How many Burger Kings are there in the world? How Burger King in Russia changed its largest shareholder

Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Burger King Holdings, Inc. Tipo Privada Fundación … Wikipedia Español

Burger King- a well known group of restaurants selling hamburgers and other types of fast food. The group began in the US in 1954 and now has more than 11,000 restaurants around the world. Its most famous hamburger is called the Whopper… Useful english dictionary

Burger King- Corporation es una cadena de restaurantes de expendio de comida rápida estadounidense. Está considerada un símbolo del capitalismo estadounidense al igual que McDonalds Es junto a Mc Donald y Wendy la mayor cadena de ventas de hamburguesas del… … Enciclopedia Universal

Burger King- Infobox Burger King logo= Burger King (NYSE|BKC), often abbreviated to BK, is a global chain of hamburger fast food restaurants. The first restaurant was opened in Miami, Florida in 1954 by James McLamore and David Edgerton, and has since used... ... Wikipedia

Burger King- 25°46′57.99″N 80°17′14.56″O / 25.782775, 80.2873778 … Wikipédia en Français

Burger King- a well known group of restaurants selling hamburgers and other types of fast food. The group began in the US in 1954 and now has more than 11,000 restaurants around the world. Its most famous hamburger is called the Whopper. * * * …Universalium

Burger King advertising- Burger King Type Private Industry Restaurants Predecessor Insta Burger King ... Wikipedia

Burger King (Mattoon, Illinois)- Burger King is a restaurant owned by the Hoots family in Mattoon, Illinois. The restaurant is the original Burger King, and is not related to the fast food chain Burger King; the 1968 court case between this restaurant and the larger Burger King... ... Wikipedia

Burger King legal issues- Infobox Burger King logo= As with other multi national corporations, international fast food restaurant chain Burger King (BK) has been involved in several legal disputes and cases, as both plaintiff and defendant, in the years since its founding … Wikipedia


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Cypriot Xomeric has become the largest shareholder of Burger King in Russia, purchasing almost 17% of shares from VTB. Founder of Xomeric - a fund associated with the Ukrainian ICU group of bankers Makar Pasenyuk and Konstantin Stetsenko

Photo: Nicolas Maeterlinck / Zuma / TASS

At the end of February 2018, the ownership structure of the parent company for the Burger King chain in Russia, Burger King Russia (Cyprus) Ltd, changed, according to materials from the Cyprus registry of companies. The owner of 16.62% of the Russian business was Xomeric Holdings Ltd., a company registered in Cyprus. As a result of the transaction, Xomeric's share increased from 18.4 to 35.02%, and it is now the company's largest shareholder.

The seller of this package was the VTB structure - Golden Star Investment Limited, a company registered on the island of Guernsey (located in the English Channel, is the property of the British crown, but is not part of the UK) (belonging to the group follows from the latest list of affiliates of the state bank). VTB announced the upcoming transaction in its last published financial statements in February. “Last year we reached an agreement in principle to sell 16.62% of the shares [of the parent company of the Russian Burger King chain],” a bank representative explained two weeks ago. “This transaction has not been closed until now, but we plan to complete it in the near future.”

The VTB press service confirmed the “partial sale of a stake in the company.” “According to the current agreements, the pre-emptive right to repurchase shares is granted to current shareholders,” RBC’s interlocutor clarified. — We sold part of our stake in Burger King upon reaching our target IRR level (internal rate of return). — RBC) at 40% per annum."

After the deal with Xomeric, VTB owns 19.98% of Burger King Russia. The shares of other shareholders - the structure of the American Restaurant Brands International (owner of the Burger King brand), as well as Gladerom Investment Ltd, which is associated with the main owner of the Shokoladnitsa and Coffee House coffee shops Alexander Kolobov - remained unchanged, 15 and 30%, respectively.

When asked by RBC whether VTB plans to further reduce its stake in Burger King Russia, the financial group only noted that “as a financial investor in the Private Equity segment, we always have clear expectations in advance regarding the price parameters for exiting the asset.” “When they are achieved, we will consider the relevant proposals,” said a VTB representative.

