Memo to citizens in need of improved housing conditions. Social mortgage Social mortgage under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan - personal page

Contact any branch of the Bank, and:

  • have with you a document for payment (invoice, receipt, resolution, notice, agreement); in the absence of a document, have the details of the recipient and the purpose of payment;
  • When paying through the “Electronic Cash Desk” self-service terminal, have a document for payment. Receive a code for re-payment, which can be used for subsequent payments, without re-entering the payment details (in this case, it is necessary to check the relevance of the specified details on the terminal screen, since when making a repeated payment, the recipient’s details may change)
Advantages service " NOTEBOOK» in the “Electronic cash register” terminal:

1. PROFITABLE! Minimum commission or its complete absence. Tariffs when paying through the Electronic Cashier terminal are lower than when paying the same payments through a cash register.

2. PRACTICAL! The bank keeps all your checks. The “Notebook” stores all payments and receipts that you previously paid through the cash register, and stores the entire payment history. You can print out a receipt for any payment absolutely free of charge at a time convenient for you.

3. Through the "Notebook" you can pay without restrictions payments up to 600 thousand rubles in one payment, subject to simplified identification.

4. CURRENT! Save time. There is no need to stand in line at the cashier; most often the terminals are free. Also, the client does not depend on the cashier, his qualifications and psychological attitude.

5. CONVENIENT! It is possible to pay with a bank card, which plays a big role in the absence of cash or lack of “changes”.

Owning your own property is still a dream for many today. The President of the Republic of Tatarstan has developed a special program that allows local residents to obtain apartments on a mortgage on favorable terms.

The program has been implemented since 2005. The acquisition of real estate under it occurs with the direct support of the state. Control over the process of obtaining housing is carried out by the Housing Fund of the Republic.

Purpose of the Housing Fund under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan

The State Housing Fund is a non-budgetary organization under the President. The main tasks of the department:

  • Monitoring the implementation of all implemented federal programs on the territory of Tatarstan;
  • Search and implementation of new ways to finance projects not from the budgets of the Russian Federation and Tatarstan;
  • Acting as an investor in the construction of new housing, adjacent areas, and infrastructure facilities;
  • Accumulation of funds received from debtors for the purchase of real estate for a social project.

Important: You can find out more about the economic indicators of the Housing Fund on its website without logging into your personal page -

Conditions for participation in the social mortgage program

Receiving a social mortgage from the state implies certain conditions. They are:

  • The program participant’s high need for their own housing in order to improve current conditions. According to the decree, one person in a family must have at least 18 m².
  • Favorable interest rate. The borrower is offered to take out a mortgage at only 7% per annum. This .
  • The loan repayment period can be up to 28 years.
  • If a childless young couple took out a loan for real estate and during the payment process they had a baby, the state offers one-time assistance in the amount of 200,000 rubles to repay part of the debt.
  • It is possible not to make a down payment due to objective, compelling reasons.

Important: To take part in the program, the participant must write an application and submit it to the local administration. The document is reviewed for three days. After this, the potential participant in mortgage lending has the right to register and receive a mortgage for their home.

How to get a social mortgage under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan?

After reviewing the application, you must proceed as follows:

  • Conclude an agreement with the Housing Fund for a social mortgage.
  • Create your own page on the fund’s website and fill out an application for real estate. A list of apartments participating in the program is also indicated here.
  • Deposit your savings for a new apartment into the Housing Fund account. In the future, they will play the role of a rating for a social program participant.

As a result, the winner is the one who has the most points (investments), and the requirements meet the stated ones.

Features of cash payments

Social mortgage payments are made both standardly and taking into account some features. For example, it is permissible to repay a debt with both money and self-produced products if the borrower is an entrepreneur, farmer, etc. In addition, you can pay the amount for the apartment with your own labor.

Property that has not been fully purchased is allowed to be rented out, which improves the debtor’s chances of promptly repaying the entire loan amount.

Advice: Today the law on . It is worth taking advantage of this to reimburse part of the funds spent on purchasing a home.

Social mortgage under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan - personal page

To become a full-fledged participant in the program, you need to register on the Housing Fund website ( and create your own page. To do this, you need to enter your personal data.

A ready-made profile allows you to track the movement of the queue of applicants for real estate, all payments made, as well as all cash receipts to the account from the state in the form of a subsidy. When registering on the foundation’s website, a program participant receives a personal code to log into his account ( The citizen is also provided with a personal login and password.

After the property has been received, it is in his account that the citizen can track the payment schedule, the balance of the loan outstanding and other detailed information.

Important: Only those persons who have received permission to participate in the social program under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan can register on the website.

Let's sum it up

So, it becomes clear that such a socio-mortgage program from the President of Tatarstan allows young families to acquire their own housing without causing much damage to the family budget. Everyone who has a personal page and their own account on the ZhF website has the right to respond to his offer and get their own cozy nest.

The result is a minimum of wasted effort and time, plus loyal program requirements from the state. Under such conditions, buying your own apartment becomes possible even for a low-income family. By the way, you can try to spend .