Personal account for issuing an electronic insurance policy. Osago in electronic form

In 2015, the population of the Russian Federation acquired the right to buy an MTPL policy electronically online. The innovation came into effect at the beginning of July. You can apply for a policy through the official website of the insurance company. The State Duma adopted changes to the car insurance law back in 2014, but it was launched only the following year. During the year of preparation for the innovation, all insurance companies automated the system for issuing policies and developed a database of drivers and their cars. Now, significantly less time and effort is spent on issuing an electronic policy; a minimum package of documents is required from the car owner. It is expected that the service will become quite popular both among new users and among old car owners. Now you don’t need to go to the insurance office and stand in line. You can apply for a policy directly from home from your computer. This is due to the convenience of registration, as well as the many advantages of this procedure.

Registration of compulsory motor liability insurance in electronic form. Where to begin

If you have already chosen our company as an insurer for this type of insurance, all you have to do is start the policy registration procedure. How to do it? To apply for an MTPL policy electronically, first of all, you need to go to our website and fill out an online application. This will be the most important document that starts the process of issuing a policy electronically. In addition, you will need car document details and your personal information.

Necessary documents for registration of compulsory motor liability insurance:

  • application for insurance;
  • passport or other identification document (in the case of acting on behalf of an organization - a certificate of state registration);
  • documents for the car (PTS and equivalent documents);
  • driver license;
  • vehicle diagnostic card.

There is no need to provide these documents to the office. Our company will confirm all the necessary information through data exchange with the relevant offices.
After filling out the application, you need to pay the amount of the cost of insurance, according to calculations made using the online calculator on our website. As soon as we receive payment, you will be sent an MTPL policy in pdf format.

MTPL agreement in electronic form. How to determine the cost of insurance

The most important question that worries everyone who is puzzled about taking out insurance for their car is the price of the issue. You can calculate the cost of compulsory motor liability insurance automatically using a convenient calculator. This system will analyze all the information necessary for the calculation and issue the final amount, without imposed additional payments. In order to take advantage of the opportunity to calculate the cost of the site, you need to clarify the following information:

  • type of transport;
  • horsepower;
  • region of registration of the owner of the vehicle;
  • age and driving experience of the car owner.

Collecting this information will not be difficult, because all of it is indicated in the car documents, passport and driver’s license of the owner. The calculator will also take into account all possible coefficients on which the final amount depends. These include the coefficients:

  • territorial affiliation;
  • age and driving experience;
  • seasonality;
  • violations of traffic rules;
  • frequency of use.

The entire work of calculating the amount of payment for an insurance policy will take no more than 5 minutes, but will save you from an unnecessary visit to the insurance company (and sometimes several), imposition of unnecessary additional services, and will help you plan upcoming expenses as accurately as possible.

Conclusion of a compulsory motor liability insurance agreement in electronic form. What's the advantage?

Thus, the ability to issue compulsory motor insurance in electronic form significantly simplifies the process of obtaining insurance. Why is it worth designing a website in our company?

We give you the opportunity, sitting at home, at your computer, in a calm environment, to properly calculate everything, compare offers from different companies, and get acquainted with the terms of the insurance product. No one will rush you, impose unnecessary expenses, you plan your actions and the time spent on them without losing your nerves in queues and trips to the offices of insurance companies. You can buy a policy at any time of the day or night, without weekends or holidays. The risks when purchasing a policy online are minimized, because you act through the official website of the insurance seller, eliminating all kinds of intermediaries. Perhaps, at the same time as taking out this insurance, you will be interested in some other insurance product; we will be happy to advise you on it as fully as possible.

Our company has been in the insurance services market for long enough to declare itself: “We act in the interests of clients, and not at their expense!” We are ready to offer you exactly the insurance product that will best meet your needs, we will present all the information about it as transparently as possible, and we will issue insurance accurately and quickly. Our company is committed to long-term cooperation with each client, so we work in such a way that you will not want to part with us.