Pancakes and burgers

Burger King Russia was created in 2012 as a joint venture between VTB Capital and Burger Rus LLC. The latter belonged to the co-owner of the Shokoladnitsa chain, Alexander Kolobov, and at the time of the transaction was the largest Burger King franchisee. The State Bank, as reported by the Vedomosti newspaper, promised to invest $100 million in the project over three years and received almost 50% for this. The share of the co-owners of the Shokoladnitsa chain, headed by Kolobov, has never been officially disclosed. Now the businessman, together with a VTB representative, are listed as directors at Burger King Russia.

Alexander Kolobov refused to comment on the latest changes in the ownership structure of the Russian Burger King.

The book value of the stake sold to VTB, as indicated in its financial statements, is equal to 4.6 billion rubles. Thus, the book value of Burger King’s entire Russian business, according to VTB, is almost 27.7 billion rubles. But, as a VTB representative clarified, the last deal to sell the stake was based on another business assessment (which the parties did not disclose).

As a VTB representative notes, at the time of the transaction, in 2012, Burger King operated 38 restaurants in Moscow and St. Petersburg, today - more than 550 restaurants in all regions of Russia and three CIS countries. “Almost 90% of the products in Burger King restaurants are made in Russia,” emphasizes a representative of the financial group. The network’s revenue in 2017 increased by 35%, to 29.1 billion rubles, net profit increased ninefold, to 900 million rubles.

Ukrainian bankers

Xomeric Holdings Ltd first appeared among the shareholders of eateries back in 2014, as follows from the Cyprus registry data. As the bank reported then, it sold 12.2% of the parent company to an unnamed “financial investor” for $25 million (about 965 million rubles at the average Central Bank exchange rate for that year).​

The new largest shareholder of Burger King in Russia is associated with the Ukrainian investment company ICU, as follows from ICU licensing documents and materials on its official website. The founder of Xomeric Holdings Ltd is CIS Opportunities Fund SPC Ltd, registered in the British Virgin Islands. ICU Investment Management Ltd, registered on the same islands, has a license to manage funds in the interests of CIS Opportunities Fund SPC Ltd. The license was issued by the Financial Services Commission of the British Virgin Islands, the document is published on the ICU website. It also contains information about the CIS Opportunities Fund among the list of funds included in the group structure.

A representative of the ICU group refused to comment to RBC on the connection between the fund included in its structure and Russian Burger King eateries. VTB also refused to comment on the structure of the “other shareholder” - Xomeric Holdings Ltd.

The main owners of the parent ICU Holdings Limited, as follows from the materials of the Ukrainian Avangard bank owned by the investment group, are Makar Pasenyuk and Konstantin Stetsenko.

Pasenyuk’s structures previously participated in the pre-sale preparation process for the Roshen confectionery factory, owned by the family of Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko. The businessman reported this in an interview with Interfax-Ukraine in February. “The only contract that ICU carried out for the president [Poroshenko] was a joint project with Rothschild for the sale of Roshen, which ended for us in April 2016 after the asset was transferred to a blind trust,” Paseniuk specified.

Now, as Pasenyuk said in an interview, ICU has $500 million in assets under management.

With the participation of: Irina Parfentyeva

What happens in the kitchen of a fast food restaurant behind the cashier's back? Who, how and from what does your burgers come together, prepare and arrange your nuggets and onion rings?

When you go to any fast food establishment, you only see this picture. Few people manage to look behind the counter, unless of course you are an employee of the establishment. But employees are prohibited from taking photographs, and they have no time for that. I'm lucky today. I was invited into the Burger King kitchen as part of a group of bloggers. Let me note that such an event is being held for the first time to show how a real masterpiece of burger cooking is created - the new royal BIG KING EXTRA®!

So, any restaurant starts with warehouse space. In this one, in the photo, cheese, vegetables and sauces are stored at a temperature of about 2 degrees C. In exactly the same room, but at a temperature of -18 C, frozen semi-finished meat products and French fries are stored. We were there too, but it wasn’t interesting, everything was in cardboard boxes.

From the cold room, uncut products, such as onions, are taken to the cutting room and chopped. But most of the vegetables are already fully prepared.

The holy of holies of the Burger King restaurant is the grill machine. Frozen semi-finished meat products go into it, and hot, juicy, rosy burger patties come out. In the event of a machine breakdown, the standard time for a repair team to arrive and fix the problem is 1 hour. At this time, only deep-fried burgers are sold.

