil and, after boiling the water, sterilize the jar (s) with a volume of 0.5 - 0.75 - 10 minutes; liter jars are sterilized for 15 minutes; two-liter - 20; three-liter - 25-30 minutes.
When I sterilize jars this way, I also sterilize the lids along with the jars.

3. How to sterilize jars in the microwave

Pour 2 cm of water into clean jars with a volume of 0.75 or 1 liter (pour a little more water into larger jars). Put the jars (without lids) in the microwave, turn on the power of 900-1000 watts for 5 minutes. The water should boil.
It is very important that there is always water in the jars, otherwise the jars may burst.
Larger jars, sterilize a little longer.
2 and 3 liter jars can be sterilized lying on their side (do not forget to pour water!).

4. How to sterilize jars in the oven

This is my favorite way. In this way, jars of any size and in large quantities can be sterilized. And along with the jars, I sterilize the iron lids in the oven.
Wash the jars and put them in a wet state in a cold or slightly warm oven, on a baking sheet or on a wire rack, upside down.

Turn on the oven, bring the temperature to 150*C. And after the oven warms up to 150 * C, we sterilize the jars for the required time.

Banks with a volume of 0.5-0.75 are sterilized for 10 minutes; liter jars are sterilized for 15 minutes; two-liter - 20; three-liter - 25 minutes.
Together with the jars, I put clean and wet lids on the grate (only metal ones, without rubber inserts).

Whichever way you sterilize the jars, be careful, the jars are very hot and easy to burn. Use kitchen gloves or mittens.
Now, in sterilized and hot jars, it remains to put our delicious blanks and close with sterilized lids.

How to sterilize jars with blanks

Very often there are recipes where it is necessary to sterilize jars already with blanks.

1. How to sterilize jars with blanks in boiling water

You can sterilize blanks in boiling water (this is the most common method).
To do this, take a wide pan, put a napkin or towel on the bottom.

Place the jar(s) and pour water (the temperature of the water should be the same as the temperature of the blanks, if the water in the pan is cold or very hot, the jar may burst). The water should reach the shoulders of the jar. Cover the jar(s) with lids (do not close, just put on top). Bring the water to a boil and after that, sterilize the workpieces as much as indicated in the specific recipe.

If there is no specific sterilization time, then most often jars with a volume of 0.5-0.75 are sterilized for 10 minutes; liter jars are sterilized for 15 minutes; two-liter - 20-25; three-liter - 25-30 minutes.
Be careful, the jars are very hot!

2. How to sterilize jars with blanks in the oven

For me, the most convenient way sterilization of jars with blanks is sterilization in the oven.
Place jars with blanks on a baking sheet or on a wire rack and send to a cold or slightly warm oven.

Cover the jars with lids (do not twist, but simply put on top). Bring the oven temperature up to 120*C. And after the oven warms up to 120 * C, sterilize the jars as much as indicated in the specific recipe.

If there is no specific sterilization time, then most often 0.5 jars are sterilized for 10 minutes; jars of 0.75 are sterilized for 15 minutes; liter jars are sterilized for 15-20 minutes.
It is necessary to get the jars out of the oven in special kitchen mittens, holding the jar with both hands by the sides. Be careful, it will be very hot!

How to sterilize lids

Before sterilizing caps, check that they are undamaged.
You can sterilize the lids in a hot oven (see above - Sterilizing jars in the oven).
Can be sterilized together with jars in boiling water (see above - Sterilization of jars in a saucepan (by boiling)).
Most often, I sterilize the lids in a small pot of boiling water.

Sterilization time 10 minutes. In order not to burn your hands, it is very convenient to get the lids with meat tongs.

Good luck and delicious preparations to you!

There are two main, most common ways to sterilize jars directly with seams. This is the processing of cans with blanks in boiling water or in an oven.

As part of this material, all questions and important points will be considered on how to sterilize jars in an electric oven with blanks. One of the safest ways to sterilize jars, which is very popular with housewives. Here you will learn how to sterilize jars with blanks in an electric oven.

Advantages of sterilizing jars with blanks in an electric oven.