For most Russian drivers, purchasing MTPL car insurance was associated with a procedure that required a huge loss of personal time and the emergence of some negative aspects. The need to make a choice among many insurers offering similar conditions often baffled car owners. A trip to the point of sale of an insurance company and communication with clerks did not add to the health of the policyholder. With the advent of the opportunity to buy an electronic policy on a website, many negative aspects are a thing of the past. This type of insurance has become publicly available since mid-summer 2015. Electronic document management has significantly simplified communication between the insurance company and the driver and has made it possible to reduce the time for obtaining car insurance to a minimum. But purchasing an electronic version of an MTPL insurance policy has two restrictions - data about the policyholder must be available in the RSA database, and the insurer must be present in the region where the car insurance is issued.

How to issue an electronic MTPL insurance policy using our online service

A specialized online service makes it possible to purchase an MTPL policy from leading insurers, spending a minimum amount of personal time and avoiding stressful situations. Having located in a convenient place where it is possible to connect to the network, the car owner himself carries out the calculation and purchase of car insurance. The convenient and intuitive interface of the online service allows you to carry out all the actions even for a person unfamiliar with working on a computer. In the process of filling out the calculator form and the online application, the system prompts the sequence of all actions.

Using a virtual calculator, a motorist calculates the insurance premium. To do this, he enters information about the vehicle’s engine power and information about his own driving experience. In the case where several drivers will drive the vehicle, their age and driving experience will have to be indicated. The calculator performs calculations using correction factors, including KBM. It must be indicated in case of accident-free driving in the previous MTPL period. The base tariff will depend on the insurer's strategic business policy.

Having calculated the amount of the insurance premium, the car owner can begin the process of obtaining car insurance. You do not need to provide any documents - you just need to register on our resource.

The online application will require the following documents:

  1. Personal passport of a Russian citizen of a car owner
  2. Vehicle registration certificate or passport
  3. Driver's licenses of other citizens allowed to drive the insured vehicle
  4. Maintenance certificate

All information is checked against the database of the Russian Union of Motor Insurers. Next, you need to pay for car insurance. This can only be done via bank transfer, which can create certain difficulties for drivers who do not have a plastic card. In the future, insurers plan to accept online payments in other ways.

The completed MTPL is sent to the email address specified during registration. The insurance document will be sent within one hour from the moment the money is received in the insurer's account. The printed policy must be taken with you and presented, if necessary, for verification with the rest of the driving documents to the traffic police inspector. The online service automatically transfers information about the purchased electronic policy to the RSA database. Car inspectors have direct access to it, and checking the authenticity of car insurance will not take much time. The traffic police officer enters the policy number and instantly receives all the information.

Electronic insurance with our help is a complete benefit for the motorist

Over the entire period of operation of our online service, thousands of motorists have purchased an electronic MTPL policy.

All car owners who contacted our company were able to appreciate the benefits of electronic car insurance:
  1. On our resource you can quickly compare dozens of offers from Russian auto insurance leaders and choose a company that is present in the insured’s region and offers the most favorable conditions
  2. The online service completely eliminates the possibility of purchasing a fake insurance document. Our company is a partner only of trusted insurance organizations. You can verify the authenticity of your policy by checking it in the RSA database.
  3. Low probability of missing OSAGO forms in stock
  4. No imposition of unreasonable additional services. The online service operates without the participation of agents and brokers, who are “famous” for trying to sell unnecessary insurance services
  5. All actions for issuing an electronic policy are performed automatically around the clock. If necessary, you can get detailed advice from our employees online

The cost of an electronic MTPL policy does not differ from the price of car insurance issued on Gosznak form. Every owner of auto and motorcycle transport will be able to buy an electronic insurance policy website using our online service on the best conditions and gain absolute confidence on Russian highways.

From July 1, 2015, all car owners have the opportunity to issue an MTPL policy electronically.

An electronic policy solves a lot of problems at once.

Such a policy can be purchased without leaving home, as long as you have a computer, the Internet and a bank card. There is no need to search around the city for a working insurance company office.

Additional services cannot be added to it. You won't have to overpay for unnecessary options.

It does not require forms. Forget about queues for registration and worries that the insurance agent will run out of forms for you.