It's nice that only Russian-made meat is served! Semi-finished products are manufactured at a plant in the town of Odintsovo near Moscow.

Roasting occurs at a temperature of about 400 degrees Celsius. By quickly frying the surface of the meat over an open fire, juiciness is achieved, which distinguishes Burger King from other similar establishments.

Finished cutlets of various types are delivered to the heated cabinets on the table of the burger masters. Below in the trays are vegetables, cheese, bacon and sauce.

On the left is a toaster for toasting buns. Place a meat patty on the bottom of the bun, cheese on top and bake in the microwave, then add sauce and vegetables. The top is covered with the second half of the bun.

All you have to do is wrap it and the burger is ready.

It should be noted that employees work with bare hands, since it has been proven that less bacteria accumulate on cleanly washed hands than on latex gloves. Hand washing occurs as soon as it gets dirty, but at least once an hour. Hands are washed up to the elbows with soap using a special brush, followed by treatment with disinfectant gel. Surgeons use exactly the same gel before surgery.

Your burger is ready, but you're probably also getting some fries. It is stored in this freezer-dispenser.

The required amount of potatoes is poured into the basket...

And plunges into the boiling oil. The same thing happens with nuggets, only they are taken from a nearby freezer.

All the food at Burger King does not add salt!!!, the exception is French fries, which are added to a minimum.

All you have to do is pour your drink and lunch is ready.

And cool drinks are served through these tubes.

Also not quite the usual look :). All this is usually hidden from the eyes of visitors.

Many thanks for the story to the employees of the fast food restaurant Burger King on Tsvetnoy Boulevard, the press service of Burger King and all those who organized this press tour.

  • Franchise: description, prices
  • Description and history of the brand
  • Official site
  • Online store
  • The shops
  • Product Catalog

Burger King franchise price description

As a potential franchisee, you will probably be interested in learning the history of the creation and development of the company offering the franchise. Get to know the history of the brand, its official website, online store, catalog and review of stores of those who have been successfully cooperating with the company for a long time, including through a franchise scheme:

Burger King brand description

Burger King is a fast food restaurant chain started by owners James McLamore and David Edgerton in 1954 with a simple concept: they were interested in attracting families who could already afford life's little pleasures.

This was due to the fact that the post-war crisis could be considered overcome, and the so-called demographic boom was brewing, that is, fast food restaurants could count on a quick replenishment of their customer base.

The first restaurant of the future chain was opened in December 1954 in one of the suburbs of Miami under the name Insta Burger King. The impetus for creating this business was McLamore’s visit to a McDonald’s restaurant, becoming familiar with the production and method of making hamburgers, and the equipment. It was after this visit that he decided to create his own version of the fast food restaurant system.

In 1957, Burgen King changed its menu and prices as follows: the menu was expanded, and prices became the same for all restaurants in the chain, regardless of their location. At the same time, there was no discount on Burger King, and even moreover, the cost of lunch at this establishment was always slightly higher than at McDonald’s.

By 1959, the company's owners realized it was time to expand the business beyond Florida. To implement these plans, they used franchising and began selling the rights to open establishments under the brand name. This is how such a thing as a franchise appeared. The plan worked, and the network quickly grew in size.

Official site

Visiting the start page of the official Burger King website from the first seconds will provide an opportunity to familiarize yourself with the current offers, for example, in the restaurant chain there is a discount on the second serving of beer.

Appetizing images of the dishes and drinks offered by the establishment evoke an irresistible desire to try them, and immediately. To do this, you can order Burger King at home and appreciate the unique taste of the signature recipes of local Whoppers, cheeseburgers, hamburgers and other dishes.

The official website of the establishment is already available in Russian, which is good news. Any user visiting the website / has the opportunity to familiarize himself with the full list of the menu, which is divided into three categories:

  • Whoppers and burgers;
  • Appetizers and salads;
  • Drinks and desserts.

In the “New Products and Promotions” tab you can find current promotional offers. In addition, on the official website you can get brief information about the company, its formation and development, which will allow you to penetrate deeper into the spirit of the brand and experience the special atmosphere that reigns in each of the chain’s restaurants.