There are many methods of sterilization. Now I will tell you how to sterilize jars in the oven with blanks. This method is the most convenient. Sterilization of blanks is divided into 2 stages. Stage 1 this is the sterilization of empty jars and lids, Stage 2 sterilization of finished products.

How to prepare jars and lids for sterilization

Stage 1 - Preparation of jars for sterilization

A mandatory sterilization rule is the cleanliness of the jar and lid! Regardless of which preservation recipe is chosen: jam, salads, compotes, sterilizing empty jars is a must.

It seems to many that this process is complex and rather tricky, although, in fact, it is simple and competently takes a minimum of time.

The easiest process to sterilize empty glass jars is to use an oven.

A mandatory element of seaming is not only a clean and sterilized jar, but also a lid. The lids cannot be sterilized either in the oven or in the microwave. But it will be enough to boil them in water for a quarter of an hour.

We know how to sterilize jars and lids, and our blanks will stand for a long time! But that's not all, you need to perform the main sterilization of cans with blanks in an electric oven.

Sterilization of jars with blanks in an electric oven.

Sometimes the recipe provides for the sterilization of cans with blanks. Many homemade recipes call for sterilizing vegetables or salads in a jar. This procedure can also be easily carried out in the oven. This can be done without much difficulty. The meaning of the action is the complete destruction of all bacteria and fungi that can spoil canned foods and harm human health.

If you need to roll up a salad for the winter in sterilized jars, which has also been heat-treated, put the hot contents in warm jars. In the event that the contents of the jar are cold, do not forget to cool the jar so that it does not burst. You can leave the jar unused for a while, just turn it upside down on a clean towel. Sterilization of jars with blanks in the oven is carried out only on condition that the containers are intact - without chips and cracks.

They put the necessary pickles, jams or marinades in the jar. We do not cover jars with blanks with lids.

In the oven, containers are placed on a wire rack or on a tray. We put the banks in such a way that they do not touch each other.

Summer vitamins in winter are in pickles. But the quality of canned food depends not only on a good harvest and careful processing of storage containers. Even our grandmothers taught such a method of successful canning as sterilization of jars.

Too much work has been put into each jar of jams, pickles, salads to handle at random. But how pleasant it is to open fragrant raspberry jam or bite off a spicy tomato in winter. Do not neglect the advice of experienced people, because every little thing is important in the processing of containers. The more carefully you treat the procedure, the longer the pickles will be stored. It is easy to check the quality of sealed containers - saliva flows from one aroma. Not a single winter greenhouse fruit can be compared with summer canned food.

Yes, it's a lot of work, but it's worth it. By the way, modern developments and devices greatly facilitate the pickling period.

Why sterilization of jars is necessary before canning

In the fruits that we preserve, an individual microflora is formed for the life of bacteria. And there are a lot of microbes everywhere, including on the walls, the bottom of glass containers. High temperatures usually destroy them. When the jar rolls up in a "raw" form, microorganisms immediately begin to multiply and eventually defeat the beneficial properties of the fruit. Fermentation brings salting to the appearance of mold, turbidity of the brine and explosions.

The bacteria themselves will not bring harm, but the result of vital activity is dangerous. In a closed space, they not only create fermentation, but also accumulate poisons, for example, in mushrooms. Everyone has heard of botulism. Toxins kill a person even in small doses. Although outwardly canned food can retain an appetizing appearance, an infection has already settled inside.

Only heat treatment and hygiene will save you from the risk, because the container itself must be thoroughly washed before the process. Inspect for chips, damage and cracks. Detergent sometimes leaves a coating on the walls, so it is better to clean the jars with soda, or rinse with plenty of water.

Steam jar sterilization

One of the oldest methods that we observed throughout childhood, how grandmothers held dishes over boiling water. But there are several ways to steam exposure. It may not be as effective as sterilizing jars in the oven, but every year it is successfully used again and again. In steam conditions, there is such a minus as sterilizing jars with blanks. Only empty containers are cleaned for a couple.