Moreover, an electronic policy is a document that exists in electronic form. You don't need to take it with you. Traffic police inspectors are able to check your insurance against their own database; all you need to do is present your driver’s license.

For more information on how inspectors check the electronic insurance policy, read the article -

How exactly do you apply for it and pay for it?

To do this, we have compiled short instructions that will make it easier to understand the nuances of electronic compulsory motor liability insurance.

The legislative framework

The opportunity to buy an electronic MTPL policy arose thanks to amendments to (clauses 4 and 7.2 of Article 15). Let's list the main points:

A compulsory motor vehicle license agreement may be drawn up in electronic document format

All registration takes place on the website of a company approved to work in the electronic MTPL system

We have provided a complete list of companies authorized to enter into electronic MTPL policies in the article -

The car owner is freed from the need to present to the insurer documents for the car and the licenses of all drivers

The information provided by the policyholder is verified by the company independently through electronic databases

The policyholder signs the MTPL policy with a simple electronic signature, which is also the password for his personal account on the insurance company’s website

The insurance company certifies the MTPL policy with an enhanced qualified signature

Information about insured liability is transferred by the company to the AIS OSAGO system (managed by the Russian Union of Auto Insurers) immediately after issuing an electronic policy

Instructions for issuing an electronic MTPL policy

Step 1. Register in your personal account on the insurer’s website.

When visiting the insurance company’s website for the first time, where it is proposed to issue an electronic MTPL policy, the company’s client registers and gains access to his personal account.

To register, the client is required to indicate:

Last name First name Patronymic

Passport series and number

Date of birth (not in all companies)

Phone number


Residence address (not available for all companies)

An example of a registration form on the RESO-Garantiya website.

The entered information is checked by the insurance company through the AIS OSAGO database for compliance.

After successful verification, the company sends a password to your phone or email to enter your personal account.

Login to your personal account on the RESO-Garantiya website.

A password is an analogue of a simple electronic signature of the policyholder. Replacement of the stroke on the paper version of the OSAGO policy.

On a note! The password for your personal account is also issued at the offices of the insurance company.

Step 2. Application for an electronic MTPL policy

After registering in your personal account, the client fills out an application for MTPL insurance.

You will have to provide a lot of information:

Parameters of the MTPL agreement - date of conclusion, validity period and periods of use

Information about the policyholder - full name, date of birth, passport details, residential address (for convenience, some companies automatically copy the information specified when registering in your personal account on the insurer’s website)

Information about the car - make/model, year of manufacture, engine power, series and number of PTS and registration certificate, diagnostic card

Information about drivers allowed to drive

Application for issuing an electronic MTPL policy in your personal account on the RESO-Garantiya website.

The completed application is sent for verification through the AIS OSAGO database.

If the response from the AIS OSAGO is positive to the request to verify the application, the insurance company sends the client:

    • calculation of the policy premium payable,
    • payment options for electronic policy and payment terms,
    • contacts for sending an electronic copy of the MTPL policy.

If the application does not pass the verification, the company notifies the client of the reasons for the impossibility of further issuing an MTPL policy. And he offers to correct the incorrect information.

Step 3. Payment and receipt of an electronic MTPL policy

You can pay for the electronic MTPL policy in cash or by bank transfer.

Cashless payment by bank card is the fastest way to insure your liability. Since the policy is considered concluded only after payment.

By choosing an online payment, the client will receive a valid electronic MTPL policy within a couple of minutes after the money is debited from the card. In addition, when paying by card, it is permissible to use a credit card.

Cash payment for an electronic policy involves a visit to the office of the insurance company. Which significantly increases the time before receiving a concluded MTPL policy. In addition, the nearest office may be tens or even hundreds of kilometers from the car owner’s place of residence.

As soon as payment for the policy has been completed, the insurer sends the client an electronic version of the MTPL policy (to the email address specified in the personal account).

An example of an electronic MTPL policy. Photo

Visually, the electronic policy differs little from the paper version.

Plus, the issued electronic MTPL policy is available for printing in your personal account on the insurer’s website.