Useful information can be gleaned by visiting the “Restaurants” page, where all the company’s restaurants within a certain city are marked and their exact addresses are indicated. In addition, the owners of this chain of fast food establishments invite their customers to take part in a survey, the results of which should demonstrate their level of satisfaction or dissatisfaction with the quality of service and dishes served in the restaurant they visited.

Burger King delivery

What should avid Burger King food connoisseurs do who, for some reason, cannot or do not want to visit one of this chain’s fast food establishments?

Do you really have to sit at home or in the office and suffer, dreaming of a hearty Whopper or cheeseburger, spicy wings and classic muffins from a rich menu?

Fortunately, the owners of the restaurant chain take care of their customers, who have recently been able to get Burger King home delivery. Freshly prepared fast food will be on your table in no time: you can have lunch during your lunch break, have a snack at any convenient time, or simply enjoy your favorite food when you want it.

By the way, company delivery will be an excellent solution if you have unexpected guests and there is absolutely nothing to put on the table.

Today, many websites have opened that offer such a service as home delivery of dishes from chain restaurants. Fans of this absolutely delicious and satisfying food need only place an order and wait for the courier to arrive.


The Burger King menu concept is based on burgers with beef patties. Today's fashionable diet salads, a children's menu, as well as a standard set of desserts and drinks are presented.

The main difference between Burger King's patties and those of its main competitor McDonald's is that they are passed through a grill rather than heated on an open stove. The buns also go through the grill. The highlight of the company's menu was onion rings.

There are also corresponding items on the menu for fish and chicken lovers. It is worth noting that the most time-consuming preparation is the fish cutlet, since it is deep-fried for about four minutes. Considering the uniqueness of this dish, the fish burger is prepared exclusively to order, that is, it is not made in reserve and does not sit on the shelf waiting for the client, which is why it always turns out fresh.

The restaurant's menu contains a wide selection of not only branded Whoppers and burgers, but also appetizers, salads, desserts and popular drinks. Among such diversity, every client of the brand’s fast food restaurant chain will find their favorite dish.

Burger King addresses

Finding the address of the nearest restaurant will not be difficult thanks to the presence of a special page on the official website of the chain of establishments called “Restaurants”. When you go to this page, the Russian version of the site displays a map of Moscow and surrounding areas.

The location of restaurants is marked on the map using special symbols; below it is a list that corresponds to the symbols and contains data on the exact location of the company's establishments. The same page lists the opening hours of each of them, as well as their contact information.

The convenience of finding a suitable establishment is provided by the “Select a city” line, after clicking which a list of cities where Burger King has representative offices is displayed.

The list is quite extensive, which allows a wide range of consumers to find the opportunity to visit one of the restaurants of the world-famous chain. After selecting a city, its map is displayed with symbols of the location of fast food restaurants, under which their addresses are located.

Burger King prices

As you know, the brand’s main competitor has always been McDonald’s, while the pricing policy of these two fast food market leaders has always been approximately at the same level: the cost of lunch at McDonald’s has always been lower than the cost of a similar lunch at Burger King. Back in 1957, uniform prices were established in all the brand’s restaurants, guaranteeing all customers quality service and delicious food in any of them at the same cost.

We all know how harmful fast food is to our body. But at the same time, it is a tasty, appetizing and inexpensive snack. This is why the fast food restaurant Burger King has been so popular for decades, and is widely available in Russia. We invite you to get acquainted with its history, menu, promotions and discounts, geography of locations, as well as learn about open vacancies in the company and read reviews about the work here.

Meet Burger King!

VK, Burger King is a brand of a global fast food company, owned by the American company Burger King Corporation. Her signature dish is Whoppers (a type of hamburger) and French fries. The headquarters is located in sunny Miami (Florida, USA).

The history of the fast food chain, beloved by many, began in 1953 - then a restaurant called Insta-Burger King was opened in Jacksonville, Florida. It must be said that the very next year of its existence, the owners faced a number of financial difficulties. The business was bought by local franchisees - D. McLamore and D. Edgerton. The name of the acquisition was slightly changed by them - it became Burger King, and the buyers became the founders of the future worldwide chain of fast food restaurants.

But Burger King would go through four more owners along the way to date. And, I must say, now his business is quite good: in 2013, the company had 13 thousand restaurants in 79 countries, its turnover was equal to $1.97 billion, and its net profit was $117.7 million.