So, the first steam device is a kettle, coffee pot, any device with a narrow neck, on which a jar is put on. A container with a capacity of a liter is held over the kettle for 7 minutes, “three rubles” - twice as much. First, drops flow down the walls, and when the treatment is completed, the moisture is dried.

In a pot of water is another method that will help with steaming. Until now, special nozzles or lids with holes are sold that overlap the diameter of the dishes. The steam escapes through the holes and enters the inverted glass containers. You can replace the nozzle with a sieve, but a lot of hot steam will go past the cans. How many minutes to douse the dishes, we determine by eye.

Steam processing. You can cook and sterilize in it. We create steam in the cooking mode, for 15 minutes the water boils, and the jars warm up. But double boilers are not very roomy, which means that you will have to stand longer in the kitchen.

How to sterilize jars in the microwave

Considering that salting vegetables is a painstaking and difficult process, a microwave oven will facilitate the work. Sterilizing jars in it is quick and easy. How to sterilize jars in the microwave? As you wish: empty, filled with liquid or even with fruits inside. One condition - do not close the container with lids, otherwise they will explode.

Steam treatment

In the microwave, jars filled with water by 2-3 centimeters are sterilized. Use filtered, purified or well water. From the tap can leave plaque.

We turn on the device at a power of 700-800 watts. Small cans are processed for about 3 minutes, large ones take longer.
The point is to boil the liquid. Hot steam is released from the bubbles, which kills germs inside the oven. In this case, the liquid evaporates and you can use it to navigate whether the process is completed or not.

It is easy to burn yourself when taking out the dishes, so use an oven mitt. Another nuance: the glass after processing is fragile, do not allow a temperature drop, take it carefully, carefully rearrange it until it cools down.

Pour out the excess liquid and immediately fill the container with vegetables. Those jars that are in line for filling are turned upside down on a dry, clean towel. We put on the bottom only at the moment of filling with fruits.

If the three-liter container does not fit in the oven, put it on its side and pour in a little water. The capacity of the microwave is limited, so putting more than 5 cans inside will not work.

Dry processing

If you want to try steaming empty containers, pour the liquid into another container, such as a glass. Scroll the dishes longer until the contents of the glass boil away. The easiest way to sterilize jars in the microwave.

Processing with blanks

Additional processing will not damage compotes, mushrooms, juice or salads like lecho. There is little vinegar in them, and they will be stored in extremely sterile conditions. This method of heat treatment will not harm the vegetables, they will not cook and remain crispy.

The dishes are filled with salad, topped up with a little water, put in the microwave, while removing the lids.

Scroll for 5 minutes under the influence of waves.

With both hands we take out the pickles, pour boiling brine on top, twist tightly.

Without evaporation, sterilization in the microwave is impossible: the walls of the container simply will not be cleaned.

The only disadvantage of the method is the high consumption of electricity.

How to sterilize jars in a slow cooker

Fill half the bowl with water. Close and turn on to a boil.

As soon as hot moisture has gone, open the lid and put the jars upside down. We use the "steamer" or "boil" mode. You can turn off the device when condensation flows down the glass walls. Pour out the remaining moisture and put salting in the dishes.

In the same way, vegetables that are already laid out inside are sterilized along with jars.

Sterilization in the oven

How to sterilize jars in the oven? Simply arrange dishes of different capacities on a baking sheet or on a wire rack. This is more convenient than sterilizing jars in a saucepan. At the time of placement, it should be slightly warm inside the cabinet to avoid drops.

If you turn the neck down - you will get the jars clean and dry. With the usual arrangement, a white coating from evaporation will remain on the bottom.

Lids, by the way, can be laid out side by side. They will also be heat treated.

We turn on the oven for maximum heat for 10 minutes. The “convection” mode will help us, at the same time the upper and lower airflow is turned on.

After turning off and leaving the jars inside until completely cooled. If you run cool air, the glass may break. In the case when you are in a hurry and the container is urgently needed, slightly open after a while, take out still hot jars. They will cool down already on the table, covered with a clean piece of cloth.

Plus sterilization in the oven - absolute sterility. The temperature is higher and envelops the dishes from all sides, so there is no chance for microbes to live. And the capacity of the oven allows you to complete the process faster.