22.03.17 99 310 1

From home, without queues and overpayments

The future has arrived.

Previously, to apply for compulsory motor liability insurance, you had to go to the office of the insurance company and issue a paper policy. From January 1, 2017, the government obligated insurers to sell compulsory motor liability insurance via the Internet. The new electronic policy is called e-OSAGO, and it completely replaces the paper one. It’s more convenient with an electronic one, but there is also a risk.

Evgeniy Popkov


In this article we will figure out how to buy e-OSAGO correctly, not fall for scammers and not overpay.

What is OSAGO

OSAGO is compulsory civil liability insurance for vehicle owners. Enacted by Federal Law No. 40-FZ of July 1, 2003 “On compulsory insurance of civil liability of vehicle owners.”

OSAGO protects victims of road accidents. The insurance company compensates for the damage that the culprit caused to other participants in the accident. Compensation is paid for damage to the life and health of victims, as well as for damage to property - most often this is damage to cars.

OSAGO in Russia is mandatory for all car owners.

Who sells e-OSAGO

OSAGO policies must be issued electronically by all insurance companies that have a license for compulsory civil liability insurance. If a company can sell OSAGO, it is obliged to sell its electronic version.

As of January 31, 2017, 70 companies in Russia have a license for OSAGO. All of them are required to sell e-OSAGO. The current register is published on the website of the Russian Union of Motor Insurers.

The register of insurers changes over time: some companies may receive the right to sell OSAGO or lose it. Before purchasing a policy, check if your insurer is on the register

What documents are needed

To issue an electronic MTPL policy you will need standard documents:

Why do you need a diagnostic card? It confirms that the car has passed technical inspection and can be driven on the roads of the country.

You need to undergo an inspection and receive a diagnostic card from the OTO - technical inspection operator. You can view the register of accredited technical inspection operators on the RSA website.

How to apply for e-OSAGO

An electronic MTPL policy is issued on the insurance company’s website. It is best to access these sites from a single register published on the website there links lead directly to the necessary sections of the insurers' websites.

Fraudsters are faking websites of insurance companies to sell fake e-MTPL policies. Fake websites completely copy the appearance of the official websites of insurers and are located on domains very similar in name to the original ones.

To avoid landing on a fake site:

Register. To apply for e-OSAGO, you need to register on the insurer's website. When registering, you must provide your email address and mobile phone number.

If you are used to hiding your personal data on the Internet and indicate the wrong email and telephone number, you will not be able to register a personal account on the insurance company’s website. And without it you will not be able to issue e-OSAGO.

After you have confirmed your email address and phone number, you will have access to your personal account.

Information on the car, owner and drivers is stored in your personal account. Your e-OSAGO policy will also be there. If necessary, you can always download it from your personal account and print it.

Complete the application. The next step is to fill out an application for insurance in your personal account. You will need to provide the necessary information about the car, the owner and the drivers allowed to drive it.

Provide only reliable information. Enter the information strictly as specified in the documents: passport, driver’s license, PTS, vehicle registration certificate and diagnostic card.

All information that you provide in the application will be checked against the RSA database with what was indicated in the previous OSAGO policy. If the check reveals a discrepancy, you will not be able to calculate the cost of insurance and issue an e-OSAGO policy.

Here is an example of a completed application:

It is better to choose the make and model of the car from the catalog rather than typing it in by hand

A common mistake in the VIN is the letter O instead of 0 (zero)

If you have a limited list of drivers, then you need to provide information for each of them

Uncheck the boxes to disable options

Wait for the scan results. When you fill out the application, the insurance company will check the data you entered about the owner, car and drivers through the PCA database. This is necessary to find out the history of accidents that occurred due to your fault and to correctly determine the bonus-malus coefficient. Upon successful verification through the PCA database, the calculator will automatically calculate the cost of the OSAGO policy.

Bonus-malus ratio (BMR)

KBM is a coefficient that adjusts the cost of the MTPL policy depending on whether the driver had an accident due to his fault. If there were no accidents, a discount is given according to the KBM. If there were accidents, then a premium is established according to the KBM.