Nowadays, new Burger King addresses appear exclusively due to various variations of franchising.

"Burger King" in Russia

Today, the master franchisee (franchisor responsible for issuing sublicenses on behalf of the corporation) in the Russian Federation is the company BURGER RUS LLC. The company is a joint project of VTB Capital, Burger King Europe and the owner of the Shokoladnitsa coffee shop chain A. Kolobov. The general director of the master franchisee is D. Medovy.

It is expected that Burger King was the first to open in our country in Moscow. This happened relatively recently - in January 2010, in the Metropolis shopping center. As of September 2017, the statistics are as follows:

  • There are 466 restaurants open across Russia.
  • 226 points - in the capital and the Moscow region.
  • 57 "Burger Kings" in St. Petersburg.
  • 10 restaurants - in Novosibirsk.

Russian restaurants "Burger King"

Today, Burger King addresses are marked in a dense network on the map of the Russian state. Moreover, their overwhelming number are in the European part of the country. The geography is very extensive:

  • Moscow.
  • Saint Petersburg.
  • Yaroslavl.
  • Chelyabinsk.
  • Tolyatti.
  • Tyumen.
  • Tomsk
  • Stavropol.
  • Smolensk
  • Sochi.
  • Surgut.
  • Rostov-on-Don.
  • Permian.
  • Orenburg.
  • Novosibirsk
  • Novorossiysk.
  • New Urengoy.
  • Magnitogorsk
  • Kazan.
  • Krasnoyarsk
  • Krasnodar.
  • Ekaterinburg.
  • Vladivostok.
  • Bryansk.
  • Barnaul.
  • Anapa and others

To find out if there is a Burger King in your city, simply go to the “Restaurants” section on the chain’s official website and enter the name of the locality in the search bar. Click on Enter and the system will show the addresses of the points.

Burger King menu

Now let's move smoothly to the most “delicious” part of our story. The Burger King menu consists of the following items:

  • Burgers. From beef - four types of Whoppers (standard, junior, double and triple), two types of Big King, hamburger, two types of cheeseburgers, Long Beef. Chicken - "Crispy Chicken" and "Chickenburger". Fishy - "Fish King".
  • Rolls (similar to shawarma in this case) - “Fish Roll”, “Caesar Roll”, “Whopper Roll”.
  • Side dishes. Onion rings, fries and country fries.
  • Snacks. Wings, nuggets, prefabricated sets.
  • Salads. Vegetable mix and Caesar.
  • Beverages. Milkshakes (strawberry, chocolate, vanilla), black and green tea, several types of coffee, iced teas, popular carbonated drinks - Pepsi, Sprite, Mirinda, Lipton, Seven-Up, etc. d.
  • Dessert. Apple or cherry pies, ice cream, ice cream cone, brownie with ice cream, muffin.

New products and promotions

Promotions at Burger King are quite common. Let's look at the latest:

  • Cheeseburger for 49 rubles.
  • The new Chicken Fries snack, according to the company, is made from 100% white chicken meat.
  • New "Chicken Filet" burger stuffed with whole chicken breast.
  • When paying with a MasterCard bank card, you get a 30% discount on Chicken Fries, onion rings, nuggets, wings.
  • "Big King" or "Chicken King" - 99 rubles. I must say that the prices at Burger King are very reasonable.
  • "Junior lunch" with one of six Smurfs toys as a gift.
  • New burger "Baconizer" - 100% beef, bacon and cheese.
  • Lunch for 200 rubles: burger of your choice (Chicken BBQ, Whopper Junior, Chickenburger, Cheeseburger), drink of your choice, nuggets and fries.
  • Unlimited refills for a cold drink, etc.

Burger King coupons

Another feature of the network is coupons - special codes that need to be reported or clearly shown to the cashier to receive an additional discount. You can find them on leaflets that are distributed in the restaurant itself, on its official website, as well as in the special Burger King mobile application, available for all common smartphone platforms.

Burger King coupons have a certain validity period, and you can use the code of one of them countless times during this period. Be careful - the coupon discount is final and cannot be combined with other promotions or loyalty programs.

Prices at Burger King do not depend on coupons only in a number of restaurants:

  • Located at airports.
  • In Moscow: summer cafe on Krasnaya Presnya, points in Otkritie Arena, Yerevan Plaza, Moscow Youth Palace.
  • In St. Petersburg: a point near the metro station "Ulitsa Dybenko".
  • In Anapa: restaurant on Grebenskaya.