There are differences when carrying out the procedure in the oven gas stove. We put the dishes in a cold stove. First, heat over low heat, then add heat to a standard temperature of 180 degrees. Then open the door and let it cool down.

Sterilization in boiling water

Principle: we put the container in the container. We take a capacious pan, pour a third of the water, put a layer of cloth or a thin stand like a cutting board on the bottom. We put canned food on it, filled below the neck by a couple of centimeters. The main liquid should not boil profusely, make the fire a little less and simmer.

Stick to the processing schedule so you don't overcook the vegetables. We take out strictly according to the instructions. Hot cans can easily slip out of your hands. We grab it tightly with a towel, put it on the table and quickly twist the lids. Do not forget to turn the pickles over the neck, cover with a heater and leave to cool “under a fur coat” for several hours.

Processing schedule in this way:

  • Half liter - 10 minutes
  • Liter - 15 minutes
  • 2 liters - 20 minutes
  • 3 liters - 25 minutes

This process is known as pasteurization. Usually it saves canned food with a small amount of vinegar, natural, without preservatives.

Pasteurization is also good for filled containers, already with vegetables and salads inside.

Sterilizing jars in the dishwasher

Housewives can relax while the device does the work for them. The container does not have to be washed in advance. Just put in the car and turn on the desired mode. We choose the highest temperature, do not put dishwashing detergent. But it is worth considering that the maximum heat is 60 degrees. This is not enough to kill all germs. This method is suitable for some types of blanks.

But there are also pluses. The hostess is free while processing is in progress, you can do vegetables at this time. You don't need to keep track of time and constantly monitor, as if something did not explode. The dishwasher is spacious, it includes up to 20 containers at once. In this case, it is better to boil the lids separately. Given the low heating of the water.

Frequently asked questions about sterilization

Many housewives are accustomed to proven methods for cleaning containers for pickles. Therefore, new methods are not familiar to everyone. And inexperienced housewives even learn to cook according to the advice. There are questions that clarify the subtleties of the process. So, the most popular.

Do jam jars sterilize, do compote jars need to be sterilized

Without sterilization, not a single product will “survive” until spring. Though jam, even compote. Microbial treatment is required. Steam and heat create sterility in a closed container, which is why the procedure itself has such a name.

There are not so many preservatives in compotes, only sugar, and that one - in medium doses. Fruits and berries in syrup would be stored longer. And the compote must be carefully processed.

You can easily boil compotes in the oven. They are processed without any extra effort.

For jam, processing is needed if you close it with metal lids. Jams are stored even under plastic ones, but at a colder temperature.

How to sterilize jars of lettuce, how much to sterilize jars of cucumbers

Different recipes - different times and methods. Many believe that tender cucumber fruits are easy to digest. With such canned food, you should be more careful and use only gentle methods. Salads are processed by any means, but within a specific time.

If subtleties are not indicated in the recipe, then stick to the container volumes. If half-liter and liter containers are on average kept in the heat for 10 minutes, then bulk pickles - up to half an hour.

During sterilization, jars with salads are not tightly closed - this is the rule. They can be boiled in boiling water, or put briefly in dry heat.

As for cucumber preparations, a common method is the classic pasteurization, when fruits are poured with boiling brine, and the full container is immediately placed in a saucepan and continues to be cooked in it. This method takes 10 to 30 minutes.

The double filling method will reduce the sterilization time. Pour boiling water into the container filled with cucumbers, let it brew, then drain back into the pan. After the second boiling, we fill it completely, twist it and no sterilization is required.

It is cucumber twists that can be insured with preservatives. Drop a little more vinegar, or hot pepper and mustard, and the workpiece will stand until spring. Dill, garlic, and other spices also help keep summer labors going.

A controversial way is to process cucumbers in the microwave. Someone is trying and quite successfully, demonstrating a crispy snack in winter. But most cooks reject. These are tender fruits that can be easily cooked. How microwaves will affect them is a question. Here you can harm both the power and the processing time. Such saltings, of course, will stand, but how then can they be eaten soft?