KBM is needed to encourage drivers to drive carefully.

If the check through the PCA database did not pass, you will need to provide scans of the documents to the insurance company:

  1. Policyholder's passports - facing pages with photo and registration.
  2. PTS or vehicle registration certificate.
  3. Driver's licenses of all drivers who will be included in the policy.
  4. Diagnostic card.

Some companies ask you to send copies by email, others offer to download them in your personal account on the website.

Verification of documents can take from 30 minutes to several days. After verification, the company will send you an e-MTPL cost estimate and a link to the policy payment page by email.

How much does e-OSAGO cost? The cost of an electronic MTPL policy does not differ from a policy issued in paper form. In both cases, companies use the same tariffs and adjustment factors established by law.

Some companies will aggressively offer options to the policy. You are not legally required to buy them. Refusal of options will not in any way affect the issuance of an e-OSAGO policy.

To refuse the imposed options, simply uncheck the required fields and continue completing the e-OSAGO registration process.


To pay for an e-OSAGO policy in your personal account, you go to a secure page. You can pay by credit card, or in some companies - by electronic money.

Before entering your card details, make sure the page is secure and there is a padlock in the address bar. Never enter payment information on sites that are not protected by a security protocol.


After payment, you will receive an electronic MTPL policy in PDF format to the email address specified during registration. The policy is also saved in your personal account on the insurance company’s website, you can download it from there at any time.

An e-OSAGO policy with an electronic signature is equivalent to a paper policy

The electronic MTPL policy must be printed and placed in the car. This is required by traffic regulations. Otherwise, you may be fined 500 rubles for driving a car without an MTPL policy.

What to show to the traffic police inspector

The traffic police inspector must check the fact that your liability is insured through a special resource in the IMTS network of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia or the RSA service. To do this, you need the VIN number or registration plate of the car.

However, the inspector may still ask you to show a printed policy. Keep a printout in your glove compartment just in case. It is also useful to have a copy of the policy on your phone or tablet.

How to file an accident under the e-OSAGO policy

From the point of view of the law, the electronic MTPL policy is no different from the paper version. It has a number, a series, and it contains all the necessary information to register an accident.

If you have e-OSAGO, but you have not printed out and do not take the policy with you, then to register an accident you will need access to your personal account on the insurance company’s website. Make sure you always have a smartphone or tablet with Internet access at hand.

How to check the validity of the policy

After you have issued and paid for an e-OSAGO policy, it is recommended to check its validity using the RSA database.

To check, go to the service page for viewing information about the MTPL agreement. Enter the vehicle VIN and registration plate. The result of a successful check is a report containing the policy number and company name.

If the data matches those specified in your e-OSAGO policy, then everything is in order. Your policy is real

If the policy data in the PCA database does not match yours or the verification did not pass at all, then most likely you were sold a fake policy. Contact the insurance company on whose behalf the policy was issued to you.

You most likely will not be able to get your money back for a fake policy. Write an application to the RSA with all the details of issuing a fake policy. At the very least, this will help block the fraudulent site and save other motorists money.

And remember that you cannot drive with a fake policy. Therefore, first of all, take out a real OSAGO policy.


  1. All insurance companies licensed for compulsory civil liability insurance are required to issue e-OSAGO.
  2. To issue an electronic policy, a motorist needs to register in his personal account on the insurer’s website and fill out an application for insurance.
  3. You can pay for e-OSAGO by credit card on the insurance company’s website.
  4. The electronic policy must be printed and taken with you.
  5. Check the authenticity of the site through the list on, and the authenticity of the policy - in the RSA service for checking information about the MTPL agreement.

Since the middle of last year, car owners have the opportunity to obtain electronic MTPL. This new method allows you to issue a document without queuing or visiting the insurance company. The article discusses how to issue an electronic MTPL policy and why it is convenient. Methods for obtaining it will also be studied in detail.