For example, let's look at the current coupons and promotions at Burger King:

  • "The second ice cream is free."
  • “Two burgers for 199 rubles” (choice from Whopper, Long Chicken, Caesar Roll, Big King).
  • "Second cappuccino free."
  • "Second Long Chicken for free."
  • “Junior lunch for 189 rubles” (cheeseburger, drink, French fries and toy) and many others. etc.

Order delivery services

In Moscow, there is such a type of service as Burger King's own delivery. This is due to the fact that the city has the widest network of restaurants, which makes it possible to deliver a fresh and hot dish to the recipient relatively quickly. The company assures that the wait time for a snack will vary between 45-90 minutes. The fee for the order is quite symbolic for the capital - approximately equal in cost to two burgers.

Ordering delivery from Burger King is easy:

  1. Call the courier service number (you can easily find it on the official website), list to the operator the names and quantities of the dishes you need, and the delivery address.
  2. Go to the official website in the “Delivery” section and add the items you need to your cart, then in the lower pop-up field click on “Enter your address” and fill out the template form: your location, contacts, comments on the order.

You can order lunch from Burger King using the services of well-known food delivery companies in your city - for example, Delivery Club.

Working at Burger King

On the same official website in the “Vacancies” and “Career” sections you will see jobs open for employment:

  • Cook-cashier.
  • A mentor (or a trainer, an employee who, in parallel with work, trains newcomers).
  • Manager of a certain restaurant.
  • Deputy director of the restaurant.
  • Restaurant director.
  • Regional Manager.
  • Senior regional manager.

The company sacredly honors the traditions of career growth - the presented chain of positions, according to its representatives, is possible for any conscientious employee to complete in a short period of time. You can respond to the vacancy you like immediately on the Burger King website - click on “Fill out the application form”. The information that needs to be provided about yourself is standard: full name, position of interest, citizenship, specific city and restaurant, age, phone number and email address.

On the employer page in Head Hunter you can view office vacancies:

  • Project manager to support the opening of new restaurants.
  • Design specialist.
  • Office Manager.
  • Human Resources Manager.
  • Recruitment Manager, Assistant.
  • Inspector.
  • Operations engineer.

In a number of cities, vacancies for night cleaners are also available.

New employee

The company considers itself a legend in the food service industry, and its mission in our country is to become the most beloved fast food restaurant chain. To do this, it needs to become the best in everything - in pricing, hospitality, quality and service. Achieving all this, accordingly, falls on the shoulders of each of the employees. Why should everyone fully support the core values ​​of Burger King:

  • The main person in the restaurant is the guest. Employees must exceed all his expectations.
  • Friendly team - you need to support everyone and be ready to help a friend.
  • Positive attitude - the working day should pass only on a wave of optimism.
  • High goals and the ability to achieve them.
  • Guaranteed recognition of worthy employees who are proactive and prone to self-development.

Now let's move on to reviews of work at Burger King - we will see how the company, in the eyes of eyewitnesses, pursues these lofty goals.

General advantages of work

So, let's see what absolutely positive things will happen to everyone who gets a job at Burger King:

  • "White" salary.
  • Friendly team.
  • Strictly observed lunch break.
  • Free lunch (for those working more than 8 hours - two lunches).
  • A real opportunity for rapid career growth.
  • Comprehensive training and support for trainees.
  • Quick employment.
  • For those working until 00:00, free transportation home by taxi.
  • It is possible to combine it with studies.
  • Compensation for passing a medical examination.

General disadvantages of work

And now, based on reviews of working at Burger King, let's look at the unpleasant moments that may await you in the workplace here:

  • Incompetent management.
  • Small salary.
  • Delays in payroll.
  • A change in his schedule that is not agreed upon with the employee - both in the direction of overtime and in the direction of reducing paid working hours.
  • Systematic non-compliance with both Russian labor legislation and the clauses specified in the employee’s employment contract.
  • Going to work on holidays is not paid at double the rate. In addition, it is mandatory - on New Year, Victory Day, City Day, etc.
  • Fines for all violations - both large and small. Up to and including deprivation of bonuses and demotion.