How many minutes to sterilize jars

With steam:

  • Volume of half a liter - 10 minutes,
  • liter standard - 15 minutes,
  • "one and a half" - a couple of minutes more,
  • add another 5 minutes when sterilizing two-liter,
  • and for the longest time we keep a couple of three liters - up to half an hour.

When boiling and processing directly in boiling water, the cleaning time of the jars does not change.

The procedure in dry oven heat looks like this:

  • 10 minutes - the volume of a liter,
  • 15 minutes are allotted for 1.5-liter containers,
  • two-liter is enough for 20 minutes,
  • We keep a container of three liters in the heat for 25 minutes.

Please note that the processing time varies (on average by 5-10 minutes) if jars filled with food are being sterilized.

What temperature should jars be sterilized at?

Depends on the method of sterilization and devices included in the process. Experiments with water - these are pots, water baths, a double boiler, a slow cooker act during boiling. While the liquid heats up, only the glass adapts to warming. Moist air kills microbes. That is, the heating should be at least 100 degrees.

When we use microwaves, we set the power depending on the model. The average processing power is 900-1000 watts. It allows the water to boil inside and supply evaporation. As a result, the heating of the liquid is also at least hundreds of degrees.

Carrying out the procedure in the oven, find the "golden mean". Some housewives turn on the maximum at the beginning, and then a gentle mode to maintain heat. Others smoothly heat up and hold no more than 150 degrees. The higher the degree, the greater the test for the glass.

How to sterilize jars with blanks

Usually processed canned food filled with mushrooms, salads and adjika.

The first and most famous method is in boiling water in a saucepan. The liquid level should be above the middle of the pickles.

We protect the bottom of glass containers from the hot bottom of the pan: we cover it with improvised material.

We only cover the lids, not tightly.

Upon completion, roll up tightly, put under a warm blanket and cool.

You can put the jars in the oven with the salad inside. Again, do not twist immediately, just cover from above. First, heat slowly, then add heat so that the glass gets used.

At the end of the session, roll up the lids.

The convenience of this method is to reduce the time, because the oven allows you to put a lot of containers in it, on two floors.

How to sterilize lids

Before starting, check the covers for damage, dents and rust. If an elastic band passes along the border, we look at the tightness of the fit. These are disposable items. But screw caps can be used for several years in a row. Although, this topic is controversial. Many housewives believe that it is worth using them once.

Both the one and the other type are dipped in boiling water for 3 minutes. It is important to properly extract the metal from boiling water, because if you again take hold of the sterile surface with your hands, mold in pickles cannot be avoided. Use special tongs, for example for meat. Wash them beforehand
or in the oven they will be processed together with banks. Heating temperature from 100 to 200 degrees.

We don’t even think about putting metal parts in the microwave oven.

How to sterilize empty jars

Before the main procedure, preparation and cleaning of the container itself is important. Here, each housewife uses her own proven technology, which is familiar in the family and as taught by grandmothers and mothers. Take the time, fill the container with water for several hours, let the adhering pieces of dust and dirt soak. This will make it easier to wash later.

Next is the wash. Someone trusts ordinary laundry soap. Others use chemicals (powders, gels). Most cheap remedy, which is always at hand - baking soda. Its granules clean off dirt and do not leave a plaque that is harmful to health. While chemicals need to be washed off for a long time in large quantities of water.

The old-fashioned way is to simply put the jars in a saucepan, fill with water and turn on the stove. Provided that the house has a large volume of dishes, so that several containers enter at once. We cover the bottom with a material, you can use a towel so that the glass remains intact. The jars are completely covered with liquid, located upside down. It is important to keep the distance between the containers so that they do not crack when boiling. Process time - 15 minutes.

As a rule, 4 main types of processing are used. With the help of dry heat in the oven, the microwave cooks in waves. Steam sterilization takes place on the stove, by heating water or in an electric kettle, on which it is convenient to place containers for conservation. Any cookware that emits open steam, for example, a pressure cooker, is suitable here.

Busy housewives, of course, want to save their free time. Therefore, it takes into account how many cans can be fried at a time. The oven enters the most, so it is most often used. The only advice is don't take it. hot jar by the neck: the glass is fragile at this moment, it can burst and damage.