Electronic MTPL

A document received electronically has the same force as a paper one. It can be presented anywhere where necessary. Electronic MTPL insurance is issued directly via the Internet directly from the company, that is, on its official website. Car owners today can optionally make a purchase online or drive up to the office and purchase a document in the usual way.

Electronic MTPL insurance is information that a specific insurance company has concluded an agreement with the car owner, information about which is entered into a centralized database. Such a record guarantees the provision of services in the event of an accident on a general basis.

After the car owner has applied for and paid for insurance, he receives an email with the policy attached as an attachment. The document must be printed, and after that you must sign in the space provided for this. Although the latter is optional. The insurance company uses a digital signature to seal the document.

If you want to additionally insure civil liability, you should know that in electronic form this is only possible when the insurance policy was issued in a similar way earlier and its validity is expected to be extended.

Electronic or paper MTPL have the same price. Although e-ordering will not take into account the commission fee

There are calculators that can help you determine the cost of car insurance. It depends on the power of the vehicle, the age and experience of the driver, and the locality in which the owner of the car is registered. For example, for a 22-year-old driver who has about a year of driving experience, owns a car with a capacity of over 100 horsepower and lives in Moscow, the cost at different insurance companies will vary from 14 to 16 thousand rubles. And for the owner of a car with the same set of data, but living in Khimki, the price of car insurance will be about 13,800 rubles.

If we calculate the cost of such a service for a 50-year-old driver with thirty years of experience driving a vehicle with a capacity of up to 50 hp. s., living in Saratov, then the amount in this case will be no more than 4 thousand rubles.

Registration procedure

The document, received electronically, is a new service of auto insurance companies. Many drivers are afraid of innovations and prefer the proven old method. However, electronic registration requires very little.

How to apply for an electronic MTPL policy step by step?

  • Go to the official website of the SK.
  • Fill out the proposed application indicating your data.
  • A signature for an individual can be made electronically (using his PF account, that is, SNILS), and for a legal entity - in an enhanced, qualified digital version.
  • Having completed the registration, you need to wait until the data is loaded, calculations are made and the information is verified with a single database. At this stage, if necessary, the system may request additional information.
  • After this, you should pay for the policy in any way convenient and familiar to the client.
  • Then they go to email, save the document and print it.

Be very careful when entering your information on the application. After all, if the policy contains errors, typos and data that does not correspond to reality, this may be the reason that payment of compensation in the event of an accident will be refused. At best, the process of receiving payment will be delayed.

The car owner chooses the method of document execution at his own request. There are no obligations in this case. Convenience for the driver plays a paramount role here.

When filling out the electronic MTPL, the price is chosen independently, depending on the duration of the insurance or the availability of additional services. Only insurance companies have the right to provide MTPL insurance in electronic form. No brokers or agents can do this.

After the procedure is completed, the data of the car owner as an insured enters the compulsory insurance information system. This system is automated. Thanks to it, the procedure for concluding a contract will be significantly simplified in the future.

It is clear that when purchasing insurance in this way, a vehicle inspection is not required.

What data is entered?

Before you issue an electronic MTPL policy, prepare the following documents.

  • Passport or other document that proves your identity.
  • Documents for the car.
  • Driver's license, as well as those of persons authorized to drive a vehicle.
  • Diagnostic card about passing the technical inspection.

All this data is available in electronic form, from where insurers receive the relevant information. Therefore, if the technical inspection has not been passed, you will not receive a policy (although there are insurance companies that help in this matter). If among the list of persons included in the contract there is someone who does not have a driver’s license, the result will also be negative.


Fraud in our country, alas, is not uncommon. Such offenders do not bypass the insurance industry. Forms are often falsified, and electronic compulsory motor liability insurance of a company is even easier to falsify. How to avoid falling for scammers?

The traffic rules tell us that the driver must have a driver's license, a vehicle registration certificate, and an MTPL insurance policy. If the traffic police inspector asks to see the policy, the driver must provide a paper printout of the insurance.

Of course, the time will come when every traffic police car will have a terminal with which the inspector will be able to access the database to check the document for authenticity. But while this is not the case, the driver must have a paper equivalent of an electronic document.

There is a special system with which the car owner can check the authenticity of the policy independently. After all, each insurance has its own unique number.

Insurance companies receive policy forms from RSA. Therefore, by entering the policy number into the database, you can verify that the number matches the name of the insurance company. This method can be used not only by those who issued an electronic MTPL policy. Whether it is Rosgosstrakh, Reso, Soglasie or any other insurance company, it doesn’t matter, nor does the method of registration. In other words, if the contract was concluded by the policyholder by visiting the office of any insurance company, authentication via the Internet at RSA is also possible.

Benefits for insurance companies

When the innovation began to take effect, all insurance companies began to actively implement this system. It is not difficult to understand how beneficial it is for insurers.

They can significantly reduce the number of employees. Costs for paying wages and commission bonuses are reduced. There is no need to strive to open new offices and so on.

Benefits for policyholders

But not only insurance companies benefit from the new system. Car owners, in turn, receive the following preferences:

  • You no longer need to go to the office, look for a suitable insurance company and listen to all the information from the agent.
  • The policy is issued in a calm home environment, where the car owner himself makes the choice to purchase additional services or refuse them.
  • This can be done at any time convenient for you and you don’t have to devote a few special hours or take time off from work. A few minutes in the evening, on a weekend or any other time when possible is enough. After all, company websites, like the Internet, operate around the clock.

Minor flaws

In addition to the obvious advantages, which cannot be disputed, as in any system, there are also disadvantages in receiving electronic policies. Let's look at some of them.

  • Many people simply prefer not to shop online.
  • When insurance companies provide electronic services, there is no active advertising. Therefore, potential policyholders are deprived of information about the benefits of concluding an agreement with a particular company.
  • Small insurance companies are forced to significantly reduce the cost of services in order to enter the market. But this sometimes causes rejection and suspicion among people.

But all these shortcomings are not so significant.

Formality of the process

A more serious obstacle to the development of the service may be the inconsistencies that occur when registering a service such as electronic compulsory motor liability insurance. VSK, Rosgosstrakh or any other company enter into an agreement based on the data on the documents.

It turns out, for example, that vehicle inspection becomes formal. Many insurance companies provide an additional service in which, after issuing a policy, an operator is offered to carry out the inspection procedure without making any claims, that is, simply to record a record in the database.

Lack of equipment for traffic police officers

The traffic police inspector does not have special equipment that allows him to verify the authenticity of electronic forms. If the situation is stressful, this may contribute to conflict between the driver and the law enforcement officer. Everyone says that (Rosgosstrakh, Soglasie, Reso, AlfaStrakhovanie and all other insurance companies) replaced the paper equivalent with an electronic signature. Therefore, some drivers, not having a paper version with them, refer to this inconsistency. At the same time, you should know that, despite the electronic signature, precisely because traffic police officers do not yet have the opportunity to check this information, drivers were required to carry a paper equivalent with them. Otherwise, the person will be fined 500 or 800 rubles.

Registration of a European protocol: what to do?

Questions also arise when drivers register an accident using the European protocol. This document and method are designed to improve the situation on the road and register a minor traffic accident without the participation of a traffic police inspector. At the same time, if one of the drivers has an electronic MTPL, VSK for example, then how can the other participant in the accident verify its authenticity? It turns out that the rule designed to simplify the procedure for registering an accident is completely lost in such cases.


Let's hope that such shortcomings can be resolved soon. After all, the ability to order electronic MTPL insurance via the Internet is indeed very convenient. And this will certainly be appreciated by many car enthusiasts in the near future. Then this will make life easier not only for policyholders and insurers, but also for traffic police officers.

We looked at how to issue an electronic MTPL policy and were convinced of its simplicity and many advantages of the system. We touched upon the shortcomings and pitfalls that still exist in connection with this innovation.

Based on the above, each car owner decides for himself: whether to adhere to the old-fashioned policy registration or switch to electronic compulsory motor liability insurance. AlfaStrakhovanie, Rosgosstrakh, Reso, VSK, Soglasie and many other insurance companies are ready to provide this new service today.