In fact, modern developments give more possibilities sterilize quickly. In order not to stand over the banks for a long time, an autoclave, a slow cooker, a dishwasher are used, where glass containers are simply loaded.

Someone does not want to waste time and electricity at all. They simply pour boiling water over the container several times, but this method is doubtful for further storage of the workpiece.

How to sterilize jars with blanks in boiling water

Dense cucumbers and tomatoes are placed in jars up to the shoulders. The space on top is needed so that the contents do not spill out during the heating process. After all, if you put adjika on sterilization, it will increase in volume, and by the end of the process, the liquid will be near the edge. This is due to physical processes.

We cover the salting with lids so that neither a drop from the boil nor dust gets inside.

We prepare the marinade, with which we will fill the vegetables, and boil with it. The marinade needs less than the volume of the jar by half. About one and a half cups of filling, boiled in advance, pour into vegetables. First, put one full liter in the pan, and so, how much will go in, leaving gaps between them.

As soon as we get it, we spin it for the winter. And only after that we put the next batch.

We need a huge capacious vessel, because we will process a couple of cans until the evening. Larger batches are more convenient.

We line the bottom of the already filled pan with a cloth or any thin, not hot stand. It is important to protect the glass from temperature changes. We leave a couple of centimeters to the neck of the cans - so much should be boiling liquid.

There is a high risk of getting burned, so experienced craftswomen recommend purchasing special tongs for moving glass containers. They are convenient to grab wet hot containers.

We immediately note the time, because the fruits are easy to digest. When the main liquid boils, the marinade boils with it and splashes in different directions. I don't want the drops to get into the cucumbers. When the jars are already in the pan, increase the fire a little to speed up the process.

We begin to get the salting in the same sequence as we put it in boiling water. The first one stood warm longer, so it can be overexposed. We roll it up right there, turn it over on the lid and leave it in a warm place to consolidate the result. If it is more convenient to remove all the cans at once, then those waiting in line can again become unsterile from exposure to air.

To make the preparations more reliable, add preservatives to the marinade: traditional vinegar, horseradish, mustard, bay leaf, garlic. Or folk remedies: nettle leaves, oak bark, peppermint, cardamom and coriander.

How to sterilize jars with blanks in the oven

This method, without exaggeration, is the most popular. With this treatment, cucumbers and salads are crystal clear not only until the New Year, but also until the summer. Whoever has a surplus is also transferred to the next year.

We process with a cleaning agent, let it drain and fill the container with jam, lecho, adjika. Experienced housewives are not afraid to put tomatoes in the filling in the oven, although many have doubts about this. Tomatoes are soft and tender fruit. Even just pouring boiling water on it is not easy, the skin bursts, the juice flows out. Therefore, it is better to spend extra time and jewelry to do the necessary work.

You can put blanks in a cold or slightly warm oven. For this, a baking sheet or grill grate is suitable, which are in all models, even the simplest ones.

We do not twist the cans, just cover from above, or leave it open. In this case, it is first necessary to thoroughly wash the oven so that not a single speck and food residue remains on the walls.

We set the temperature slightly lower than when sterilizing an empty container (about 120 degrees).

We are waiting for the stove to warm up, and with it the salting. We count the time from the moment the bubbles appear in the marinade. Pay attention to the recommendations described in the recipe. When information is not available, refer to the processing time for empty cans.

We take out the rolls with special potholders or a kitchen towel. Grab the glass with both hands. Make sure that there are no wet spots on the table or towel where you put the jars. The difference in temperature will nullify the efforts, the glass will burst at the final stage of canning.

The gas stove oven is more specific to processing cans. In it, you need to skillfully regulate the heat so as not to harm either the glass or the vegetable snack. We warm up a little inside, put hot jars, and continue to monitor the heating. After 15-30 minutes, we take it out carefully, without touching the narrow part of the container.

Without the hassle and fatigue - this is what makes the oven sterilization method convenient. Do not carry heavy pots, do not lift large volumes of boiling water. Easy and fast.